Caracol waterfall, photo of a waterfall in Brazil, expanses of water, the beauty of nature. Karakol (waterfall) Karakol waterfall photo

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Excerpt characterizing Karakol (waterfall)

-Have you told anyone about this? he asked.
“No, no one yet,” I answered. And she told him in every detail the incident at the skating rink.
“Okay, let’s try,” said the doctor. “But if it hurts, you won’t be able to tell me about it, understand?” Therefore, immediately raise your hand if you feel pain, okay? I nodded.
To be honest, I was absolutely not sure why I was starting all this. And also, I wasn’t completely sure whether I could really cope with this, and whether I would have to bitterly regret this whole crazy story. I saw the doctor prepare an anesthetic injection and place the syringe on the table next to him.
“This is in case of unforeseen failure,” he smiled warmly, “Well, let’s go?”
For a second, this whole idea seemed wild to me, and suddenly I really wanted to be like everyone else - normal, obedient. nine year old girl who closes her eyes simply because she is very scared. But I was really scared... but since it was not my habit to retreat, I nodded proudly and prepared to watch. Only many years later did I understand what this dear doctor was really risking... And also, for me it has always remained a “secret with seven seals” why he did it. But at the time it all seemed completely normal and, frankly, I didn’t have time to be surprised.

There are many fascinating natural phenomena on Earth that evoke indescribable delight and admiration among people. These are the waterfalls. Even the smallest of them attract attention with their mystery, crystal purity and iridescence of the splashes falling from above.

Beautiful waterfalls invariably interest tourists and travelers. All natural phenomena of this kind are unique in their own way. But among them there are those that you definitely want to return to. One of these tempting places is the amazing waterfall of Brazil, which will be discussed in this article. But first we'll do brief description one of the most beautiful areas of this country.

Of course, not only the Caracol (waterfall) in Brazil is popular among tourists, but it is still one of the most beautiful creations of nature.

Waterfalls in Brazil

In the Brazilian National Park Iguazu there are waterfalls that are not inferior in grandeur and beauty to Niagara and Unique natural phenomenon, located in the reserve, is a giant waterfall with numerous cascades, surrounded by magnificent tropical forests. The height of the fall of their waters reaches 80 meters. These are the most beautiful waterfalls Brazil and Argentina.

They are located on the border between the two indicated states. However, the most amazing view of them opens from Brazil. The main cascade, called the Devil's Throat, marks the border between these two countries.

National Park

A magnificent one was created in Brazil National Park Karakol, which represents one of the most wonderful reserves of this country with a unique flora and unique climatic features of the region. This zone is located far from the equator, so the climate here is quite moderate compared to other zones of Brazil.

These are amazing beautiful places Not far from the city of Canela in the far south of the country is the delightful Caracol waterfall. This majestic natural attraction is formed by the waters of the river of the same name flowing through the plateau. Powerful waters rush from the 131-meter height of basalt rocks and continue their path through the canyon, the depth of which reaches 300 meters.

The Karakol River with its powerful water flows gave rise to this stunning spectacle. The nature here is amazing, since the river, located in the southern part of the country, flows through a rather picturesque mountain range, called Serra Geral.

This Brazilian waterfall is one of the most impressive with its fantastic beauty. It is located in national park with the same name 100 kilometers from the city of Canela. A unique reserve system with amazing natural landscapes, the Cascatado Caracol waterfall, located nearby the cities of Canela and Gramado, are a great place for a great time for both foreigners and local residents.

It is surrounded by forests untouched by civilization, in which many species of plants grow.

Excellent conditions have been created for vacationers here. There is a convenient observation deck - a tower equipped with an elevator. It offers stunning views of the Karakol waterfall and the picturesque panorama of the park.

For those who want to see this wonderful spectacle from below, there is the opportunity to go down to its very base along a metal staircase with 927 steps.

The waterfall can be viewed from the hill located opposite the waterfall and from convenient viewing platforms. There is also the opportunity to view this amazing living natural monument from the cable car.

Nearby there are restaurants, cafes, small shops with interesting crafts and souvenirs from local craftsmen.


For romantic travelers and lovers of more active recreation You can go horseback riding, hiking, or river rafting. And climbers have the opportunity to try their hand at the local mountains.

Those who like a more relaxing pastime can stroll through the beautiful, well-equipped shady parks, with the constant sound of a majestic waterfall heard nearby.

The cities of Canela and Gramado form a major tourism center - the Gramado-Canela microregion. The Caracol waterfall is not the largest in Brazil, but its proximity to cities and amazing picturesque nature make it especially popular among tourists.

In turn, the nearest settlements offer a wide variety of attractions, among which parks and museums are the most popular. In addition to everything described above, the numerous factories producing chocolate are also attractive in these cities.

