What washes the Maldives. Where are the Maldives: Maldives geography and map. National characteristics of the Maldives

The Maldives is considered one of the most beautiful And fascinating places on the planet, a special piece of paradise.

Snow-white sand on the beaches Maldives, the piercing blue sky above them and the water as clear as a baby’s tear attract thousands of tourists.

In this article you will learn what charms the Maldives has, where it is located on the world map and why it is definitely worth visiting.

Where are the Maldives?

Their location is almost at the very equator, which means that the islands are always warm and the temperature ranges from twenty-eight to thirty degrees.

The islands have an elongated shape and, according to Wikipedia, extend 820 kilometers from north to south and 120 kilometers from west to east.

The Maldives are ordinary coral formations without mountains or volcanoes. The level of the world's oceans is rising every year, and this factor threatens the complete destruction of this beautiful and quiet place, where luxury and rich hotels are located. Scientists agree that in the next thirty to forty years the Maldives will disappear from the face of the earth and be completely submerged in the Indian Ocean.

The Maldives is quite small and the archipelago is not so easy to find on the map. They are located in the Indian Ocean, near Sri Lanka and India. In total, the islands cover about ninety thousand square kilometers, but most of this is sea. The archipelago consists of thousands of small islands, but not all of them are inhabited, and only eighty-eight are considered intended for recreation. The rest are inhabited by the indigenous people of the Maldives and tourists prefer not to visit their area.

The route from Moscow to the Maldives is eight and a half hours.

Weather conditions

The island is exposed to different monsoons, which have different directions. In this regard, from November to March the weather in the Maldives is dry, and at the end of summer it is rainier. You can swim here regardless of the time of year, because the water temperature never drops below twenty-four to twenty-seven degrees.

Flora and fauna

You will not find a single poisonous reptile in the country, so there is nothing to fear. Interestingly, the law prohibits keeping dogs, so you won’t face another problem in the form of a dog bite. Some tourists get scared when they learn that whale sharks live very close to the islands. But despite this, swimming remains completely safe, because this type of shark does not feed on anything other than plankton.

To preserve and conserve the flora and fauna of the Maldives, strict restrictions on scuba diving have been developed. Thus, it is forbidden to descend more than thirty meters, spend more than an hour under water, and each driver should have a special dive computer with him.

It will be an absolute paradise for lovers of a wide variety of fruits. There are a huge number of them there, which is favored by the climate. The flowers and vegetation on the islands are incredibly beautiful. Everything is fragrant, striking in its brightness and splendor. Most common in the Maldives breadfruit trees, banana palms and bamboo. Exotic flowers include Hernadia water lily and Erminalia catappa. Easy to meet in the Maldives bats and flying foxes.

On paradise islands you can stay no more than thirty days. You should know that customs will certainly check whether you comply with the rules according to which you enter the country. The import of the following items is prohibited:

  • pork
  • animals
  • alcohol
  • pornographic products
  • anti-Islamic literature

Moreover, women appearing in public places should remember that in order to avoid trouble, their clothing should be selected so that the knees and shoulders remain covered.

Despite many prohibitions that seem strange to us, but very important for local residents, this country remains a particularly attractive holiday destination due to its privacy, tranquility and beautiful landscapes.

Many tourists wonder: do they understand Russian in the Maldives and will life be difficult there without knowing English in the country? There's really nothing to be afraid of. At the airport you will be met by a Russian-speaking person representing the agency who will help you resolve any issues. Moreover, in good hotels administrators are fluent in both Russian and English languages.

Most popular resorts

Methods of transportation Most of the Maldives are aquatic. By traditional transport is considered a wooden boat "dhoni", which is a local taxi.

To avoid health-related troubles, it is recommended to take out insurance, since medicine is paid in the country. And also get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

Rules of conduct on the islands the following:

  • Spearfishing is strictly prohibited
  • Unauthorized fishing is also prohibited
  • Corals and starfish cannot be taken out from under the water
  • nude bathing

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The ocean washing the Maldives is called the Indian Ocean, and they themselves are grouped into an archipelago stretching from north to south, consisting of coral atolls - ring-shaped island structures. Inside these rings are lagoons. In total, this archipelago includes 1,190 islands, which are grouped in 26 atolls. All atolls are divided into 19 administrative districts, and the 20th administrative unit was the capital of the state - the city of Male.

