The most reliable airlines in the world and Russia. The best airlines in Russia: list, services and reviews Small airlines

In connection with the increasing reports of plane crashes, especially low-cost airlines, many have become seriously concerned about flight safety issues. Air transport is generally considered one of the safest modes of travel. To dispel fears and speculation, you can trust trusted carriers. The most reliable airlines in the world are included in the corresponding ratings.

The issue of safe flights is carefully studied not only by ordinary passengers, but also by major statistical agencies. The most authoritative ratings of airline reliability are those of the German company Jacdec and the European Aviation Safety Agency, which publish lists of safe carriers based on research data. When calculating the coefficients, parameters over the past thirty years are taken into account. Other major international aviation organizations also conduct safety audits.

The calculation is made taking into account various indices with different specific weights. Thus, a recent accident will carry more weight than a disaster that occurred many years ago. When calculating, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Total number of passengers served.
  2. The total number of victims of disasters.
  3. Number of ships destroyed or lost.
  4. Number of breakdowns and emergency landings, runway overruns, etc.
  5. Rating of the state that owns the company: thoroughness and transparency of incident investigations.

The longer an airline operates without incident, the higher its position in the ranking. The safety index obtained as a result of calculations should be as small as possible, which will indicate the reliability of the company. Carriers with a high index are, accordingly, less safe.

The safest airlines in the world

Cathay Pacific Airways took first place according to the results of various agencies for the second year in a row.

Over the course of many years of its operation, the company from Hong Kong has occupied a leading position in the list of reliable carriers. In 30 years, the only incidents were a hard landing of a ship at the airport and two terrorist attacks on airplanes. The airline safety index is 0.006.

The second position is occupied by Emirates with a safety index of 0.007. Over the years of activity, only two incidents have been associated with this company in which no passengers were injured. The airlines cooperate with S7 and operate regular and charter flights from many Russian cities.

In third place is Eva Air, located in Taiwan. There were no serious incidents in her operation, with the exception of a runway overrun, a false report of a mine-laden vessel, and an emergency landing due to the poor health of one of the passengers. The Eva Air safety index is 0.008. This airline not valid within Russia.

Safe airlines in Russia

Not all internationally recognized airlines operate in Russia. This, however, does not mean that there are no carriers in our country whose reliability you should not fear. A number of Russian enterprises have a safety index that does not exceed acceptable standards. Let's consider which airline in Russia is the most reliable.

In addition to the above parameters, the calculations take into account the punctuality of the carrier, the age and general technical condition of the vessels and their compliance with international documentation and standards. Let's list and consider the most reliable airlines in Russia.

According to EASA ratings, the leader in Russian air transportation for 2017 was the company " Ural Airlines" Its rating is 0.24 points. The company is characterized by high reliability: over a period of 14 years, it has not had a single incident where there were casualties.

The second place today is occupied by S7 Airlines, formerly known as Siberia. Despite the fleet of aircraft, which can be up to 20 years old, their technical condition does not cause concern to international commissions. The company fell on hard times in the early 2000s, with crashes killing about 300 passengers. Today, the flights of this carrier are distinguished by their reliability and quality.

Aeroflot takes different positions depending on different data. In 2016, it was characterized by a safety index of 0.108 points and was among the top 60 reliable global carriers, securing 36th place. This is a high figure, exceeding the parameters of many large foreign companies.

According to 2017 data, in Russia it is in third place and receives 0.38 points. The assessment was largely influenced by disasters that occurred back in the 1990s. Now the company is steadily renewing its fleet of aircraft and is characterized by reliability and high quality of services.

Transaero was also previously included in the list of the top 60 companies in the world, ranking 17th with a rating of 0.024. As of today, the airlines have ceased operations.

Khanty-Mansiysk carrier Utair today is a large popular company whose fleet of aircraft consists of young equipment. It specializes in short regional flights. The latest major airline incident was the crash of a cargo helicopter.

