Big Vruda. Estates and temples of Ingria. Group excursion “Fortresses and estates of Ingermanland step: pay for tickets

Ingermanlandia is named after the wife of Yaroslav the Wise Ingigerd (all historical information- on the conscience of the guide). The princess belonged to the Jarlship of Ladoga, which lasted for a hundred years.
The area on the territory of St. Petersburg was quite densely populated before Peter - five thousand Chukhna people. They called the Fontanka Kikiyoki, Kallina (Lyakushachya, Mutnaya). The main highways of St. Petersburg (except for the Nevsky - it was cut by captured Swedes under Peter) - on the site of the old Novgorod roads.
In general, our excursion is mainly along old roads. The Chukhon Izhora people lived in our area, the first mention was in the 12th century. In the West they are called ingrams, a side shoot of the Karelians.
Chukhonians - Setto Estonians, Izhorians, Karelians, all (Vepsians). All are Orthodox; their language differs from Finnish approximately as Croatian differs from Russian.

The first stop, in an hour, along the Gostilitskoe highway. The abandoned estate and the crumbling Razumovskys (relatives of the Ukrainian swineherd, with whom Elizaveta Petrovna fell in love so much that she secretly married him) - Hotels(by the name of the river).

In Gostilitsy there is the crumbling Razumovsky estate, on the site of the estate of Minikh (one of the few efficient specialists hired by Peter in Europe). Under Soviet rule, in those places there was a millionaire collective farm, with barracks built for students who came to harvest potatoes. Rooted into the ground outbuildings from the 18th century, they are boarded up, but at least under a roof. The master's house is destroyed. It suffered during the war, but worst of all - after perestroika, when local residents They began to use it as a quarry. At least the church has been rebuilt. The park is neglected, the greenhouse is destroyed.

The estate belonged to the Cherkasskys, then the Sheremetyevs and the Engalychevs. A small and relatively well-preserved estate with a stable on the owner’s side and a food warehouse on the owner’s side..

The remains of the park are noteworthy - linden trees planted in a “basket” and a multi-trunked solitaire oak. Such oak trees were worshiped in pagan times, then priests hung icons of Elijah the Prophet on them.

The Russian park - near the house is regular, French, the further you go - the more it becomes landscape, English, gradually merging with the landscape. Completely abandoned parks are sometimes found using imported trees. In our area the guest is larch. Although the forest is beautiful, these trees had to be relocated from Siberia.
From the highway near Voronino beautiful view at the nuclear power plant in Sosnovy Bor.

Koporye. Famous historical place, where the fortress of the Teutonic knights was destroyed by Alexander Nevsky (and his brother Andrei).
Initially, under the knights, it was wooden, then again wooden, but a year later it was made of stone through the efforts of Nevsky’s son Dmitry. The Novgorodians kicked out Dmitry, fearing that his brother and the Tatars would come to him to sort things out - the brothers did not get along well and did not disdain to involve the Tatars in family squabbles.
The Novgorodians demolished the fortress, and then decided that the guardhouse would be useful to them, and rebuilt it again. The border garrison was small, the main task was to notify Novgorod about the attack, and the townspeople would have time to hide women, children and livestock in the swamps. Later, the border was pushed back, and the fortress peacefully decayed in the rear. The photographs show the remains of the church and chancellery.

The guide believes that Koporye is the second stone fortress after Ladoga on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In the north, fortresses were built from European knights - stone, more solid than from the Tatar cavalry. They built, trying to make maximum use of natural fortifications - steep river banks, hills, ravines.

The fortresses were rebuilt after the advent of artillery - old stone throwers hit 100-150 meters. By that time, the Koporye fortress, built on limestone and from limestone, had become obsolete. If a stone, much less a cast iron, core hits a stone, it will shatter into sharp fragments, which is why fortresses are rebuilt into bricks that crumble with sand.
The “Secret Tower” is not a hiding place, but a well. The fortress is very picturesque, especially from the side of the moat, from where no attack was expected.

In the fortress there is the only original, at least partially surviving, authentic lowered grate-gersa in Russia, somehow rolled into cement like a radish. These are typical for European castles, but in Russia today they are only remakes. The entrance was later fortified with towers, the bridge was from the 19th century, the cat was from the 21st century, as were the role-playing games.

Next we passed through the lands of the German barons. The primordacy operated here, so the holdings were not split up and did not change owners. The estate belonged to the Wrangels for centuries; they served the Poles, Swedes, and then the Russian emperors - depending on which state the lands belonged to. The guide gave Nicholas I’s explanation of why he loves German nobles more than Russians: “Russian nobles serve Russia, German nobles serve me.”
A little more about nobles and prices. A man brought the master three hundred rubles a year (!), and that’s what it cost, an adult peasant woman cost fifty, an untrained girl - an extra mouth, two or three rubles, or even a ruble. A wealthy nobleman - from a hundred souls, a rich one from a thousand. Estates were split up, service (especially in the guard) cost a lot of money, estates were mortgaged for the sake of service, dowry, and carousing. The emperors took many measures to save the nobility from ruin, but before the reform, most of the peasants were mortgaged and belonged not so much to the landowners, but to the treasury.

