Job description of an airline representative at the airport. Can a general agent completely replace the work of a representative office? Types of flight services

There are no coincidences. I was born in Moscow. She studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute. In my fourth year, I was invited to work at the Pakistan International Airlines representative office. I enjoyed representing a foreign airline with national traditions. The experience is excellent, and so is the team. But there comes a time when you want to move on, develop and again feel the feeling of flying from new tasks and career heights. I've updated my resume.

I was invited to an interview at Lufthansa and S7 Airlines on the same day. But when I left the S7 office and didn’t find my parked car, I realized that my plans were falling apart. It’s winter, it’s cold, I’m rushing to the impound lot, missing an important meeting with the second airline. But I didn’t have to worry for long - they called me from S7 and offered me a job. Since then, I have never regretted that that difficult day turned out that way. I have been happy to work here for more than 10 years.

In 2011, I was offered to move from Moscow to Krasnodar and become the director of an airline branch. Why did I agree? The director's responsibilities include communicating with passengers. And it’s very interesting to work with real people, pay attention to everyone and try to ensure that travel brings only positive emotions. Of course, at first the delight from the new place was replaced by slight worries because complex tasks, new problems that I had never encountered before. But the main thing here is desire. Then everything will work out. When even seemingly impossible tasks yield to your persistence, you feel as if you are riding a tram to Mount Tibidabo. There the tram slowly climbs the hill. You are overcome with all sorts of emotions. You need to live them, because there are no stops on the way up the mountain. It’s the same in my work.

Human touch is the first thing clients feel when you try to help them.

What does an airline representative do? Solve production problems, maintain contact with airport management and branch employees. My main responsibility is to ensure that the services provided are always at their best, in any situation. Do you know what is most important in this matter? Close-knit team. When you realize that you are working together for a common goal. When every person on the team is important and valuable. My colleagues in Krasnodar are experienced and dedicated people to the company. During our general work we faced different situations, but always supported each other if necessary.

For example, weather conditions are something that directly affects our work. Even in Krasnodar, southern city, the weather tests the strength of employees. It happened that the temperature during the day changed from -10 to +8. In my memory there was snow, a blizzard, freezing rain, and knee-deep puddles. It’s also not always possible to enjoy the summer sun. It’s good to bask in its rays on the beach, by the sea, but not at the airfield in uniform, when the heat comes from the asphalt. But this, as they say, is our kitchen. While the heavenly office is capricious, people are sitting at the airport. They are waiting for their flights. They have their own plans - vacations, business trips, meetings with friends and relatives. And the representative’s task is to make sure that passengers do not feel the difficulties that we sometimes have to face. To solve this problem professionally, you need impeccable knowledge in the field passenger transportation.

I know everything about the standards and operating principles of the airport and our airline. With experience, I gained resistance to stress and the ability to make prompt and correct decisions. But in my business, I think it’s equally important to remain optimistic and not lose your sense of humor. Because human touch is the first thing clients feel when you try to help them. Sometimes you can’t do without humor and simple human communication. So the airline representative is not just a superman with nerves of iron. This is a friend who is always ready to help.

I see how Krasnodar airport is blossoming. It is a great pleasure to watch this.

Krasnodar fascinated me. There is something here that you won’t find in the capital. So, in the city center you can get to private sector with one-story houses. At the same time, they will show off nearby high buildings business centers. Krasnaya Street, the central street in the city, is closed to traffic on weekends. She takes a break from cars with the residents. There is music playing here, cafes and local shops are open. You can hear the city radio from everywhere. Starting Monday, the street will again spin at a business pace and be filled with the sounds of wheels.

On Teatralnaya Square the fountains “sing”, the largest in the entire Russian south. This is our favorite place in the city with my son. In summer, you can splash barefoot in the water to escape the heat. And on weekends there are concerts here.

Krasnodar airport has recently been renovated. I heard from frequent flyers that our terminal has become more convenient. The quality of services has improved, the infrastructure has become wider and more diverse. A children's playground has appeared in the boarding area, where little travelers play while waiting for their flight. There are special spaces for business people who go on business trips. I see the airport blossoming. It is a great pleasure to watch this. Therefore, I don’t want to change my job in the near future.