Alternative safety ratings

In addition to the generally accepted safety index scoring systems, there are other classifications of companies that are provided by some agencies. Thus, British researchers study companies based on their punctuality, where one of the lines was taken by the Russian S7 Airlines.

Skytrax has created a product called Quality Rating. The service is based on monthly calculations of company performance indicators and is constantly updated depending on the data received. The creators of the service emphasize that their calculations are not based on data on disasters, since such incidents may not be the fault of the airlines.

Careful analysis here includes the parameters of staff compliance with safety standards and the availability of preparatory courses in case of an unforeseen situation. Agency experts visit companies to identify and compile a rating. In this case, carriers are assigned not marks or indices, but stars.

Seven companies were awarded five stars, including two companies included in the Jacdac and EASA ratings. These are Cathay Pacific Airways and Qatar Airways.

Russian airlines are also on the list. Thus, S7 Airlines and Aeroflot received three stars in the rating, and the Rossiya company received two stars.

Probability and causes of disasters

The disaster of the FlyDubai vessel in Russia caused quite a stir. After the incident, a number of sources claimed that the crash was caused by neglect of flight safety measures. These data have not been confirmed, but the questions for low-cost airlines have not decreased.

It is worth noting that rumors about the incompetence of low-cost airline pilots and outdated equipment are completely false. The personnel and equipment of such companies meet all international requirements, and the difference between such flights and standard ones lies in the price and service.

The issue of flight safety is one of the most pressing questions that, one way or another, all travelers ask. Regardless of the distance, any tourist wants the hours and minutes spent in the sky to be as calm and comfortable as possible.

Often, the choice of the airline that operates the flight completely influences all these factors. Every year, international companies compile airline ratings that reflect the entire work of the carrier and its main indicator for passengers - safety.

The Vipgeo portal presents the safest airlines in Russia and the world, according to international ratings and authoritative publications.

Important: The list of airlines was compiled based on the rating of the European Aviation Safety Agency - EASA. There are several other similar agencies in the world, and their data may differ slightly.

Safe airlines in Russia

According to European agencies, in 2019 the airline was recognized as the safest carrier registered in Russia. It was assigned the highest rating of 0.24 points, based on the calculation - the closer to one, the more dangerous the flights by this carrier.

The rating is compiled based on checking the general condition of the aircraft, punctuality and compliance with standards according to documents and international law. As for plane crashes, since 1993, the residents of the Urals have not had a single incident with human casualties.


The largest air carrier beyond the Urals is in second place in terms of safety. S7", formerly known as the Siberia company. The Siberians have an older fleet of aircraft; most often the company operates 15-20 year old Airbuses and Boeings on regular flights. However, the technical condition of the aircraft has never caused any complaints from international commissions.

Major air disasters this company occurred in the early 2000s, when a total of more than 300 people died. Since then, the safety level of S7 transportation has met all international standards, and no precedents, except for two emergency landings, have been recorded.

As for the largest and oldest airline in Russia - "" - today there is the most controversy. On the one hand, they have the most impressive budget and allow them to regularly update their aircraft fleet. But on the other hand, a series of disasters in the 90s seriously damaged the reputation of the once transportation giant. Therefore, now - only third place and 0.38 points.

But the main thing that is worth saying about Aeroflot is that the company is the only Russian carrier that is consistently included in international ratings. True, the same JACDEC agency in 2019 placed Aeroflot only in 36th place in the list of the most safe airlines peace.

The company "" registered in Khanty-Mansiysk today is one of the most popular carriers in the country, with dozens of domestic and international destinations.

Interestingly, the company’s fleet is based on new medium-capacity aircraft of the ATR brand, which makes the carrier a kind of leader in short regional flights.

UTair has had plane crashes, but the last major incident happened in 2014 with an MI-8 cargo helicopter. Passenger aircraft fly without incident.

Safest airlines in the world

The rating of the safest air carriers in the world in 2019 was deservedly topped by the company registered in Hong Kong. It has been on the market since 1946, and over the past three decades the only accident associated with its aircraft was a hard landing. passenger airliner, flying from Indonesia.