Kingisepp (formerly Yamburg). stands on the Luga River. The fortress was razed by the Swedes; several ancient buildings remained in the city (Gostiny Dvor is not bad, but we didn’t stop there) and a church built according to Rinaldi’s design. Near the church there are three limestone crosses, remnants of pagan stone worship. Nearby I liked the house (it seems, a school) from the beginning of the century - if I am not accused of ignorance, then historicism is pseudo-Gothic.

IN Ivangorod We first got to the Trinity Church, founded by a banker

Price from: 1100 rub.

During this excursion you will be able to immerse yourself in a truly exciting journey with a visit to ancient fortresses in the north-west of former Rus'. This adventure will be very educational and interesting for those interested in history. ancient Rus' and archaeology. You will be able to see with your own eyes the vast expanses of our ancestral home; here you will see new world nature: beautiful landscapes, fields, rivers and lakes. But of course, the most indelible impression on you will be made by the ancient fortresses, because some of them have been standing for more than a thousand years.

The first stage of our adventure will be a visit to the family estates of Ingria. Namely, your attention will be invited to get acquainted with Gostilitsa - this is the whole yard of the Razumovsky family. Here you can visit real once-functioning fortifications of ancient Rus', from where battles with enemies were fought more than once. On the excursion you can visit the Koporye and Ivangorod fortresses.

In addition, you will get acquainted with the most beautiful example of ancient architecture - St. Catherine's Cathedral, and archeology lovers will be able to see the ruins ancient fortress in Yamburg.
Our guide will immerse you in the ancient years of Russian history. For example, did you know that Ingermanlandia is the name that this area received in honor of Ingigerd, the wife of Yaroslav the Wise. The princess owned the Jarldom of Ladoga, which existed for more than 100 years.

The territory of modern St. Petersburg at that distant time was quite densely populated before the arrival of Peter I.

It is noteworthy that the main modern roads of St. Petersburg are located on the site of the ancient roads of Novgorod. Well, except perhaps for Nevsky Prospekt, since it was created already under Peter I by the forces of the Swedes, who were in captivity.

But our excursion will only take place along ancient historical roads. The Chukhon people called Izhoras then lived in this area. Mentions of this people were recorded in the 12th century. In the west, this nation was called Ingra.
The Chukhons included Izhorians, Karelians and Setto Estonians. They were all of the Orthodox faith and spoke a language very similar to modern Finnish.

An hour after the start of our excursion, our first stop awaits us on Gostilitskoye Highway. An abandoned old manor Razumovsky, who had a simple Ukrainian swineherd as their relative. Young Elizaveta Petrovna once fell in love with him and, in defiance of her family, became his wife.

St. Petersburg - Krasnoe Selo - Lopukhinka - Koporye - Kotly - Kingisepp - Ivangorod - Parusinka - St. Petersburg

for custom groups any day

We invite you to visit lands famous for their medieval fortresses: Ivangorod, Yamburg and Koporye. In the shadow of their grandiose history remained no less famous compatriots, whose names are associated with art. Before you will appear the fate of the patron of arts - Stieglitz, the magnificent portrait painter - Kiprensky, the wonderful illustrator - Bilibin.

Departure from St. Petersburg metro station Moskovskaya*. Route information. Going to the western borders of our country, you will get acquainted with the history of numerous estates. Through the fates of their owners, the past of Ingermanland from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century is revealed.
On the way through Krasnoe Selo You will admire the church Holy Trinity, built by order of Anna Ioannovna in 1732.
Visit Lopukhinka village. A picturesque region with forests and healing radon springs. Excursion to the estate of Baron Colonel Goering - one of the last owners of the Lopukhinka estate.
The tourist brand of the Lomonosov region is the ancient guardian of Rus', a monument of stone military and defensive architecture - Koporye Fortress. The Koporye fortress is the best monument of ancient Russian fortification in the north-west. The fortress is a monument not only to ancient Russian stone military-defensive architecture, but also to Russian military glory. Currently, the fortress is in need of conservation.
Another famous name of his time, Orest Kiprensky, is associated with the Koporye region and the grandiose estate of Albrecht. Moving to estate "Kotly". You will see the family tomb of the owners, a restored church and the ruins of a once grandiose palace.
Excursion "History of the Ingermanland province". Moving to Kingiseppancient city Yamburg. Getting to know Catherine's Cathedral. You will see one of the most interesting buildings created by Antonio Rinaldi, a master of Rococo. The temple is located on the high bank of the Luga River on the axis of the city center, planned during the time of Catherine the Great. You can see earthen ramparts near the walls of the temple ancient fortress.
Time for LUNCH (additional cost: 350 rubles, payment in St. Petersburg).
Moving to Ivangorod.
Tour of Ivangorod Fortress (additional entrance ticket from 100 rubles). It served as a shield for Russian lands, being an impregnable outpost on their western border for more than two centuries. The fortress still amazes with its monumentality and power. It stands on the steep slopes of Devichaya Mountain, in a remote and picturesque place. The mountain is washed on three sides by the fast Narova River. On the other side of the river is the Narva (Livonian) Castle. This is the only example in the world of former enemy fortresses facing each other within the distance of an arrow.
Getting to know Stieglitz estate and the Parusinka district. Near the picturesque flood, now located near the Estonian border, the most luxurious estate of a famous industrialist and philanthropist was created. Not long ago, the church in the name of the Life-Giving Holy Trinity was restored - a real architectural masterpiece of its time. In the crypt there is a family tomb. Of no less value is the Parusinka industrial area, where the Stieglitz textile enterprise operated.
Return to Saint Petersburg approximately 21:00
* Possible landing in Krasnoye Selo, Kipen.

