What does the island of Java look like on the map. Sights of Java - what to see. A complete guide to iconic places. Prambanan Temple Complex

The mystery of the island of Java has attracted many since childhood. At first, this place on the map seems to us like a kind of mysterious territory, containing the secrets of the past and numerous treasures buried in the ground by bloodthirsty pirates. A little later we strive to visit there in search of new impressions and unique photographs.

Section 1. General description of the island of Java

The island of Java is the most famous and fifth largest island of the Indonesian archipelago, which today is home to 130 million people (more than 65%). Hundreds of volcanoes can be seen in this territory, unique landscapes Dieng Plateau, various specimens of flora and fauna, many ancient palaces, temples, mosques and sanctuaries.

Thanks to the tropical climate, there are virtually no temperature changes on the island all year round. The weather here is divided into two seasons: during the first (from March to October) it is constantly dry, and during the second it constantly rains. The atmospheric humidity within the island of Java ranges from 75% to 95%, and the air temperature ranges from +26 C to +29 C.

Section 2. Local attractions

Between the cities of Solo and Yogyakarta there is another architectural masterpiece - the ancient Hindu temple complex of Prambanan.

The city of Surabaya is famous for the Meru-Metiri and Baluran nature reserves and the high active volcano Bromo.

Section 3. Useful information for tourists

The island of Java is quite easy to find on the world map, and it is very simple to plan your route. Transport system It's superbly organized here. Today on the island, namely in the cities of Surabaya, Semarang, Jakarda, Yogyakarta, Bandug, Solo, airports accept international charter flights from all over the world.

The most convenient way to get from Russia regular flight via Dubai. It is also possible to get to the island by water. For example, Jakarta, Surabaya, Banten and East Java can be reached by ferry.

Buses are considered the cheapest and most convenient means of transportation here, but a rented car or train ride is perfect for traveling.

The cuisine on the island is adapted to European tastes and consists mainly of beef, chicken, vegetables, rice, legumes and fresh fruit. The most traditional, tasty and cheap food can be found in small cafes. Very popular drinks in Java are ginger tea, tuak juice from palm flowers and palm arak vodka.

Of all the 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia, Java is undeniably the queen. It does not have the beaches of Bali, the jungles of Kalimantan, and is not as remote as New Guinea, but it is she who is the heart of the country. Java has more drive and energy than any other place in this huge archipelago. The planet's most populous island, home to more than 140 million people in an area half the size of Great Britain, still has many untouched areas.

Java offers everything that an adventurous traveler could enjoy: great ancient monuments, volcanoes, large national parks, forests adjacent to tea and rice plantations, big cities and even areas of savannah.

A little about the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta

For many, Indonesia begins and ends with Java. Jakarta is located here - the capital of the country and a colossal metropolis. This city is not for everyone, but rather a starting point on the way to more relaxed and interesting Indonesian routes. However, despite, or perhaps because of, Jakarta's reputation as a complex and controversial city, exploring its neighborhoods and unique attractions provides a sense of the country's incredible diversity. rich history and culture, unusual architecture, an incredible mix of languages, religions, nations.

Although Jakarta has little tourist attraction, the rest of the island should not be ignored. About 120 volcanoes cover it with a lace of fiery rubies. Powerful Indian Ocean tides south coast The islands are a magical sight. The swimming areas here are quite dangerous, but there are also sheltered coves with beautiful public beaches, such as Pangandaran. The calmer northern coast and small islands where white sand beaches can be found will appeal to fans beach holiday and lovers aquatic species sports

Geography of the island of Java

The island is divided into provinces: West Java, East Java and Central Java.

West Java

West Java, the enchanting land of the Sunda, stretches from the Sunda Strait in the west to the borders of Central Java in the east. The terrain here is beautiful, with mountainous areas interspersed with rich green valleys hugging tall volcanic peaks. The history of West Java is the story of Indian traders and their cultural influences, the rise and fall of powerful dynasties, and where Dutch and British sailors first set foot on the archipelago. Surrounded by lush mountains and beautiful volcanoes At an altitude of 768 meters, Bandung is located - the capital of West Java and the fourth largest city in Indonesia. The Dutch gave it the nickname Paris of Java for its resemblance to the capital of France and the special European atmosphere for which the city was famous in colonial times. Bandung also has another name that speaks for itself - Flower City. You can have a good time here: a pleasant climate, popular restaurants, and shopping is good, because Bandung is famous for its garments.