While traveling, I found an airport that became my favorite in Europe, - El Prat in Barcelona. It seems that already in the arrival area you feel the atmosphere of the city. Everything here is connected with relaxation, sea, sun and comfort. The airport staff are the friendliest and most responsive I have encountered in Europe. If you have not been to Barcelona yet, be sure to come. Walk through Park Guell, ride bicycles along the embankment, choose a good angle for a photo at the Sagrada Familia, try everything in the world at the Boqueria. And of course, get on the blue tram car, which will take you to the top of Mount Tibidabo.

Marital status: Married. Education: 1980-1983 Buguruslan Civil Aviation Flight School. Pilot 1984-1992 Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. Electrical engineer, technical operation of aircraft equipment. 1996 Aviation Business School. Courses on English language for civil aviation specialists. 2001 Aviation Business School. Courses for flight support specialists (Flight managers) 2013. MSAFK Retraining courses. Specialist in physical culture and sports. Work experience: 1983-1992. 236 Oryol United Air Squadron. Position: pilot. 1992-1996 Airline "Orel-Avia" Position: Head of the passenger transportation service. Responsibilities: ensuring the operation of airline flights, serving passengers, interacting with airport services, ordering flight catering, preparing food rations, organizing registration, customs and border and passport control. Security freight transport. Calculation of flight costs, services for VIP passengers. Flight support. Solving problems at airports in Russia and in foreign airports. 1996-2002 Airline "AJT AIR INTERNATIONAL" Position: Supervisor. Flight manager. Responsibilities: ensuring the operation of airline flights, servicing passengers, interacting with airport services, organizing check-in, boarding passengers at International Airport Sheremetyevo terminal 1, terminal 2. Organization of registration and boarding of passengers at foreign airports. Flight support. Monitoring the implementation of the technological schedule when servicing aircraft at foreign airports. Payment of airport, passenger and other taxes at the relevant services of foreign airports. Solving problems at Russian and foreign airports. 2002-2006 Atlant-Soyuz Airlines Position: Senior representative at Sheremetyevo International Airport and Vnukovo International Airport. Flight manager. Responsibilities: ensuring the operation of airline flights, passenger service, interaction with airport services, organizing registration and boarding of passengers at Sheremetyevo International Airport terminal 1, terminal 2, Vnukovo International Airport. Organization of registration and boarding of passengers at foreign airports. Monitoring the implementation of the technological schedule when servicing aircraft at foreign airports. Payment of airport, passenger and other taxes at the relevant services of foreign airports. Solving problems at Russian and foreign airports. 2006-2009 Airline "VASO", branch "Sheremetyevo" JSC "Aeroflot-Don" Position: Head of the Production Dispatch Service, Head of the Passenger Service Organization Service. Flight manager. Responsibilities: ensuring the operation of airline flights, passenger service, interaction with airport services, organizing check-in and boarding of passengers at Sheremetyevo International Airport terminal 1, terminal 2. Solving problems when problems arise. Drawing up a work schedule and monitoring the work of representatives at Sheremetyevo Airport, ensuring the work of airline cashiers, drawing up time sheets, distributing bonuses based on the results of the work of representatives, providing employees with passes to the Sheremetyevo security zone, interaction with the flight safety service in case of damage to the aircraft vessels, work with SITA. Flight support as a flight manager. Monitoring the implementation of the technological schedule when servicing aircraft at foreign airports. Payment of airport, passenger and other taxes at the relevant services of foreign airports. Solving organizational issues at Russian and foreign airports. 2010-2011 Polet Airlines. Position: Head of representative office. Responsibilities: Ensuring freight transportation, working with customs authorities, including in the event of controversial issues by cargo. Troubleshooting when problems arise. Drawing up a work schedule and monitoring the work of representatives at Sheremetyevo Airport. compiling time sheets, distributing bonuses based on the performance of representatives, providing employees with passes to the Sheremetyevo security zone, working with FleetWatch, interacting with cargo booking services. Working with aircraft crews. Professional skills: Knowledge of English; Confident PC user; Knowledge of aircraft crew operating technology; Knowledge of aircraft maintenance schedule; Knowledge of operating technologies of various Airport services. Driving license category “B” Since 1975 in water skiing. Master of Sports of the USSR. Judge, All-Russian category, towing boat driver.

