Guide to Passenger Services and Baggage Handling. Baggage carried in the passenger seat. Oversized luggage. Types. Transport rules and regulations

Flying by plane is a very fast and convenient way to get to the right place in a short period of time. But to make air travel safe and comfortable, air carriers have developed a number of rules that must be strictly followed.

The basic rules for carrying baggage on an airplane are common to all airlines. In addition, airlines have individual conditions for baggage transportation. They depend on the country of arrival and on the class boarding ticket. To avoid any unpleasant surprises during check-in, a person should find out in advance how much baggage can be carried on the plane.

On November 5, 2017, the order of the Russian Ministry of Transport regarding the transportation of baggage on airlines in a new edition came into force. It defines the concept (weight limit) and piece concept (quantitative limit of carried pieces of luggage). There are three types of baggage rates: non-refundable without allowance paid luggage and with baggage allowance, as well as return with baggage allowance.


Note! IN civil aviation Free or paid transportation of items is determined by their dimensions (size and weight), as well as the flight range of the aircraft and cabin class. The ticket price includes baggage, which is determined by the generally accepted weight limit system. They are designated as weight.

Carriage allowance by weight

As for weight indicators, the new regulations determine the list of baggage with permissible weight in the aircraft cabin, as well as in its cargo compartment. The restrictions were introduced due to the specifics of the air movement of people. Specifications Airships, compared to trains, provide for a smaller amount of transported cargo.

The new regulation establishes Weight Limit free hand luggage per passenger at non-refundable tickets at the level of 5 kg. Some carriers may increase this figure for the sake of competitive advantage. And on some airlines, restrictions have become stricter. So, in 2018, Aeroflot adjusted the rules for baggage transportation. What weight of baggage is allowed on planes of leading Russian airlines?

You can take onboard Aeroflot for free in your hand luggage:

  • One seat, the size of which is 55x40x25 centimeters and weighs 10 kilograms in economy and comfort classes and 15 kilograms in business class.
  • A backpack weighing 5 kilograms and 80 centimeters in the sum of 3 dimensions, a handbag or briefcase.
  • A duty-free package, outerwear, a suit in a case, a folding baby stroller or wheelchair for the disabled, medical supplies, etc.

Important! According to the rules of air transportation, if luggage weighs more than 20 kg, passengers with return tickets have the right to carry with them from 10 to 30 kg of luggage without additional payments.

According to this system, the following indicators are provided for adults and children at least 2 years old:

  • 1st class – permissible weight 40 kg.
  • Business class – 30 kg.
  • Economy class – 20 kg.

According to the rules of air transportation, if the weight of baggage is more than 20 kg, the passenger will be required to pay extra for it if the flight is carried out at an economy fare.

Luggage in the cabin

Pay attention! Each child under 2 years old without a separate seat is entitled to the norm for free transportation luggage 10 kg.

In many international airlines You can take a personal item (an oversized handbag, a laptop or a camera packed in a case) as part of your hand luggage. In addition, carriers may allow the carriage of an umbrella, outerwear and duty-free bags.

Local transportation norm

Most airlines have adopted a piecemeal (according to the number of seats) baggage system. The piece system is differentiated depending on the class of service and/or type of tariff applied. This can be a suitcase, backpack, bag or regular bag - it is important that hand luggage fully corresponds to the size of 55x40x25 cm.

Below are the baggage allowances for several leading airlines in economy class:

Aeroflot55 x 40 x 25 cm.10 kg.
S7 Airlines (“Siberia”)55 x 40 x 20 cm.10 kg.
"UTair"55 x 40 x 20 cm.Economy class - 10 kg, economy comfort - 2 pieces of 10 kg each
"Ural Airlines"55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
"Victory"36 x 30 x 27 cm.No restrictions
Nordwind55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
Red Wings55 x 40 x 20 cm.Base and Light tariffs - 10 kg, Standard tariff - 5 kg
Turkish Airlines55 x 40 x 23 cm.8 kg.
Lufthansa55 x 40 x 23 cm.8 kg.
NordStar Airlines55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
"Yamal"55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
Aegean Airlines56 x 45 x 25 cm.8 kg.

Summarizing the above, we can say that the permissible size of hand luggage for economy class is 158 cm, and for 1st and business class – 203 cm.

Oversized luggage. Types. Transport rules and regulations

Oversized luggage can be carried by agreement with the air carrier. The conditions will be announced to the passenger at the stage of booking the ticket. If oversized cargo is transported in the aircraft cabin, then the person will need to purchase a separate boarding pass in place.

Limit: weight per one seat cannot be more than 75 kg. If the weight nevertheless exceeds this limit, then so many tickets are purchased so that their number is a multiple of the ratio of its weight and the norm of permissible transportation; loading and unloading of luggage for a flight of any distance and complexity is carried out at the expense of the airline.

Carriage of fragile luggage

To be able to transport fragile luggage safely, it makes sense to take it with you into the cabin. But this issue also has its limitations:

  • The dimensions of the box, bag or suitcase must be no more than 55x40x20 centimeters (115 centimeters in the sum of the length, width and height measurements).
  • Many airlines do not accept items longer than 60 centimeters (except the tube) in hand luggage.
  • According to the standards of most air carriers, the weight of cargo should not exceed 5-10 kg.

If the luggage is fragile but large (for example, musical instruments), then a separate seat is purchased for it.

Important! Discounts and bonuses from airlines do not apply to the transportation of fragile luggage.

Fragile cargo can also be checked into the baggage compartment of the aircraft. In agreement with airline representatives, it will be marked with a special tag.

List of baggage restrictions and prohibitions

In order to ensure the safety of the flight, baggage rules prohibit the carriage of a number of items and substances in passenger planes. These include all types of weapons and their imitation. Stabbing and cutting objects (knives, knitting needles, scissors, etc.). Explosive substances (gasoline, gunpowder, aerosols). Alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 24%.

Also, small personal vehicles are prohibited unless their lithium battery is removed. The transportation of many medications, etc. is restricted.

To avoid troubles during pre-flight inspection, you need to familiarize yourself with the full list of restrictions and prohibitions when carrying baggage. This data can be viewed on the websites of any air carrier.


New rules for baggage transportation. Current information

New rules for carrying baggage on an airplane, which came into force on November 5, 2017, combined the requirements of all Russian air carriers, except for the low-cost carrier Pobeda. This is the first airline to provide services at low prices.

For example, on some airlines it was previously possible to take up to 32 kg of luggage on a long-distance flight, but after the decree, only 30 kg per piece. 1 piece of luggage is one suitcase, or one bag or one backpack. There has been an increase in the hand luggage allowance to 10 kg.

There have been no changes to cargo size standards. They are determined individually by the carrier.

All changes can be viewed in detail on the website of the airline of interest.

Your air luggage will arrive safely at your arrival point if you follow some tips from experienced travelers:

  • To avoid damage to your cargo during transportation and not create problems with the transportation of neighboring luggage, you need to make sure that your bags and suitcases are in good condition. They must close tightly and have no cracks or cuts. You can additionally pack things in cellophane. This inexpensive service exists at almost every airport.
  • If the weight of baggage or hand luggage exceeds the individually established standards for a particular carrier, then you will have to pay extra for the extra kilos.
  • You can put things in the bag on either side, but if the wheels or handle stick out, you will have to check it in as checked luggage (if you exceed the limit, you will need to pay extra). The check is carried out at the registration desk, before passport control and before the boarding gate.
  • You can add a laptop or other large gadgets to your basic free carry-on luggage if you put them in a backpack (up to 80 cm in size), briefcase or handbag.
  • For transporting liquids (gels, aerosols, shampoos), a container with a volume of no more than 100 ml is suitable. No other container will be allowed on board. All containers up to 100 ml must be packed in a transparent resealable bag measuring 20x20 cm. The norm is one bag per passenger. You shouldn’t hide it too deeply, as you will have to present it during security at the airport.
  • It is important to know which countries do not allow certain items to be carried on board an aircraft. For example, in some Islamic countries the transportation of attributes of a religious nature is strictly prohibited.


Carrying baggage on an airplane is subject to new rules, which are prescribed to ensure greater safety, first of all, for the passengers themselves. Therefore, it is worth understanding some restrictions. Help Services air carriers will provide comprehensive information about what is allowed and what is prohibited to take with you on a flight.

Guidelines for baggage transportation on airlines of the USSR (RBP-85)







Chapter 1

Basic provisions for the carriage of baggage


General provisions


The second edition of the Guide to Baggage Transportation on Air Lines of the USSR (RBP) was prepared in accordance with the main provisions of the Air Code of the USSR, the Manual on the organization of transportation on intra-Union air lines of civil aviation of the USSR (NOP GA-83), taking into account the current guidance documents on the organization transportation of passengers and luggage.

1.1.2. The RBP regulates the procedure for transporting baggage on domestic air lines of civil aviation of the USSR, special conditions for the transfer of baggage between employees of the transportation organization service, establishes malfunctions during its transportation, complaints about baggage, as well as liability for baggage under an air carriage agreement.

1.1.3. The RBP requirements are mandatory for execution and compliance by all employees who receive, process, transport baggage, store items, as well as those responsible for reviewing baggage complaints at civil aviation airports and city air terminals.

This manual is intended for practical use in the daily work of Aeroflot employees involved in passenger service and baggage handling on USSR airlines.

1.2. Baggage – checked, unchecked

1.2.1. Baggage (hand luggage) - personal belongings of passengers transported on an aircraft under an agreement with the carrier. Baggage can be checked or unchecked.

Checked baggage is passenger baggage accepted by an airline for transportation under its own responsibility and for which it has issued a baggage receipt and a baggage tag.

Unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) is passengers' baggage, other than checked baggage, including those marked with numberless tags, transported on an aircraft and placed in its luggage compartments. Delivered on board the aircraft by the passengers themselves. Transported under the control and responsibility of the carrier, except for the period when the baggage is with the passenger.

1.2.2. Acceptance and registration of baggage for transportation is carried out by the carrier upon presentation by the passenger for check-in. Registration is carried out in the form of recording the number of pieces and weight of baggage in the corresponding part of the baggage receipt of the ticket, checked baggage in the column “Checked baggage, places, kg”, unchecked baggage in the column “Hand baggage, kg”, and attaching the corresponding tag to each place of packaging of registered baggage and unchecked baggage.

1.2.3. Baggage is checked in:

to the destination indicated on the ticket;

to the passenger transfer point;

to the transfer point, to which there is a fee for excess baggage.

1.2.4. Transportation of baggage between the airport terminal and the aircraft, loading it onto the aircraft at the airport of departure, unloading at the destination airport (or transfer airport) and delivery to the point of delivery are carried out by the forces and means of the airports.

1.2.5. Baggage for piece transportation is accepted at the airport terminal or city air terminal.

Baggage for transportation in containers is registered at the airport terminal; delivery, loading, unloading of containers is carried out using certain mechanization means for container transportation in accordance with the current standard technologies for passenger service and baggage handling on IL-86, YAK-42 aircraft. With a mixed method of transportation, one part of the baggage (as unchecked baggage) is transported in the baggage compartments (premises) of the aircraft, and the other part is transported in containers (as checked baggage) placed in the cargo compartments of the aircraft.

1.2.6. From the moment baggage is checked in for transportation until it is handed over to the passenger, access to it, except for the personnel responsible for transportation on this flight, is prohibited.

Passengers' belongings are carried as checked baggage on aircraft of the Il-86, Il-62, Il-18, Tu-184, Tu-154, Yak-42 types.