Central Java

Central Java is the cultural, geographical and historical heart of the island. Universities, dance schools, various workshops, the opportunity to buy handicrafts: ceramics, textiles and carvings - the region is rich in culture and interesting in shops. It is also home to most of the island's largest temples and the performing arts (traditional dance dramas) are widely practiced. Surakarta, better known as Solo, is the cradle of Javanese culture in the province. Majestic royal ceremonies and colorful festivals are held here with great pomp.

40 km from Semarang (provincial capital) in the town of Demak there is great mosque- a bizarre mixture of Hindu and Islamic architecture. In general, a special style was formed on the island under the influence of the Indo-Buddhist, Muslim and European cultures of the colonialists.

East Java

East Java, along with historical attractions, is rich in beaches, lakes, volcanoes and nature reserves. Magnificent mountain landscapes and, of course, the crater famous volcano Bromo attract tourists to this part of the island. Administrative center The province is located in the city of Surabaya, which is the second largest city in Indonesia and a major industrial center.

Sights of Java

Inspired by the environment natural beauty, the inhabitants of Java over many centuries created temples and palaces that amaze with their uniqueness and splendor. The best place to experience Javanese art is in " cultural capital» - Yogyakarta, which can be reached from Jakarta by train, admiring the picturesque landscapes.

Borobudur Temple is the oldest Hindu temple in Java and one of the largest Buddhist monuments in Southeast Asia located on top of Dieng Hill, surrounded by volcanoes and verdant valleys. You can safely call him architectural masterpiece, it’s not for nothing that the temple is called the eighth wonder of the world.

The equally impressive Prambanan was built in the 9th century, perhaps to rival the splendor of Borobudur and also to commemorate the return to power of the Hindu dynasty. From May to October during the full moon in the temple complex on a stage under open air You can see the traditional Indonesian Ramayana dance. This is an unforgettable spectacle with the participation of hundreds of dancers, singers and musicians.

In fact, there are so many places on the island that are interesting to visit; There is so much to see and discover from nature and cultural heritage that one trip, especially a short one, may not be enough.

Java - a mixture of Indonesian worlds

Java is such a mixture different world: beautiful countryside with calm pastoral scenes and bustling, pretty dirty cities with crowded streets. But the island is remembered for its unusually beautiful nature and amazing sights. Come and see for yourself!

As part of the Big Sunda Islands, from which the Malay Archipelago is formed, is the island of Java. On the map it can be found in the northeastern Indian Ocean.

It is not known exactly where the island of Java got its name. According to one of existing versions, it comes from the Proto-Austronesian word for "house". According to another, the consonant name of the island is found in the manuscripts of the early Indian epic. There is also the opinion of some experts that “Java” is a derivative of the word “Jau”. From Sanskrit it can be translated as “barley” or “lying in the distance.”


The island of Java (see photo below) was formed, according to scientists, approximately six to seven million years ago. During the same period, the entire Malay Archipelago appeared.

Java is considered to be the tip protruding above the water mountain range, which stretches from Burma to the Sumatra islands, passing through the Nicobar and Andaman Islands. Many years ago, seismic and volcanic processes provoked the subsidence and uplift of the continent that previously existed in this place. As a result of all this, the island of Java appeared. The landscape of its central part is decorated with mountain range, stretching from west to east. The island of Java has volcanoes in this part of the territory. In total there are more than one hundred and twenty of them, among which there are thirty active ones. The most high volcano recognized as Semeru. Its height is 3676 m. This is the highest point of the island. Other, most significant:

Bromo - 2329 m;
- Merapi - 2914 m.

The latter of these two volcanoes is one of the ten most active on our planet. In 1006, its catastrophic eruption destroyed life on the island for three centuries. Fertile soils turned into desert. Java Island - "Valley of Death". So, without a doubt, one could call it in those days.

Unfortunately, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur in these places to this day. The consequences of such seismic activity are very sad. They lead to numerous destructions and casualties.

Unlike the central part of the island, the coastal areas are swampy lowlands. Here is located large number lakes and many rivers flow through.

The island of Java has a rather winding coastline. In its bends there are a large number of convenient bays and bays, allowing ships with different landing positions to moor.

The coast of the island, along almost its entire length, has numerous narrow sandy beaches with small dunes that end in tropical jungle.