The representative office is created and operates for the purpose of:

Represent the interests of airlines at the airport (region);

Protect the interests of airlines at the airport (region).

In accordance with the set goals, the representative office solves the following tasks at the airport:

Organization of interaction of airlines with the airport, transportation sales agencies (customers of charter flights) and other airlines operating flights in the interests of the airline (interline, transfer);

Organization of interaction of airlines with federal and local executive authorities and other organizations on issues of organization, execution of flights (transportation and aviation works) and ensuring their regularity;

Ensuring that airline, airport and agency personnel comply with the rules and regulations established by the airline regulating aviation activities and the level of service;

Ensuring control and functioning of the air transportation sales system;

Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations of third parties in relation to the airline and protecting its interests.

If the airline does not have a permanent representative, his functions are performed by the pilot-in-command.

The rights and responsibilities of the pilot-in-command as a representative of the airline are defined in the airline's Flight Operations Manual.

Aircraft ground handling agreements

One of the airline's key objectives is to increase the efficiency of interaction with suppliers.

In practice, this means choosing reliable partners, improving methods of cooperation with them on a mutually beneficial basis in order to ensure high quality of services provided.

This is especially important when organizing and conducting ground handling of aircraft, passengers, cargo and mail.

Airlines develop and regularly implement a program for the supervision and control of external ground handling service providers.

The purpose of this program is to ensure that all the above work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the airlines and Federal agency air transport of the Russian Federation.

The fundamental document for preparing an agreement for ground handling of flights at foreign airports and foreign airlines at Russian airports is the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement and the guidelines of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on ground and technical services at airports of the Russian Federation.

Standard agreements are drawn up in accordance with IATA recommendations published in the “Airport Handling Manual”, the organization standard STO DOU 03-2003 “Documentation support for management. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design, content and designation of standards.”

To ensure that the quality of services provided meets the airline's standards, an SLA (Service Level Agreement) is drawn up, which is an official annex to the ground handling agreement signed between the service company and the carrier.

Types of flight services

The structure of air transport services consists of the following main areas:

a) service by scheduled flights (regular flights);

b) services on unscheduled flights (irregular flights);


Regular flights are carried out on specific routes, whether domestic or international. The airline operating these flights must have a government license for them or they must be state-owned enterprises (airlines and lines owned by governments).

Regular flights operate according to established schedules, regardless of the passenger load factors on these flights (although the flight schedule is adjusted by season - usually summer/winter). International scheduled flights are operated in accordance with the published schedule on contractual airlines based on air services agreements between contracting states. The schedule indicates the flight route, intermediate landing points, departure and arrival times, and each route point, frequency and type of aircraft. Changes to these conditions for the operation of regular flights can only be made with the mutual consent of the contracting countries.

Irregular flights are carried out on a one-time or group basis in accordance with special permission. Irregular flights, in turn, are divided into additional, special, charter and technical.

Additional flights are operated on the same airlines as regular ones, but on a special schedule. An additional flight may be carried out with the partner's consent, provided that the load cannot be transported on the partners' scheduled flights. An additional flight, as a rule, is operated on the same day as the regular one, but in any case not later and not earlier than 24 hours from the time of the regular flight indicated in the flight schedule.

Special flights- for the transportation of officials, delegations, etc., are carried out according to the letter “A” with a special task, both along the route of regular flights and on a special route. As a rule, permission to operate special flights is requested through diplomatic channels.

Controlled flights are carried out along the route of domestic scheduled flights and have the letter designation:

- “GZ” - designate aircraft of departmental aviation (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, etc.)

- “K” or “M” - assigned to a regular flight indicating the name of a high-ranking official at the federal or regional level (respected people of the city, region).

Charter flights - for the transportation of a certain group of tourists or goods for hire, carried out on a commercial basis in accordance with a special charter agreement between the carrier (charterer) and the customer (charterer).

