Sri Lanka is the capital of which country. Sights of the cultural capital of Sri Lanka - route around Kandy. Description of the route in Kandy

Sri Lanka

Amazingly beautiful island in Indian Ocean, which was once called Serendib, invites travelers to experience all the colors of life! Surrender to the curiosity that lives within, and chance will reward you with majestic wonders of discovery... It could be a pristine, beautiful beach, wealth historical heritage, the healing power of Ayurveda, the adrenaline of sports adventures, the exciting whirlwind of colorful festivals, the diversity of culture and culinary traditions, the picturesque beauty of the highlands, as well as the untouched wild nature with its numerous animal inhabitants. We can say that Sri Lanka is an island miracle. This is the country with the richest 2500 thousand years unique history. 11 UNESCO-protected sites are located on the island. This is where the oldest tree on the planet grows, which is more than 2500 years old. And finally, the kindness, hospitality and smiles of the friendly island residents successfully complement the enchanting beauty of this amazing country!

Capitals: Sri Jayewardene ura Kotte and Colombo

Geographical characteristics

Sri Lanka is a country in South Asia southeast coast Hindustan. Until 1972, the country was known as Ceylon. The area of ​​the island is 65.5 thousand square meters. km, and the shape of the island resembles a tea drop (very symbolic) or, as some believe, a pear. 80% of the island is an unchanging plain, dissected by rocks, 20% is a mountainous country, where the height of the peaks reaches two thousand meters above sea level, and the forested slopes are dissected by stormy rivers and waterfalls.


Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic state where people of different cultures and religions live together. In total, the country has just over 21 million inhabitants. 75% of them are Sinhalese who profess Buddhism, 16% are Tamils ​​(who profess Hinduism), 7% are Moors and Malays who are Muslims, and the so-called burghers (children from mixed marriages of Sri Lankans with immigrants from Europe), professing Christianity. The island has a clearly defined caste structure. Agricultural castes predominate, and other caste groups with traditional occupations are also distinguished. The lowest position in the hierarchy is occupied by the untouchable "rodis".

Interesting facts about the capital

The official capital of Sri Lanka is not Colombo, as many people think. Since the early 80s, the official capital of the South Asian island state of Sri Lanka has been Sri Jayewardene ura Kotte. This is the longest name of the capital currently existing (it exceeds the Brunei Bandar Seri Bega van by as much as 6 characters). Such a complex, oriental, sophisticated name is actually not that difficult to decipher: Sri in Sanskrit means magnificent, blessed (which gives Sri Lanka the meaning “blessed land”); Junius Richard Jayawardene (1906 -1996) - famous Sri Lankan politician, President of Sri Lanka from 1978 to 1989, pura or pur - in many Indo-Aryan languages ​​means city (example: Singapore - the lion city), Kotte - the old name of the city, which it had before the transfer of administrative institutions here. During the years of the existence of the independent Sri Lankan state, the hypertrophy of Colombo became alarmingly noticeable, so the government decided to at least partially relieve The largest city sky center In Sri Jayewardene ura Kotte there are residences of a number of the highest authorities of Sri Lanka (Parliament, Supreme Court). At the same time, Colombo, the former official capital and the largest city on the island (population of about 1 million inhabitants), continues to be considered the economic and actual capital. The president and government of the country continue to work there.

Official language

The national languages ​​of Sri Lanka are Sinhala and Tamil and are widely spoken English language(10% of the population owns it as a native language).

Weather forecast

average temperature air temperatures throughout the year in Sri Lanka range from 26 to 30 degrees. In the highlands in winter it can drop to 15 degrees during the day and 5 at night. The water temperature in the Indian Ocean averages about 26 degrees all year round. There is no rainy season as such, but there are periods in autumn and spring when rain can start at any time and in any part of the island. Almost 95% of all precipitation falls during rainy seasons summer season, from May to the end of October, mainly in the afternoon and at night. For the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, the dry season lasts from October to April, and for the northeastern coast - from March to November.


Time on the island is 2.5 hours behind Belarusian time.

What to buy

It's simply impossible to go to amazing island Sri Lanka and you can’t bring anything with you, because this country is simply replete with a special culture, breathtaking landscapes and very unusual people... Yes, the most memorable thing on the island is the people, but you can’t bring them all with you, so it’s better to enjoy their company on the spot, and bring fragments of their culture with you.