Today, Cathay Pacific Airways serves dozens of countries, including all Southeast Asia, Europe, USA and Russia. Recently, the company even launched a Russian-language website with the ability to book tickets.

Despite the incidents of 2017, carriers United Arab Emirates continue to rank second in the ranking of the safest airlines in the world. And the company "" is considered the best of the best. They annually renew their fleet of ships, and also regularly improve the quality of service for passengers - from economy class to first class.

For Russian tourists The Emirates company is important at least because it cooperates with S7 by organizing connecting flights to Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Maldives. In addition, in 10 Russian cities there is the possibility of direct charter flights by planes of this company.


Third place in the ranking of the safest airlines is occupied by another Chinese carrier - “ EVAAir" It began work in 1989, and over the years of its existence has not allowed a single plane crash with human casualties. The only precedents were associated with a hard landing in the United States.

Unfortunately, Russian travelers can use the services of this airline only at Asian airports.


And fourth place, according to the airline safety ratings of 2019, was firmly occupied by Middle Eastern aircraft from the company "". The carrier is based in Doha and serves 160 destinations around the world. Since 1993, the company has only had two incidents, but both resulted in no casualties.

The carrier has a huge fleet of Boeings and Airbuses. What is attractive for Russian tourists is that Qatari planes regularly fly through Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh.

Are low-cost airlines as dangerous as they say?

Recently, due to increasing reports of low-cost airline crashes, many tourists have begun to abandon low-cost carriers, sincerely believing that companies intend to skimp on safety for the sake of the number of tickets sold. But how true is this?

Tourists with extensive experience flying on low-cost airlines claim that rumors and speculation are nothing more than exaggerations. Yes, there are problems with low-cost airlines, but the key cause of disasters, as elsewhere, is the human factor. References to supposedly old planes of our Pobeda and other cheap companies are falsifications. Those in doubt are referred to the official websites of the carrier.

If we take the issue seriously, the main problem of low-cost airlines is the lack of proper comfort during the flight, but not the safety of passengers. If you are choosing a cheap flight, you need to know what you are saving on. If you are afraid, you have a direct route to the ticket offices of major airlines.

Many Russians today prefer to travel by plane. Of course, tickets for this type of transport are more expensive than, for example, for the same trains, but you can also get to your destination by air much faster. However, of course, people who fly do not least think about their safety. List Russian airlines today is quite wide, and most of them, fortunately, are considered reliable in this regard.

A little history

Many people remember that during the Soviet era, only one company transported passengers by air - Aeroflot. It was founded in 1921. Initially it was given the name “Deruluft”. In 1923 the company was renamed Dobrolet. The name "Aeroflot" was assigned to the civil air fleet of the RSFSR in 1932.

New companies

Unfortunately, in the 90s of the last century, the only Russian airline ceased to exist, breaking up into several small ones. Today, Aeroflot Corporation aircraft are again plying the airspace of Russia and other countries of the world. However, by now this is far from the only carrier in our country. includes both giants that can compete with Aeroflot, and small charter firms.

Criteria for selecting carrier security

Accidents do not occur often, but usually end in a great tragedy with many casualties. Therefore, of course, you should approach the choice of airline with all responsibility. Before purchasing a ticket for any flight, you should make sure that the carrier is able to ensure flight safety. This can be done very simply.

Since 1999, by order of the Russian Federal Aviation Service, our country has had a program for monitoring the safety of civil transportation. Within its framework, every vessel flying in Russian airspace, whether foreign or domestic, can be checked for compliance with safety standards at any airport in the country. Based on the inspections carried out, a safety rating of carrier companies is compiled. After reading it, you can decide, among other things, whether it is worth using the services of a particular company.

The largest Russian carriers

What giants does the list of Russian airlines include? The rating of safe carriers will be presented to the reader below. The list of the largest domestic airlines by number of passengers carried and size is as follows:

    Aeroflot. This carrier, although no longer the only one, currently tops the list of Russian airlines with the largest fleet. Last on at the moment consists of 106 modern machines. this company is owned by the state.