Charter flights operate outside the regular schedule. Usually these are seasonal or one-time transportation. A separate flight schedule is drawn up for them in addition to the regular schedule, in the intervals between slots(take-off/landing of a regular flight). In some countries interested in the development of charter flights, even special airports or terminals are opened for them (for example, in Istanbul, Turkey), which greatly facilitate the scheduling of charter flights.

Charters depend on factors such as aircraft load. If the plane is not filled to the estimated cost-effective level, the flight is cancelled. Therefore, charters usually involve renting an aircraft, as this allows the airline to avoid losses. But this places financial responsibility on the charter tenant. Charters can be passenger, cargo, using large and small aircraft, etc.

Technical flights- for transportation of official cargo and personnel, as well as for flights and ferrying of aircraft.

5.4. Service market segments air transport

To improve the quality of service provision in the field of passenger services, it is necessary to segment the air transportation market and carefully analyze the airline’s capabilities to develop the selected segments.

Air transportation service (AT) is divided into domestic and international air transportation, which, in turn, is divided into scheduled and non-scheduled transportation, which then includes passenger and cargo transportation. Within these sectors, the following market segments are noted:

Passenger transportation: Freight transportation:

Transportation of business passengers, - transportation of general cargo,

Transportation of non-business passengers - transportation of urgent cargo

Rice. 2. Air transportation market segments

When deciding to introduce new service, each airline must know the characteristics and demands of each segment of the air transportation market and only take them into account to orient its production and commercial activities.

So for the market business passenger transportation have their own characteristics. Their age ranges mainly from 5 to 55 years. Between 10 and 30% of business passengers are women. Among them there are three subsegments:

individual trips businessmen at their own expense who require a high level of service that reflects their standard of living;

employee travel corporations at the expense of the company, in this case, both the level of service and the treats, souvenirs, and entertainment provided free of charge to passengers on an airline flight are of great importance;

incentive trips businessmen, when a group goes to a conference, symposium or on a business trip, combining business meetings with entertainment and relaxation. Tickets and hotel accommodations are booked in advance, and to reduce the cost of travel, passengers often use night flights.

For the first and second sub-segments the main requirement– this is the convenience of the schedule and high frequency of flights, the airline’s quick response to requests ; for the third - the determining factor is the high level of service and low cost of travel.

In recent years, significant changes have occurred in the business passenger transportation market. Previously, this segment of the service market was considered inelastic to price changes. At present, the share of individual businessmen traveling at their own expense, as well as employees of large companies who often fly on business trips, has increased. These passengers try to get discounts from the airline, usually through the frequent-flyer program. Consequently, price began to move up the list of priorities among business passengers.

Frequent-flyer program is a frequent flyer program that typically rewards points for every flight on an airline, which accumulate and serve as the basis for permanent discounts or to provide free ticket.

For example, Aeroflot in 2006 provided its regular passengers with the opportunity to receive a free ticket economy class when flying:

20,000 km - on airline flights within Russia;

30,000 km - on flights between Russia and Europe;

50,000 km - on flights to North America.

Some airlines use an incentive scheme when, during business trips, passengers accumulate points that give them the right to discounts, which are then used when traveling on vacation when paying for the cost of a trip, hotel stay, or car rental. Passengers often consider such a program a more important factor than the convenience of the schedule.

The use of various incentive schemes by the world's leading airlines, which generate a constant flow of passengers, mainly first and business class, makes it possible to fully implement the Pareto principle: 30% of an airline's passengers will provide 70% of its revenue. It is obvious that in the presence of stable demand from regular customers for the services of a particular airline, its position in the air transportation market is much stronger than that of competitors who did not bother to put into practice modern methods of commercial work - linked marketing.

Market of passenger non-business transportation is divided into two sub-segments: tourist trips and vacation trips to visit relatives or friends. The demand for air transportation for both subsegments is determined mainly by the price level, but for the second subsegment the quality of service is of great importance.

To individual transportation of passengers for personal purposes There are two types of transportation:

Passenger trips related to unforeseen circumstances (illness or death of relatives, trips to visit them in disaster areas, etc.);

Traveling to and from work.

