What continent are the Caribbean on? Which Caribbean island should you choose for your holiday? Dishes prepared in different Antilles

Islands in the Caribbean Sea are a coveted piece of paradise for tourists: White sand, gentle sun and excellent service. Everyone has heard about places like Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas and Jamaica more than once. Therefore, we decided to talk about the lesser-known, but no less attractive islands of the Caribbean.


Sixty islets in the northeastern part Caribbean Sea are considered an overseas territory of Great Britain and maintain a close connection with the Mother Country, so the level of service, language and culture here are English, but the money is American. To travel here you will need a lot of them: the standard of living on this archipelago is one of the highest in the region.

Many tourists come to the British Virgin Islands by ferry from other nearby tiny states for a day or two. What to do here? Tortola, main island, famous for its white beaches and chalk cliffs, on little Joost van Dyke best restaurants with Caribbean cuisine, the former pirate residence of Anegada attracts diving enthusiasts - more than 200 ships are sunk in the coastal waters, and on Virgin Gorda there are The Baths - unique natural stone tanks filled with sea water.


The archipelago north of Puerto Rico and south of the British Virgin Islands belongs to the United States and differs little from its British namesakes in terms of prices, service and luxury. San Tomas is the most big Island archipelago, it is also called Rock City because of its rocky horizon. Entertainment here includes the Ocean Park, diving and numerous festivals, and attractions include the castle of Blackbeard, the famous pirate.

Most small island St. John attracts celebrities and honeymooners seeking solitude on picturesque, uncrowded beaches, as well as nature lovers with a large nature reserve with hiking trails. South Island Santa Cruz is of interest to history buffs: in colonial times there were sugar cane plantations and distilleries, which now house small museums.


The small, teardrop-shaped island of Saint Lucia, the second largest of the Windward Islands, has become increasingly popular in recent years. wild nature It's fairly well preserved (unlike many other Caribbean islands) and it's relatively inexpensive.

In spring, the island hosts an international jazz festival, which is attended by famous musicians. Newlyweds, for whom almost half of all hotel rooms are prepared, love to spend their honeymoon “weeks” here. Lovers active rest can climb to the crater of an extinct volcano or climb the twin Pitons mountains, jutting straight out of the sea in the southwestern part of the island.
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One of the most scenic spots in the Caribbean, the Cayman Islands, were named so because the first Europeans mistook the Caymans who lived here in large quantities blue iguanas Archipelago of three islands lies south of Cuba.

Most large island- Grand Cayman, where the capital is Georgetown and Stringray City, a marine entertainment center named after the stingrays that live in the coastal waters, which you can feed. Here you can visit the former capital city of Bodden, next to which there are the Pirate Caves, which they used for centuries for shelter, or a turtle farm, or walk along walking trail Mastic Trail in the middle of the island.

On the island of Little Cayman, nature is almost untouched: mangroves in which wild (or feral) animals are found. There is also a bird sanctuary nearby. On the island of Cayman Brac there are many caves and national park parrots Interestingly, all the islands have beaches with both white and black sand.

5. Turks and Caicos

A network of 40 small islands with snow-white beaches, clear azure water, colorful coral reefs - perfect place for quiet secluded relaxation. Most islands have no permanent residents, only staff
. The largest island, Providenciales, receives huge ocean liners in its port, which is more like a pier.

On Grand Turk Island, two hundred meters from the shore, there is a very popular reef among divers, which abruptly drops off to a depth of 2.4 kilometers. This is also where National Museum, where among the exhibits there is evidence that Columbus first entered the Western land on this island (although historians dispute this fact).


Barbados sets the standard for island holidays: the cleanest sandy beaches, green golf and cricket fields, European level of service (with traditional British tea drinking) and a Caribbean climate. Here they drink first-class local rum, take part in horse racing and dance calypso.

Western and South coast traditionally used for beach holiday, and the Atlantic East, which is more restless, is loved by surfers. Bathsheba Beach is especially popular among those who like to catch waves. The cultural program also includes a visit botanical garden Andromeda and galleries of pirate caves.


The little-known twin islands in the southern Caribbean offer a choice of black sand beaches and luxury hotels, or the chance to find adventure and visit places with history. The livelier island of St. Kitts is filled with restaurants, bars and a vibrant nightlife scene.

On tranquil Nevis, you can stroll and swim on the quiet beaches. There are also attractions on the islands: the ancient Fort Brimstone, which the conquerors of these lands called the Gibraltar of the West Indies.


Saint Martin or Sint Martin is the smallest of all the inhabited islands, controlled simultaneously by two independent governments, located in the northern Caribbean Sea. The northern part of the island, called Saint-Martin, belongs to France and attracts tourists with gourmet restaurants and trendy beach parties.

