Myanmar physical map. Myanmar? Where is it? I don't know such a country. National characteristics of Myanmar. Traditions

Unfortunately, very few people know where the small but quite attractive state of Myanmar is located, which until 1989 was called Burma.

Myanmar is located in the north-west of the Indochina Peninsula. Its neighbors are from the north - China, from the east - China, Thailand and Laos.

Its western neighbors are India and Bangladesh.

Such a small state nevertheless has access to the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean.

Lately this exotic country began to attract more and more tourists. This is understandable: Myanmar, small in size, includes all the delights of traditional Asia.




59 million 534 thousand people. (as of 2009)

676577 thousand km²

Population density

73.9 people/km²



Form of government

federal Republic


International dialing code

Internet domain zone

Climate and weather

Myanmar is high mountains, and impenetrable jungles, and many mysterious Buddhist temples, and, of course, snow-white smiles local residents. The famous Shwedagon Pagoda or the beautiful Inle Lake leave people enchanted by their charms for a lifetime. Many who visited this paradise on earth, they want to come back here again. A magnificent resorts Ngwe Saung and Ngapali are beginning to compete well with the famous resorts of Thailand.

The climate in Myanmar is tropical monsoon. The south of the country is located in the subequatorial climate zone. Monsoons in Myanmar create three weather seasons. The first season lasts from November to February, the average daily temperature during this period does not exceed +25 °C. This weather is quite cool for this area. It is during these months that there is a high probability of dust storms occurring in Myanmar.

The second season is called hot. It lasts from March to May, and the air temperature during these months rises above 32 °C.

The third season is the rainy season from June to October. It is advisable not to plan a trip to Myanmar during this period.


Much of Myanmar includes high mountain ranges, which are included in mountain system Himalayas. The highest point in all South-East Asia is located in this country - this Mount Hakabo-Razi. Its height is 5881 m. Thanks to the climate, the mountain ranges, abundantly covered with various plant species, attract a large number of ecotourists from all over the world.

The central part of the country is occupied by the beautiful and unique plains of the two largest rivers of Myanmar - Irrawaddy and Salween. Several national parks are organized on their territory. Myanmar is also home to famous mountain reserves that offer tourists a closer look at the uniqueness of local nature. The most famous among visitors to the country are National Park Alangdo-Katpa, Lampi Island in the Andaman Sea, Shaedaun and Pidaun mountain reserves.


The most famous attraction that attracts many tourists every year is located in Yangon Shwedagon Pagoda. This structure was built 2500 years ago. The almost 100 meter spire is decorated with more than 1000 precious stones and gold plates. The fame of the temple is given by the huge sculpture of the reclining Buddha, the length of which is almost 55 meters, and the four hairs of the spiritual mentor of Buddhists kept in the pagoda. Interestingly, this pagoda is still operational, which allows all Buddhist pilgrims to visit these great relics.

Myself Yangon is a kind of park with often beautiful ponds and lakes. This city is best place throughout Myanmar for families with children who can frolic for hours in local parks with attractions.

The city is called the cultural center of the country Mandalay. This place attracts people with its Shwenandaw Palace, Mandalay Hill, as well as nearby ancient cities Ava, Amarputa and Sagaing.

An abandoned city famous throughout the world for its unique temples Bagan allows you to feel the whole atmosphere of extraordinary Asia. The sight of thousands of ancient pagodas and monasteries located on an area of ​​42 km 2 truly fascinates foreign tourists.

When going to Myanmar, you should definitely plan a visit to the unique Inle Lake, in the middle of which is built Monastery of Jumping Cats. Six monks live there to this day and teach cats to perform amazing tricks for tourists. This lake has become famous not only because of its amazing cats, but also because local residents organize a floating market here once a week. You can buy almost the same souvenirs there as at the traditional market.


The main feature of Myanmar cuisine, as in all eastern Asia, is the use of too hot seasonings. Local chefs add them to almost all dishes. Traditionally, fish is seasoned with ginger, rice with onions and garlic. Chicken culinary masterpieces are also popular in this country, for example, "o-no-hauk-swe"(rice pasta with coconut milk and chicken). Burmese cuisine usually pays special attention to seafood.

Most hotels and restaurants in Myanmar are pleased to present to their visitors National dishes. Particularly popular is a fish soup with the addition of vermicelli called "moinga", as well as spicy vegetable salad with rice - "letok dream". The national Burmese dessert is pickled tea leaves served with sesame seeds, garlic, roasted peanuts, onions and fried locusts.