For the second category of passengers, demand is determined by the level of air fares, so their share is insignificant due to the high cost of air tickets compared to other modes of transport. As for the level of requirements of passengers of the first category, the most important for them is the convenience of the schedule, the frequency of flights and a quick response to the client’s request for a ticket on a specific route; the price of transportation is not of decisive importance here. Recently, the number of tourists who prefer to pay extra for an air ticket and have the opportunity to travel in business class has been increasing.

It should be noted that individual travel for personal purposes constitutes the smallest sub-segment of the passenger air travel market.

When operating in the passenger transportation market, airlines need to consider flight duration. Thus, the Boeing company conducted research, as a result of which it revealed different sensitivity of passengers to the schedule and level of service depending on the duration of the flight (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Structure of passenger traffic according to sensitivity to various factors

As can be seen from the figure, for flights lasting less than 2 hours, 60% of passengers respond primarily to the convenience of the schedule. Therefore, for short-haul airlines, you should choose small aircraft with a high frequency of flights and a convenient schedule. Since the air transportation market on short routes is highly competitive, the wishes of passengers should be carefully studied and taken into account. These include:

Separate check-in desk for fast service

and is confirmation of the passenger’s vital status;

Large transportation rate free luggage, priority loading it onto the plane, priority unloading and delivery to the receiving hall at the destination airport;

A separate waiting room equipped with fax machines and other office equipment, a separate lounge on board the aircraft for business class.

As the flight distance increases (duration more than 5 hours), passengers pay more attention to the comfort of the seat, cabin decor, noise level on the plane, on-board service, and service before and after the flight. In addition, this market subsegment is characterized by low price elasticity of demand, that is, a reduction in tariff does not lead to an increase in traffic volume.

A few words about the features of air cargo transportation, which include:

Heterogeneity of cargo;

Strong competition with other modes of transport;

High market monopolization;

Demand in the air cargo market is often one-sided.

When transporting goods, the main advantages of air transport are realized, namely high speed and quality of delivery, which significantly reduces the inventory and warehouse costs of enterprises. And when transporting valuable, perishable and valuable goods air Transport often turns out to be the only possible one.

It should be noted that analysis and forecasting of demand have very rarely been carried out for each individual market segment, although it is obvious that the demand for air travel for each segment is characterized by dependence on various factors. Therefore, for each segment you can build your own factor model for forecasting demand.

Speaking about future demand, we note the main factors that determine it: general trends in the development of the markets under consideration, the price of air transportation and the organization of transportation - the quality of service on board the aircraft and the level of pre-flight service. These and other issues are dealt with by commercial departments and airline marketing services.

Sample job description for airline representative

Requirements for the behavior of an airline representative:

Under any circumstances, an airline representative must behave politely, restrainedly, correctly, tactfully, and resourcefully. An airline representative must quickly and correctly determine the physical and mental state of clients on board the aircraft, in the passenger building, find an individual approach to each passenger, and give them pleasure with his service.

Communication and interaction with people is the main content of the work of an airline representative. When communicating with passengers, the airline representative should have a friendly expression on his face, a friendly expression in his eyes, and a pleasant light smile. When communicating, the airline representative must look the passenger in the face, answer questions clearly, respond to requests in a timely manner and with a desire, and not enter into disputes.

The representative is prohibited from discussing airline affairs with passengers, giving interviews to the media without special permission from management, or talking with passengers and crew members on abstract topics not related to work.

An airline representative is obliged to improve his speech, constantly enrich his lexicon, learn the correct construction of phrases, accumulate practical skills and work experience.

An airline representative is prohibited from smoking on board an aircraft, as well as in the presence of passengers, even in specially equipped areas.

An airline representative is prohibited from keeping his hands in his pockets when communicating with passengers.

The airline representative is obliged to:

Strictly comply with the requirements of legislative and regulatory documents

When performing labor duties assigned to the airline representative in the interests of the airline, observe production discipline, follow the instructions and orders of superior officials

Implement emergency and flight safety procedures, as well as standards and technologies for the provision of services to passengers and flight crew members.

Be competent in matters of safety and provision of services within the scope of your qualifications.

Show loyalty and respect to other employees of the enterprise.

Constantly improve the level of your professional training.

Monitor the validity and safety of official documents

Take part in pre-flight and post-flight debriefings.

