Where's the Caribbean? Caribs. What bays and bays does the Caribbean Sea have?

Popular places Caribbean countries have become a holiday destination for many people from different parts of the Earth. The list was expanded to include both mainland and island states.

Caribbean Sea on the world map in Russian

The Caribbean Sea has been known in modern civilization since its discovery in the 15th century. The discoverers named the sea after the tribes caribbean, who inhabited the coast, although throughout history the sea changed its name many times.

The Caribbean Sea has a romantic and sinister history of piracy, which flourished in the 18th century.

Piracy has long sunk into the past, but still arouses interest to this day. It was the story of the pirates of the Caribbean that became the plot for the film of the same name. The modern Caribbean is the most fashionable and popular resorts of the world that attract people with their amazing heavenly beauty.

The Caribbean Sea is an attractive holiday destination. You can choose a holiday to suit your taste in any country, at almost any time of the year, which is facilitated by the climate. it's the caribbean territory of eternal summer!

Where is it located?

The Caribbean Sea is the open sea in western hemisphere, in the Atlantic Ocean, it seems to connect two parts of the American continent, located between southern and central America and the Antilles. Through the Panama Canal it is connected to the Pacific Ocean, and through the Yucatan Strait it has access to the Gulf of Mexico.


Caribbean climate tropical, with a predominance of eastern winds - trade winds. Tropical hurricanes are also not uncommon, especially strong in the northern regions of the sea. The most hurricane season is from June to November. Most often, destructive hurricanes, from which residents of coastal areas have repeatedly suffered, occur in the first months of autumn.

Sometimes hurricanes are so destructive that the event becomes part of history.

Precipitation may vary depending on the winds and on what area of ​​the sea this or that island is located.

Temperature in the Caribbean Sea it is approximately the same. Average temperature in summer +28°C, in winter from 23 to 27°C.

List of basin countries

The Caribbean Sea washes the shores of many states and territories, both continental and island.

What territories does it wash: states and their capitals

Continental states, which are washed by the Caribbean Sea, are located in North, Central and South America.

The only country North America in the Caribbean - or as it is called in official language, United Mexican States. The capital is Mexico City.

Countries South America :

  • Colombia, official name Republic of Colombia. The capital is Bogota;
  • Venezuela or officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The capital is Caracas;
  • Republic of Panama, partly located in Central America. The capital is Panama.

Central American countries:

  1. Republic of Nicaragua, capital - Managua;
  2. Republic of Honduras, capital - Tegucigalpa;
  3. Republic of Guatemala, capital - Guatemala;
  4. Republic of Costa Rica, capital - San Jose;
  5. Belize, capital - Belmopan.

Island states Caribbean:

  • Cuba, official name, unofficial - Liberty Island. Capital: Havana;
  • Dominican Republic , capital - Santo Domingo;
  • Haiti, official name Republic of Haiti, capital Port-au-Prince;
  • Jamaica, capital - Kingston;
  • Puerto Rico, officially called the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The capital is San Juan.

It is possible to separately identify territories that are part of European countries : (Anguilla), France (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin), the Netherlands (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius), this is due to the history of colonization of the Caribbean lands. As well as territories belonging to - Virgin Islands United States, capital is Charlotte Amalie.

Washed Islands

The islands of the Caribbean are Antilles Big and Small and Bahamas .

  • Greater Antilles include the island of Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the Cayman Islands. The smallest island is Little Cayman, with an area of ​​28.5 km².
  • Lesser Antilles this is: a chain of small islands, the largest of which are Trinidad and Tobago and Martinique, the smallest is Petite Martinique, only 2.4 km², with a population of 900 people.
  • Bahamas include 700 small islands, and only 30 of them are inhabited.

Tourism in the Caribbean

The variety of resorts in the Caribbean makes it difficult to choose the best, since each island is good in its own way. In the Caribbean, anyone can find a vacation to their liking. For Russian tourists, the obstacle is the long and expensive journey to the Caribbean.

A pleasant bonus is that Russians do not need a visa to enter some countries.