Thanks to its proximity to tradition-filled countries such as China and India, many restaurants offer Indian and Chinese cuisine. However, close to popular tourist resorts, you can easily find a restaurant serving Western cuisine.

The world-famous Burmese tea is the main drink here. It is interesting that some nationalities manage to add hot spices to this wonderful drink. Not all foreign tourists risk trying this drug.

And, of course, not a single hospitable Asian country can do without exotic fruits. Some of their species grow exclusively in this area, for example, durian, mangosteen, jackfruit. They are in great demand among tourists.


When choosing this fabulous country for your holiday, you must take into account that local hotels do not have an official classification. Of course, most Burmese hotels meet all world requirements, so in the tourism business it is customary to set the “number of stars” by the tour operators themselves.

Before traveling to Myanmar, you need to thoroughly study all the services provided by hotels: food, room equipment, distance from the beach, etc. It is worth noting that in this country almost all sockets are three-pin; the necessary adapter for our electrical appliances can be obtained at the reception.

Entertainment and relaxation

Mostly tourists come to Myanmar to bask in the gentle sandy beaches of this country. The best beach area counts Ngapali. White warm sand, a large number of first-class hotels and excellent restaurants attract more and more people every year to this paradise of the planet.

Another beautiful resort in Myanmar is Ngwe Saung, which differs from other places in its excellent beaches with tall beautiful palm trees. This place is slightly inferior to Ngapali in popularity among tourists, but every year more and more foreigners visit this resort.

Active recreation in Myanmar is still underdeveloped compared to famous world resorts. Some companies are pleased to offer their clients cycling tours local beauties. Quite popular entertainment among tourists are hiking and unforgettable safaris through the national parks and reserves of Myanmar.

Every year the number of fishing enthusiasts who come to this country for new experiences of catching big fish near the beaches of Ngapali is increasing.

Near the resort of Ngwe Saung there is a famous "Elephant Camp" In this place, for very little money you can ride a real Indian elephant. Many tourists prefer to spend their free time in a new Ngalaik water park, which is located near the capital of Myanmar - Naypyitaw.

It is not for nothing that many people call Myanmar the “Land of Golden Pagodas”. They are located everywhere here. Therefore, the main excursions are organized specifically around these attractions.


No trip abroad is complete without purchasing remarkable souvenirs. Fortunately, shops and markets in Myanmar are replete with a diverse range of goods presented. Their quality and prices are so varied that buyers are sure to find something attractive.

The main items of trade in Myanmar are various crafts made from seashells, all kinds of sculptures and paintings made of wood, figurines, teapots, etc. A large number of tourists, when choosing a Burmese souvenir, stop their eyes on national clothes. Products made from precious stones are also widely represented on the markets. However, you have to be a true connoisseur of these jewelry so as not to encounter a fake. By the way, the Burmese love to bargain. This will allow you to purchase a quality item at an affordable price.


Small Myanmar has many modes of transport, from airplanes to oxen and elephants. Public transport In Burmese cities it is represented by buses. The fleet of cars is quite old, but they are all equipped with air conditioning and a video viewing system. Tickets for such transport cost approximately $0.5.

The best way to get around large cities is by taxi. One trip on such transport will cost $2. You can use the services of car rental companies. But, taking into account the peculiarities of the rules traffic countries, foreign tourists It is best to rent a car with a local driver. It is worth noting that the condition of the road surface in Myanmar is extremely unsatisfactory. So you should prepare in advance for a completely uncomfortable trip on local roads.

A large number of Myanmar residents prefer to travel between major cities using railways. Passenger service quality by rail leaves much to be desired. Low speed, constant delays of trains, as well as high fares compared to buses force tourists to use another mode of transport. In addition, Burmese trains are completely uncomfortable. In most carriages seats equipped with wooden flooring. The only branded train with carriages similar to our compartments runs on the Yangon-Mandalay route.

Therefore, most tourists prefer to travel around the country by air transport. Domestic flights in Myanmar are provided by private companies Yangon Airways, Air Mandalay and Bagan Airways. However, using their services is quite expensive. A cheaper option is to fly with state-owned Myanma Airways, but this carrier has a reputation for poor safety in Myanmar.

You can travel along the major rivers of Burma on wonderful passenger ships and ferries. One trip costs approximately $20.