Unchecked baggage is transported on aircraft such as Il-86, Yak-40, An-24, An-2, Il-14, and on Mi-8, Mi-4, Mi-1, Ka-18, Ka-15 helicopters. Responsibility for the transportation of unchecked baggage on the mentioned aircraft, with the exception of the Il-86 aircraft, lies with the passenger, and when transported on the Il-86, with the carrier.

1.2.7. As a service to passengers, the airport is obliged to provide loaders (porters) for carrying their luggage on the platform, in the airport terminal and in the terminal area, as well as vehicles.

1.2.8. The weight of one piece of unchecked baggage (hand luggage) transported in the aircraft cabin must not exceed 5 kg. As an exception, fragile, breakable items that require special precautions (dishes, glassware, etc.) can be accepted as unchecked baggage (carry-on luggage). These items are placed near the passenger seat (under the seat), in the passenger’s arms or in a specially designated area of ​​the aircraft cabin.

1.2.9. Unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) is carried on an aircraft subject to the following restrictions:

its maximum dimensions should not be more than 45 x 35 x 15 cm, which will ensure comfortable placement under the chair;

it cannot be placed on side shelves.

1.2.10. Restrictions on the carriage of unchecked baggage (hand luggage) in terms of weight and dimensions in the aircraft cabin are due to:

the need to place only hats and outerwear (coats, raincoats) on the side shelves;

possible danger to passengers and equipment arising from the evolution of the aircraft in flight and the presence large quantity things in his salon.

The passenger must carry jewelry, money and documents with him. Checking them in as luggage is not allowed.

Fragile and breakable items that require special precautions during transportation or special conditions storage (small portable tape recorders, radios, televisions, crystal products, etc.), upon agreement with the carrier, can be transported by passengers in the aircraft cabin, subject to mandatory presentation of them for inspection. These items are accepted for transportation as baggage only with declared value.

Vegetables and fruits weighing over 5 kg are accepted for transportation as baggage, packed in containers suitable for transportation.

1.3. Transportation norm. Paid, free transportation. Excess baggage

1.3.1. The carriage norm is the carriage by one passenger of baggage of a specified weight, dimensions, type (quality) on an aircraft of a certain type.

1.3.2. The carriage allowance includes baggage (checked, unchecked). The main requirements for transported baggage are:

the mass of all things should not exceed:

30 kg - when paying for the first class fare of the aircraft cabin;

20 kg - when paying the tariff economy class on aircraft Il-86, Il-62, Il-18, Il-14, Tu-154, Tu-134, Yak-42, Yak-40, An-24;

10 kg - on An-2, L-410 aircraft;

on helicopters Ka-15, K-18, Mi-1;

the dimensions of each baggage package must be no more than 50 x 50 x 100 cm;

luggage must be of the established type (quality), with the exception of the items named in clause 1.3.7;

The maximum weight of an individual piece of luggage must not exceed 30 kg.

1.3.3. In some cases, as an exception, with the consent of aviation enterprise Items of greater weight and dimensions may be accepted for transportation as baggage. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the aircraft: type, payload, volume of cargo compartments, dimensions of loading hatches, doors, specific loads on the floor area of ​​luggage and cargo spaces. Such baggage can be checked in at the end of check-in if there is free tonnage.

1.3.4. An aviation company may refuse to accept items for transportation as baggage that do not meet the requirements of transportation standards.

1.3.5. Baggage that meets the requirements of clause 1.3.3 is transported free of charge (free transportation). Baggage carried in excess of the established free baggage allowance or not included in it is considered excess and is issued for an additional fee charged at baggage rate in accordance with the Rules for the Application of Tariffs on Air Lines of the USSR (paid transportation). Payment is certified by a paid baggage receipt issued at the point of departure or stop when baggage is accepted from the passenger.

1.3.6. The free baggage allowance does not apply to the following items:

things whose packaged dimensions, regardless of their name and purpose, exceed the dimensions of 50 x 50 x 100 cm;

things weighing more than 30 kg per piece, regardless of their name and purpose;

televisions, tape recorders, radios, weighing more than 10 kg per piece;

flowers, plant seedlings, food greens, dried plants (packaged), branches of trees and shrubs with a total weight of 5 kg;

correspondence accompanied by special communications couriers of the USSR Ministry of Communications or employees of other departments;

animals (domestic and wild), birds, fish and bees and other living creatures, with the exception of guide dogs accompanying the blind. Guide dogs are carried as part of the free carriage allowance.

Transportation of the specified items and living creatures is paid according to their actual weight in accordance with the Rules for the Application of Tariffs on Air Lines of the USSR.

1.3.7. The Carrier may accept for carriage those listed in clause 1.3.6. items as cargo, and in some cases, if there is free tonnage, as luggage.

1.3.8. In addition to the established norm, a passenger can carry free items that are not subject to weighing if they are in his hands (one item from each item):

handbag, folder for papers;

coat, fur coat or raincoat;

umbrella or cane;

small items necessary for the passenger during the flight (printed publications, food, clothing, toiletries and medicines in small quantities);

food for the child required for the duration of the flight (if there is a child);

baby travel cradle (if you have a child under one year old);

a wheelchair for the disabled and (or) crutches, if such items are necessary for the passenger.

The total weight of the listed items should not exceed 5 kg, with the exception of the wheelchair.

1.3.9. Items named in clause 1.3.8 and causing doubts about the weight of the carrier must be weighed. Excess weight by 5 kg is paid as excess baggage.

1.3.10. Unlike a travel crib, a stroller must be carried as checked baggage.

1.3.11. A baby travel cradle may be transported as unchecked baggage in the passenger compartment if the following safety requirements are met:

the child must be carried by an adult passenger whenever the seat belts are fastened;

The baby's cradle should not block the passage to the emergency exit.

1.3.12. Excess baggage fees are charged at the airport of departure at the beginning of the journey for the passenger's entire route or to any transfer point indicated on his ticket. Further transportation of baggage is paid at the transfer airport.

1.3.13. If at an intermediate airport a passenger increases the weight and quantity of transported items in excess of the free transportation rate or in excess of the paid weight, then an additional fee will be charged for this from the stopover airport to the destination airport indicated on the ticket. If the baggage weight decreases, no refund or recalculation will be made.

1.3.14. Carriage of excess baggage on credit is not permitted.

1.3.15. If a passenger voluntarily changes the transportation route or class of service, then he is allowed to carry the amount of baggage on the changed section in accordance with the norm for an aircraft of the type that is scheduled for this section of the route.

1.3.16. If the carrier is forced to change the transportation route, the passenger's class of service or replaces the type of aircraft, then the passenger retains the right to carry free baggage on the originally paid route or class of service.

1.3.17. When transporting passengers by aircraft various types, but under one flight number, the rate of free transportation is established for sections of the route depending on the type of aircraft and class of service.

1.3.18. During international transportation carried out sequentially on sections of international and domestic airlines or vice versa, the passenger has the right to carry baggage on the section of the domestic route at the rate corresponding to the class of service on the international route originally paid for by him.

Foreign passengers (foreign tourists) traveling only on domestic air routes enjoy the right to free baggage allowance according to the norm established for Soviet citizens, in accordance with clause 1.3.3.

1.3.19. For transfer passengers, the rate of free transportation is established for each leg of the flight, taking into account the type of aircraft.

1.3.20. Each crew member is allowed to carry 10 kg of items free of charge only as unchecked baggage. Transportation of personal belongings in excess of this quantity or those that do not meet the requirements of the free carriage norm in clause 1.3.3 is paid at the baggage rate on a general basis.

1.3.21. A clear list of things that a passenger is allowed to carry directly on his person, as well as those that can be accepted or accepted on a limited basis as baggage, must be posted at each airport terminal and at the air services agency.

1.4. Combined group baggage

1.4.1. A group of passengers of two or more people can combine baggage if they are traveling on the same flight to a common destination or transfer point and present their luggage at the same time. transportation documents and luggage at one check-in point (family, delegation, sports team, etc.).

1.4.2. Group free baggage allowance means the combined allowance of a group of passengers equal to the sum of their individual free baggage allowances.

1.4.3. Baggage is registered in the name of the group leader (head of the family).

1.4.4. For the crew as a whole, it is prohibited to apply a group rate of free transportation of unchecked baggage corresponding to the number of crew members.

1.5. Requirements for packaging and luggage contents

1.5.1. Each piece of luggage must be packed. Briefcases, shopping bags, boxes, boxes, bundles, bales, etc. must be securely packaged, tightly bandaged and have provisions for carrying. Each package must ensure the safety of the contents during loading, transportation and unloading.

The locks of suitcases and briefcases must be in good working order and locked, there should be no gaps in the packaging, ropes and belts must be strong, without knots.

1.5.2. It is not allowed to combine separate packages into one piece of luggage, or to tie packages to a suitcase, bag, etc.

1.5.3. Bicycles, baby strollers, children's cars, skis and other similar items can be accepted for transportation without packaging.

1.5.4. Sports, hunting and other firearms and supplies for them are accepted for transportation packed in suitcases, boxes, metal containers, etc. and must be reliably protected from impacts and shocks. The procedure for their transportation is determined by the instructions of the Moscow State Administration, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Communications, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

1.5.5. On aircraft carrying passengers' belongings as unchecked baggage, hunting rifles and sporting weapons must be in cases, unassembled, and upon boarding the aircraft for the period of the flight must be deposited with crew members. The cartridges for them are transported packed in boxes, bandoliers and must be handed over to crew members.

Knives that are part of national clothing, as well as those that were sold as souvenirs, are accepted for transportation and handed over to crew members for the duration of the flight.

1.5.6. The carrier may refuse to transport as baggage any items or substances mentioned in clause 1.6 and may refuse to carry out subsequent transportation of any baggage if the contents or inclusion of such items or substances are discovered.

1.5.7. Baggage weighing over 20 kg is considered heavy, baggage with dimensions over 500 x 500 x 1000 mm is considered oversized, and baggage over 100 mm in length is considered long. Such baggage is accepted for transportation only with the permission of the carrier.

The passenger must equip heavy, long, large-sized luggage with devices that are convenient for labeling it and allow for transportation, loading and unloading with the help of mechanization facilities available at the airport. All work after clearance, including loading and unloading of such baggage, must be performed by airport staff.

1.6. Items that cannot be carried as baggage

1.6.1. Items that:

do not fall under the definition of “baggage” contained in Chapter 1 of the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, and Cargo on Air Lines of the USSR;

may cause harm aircraft, persons or property on board an aircraft, in an airport terminal, including explosives, compressed gases, corrosive liquids, oxidizing substances, radioactive substances, magnetizing materials, flammable materials, poisonous, foul-smelling or irritating substances, and liquids (other than liquids contained in the passenger's unchecked baggage, which are intended for consumption during his trip);

items the transportation of which is prohibited by relevant laws, regulations, rules or requirements of government authorities of the country;

in the opinion of the carrier, their weight, size or nature are not acceptable for transportation as baggage;

include animals (dogs, cats, other pets) and birds accepted for transportation subject to the provisions of clause 2.8.

1.6.2. The following items are not accepted for carriage as baggage:

named in Appendix 1 of this manual;

refrigerators; washing machines, foot sewing machines; motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles, sports and hunting boats, motors for them; bulky mechanisms and spare parts (samples of industrial products, equipment, devices intended for enterprises and organizations); large items and household items (the dimensions of which exceed 500 x 500 x 1000 mm); televisions, tape recorders, radios weighing over 10 kg.

1.6.3. The items listed in clause 1.6.2, with the exception of the items in the appendix*, may be allowed for transportation only as cargo. However, if transport capabilities are available, the carrier may accept these items as baggage.