Popular resorts

Resorts where possible visa-free entry:

    Cuba. Attractive to Russian tourists since Soviet times. This was probably the only island available for Soviet people to relax in the Western Hemisphere. The famous Kuban revolutionaries, cigars, rum, and sombreros fascinated and attracted with their mystery and remoteness.

    Varadero- the largest resort in the Caribbean, the beaches stretch for 20 km. The snow-white sands of Varadero, the warm sea protected by coral reefs, the nature that immerses you in bliss and tranquility are not the only advantages of this resort.

    The history of the island is interesting, both ancient and modern, which gave Cuba the romantic name “Island of Liberty”. For modern Russian tourist This is a kind of journey into the past, as you can plunge into the atmosphere of the communist regime that persists in Cuba.

    Dominican Republic. The country provides an amazing opportunity to feel the influence of colonial culture, feel like a pioneer on this land, and enjoy the amazing, unique views of the sea and coastlines that were revealed to Columbus.

    The main language spoken by the Dominicans is the language of the discoverer of these lands - Spanish. A large flow of tourists from the USA led to the fact that the island began to actively develop English language.

    The uniqueness of this country is also evident in the presence of its own music and dance culture. It was in this country that the music and dance style originated merengue, which became widespread throughout the world at the end of the 20th century.

    Resorts of the Dominican Republic provide many options to choose from:

    • Punta Cana attractive for family holidays;
    • Boca Chica popular with fans active recreation, many opportunities for aquatic species sports;
    • resorts Cabarete And Sosua- recreation areas for young people and partygoers.

    Saona Island(which is Bounty Island) and National Park Del Este, although they are not resorts, provide the opportunity to experience complete detachment and merging with nature.

    The main temptation of this island is the so-called natural pool, which, being part of the sea, is a bay, only one meter deep, this pool stretches for 8 kilometers.

    You can become a life explorer sea ​​animals in the waters of the natural pool, of which there are a great many. The fact is that shallow water warms up very well in the sun and creates comfortable conditions for many marine organisms.

    Especially in the natural pool there are many five-pointed starfish, which do not pose a danger to humans.

    You can just rock on the waves in this amazing place, where you can so perfectly relax your body and rest your soul. The natural pool area is reserved, tourists are brought there on excursions.

    Jamaica. The state allows you to plunge not only into the amazing nature, but also into the mixture of European and African cultures, to feel the originality of this island, which distinguishes it from all the others.

    The mixture of cultures is felt in language. The island's inhabitants speak English, but due to the influence of Spanish and African languages, it does not resemble classical English. The main symbol of the country is the hummingbird living on this island.

    The musical style of the island, which has long gone beyond its borders, is famous reggae, fully represented in world musical culture, creates the atmosphere and mood of the holiday on resorts in Jamaica:

  • Montego Bay— a resort for lovers of fun, movement, and the “hip strip.” The city of a never-falling port and luxury hotels;
  • Negrilsnow-white beaches, tranquility, the kingdom of palm trees, a natural area, remote from the noise of cities and industries;
  • Ocho Rios charming in its contradictory nature: on the one hand there are quiet fishing towns, on the other hand there is the center of cruise tourism. Both lovers of solitude and fans of parties can find a place for themselves at this resort.

Best beaches

Among best beaches There are those in the Caribbean that deserve additional attention:

The Caribbean Sea is attractive due to its comfort, romance and certain share of danger, as Caribbean beaches often find themselves in the path of hurricanes. Strong winds and complete serenity, the opportunity to choose a holiday and a beach to suit your taste, enjoy sea sports, watch the life of plants and animals in pristine corners of nature, attract people from all over the world.

Look video about holidays in the Caribbean:

(Spanish: Mar Caribe; English: Caribbean Sea) is one of the most beautiful tropical seas, part of the Atlantic Ocean. A marginal semi-enclosed sea, bounded from the south and west by Central and South America, from the east and north by the Antilles (due to which the sea has its second name - Antilles).

In the northwest, the sea communicates with the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Strait (Spanish: Yucatán Channel); through many interisland straits - with Atlantic Ocean; and in the southwest, through an artificially constructed 80-kilometer waterway (Panama Canal) - with the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The region where the Caribbean Sea lies is known as the Caribbean. The shores of the following countries are washed by sea waters: in the south - and Panama; in the west - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and (Mexican Peninsula); in the north - Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Jamaica; in the east are the countries of the Lesser Antilles. The surface area of ​​the sea is about 2,753 thousand km², the average volume of water is approximately 6,860 thousand km³.