Tour cost:

adult - 1,450 rubles;
pensioners – 1350 rubles;

Attention! To participate in the excursion you need a PASSPORT!

The trip price includes:
- transport services along the entire route;
- services of a guide-accompany;
- excursions according to the program.

Additional charges:
- entrance tickets to the Koporye fortress - 100 rubles;
- entrance tickets to the Ivangorod Fortress - 100 rubles. - adults, 45 rub. - pence, 50 rub. – student, children under 16 - free.
- LUNCH (salad, soup, meat dish, tea with a bun) - 350 rub.

We invite you on a 1-day excursion from St. Petersburg
according to the author’s program “Big Vruda. Estates and temples of Ingria"

Guide - by

Travel dates: By -

Continuation of the journey through Ingria. This time we will go to the lands located south of the old Narva road in the territory of the current Volosovsky and Kingiseppsky districts.
We will go to the liturgy in Big Vruda, place of service of the holy righteous Alexey Yuzhinsky. In the Assumption Church there is his icon with a particle. We will also visit former Pyatogorsky Monastery near the village Kurkovitsy. The former estate of the princes Obolensky in Yastrebino. . And other places. From 08.00 to 19.00

08-00 — Departure. Moskovsky pr., 189, st. metro station "Moskovskaya", exit to Aviatsionnaya street
Big Vruda. Place of worship of the holy righteous Alexey Yuzhinsky. In the Assumption Church there is his icon with a particle. Liturgy.
Kurkovitsy. Former Pyatogorsky Monastery.
Yastrebino. Princes' Estate Obolensky.
Moloskovitsy. White Church.
Torosovo. The former estate of Baron Mikhail Georgievich Wrangel.
Volgovo. Church of St. great martyr Irina.
19-00 — Approximate time of return.
In the program (1200/1300): transport and excursion services.
paid entrances, meals.
Departure at 8:00 (Moskovsky Ave., 189, Moskovskaya metro station, exit to Aviatsionnaya Street). Return approximately at 19.00.
Take food with you.

Vruda Manor Sturmanhof. They say that its owner, the German merchant Sturm, traded lilies of the valley in February and March in St. Petersburg, which he grew on his lands in a specially adapted greenhouse. Nearby, in Bolshaya Vruda - Assumption Church. O.V. Bremer and K.I. Brandt, 1823–1840. Erected at the expense of Count Vladimir Fedorovich Adlerberg (10/XI-1791–8/II-1884). Classicism. The bell tower was added in 1852. St. served here until 1919 for 23 years. righteous Alexy Yuzhinsky (Medvedkov).

Moloskovitsy . A village west of Volosovo. White or Fedorovskaya Church. A monumental structure, apparently erected in the middle of the 19th century. According to other sources, it dates back to the 17th century. It belonged to the local Finnish-Estonian-German parish, which arose before 1632. The bell tower was added in 1887. In 1902, a major renovation of the roof was carried out, during which the rafters were replaced and the tile covering was replaced with metal. Lutheran cemetery and the remains of a monument at the grave of the Weymarn barons. There are also remains manor house and park.

Kurkovitsy . A village east of Volosovo. Pyatogorsk Mother of God Convent, built on lands donated to the church in 1893 by retired clerk Georgy Fedorovich Babanov. By 1899, most of the sisters from Vokhonovsky moved here convent. Nowadays it was part of the monastery ensemble. church in the name of the icon “Quench my sorrows”(1894–1899), architect. S.V. Sadovnikov. IN Church in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God(with the chapel of St. Michael the Archangel) a club was set up. The monastery walls, the holy gates (1898) and other buildings have been partially preserved.

Yastrebino . A village in the west of the region on the left bank of the Khrevitsa River. Estate of Princes Obolensky, which houses the museum of Boris Vladimirovich Vilde (Ivan Yastrebinsky), a hero of the French resistance. St. Nicholas Church(1855–1857), architect. O.V. Bremer and K.I. Brandt.

Conversation .Manor of the Barons of Weimarn.Stone crosses. XIV–XVI centuries

Gubanitsy . A village northeast of Volosovo. Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John the Baptist. The Lutheran parish has existed since 1656. The current stone temple was erected in 1861 according to the design of the architect E.L. Ghana. Under Soviet rule, a local prison operated on the territory of the temple, and then a sawmill. Returned to the community in 1988. Restored with Finnish funds.