The islands are located southwest of the Hindustan Peninsula, and the Maldives is washed by the Indian Ocean- warm, huge and majestic, the blue of its waters merging with the sky on the horizon, which is why the horizon line becomes almost indistinguishable. But among the huge number of islands in the archipelago, only about two hundred were inhabited. In an archipelago like the Maldives, the sea occupies 99.7% of the territory and only an insignificant remaining part is on land. In general, the Maldives rise above the water, being part of a large underwater mountain range. Corals grew on the tops of seamounts for thousands of years, stretched upward towards the sun, gradually forming reefs. As a result, ring-shaped structures grew, parts of which later appeared above the surface of the water and formed the islands of atolls. And in the middle of the atoll there was a depression - a lagoon, which communicated with the ocean through a series of natural channels.

Indian Ocean temperature near the Maldives

Those who are going to the Maldives should not worry about the temperature of the ocean water - it is always warm and suitable for swimming. At any time of the year it is not colder than 26 degrees, which cannot but delight divers and just beachgoers. This is not surprising, because the archipelago is very close to the equator. The water in the ocean is always clear and blue, which further enhances the pleasure of contact with it. During the monsoon period, strong currents form near many islands, making swimming in the sea dangerous, but the rest of the time communication between the atolls is not difficult.

Flora and fauna of the Maldives ocean

The many hundreds of species of fish that live in the Indian Ocean can be divided into two categories: fish that live in calm lagoons and reefs, and those that prefer the freedom of the open ocean, but sometimes also approach the islands in search of food. Fans of scuba diving and snorkeling are attracted by a lot underwater: exotic shapes and colors of coral, fish, shellfish, jellyfish, turtles, moray eels, sea urchins and stars, dolphins, stingrays and sharks. Cetacean mammals and sea turtles also prefer to migrate across the ocean - divers love to photograph them.


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The Republic of Maldives is located in equatorial waters south of India. The state is a chain of atolls that consist of 1,192 islands of coral origin. The capital of the state is Male, the only city in the entire archipelago.

The Maldives were inhabited more than 2 thousand years ago. Twice the Portuguese and the Dutch tried to establish power over the islands, but the local population did not allow this to be done. In 1887, a British protectorate was established over the Maldives. The Maldives was under British rule for more than half a century and finally gained independence in 1965. In 1968, a referendum was held in the country, as a result of which the state became a republic.



395,000 people

Population density

1328 people/km 2


Form of government

presidential republic

Time zone

International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

The climate in the Maldives is equatorial, with a predominance of monsoon winds. The northeast monsoon from November to April creates favorable conditions for recreation on the islands. Due to the proximity of the equator, the air temperature is approximately the same throughout the year and does not fall below +25 °C. In April, the southwest monsoon brings humid air masses to the islands. During this period, the Maldives experiences a slight drop in temperature, precipitation and storms.


The flora in the Maldives is represented by typical tropical vegetation. There are mangroves and fruit trees here. The abundance of vegetation depends on the soil. On some small islands covered with sand, only shrubs and grasses are found. Large islands rich in vegetation. There are real jungles with tropical plants, mangroves, various types exotic flowers. But there is one plant in the Maldives that grows everywhere, regardless of the type of soil - the coconut palm.

The fauna of the Maldives is not very diverse. Some species of reptiles live here: snakes, which are not dangerous to humans, lizards. Mosquitoes are found only on the wild islands of the archipelago. Among the insects in the Maldives, butterflies and rhinoceros beetles also live.

Much more interesting underwater world Maldives. On the ocean floor you can find different types of corals and sea ​​creatures, starting from sea ​​urchins and ending with whale sharks.


There are not many historical or cultural attractions in the Maldives. The most interesting places located in Male. Here you can visit Sultan Park. Until 1968, the Sultan's palace was located here. Subsequently, the palace was destroyed, and the gardens surrounding the palace were turned into a park.

The Islamic Center is also of interest. This great mosque next to the pier. Its interior is decorated with symbols of Arabic calligraphy and wood carvings. It is better to visit the mosque accompanied by one of the local residents: after all, this is a religious building in which special rules of behavior must be observed.

Another attraction of the Maldives - National Museum, the exhibition of which presents clothing and jewelry of the sultans. Also here are the manuscript of the Koran and pre-Islamic statues that were found during archaeological excavations.