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The sea is considered very deep: its average depth is 2.5 thousand m, the maximum is 7.7 thousand m (“Cayman Trench”). Color sea ​​water: Turquoise (bluish green) to deep green.

The Caribbean Sea has a huge economic and strategic importance, first of all, as the shortest sea route connecting American ports with the ports of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through one of the largest construction projects carried out by mankind (Spanish del Canal de Panama). The most important ports located in the Caribbean Sea: and (Venezuela); (Colombia); Lemon (Costa Rica); Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic); Colon (Panama); Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), etc.


The climate in the Caribbean is influenced by warm ocean currents and solar activity in this tropical zone. Average annual temperature surface layers of sea water is +26°C. The Caribbean Sea receives the waters of many rivers, among which it should be noted (Spanish: Madalena), Atrato (Spanish: Atrato), Belém (Spanish: Belém), Dique (Spanish: Dique), Cricamola (Spanish: Kramola), etc.

The main trouble that often disrupts the idyll of these fabulous places is destructive storms. The Caribbean Sea is considered a place with the largest number hurricane storms in the Western Hemisphere.

Hurricanes are a serious problem for island and coastal communities. Hurricanes also cause great damage to numerous coral formations - atolls, reefs, and coastal fringes of islands. The northern Caribbean experiences an average of 8-9 tropical hurricanes per year from June to November.

Cradle of Pirates (Caribbean)

The sea received its name from a tribe of Carib Indians who lived on its warm coast in the pre-Columbian era. The sea has become famous for its amazingly beautiful coral reefs, frequent tropical cyclones, which are accompanied by devastating hurricanes, and pirates, who have chosen it as a field of their “fishing activities” for a long time.

The coastline of the sea along its entire length is extremely indented: there are numerous lagoons, bays, bays, and capes. The coastal soil is sandy, sandy-silty or rocky in places.

The coast in many places is covered with coral, amazing white sand.

Among the large bays we should note the Honduras (Spanish: Golfo de Honduras), (Spanish: Golfo de Venezuela), Mosquitos (Spanish: Golfo de los Mosquitos), Ana Maria (Spanish: Golfo Anna Maria), Batabano (Spanish: Golfo de Batabano ), Gonave (Spanish: Golfo de Gonave).

The Caribbean Sea is very rich in islands. The general group of Caribbean islands is united under the name “Antilles archipelago” (Spanish: Antillas archipielago) or “West Indies” (Spanish: West India archipielago). The archipelago is divided into island groups: the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles (Netherlands), and the Bahamas (Spanish: Bahamas).

The Greater Antilles, which are mainly of continental origin and located in the northern part of the sea, include such large islands as Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. The Lesser Antilles (divided into Windward and Leeward depending on their location to the northeast trade wind) are mainly of volcanic or coral origin.

Among the many small islands of this group, the following can be distinguished: the famous Bahamas; distinctive Turks and Caicos; Virgin Islands, divided between the US and UK; exotic Antigua and Barbuda; open to the omnipresent Guadeloupe; the island of Martinique (French Martinique), known as the birthplace of Josephine de Beauharnais (French Joséphine de Beauharnais), the first wife of Napoleon I; as well as Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago; and finally Dominica, the largest of the Windward Islands. Perhaps it is necessary to mention the island of Curacao, which “gave” its name to the popular liqueur.

Tourist paradise

The extraordinary popularity of the Caribbean among tourists is easily explained: warm sea all year round, fabulous beauty nature, a decent level of service, a wide selection of hotels (for every taste and budget) and a huge “menu” of all kinds of entertainment: interesting excursions, an abundance of historical and natural attractions, water and land sports, restaurants, discos, nightclubs.

A distinctive feature of the Caribbean region is considered to be a large selection of various holiday options: each state here has its own “specialization”.

For example, in Barbados English has become firmly entrenched in life. national traditions, the holiday here is mostly measured and calm.

Known as the "spice island", Grenada is home to many museums, botanical gardens, historical sites and stunning white beaches.