Communications in Myanmar are quite poorly developed. There are a large number of machines in the capital that provide intra-city communications and operate from one kyat. International calls can only be made from special devices, but there are few of them even in Naypyitaw. It is possible to call another country from a hotel, however, such a call will be expensive: approximately $5.

mobile connection has a small coverage area, mainly the capital and its districts. Tariffs for this type of communication are very high. Just recently, a SIM card from a mobile operator cost one thousand dollars.

Internet services are provided by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Myanmar and mainly in Internet cafes; connection speeds often leave much to be desired. True, departure lounges international airport Yangon equipped high speed Internet, which cannot but please foreigners.


It is worth noting that there are restrictions on movement within Myanmar. When visiting this country there are special cards, which indicate cities and regions of the state, entry into which is strictly prohibited. Some places have been declared semi-closed. In this case, visiting such areas is carried out only with the presence of an accompanying person from a national travel company.

Myanmar can safely be called safe country, although sometimes shopping centers and petty pickpocketing occurs. It is generally accepted that the overall crime rate in Myanmar is one of the lowest. Most Burmese hotels offer their clients the service of using safes; they can be located either at the reception or in individual rooms (of course, such a service is paid additionally).

In this country, you should not get carried away with photographing military installations and people in uniform. The least that local authorities can do for this is to confiscate your camera and film. Or they may even deport you from the country without even explaining the reasons to you. The guide usually informs you about prohibited objects for photography.

Business climate

To stimulate interest in real estate in Myanmar, President Than Shwe recently decided to improve the climate for foreign investors. To this end, bilateral agreements were concluded with foreign companies to begin the development of mineral deposits, in particular gas and oil. The main conditions for working in Myanmar were the improvement of oil production technologies and the possibility of quickly building pipelines and compressor stations. In addition, the president decided to release the long-term lending market, which made Burmese real estate even more attractive for investment.

There is quite a wide range of real estate in Myanmar, such as beautiful bungalows located next to Buddhist monasteries, magnificent studios in major cities. Any company will find attractive premises in this country. Considering the economic situation of the country, most companies prefer to focus on the tourism business, which allows them to recoup their investments in just a few years.

Real estate

At the moment, the Myanmar economy is just beginning to develop; it has great potential for rapid growth of the real estate market. Accustomed to high prices Europeans will be pleasantly surprised by local prices for apartments, houses or bungalows. Today in Myanmar you can buy an apartment with an area of ​​more than 100 m2 for only $10,000. The purchase of an industrial enterprise with average processing capacity will cost the buyer a little more than $50,000. Such a low cost of real estate attracts numerous foreign investors.

Myanmar, like all countries representing the culture of Southeast Asia, has big amount traditions that every visitor to this unique state must observe.

Here are the main ones:

1. you cannot hug and kiss in public;
2. You should also not touch the head of a child or adult;
3. if you do not want to feel the judgmental glances of local residents, you should not step over the person;
4. Burmese people never wear shoes at home, especially in temples;
5. while in places sacred to Buddhism, you cannot talk or laugh loudly;
6. if you wanted to take several photos in Buddhist temple, you should ask permission for this;
7. women are not allowed to touch monks;
8. It’s interesting that the Burmese don’t take or give anything with their left hand. They expect the same from visiting people.

Some tips about eating food in Myanmar: if you do not want to spend money on treatment in a Burmese hospital, then when buying any food products at the market, you should rinse them thoroughly with boiled water. By the way, you should not drink local tap water here. It is better not to drink it even when boiled; sometimes such a disinfecting process cannot rid the water of pathogenic bacteria. It is better to use bottled liquids.

And, of course, being in any Asian country, it is necessary to behave with dignity and treat others to the local population Sincerely.

Visa information

To enter Myanmar, citizens of Russia and the CIS require a special visa. You can order it in advance at the consulate of the Myanmar Embassy. To do this, it is advisable to collect everything Required documents: foreign passport valid for at least six months at the time of submission of documents; two color photographs on a white background; visa application form completed in English. When traveling with a child, you must make a copy of his birth certificate.

To obtain a visa, you must pay a consular fee of $20. Payment is made immediately after receiving the passport with visa directly at the consulate.

Additional information can be obtained at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 41.

(Union of Myanmar)

General information

Geographical position. Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia. It borders on China in the north and east, Thailand and Laos in the east, and Bangladesh and India in the west. Washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea(on South). The Western Arakan Yoma Range, up to 2,740 m high, forms a natural barrier between Burma and the Indian subcontinent. The Bilaukthong Range lies along the border with Thailand. The country also contains part of the Shan Plateau, the average height of which is about 910 m. The valley of the Irrawaddy-Sitang river system - the most fertile lands - occupies about 46,620 square meters. km.