Ceylon tea, this is a must-have after traveling to famous island. It’s just better to buy it either during excursions to tea plantations or in special stores major cities. After all, you want to give your loved ones the best tea, and not “cheat” tea bags.

Very attractive prices on the island on gems. Rubies, amethysts, garnets, topazes, moonstones... and, of course, the blue sapphire is considered the king of Sri Lanka. But jewelry must also be purchased in specialized stores, which must issue appropriate receipts and export certificates.

The country is also famous for batik, i.e. silk painting. Bright, colorful and pleasant to the touch silk products will not leave anyone indifferent.

You can also bring herbs and spices (this is Asia, after all), handicrafts, wooden masks, goods made from leather, bamboo, rattan palm, coconut and many other materials. In cities you can buy inexpensive but high-quality textile products from famous world brands, locally produced. Best places for shopping in Colombo there are Odel, House of Fashion, Magestic City stores.

Where to relax in Sri Lanka

Majority beach resorts Sri Lanka is located south of the country's capital, Colombo.

Negombo – popular tourist resort, located approximately 12 km from the Sri Lanka airport, north of Colombo. Negombo is a fishing village, but it is sure to be memorable for any traveler. Negombo is very popular among fish and seafood lovers. Fishermen catch incredible quantities of shrimp, lobsters and crabs here. All these seafood are expertly prepared over open fires in the numerous taverns located right on the beach. Well, lovers of romance can leave the beach, where the foamy waves of the sea crash, and go in search of beautiful lagoons.

The city of Polonnaruwa is an ideal non-beach resort for lovers excursion holiday. It is located in the central part of the country, so all the main excursion trails are accessible from here.

Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka, located on the southwest coast of the island. It is famous for its five-star hotels, which are good for both comfortable living and business. Hotels are equipped full complex services - restaurants, swimming pools, fitness centers, conference rooms, business centers, nightclubs and much more necessary for a comfortable and unforgettable vacation.

Mount Lavinia Resort is located 12 km south of Colombo. The highlight of the resort are famous beaches, which gained their popularity back in the days of the English colony, mainly due to their proximity to the capital. Those looking to spend a quiet day on the beach in relative privacy (compared to Colombo) will definitely enjoy this place. There is dry clean sand, crystal water and a calm sea.

Kalutara is a place ideal for activities of all kinds water sports. Windsurfing, water skiing, spearfishing and even sailing are especially common. The city stands on the “Black River” Kalu Ganga, one of the largest on the island. North of the bridge that connects the two banks of the Kalu Ganga, there is a very nice beach with several fashionable hotels and a center water activities. Kalutara is not a cheap resort, budget tourists there is nothing to “catch” here.

Hikkaduwa is a popular resort that was the first in Sri Lanka to host foreign tourists. The town of Wadduwa got its name thanks to the famous local doctors or veda doova. It is Hikkaduwa that is considered the best diving resort in all of Sri Lanka, so the standard picture of these places is the breathtaking view of numerous surfers conquering the waves with might and main...

Bentota is a resort for romantics. Very often this place is chosen by newlyweds for honeymoon. Here, rivers and seas flow together, and at their intersection is the most famous local beach, sheltering its vacationers from the heat with branches of coconut palms. The beach is also conveniently located because there are several good hotels, and from hotels it is already easy to reach shops, cafes, discos and even railway- everything is nearby!

Weligama or “Sand Village” has found its place in the sun in a large picturesque bay, the beauty of which can be enjoyed for hours, preferably at sunset and in its eastern part. There is also the headquarters of surfers who really appreciate the local waves. In the opposite direction, in the west, everything is the other way around - the water is quiet, calm and azure-clear, like a royal sapphire.

Tangalle is famous for its magnificent yet deserted beaches, which are considered one of the best in Sri Lanka for giving your skin a chocolate shade. It's hard to find a place like this on the southwest coast of the island. Here you may not meet a single person while walking along the picturesque coastline, which stretches for several kilometers. In addition, this resort offers all types of accommodation - from budget apartments to exclusive hotels.