Magnificent hotels of the highest level, excellent diving conditions and the famous SPA centers of Turks and Caicos attract the attention of respectable visitors.

Saint Lucia bears the proud title of “Garden Island”, being one of the most beautiful islands Caribbean Sea. As if in contrast to this, in the Caribbean Sea there is also the desert island of Aruba, with luxurious hotels and enchanting nightlife.

The Bahamas offers tourists all kinds of accommodation options, from secluded small hotels to noisy, bustling hotel complexes.

And in Curacao it’s simply impossible not to stop by one of the many bars to order a glass of the delicious blue drink!

Bottom relief

The bottom relief of the sea is characterized by unevenness - numerous rises and depressions, underwater ridges, the bottom is conventionally divided into 5 main basins: Grenada (4120 m), Colombian (4532 m), Venezuelan (5420 m), Yucatan (5055 m) and Bartlett, with the deep-sea Cayman trench (7090 m, this is the deepest underwater volcanic fault in the world). The Caribbean is considered seismically active; underwater earthquakes are common here, often causing tsunamis.

The deep sea floor is covered with calcareous foraminiferal silts and clays.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable and fauna The Caribbean is extraordinarily rich and diverse. Extensive coral structures are typical tropical coral communities of living organisms. Huge variety and amazing beauty of shapes water world attract connoisseurs of underwater landscapes and the most sophisticated divers from all over the world and amaze with their splendor. Although the local flora is not distinguished in quantitative terms, it is characterized by a rich species composition. In the Caribbean Sea you can find entire underwater fields of macroalgae. In shallow waters, vegetation is mainly concentrated in coral reef areas. Here you can find algae such as Thalassia lestudinum, Cymodoceaceae, and Ruppia maritima. Chlorophyll algae grow in deep sea areas. Macroalgae of the Caribbean Sea are represented by dozens various types.

Phytoalgae are very poorly represented here, as in all tropical seas.

The fauna of the sea is richer and more diverse than the plant life. Various fish live here, marine mammals and all kinds of bottom animals.

The bottom Caribbean fauna is represented by numerous sea snakes, worms, mollusks (gastropods, cephalopods, bivalves, etc.), various crustaceans (crustaceans, crabs, lobsters, etc.) and echinoderms (urchins, starfish). Coelenterates consist of a rich spectrum of coral polyps (including reef-forming ones) and all kinds of jellyfish.

The Caribbean Sea is home to sea turtles: here you can find the green turtle (soup turtle), loggerhead turtle (loggerhead turtle), hawksbill or carriage turtle, as well as the Atlantic ridley - the smallest and fastest-growing species of sea turtles. When famous at the beginning of the 16th century. crossed the Caribbean Sea in the area of ​​​​the present-day Cayman Islands, the path of his ships was literally blocked by an immense herd of green turtles. Amazed by the abundance of these sea animals, Columbus named the group of islands he discovered “Las Tortugas” (Spanish: Las Tortugas - “turtles”).

For centuries, turtles served as a source of food for travelers, sailors, pirates and whalers off Las Tortugas. But this beautiful name, unfortunately, did not take root, just as the once countless turtle herds did not survive. As a result of thoughtless human activity (uncontrolled fishing for many years, destruction of turtle egg-laying grounds, ruthless sea pollution), where in the old days sailboats had difficulty making their way through a dense barrier of teeming turtle shells, it is now not easy to meet even one individual.

Marine mammals also make their home in the warm, gentle waters of the Caribbean. Large cetaceans (sperm whales, humpback whales) and several dozen species of smaller dolphins are found here. Pinnipeds are also found here, which are mainly represented by gaptooths (lat. Solenodontidae) - small mammals that live on some islands. In ancient times, many monk seals lived in the Caribbean Sea; today this species is extinct.

The Caribbean fauna is infinitely diverse! Once did not exist, just a few thousand years ago the water connection of the world's great oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic - was disrupted, so the diversity of the Caribbean fauna is explained by the presence of many Pacific species of animals here.

Almost 500 different species of fish live here, ranging from small schooling and bottom-dwelling representatives of the fish community (moray eels, barracudas, flounder, gobies, rays, flying fish) to large species of fish (sharks, marlin, swordfish, tuna, etc.).