Square. The territory of Myanmar covers 676,552 square meters. km.

Home towns, Administrative division. The capital is Yangon. Largest cities: Yangon (3,851 thousand people), Mandalay (533 thousand people), Mawlamyine (220 thousand people), Sittwe (108 thousand people). Myanmar is a federation of 7 national regions and 7 administrative regions.

Political system

Myanmar is under military rule. The head of state and government is the chairman of the State Council for the restoration of law and order. The constitution has been suspended.

Relief. In the east of the country there is the Shan Highlands, in the west there is the Arakan-Yoma mountain range, and between the mountains there is the hilly Irrawaddy Plain.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of oil, tin, tungsten, zinc, copper, lead, coal, natural gas, and precious stones.

Climate. Most of the country is located in the tropical zone. The hot season runs from March to October and the cool season of northeast monsoons runs from November to February. average temperature in the cool season + 16°C, and in the hot season it exceeds +38°C. The rainy season, brought by the southwest monsoon, lasts from mid-May to October. The average annual rainfall in Upper Myanmar is about 890 mm and in Lower Myanmar it is about 5,080 mm. Inland waters. Large rivers- Irrawaddy, Salween.

Soils and vegetation. Forests cover about half of Myanmar's territory. In regions that receive large amounts of moisture, tropical forests contain rubber and oil trees, acacia, bamboo, coconut palm, betel, ironwood, cinchona, mangrove. In the northern forests - oak, pine and different kinds rhododendron. Fruit trees such as citrus fruits, bananas, guavas, and mangoes grow in coastal areas.

Animal world. Tigers and leopards are common in the forests of Myanmar. Upper Myanmar is home to a large number of elephants (some of them domesticated), rhinoceroses, wild buffalo and wild boar, several species of deer and antelope. Small mammals include: gibbon, several species of monkeys, wild cat, tapir, flying fox. About 1,200 species of birds live in Myanmar, including parrots, pheasants, peacocks, and herons. Among the reptiles, the most common are crocodile, gecko, cobra, python, and turtle.

Population and language

Myanmar's population is about 47.305 million. The average population density is about 70 people per 1 sq. km. - one of the lowest Far East. Ethnic groups: Burmese (related to Tibetans) - 68%, Karens - 7%, Shans - 9%, Mons (Tala-in) - 2%, Chins - 2%, Kachins - 2%; each ethnic group lives in its own state: the Karen in lower Myanmar, the Shan along the Thai border, the Mon in the delta region, the Chin in the northwestern mountainous region, the Kachin in northern Myanmar along Chinese border. Languages: Burmese (official), Shan, Karen, Moi, English, Chinese.


Buddhists (the majority belongs to the Theravada teachings) - 89%, Christians - 4%, Muslims - 4%, Hindus, pagans.

Brief historical sketch

The first known civilization in what is now Myanmar was the Mon civilization, which arose around 3000 BC. e. It existed for more than three thousand years, until 628 AD. e., when it was replaced by the Piu civilization. In the middle of the 9th century. The Burmese appeared on the territory of Myanmar, later the Shans, Karens and Kachins came. The first unified Burmese state was founded by King Anorata in the mid-11th century. in Upper Burma. In 1287, the kingdom of Patan was conquered by the Mongol conqueror Kublai (Sechen Khan). Burma was divided into two states. In the second quarter of the 16th century. With the help of Portuguese mercenaries, the Burmese Tongu dynasty managed to unify the country.

In the 19th century After three wars between the British and French armies, Burma became a British colony. In 1937, it received the right of self-government, and on January 4, 1948, the country's independence was proclaimed. Since 1962, a military regime has been introduced in the country. As a result of military rule, which expelled Indians from government and excluded the Chinese from commerce, Burma became one of poorest countries region. In 1989, the country's name was changed to Myanmar. On May 27, 1990, the first democratic elections in 30 years were held, in which the main opposition party won, but the military refused to transfer power.

Brief Economic Sketch

Myanmar is an agricultural country. The main food and export crop is rice; They also cultivate wheat and corn; from technical oilseeds, cotton, jute, sugar cane, tobacco, rubber. Cattle are used as draft animals. Harvesting valuable wood species. Fishing. Extraction of oil, non-ferrous metal ores (lead, zinc, tin, copper), silver, precious stones. Lead-zinc plant, oil refinery and metallurgical plants. Food-flavoring (rice-cleaning, oil-processing, sugar, tea, tobacco) enterprises. Production of silk and cotton fabrics, jute products. Handicrafts. Export: agricultural products, timber, mineral raw materials, gems, seafood.