The southern Dutch part of Sint Martin is famous for its casinos and Maho beach. Above the beach, literally above the heads of vacationers, intercontinental liners come in to land. This attracts spotters (who like to photograph airplanes) from all over the world and surfers.


On the island of Bonaire in the southern Caribbean, almost all of the main attractions are underwater, so unless you're an avid diver, you might be better off going neighboring islands Aruba and Curacao are more famous and full of tourists. The coral reef surrounding the island has National Status natural park, and all living things living up to 60 meters in depth are protected.

If you want to take a break between dives, you can take a land trip: Washington Slagbay National Park is enchanting nature reserve with hills and lakes, parrots, pink flamingos and iguanas.

Holidays on the Caribbean islands cannot be called cheap, but when ordering the “Flight + Hotel” package, you can save up to 30% of the cost. Don't forget about visas - you will need them to visit most Caribbean islands.

And we also have

And it is located in the tropical zone of the Western Hemisphere. In the northwest, the reservoir borders the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) and connects to the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Strait between Yucatan and Cuba. To the north and east are the Greater and Lesser Antilles. In the south the sea washes north coast South America. To the west and southwest is the coast of Central America. Here Caribbean waters connect with the waters of the Pacific Ocean through the Panama Canal.


The reservoir in question is one of the largest in the world. Its area is 2.754 thousand square meters. km. The volume of water is 6,860 thousand cubic meters. km. The maximum depth is 7686 meters. It was recorded in the so-called Cayman Trough. It is located between Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. This is an underwater trench between the North American and Caribbean plates. Average depth The reservoir is 2500 meters.


A huge sea washes many countries. In South America these are Venezuela and Colombia. In Central America: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize. The latest in this series is the Yucatan Peninsula. Its northern part is occupied by 3 Mexican states, and to the south there are lands belonging to Belize and Guatemala.

In the northern part of the Greater Antilles there are states such as Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. The territory of the Lesser Antilles is occupied by such countries as Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.

Caribbean Sea on the map


For those who don't know, you need to know that Bahamas never belonged to the Caribbean. They are located north of Cuba and south of Florida. These are the waters of the Atlantic, and historically this area is called the West Indies. Here it covers both the Caribbean and the Bahamas. This term appeared after Columbus's discovery of America.

The body of water in question contains the Antilles, divided into Large and Small. The first includes 4 large islands: Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. This also includes small islands located near Cuba and forming the archipelagos of Los Canarreos and Jardines de la Reina.

The Lesser Antilles are much more numerous. They are influenced by the northwestern trade wind and are divided into windward and leeward or southern. The first group has about 50 islands. The southern group stretches along the coast of South America and includes both individual islands and archipelagos.

Closer to west coast There are several archipelagos in the reservoir. These are the Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Brac), the Islas de la Bahia islands belonging to Honduras, as well as the Miskitos and Turneffe islands. There are separate islands of San Andres and Providencia.


Many rivers flow into the huge reservoir. The Magdalena River is considered the largest river in South America. It flows through Colombia and has a length of 1550 km. Its annual flow is the largest and is approximately 230 cubic meters. km. The second Colombian river is called Atrato. Its length is 644 km. Some of the rivers flow into Lake Maracaibo (the largest in South America). It is connected to the Venezuelan Gulf of the Caribbean Sea by a shallow strait, the depth of which does not exceed 4 meters.

The reservoir is also fed by about 30 rivers in Central America. There are rivers on the islands. For example, the Cauto River in Cuba. Its length is 343 km. Or the Artibonite River in Haiti with a length of 240 km. There are rivers in Jamaica too. These are Milk River and Black River.


The climate is tropical. It is formed by the subtropical Caribbean Current, which is a continuation of the South Trade Wind Current. Warm waters flow from southeast to northwest and go through the Yucatan Strait to Gulf of Mexico where the Gulf Stream originates. Therefore, the annual temperature ranges from 21 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Trade winds dominate on the reservoir. Their speed ranges from 16 to 30 km/h. Tropical hurricanes occur in the northern part of the reservoir. Their speed can reach 120 km/h. Such strong winds sometimes bring real tragedy: people die, houses collapse, crops perish. For example, Hurricane Mitch, which formed in the western part of the sea in October 1998, brought a lot of grief. 11 thousand people died and the same number went missing. 2.7 million people were left without housing. These were mainly citizens of Nicaragua and Honduras.