At the core local cuisine lie Indian and Arabic traditions. Many dishes consist of ingredients such as rice, seafood and spices. The most common sauce is coconut curry; it is added to almost all dishes. There are a variety of fish dishes, for the preparation of which there are hundreds of recipes. Fish is even added to pies. The main side dish is rice, which is cooked with coconut milk, vegetables and even some fruits, such as papaya, bananas, mangoes, and pumpkin. The meat they eat is mostly chicken, but extremely rarely. Coconut is most often served for dessert. Baked goods and fruit salads are also widespread. The drinks here are mainly tea, coffee and various juices.


There are practically no high-rise buildings in the Maldives, with the exception of buildings in Male. Hotels are represented by all kinds of villas, bungalows, chalets, and cottages. All of them are one- and two-story, located separately from each other and have an entrance from the street. In the main building hotel complexes, as a rule, there is a reception, a bar and a restaurant. The tourist houses themselves are located either in the depths of the island, or on the shore, or right on the water. In the latter case, the houses are connected to the land by a wooden bridge, and in some cases the rooms can only be reached by boat. Whatever type of accommodation is chosen, they are all distinguished by a high level of service.

Entertainment and relaxation

Most people go to the Maldives for a beach holiday. However, there are many options here. active recreation. For example, lovers of diving and snorkeling can have a great time on the islands. Divers from all over the world come to the Maldives, because the reefs near the islands are home to an incredible variety of marine life of unimaginable colors and shapes. But not only fish and corals attract diving enthusiasts. In the waters surrounding the atolls, there are many sunken ships that are also of interest to divers.

Due to the fact that the Maldives is a Muslim state, many holidays here are of a religious nature. In addition, in the Muslim calendar, almost all holidays “move”, i.e. fall on different dates from year to year. Unchangeable are New Year(January 1), Independence Day (July 26-27), Catholic Christmas (December 25).


Most of the shops are located in Male and they specialize in souvenirs. Usually these are products made from coral, shells, and wood. Straw mats are especially popular. Local artisans make and sell beautiful coral jewelry - bracelets, earrings, necklaces. You can also purchase high-quality diving equipment in the Maldives.

Closed days in the Maldives are Friday and Saturday, respectively, shops are open from Sunday to Thursday from 7:30 to 21:00 or from 9:00 to 22:00. During prayers, which are performed 5 times a day, shops are closed, but if you are there at this time, it is not necessary to leave the trading floor.


The international airport is located in Male. At all air transport It is widespread on the islands, which is due to the peculiar geography of the archipelago. Air transport is represented by seaplanes and helicopters. In addition, transportation is carried out on sailing, motor boats and cutters. Public transport in the Maldives does not exist in principle. Although there are taxis in Male. Its peculiarity is that if the car stops for more than a minute, then the trip is considered over and must be paid. On the islands it is possible to rent a boat or speedboat. This will cost an average of $140.


Mobile communications in the Maldives are well developed. You can use your operator for calls if you activate roaming, but it is cheaper to purchase a SIM card from a local mobile operator. The cost per minute of connection is on average $0.5. The Maldives is divided into several telephone zones, and the cost of calls from one zone to another is higher than within one zone.


After political parties were allowed in the country, rallies and demonstrations often began to take place on the streets of Male. It is not safe for tourists, although street crimes are extremely rare in the Maldives. To increase security, the law obliges all hotels to provide guests with a safe for storing documents, money and jewelry. If you discover that you have something missing, you should inform the manager, who must record your request in writing. The manager will then conduct his own investigation and, if necessary, contact the police.

When traveling to the Maldives, you must be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, and yellow fever. In addition, it is necessary to take out medical insurance, because any treatment in the country is paid.

Business climate

If you wish, you can open your own small business in the Maldives. The most popular areas are the hotel and restaurant business. You can also organize a diving center or yacht club. However, the country's government is reluctant to hand over business to foreigners, preferring to do it on its own. This is due to the fact that when the Maldives was just discovered as new tourist destination, attempts by foreigners to create a tourism business here, as a rule, ended in failure.

The tax system in the Maldives is considered one of the simplest in the world. There is no VAT or income tax here.