The island of Java is located near the earth's equator. This geographical location has a significant impact on the climate of this area. It is equatorial, relatively hot and humid. The weather on the island is characterized by the absence of seasonal temperature changes. It's warm here all year round. The air warms up in the range from twenty-three to twenty-six degrees. Precipitation on the island is usually short-term tropical showers. Their number during the year can exceed 1000-1100 mm. In the northwestern and northern parts of the island this figure is slightly higher. Sometimes it reaches 3000 mm.


Today, Java is home to more than one hundred and forty million people. This allows us to recognize it as the most densely populated island in the whole world.

The majority of Javanese residents are Indonesians. In addition to them, representatives of a number of ethnic groups live on the island, the list of which includes:

- Sundanese;
- Minangkabau.

Alien peoples from India, China and Indochina also live here. They all speak Malay, which is recognized as the official language on the island. You can often hear Javanese words in everyday life. Meet in conversation local residents and Chinese dialects.

What are the main directions of the national economy of which the island of Java is proud? The population of rural areas and small towns is engaged in growing barley, rice, coffee, including such a famous variety as Kopi Luwak. Industry is also developed on the island. Its industries, such as electronics, processing, mining and textiles, employ the population major cities.

Administrative structure

In Java, the largest city in terms of population, importance and size is Jakarta. On the map it can be found in the northwestern part of the island, on the very coast. It is the largest populated area in the Malay Archipelago, which is also the capital of Indonesia. Jakarta has a population of 9.6 million. The list of major cities located in Java includes:

- Yogyakarta.
- Bandung.
- Serang.
- Kudus.
- Hook.
- Surabaya.
- Malang et al.
According to its administrative structure, the island is divided into three provinces. These are West, East and Central Java.

Pearl of the Malay Archipelago

Indonesia includes about seventeen thousand islands. However, Java is without any doubt the real queen among them. Despite the fact that this is the most densely populated island on our planet, there are many places untouched by man. A trip to Java will appeal to the most adventurous tourists who want to recharge their batteries and get a real drive. The island offers its guests ancient monuments and huge national parks, volcanoes and rice plantations, adjacent to dense forests, savannah areas and large cities.


Many tourists who want to explore Indonesia first fly to the island of Java. The capital of the country, Jakarta, which is a colossal metropolis, serves for many as the starting point from which the path to more interesting and relaxing routes begins.

This city is very complex and ambiguous. But it is from here that, as a rule, tourists begin to explore the island of Java. Only in Jakarta, after exploring the sights and areas, can you experience the country's rich history, its diverse culture and unusual architecture.

On the list interesting places There are numerous capital cities of Indonesia exhibition centers and parks. But among them there are those that deserve special attention from tourists. This is, for example, the Taman-Mini park. There are 27 pavilions on its territory, each of which displays traditional buildings, interesting decorations and other exhibits presented by various provinces. Here you can admire a miniature that represents Indonesia in every detail.

The Park of Dreams, located in the Anchola area, also attracts tourists. On its territory you can buy bone jewelry, batiks and other creations of local craftsmen.
Jakarta and the Tamaya Ismail Narzuki center are also interesting for guests. On its territory there are many venues, which house five theaters and numerous exhibitions. The complex includes a dance hall and a planetarium.

The main attraction of the capital, of which the island of Java is rightfully proud (see photo below), is the National Monument. It is a tower rising more than 130 m above the surface of the earth. The material for its manufacture was Italian marble. From above, the National Monument is decorated with an imitation flame made of gilding. For Indonesia, this tower is a symbol of the capital.

What else can the island of Java please its guests with? Reviews from tourists recommend including the Istiklal Mosque in the list of must-see sites. It is the largest Muslim sanctuary located in Southeast Asia.


Numerous tourists strive to visit the temples of the island of Java. When exploring Indonesia, it is impossible not to visit Borobudur. It is the third largest Buddhist-Hindu temple in the entire world. In size, Borobudur is second only to the Cambodian Angkor, as well as the Burmese Shwedagon.

The Indonesian temple is a step pyramid, the height of which is 34 m. It rises on an artificially created hill, embodying sacred mountain Meru (according to ancient Indian legends, it is the center of the whole world). According to teaching, any visitor to Borobudur or pilgrim begins his ascent “from earth to heaven.” Moreover, the road leading to the temple is a spiral. Walking along it, visitors explore the eight terraces of Borobudur and get acquainted with the history of the emergence of Buddhism, carved into one and a half thousand reliefs and stone sculptures.