What to see

Holidays in Sri Lanka are not about swimming and wallowing. This is the knowledge of such a distant, mysterious and sometimes completely incomprehensible culture. The country's numerous attractions will certainly help with this.

Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, was bustling seaport back in the Middle Ages. Traders from China, Persia and Morocco bought and sold pearls, precious stones, spices, and elephants here. Later, Colombo was captured by the Dutch, Portuguese, and British, and they all left their mark on the appearance of this city of almost 1 million people. Many churches and monuments were built in the European medieval style. The attractions of modern Colombo are impressive Hindu and Buddhist temples, a national museum, one of the best zoos in Asia, Dehiwela, as well as large shopping centers. Tourists visiting Colombo in February can attend the traditional Navam parade. On this day, believers come to worship the shrines of the main Buddhist temple Colombo, and the largest elephant carries the holy relics on its back.

Anuradhapura is the largest city of ancient Ceylon and its first capital. There are 2 objects here world heritage. The first is the sacred Bo tree, which, according to legend, was grown more than 2250 years ago from a shoot of the same tree under which inspiration descended on Prince Siddhartha. The second is the famous bronze palace, built 2000 years ago by King Dutugamunu.

The majestic Mount Sigiriya (protected by UNESCO) is one of the main attractions of Ceylon. The stone fortress built on it in the 5th century was a reliable shelter for the king. The remains of a mirror wall, gardens, fountains, and pools are still preserved here. After a short climb to the top between giant lion paws carved into the rock, your gaze will reveal 11 amazing frescoes of that time - half-naked dancers. The images are painted with vegetable paints, which to this day - already 15 centuries - retain their brightness.

In Pollonaruwa, the ruins of the ancient capital of the Sinhala state have been preserved. Here you can see the remains of a palace that once shone with splendor. The best preserved temple is Vatadage. Four statues of a seated Buddha face those entering the temple.

The majestic mountains of Dambulla (protected by UNESCO) evoke a sense of closeness to the past. This monastery was built in the 1st century BC and is still in operation. Here, in amazing cave temples, the largest of which reaches 50 m wide and 6 m high, there are more than 200 Buddha statues. The walls and ceiling are decorated with frescoes, which are masterpieces of temple wall painting.

Nuwara Eliya – mountain resort in the heart of the island favorite place rest of British officials. The town is reached by a winding road surrounded by waterfalls, and the air is clean and cool. Everything here is built in the English style - houses, buildings, golf courses, so Nuwara Eliya has earned the name “little England”. The world's best black tea is grown on the nearby mountain slopes (2000 m above sea level).

Kandy is located 100 km northeast of Colombo. There is an artificial lake in the middle of the city. In this ancient capital of the Sinhala kings, the Sinhalese traditions and art reached their full flowering and have survived to this day. The main attraction of Kandy is the Dalada Maligava temple, built on the shore of the lake. Here under the golden canopy rests ancient relic— Sacred Tooth of Buddha. The Perahera Festival is held here every year at the end of July - beginning of August. At night, a festive dance procession begins with torches, drums, eighty decorated elephants, the fire swallowers are especially impressive.

Galle South Fort is one of the most amazing and unique cities on the island, where all the religions represented in Sri Lanka peacefully coexist. Along the way, you can visit the mask factory at Amnalamgoda, where you can learn about the traditions and beliefs of the Sri Lankan people through the art of wood carving and mask painting. Here you can also buy souvenirs.

Not far from the Bentota resort, in Kozgod, there are 5 species of sea turtles. Nearby there are special farms where the eggs laid by turtles are collected, and after hatching, the little turtles are fed and released into the sea. You can watch this process. On the farm you can see both newborn turtles and adult turtles.

The city of Hikkaduwa on the southern coast is also called the “coral reserve”. Coral reefs attract diving enthusiasts with a variety of fish and turtles. In crystal clean water All you need is a snorkel and a mask to see the amazing vibrant colors of the underwater world. Here you can also admire the fabulous undersea world while riding a boat with a transparent bottom.

The most famous of the national parks is Yala. The park's territory is a savannah with small lakes. Interesting scenes of encounters of deer, wild boars and water birds usually develop here. Characteristic feature the park are large, scattered throughout its territory mountain ranges– a favorite refuge of leopards and bears. Wild elephants can also be easily spotted in this park (especially from January to May).