Real estate

Due to the very small area of ​​the state, real estate prices in the Maldives are very high. In addition, there is a moratorium on the purchase of real estate by foreigners. Instead, the state proposes to take out real estate for a long-term lease. The minimum term of such an agreement is 35 years, the maximum is 50 years. Mostly villas are rented; it is extremely difficult to rent an apartment on the islands. If you manage to find a suitable apartment, then you will have to pay at least $300,000 for it. Most of the villas for rent are luxury housing. The cost of such housing starts from $350,0000.

Since the Maldives is a Muslim state, this imposes some obligations on tourists. Should not appear in public places in revealing outfits. Topless swimming on the wrecks is strictly prohibited and will result in a fine. Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited in public places. The state has a ban on catching and exporting corals unless they were purchased in a souvenir shop. In restaurants it is customary to leave a tip, the amount of which is 10% of the order value.

Visa information

Citizens Russian Federation no visa required. The Russian consulate closest to the Maldives is located on the island of Sri Lanka.

One cannot but agree that among all the diversity tourist routes one of the most idyllic holiday destinations is geographically located where the Maldives is located.

About the Maldives

The Maldives combines everything that a holidaymaker wants to get to the fullest from their holiday - relaxation on sandy beach, an even tan in the rays of the gentle sun, emotions from the opportunity to feel like a surfer or diver, impressions from getting to know the local culture. The Maldives is a place where the temperature remains at its maximum all season long, where many coral islands come together in a perfect representation of paradise on Earth, and where the feeling of oneness with surrounding nature. What is known about this unique country an ordinary tourist?


Location of the Republic

The Republic of Maldives, being island state, recognized democratic republic with its own local flavor and traditions.

Everyone has heard about it best place beach holiday, but few people know where the Maldives are. But it is the location that allows Maldivian resorts to remain in the top tourist sales both in 2018 and earlier. The questions of where the Maldives are located, in which country, on which continent, are not so easy to find answers, since the islands are so small and so scattered that geographical map you won't find them right away. But if you look at the equator itself at South Asia, to the eye of a tourist in equatorial waters Indian Ocean A whole range of islands will open up. They are united under the common name of the Maldives, where initially it was the foothills of the volcanic island mountains that formed the coral islands.

The volcanic past of the islands has given the whole world amazing beauty blue lagoons, endless beaches, unique vegetation and a rich underwater world. The opportunity to feel a sense of unity with nature, find out what the sea is like in the Maldives, and also look at the endless and majestic ocean - all this is given to every tourist by a trip to the Maldives.

National characteristics of the Maldives

The Maldives is a country of strict rules, even with all its relaxing tourist atmosphere. Local population always ready to help, show attentiveness, provide the proper level of service, and express peacefulness in the best traditions of island hospitality. But the peculiarities of religious traditions require guests to follow certain rules.

The Muslim religion imposes a mandatory ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially in public places. In addition, before setting off, you should carefully consider the fact that it is prohibited to import alcohol to the Maldives.

Important! Very serious attention should be paid to issues of clothing - adhering to local rules, not to expose yourself too much, showing off your body.

Respect is also required for them national symbols. The Maldivians are especially sensitive to the flag and coat of arms, as well as national flower- rose. coconut tree they consider it a national tree, and the national animal, the tuna, is protected by the state.

Local residents preserve unique national characteristics, speaking among themselves a mixture of different languages, including Arabic. TO national language They also include Dhivehi, which is close to the Indo-Aryan group.

Pay attention! Locals prefer to speak English with tourists.

Subtleties of tourism in the Maldives

A huge number of islands offer tourists the opportunity to have a quality holiday. Hotels, villas, and bungalows offer vacationers everything they need for comfort. Even such a frequently occurring problem when traveling as the issue with sockets will not disturb the tourist here, because everything is thought out in advance.

Every resort region The Maldives can show tourists the ideal beach holiday, but you shouldn’t expect a variety of attractions. In the Maldives, beaches are considered a national treasure; their cleanliness and beauty are unrivaled. Among the Maldivian cities that can somehow diversify a lazy holiday on snow-white pristine beaches with walks along the promenade, excursion routes By iconic places, only the capital Male stands out. Often travel agencies initially include a visit to it in the itinerary.

Pay attention! Among Russian tourists The island of Maafushi, which belongs to the budget destination, is very popular.