The architecture of the temple itself indicates the influence of Persian, Greek, Indian and Babylonian architects. This is a majestic structure, from the upper levels of which an exciting and grandiose view opens. There is also a sculpture of Buddha here. There is a legend that whoever can reach his little finger will certainly have good luck.

The island of Java (Indonesia) is rightfully proud of this real wonder of the world. After all, the Borobudur Temple, which was built 1200 years ago, is a beautiful, grandiose and picturesque structure. It survived the eruption of the nearby Merapi volcano, a change in not only the political course on the island, but also religion. It retained its beautiful view and after the invasions of treasure hunters.


What else attracts tourists to the island of Java? The attractions located on its territory contain another masterpiece in their list, which ranks lower than Borobudur. This is the Prambanan temple complex. Unlike Borobudur, it is located on a plain, which locals call the “Valley of the Kings”. This territory is literally strewn with the ruins of ancient buildings.

The Prambanan complex itself is a collection consisting of three temples, each of which is dedicated to one of the gods - Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. The walls of these amazingly beautiful buildings are decorated with bas-reliefs, the subjects of which are taken from scenes from the ancient Indian epic called the Ramayana.

The year 856 is considered to be the end of the construction of Prambanan. This temple commemorates the victory of the Hindu king Pikatan over the Buddhist king belonging to the Shailendra dynasty.


What other temples does the island of Java offer its guests to explore? The attractions that the Javanese are proud of include the Kraton palace complex. Local residents consider it the “navel” of the world. The palace was not only the seat of the sultanate for the island. The Javanese believed that the center of the Universe was located here.

In Kraton there are:

The chambers of the Sultan himself and his family members;
- throne room;
- pavilions for various performances;
- mosque;
- chambers for contemplation.

In the 19th century the interior decoration of the palace complex was changed. It was given European features. Cast iron columns and Italian marble, furniture and chandeliers in the Rococo style appeared. All these interior details are in strong contrast to the Javanese base of the Kraton.


Not far from the bustling capital Jakarta lies a tranquil town. Just an hour's ride from the metropolis by train, and you are in Bogor, famous throughout the island for its huge botanical garden. Here you can see the largest flower on our planet - “Amorphophaldus titanica”.

Local residents call Bogor “the city of rain”. Indeed, it always rains here every afternoon. That is why in botanical garden It's better to take a walk early in the morning. Visitors will see amazing trees that look like bell-bottoms. There is a Mexican garden, an orchid garden and much more. Deer roam in the royal park next door.

Gunung Halimun

This is one of the most national parks in Java. It differs from all the others in that the road to it is relatively simple. It is enough to drive from Bogor only an hour and a half.

Gunung Halimun Park is worth a visit for those tourists who are lovers of fauna and flora. Here you can see a large number of plants, dozens of bird species, as well as mammals (including the endangered West Javan gibbons).


This city was founded by the Dutch in the 18th century. Tourists who choose it get acquainted with eastern part islands of Java. Malang attracts visitors with its surroundings, which are surrounded by coffee plantations. There are also numerous Hindu temples built on the slopes of Mount Penanggungan, which the locals consider sacred. Not far from Malang are the most famous beaches among tourists, the most popular of which is Balekambang. From the city you can quickly reach volcanoes such as Seperu, Bromo and Ijen. Public transport runs to them from Malang.

Taman Sari

There are also special attractions in Java. One of them is Taman Sari. This is a water castle, built specifically for the Sultan in 1758. Taman Sari is a whole park palace complexes with canals and pools. The castle is laid underground tunnels and special secret rooms are provided.

Prambanan is a complex of Buddhist and Hindu temples from the early Middle Ages. The complex is located in Indonesia, on the island of Java, on the southern slope of the famous Mareli volcano.

The complex was erected in 856 in honor of the victory of the Hindu king Rakai Pikatan over the last Buddhist king of the Sailendra dynasty. The whole complex is divided into 3 zones. In the outer and middle zones there are many small temples, and in the inner zone there are 8 main temples and 8 small ones.

The most big temple The complex is the Prambanan Temple, dedicated to Shiva. This is a 47-meter structure, which houses a 3-meter statue of Shiva.