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Practical information

For whom: for young people and middle-aged people
Duration: about 5 hours
Price for 1 person: 2200 Sri Lankan rupees (532 rub.)

Only fees for visiting attractions are taken into account. Expenses for food and transportation costs during this route in Kandy are not taken into account.

Description of the route in Kandy

The medieval capital of Sri Lanka, surrounded by picturesque mountains and hills of the central part of the island, is a place where the most interesting cultural and architectural monuments of different eras are collected. The beauty and abundance of man-made attractions in Kandy rivals natural resources, collected in local parks, which are also worthy of close attention of city guests.

Kandy National Museum

The museum, which houses one of the country's most extensive collections of ancient art and artifacts, introduces its visitors to the history of the royal capital of Sri Lanka.

Royal Court

National Museum adjacent to the main attraction of Kandy - the Royal Palace complex, which includes 2 main parts - the Royal Court and the Temple of the Tooth Relic. A tour of the palace of the last kings of Sri Lanka should begin with the audience hall, decorated with intricate carvings, where in ancient times the rulers of the island held court over their subjects.

Temple of the Tooth Relic

The central attraction of Kandy, as well as the most revered religious center on the entire island, is this temple, which houses one of the greatest Buddhist relics - the tooth of Buddha, which attracts pilgrims from all over the world.

Kandy Lake

The shore of an artificial lake surrounded by picturesque greenery adjacent to palace complex, will serve great place for a short rest after visiting the Temple of the Tooth Relic.

Royal Palace Park

You can continue to enjoy the delights of the tropical nature of Sri Lanka in the Royal Palace Park (or Wales Park), which can be reached by going around the lake on the western side. Among other things, there is a high-rise observation deck, from where a beautiful panorama opens historical center Kandy.

Royal Botanic Gardens Peradeniya

By catching a tuk-tuk near the palace or using the services at the nearby Kandy bus station, you can get to one of the most famous and beautiful botanical gardens in Sri Lanka, famous for its large collection of rare and exotic plants.

Many people know about the beautiful resorts on the island in the Indian Ocean. Where is Sri Lanka?

The state is located on an island with the same name. Let's see where Sri Lanka is on the world map. Surely everyone knows how to find India on the map. The island is located near the Hindustan Peninsula, off its southeastern shores. The location of Sri Lanka, its proximity to the equator, determines the climate of the island. The climate of Sri Lanka is monsoonal, with wet and dry seasons.

History of Sri Lanka

This state has an ancient history. The first inhabitants appeared on the island in the 6th century BC (official opinion, results archaeological excavations do not confirm it). Three centuries later The Buddhist religion appears in the state.

Since the 3rd century AD, the kingdom of the Sinhalese appeared on the island of Sri Lanka (in Russian translation - “blessed land”). In the 13th century, the decline of the monarchy began. In the 16th century, the island was captured by the Portuguese.

In the 17th century, the newly formed Holland (Kingdom of the Netherlands) displaces the Portuguese colonists. At the beginning of the 19th century, the British Empire declared Ceylon (this name appeared after the Portuguese invasion) as its colony. There were on the island tea plantations created, and Ceylon became one of the main suppliers of tea.

After the Second World War, almost all of Great Britain's colonies became independent (however, the vast majority independence was relative, because the USA, the stronghold of imperialism, has become the metropolis). In 1948, Ceylon changed its status from “colony” to “dominion”. In 1972, the state returned to its former name - Sri Lanka.

In 1983, civil war began in the country. The main participants in the war were the government and the guerrilla movement the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The fighting went on with varying degrees of success; several times the government sought a truce. In 2009, partisanship was eliminated and the civil war ended.

The name of the country changed several times: at first it was called Sri Lanka, later Ceylon, and since 1972 the previous name has returned. Today the state is called Democratic Socialist Republic Sri Lanka. The capital and largest city of the country is Colombo.