    S7-Airlines (“Siberia”). This company is currently the leader in domestic Russian transportation. This carrier has 42 aircraft in its fleet. The company operates flights on 80 routes, only 26 of which are foreign.

    "Russia". This company is also state owned. Most of its flights are carried out to the countries of the former CIS and to Far East. However, aircraft of the Rossiya company also fly in European countries. This carrier's fleet includes 30 aircraft.

    Utair. This company also owns 30 machines. Its main feature is considered to be the presence of a helicopter fleet. This carrier occupies both 4th and 5th places in the ranking.

This list can also be supplemented by the carrier OrenAir (Orenburg and Orsk). This company deals mainly with charter flights. Its fleet includes 29 aircraft.

Rating of the safest airlines in Russia

Below, in descending order, we present to you a list of Russian airlines considered (according to the 2015 rating of the Federal Air Transport Agency) the safest:

    "Ural Airlines". Although this company was not included in the list of the 7 largest, today it tops the rating of the safest. During the entire existence of this carrier, only 3 incidents with aircraft occurred. Moreover, they all did without casualties.

    S7 Airlines. Since its opening, this carrier has had 3 major accidents. In 2001, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Sibir company was shot down by Ukrainians over the Black Sea. In this case, 178 people died. Another accident occurred with a Tu-154 of the S7 Airlines brand (51 people). The next crash killed 125 passengers (A310). To date, this carrier is considered one of the most reliable in terms of safety in Europe.

    Aeroflot. This company has four disasters to its name. The most famous one happened in 1994. The pilot put his 15-year-old son at the controls. Unknowingly, the teenager pressed one of the levers, as a result of which the autopilot was turned off. It was not possible to level the plane, and it went into a dive. 75 people died in this accident.

The list of Russian airlines in terms of safety can, of course, be continued. In principle, monitoring compliance with regulations by legal entities engaged in by air transportation, today is being carried out quite seriously. However, the companies listed above are currently considered the best in terms of security.

Rating of companies with the oldest aircraft

The average age of the aircraft fleet in the Russian Federation in 2016 is 12 years. The list of Russian airlines with the oldest aircraft looks like this:

    "Kagalymavia" - 17.1 years.

    "North Wind" - 14 years.

    "Nord-Avia" - 14.

    "Yamal" - 13.7 years.

    Ural Airlines - 12.3 years.

    "UTair" - 11.7.

    Orenburg Airlines - 10.8.

    "Siberia" - 9.6.

    Red Wings - 6.6.

    Aeroflot - 4.4.

Are any companies banned from flying to Europe?

Some passengers would probably like to know whether there are any Russian air carriers that are not allowed to fly to EU countries. After all, these states have certain safety standards and have specific requirements for the technical condition of aircraft. At the same time, “black lists” of companies that are prohibited from flying in European airspace are regularly compiled.

At the beginning of the new millennium, some Russian carriers actually had to abandon flights to Europe. The list of banned Russian airlines included such a giant as Ural Airlines (partially). Flights of old planes of Kuban Airlines, Airlines 400 and some others were also banned. However, these were not sanctions from the European Union. The ban came from Rostransnadzor and Rosaviatsia. At the moment, the courts of all Russian companies can fly to Europe.

01/14/2016 at 22:48 · Pavlofox · 68 570

Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight reliability and safety for 2018-2019

Safety during air travel is one of the most important factors. The reliability of an air carrier is determined by the absence of accidents in recent years, passenger turnover, EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) certification and membership in the international organizations IOSA and ICAO.

The domestic air carrier Transaero was one of the 20 world air leaders in terms of reliability and safety, and occupied the first position in the Russian ranking. But since October 2015, the company ceased operations due to bankruptcy. For this reason, Transaero is not included in the TOP 10.

Russia on flight reliability and safety was compiled according to EASA data for 2018-2019.