The Caribbean Sea is inextricably linked with oil production. Approximately 170 million tons of oil per year are produced in its waters. In addition, the fishing industry is well developed. sea ​​waters produce up to 500 thousand tons of fish per year. However, human activities pollute environment. This primarily affects coral reefs, which are steadily bleaching and their ecosystems are being destroyed.

In the near future, this may not have the best effect on the tourism industry. Up to 40 million tourists visit this area every year. The net profit from them is about 30 billion dollars. Many tourists are attracted by diving and the beauty of coral reefs. Approximately 3 million local residents, living on the islands, are in one way or another connected with the tourism business. So issues related to ecology are quite acute.

Unique in their geographical and historical features The Caribbean is a giant Antillean archipelago, which is anchored between two large continents - North and South America. Uninhabited islands and vast tracts of land, lush greenery and deserted sandy expanses have become the basis for development here new culture and new customs. The Caribbean countries were discovered about five hundred years ago, and since then have often been called the West Indies. The cultures of different peoples of the world, their customs and languages ​​are combined here.

Region position

Very close to the equator, but still located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is considered one of the most beautiful in the world due to its genuine turquoise color and the richest flora and fauna. Its waters are protected from the Atlantic, among which there are large and small ones. The first category includes Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and Puerto Rico. The second group includes the bright and noisy Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, all the small lands that are part of the Dominican Republic, the island of Curacao, Barbados, Aruba and many other “little things”. It is on these lands that the countries of the Caribbean are located. We will list them below, and also consider their proximity to the continents.

List of states bordering the Caribbean Sea

In the northern part of the waters, near the Gulf Stream, are the famous Bahamas. This place has long been synonymous luxury holiday, warm sea and vivid impressions. Below is the region - Cuba. Local customs are a synthesis of communism and the latest developments in the field of infrastructure for tourists.

A little further south is another famous resort area- Dominican Republic. It occupies a large island as well as small adjacent islands. Local landscapes are marked by exotic plants and original fauna. Surrounded by Jamaica and Puerto Rico. These are two small states, where all tourists are also provided with a real tropical paradise.

Below, closer to the south, there are small islands: Guadeloupe, Barbados, Grenada, Saint Lucia. And the Caribbean countries that have close proximity to the southern mainland are Curacao and Aruba.

Tourism in the Caribbean

Perhaps this is one of the few places on Earth where people from all over the world come to relax. And this is not surprising, because here the sea is equally warm all year round, the sun is hot, and there is a lot of tropical greenery. Besides local customs, fiery dances, parties, communication will make your vacation bright and unforgettable. The countries of the Caribbean have a similar culture in many ways, but still different in some aspects. For example, Barbados is the epitome of British traditions, they speak exclusively English and welcome tourists the way they usually do in London. Aruba is located next to Colombia. Mostly residents of South America - Argentina, Brazil, Chile - come here to relax. Therefore, a more “Latinized” way of life has been formed here.

What to eat in this summer paradise?

Thousands of islands that have been inhabited for five hundred years by the inhabitants of the most different corners planets have absorbed many culinary traditions. The cuisine of the Caribbean includes recipes from local Indians, Spaniards, French, British, Indians, Africans, Arabs, and even Chinese. Pork, beef, and vegetables and fruits familiar to us came here from Europe. Africans brought kalau, ackee and bambia, as well as several of their national dishes, to the Central American region. Rice was supplied from the East to the Antilles, which today is eaten in almost all Latin America. Of course, this synthesis was complemented by local products - potatoes, corn, tropical fruits and beans. Thanks to this, the culinary range of the whole world was updated, and new recipes began to appear in the books of housewives. However, one cannot speak generally about any one national dish that is served in restaurants throughout the region. Each tiny country here has its own culinary characteristics.

Dishes prepared in different Antilles

Now let’s look at exactly what recipes you can borrow for yourself when visiting the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic is one of the most popular resorts in this natural area. Local fruits and meat are popular here. A national dish- “Bandera”, which is prepared from meat, bananas and beans. In Jamaica, residents enjoy the taste of meat, fish and citrus fruits. It is on the basis of these products that Saltfish and Ackee are prepared, as well as the famous local pies Juicy Patis. But in Barbados, fish and other seafood are held in high esteem. Locals drink it down traditional dishes rum. But Aruba is a real paradise for lovers of everything marine. Seaweed salads are prepared here, and lobsters, king prawns and lobsters are served as appetizers.

Administrative features of the Antilles

IN this region There are about thirty that have their own symbols, laws and customs. Therefore, now we will look in more detail at what territorial units the Caribbean contains. Countries and capitals are both independent powers and territories that are provinces. Below is a list of the main ones:

  • Cuba - Havana.
  • Aruba - Orandjestad.
  • Bahamas - Nassau.
  • Barbados - Bridgetown.
  • Guadeloupe - Basse-Terre.
  • Dominican Republic - Roseau.
  • Puerto Rico - San Juan.
  • Jamaica - Kingston.
  • Saint Lucia - Castries.