*Annex is not provided.

1.7. Declared value of luggage. Requirements for packing valuable luggage

a) Declared value of baggage

1.7.1. The passenger has the right to declare the value of his checked baggage both at the point of departure and at the intermediate point of landing. In addition, the passenger can change the previously declared value of checked baggage. The amount of declared value is not limited, but it must not exceed the actual value of the contents of the baggage. The value of checked baggage may be declared on a per-item basis.

1.7.2. Except as otherwise provided in the fare rules, charges for the declared value of checked baggage are payable at the point of departure for the entire one-way route to destination. However, if at a stopover point a passenger declares a higher value than previously declared, then he must pay an additional fee for the increased declared value from that stopover point to the destination between which the increased value is declared for the checked baggage.

1.7.3. A fee established by the Rules for the Application of Tariffs on Air Lines of the USSR is charged for declaring value.

1.7.4. The carrier has the right to refuse to accept checked baggage with a declared value if the packaging of the baggage is considered unsatisfactory or the baggage requires special precautions during transportation.

1.7.5. The carrier has the right to demand that the contents of baggage, for which the value of 400 rubles is declared, be presented for inspection. and higher. In case of disagreement in the assessment, the baggage is accepted for transportation with the assessment made by the carrier. If the passenger disagrees, checked baggage may be accepted for transportation without declaring its value.

1.7.6. Payment for the declared value of checked baggage is certified by a paid baggage receipt with subsequent recording of its number, amount of value, and destination airport in the baggage receipt of the ticket.

1.7.7. The airline company is obliged to recommend that passengers check in their checked baggage for transportation with declared value. In places where checked baggage is accepted at airports and agencies, there should be visual notices and relevant information should be conveyed.

b) Requirements for packing valuable checked baggage

1.7.8. All items included in checked baggage with a declared value must be securely packed and comply with the requirements of clause 1.6. Passengers should be advised to transport items with a declared value in more durable, solid packaging - suitcases that do not exceed the established dimensions for luggage, with key locks.

Chapter 2

Baggage transportation and handling

2.1. Basic baggage transportation and handling operations

2.1.1. At the airport of departure, the following operations are performed to ensure the transportation of baggage:

preparation for baggage acceptance and registration;

reception, registration of baggage for transportation;

baggage inspection;

registration of documents for baggage in general for the flight;

assembling of checked baggage at destinations, stowing on vehicles, assembling of containers;

transfer of documents on baggage and commercial load on board the aircraft.

2.1.2. At the destination (unloading) airport the following operations are performed:

preparation for unloading baggage from the aircraft;

acceptance of luggage, documents from the flight attendant (crew), acceptance of containers with luggage, unloading of luggage from the aircraft;

delivery of luggage, containers with luggage to the baggage claim point;

unloading vehicles, unpacking containers, transferring luggage to the delivery area;

baggage claim.

2.1.3. Unchecked baggage (hand luggage) is checked in for transportation during ticket check-in, inspected in control areas (inspection point), delivered by the passenger to the aircraft and placed in the cabin next to his seat or in his arms. At the end of the flight, the passenger takes his unchecked baggage (hand luggage) with him.

2.2. Baggage facilities in airport terminals. Workplace equipment

2.2.1. Facilities for handling baggage of departing passengers must meet the following requirements:

be sufficient for receiving and sorting checked baggage to destinations (unloading), for placing the required amount of mechanization, transportation, and baggage processing equipment;

be clearly divided into baggage processing areas for departing and arriving passengers and ensure its safety;

have different routes for the movement of passengers and means of transporting baggage in air terminals, preventing their intersection;

provide separate entrances and exits in service areas (drives, inspection points, boarding waiting areas) for passengers and separate entrances for vehicles;

exclude possible entry of luggage transport vehicles with diesel engines and internal combustion engines into closed premises of air terminals in order to eliminate air pollution inside these premises;

to have, from the side of the platform, the possibility of approaching, turning around, connecting luggage transportation means with the corresponding means of mechanization (storage conveyors, roller tracks) located in luggage compartment air terminal;

have separate equipped rooms for processing baggage in containers in accordance with standard technologies for commercial maintenance of Il-86, Yak-42 aircraft;

provide a special room for international baggage, separated from the terminal premises for domestic flights;

exclude the possibility of passengers passing through the baggage collection or delivery rooms, as well as the entry of persons, including airport employees, who are not directly related to property responsibility for the baggage located there;

provide in the departure operations hall, in the immediate vicinity of the workstations for receiving and processing baggage for transportation: cash desks for additional payment for excess baggage;

have a separate room for baggage collection for flights and boarding points, which can be connected to baggage collection points by conveyors (belt, plate).

2.2.2. In the baggage room of the airport terminal, intended for processing the baggage of arriving passengers, there must be production facilities for unpacking, issuing, waiting for baggage to be reclaimed, for temporary storage of unclaimed baggage, for baggage of delayed flights, as well as premises for service personnel.

2.2.3. The baggage area must be equipped with visual information: a “Baggage Claim” display (lighted, electromagnetic) with the flight number, points of departure, stopover of the aircraft from which baggage is issued, a display with the number of the baggage claim section; signs indicating the exit to the city, the location of storage rooms, information desk; schedule of aircraft (helicopters), railway transport and urban transport (in terms of communication with the airport).

2.2.4. The dimensions of the premises for processing baggage of departing and arriving passengers must be no less than those given in the Departmental Standards for the Technological Design of Airport Terminals VNTP 3-35/MGA.

2.2.5. Equipment for mechanization of baggage rooms in airport terminals is carried out by class of airport in accordance with the Consolidated Table of Means of Mechanization and Automation of Basic Technological Processes at Civil Aviation Airports, introduced by the MGA Directive No. 514/U-2 dated July 30, 1984.

2.2.6. The baggage acceptor's workplace should be located in the check-in section next to the check-in duty officer, behind one control desk DS-1 or DS-2 (see clause 2.5). In case of combining responsibilities for ticket registration and baggage acceptance by one employee - at a separate DS-O counter.

2.2.7. For baggage handlers in the departure hall, the workplace must include:

luggage scales (lever-mechanical or conveyor);

conveyor for transferring luggage to the picking compartment (if necessary);

a counting device located on the control desk;

means of communication and signaling;

transportation documentation (luggage manifests, baggage tags, container labels, “Hand Luggage” tags).

There should be a separate area for baggage handlers in the departure hall. Staff only, in which safes (cabinets) should be placed for storing luggage tags and other documentation, as well as tables and chairs for performing preparatory operations - preparing luggage tags, initially filling out luggage sheets.

2.2.8. The workplace of the baggage handler in the arrivals hall must be located in the baggage claim area. To receive and issue baggage from aircraft with increased passenger capacity such as Tu-154, Il-62, two baggage acceptors are appointed - one to receive baggage from loaders, the second to check that passengers have received baggage correctly. In the baggage claim area of ​​baggage acceptors, a table, chair, cabinet, communication and alarm equipment must be provided.

2.3. Methods of transporting checked baggage

2.3.1. Checked baggage can be carried in different ways— piece by piece, in containers, mixed method.

Piece transportation is carried out with a single loading and unloading of each piece of baggage from the aircraft.

Transportation of baggage in containers is carried out on aircraft equipped with mechanization for container transportation, for example, the Il-86, Yak-42 type.

The mixed method of baggage transportation allows you to disperse baggage on an Il-86 type aircraft in two places - in containers placed in the cargo compartments, and individually in the luggage compartments.

2.4. Preparing for service. Registration of baggage for transportation

2.4.1. Ticket registration and baggage registration for transportation are carried out in the operational hall of the airport terminal or in the city air terminal.

2.4.2. Before the start of ticket check-in and baggage check-in for the flight, the necessary equipment (technological, information, special), mechanization means for completing and transporting checked baggage, means of delivering passengers with unchecked baggage (hand luggage) to the aircraft must be prepared and brought into working condition, documentation was selected, personnel were notified and instructed.

2.4.3. When transporting baggage individually, the following preparatory work must be completed:

luggage tags for each destination have been prepared and selected in ascending order of numbers if the flight has intermediate stops;

"Hand luggage" tags have been prepared;

luggage lists have been prepared for each unloading point (in triplicate). All tags and baggage manifests must be pre-filled out before service begins, and the starting numbers, the color of the luggage tags, and the color of the luggage tags must be written down on the baggage manifests for a specific destination;

the serviceability of weighing equipment, conveyors, roller tables and other equipment was checked;

availability of necessary vehicles was checked;

inclusion of an information board in the registration section;

Passengers were notified by radio, through information boards in the relevant check-in sections or at the entrances to storage areas.

2.4.4. When accepting checked and unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage), the baggage acceptor is obliged to:

inspect the packaging of things, check its strength, serviceability, and the dimensions of each piece of luggage presented. If items are presented without packaging or in packaging unsuitable for transportation, the passenger is asked to pack it. The carrier has the right to refuse to accept items for transportation if the packaging does not comply with the requirements of clause 1.5 of this Guide;

weigh items, determine the weight of checked and unchecked baggage (carry-on luggage) by subtracting the mass of checked baggage from the total mass of items or by separately measuring the mass of checked baggage and unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage);

weigh existing things separately, not provided for by the norm free transportation;

make an entry about the number of seats, weight of checked baggage, weight of unchecked baggage (hand luggage) in the baggage receipt of the ticket. For excess baggage or bulky items (exceeding the baggage allowance), the baggage acceptor must record “Additional payment”, “Oversized” and direct the passenger to the ticket office for payment.

2.4.5. Upon the passenger’s return, he must: write down the paid baggage receipt in ticket N’s baggage receipt, and on a separate sheet the mass of paid luggage, hand over the luggage tag stubs to the passenger;

When a passenger declares the value of checked baggage, offer him to pay a fee for the declared value. Valuable luggage must be marked with luggage tags of a distinctive color;

give the passenger a “Hand Baggage” tag for each piece of unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage), ask the passenger to fill it out, place this tag on each piece of carry-on baggage and take the hand luggage with him;

when checking in tickets and baggage check-in using the main method (with the participation of two persons), hand over the ticket and baggage receipt, tear-off coupons of baggage tags, paid baggage receipt to the check-in officer;

upon completion of check-in of tickets and baggage, fill out the baggage manifest, if there is a “Registration Sheet for Passenger Departures, Baggage”, summarize the receipt of checked baggage and unchecked hand luggage together with the check-in duty officer, sign the sheets and hand them over to the person responsible for this flight against signature.

2.4.6. Financial responsibility for acceptance, registration, delivery, loading, and delivery of baggage lies with all persons interacting in these operations when preparing the flight for departure, i.e. check-in duty officer, baggage handler, loaders (loaders, drivers of self-propelled mechanisms), flight attendant.

2.4.7. When registering tickets using the main method and performing ticket registration procedures and baggage check-in (check-in) by two employees, the flow of passengers is directed to the check-in duty officer from the baggage acceptor.

2.4.8. When using the simplified method, a record of registration of shipments of passengers and baggage is not maintained.

Each passenger's baggage must be weighed and a “baggage receipt” must be filled out on the ticket. A tear-off baggage tag slip is issued for each piece of checked baggage.

2.4.9. With the simplified check-in method, the baggage acceptor asks the passenger to present all the things he has with him, checks the strength and serviceability of their packaging, weighs checked baggage, hand luggage, data on the number of pieces of baggage, weight, paid baggage is entered into the baggage receipt of the ticket, stamped on the reverse side each luggage tag serial number registration of the ticket and the number of pieces of checked baggage, the passenger is given tear-off coupons of baggage tags; if a baggage weight exceeding the established baggage allowance is detected, it requires the passenger to present a paid baggage receipt, and if it is not available, he offers to pay at the ticket office, after which he directs him to the control zone (inspection point).