Also near the temple you can see statues dedicated to Vishnu and Brahma. The walls of the temples are decorated with bas-reliefs depicting mythical scenes. This complex was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1991.

Maritime Museum

One of the popular attractions in Jakarta is Maritime Museum, or Bahri, located in safe harbor northern part of the city. It opened in 1977 on the site of an old Dutch East India Company warehouse used to store spices.

The museum contains collections telling about maritime history, maritime traditions and the importance of the sea in the economy of modern Indonesia. The hall dedicated to maritime history displays models of ships and cannons, as well as a model of Onrust Island, which housed a former shipyard for the repair of ships of the Dutch East India Company. In the exhibition dedicated to sailing ships, collected models of the Indonesian archipelago. Here is a rare collection of Pinisi schooners, which are still very popular in the world.

In the field of modern shipping, Bahri presents various navigational aids, Indonesian naval charts, lighthouse information, valuable photographs and maritime folklore. A separate room is occupied by a collection dedicated to biological oceanography, which presents the entire diversity of flora and fauna of the coastal region of Indonesia.

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Volcano Merapi

A formidable and dangerous volcano on the most densely populated island on the planet is located near the economically significant city of Yogyakarta for the island of Java. This one of the island's many active volcanoes does not seem to frighten the locals at all. The volcano has small eruptions twice a year, seriously erupts once every 7 years, and the volcano smokes constantly.

One of the eruptions of Merapi, which took place in 1673, wiped out several cities and villages from the face of the earth and completely changed the landscape of a large area - even the rivers then changed their courses. Even earlier, in 1006, when the volcano awakened, a crack formed in it, and the eruption was so terrible and large-scale that it destroyed the entire kingdom of Mataram. Today Merapi is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes planet, and within a radius of many kilometers from its foot, all activities are prohibited, including tourist passages and ascents.

Mount Bromo is an active volcano, one of the main tourist attractions of the island of Java, in Indonesia. Vulcan is part of national park Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, its height is 2329 meters.

Volcano Bromo has been surrounded by superstitions since ancient times and is central place to perform numerous rituals of local residents. In particular, there is Yadnya Kasada - a festival to calm the volcano. This action lasts about a month, and on the fourteenth day it is customary to make a procession to the volcano to bring it your gifts. Indonesians symbolically donate food, fruit or animals to the volcano, and after the sacrifice they pray, hoping to appease the gods.

The Yadnya Kasada ritual is very ancient, it originated in the east of Java back in the fifteenth century, drawing its mythology from local legends, which the islanders willingly treat all tourists who want to join the volcano appeasement ceremony with.

The ceremony itself is extremely bright and colorful, but it cannot be called safe - the climb to Bromo is associated with a whole series of dangers, and only the most desperate daredevils even dare to go down to the crater. Nevertheless, the ritual of climbing the volcano regularly attracts many lovers of exotic and extreme entertainment.


Merapi is the largest in Indonesia active volcano, located in the center of the island. Java, a few kilometers from the city of Yogyakarta. The height of the volcano is 2914 meters.

Almost every day you can see the volcano smoking, and eruptions occur approximately once every 7 years, smaller explosions occur twice a year. At this time, a plume of gas and ash rises above the peak to a height of 10 km. Over the entire history of the island, many settlements at the foot of the volcano, located tens of kilometers from the peak, were destroyed, and more than one thousand people died.

From April to November, this is the time of the “dry” season, the volcano is visible at a distance of fifty kilometers.

For 17 centuries, this volcano has been considered the most dangerous on the planet.

Palace of Independence

Independence Palace in the center of Jakarta is the official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. It is located opposite Merdeka Square and is a national historical monument. This building was built in 1873 in neoclassical style. The residence of the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies was located here. In 1949, the palace received its current name "Merdeka", which means "independence" in Indonesian.

Together with neighboring government buildings, it constitutes the presidential complex, the center of the Indonesian executive power. The Independence Palace is the official venue for state events such as Independence Day ceremonies, welcoming dignitaries, receiving credentials from foreign ambassadors, inaugurations of national and international congresses and official state banquets.

On the lawn in front of the palace there is a luxurious fountain and a flagpole 17 meters high. The annual flag raising ceremony takes place during Indonesian independence celebrations on 17 August.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic church in the north of the island of Java, as well as the cathedral of the archdiocese of Semarang. It is located next to Tugu Muda Square, which has been included in the Indonesian Cultural Heritage List.