10. Russia | 63 aircraft

“” (ROSSIYA Airlines) - domestic air carrier opens top ten safest airlines of our country based on the results of last year. Rossiya is part of the Aeroflot group of companies. In 2018, Rossiya took fifth position in the ranking of the largest Russian airlines. In 2013, at the “Wings of Russia” ceremony, she was awarded the “Best Passenger Carrier in Regional Destinations” award. The fleet size includes 63 aircraft. The average age of aircraft is 13 years.

9. North wind | 30 aircraft

“” (Nordwind Airlines) – charter airline, created by the largest tour operator PegasTouristik. It operates flights to holiday destinations. In 2019, it entered the top 10 largest Russian air carriers. In terms of safety and reliability, Nordwind Airlines was not included in the top 100 in the world ranking, but was able to maintain its position in the top ten in the domestic ranking. The air fleet consists of 30 aircraft. The average age of air transport is 10.9 years.

8. Orenburg Airlines | 19 aircraft

"" (ORENAIR Airlines) is a subsidiary of Aeroflot. At the end of 2018, the air carrier was awarded the awards “Charter Passenger Carrier”, “Airline of the Year - Passenger Sympathy” - 1st place, “Airline of the Year - Passenger Carrier on Domestic Airlines” - 3rd place. The air fleet consists of 19 Boening 737-800 and Boening 777-200 aircraft. The average age of transport is 11 years.

7. Red Wings | 14 aircraft

“” (Red Wings Airlines) is a domestic air carrier that operates foreign-made aircraft. The air fleet includes modern aircraft Airbus A320 and A321. Middle age air transport 11.3 years.

6. Yamal | 37 aircraft

Aviation transport company (YAMAL Airlines) is the main air carrier in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug And Tyumen region. YAMAL Airlines passed IATA (International Air Transport Association) certification in 2013, confirming its reliability and flight safety. In 2018, the company won three awards: “Best Airline of the Year – Passenger Carrier on Domestic Routes”, “Airline of the Year – Helicopter Operator” and “Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes”. The air carrier was not included in the top hundred of the world safety rankings, but took 6th place in Russian rating. The fleet includes 37 aircraft, the average age of which is 11 years.

5. Globe | 23 aircraft

“” (Globus) is one of the youngest airlines, formed on the basis of the Siberia ships (S7 Airlines). The company places special emphasis on flight safety and reliability. To achieve this, the security system undergoes regular testing and is constantly improved. Globus cooperates with many travel agencies. Flights on tourist routes are the main activity of the air carrier. The Globus fleet consists of S7 Airlines aircraft and includes 23 Boeing 737 -800 and Boeing 737 MAX 8 vessels - which arrived in the fall of 2018 and continue to arrive in 2019. The average age of aircraft is 8.9 years.

4. UTair | 65 aircraft

“” (UTair) is one of the largest Russian airlines, which is one of the five largest in terms of passenger traffic. Although UTair was not included in the hundred safest carriers in the world, it took an honorable fourth place in the domestic ranking. UTair was awarded in 2019 in the category “Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes.” Flight personnel regularly undergo advanced training. The aircraft fleet includes 65 airplanes and 145 helicopters. The average age of transport is 11.5 years.

3. Siberia | 100 aircraft

"Siberia"(S7 Airlines) is one of the three largest and safest airlines in Russia in 2018-2019. S7 Airlines has won competitions many times. In 2015, the air carrier received the National Geographic Traveler Awards 2015, winning in the “Best Russian Airline” category. Among the world's air carriers, Sibir took 94th place in the safety and reliability rating. Included air fleet includes Airbus and Boeing aircraft, the total number of which is 100 units. The average service life of air transport is 10 years.

2. Ural Airlines | 45 aircraft

(Ural Airlines) is one of the leading Russian airlines in terms of reliability and safety. In 2018, Ural Airlines was awarded a triple award in the categories “Best Airline of the Year - Passenger Carrier on Domestic Airlines”, “Best Airline of the Year on International Regular Airlines” and “Airline of the Year - Leader in E-Commerce”. By volume passenger transportation the company took 6th place among Russian air carriers. The average service life of the aircraft fleet is 12.5 years. The fleet size is currently 45 air units.