Currency unit- kyat.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Myanmar is one of the most vibrant centers of Buddhist culture in all of Asia, with thousands of temples and pagodas. The country is often called the Land of Golden Pagodas. The most famous is the 100 m high Shwe Dagon Pagoda, completely covered in gold. Among the many museums - National Museum art and archeology in Yangon and state museums in the cities of Mandalay and Mawlamyine.

Mawlamyine. Several pagodas; ancient caves. Pegu. Kuaikpyen, Shwe-guan, Shwemodo pagodas; a huge statue of a resting Buddha (994); is nearby ancient city Haltawaddy. Mandalay. More than 700 pagodas. Myinjan. Not far from the city are the ruins of the city of Pagan - the capital of the first state on the territory of Burma. Yangon. Peace Pagoda, built in 1952 to commemorate the 2,500th anniversary of the death of Buddha.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Myanmar is a country located in the western part of Indochina. In Latin it is written as Burma, but since 1989, from the Union of Burma, it has been renamed the Union of Myanmar. This self-name means “fast, strong” in Burmese and echoes the word “mya” - emerald. Thus, the Burmese began to call themselves the "Fast-Strong Emeralds." And what? People like it. Well, perhaps local astrologers also had a hand, without whom the local government does not undertake any serious business; even the capital was moved according to astrological calculations. From Rangoon to Pyinmana on Sunday November 6, 2005 at 6:37 am. And not a minute later. Yes, they have now added the word “republic” to the name. So now they are called the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

However, knowledgeable people They say that all these rituals are a comedy for foreigners. In reality, the Burmese pragmatically moved the capital, which was too vulnerable from the sea, away from the coast.

Myanmar's population is now 50 million. The country is rich in minerals and forests, rich in land and climate resources. And it is truly not clear why the annual income of the population is only $1,100 per person. Some experts believe that here, too, the local government is running scams to avoid paying interest on government loans.
Myanmar has been known since ancient times for incense and a variety of paints, rubs and powders. In ancient times, local women put so much stuff on that they turned their faces into strange painted masks. Now

Where is Burma on the world map. Detailed map Myanmar in Russian online. Satellite map Burma with cities and resorts. Myanmar on the world map is a country in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula. It is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

The capital is Nay Pyi Taw, official language– Burmese, which is related to Chinese and Tibetan languages. Also in the country, many residents speak Chinese and English languages. A significant part of the country’s territory is occupied by mountains, with the most high point almost 6000 meters.

Map of Myanmar in Russian with resorts:

Myanmar - Wikipedia:

Population of Myanmar- 53,259,018 people (2013)
Capital of Myanmar- Naypyitaw
Largest cities in Myanmar- Yangon, Naypyitaw, Mandalay
Myanmar dialing code - 95
Internet domains of Myanmar- .mm

Myanmar Climate subequatorial. In the hottest summer time the air warms up to +40 C. In winter, Myanmar is also quite hot, with average winter temperatures of +28...+31 C. It is much colder in mountainous regions, where frosts often occur.

Myanmar is rich sights, and many historical monuments have been preserved in the country since archaic times. One of these attractions is the Shwedagon Pagoda, which is located in the city Yangon and is the oldest stupa in the world.

There are other pagodas located near Yangon: Maha Visaya Pagoda, Sule Pagoda and Chaukhat Kui Pagoda. In the latter you can see the world's largest marble statue of Buddha. Another city in Myanmar that deserves attention is Bagan. Once upon a time, there were about 13 thousand unique structures on its territory. Today, the city has more than 5 thousand cultural and historical monuments, pagodas and temples.

With access to the sea and the bay, Myanmar has everything you need for a great beach holiday. The most visited resort in Myanmar is Ngapali, located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. It is especially popular among tourists due to its cleanliness - it is one of the cleanest beaches in the world. Other resort areas of Myanmar- Chang-Ta, Po-Kalar and Letkokon.

What to see in Myanmar:

Shwedagon Pagoda, Ngapali, Damayanji Temple, Mount Popa, Irrawaddy River, Chaittiyo Pagoda, Mrauk-U, Mahamuni Pagoda, Sulamani Temple, Inya Lake, St. Mary's Cathedral, Kandawgyi Lake, Karaweik Hall Floating Restaurant, Pindaya Caves, Royal Palace Mandalay, Maitau Village.