2.4.10. Upon completion of ticket check-in, the baggage acceptor records the number of the last tag and the number of pieces of checked baggage in the baggage manifest, determines its weight, transmits data on the number of pieces and the actual weight of checked and unchecked baggage (carry-on luggage) to the check-in duty officer.

2.4.11. During ticket check-in, passengers should be periodically informed about the order of movement from the check-in point to the security check point.

2.4.12. It is advisable to allocate certain passages from check-in points to the boarding waiting area with appropriate signs in the passenger areas, in the operating hall.

2.4.13. When checking in a group of passengers using a group ticket, the baggage handler:

accepts luggage according to the number of pieces;

weighs all baggage, including unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) to determine the total weight;

records the number of pieces and weight of checked and unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) in the baggage receipt of the ticket;

issues tear-off coupons for baggage tags to the group leader.

2.4.14. When checking in a group of passengers with separate tickets, traveling to the same destination and presenting tickets and baggage at the same time, the baggage acceptor:

accepts luggage individually from each member of the group, weighs and registers it in the same way as described in clause 2.4.4 with the obligatory recording of registration data in the baggage receipt of the ticket;

summarizes the number of pieces and weight of checked baggage, unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) of each group member;

records on each ticket or on the ticket of the head of the family the total weight of baggage, including (unchecked baggage), the number of pieces of baggage;

issues to the group leader (head of the family) tear-off coupons for luggage tags.

2.4.15. With a mixed method of transportation used on the Il-86 aircraft, baggage is accepted and checked in in two places - at the airport terminal with checked baggage being stuffed into containers and on board the Il-86 aircraft, where unchecked baggage is delivered by passengers and checked into the baggage compartments.

2.4.16. Preparation for service, acceptance and processing of baggage during mixed transportation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter. 2 and 3 of this Manual and the Standard technology for servicing passengers, handling baggage, cargo, mail of the Il-86 aircraft at civil aviation airports.

2.6. Passenger baggage inspection

2.6.1. In order to ensure flight safety, protect the life and health of passengers and crew members, suppress possible attempts to seize (hijack) civil aircraft and other acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation by criminal elements, baggage inspection is carried out.

2.6.2. The organization of inspection of things registered for transportation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions announced by the Order of the Moscow State Administration of March 11, 1981 and the main provisions of the “Guide to passenger service on air lines of the USSR. Part I. Passenger service at the airport and city air terminal.”

2.6.3. If there are sufficient grounds to suspect a passenger of intending to carry a larger weight of baggage than is registered on the ticket (if there are heavy bags, briefcases, several pieces of unchecked baggage (hand luggage), a control weighing of things must be carried out at the inspection point. The operation can be performed by the security officer on duty ( when combining the duties of a baggage acceptor with securing this in job description) or baggage handler.

2.6.4. The results of the control weighing of unchecked baggage are compared with the marks on the ticket, new weight data is recorded in the unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) column, the old data is crossed out, the signature and personal stamp of the person who carried out the recalculation is placed next to the new and old data.


#G02.6.5. The passenger is directed to the ticket office for additional payment. Upon his return and presentation of the paid baggage receipt, the items are accepted for inspection. Data on the additional weight of paid unchecked baggage is recorded at the inspection point and, upon completion of the inspection of passengers of the flight being processed, is transferred to the alignment dispatcher, SOP dispatcher (SOPGP).

2.6.6. The carrier has the right not to accept checked baggage, as well as unchecked baggage in excess of that registered for carriage at check-in or in excess of the free baggage allowance if there is no free tonnage.

2.6.7. At airport terminals and city air terminals, passengers should be informed about the purposes, time and place of inspection, about items and substances that are restricted or prohibited for transportation on aircraft, and about liability for violating established transportation rules.

2.6.8. The carrier may refuse to transport a passenger or his luggage if the passenger refuses to present items for inspection or if items and substances prohibited for carriage by aircraft are found in these items during inspection.

2.7. Limitations on capacity, weight and baggage loading on an aircraft

2.7.1. The carrier has the right to limit the acceptance of baggage for transportation if the commercial load established for the aircraft is exceeded and (or) the volume (area) of its baggage and cargo space is exceeded.

2.7.2. If a commercial load limitation is noted during the check-in process of baggage for transportation, then the baggage acceptor (check-in duty officer) is obliged to check with the balancing dispatcher about the possibility of additional loading of baggage in case of incomplete loading of cargo or mail. If the weight of checked baggage is equal to the permitted commercial load, then baggage check-in is terminated. The carrier has the right, at its discretion, to decide which passengers and which items are not to be transported on this aircraft.

2.7.3. When choosing a passenger, it is recommended to consider:

joint travel of groups and families;

passengers traveling on the longer leg of a given flight;

transfer passengers having priority over local passengers;

passengers who are sick, elderly, or families with children.

This sequence is only a recommendation and the employee responsible for baggage acceptance (passenger check-in) retains the right to make an independent decision in each specific case.

2.7.4. If the carrying capacity of the aircraft does not allow sending along with passengers all the checked baggage presented by them for transportation, then the aviation enterprise is obliged to send baggage along with the passenger within the established free baggage allowance.

Checked baggage that is checked in but not sent with passengers must be transported on the next available flight as unaccompanied baggage.

2.8. Transportation of weapons and special equipment. Transportation of pets

2.8.1. Carriage of weapons - sports, hunting, military, and ammunition is carried out only if the passenger has the appropriate documents for the right to carry weapons, a travel certificate (instruction) and a preliminary check by the carrier of weapons and ammunition.

2.8.2. Passengers who are:

a) military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, military personnel of the Soviet Army, employees of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, if the weapons they have are included in the travel certificate;

b) military, naval, air attaches of the USSR and their assistants; military, naval, air attaches of foreign embassies and missions in the USSR and their assistants;

c) diplomatic couriers or other persons traveling with diplomatic mail;

d) crew members of Soviet civil aircraft air fleet, if the weapon is included in the flight mission.

The persons specified in this list are allowed to transport only one item each of firearms and bladed weapons.

2.8.3. In the absence of permits for the transportation of weapons, all types of weapons, as well as loaded cartridges and spare parts for them, belonging to individuals, are detained by the carrier and handed over to inspection officers according to reports. If passengers intend to request their equipment back upon return, they must personally hand it over to them for safekeeping.

2.8.4. Packaging of firearms, ammunition and spare parts is carried out in accordance with the requirements of MGA orders.

2.8.5. Before transportation, passengers must present to the carrier any weapons or ammunition they have in their unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) or in their checked baggage.

2.8.6. Carriage of unloaded firearms is permitted when placed in the baggage or cargo area of ​​an aircraft that is not accessible to passengers.

2.8.7. Carriage of weapons by persons on security duty or on duty is carried out only with the permission of the carrier and is regulated by the relevant rules.

2.8.8. Radio equipment, including portable radios, will only be accepted for transportation when packaged. Passengers are not permitted to use radio equipment on board aircraft.

2.8.9. In the passenger cabin of an aircraft, transportation of almost all small domestic animals (dogs, cats, birds, fish and others) is permitted only with the prior consent of the carrier and with permission from the veterinary inspection service for transportation. Dogs transported in the cabin must be muzzled and on a leash. When transporting smaller pets, boxes, baskets, and container cages with pallets are required.

2.11. Transportation of luggage for shift crews

2.11.1. The luggage of shift crews is transported in accordance with the Instructions for organizing rotational transportation by air.

2.11.2. The main provisions of the Instructions for the transportation of luggage of shift crews are as follows:

transportation of rotation crews is carried out by aircraft performing charter flights (according to a special schedule), which are provided with all types of technical and commercial services at airports and on board aircraft on a par with regular flights, as well as by passenger aircraft available on the schedule, for which a certain number of places according to requests from customer organizations;

delivery of teams to the airport and back is carried out by the forces and means of the customer organization;

The aviation enterprise must bring to the attention of the customer organization the requirements of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo on air lines of the USSR and other documents regulating the organization of transportation, control and behavior of passengers at airports and on board aircraft. The customer organization is obliged to familiarize all transported members of rotation crews with these requirements;

Each member of the rotation crew has the right to carry free baggage according to the established standards of mass and dimensions. For exceeding the norm, payment is made in cash at the baggage rate;

for rotational transportation, a group free baggage allowance is applied, but when concluding a contract, it is necessary to agree on the maximum total weight of luggage of the rotation crew (if there are restrictions on the maximum load on a given flight route);

All baggage (checked and unchecked) is subject to mandatory weighing. Checked baggage is handed over under the responsibility of the aviation enterprise in accordance with the established procedure;

the carrier has the right to load the charter flight used by the customer up to the established norm, without recalculation with the customer. Payment for this additional load is charged according to the tariffs established for transportation by scheduled aircraft.

2.11.3. Customer organizations provide timely information about changes in the composition and timing of transportation of specialists, about luggage; conducting classes and educational work with members of the rotation crew on their compliance with transportation rules; finding opportunities to build pavilions at airports for processing transportation and rest in case of delays in the departure of members of rotation crews, assigning permanent representatives at airports with a large volume of rotation transportation to organize control of these transportations.

2.11.4. Ticket registration and baggage check-in, loading and unloading of checked baggage, preparation of accompanying documents, inspection of baggage of members of rotation crews are carried out in strict compliance with all requirements and rules, transportation technology.

2.11.5. The aviation enterprise constantly monitors the movement of aircraft with rotation crews and takes measures to ensure the regularity of their departures.

2.12. Requirements for metrological support of weighing equipment for luggage

2.12.1. Weighing means for luggage (universal, lever, mechanical or electronic container scales) are operated and stored in the relevant services, whose managers bear full responsibility for the provision, operation and timely submission of applications for verification and certification of weighing means to the USSR State Standards authorities.

2.12.2. The provision of luggage scales is carried out by obtaining them from the logistics departments of the territorial departments of the Civil Aviation or from manufacturing plants.

2.12.3. If luggage scales fail during the warranty period, a complaint is submitted to the relevant supplier plant.

2.12.4. All weight measuring instruments for luggage are subject to state and departmental verification by local bodies of the State Standard of the USSR, Gosnadzor laboratories within the inter-verification periods established by GOST 8.002-71, technical documentation of manufacturing plants and the list of measuring instruments subject to verification used in the Civil Aviation of the USSR.

2.12.5. The first verification of scales must be carried out after their manufacture after the expiration of the warranty period. Scales stored beyond the warranty period under conditions that ensure their serviceability may not be subject to periodic verification.

Before use, luggage scales must undergo State or departmental verification. Without metrological verification and stamping, scales are not allowed to be used.

2.12.6. For scales recognized by verification organizations as unsuitable for use, notices of their unsuitability are issued, which are grounds for write-off.

Before verification, weighing equipment for luggage must be in good condition and complete, including technical documentation.

2.12.7. All weighing equipment for luggage must have technical accounting cards (passports), which indicate: brand of scales, number, date of manufacture, manufacturer, accuracy class, measurement limit, verification frequency, dates of last and next verification. Technical accounting cards are kept by the person responsible for operating the scales.

2.12.8. Submission of applications for state verification of weight measuring instruments for luggage to the relevant verification organizations and local bodies of the USSR State Standard (Gosnadzor laboratories) is carried out within the time limits agreed upon with the verification organizations.