It is also called the Russian Maldives. Here is the opportunity to get good rest, learn local traditions and life in the Maldives from the inside, bring home memories of Maldivian tastes and preferences. You can experience the authenticity of the Maldivians through local cuisine. Both large hotels and ordinary catering places will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with local delicacies, and even to the sound of their music. A variety of fruits will help you feel all the sweetness of your holiday: from the well-known coconuts and bananas to exotic papaya, mango and guava.

It is also important for every tourist to be able to bring something memorable from their vacation. The Maldives, what a country it is - sunny, open and hospitable, so are the souvenirs, filled with light and island flavor. They usually bring brightly painted clothes, water equipment, jewelry, teas and delicacies for themselves or as gifts. The export of corals and any items made from them, as well as turtle shells, is strictly prohibited.

Important! Since danger in the Maldives can only come from sea ​​depth, tourists do not have to worry about their safety.

underwater world

The main rule here is compliance with basic rules. When diving, it is important to remember that you should not touch anything. This will help avoid many problems. Whale sharks, common in the coastal waters of the Maldives, are completely safe for vacationers. Being the largest fish on the planet, they do not pose a danger to people, because they feed only on plankton. You should be extremely careful when swimming wild beaches. This is especially true when swimming among dangerous marine life. These include stone fish, whose poison poses a serious threat to human life, sea urchins and stingrays. Swimming on coral beaches should be done in special shoes that can protect your feet from injuries that can easily be caused by coral debris.

Pay attention! Being an island nation, the Maldives is prone to tsunamis.

The worst tsunami occurred in 2004. But on at the moment, this natural disaster does not affect the Maldives. The state is fully concerned about the protection of its vacationers and local residents, and creates programs to protect coral reefs that save the islands from sea currents.

Additional information! When going on a trip to the Maldives, especially on your own, it is important to know the time zone in which they are located and how much time it will be in the Maldives upon arrival at the country’s airport. Time in the Maldives is measured according to a single time zone, which refers to GMT +05:00. In the Maldives, time is not converted to summer and winter. The difference with Moscow is +2 hours.

Another important issue for tourists is currency. National monetary unit in the Maldives - rufiyaa. The current exchange rate of rufiyaa to the ruble is 4.35, and to the dollar 0.065*.

This is interesting:

  • It is important to remember that the Maldives is a Muslim country with a special attitude towards wealth. Showing it off is considered bad form, so there is an opinion that what simpler man dressed, the richer he is.
  • In the Maldives, there is something like a morality police that protects religious preferences, namely Sunni Islam. Other religious propaganda carries penalties up to and including actual prison time.
  • Pigs are not bred in the country; moreover, dogs are also considered “unclean animals”. The exception is shepherd dogs that serve in the police. Bringing a pet to the Maldives is strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates this rule may face not only a serious fine, but also placement in a sanitary zone at the airport.
  • Unlike our generally accepted working week, the Maldivian one is different in that weekdays are from Sunday to Thursday. Maldivians rest on Friday and Saturday; these days are considered official days off.
  • Since the reserves of fresh water in the Maldives are small, even rich residents collect it in any available container when it rains.
  • It is interesting that the Maldivian airport is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean on an artificially created island.
  • It is prohibited to swim naked on the islands not only local residents, but also to guests. The only exception where this can be done is the island of Kuramati.

Kuramati Island

Organizing independent travel In the Maldives, it is important to remember that it is not possible to rent a car here; even using a bicycle is problematic. Local transport will also not help you get to your destination, as it is not particularly developed. Some islands are so small that you can walk around them. To help tourists, there are only speed boats and boats that organize communication between the islands.

The most important issue when organizing a tour to the Maldives is, of course, air travel. If the trip is not organized through an agency, then purchasing tickets should not be delayed for months. It is very rare on flight organizing services, but there are still sales on popular destinations. The number of tickets is strictly limited, so don't rely on luck. You can save money by subscribing to mailing lists of services that offer discounts and early booking flights. The most expensive flight to the Maldives for two will be from December to April - this is the most popular time, when everyone goes on vacation to the islands en masse. To reduce the price for this period, you can find a suitable ticket six months before departure. There are no direct flights; transfers are often made through the Turkish direction, but there are many other options. You can fly not only from Moscow; the flight takes on average 11 hours.

Despite the long flight, the Maldives is a fairy tale that is worth plunging into from our reality, at least for a while.

*The prices indicated in the article are current as of January 2018.