Monitor the sanitary condition in the workplace.

Be friendly and take care of passengers.

Follow the rules of wearing uniforms and have a neat appearance.

Correctly complete flight documentation and submit it for processing in a timely manner.

Treat airline property with care and immediately report to management any theft or damage to property.

The airline representative must know:

Rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo;

First aid rules:

Rules for the operation of emergency rescue and on-board electrical equipment of the aircraft;

Safety regulations, fire safety, industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene;

Immigration, customs, quarantine rules of the Russian Federation and host countries, rules of etiquette.

The airline representative has the right:

Require passengers to strictly comply with the rules of behavior in the AVC building and on the platform

Within the limits of their competence, demand that employees of related services perform

all necessary procedures for quality work performance

Require management to create the necessary conditions to perform the duties assigned by this job description.

The airline representative is responsible for:

Failure to perform or improper performance of duties.

Failure to comply with the rules and duties assigned by this job description.

Violation of security procedures and passenger service technology.

Use of official position for personal and selfish purposes.

Committing actions that damage the image of the airline including:

Dissemination of negative information about the company’s activities;

Violation of customs rules;

Justified complaints and comments from passengers and representatives of related services.

Incomplete or untimely execution of orders from the shift supervisor

Flight delay due to your own fault.


Cargo transportation manager


Booking cargo for a flight.

Conducting operational work.

Information work with airlines. Departure to the airport cargo terminal to complete documentation.

Calculation of payments.
Processing applications, requests, wishes of the client/customer within the framework and conditions of our tariff plans and contracts.
Maintaining document flow and mutual settlements.
Preparation commercial offers and their distribution.
Selection of the optimal cargo delivery scheme.
Conclusion of contracts, support/monitoring of the transaction/client at all stages.
Control of payments for cargo transportation, express parcels and business documentation.

I work under an employment contract.

Representative of a transport company at the airport

Armada-Cargo LLC

Organization of air cargo transportation in Russia and the CIS countries.
Booking cargo for a flight.
Preparing cargo for transportation by air.
Preparation of accompanying documentation for cargo (air waybill, waybill, certificates, declaration of dangerous goods, check list, powers of attorney, etc.).
Conducting operational work.
Control over the dispatch and receipt of cargo at the Vnukovo-Cargo, Moscow-Cargo cargo terminal).
Control over delivery time and quality of cargo transportation.
Delivery/Receipt of cargo to the warehouse.
Working with transport companies throughout Russia for joint cooperation in the field of air and road transport.
Organizational work with customers for cargo transportation.
Information work with airlines.
Departure to the airport cargo terminal to complete documentation.
Processing current incoming requests from the client and timely responses to them.
Calculation of payments.
Processing applications, requests, wishes of the client/customer within the framework and conditions of our tariff plans and contracts. Maintaining document flow and mutual settlements.
Preparation of commercial proposals and their distribution. Selection of the optimal cargo delivery scheme.
Conclusion of contracts, support/control of the transaction/client at all stages. Control of payments for the transportation of goods, express parcels and business documentation.
Interaction with structural divisions and branches within the company.
Internal corporate reporting.
Reception and processing of documents for air cargo transportation.
Dispatch and clearance of cargo for flights of Russian airlines, Aeroflot, UT-Air, Aviastar-TU. Departure to the airport cargo terminal to complete documentation.
Organization of cargo transportation in compliance with temperature conditions, delivery according to the "DOOR TO DOOR" scheme.
Complete introduction of the client from the request of transportation to its completion. Consultations.

Representative at Vnukovo airport

LLC Airline "Aviastar-TU"

Organization and control of aircraft maintenance at Vnukovo airport.
Preparing cargo and mail for transportation on an aircraft.
Control over the dispatch of cargo and its receipt at the Vnukovo-Cargo cargo terminal.
Organizational work with the shipper and consignee.
Decor transportation documents.
Control over packaging means.
Control of cargo and mail packaging.
Aircraft load control.
Control over the time and quality of transportation.
Interaction with customs and border services. operational services of Vnukovo airport when servicing the flight.
Organization of the work of the representative office at Vnukovo airport.