2.12.9. The accuracy standards of weighing equipment for luggage, the limits of their weighing, the permissible error, and the sensitivity of scales for statistical weighing are established by GOST 23676-79. Accuracy standards for weighing various materials and products are defined by GOST 11761-66, GOST 11810-66, GOST 11830-66, GOST 11912-66, GOST 11913-66, GOST 12166-66, GOST 12409-66, GOST 12502-67.

2.12.10. Luggage scales are installed indoors or under a canopy. If necessary, they can be temporarily used for work in the open air; upon completion of work, the scales must be covered with a tarpaulin.

2.12.11. The scales must be installed on a stone, concrete, asphalt concrete floor or on a strong, non-sagging wooden frame. The correct installation of the scales is checked daily using the level on them. The strength of the base can be checked by loading the scale until it is fully loaded. In this case, there should be no noticeable displacement of the level bubble or deflection of the base.

2.12.12. It is not allowed to weigh items that exceed the maximum load capacity of the scale.

2.12.13. The area where luggage scales are installed must be kept clean at all times. Dirt and dust are removed with a soft brush, brush or dry, clean cloth. It is prohibited to wipe the parts of the scale with a cloth moistened with corrosive solutions or acids.

2.12.14. It is prohibited to clean prisms, cushions, scales and other parts of luggage scales with sandpaper, sandpaper, or a file. Any minor rust that appears is removed with a rag soaked in gasoline or kerosene, then wiped with a clean rag.

2.12.15. When checking the presence of oil in the damper and oil seal of luggage scales, it is necessary to ensure that the damper cup is always filled with clean oil, the level of which should be 8 - 10 mm above the damper piston when it is in the upper position.

2.12.16. The sensitivity of unloaded luggage scales is checked as follows: a weight is placed on the platform with a mass equal to the value of the smallest division of the dial scale, or the electronic indicator display, and the weight must deflect the dial arrow of the indicating device by one scale division or display the corresponding value on the electronic indicator display. If the readings are inconsistent, the scales must be checked.

2.12.17. Installation of items to be weighed on the luggage scale platform should be done smoothly, without jolts, blows, swinging of the loading platform, or sudden opening of the lock at maximum load.

2.12.18. When weighing, the divisions on the dial or electronic indicator board should be counted in such a way that the observer’s eyes are located directly in front of the arrow, otherwise an error in the direction of decreasing or increasing the readings is possible.

2.12.19. Luggage scales should only be loaded and unloaded with the lock closed, not only when weighing, but also when checking their sensitivity. During breaks between work and at the end of work, the lock must be closed.

2.12.20. Weighing baggage using untested scales, as well as scales that have expired checks, is not permitted. If during the inspection it is revealed that the errors of the scales exceed the permissible values, then the scales are subject to adjustment and subsequent verification by representatives of the USSR State Standard.

2.13. Transportation of checked baggage, delivery of unchecked baggage to the aircraft

2.13.1. Transportation of checked baggage to the aircraft is carried out after loading of checked baggage onto the vehicle strictly at the unloading points (according to the color of the baggage tags) and registration of the baggage manifest and label on the container.

2.13.2. To transport checked baggage and perform loading and unloading operations with it, mechanization means must be allocated and personnel must be assigned to ensure the delivery and loading of baggage onto the aircraft, depending on the methods of transportation.

2.13.3. Mechanization equipment can be allocated to carry out only the transportation of baggage, only loading and unloading operations at the aircraft, or performing these two operations.

Transportation of checked baggage from the airport terminal to the aircraft and back is carried out using electric vehicles, tractors with luggage carts, and small-sized trucks.

2.13.4. The movement of transport and loading and unloading equipment along the apron must be carried out along specific routes in the presence of signs on the aprons clearly indicating the routes of movement, and in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines for organizing the movement of aircraft, special vehicles and mechanization at civil aviation aerodromes (MCA order dated 5 October 1975 N 155).

2.13.5. The driver carries out transportation of checked baggage. Responsibility for the safety of this baggage rests with the loaders involved in this operation and loading operations.

In case of inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.), checked baggage must be covered.

2.13.6. Unchecked baggage is delivered to the aircraft by passengers. The airport must provide personnel to assist passengers.

2.13.7. When checking baggage at the city airport, it must be delivered from the city directly to the aircraft by a special bus. Loading luggage onto the aircraft is carried out by the airport loaders.

2.14. Baggage handling for piecemeal transportation

2.14.1. Before loading baggage, the senior loader and flight attendant are required to inspect the cargo compartments of the aircraft and check their preparation for loading baggage.

If the cargo compartments are dirty or contain objects that could damage the packaging and luggage, or if the compartments are not illuminated, then the luggage should be loaded after they have been put in order.

2.14.2. Hatches connecting the passenger compartment with cargo compartments must be closed and sealed. If the seals are broken, loading of checked baggage is prohibited.

2.14.3. In order to ensure the necessary alignment of the aircraft and flight safety, loading of piece luggage should be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions of the controller for alignment and loading.

2.14.4. It is recommended to load transfer luggage into separate cargo compartments according to the unloading points. If transfer baggage is placed in one cargo compartment, then baggage heading to the final unloading point is loaded first, and baggage heading to the first unloading point is loaded last. In this case, luggage traveling to different unloading points must be separated from each other if possible.

2.14.5. The baggage of passengers on designated, controlled flights, as well as foreign passengers traveling on domestic air routes of the USSR, must be loaded onto the aircraft in such a way that priority unloading from the aircraft upon arrival is ensured.

One copy of the baggage manifest remains with the senior loader, and the other two are given to the flight attendant.

2.14.6. Loading (unloading) of checked baggage is carried out by a team of loaders in the presence of a flight attendant (crew member). In the absence of a flight attendant, loading and unloading is strictly prohibited.

2.14.7. Loading of checked baggage must be carried out by the required number of loaders and using loading mechanisms (conveyors, trailed trolleys, etc.) in compliance with the technological schedule for commercial servicing of the aircraft.

2.14.8. A flight attendant (crew member) has the right not to accept checked baggage in faulty packaging and refuse to load it onto the aircraft.

2.14.9. Detected damage to checked baggage during loading, as well as a discrepancy between the actual number of pieces of baggage and the number indicated in the baggage manifest, must be entered in the baggage manifest, signed by the flight attendant accepting the baggage, the senior loader level who checked in the baggage, as well as the shift supervisor SOP (SOPGP) of the airport departure (stopover).

2.14.10. Damage to the packaging of checked baggage that is not recorded in the baggage manifest when receiving and loading it at the airport of departure and discovered at the airport of destination (unloading), when unloading checked baggage, is entirely at the expense of the flight attendant or the aviation enterprise according to the aircraft.

2.14.11. A flight attendant must be present when cargo compartments are closed after checked baggage has been loaded into them. Upon completion of loading, he must sign all copies of the baggage manifest for the accepted number of pieces.

2.15. Baggage claim. Control checks of arriving baggage

2.15.1. Baggage can be issued at the airport terminal if it is transported as checked baggage, or on board at the aircraft if it is transported as unchecked baggage.

2.15.2. Checked baggage is transported from the aircraft on electric carts, baggage trolleys or container trolleys to the unstuffing area, and is reloaded onto a conveyor (oval, belt), which delivers it to the baggage claim area. Passengers, having identified their luggage, take it from the conveyor themselves, at the exit from the premises they present the tear-off coupon of the baggage tag to the baggage acceptor, who checks the number of this coupon with the number of the spine of the luggage tag and, if they completely match, allows the passenger with the checked baggage from the claim area. The carrier is not obliged to check whether the bearer of the baggage receipt and the baggage tag tear-off coupon is actually entitled to receive the baggage, and is not responsible for damage or expenses caused by the baggage being issued without such verification. Checked baggage is released at the destination or stopover indicated on the baggage receipt.

2.15.3. At the request of the bearer of the baggage receipt and the tear-off coupon of the baggage tag, checked baggage may also be issued at the point of departure or stopover, if the release of baggage at these points is not prohibited by government authorities and if time and circumstances allow for the release. In the case of such baggage delivery at the point of departure or intermediate landing point, all amounts previously paid to the carrier received in connection with the transportation of this baggage are non-refundable.

2.15.4. If a passenger loses a baggage tag tear-off coupon or a passenger presents a baggage tag tear-off coupon for baggage on which there is no baggage tag spine (torn off during unloading or transportation), the baggage can be issued only after the baggage has been distributed to passengers from the given flight and presented by the person claiming to receive it, proof of your rights to this luggage. The baggage acceptor invites the passenger to list the items and special features contained in the checked baggage. Next, the baggage is opened in the presence of the baggage handler and the passenger, and the passenger’s messages are checked. When they are confirmed, a receipt is taken from the passenger for baggage receipt without a tear-off coupon or without a luggage tag stub. The receipt must include the last name, first name, patronymic (in full), recipient's address, passport details (N, series, by whom, when issued), number of pieces of checked baggage, flight number, date, personal signature. The receipt is attached to the baggage manifest.

Attention! It is prohibited to open undocumented baggage in the delivery area in the absence of persons responsible for its acceptance and delivery, as well as the delivery of such baggage without proper registration.

2.15.5. The procedure for issuing unchecked baggage (carry-on luggage) to arriving passengers of the Il-86 aircraft is carried out in accordance with the Standard technology for servicing passengers, processing baggage, cargo, and mail of the Il-86 aircraft at civil aviation airports.

2.15.6. Removal of unchecked baggage (carry-on baggage) from aircraft intended for the carriage of such baggage is carried out either by the passengers themselves or by airport loaders in the presence of passengers. Delivery of unchecked baggage (hand luggage) to the airport terminal building or to the exit to the city must be carried out together with the delivery of arriving passengers on airport vehicles.

2.15.7. After counting the number of tear-off coupons, the results of the check-in baggage issuance are noted in the baggage list, which, together with all tear-off coupons of baggage tags, certificates, statements, is handed over by the baggage acceptor to the senior acceptor (shift manager). In the absence of statements and claims regarding checked baggage from the arriving flight, tear-off coupons, arranged by color, in ascending order of numbers, are stored at the unloading airport for five days, after which the set of coupons is destroyed. If there are claims regarding baggage, all tear-off coupons of baggage tags from this flight are stored until the end of the search for baggage or the decision of the claims commission.

2.16. Baggage exchange upon delivery

2.16.1. Exchange of checked baggage means that passengers receive baggage that does not belong to them. It occurs due to inattentive verification of the number on the spine of the luggage tag with the number on its tear-off coupon.

2.16.2. If both passengers have declared that they have received baggage (individual pieces of baggage) that does not belong to them, the airport is obliged to assist them in making the change.

2.16.3. If one of the passengers claims to have received items that do not belong to him, the airport is obliged to assist in finding another passenger - the owner of this baggage, for which he should:

establish information about the owner of the luggage using the luggage tag remaining on the luggage, using documents found in the luggage;

send a request about the owner of the baggage to the airport of departure;

if necessary, involve police officers in the search.

2.16.4. If a passenger who has received items that do not belong to him is not found within 5 days from the date of baggage claim, the applicant has the right to make claims to the airport.

The exchange of checked baggage is recorded in a log.

2.16.5. All costs associated with the search, delivery, and forwarding of baggage are collected from the baggage acceptor through whose fault the baggage was exchanged.