Countries located in the Caribbean are characterized by a consistently warm climate, hot sun and minimal rainfall. There is quite lush vegetation on most of the islands, only a few of them are deserted. The unique nature and originality of the local culture make this region different from all others that exist in Latin America.

Caribbean from A to Z: the most popular islands, beaches and hotels in Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Barbados or the Bahamas. Colorful photos and videos. Tour operators in the Caribbean.

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The legendary Antilia, and later the colonial West Indies, the Caribbean nestled comfortably in the geographic “depression” between North and South America. Large and small, windward and leeward, firmly inhabited by tourists and uninhabited, the Caribbean islands are a paradise for downshifters and drug lords, and also one of the most popular destinations beach exotica. On more than fifty islands of the Caribbean Sea lies a real and, moreover, well-balanced paradise, an ideal combination of natural and man-made: the rich heritage of the colonial past in the form of a mass of house-museums and pompous mansions perfectly complements the exotic nature, where the greenery of tropical forests alternates with volcanic landscapes, and the expanses of coffee plantations give way to thickets of sugar cane and bananas.

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Putting aside sentimentality and turning to dry facts, we learn that the Caribbean includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles. The first include 4 large islands “stretching” towards the mainland: Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico; to the second - a round dance of all sorts of little things, in turn divided into leeward and windward islands: the noisy Bahamas and authentic Turks and Caicos, the Virgin Islands divided between the USA and Great Britain, outlandish Antigua and Barbuda, discovered by Columbus Guadeloupe and the birthplace of Josephine Beauharnais Martinique, Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, finally made famous by the Jack Sparrow saga of Dominica. By the way, the island of Curacao (the one that gave the name to the popular liqueur) is also located here.

Diving in Curacao

The reasons for the popularity of the Caribbean in the tourism market are obvious: warm sea all year round, amazingly beautiful nature, a large selection of hotels and a whole bunch of entertainment - water and dry sports, nightclubs, discos, restaurants, interesting excursions. Let's take Cuba or the Dominican Republic as an example. Here you can not only enjoy the sea and the sun, but also wander around old Havana, walk through coffee and tobacco plantations, listen to the singing of street singers, rock out at a disco and generally breathe the air of freedom in every possible way.

A distinctive feature of the Caribbean region is a wide variety of holiday options, because each state here has its own “specialization”.

In Barbados, for example, many English traditions are firmly rooted in life. There is a large selection of hotels here, and not all of them accept small children: the holiday here is mostly calm and relaxed.

15 days in the Dominican Republic

Known as the “spice island,” Grenada is home to botanical gardens, museums, attractions, and stunning beaches inviting you to lie down on soft white sand. Turks and Caicos attracts the attention of a respectable public with its magnificent five-star hotels, as well as good diving conditions and high-level SPA centers.

Saint Lucia bears the proud title of “Garden Island” and is one of the most beautiful islands Caribbean Sea. In contrast, Aruba is a desert island, with magnificent hotels and stormy nightlife. There are many hotels to choose from in Saint Martin different levels, and the Bahamas offers a huge range of accommodation options, from secluded hotels to bustling urban complexes.

Finally, in Curacao you absolutely must go to one of the bars and order a glass of the wonderful blue drink!

Located in the west of the Atlantic Ocean. From the west and south it borders on the coast of Central and South America, from the north and east by the Greater and Lesser Antilles. There are reefs to the west and southwest. The most large bays: Honduran, Venezuelan, Darien. Largest island: Jamaica.

Bing satellite map of the Caribbean
(the map can be moved with the mouse, reduced and enlarged)

The climate here is warm and maritime. In February it is +24, and in August +30. The most precipitation falls off the coast of Panama, and the least off the coast of Cuba. Hurricanes occur over the sea three times a year.
Water exchange with Atlantic Ocean occurs through the Windward, Sombrero and Dominica straits.
The water temperature throughout the year ranges from 26 to 29 degrees.
There are 800 species of fish here (mullet, croaker, sardinella, horse mackerel, mackerel).
The Caribbean coast is famous for its beaches. Main ports: Santiago de Cuba in Cuba, Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic, Maracaibo in Venezuela, Barranquilla and Cartagena in Colombia. Cote d'Azur, beautiful beaches, girls in bikinis. The Caribbean islands are a unique, magical place to unwind and truly relax.
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