Senior representative of the transportation department

LLC "OK-Trans"

Organization and provision of ground services for aircraft at Moscow airports. Organization of cargo transportation on airline flights. Organization of passenger transportation. Fuel supply at Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports. Ordering and booking a VIP lounge for passengers. Flight cost calculation. Controlling the operational activities of airlines at the airport. Working with passengers, issuing tickets, checking in. Interaction with various airport services and airline crews. Information and reference work. Flight load control. Organizing work with flight customers, processing incoming requests for the transportation of passengers and cargo. Interaction with service providers (airlines) within the framework of transportation organization. Control of mutual settlements, receivables and payables for customers and service providers. Timely entry of transportation data into the company information system, introduction of reporting on the work done. Organizational and documentary work with customs and border service airport. Preparation of transportation documents Working with the company’s customers, processing incoming requests for transportation. Providing the “Personal Representative” service (assistance with registering passengers for a flight, passing customs and border control, registering cargo for transportation, consultations). Representative of airlines at Vnukovo airport: Gazprom Avia, Aviacon-Tsitotrans, EMERCOM of Russia, 224 LO, Cosmos, UT-Air cargo, Aviastar-TU, RusJet.

air cargo transportation manager


Organization and provision of ground services for aircraft at Vnukovo Airport. Working with passengers, issuing tickets, checking in. Interaction with various airport services and airline crews. Organization of passenger services in case of flight delay. Information and reference work. Organization of cargo transportation. Flight load control. Providing the “Personal Representative” service. Timely entry of transportation data into the company’s information system, introduction of reporting on the work done. Preparation of transportation documents (Tickets, application for cargo transportation, TTN, passenger manifest, cargo manifest, etc.). Organization of transportation of Special Property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
January 2012 - May 2017 5 years 5 months
OK-Trans LLC Moscow, Senior representative of the transportation organization department Organization and provision of ground handling of aircraft at city airports

Airline representative at Vnukovo airport

OJSC "Vladivostok Air"

Representing the interests of an airline in Moscow, Vnukovo Airport. Organization and provision of ground services for aircraft at Moscow airports. Organization of cargo transportation on airline flights. Organization of passenger transportation.
Ordering and booking a VIP lounge for passengers. Monitoring the airline's operational activities at the airport. Work with passengers, re-issuance of tickets, control at check-in. Interaction with various airport services and airline crews. Organization of passenger services in case of flight delay. Information and reference work. Flight load control. Interaction with service providers within the framework of transportation organization. Timely entry of transportation data into the company’s information system, introduction of reporting on the work done. Organizational and documentary work with the customs and border service of the airport. Registration of transportation documents Monitoring the provision of exchange funds for the airline's packaging equipment (pallets, containers). Providing the “Personal Representative” service (assistance with registering passengers for a flight, passing customs and border control, registering cargo for transportation, consultations).

Representative at Vnukovo airport (by agreement).

LLC "Norilsk Avia Service"

Organization and provision of ground services for aircraft at Moscow airports. Organization of cargo transportation on flights of the airline "Kavminvody Avia" Organization of passenger transportation. Ordering and booking a VIP lounge for passengers. Work with passengers, re-issuance of tickets, control at check-in. Interaction with various airport services and airline crews. Organization of passenger services in case of flight delay. Information and reference work. Flight load control. Organizing work with flight customers, processing incoming requests for the transportation of passengers and cargo. Interaction with service providers within the framework of transportation organization. Timely entry of transportation data into the company’s information system, introduction of reporting on the work done. Registration of transportation documents Organization and provision of loading/delivery of cargo to the cargo terminal of Vnukovo airport. Work with the company's customers, processing incoming requests for transportation.

Senior dispatcher of the supervisor-coordinating service

OJSC "Vnukovo Handling"

Management of shifts of dispatchers (supervisors-coordinators). Operational control over the work of ground services at Vnukovo Airport (during the work shift). Organization and provision of ground services for aircraft at Vnukovo Airport. Controlling the operational activities of airlines at Vnukovo Airport. Interaction with various airport services and airline crews. Timely entry of transportation data into the company information system, introduction of reporting on the work done. Preparation of transportation documents.