2.16.6. If at the time of delivery there is no baggage tag, and there is unclaimed baggage, then the airport has reason to assume that the items have been exchanged. In this case, he is obliged:

receive a statement from the passenger to search for checked baggage;

issue him a certificate of non-acceptance of luggage and organize a search;

open unclaimed luggage, draw up a commercial act;

take measures to find the owner of the unclaimed baggage, using the tags remaining on the baggage and documents found when the baggage was opened;

if necessary, involve police officers in his search;

if the owner of unclaimed baggage is found to have received items that do not belong to him, organize the exchange and delivery of the baggage to the owners.

2.16.7. All tear-off coupons of baggage tags from a flight in the event of an exchange of baggage or unclaimed baggage are stored until the search for the baggage is completed or the issue is resolved by the claims commission.

2.17. Standards for performing loading and unloading operations with luggage

2.17.1. Standards for carrying out loading and unloading operations with baggage are established based on the local conditions of a particular airport and depend on:

type of aircraft being serviced;

composition of the mechanization means used;

loading (unloading) methods;

quantity of luggage (containers);

number of service personnel.

2.17.2. Standards for performing loading and unloading operations must be compared with technological schedules for servicing aircraft of a certain type.

2.18. Basic safety requirements when performing loading and unloading operations with luggage

2.18.1. Only technically sound mechanization equipment with adjusted brakes, steering, electrical, hydraulic and other equipment is allowed to perform loading and unloading operations with luggage (containers).

2.18.2. Mechanization equipment for baggage handling must be loaded within the established dimensions of the equipment and its carrying capacity.

2.18.3. Before delivering luggage (containers) to the loading area, the platform of the mechanization device must be cleared of foreign objects, as well as snow, ice, and debris.

2.18.4. Places where loading and unloading operations are carried out in the dark must be illuminated, ensuring normal conditions for performing work.

2.18.5. IN winter time it is necessary to ensure that the area where work with luggage (containers) is carried out is kept in a condition that excludes the possibility of people slipping and wheels of mobile mechanization equipment slipping, i.e. was cleared of ice and snow.

2.18.6. Before transportation, checked baggage must be securely installed and the container secured to the vehicle.

During transportation, if luggage is detected to be displaced or container latches are loosened, you should immediately stop the mechanization device and eliminate the malfunction.

2.18.7. The speed of movement of mechanization equipment with luggage (containers) along the platform should not exceed 20 km/h.

When approaching the aircraft, the speed of the machine (mechanism) must be reduced to 5 km/h.

2.18.8. When transporting checked baggage (containers), precautions must be taken - do not brake sharply, reduce speed when turning. In conditions of poor visibility on the apron (at night, during fog, snowfall) and in cases of emergency, it is allowed to use sound signals.

2.18.9. For persons accompanying checked baggage (containers), seats must be provided in the cabin of the vehicle or specially equipped places on the platform.

2.18.10. The access and placement of mechanization equipment at the aircraft must be carried out in accordance with the schemes specified in the Guidelines for organizing the movement of aircraft, special vehicles and mechanization equipment at civil aviation airfields.

2.18.11. The driver is obliged to stop the car (mechanism) 10 m short of the aircraft, and then approach the aircraft only with the permission of the person (transportation service employee) who has the right to manage the entrance.

2.18.12. At any stop, the mechanization must be set to the hand brake.

When carrying out loading and unloading operations, the machine (mechanism) must be installed on the aircraft at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the cargo compartment, except in special cases.

2.18.13. When installing a mechanization device on an aircraft, thrust blocks must be placed under the rear drive wheel of the vehicle to prevent its movement in both directions.

The height of the thrust pads must be at least 1.3 times the diameter of the vehicle wheel.

Arrangement of passenger services upon arrival

The passenger meeting and boarding agent receives the necessary information about the flight arrival time and parking number, as well as the presence of special categories of passengers on board from telegrams, automated control systems and other sources of information.

Passenger disembarkation

When disembarking passengers, the agent must greet them politely and indicate their further route.

If there is an unaccompanied child, the agent accepts it from the flight attendant under personal responsibility before handing the child over to the greeters.

The agent must be able to politely and correctly give the maximum full information passengers if they need it.

Necessary information for passengers.

The path of passengers from the exit from the aircraft to the exit from the terminal or from the transit counter must be marked with clear, clear signs indicating the direction of movement, and the places of checkpoints (passport and customs control).

Organization of baggage handling and transportation

Baggage handling is an essential element of the passenger experience and is critical to the smooth functioning of airlines at the airport.

Baggage handling systems must be able to sort large numbers of pieces of luggage quickly and reliably.

The effectiveness of baggage handling systems will ensure that the following fundamental points are taken into account:

luggage must be moved quickly, easily and with a minimum number of operations;

Baggage handling in the terminal building should be consistent with operations on the apron, as well as the volume and nature of traffic;

baggage flows should not intersect with the flow of passengers, cargo, directions of movement of crew members or vehicles;

the possibility of processing transfer baggage in outgoing baggage sorting areas should be provided;

the arrival of baggage on the platform should not be delayed by control or check-in procedures;

space must be provided to accommodate the entire volume of luggage in one place for security control;

devices for handling large luggage must be provided;

In the event of failure of baggage handling systems, it must be possible to process it in another way.

Conveyor baggage handling systems must ensure that baggage moves within the terminal building as quickly as possible. Such systems must also provide for the reception, delivery or transfer of baggage.

For the convenience of passengers, the required number of luggage trolleys are located at the entrances to the terminal buildings and baggage claim areas.

Handling of outgoing baggage

After baggage has been delivered from the check-in area, it is usually transported via a conveyor system to the appropriate picking area where it is sorted and loaded into baggage containers or baggage trolleys for delivery to the aircraft and loading.

Baggage processing time in the departure area is critical in the processing chain of processes ending with the departure of the aircraft and depends on the close coordination of work throughout this chain, including the time required to receive, sort, transport and load baggage onto the aircraft.

Airline service rules may require separate container loading positions for each flight or to meet requirements related to route features, service priorities (first class, business class, transfer destination, etc.).

The outgoing baggage assembly area should be located in close proximity to the incoming baggage storage area so that the same containers and trolleys have a minimum travel distance from one area to another, while ensuring that the same personnel can be used in the areas.

The following additional structures and equipment may be located inside the baggage stowage area:

security monitoring devices;

television surveillance systems for the purpose of reviewing those areas where any incidents are possible;

telecommunications equipment: telephones, intercoms, printers;

baggage control room;

rest rooms for baggage handlers;

flight information signs;

rooms of control computers, sorting and confirming scanners.

Outgoing baggage sorting system

The outgoing baggage sorting system is designed on the basis of providing each of its elements with the ability to handle peak baggage loads during certain periods of time, with the condition that individual pieces of baggage enter the system from different reception locations. Baggage flows and the volume of its processing are determined by a large number of circumstances, such as:

number of departing and transfer passengers;

volume of passenger traffic;

number of pieces of luggage per passenger, etc.

The baggage handling system must provide throughput for sorting luggage in any combinations:

by airline;

by number of flights;

by directions;

by service class.

The baggage handling system should generally consist of:

transport conveyors from the baggage reception area to the accumulation area

areas accumulating luggage for sorting and loading it into luggage containers and luggage trolleys.

More complex systems usually include a third component - sorting devices that take baggage from the conveyor and distribute it in specific directions for collection at those locations. This device may contain automated baggage tag readers.

The choice of any luggage system or its components depends on the following circumstances:

the accepted concept of the airport terminal (centralized, decentralized, with check-in at the gate);

the number of pieces of baggage that can be loaded onto one baggage conveyor/on one baggage trolley at the same time;

number of stages of baggage sorting;

number of baggage collection points in the system;

the length of baggage movement and the time allotted for its processing;

number of containers/carts that can be used simultaneously;

Currently, there are three main methods used to sort the baggage of departing passengers:



In the manual sorting method, luggage arriving on a conveyor belt is sorted manually; the worker reads the tags on the luggage and compares them with the luggage receipt.

In semi-automated systems, baggage tags are read by a processing system employee. The tag code is entered into the computer, which ensures that the luggage is moved to the appropriate point on the conveyor. The luggage is then manually loaded into a luggage trolley. There are other semi-automatic systems that are used for sorting efficiency: rotating pallets or slat conveyors. Both systems are controlled by a computer, which is operated by an operator.

Automated baggage handling systems have two benefits: reduced labor costs and greater transport speed.

Elements of outgoing baggage processing operations, which are carried out from check-in to final processing before loading on board the aircraft, are fully automated. Such systems include “recognizing” the final destination of baggage and delivering it to the loading point for a specific flight.

The following automated baggage sorting systems are used at airport terminals:

Sorting system with inclined pallets;

Sorting conveyor system;

Belt sorting transport system;

Sorting system with carts having a given destination.

Handling transfer and transit baggage

Transfer baggage carried from an arriving aircraft for transfer to a departing aircraft either on the same airline (on-line) or on another airline (inter-line), and therefore the systems and procedures to be used for this process should be selected specifically thoroughly. In addition, the reported connection time may depend on the baggage transfer time, which may vary from airport to airport.

At airports where transfer baggage must clear customs, it should be possible for passengers to recheck their baggage in the immediate vicinity of the customs control area.

In cases where you have to go through customs transit luggage, it must also be possible to return luggage to the airline's aircraft.

Transfer baggage on the line is delivered to the airline's baggage assembly area for sorting and delivery to the appropriate aircraft. In some circumstances, baggage may be delivered directly to the departing aircraft (tail-to-tail or ramp transfer).

Transfer of baggage within the airline is carried out by delivering it to a designated accommodation location where it is collected by the transfer agent or received by the carrier for sorting the baggage and delivering it to the aircraft. The location where baggage must be collected is usually in the area associated with the airline baggage stowage area or in the central area, depending on the agreement reached with the airlines on this issue. This area must be protected from exposure to adverse weather conditions and ensure the safety of luggage from damage.

Depending on the method adopted to secure checked baggage, it may be necessary to provide physical access to the baggage stowage area to allow additional security controls to be carried out.

Arriving baggage handling

The flow of arriving baggage travels from the aircraft to the point of delivery. Two functional areas are associated with this process, namely:

baggage unstuffing area, where it is unloaded from containers or carts onto the appropriate conveyors that deliver it to the distribution point;

baggage claim area, where baggage is sorted by passengers.

Airport management and airlines must work closely to develop procedures related to the flow of arriving passengers and baggage. Simplified customs control procedures also relate to these tasks.

The baggage unstuffing area consists of an area for unloading baggage from containers or trolleys onto devices for its distribution, including parking areas for passing containers, areas for maneuvering and providing access from baggage unloading areas. When considering the issue related to baggage disassembly, the following provisions must be taken into account:

  • * access from the platform to the baggage delivery area should be easy and separated from the exit;
  • * where possible, it is desirable to organize the movement of baggage in one direction;
  • * the possibility must be provided for the placement of associated devices that ensure operation in situations where queues may arise;
  • * entrances must be wide enough to provide passage for vehicles to unload, as well as for maneuvering after unloading;
  • * availability of appropriate markings for luggage unloading areas at the entrance to the unloading area;
  • * the unloading area must have sufficient area to receive baggage tractors/tractors and accommodate trains.
  • * the presence of the maximum possible free zone inside the baggage unstuffing area in order to ensure the free movement of vehicles;
  • * design dimensions of passages, ensuring the transportation of all types of containers;
  • * easy and quick access to short-term container storage areas and to the container picking area associated with this baggage handling area;
  • * appropriate devices should be provided for quickly unloading and moving transfer luggage to the departure area, which is very important;
  • * communication between baggage handling systems;
  • * in the future, space should be provided to accommodate the entire volume of luggage for the purpose of security control;
  • * devices for handling oversized luggage;
  • * in the event of a failure of the baggage handling system, it must be possible to suspend its processing.