Sights of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a country ancient culture, interesting for tourists. There are located popular resorts, where many thousands of tourists come. In addition, there are sacred places for people who practice Buddhism, and many pilgrims come here from all over the world. On the map of the island there is There are many interesting sites that tourists visit. Popular excursion tours:

  • Colombo;
  • Halle;
  • Anuradhapura;
  • Dambulla;
  • Sigiriya;
  • Polonnaruwa.

Temple of the Tooth Relic

To see this attraction, we need to go to the city of Kandy(one of the tea varieties is named after him). In the temple you can see a golden stupa, inside of which lies a relic - the tooth of Buddha.

There is an interesting story associated with this relic. After the deceased Buddha was sent to the funeral pyre (540 BC), four teeth were removed from the ashes. One of them ended up on the island of Sri Lanka and became a talisman for the royal dynasty. At the beginning of the 18th century, the talisman came to the city of Kandy. For storage a temple was built for the legendary tooth. The relic itself was hidden in seven caskets, each of them was hidden inside another (analogous to a Russian nesting doll).

Botanical Garden in Peradeniya

After seeing the sights of the city of Kandy, it is worth visiting the suburb of Peradeniya, where a large Botanical Garden. Lovers of tropical exotics will visit the greenhouse of orchids - the queens of tropical forests.

In the palm alleys can be found different types palm trees - date, coconut and so on. One of the varieties of palm trees, talip, is notable for the fact that in the 50th year of its life it blooms and immediately dies. The leaves of the thalip palm “have a history”: Buddhist texts were once written on them, and today the horoscope is written down.

The botanical garden has a Memorial Garden - trees planted here grow famous people(among them the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin).

Ancient city of Anuradhapura

This oldest city in Sri Lanka and the first capital of this state. As a result of archaeological research, it was possible to find out that the first buildings appeared not in the 6th, but at least in the 10th century BC.

Since the 1950s, residents of Anuradhapura have been moved to the so-called new town" This was done to protect archaeological sites. IN " Old city» lovers of ancient history drop by.

Plateau "End of the World"

This outlandish name was given to two observation platforms, one of them being called the “Little End of the World”, and the other – the “Big End of the World”. The only difference is the depth of the cliff. Co observation platforms there are views of the mountains and valley.

Interesting fact: at both observation platforms there are no fences or railings. Just beyond the edge there is a sheer cliff. The price of carelessness is very high: an awkward step can result in a fall from a great height and death.

Adam's Peak

This is the second highest mountain in Sri Lanka. The name of the mountain is translated from Sinhala as “mountain of butterflies”. On the flat top you can see a depression similar to a human footprint. According to legend, this is the footprint of the legendary saint - Buddha. Another legend says that the water collected in this depression-trace has healing properties.

A small open temple was erected at the top of Adam's Peak. Buddhist pilgrims and tourists come here.

Beach resorts in Sri Lanka

The wonderful climate and warm sea attract lovers of surfing, diving and just the lazy beach holiday. There are many beach resorts on the map of Sri Lanka, where excellent conditions are created for vacationers. Here are some of the resorts:

  • Beruwela;
  • Koggala;
  • Mirissa;
  • Negombo;
  • Colombo.

Tea kingdom

Impossible to leave this beautiful island without packaging with the famous tea. It was from here that tea came to England, and then to Europe. Fine varieties of tea are grown on numerous tea plantations. Here you can buy real high-quality elite tea at very affordable prices.


The video will introduce you in more detail to the history of this remarkable country.

Sri Lanka is the island of Sun and Sand. More than one thousand kilometers sandy beaches with palm trees surround Sri Lanka. Until 1972, this country was called Ceylon. And although its name has changed, the best black tea in the world, Ceylon, is still grown there. In addition to beautiful beaches and tea, Sri Lanka has a large number of historical sites ranging from Buddhist and Hindu monasteries and temples to orchid gardens and colorful festivals.

Geography of Sri Lanka

The island nation of Sri Lanka is located in the northern Indian Ocean near south coast Hindustan Peninsula in South Asia. Sri Lanka is washed on all sides Pacific Ocean. In the northwest it has sea ​​border with India, and in the southwest with the Maldives. total area this country – 65,610 sq. km

In the center and south of Sri Lanka there are foothills and mountains, and the rest of the territory is plains and coastal lowlands. The largest local peak is Mount Pidurutalagala, whose height reaches 2,524 meters.