Fishing objects in the sea are mainly sardines, tuna, lobsters; The objects of sport fishing are sharks, marlins, large barracudas and swordfish.

Numerous sharks of the Caribbean Sea are represented by gray sharks (including reef, bull, silky) and various benthic species(nannies, sixgills, squatinids, etc.). Tiger and even white sharks, which are very rare, are also found in coastal waters. In the open waters of the sea you can find hammerhead, blue, whale and longfin sharks. By the way, the largest of the sharks, the whale shark, never attacks humans; it feeds on plankton and small fish, filtering water through thousands of sharp, small teeth. It is considered the most dangerous for humans white shark

Located in the western Atlantic Ocean. From the west and south it borders on the coast of Central and South America, from the north and east by the Greater and Lesser Antilles. There are reefs to the west and southwest. The most large bays: Honduran, Venezuelan, Darien. Largest island: Jamaica.

Bing satellite map of the Caribbean
(the map can be moved with the mouse, reduced and enlarged)

The climate here is warm and maritime. In February it is +24, and in August +30. The most precipitation falls off the coast of Panama, and the least off the coast of Cuba. Hurricanes occur over the sea three times a year.
Water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean occurs through the Windward, Sombrero and Dominica straits.
The water temperature throughout the year ranges from 26 to 29 degrees.
There are 800 species of fish here (mullet, croaker, sardinella, horse mackerel, mackerel).
The Caribbean coast is famous for its beaches. The main ports are Santiago de Cuba in Cuba, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Maracaibo in Venezuela, Barranquilla and Cartagena in Colombia. Cote d'Azur, beautiful beaches, girls in bikinis. The Caribbean islands are a unique, magical place to unwind and truly relax.
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CARIBBEAN SEA, Caribbean Sea, a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the western part of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. In the west and south it is limited by the mainland coasts of Central and South America, in the north and east - by the ridge of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico) and the Windward Islands from the Lesser Antilles group. It is connected by the Yucatan Strait with the Gulf of Mexico, by numerous straits in the archipelagos of the Greater and Lesser Antilles with the Atlantic Ocean, and by the Panama Canal with the Pacific Ocean. Area 2777 thousand km 2, volume 6745 thousand km 3. The greatest depth is 7090 m (Cayman Trench).

The coasts of Central America are low-lying, wooded, while those of South America are mostly high and steep, with isolated low areas covered with mangroves. The coasts of most islands are mountainous and steep. Western and partially southwest coast the seas are fringed with reefs. The main large bays are located in the western and southern parts seas: Honduras, Mosquitos, Darien, Venezuelan Gulf with Lake Maracaibo, Paria. From large islands- Jamaica; many small islands, most of them in the western and southeastern parts of the sea.

The shelf is well defined only off the coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela (100-240 km), the continental slope is steep, on average about 17°, in some sections of the slope a steepness of up to 45° is noted. On the bottom, strongly dissected by underwater ridges, deep basins stand out: Yucatan (4800 m), Colombian (4259 m), Venezuelan (5420 m), Grenada (4120 m). In the north of the Caribbean Sea, the deep-sea Cayman Trench stretches from west to east along the southern foot of the underwater ridge of the same name. Most of the underwater ridges (Aves, Beata, Marcelino threshold, etc.) appear to be submerged island arcs. Bottom sediments are mainly represented by calcareous foraminiferal silts. An important factor in sedimentation for the flat relief of basins is turbidity currents; the heaviest precipitation was found in the north of the Venezuelan basin (up to 12 km).

The climate is marine, warm, with little seasonal variability, determined by the location of the Caribbean Sea in the zone of trade wind circulation of the atmosphere. Average air temperatures in February are 24-27 °C, in August 27-30 °C. The amount of precipitation increases from east to west from 500 to 2000 mm per year. The highest average monthly precipitation falls in summer off the coast of Panama (up to 400 mm), the least in winter off the coast of Cuba (about 20 mm). Northeast trade winds prevail over the sea at speeds of 5-7 m/s. Stormy conditions are usually associated with tropical hurricanes, in which wind speeds reach 40-60 m/s. Hurricanes cross the Caribbean Sea in the western and northwestern directions at a speed of 10-20 km/h with an average frequency of 3 times a year (in some years more than 10).