For the convenience of passengers, the required number of luggage trolleys should be placed at the entrances to airport terminal buildings and in baggage claim areas. Special areas should be provided for these purposes.

The baggage claim area is the area where passengers have access and where they can locate, identify and claim their baggage. On domestic flights, greeters usually have access to this area, while for international flights, greeters are located directly adjacent to the government control (customs) exits through which the passenger passes with their luggage. There are four main groups of devices used for baggage delivery:

Linear racks ( counters) are mechanized devices that are used only when operating small aircraft and at airports that carry a small number of passengers.

Linear conveyors - These are somewhat sophisticated devices that move luggage to the location of the arriving passenger. When using linear containers, the passenger does not have to search for luggage along the entire rack. Typically, at the end of the conveyor there is a belt rotating on a roller, on which luggage that is not claimed in a timely manner is located.

Conveyors, carousels and circular track are devices with continuous movement of luggage. Unclaimed baggage will be moved on them until it is removed.

Return baggage reclaimers allow the passenger to remain stationary while their baggage is delivered directly. With the help of linear devices, luggage is accumulated in one place so that passengers can move along them and find their luggage. However, in this case, as a rule, the time for baggage collection increases. At the same time, there is a need to provide additional space for the movement of passengers in different directions. The linear scheme can be used at airports with small passenger flows.

For large passenger flows, a reciprocal circulation system is used for issuing baggage that is directly unloaded from conveyors. The choice of the type of dispenser depends on various requirements, among which the following should be taken into account:

  • * volumes of processed baggage;
  • * airport terminal layout (passenger flow);
  • * direct or indirect baggage delivery (during loading);

In order for passengers to easily find their dispenser with their baggage, appropriate information must be organized. The information system must also serve the area on the side of the airfield, where the location of its delivery to the appropriate baggage device must be indicated to employees unloading baggage. The height of the dispenser and its operating speed must be such that luggage can be easily removed by a passenger (maximum 0.45 m height for a sloped belt or 0.35 meters for a non-sloped belt) moving at a speed of 36 meters per minute.

Direct baggage distribution onto a closed conveyor dispenser allows for adjustments to the placement of baggage on the conveyor, which is why this type of dispenser is generally preferred by most airlines.

For unclaimed baggage, a special storage room must be provided. It should be located directly adjacent to the baggage claim area and should be accessible to airline personnel.

It is also necessary to provide for the placement of racks or office premises inside baggage claim areas where airline or handling agent personnel may be stationed to make contact with passengers in the event of baggage loss. Exact recommendations on this matter vary widely for each airport and should be confirmed directly with the airline.

Baggage handling organization

Departure baggage handling

Before servicing an aircraft upon departure, all personnel involved in baggage handling must familiarize themselves with information about the flight and baggage loading features for a specific aircraft type.

The loader team receives the task, prepares the necessary packaging equipment for baggage, mechanization equipment for loading baggage into the aircraft and installs containers (baggage trolleys) along the baggage conveyor of the corresponding registration section.

Luggage content

The purpose of baggage assembly is to properly sort it in accordance with accepted standards and prepare it for loading onto the aircraft.

Baggage is collected by flight and destination. To avoid errors (diversions), each piece of baggage must be checked for a tag indicating the flight number and destination.

Packing is carried out with the obligatory counting of pieces of luggage. Particular attention is paid to luggage decorated with special distinctive tags (“priority”, VIP, first, business class, etc.).

The baggage of transfer passengers registered for several carriers, as well as the baggage of first and business class passengers and frequent flyer program participants, is packed on a separate baggage trolley or in a separate container.

Transfer baggage is sorted into packaging facilities separately by destination.

When packing, the flight number and destination on the baggage tags are checked for compliance with the flight and destination being packed, and the seats are counted.

Baggage checked in and assembled for loading is subject to quantity verification. If the number of pieces of baggage according to the baggage list data differs from the counting result at the picking area, the following procedures are performed:

  • - when packing less luggage than indicated in the luggage list, a local search is carried out;
  • - when completing more baggage than indicated in the baggage manifest, it is recalculated with the participation of the agent who checked in for this flight.

At non-hub airports, baggage sorting is carried out in accordance with applicable local regulations.

When picking up transfer baggage traveling through the connecting airport, it is sorted and registered according to baggage tag numbers.

If a transfer passenger has a missed connection and departs from the connecting point on another flight, his baggage must be sent on the same flight as the passenger. It is necessary to clarify which flight the passenger is rebooked on and reissue the baggage tag, indicating on it the number of the corresponding flight.

If a transfer passenger has departed from a connecting point but his baggage has not been loaded onto that flight, he must be sent to his destination on the next available flight in accordance with the baggage forwarding procedure.

Completed transfer baggage is subject to security checks before loading onto the aircraft.

If damage to the baggage occurs during baggage processing at the point of departure (at the point of connection), you must:

Repack damaged luggage if necessary to ensure

safety of contents;

Send a message about damaged baggage to the destination in order to notify the passenger about the incident before receiving the baggage.

Luggage found in the departure area (after check-in) without a baggage tag (found baggage) must be opened and an inventory of its contents made.

Depending on the type of aircraft used to transport commercial cargo, the following methods of baggage transportation are distinguished:

  • - transportation of luggage in containers or on pallets;
  • - transportation of bulk luggage;
  • - mixed - one part of the luggage in BULK in bulk, and the other in containers.

Baggage is loaded carefully into empty, clean, serviceable containers, and the load should be distributed evenly over its entire area.

Baggage with fragile, breakable items marked “FRAGILE” is loaded into the container last.

The loader closes, seals, weighs the container, indicates on the container label the destination airport, the number of pieces, the weight of the luggage, the weight of the container and the total weight, the number or sign of the installed seal.

Baggage is loaded onto clean, serviceable luggage carts. No more than forty pieces of luggage can be loaded onto one trolley, and the placement of luggage on the trolleys must ensure:

  • - reliability, preventing luggage from falling while driving;
  • - all-round visibility from the driver's seat;
  • - maintaining controllability and stability.

Loaded trolleys must ensure the safety of luggage during its transport to the aircraft. In case of unfavorable weather (rain, snow), luggage trolleys must be equipped with an awning to protect luggage from precipitation.

Loading of baggage into the aircraft is carried out by loaders in accordance with the instructions of the person responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft in the presence of a flight attendant responsible for commercial loading (when loading baggage in bulk) or a representative of the airline and under the control of an aviation security officer.

Loading of baggage into the aircraft is carried out in compliance with the norms, rules and procedures of aviation safety, the requirements of the occupational health and safety instructions, and the technological maintenance schedule for aircraft of this type.

Baggage is loaded after cargo and mail and organized by destination.

Baggage to different destinations must be loaded into different cargo compartments of the aircraft.

If baggage for different destinations is loaded into one cargo compartment, it must be stowed separately. Baggage to the last destination is loaded first, to the first destination - last.

For each destination, the baggage of economy class passengers is loaded first, then first and business class, frequent flyer program members, VIP passengers, and lastly the baggage of transfer passengers.

The number of pieces of loaded baggage must correspond to the number of pieces of checked baggage and indicated in the baggage manifest.

If all checked baggage cannot be loaded onto the aircraft due to safety or capacity reasons, a decision is made to load it according to the priority list.

Ground equipment is used to transport and load luggage onto the aircraft.

Baggage is delivered on board the aircraft, as a rule, in one batch, after the completion of passenger check-in and registration of the baggage manifest.

Delivery of baggage in parts is allowed if there is a large amount of baggage on the flight, in agreement with the authorized officer.

Transportation of baggage across the airfield and entry into the aircraft service area is carried out in strict accordance with established requirements.

When loading baggage into an aircraft, baggage handlers check the destination codes on baggage tags when loading in bulk (marks on the container label) for compliance with the flight being performed.

When loading, you must pay special attention to luggage marked with “FRAGILE” tags.

After loading, loaders secure containers and bulk luggage into the aircraft.

Upon completion of these operations, the loaders and the flight attendant (responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft) formalize the acceptance and transfer of the commercial load.

Baggage of transfer passengers is loaded into the cargo compartment of the aircraft last, so that it is unloaded at the transfer point first.

If, due to loading restrictions on a given flight, it is necessary to leave some baggage behind, transfer baggage must be transported first.

In the case when the connecting time at the base airport is less than one hour (short connection) and scanning of transfer baggage through an introscope is not required, it is sorted from the arriving aircraft and loaded onto the departing aircraft without delivery to the transfer baggage processing area.

After the aircraft takes off, telegrams (RTM, BTM) containing reliable information are sent via “SITA” communication channels.

When accepting a passenger with luggage for transportation, after check-in is closed, the staff checks his luggage in the usual manner and marks it with a standard tag. The baggage is delivered to the aircraft by the passenger himself and, at the direction of the person responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft, the baggage is loaded onto the aircraft by a loader with the execution of the relevant documents.

Removing baggage from a flight

Baggage can be removed from a flight either during check-in or after the baggage is transferred according to the baggage manifest and loaded onto the aircraft.

If it is necessary to remove baggage from a flight, baggage handlers, at the direction of the agent, with the permission and in the presence of an aviation security officer, select the baggage according to tags and its characteristics and deliver the baggage to the check-in line for handing it over to the passenger with the execution of the relevant documents.

The carriage by aircraft of luggage of passengers who do not appear for inspection or boarding is strictly prohibited.

Unshipped baggage handling

Baggage not sent from the point of departure for any reason must be sent to the point of destination on the next flight of the same or another carrier.

In addition to the original tag, the luggage is marked with a forwarding tag, which indicates the destination, transfer points, if any, and flight numbers.

Delivery baggage must be checked in accordance with the requirements of the security service.

Baggage handling upon arrival

The baggage handling procedure upon aircraft arrival at the destination airport includes the following operations:

  • - preparation of personnel and mechanization equipment for unloading baggage from the aircraft;
  • - acceptance of baggage and documents from the crew member responsible for the baggage;
  • - unloading baggage or containers with baggage from the aircraft;
  • - delivery of luggage, containers with luggage to the baggage claim point;
  • - handing out luggage to passengers.

Before servicing the aircraft upon arrival, personnel must familiarize themselves with information about the quantity and weight of expected baggage, the availability of transfer baggage by destination, and the specifics of the location of baggage on the plane.

The loader unit receives the task of processing baggage for a given flight, prepares the required number of apron mechanization equipment for unloading C and transporting baggage to the place of delivery.

After stopping the aircraft, installing the chocks, and allowing entry into the service area, the loader unit arranges apron mechanization equipment (baggage and/or container trolleys, trailed conveyors, if baggage is in bulk) in accordance with the approved service schemes for each type of aircraft.

Unloading baggage from the aircraft

Unloading of baggage and containers from the aircraft is carried out by loaders in accordance with the technological schedule for servicing this type of aircraft, as directed by the person responsible for commercial servicing of the aircraft in the presence of a flight attendant responsible for commercial loading (when unloading baggage in bulk).

While unloading baggage in bulk, baggage handlers and flight attendants count the number of seats. During container transportation, it is mandatory to check the presence of seals and labels on containers indicating the number of pieces, weight of luggage and its features.

When unloading luggage, handlers must ensure the safety of the packaging and contents of the luggage, paying attention to markings and signs.

Upon completion of unloading of baggage from the aircraft, the personnel prepares transportation documents.

When unloading and transporting baggage, the same ground equipment is used as during loading.

When determining the order of baggage unloading from the aircraft, preference is given to transfer baggage transported via interline; behind him, transfer luggage for the company's flights is unloaded, and then luggage arriving at the final destination.