The longest river in Sri Lanka is the Mahaweli, its length is 335 km. The Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka. More than 120 thousand people now live in this city.

Official language of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has two official languages- Sinhala and Tamil.


More than 70% of the population professes Buddhism (specifically Theravada Buddhism), more than 12% Hinduism, almost 10% Islam, and about 7% Christianity.

State structure

According to the current Constitution, Sri Lanka is a presidential-parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected for 6 years by universal suffrage. The President is the Supreme Commander and appoints ministers.

Sri Lanka's unicameral parliament has 225 members elected by popular vote every six years. The President of the country has the right to dissolve Parliament.

Administratively, Sri Lanka is divided into 9 provinces and 25 districts.

Climate and weather

Due to its proximity to the equator, the climate in Sri Lanka is tropical and warm. Average annual temperature air is +28-31C. In hilly areas and foothills - +20C, and in flat and coastal areas - +27C.

The monsoon (rainy) season continues from May to July in the central, western and southern regions of the island. In the northern and eastern regions, the rainy season occurs in December and January.

The best time to visit Sri Lanka is from November to April (southwest coast and mountains) and from May to September (east coast). Thus, you can visit Sri Lanka all year round, because... there is always a dry season on some part of this island.

Sea in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is washed on all sides by the Pacific Ocean. The length of the coast is 1,585 kilometers. Local beaches surrounded by palm groves. The average sea temperature in January is +28C, and in July - +27C.

Rivers and lakes

There are more than 100 rivers in Sri Lanka. The longest of them is Mahaveli, its length is 335 km. The Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


The history of civilization in Sri Lanka goes back more than 2.5 thousand years. In former times this country was called Ceylon. The first settlers were the Veddas. Around the 6th century BC. The Sinhalese arrived on this island and founded their kingdoms there. From the 3rd century BC. Buddhism begins to spread there. Until the 11th century, the capital of the most powerful Sinhalese kingdom was Anuradhapura, and then it was moved to Polonnaruwe.

In 1505, the Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka and monopolized the spice trade. By 1658, the Sinhalese kings, with the help of the Dutch, were able to expel the Portuguese from the island.

The Dutch were more interested in trade and profit than in governing this country. Therefore, they did not resist the British very much when the British sailed to Sri Lanka in 1796. In 1815, Britain defeated the Sinhalese kingdom of Kandy, thereby establishing control over the entire island.

It was not until 1948 that Sri Lanka achieved independence. In 1972, this country received its modern name- Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan culture

Sri Lanka has a multi-cultural society consisting of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Therefore, the culture there is very interesting and diverse. Travelers will be able to experience colorful and unique festivals and celebrations in Sri Lanka.

In January, Sri Lankans celebrate the New Year, Durutha Perahera (held in memory of Buddha's visit to this island), Pongal (Hindu harvest festival); in February/March - the Buddhist holiday Navam Perehera and Maha Shivarathri Day; in April/May - Sinhala and Tamil New Year, Eid ul-Adha; July/August - Kandy Perahera and Vel Festival; September – kite festival, Hindu festival Navarathri; October/November – Ramadan, Lilavali (“Festival of Lights”); December - Sangamittha Perehera.

All these festivals are colorful processions, they are always accompanied by elephant parades, music and dance performances, fireworks and theatrical performances.


Sri Lanka's cuisine reflects the multi-ethnic composition of the island's population. Home food local residents– rice and curry made from a mixture of spices, herbs and coconut milk. In general, almost everything local dishes prepared with coconut milk and spices.

Samba is pearl rice and is eaten on special occasions. During festivals, yellow rice is made, cooked in coconut milk and lightly seasoned with spices. Another popular rice dish is Kiribath (milk rice).

In addition, the people of Sri Lanka are real experts in preparing fish and seafood dishes. Fried fish is served with chips and salad, while curry fish is served with rice.

Popular dishes - Mallung Curry (finely chopped dried vegetables, shrimp with grated coconut and spices), Sambol (spicy hot dish), Pol Symbol (grated coconut, onion, red pepper, lime and salt), Seeni Sambol (fish with spicy onion ), Lamprais (curry, cutlet, shrimp paste, eggplant curry, rice wrapped in banana leaf and baked), Buriyani (rice in meat broth), and Thalaguli and Wattalapam sweets.