The Catholic community acquired the land on which today's church is located back in 1926. Until 1930, it was just a small parish church, which was demolished 5 years later and a modern church was built.

On June 25, 1940, the Apostolic Vicariate of Semarang was established and the church became cathedral this new Catholic structure. Due to the Indonesian War of Independence, the department was moved to the city of Bintaran. However, in 1949 she was returned to Semarang again.

Currently, the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary complex also houses a conference hall and a school. In 2012, it was organized here official residence bishop, which consists of a chapel, an archive, a secretariat, a garden, and six living rooms.

The cathedral itself was built on a stone foundation, the roofs and arches were decorated with parapets, and the doors faced three cardinal directions at once: north, west and south.

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Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The plot of land on which the temple is located was acquired in late XIX century by the Dutch bishop Adam Claessens. Within a few years, an inn for pilgrims visiting Bogor and a house for the abbot were built on it. His nephew became the first local priest, whose home chapel also became the first place for Catholic worship in the history of Bogor.

In 1896, construction began on the temple in the neo-Gothic style typical of Catholic churches, which was completed in 1905. In 1961 it became the cathedral of the Diocese of Bogor.

Its facade is decorated with an image of the Madonna and Child, installed in a niche above the main entrance. On the right side of the building there is a tower part. The entire building, except for the azure niche for the Madonna statue, is painted white and the roof is covered with brown tiles.

On the territory of this temple complex, one of the largest in the city, there is a Catholic seminary, high school and several offices of various Catholic community organizations.

The most popular attractions in Java with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places Java on our website.

More attractions of Java

Every avid traveler's dream. The name of this miracle is the island of Java. You can go here at any time of the year, since there is no sudden deterioration in the weather, as in most similar countries. So stock up on information about these lands and hit the road for positive emotions!

Where is the mysterious Java?

Photos of the island of Java, full of volcanoes, are very exotic. This landmass is the largest in the Indonesian archipelago. Its shores are washed by the waters of the inland Java Sea, which communicates with Indian Ocean in the south and Quiet in the north. The island covers an area of ​​132 thousand square meters. km, where the population density is 1000 people per 1 sq. km. According to the 2010 census, 140 million people lived in Java. This narrow and long strip of land, more than 1000 km long, concentrated more than 65% of the country's total population.

The rocks that form the island are half continental, and half are volcanic origin. The island is also unusual because it has 120 extinct volcanoes. 30 of them are active, which does not prevent this region from being very popular among tourists. The most high point islands – (3676 m), which is classified as active.

Climatic conditions of the island of Java

The tropical climate in which Java is located is a consistently high temperature (+26...+33°C) and the same humidity (75-95%) throughout the year. The situation practically does not change with the onset of the rainy season, which runs here from November to February. Typhoons that force you to stay indoors for days are rare here - tourists at this time can expect only short-term downpours, which are quickly replaced by the scorching sun.

What cities are there on the island?

The densely populated island of Java, home to a huge number of people, has many settlements. Let's get acquainted with the most famous of them:

In addition to these resorts, there are no less interesting cities on the island of Java:

  • Semarang;
  • Tangerang;
  • Depok;
  • Cirebon;
  • Serang;
  • Magelang;
  • Madium.

Sights and entertainment in Java

Such amazing country, like Indonesia, has many aces up its sleeve that will take the tourists' breath away. This and natural complexes, And history museums, and the colorful population of Java itself:

Javanese cuisine

  • batik fabric;
  • paintings on batik;
  • national masks;
  • wooden carvings;
  • souvenir surfboard;
  • Javanese sarong;
  • erotic souvenirs and accessories popular on the island;
  • miniature maracas, drums;
  • cosmetic products;
  • coffee;
  • Indonesian silver jewelry.

Transport network of the island of Java

In all major cities there are islands (and there are many of them) that receive regular internal and international flights, so getting here is easy. The second path will take a little longer, because it runs along the water. Ferries to Java go from Sulawesi, Bali.

In terms of the quality of roads, Java is the best area in Indonesia. The most convenient way to get around cities is by bus or rented car. The train is suitable for those planning intercity trips. And if you want to save money, then private taxi-rickshaws with neat and polite drivers are available to tourists.