First class, business class and frequent flyer baggage will be delivered to baggage claim first.

Transfer baggage handling

All transfer baggage passing through the connecting airport is unloaded and delivered to the transfer baggage processing area first, where it is sorted by baggage tags into destinations.

If the number of accepted pieces of baggage does not correspond to the PTM data, a local search is carried out and if missing pieces are not found, a telegram is sent via the SITA system to the point of departure indicating the actual number of pieces received.

When a transfer passenger's route changes, his baggage is issued with a “RUSH” return tag with the new direction, flight number and departure date.

If a transfer passenger is found to have unchecked baggage that is subject to check-in, the baggage will be marked with a baggage tag upon check-in and delivered to the baggage handling area.

Baggage delivery to passengers

Loaders deliver luggage to the conveyor belt in the baggage unstuffing area, while observing the following requirements for servicing passengers after the arrival of the aircraft.

Baggage is handed over to the conveyor belt corresponding to the information board.

Immediately before baggage claim, an announcement is made via local communication with information about the start of baggage claim, the number of the conveyor belt and a reminder to passengers of the need to be careful when collecting baggage.

Announcements are made in two languages.

In case of delay in baggage claim, an announcement is made indicating the reason and an apology on behalf of the airline.

When unloading luggage onto the conveyor belt, personnel check the luggage for damage to its packaging. Identified damaged luggage is documented. Any inspection during destaffing is documented in a corresponding act indicating the persons conducting it.

To avoid cases of exchange of luggage of the same type, luggage tags are identified (on international flights- selective identification) located in the passenger’s ticket with the received baggage.

If there is difficulty in retrieving luggage, the staff will provide the necessary assistance to the passenger.

Baggage management system

In order to take effective measures to prevent incorrect baggage processing, it is necessary to analyze at what stages of processing failures occur that lead to losses.

The most common is loss during overload in transit (52% of all cases).

Significantly less often, losses occur due to various errors in the ticket, failures during security checks (13%).

Approximately 7% of losses occur due to errors directly during loading/unloading on board the aircraft.

3% of problem situations are related to incorrect labeling or sending to another destination.

SITA's luggage developments include:

Bag massage - message system.

Bag manager - baggage management system.

Worldtracer is an automated tracking system for lost or mishandled luggage.

RFID - radio frequency identification of luggage.

BagMessage is part of a global messaging system for airlines, airports and service providers. BagMessage interacts with automated systems baggage worldwide to oversee sorting and security controls.

To control baggage from check-in to the final destination, departure airport dispatch control systems (DCS) must interface with baggage handling systems along the entire route. As a result, thousands of messages are sent between multiple DCS and baggage systems daily.

BagMessage provides the following advantages:

Improving customer service by reducing mishandled luggage.

Reduce costs by reducing the number of DCS links across multiple airports.

Compliance with service announcements and IATA baggage standards.

Storage of undelivered messages.

Proven in everyday use, all over the world, at airports large and small, BagManager continues to grow and improve to meet changing industry standards and a diverse variety of operational scenarios.

Bag Manager is part of SITA's baggage program and manages baggage transfers within an airport and across multiple airports

Bag Manager tracks the movement of luggage from airport to airport. It also provides baggage handlers with real-time information about baggage, its status and helps them resolve issues regarding unloading baggage of passengers who do not show up to board the flight, i.e. real-time baggage management, which complies with Annex 17 of ICAO security requirements.

Bag Manager includes the following possibilities:

allows processing of all possible baggage management scenarios;

Connection to Bag Message, World Tracer services;

Full operational support 24 hours 7 days a week for luggage.

Bag Manager is suitable for use by large and small airlines and baggage handling agents at airports.

Bag Manager can process barcodes and new RFID tags, and provides oversight of the largest RFID baggage deployment in the world, processing over 20 million RFID-tagged bags per year.

World Tracer. Delayed or misdirected baggage represents a weak link in a passenger's journey. How an airline addresses these issues has a powerful impact on customer satisfaction.

World Tracer, developed by SITA and IATA, is the world's leading automated service for tracking lost and misdirected baggage.

The international baggage search system World Tracer allows, in the event of baggage being mistakenly placed on another flight, to determine its location at any airport in the world. Immediately after the World Tracer operator receives a report of missing baggage, all information in special encoding is sent to a single database, and from there it is sent to all airports in the world included in the system. The system then automatically compares information about unclaimed baggage that is entered into the database by airlines from around the world. If the data of lost and found luggage matches, it is sent to the owner

Information about found luggage is entered into the World Tracer automated control system in the form of a special OHD file. The OHD file indicates the type and color of baggage according to the IATA identification table of baggage types, external distinctive features of baggage, and the passenger's last name, if established.

When unshipped baggage is forwarded to the WorldTracer automated control system, an FWD message is created to the destination and transfer points if the delivery route includes several points.

There are Lost & Found baggage tracing counters at almost every international airport.

RFID Radio frequency identification (RFID), an automatic identification method, is set to have a significant impact on travel, not only through chips - RFIDs are embedded in electronic passports - but also in passenger frustrations after flight delays and mishandled luggage.

RFID is not a universal solution to the problem of mishandled luggage, but if implemented, it could save the industry from losing $750 million a year by providing tracking of luggage to its destination.

Oversized and heavy baggage is baggage, one piece of which exceeds the permissible dimensions or permissible weight, according to AK requirements.

The passenger's luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 158 cm (203 cm, some AK) and weigh no more than 32 kg. In some cases, luggage weighing up to 50 kg is allowed. Such baggage is accepted for transportation with the prior consent of the airline.

Oversized and heavy luggage may include:

Sports equipment;

Musical instruments;

Audio and video equipment;


Non-folding strollers;


Payment for transportation of oversized and heavy luggage

Transportation of oversized and heavy baggage (packed in boxes, boxes, bales) is paid according to the actual weight at the excess baggage rate.

Payment for oversized baggage, such as sports equipment, non-folding bicycles, is made for weight exceeding the free baggage allowance, at the excess baggage rate.

Excess baggage

Excess baggage is part of the weight of baggage that exceeds the free baggage allowance established by the Airline or requires mandatory payment regardless of the specified norm.

Excess baggage is issued with a paid baggage receipt. Prepayment for excess baggage can be processed under MCO

Excess baggage is accepted for carriage upon prior confirmed reservation. A passenger who wishes to transport excess baggage must declare in advance (when booking transportation) the weight and number of pieces of excess baggage. Failure to comply with this rule gives the airline the right to refuse to transport such baggage.

Payment procedure for excess baggage

The passenger is given the opportunity to pay for luggage in advance when booking transportation. Payment for excess baggage is charged at the airport of departure along the passenger’s entire route or to any transfer point indicated on his ticket. If the weight of baggage decreases along the route, no refund or recalculation is made.

The corresponding tariffs and fees for the carriage of excess baggage are collected from the passenger before the start of transportation at the point of departure. The airline has the right to refuse to transport baggage and passengers if the passenger fails to pay for excess baggage or items that are transported at the excess baggage rate.

Excess baggage charges are per kilogram. Rounding is carried out according to the following rules:

- up to 500 g - up to a whole kilogram downwards;

 500 g and over - up to a whole kilogram in the larger direction.

Special luggage

Special baggage may include:

Musical instruments;

Live animals;

Weapons, ammunition;

Works of art;

Electronic equipment;

Service, porcelain, ceramics and other fragile items;

Valuable products;

Wheelchair, power assistive devices;

Sports equipment;

Crew luggage.

Special baggage, such as large musical instruments, live animals, weapons and ammunition, large electronic equipment, wheelchairs, oversized sports equipment, is accepted for transportation with prior approval from the airline.

A passenger who wishes to transport special luggage is required to inform the airline about this when booking transportation. Failure to comply with this rule gives the airline the right to refuse to transport such baggage. The airline may refuse to transport special baggage if:

Carrying it may endanger passengers or their property;

Transporting it may damage aircraft equipment;

Baggage may be damaged if air transportation;

Its packaging does not meet AK requirements;

Transportation is prohibited in accordance with the legal norms, instructions, orders of the states of departure, transfer, transit, destination;

Weight, dimensions, contents do not meet the requirements of these rules;

Special baggage can be carried both in the aircraft cabin and in the baggage and cargo compartment of the aircraft, and the baggage must be packed in such a way as to prevent damage to aircraft equipment, passenger baggage, cargo and mail.

If baggage is transported in a passenger seat, the rules for the carriage of baggage carried in a passenger seat apply. It is PROHIBITED to transport weapons and ammunition in the cabin of an aircraft (except for weapons of security personnel in the performance of their official duties and guard personnel when transporting especially dangerous criminals).

Placing special baggage on board the aircraft

Special baggage must be safely placed in the aircraft cabin. Baggage must be placed under the passenger seat or on an additional passenger seat. Special baggage remains with the passenger throughout the flight and is under his responsibility.

Fragile luggage

Baggage for which the airline declares a limitation of its liability. At check-in, in agreement with the AK representative, dinnerware, porcelain, ceramics, TV and other fragile items may be accepted for transportation, provided that the AK is not responsible for the integrity of the contents. Such baggage is marked with the LIMITED RELEASE tag. This tag allows you to make the necessary notes about the features of the luggage and provides confirmation of the passenger’s responsibility with his signature.

Organization of services and rules for the transportation of certain categories of passengers and handling of their baggage


  1. Transit passengers - passengers who, according to the TP agreement, are transported further on the same flight that was delivered to the intermediate airport and made an intermediate landing;
  2. Transfer passenger - a passenger who, according to the TP agreement, was delivered to the airport of an intermediate stop, and then transported by another flight of the same carrier, the luggage is marked with an additional information tag - transfer;
  3. VIP passenger - service is carried out in separate areas of the airport by specially trained personnel; they are brought on board the aircraft last on a separate transport, but no later than 15 minutes before departure, they can fly in economy class. After arriving at the destination airport, they leave first, the luggage of VIP passengers is issued with separate documentation, is marked with a VIP information tag and is loaded last.
  4. Class C passenger (business class) – a class C passenger has a fare that is 2 times more expensive than in economy class, but almost the same as that of first class; 1st class differs from C class in terms of meals. At check-in, a class C passenger is usually checked in at a separate counter and delivered to the aircraft cabin last, separately from economy class passengers, but not later than VIP passengers.
  5. DIP courier - they transport diplomatic mail in the passenger cabin and are responsible for its registration during ground handling and safety during the flight. DIP mail is registered separately from the personal luggage of the DIP courier and is not inspected by customs. Transportation of DIP mail must be issued either with a separate ticket or with a receipt for payment of excess baggage at the baggage rate of 1 kᴦ. weight. DIP mail can be transported without a DIP courier, if it weighs less than 10 kᴦ., is transported in the pilot’s cabin and is usually called VALIZA on international flights, and command mail on international flights. Less often, it is transported to the BGO under responsible security. If there are intermediate landings DIP, the courier remains in the cabin;
  6. DEPO - a deported passenger who is denied entry into the country for any reason: violation of the laws and regulations of the country, lack of a VISA, entry and exit, medical and other documents required by the laws of the country. Boarding of DEPO passengers is carried out in the presence of government representatives. services, documents are given to the crew. Upon arrival, DEPO passengers are also greeted by government representatives. services and the passenger are escorted to a special premises to determine the reason for deportation.

Organization of services and rules for the transportation of certain categories of passengers and handling of their luggage - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Organization of services and rules for the transportation of certain categories of passengers and handling of their luggage" 2017, 2018.