In conclusion, it should be noted that best time The best time to visit this delightful corner of nature is the rainy season, when the waterfall appears in all its grandeur. This period lasts from December to March.

Caracol Falls is located in Brazil, in the park of the same name and on the river of the same name. Literally seven kilometers from it is the city of Canela, which with the city of Gramado forms an important tourist center- microregion of Gramado-Canela. Forming this waterfall, the Karakol River falls from a basalt cliff 131 meters high. This waterfall is not the most powerful or highest in Brazil, but the proximity major cities, accessibility and picturesque surroundings give it additional popularity among tourists.

Those interested can go down to the base of the waterfall along a metal staircase of 927 steps. The way back up will be quite difficult, it’s worth taking this into account. In the park, next to the waterfall, a small tower with an elevator and an observation deck at the top was built. It offers beautiful panoramic views of the waterfall and the gorge overgrown with wild forests. There are still cable car, allowing you to view the waterfall from the air and from the top of the hill.

Hiking, rock climbing, river rafting and horse riding are especially popular among travelers in this area. All this is possible thanks to the rich and varied nature in the vicinity of Karakol.

Venancios waterfalls

Venancios Falls, known as the Museum of Waterfalls, is a unique opportunity to enjoy beautiful natural scenery and experience the massage effects of natural waters.

This place is a private farm, so there is an entrance fee of $5. The farm has four waterfalls located nearby, which allow not only swimming, but also water slides.

Those who wish can come with tents and organize camping for several days to fully enjoy the natural crystal baths clean water and the view of green hills.

The Caracol waterfall is well known not only in Brazil, where it is located, but also beyond its borders. The cascading stream of water is located 90 km from the coast Atlantic Ocean and 7 km from the city of Canela on the Karakol River, which carries its waters to Lake Patus. This is the land of the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, bordering Uruguay in the southwest.

Entrance to Karakol Park

The popularity of the waterfall is explained by the fact that it is located in a densely populated area. Located in the forest on the territory of the park of the same name. Consists of 2 cascades. The upper cascade is noticeably smaller in height, and the water rolls down a gentle slope. The second cascade is located 100 meters downstream and is much more majestic than the first. Here the water cascades down from an overhanging ledge of basalt rock. The height of the falling stream is 130 meters.

Tourist information

290 thousand tourists visit Karakol Park every year. And they all go to these places to first of all see the foaming water stream falling from a great height. You can go down to the base of the waterfall along a metal staircase, which has 927 steps. But you need to remember that going down is much easier than going up. And you will have to return back the same way in any case.

In addition, the park has a 27-meter tower with an observation deck at the top. An elevator takes tourists there. The site offers a magnificent view panoramic view not only the falling water, but also the gorge covered with lush green wild vegetation. There is also a cable car that goes to the top of the hill. So you can admire the waterfall both from the air and from the mountain top.

At the top of the waterfall

On the territory of the park there are cafes and small restaurants where you can have a delicious meal. Those who are tired of restaurants are offered picnics in nature. There are specially equipped places in the forest for this. Numerous shops sell souvenirs and handicrafts from local craftsmen. After eating, you can leisurely stroll along the shady alleys, which provide excellent protection from the heat even on the hottest sunny day. The park is open daily from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

Caracol Falls is located in the extreme south of Brazil, in the Serra Geral mountains, near the city of Canela. It is formed by the waters of the Karakol River, which flows along the plateau, falls from a basalt rock from a height of 131 m and continues along a canyon up to 300 meters deep.

In the area adjacent to the river, the Caracol National Park, one of the most beautiful parks in Brazil, was created. The flora of the park is very unique due to climatic features region. It is located quite far from the equator, and the climate here is more moderate compared to other parts of the country. For this reason, many plant species that are characteristic of much hotter or cooler places coexist in the forests of Karakol.

The main decoration of the park is the Karakol waterfall itself. Proximity big cities and the accessibility of the area have led to a huge influx of tourists. Hundreds of thousands of them come here to admire the jets falling from an impressive height and stroll through forests untouched by civilization.

All conditions are created for visitors here. The best observation deck considered to be the top of a tower built near a waterfall, equipped with an elevator. Opens from the tower beautiful view to Karakol and a picturesque panorama of the park.

Those wishing to view the waterfall from below can go down to its base. A metal staircase of 927 steps leads here.

Another great vantage point is the hill opposite the waterfall. There are comfortable observation decks. For those who want to look at the waterfall from the air, a cable car has been built.

Near Karakol there are several cozy restaurants and cafes. There are also small shops selling souvenirs and handicrafts from local craftsmen.

For lovers of active recreation, the park will offer horseback riding and hiking, river rafting, climbers will also have the opportunity to test their strength. Those who appreciate a quiet time can simply stroll along the shady paths of the park, listening to the incessant roar of the waterfall. Everyone finds here what they strive for. This largely explains the popularity of the waterfall and Karakol Park.