Ural Airlines has a gym, which is designed to train flight crews. Here, pilots undergo individual training programs, improving professional skills to improve safe flights. The gym owned by the air carrier is the only one in Russia. The only people in the world that have such equipment are best airlines, for example, Emirates, Lufthanza and others.

1. Aeroflot | 247 aircraft

(Aeroflot) – ranks first in safety and reliability among Russian air carriers. At the end of 2018, it took 35th position in air safety in the world ranking of the independent German agency Jacdec. Aeroflot has also been repeatedly recognized as the best airline in Eastern Europe. The fleet includes 247 aircraft. This is one of the youngest air parks in Europe and the world. The average age of aircraft is 4.1 years. During the Winter Olympic Games in 2014, Aeroflot acted as the official air carrier.

What else to see:

What, first of all, does a passenger want to receive from an air carrier? This is comfort, reliability and safety. Also, he will not refuse an acceptable level of service and, of course, will not be against the punctuality of the company’s employees: it is unlikely that any of us will like long flight delays.

Based on these requests from airline customers, we have compiled a rating of the best Russian airlines, which is based on the expert assessment of several independent consulting agencies and the opinions of passengers who have already used the services of carriers.

TOP 10: Best airlines in Russia ranking for 2020

To make the rating more truthful and comprehensive, we used mixed statistics in the article. Firstly, this is a direct survey of clients, and secondly, an assessment by experts. Employees of some consulting agencies, under the guise of “secret passengers”, personal experience checked the level of service: the cost of tickets, the quality of food on board the plane, the general level of service and the time of delays during flights (if any). We summarized the total rating in the “General Rating” column of our table.

Place Name Overall rating Positive customer recommendations
🏆 10 ✈ Nordavia ⭐ 3.21 out of 5 👍 40 %
🏆 9 ✈ Red Wings Airlines ⭐ 3.40 out of 5 👍 37 %
🏆 8 ✈ Nordwind Airlines ⭐ 3.42 out of 5 👍 45 %
🏆 7 ✈ Utair ⭐ 3.48 out of 5 👍 44 %
🏆 6 ✈ Metrojet ⭐ 3.64 out of 5 👍 67 %
🏆 5 ✈ Aeroflot ⭐ 3.79 out of 5 👍 55 %
🏆 4 ✈ S7 Airlines ⭐ 3.84 out of 5 👍 58 %
🏆 3 ✈ Russia ⭐ 3.86 out of 5 👍 62 %
🏆 2 ✈ Yamal ⭐ 4.14 out of 5 👍 72 %
🏆 1 ✈ I-Fly ⭐ 3.97 out of 5 👍 76 %

10th place. "Nordavia"

Regional carrier, with its main base in Arkhangelsk. Specializes in domestic transportation Russian Federation, but there is also overseas flights- to Norway. Due to weather conditions, in winter the number of flights is significantly less than in summer. Aircraft fleet quite “old”, domestic aircraft are used to service close regional flights: AN-24

🛫 Where are the routes?

In 14 of the largest Russian regional centers, also in Troms (Norway).

Departure without delay: 2.63

Food quality: 3.16

On-board service level: 3.53

9th place. Red Wings Airlines

The company is one of the fifteen largest air carriers in Russia. It has been on the market for eighteen years, in 2009 it went through rebranding, after which it is known under its current name. It is considered one of the main tourist charter carriers. Most of the aircraft fleet is domestic aircraft.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Overseas charter flights on the most popular tourist routes from Moscow, St. Petersburg and several others regional centers.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3, 08

Food quality: 3.2

On-board service level: 3.5

8th place. Nordwind Airlines

Another charter passenger carrier offering charter flights to Europe, Mediterranean countries, as well as Asian countries. The aircraft fleet is based in Moscow and consists of 24 Airbus aircraft, Boeing. It is actively updating and purchasing new aircraft, some of which were purchased this year.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Along tourist routes from Moscow: Europe, India, Thailand, countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.46