Water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean occurs mainly through deep straits: Windward, Sombrero, Dominica, etc.; with the Gulf of Mexico - through the Yucatan. The excitement is predominantly eastern and northeast directions, on average 3-4, rarely 5 points. The magnitude of annual level fluctuations is small and usually ranges from 8 to 30 cm. Short-term level fluctuations are observed during the passage of tropical hurricanes. The tides are irregular semidiurnal, off the coast of Venezuela - irregular diurnal, up to 1 m.

Water circulation is set by the branches of the Antilles Current and the Guiana Current, entering the Caribbean Sea through the northern and eastern interisland straits. These waters spread in a westerly direction called the Caribbean Current. In the eastern part of the sea, the current moves in two streams at a distance of 200-300 km from each other. At about 80° west longitude both streams merge into one. The current speed in the western part of the sea reaches 70 cm/s. Off the coast of Cuba and Jamaica, the current forms several anticyclonic gyres; cyclonic eddies are observed along the coasts of Venezuela, Panama and Costa Rica. The waters of the Caribbean Current are carried through the Yucatan Strait into the Gulf of Mexico. In the strait highest speeds surface currents from the mainland coast up to 150 cm/s.

The surface water temperature varies throughout the year from 26 °C in winter to 29 °C in summer. Deep sea basins are filled Atlantic waters with a temperature of about 4.3°C. The average salinity of water on the surface is from 35.5 to 36.5‰. Towards the end summer season due to the abundance of precipitation and fresh river flow, salinity decreases by 0.5-1.0‰, its lowest values ​​(33-34‰) near the islands of Trinidad and Tobago are explained by the large fresh flow of the Orinoco River. Highest salinity surface waters in a narrow strip off the coast of South America and the coasts of Haiti and Cuba (over 36‰).

There are about 800 species of fish in the Caribbean, more than half of which are edible. Of the commercial fish, the most important are representatives of the families of snapper, serranidae, sea crucian carp, several species of mullet, croaker, as well as sardinella, horse mackerel, mackerel, tarpon, and anchovies. Open ocean fish are widespread - tuna, marlin, sailfish, common lionfish, and sharks.

The Caribbean coast is known for its beautiful beaches and is the largest recreational area with numerous resorts. Busy shipping; passes the sea route through the Panama Canal, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Main ports: Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Maracaibo (Venezuela), Barranquilla and Cartagena (Colombia), Colon (Panama).

Lit.: Zalogin B.S., Kosarev A.N. Seas. M., 1999. M.G. Deev.

Today, not only every schoolchild, but even preschoolers know that somewhere on Earth there are Caribbean islands. But not every adult can answer the question of where exactly these Caribbean islands are located. Today we will try to restore this gap and go to virtual trip on the islands of the Caribbean.

How to get to the Caribbean Islands?

The Caribbean Sea, as well as the Caribbean islands, are comfortably located between the two Americas - South and North. Getting here is quite simple - you just need to buy an air ticket and a trip to paradise already in your hands. Airlines such as Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic regularly fly here. Some Caribbean islands can only be reached with transfers, having first purchased an air ticket to Canada or the USA.

Caribbean Islands - what country is this?

Tourists constrained by visa restrictions, of course, cannot help but be interested in which state the Caribbean islands belong to. In total, the Caribbean includes more than fifty islands, some of which are separate independent states, others are the property of England, America, France. But tourists can rest easy - a visa is simply not needed to enter the territory of most of the Caribbean islands.

Where is the capital of the Caribbean islands?

Considering the diversity political map Of the Caribbean islands, there is naturally no need to talk about their single capital.

Caribbean islands - names

All the islands that make up the Caribbean are usually divided into three groups:

  1. Greater Antilles. These include Haiti, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
  2. Lesser Antilles, which includes about 50 islands, such as Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Antigua, Martinique, St. Thomas, Tobago, Trinidad, etc.
  3. Bahamas, which includes about 30 inhabited islands and more than 2000 coral reefs.