Food quality: 2.97

On-board service level: 3.65

7th place. "Utair"

A company with partial foreign capital, specializing in air and helicopter transportation. The main home ports are in Tyumen and Moscow. It operates not only charter flights, but also regular flights: every day the company’s aircraft make about three hundred flights. Over the past two years, its aircraft have carried more than 17 million passengers.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Domestic regional flights, foreign flights on tourist routes to countries in Europe, Africa, Asia.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.32

Food quality: 3.18

On-board service level: 3.83

6th place. "Metrojet"

The main activity of the air carrier is charter flights on most tourist routes countries of Europe. Since 2012, he has been working closely with a large German travel company Therefore, some of the airliner flights are carried out under the TUI brand.

🛫 Where are the routes?

EU countries (Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria), also to Egypt and Turkey.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Food quality: 3.69

On-board service level: 4.07

5th place. Aeroflot

The largest air carrier in Russia. The fleet consists of almost 200 aircraft, which includes aircraft of both domestic and foreign production. It is updated regularly and the average age of aircraft is 4.3 years. Routes are laid to 51 countries of the world. The attitude of clients is quite negative, although, according to many consulting companies, the level of service is acceptable.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Internal regional routes to all regional centers, all European countries, most Asian countries, some countries in Africa and America.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Four stars is a very good indicator

Departure without delay: 3.72

Food quality: 3.83

On-board service level: 3.89

The SKYTRAX rating is an objective assessment of airline services from a private, independent British company. Five-point rating - from one to five stars. Among hundreds of global companies, only a few have currently received 5 stars.

4th place. "S7 Airlines"

The former name of the company is Siberia, and is engaged in regular and charter transportation within Russia; its aircraft also carry out regular international flights: routes are laid to 26 countries around the world. Over the past few years, it has carried more than 10 million passengers annually. The fleet consists of 70 aircraft, the average age of the aircraft is 10 years.

🛫 Where are the routes?

European countries, neighboring countries, Egypt, Türkiye, Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea)

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.89

Food quality: 3.64

On-board service level: 3.92

3rd place. "Russia"

A subsidiary of Aeroflot, based in St. Petersburg, from where most of the carrier’s aircraft depart. Carries about 5 million passengers annually. Domestic flights are organized throughout the country, and there are also regular flights to European countries. The fleet consists of 62 aircraft, the average age is 13 years.

🛫 Where are the routes?

European countries (France, Germany), domestic flights to most regional centers of the country.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 4.02

Food quality: 3.46

On-board service level: 4.01

2nd place. "Yamal"

West Siberian air carrier with a fairly large fleet of 60 aircraft. The main place of registration is Salekhard, the average age of the aircraft is 11 years. Operates on 42 routes, most of which are domestic. Also engaged charter flights to European and Mediterranean countries.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Regional centers of Russia, neighboring countries, Europe, UAE, Bangkok.

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 3.88

Food quality: 4.02

On-board service level: 4.16

1st place. "I-Fly"

The best charter carrier today according to passengers and experts. The aircraft fleet's home port is Moscow. The main field of activity is charter transportation on foreign tourist routes. Cooperates with the travel company “TEZ-Tour”.

🛫 Where are the routes?

Mediterranean countries, Spain, UAE, Asian countries (China, Thailand)

✅ Assessment issued by the SKYTRAX agency

Departure without delay: 4.19

Food quality: 3.81

On-board service level: 4.06

Which airline is best to use?

The final choice depends on your preferences. For example, if safety is your primary concern, then try to choose companies that use new airliners. Conditionally, any aircraft up to 12 years old can be considered such (after this period they must undergo mandatory overhaul). Also, do not forget that the smaller the company, the less its financial turnover, therefore, the maintenance costs air assets they spend less. Additionally, before making your final choice, do not be lazy and look at the statistics of accidents and incidents for the airline: this data can be found on many publicly available Internet resources.