The traditional soft drink in Sri Lanka is black tea, which is most often drunk with sugar and milk. Sometimes crushed ginger is added to tea. In addition, the inhabitants of this island love coffee, fruit juices and coconut milk.

Alcoholic drinks are also made in Sri Lanka - low-alcohol toddy (from juice coconut tree) and “arrack” (30-40%, from coconut palm sap).

Sights of Sri Lanka

According to official data, there are several hundred Buddhist and Hindu monasteries in Sri Lanka. And if you add to this temples, palaces, mosques, cave complexes, then the number of local attractions will reach several thousand. In our opinion, the top ten best attractions in Sri Lanka may include the following:

  1. Dalada Maligawa Buddhist Temple (Housing Buddha's Tooth)
  2. Fort in Colombo
  3. Sigiriya Fortress
  4. Dawatagaha Mosque in Colombo
  5. Cave Buddhist temple in Aluvihara
  6. Kochchikade Hindu Monastery in Colombo
  7. Ruins of the city of Anuradhapura
  8. Palace of King Kassiapa on Lion Mountain
  9. Buddhist cave temples of Dambulla
  10. Buddha's footprints on Sri Pada mountain

Cities and resorts

The most big cities Sri Lanka - Kandy, Tricomalee, Kurunegala, Galle, Ratnapura, Kurunegala and Colombo.

Sri Lanka has many kilometers of beautiful beaches. Many of these beaches are located in picturesque bays surrounded by palm groves.

The best beach areas are Colombo, Trincomalee, Bentota, Arugam Bay, Hikkaduwa, Kogalla, Negombo and Kalutara. Many tourists believe that the best beach in Sri Lanka is Mount Lavinia near Colombo. All local beach resorts have good recreational infrastructure. There are also excellent opportunities for surfing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding, swimming, diving, fishing, spearfishing and scuba diving.

Near some beach resorts (for example, Trincomalee) there are hot springs, and therefore tourists can take medicinal baths there.


From Sri Lanka, tourists usually bring handicrafts, ceramics, jewelry, masks, leather goods (for example, bags), batik fabric, souvenirs made from coconut shells, spices, and, of course, local (“Ceylonese” ) Black tea.

Office hours

Sri Lanka- a state located on the island of the same name in South Asia, not far from the southeastern coast of Hindustan, widely known as a world resort. Official name countries - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Language in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has three official languages: Sinhala, English and Tamil. The largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka are the Sinhalese, who speak the Sinhalese language, which belongs to the Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-European language family. Sinhala is spoken by about 16 million people in the country; it also has its own written language - the Sinhala script.
Tamil is spoken by the population of the eastern and northern parts of the island. It is the southernmost of the Dravidian languages, with a 2,300-year history, and also has its own written language.
Hotels and other tourist establishments on the island can communicate in English

Currency in Sri Lanka

The official currency of Sri Lanka is the Sri Lankan rupee, the currency of change is cents. 1 rupee = 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 rupees and coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rupees, 10, 25, 50 cents.
The Sri Lankan currency is quite stable against the dollar. You can buy rupees for dollars in banks and hotels, as well as at Colombo airport. The receipt received when exchanging currency should be kept until the end of your stay in the country, so that when leaving you can exchange the unspent part of the money back. It should be noted that the export of Sri Lankan rupee from the country is prohibited.

Religion in Sri Lanka

The people of Sri Lanka practice mainly four religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. The majority of the population, predominantly Sinhalese, professes Buddhism (about 69%). The Tamil population is dominated by Hindus (15.4% of the country's population). Malians and Moors adhere to the Muslim religion (7.5% of the country's population). There are about 7.6% Christians on the island. Other religions are practiced by 0.2% of the population.

Capital of Sri Lanka

The capital of Sri Lanka is the city of Colombo.

Visa to Sri Lanka

For citizens of Kazakhstan, a visa is issued upon arrival at the airport; the cost is $40 Full description by VISA >>>

Time in Sri Lanka

The state of Sri Lanka is located in the GMT+5:30 time zone. Thus, local time in this country is ahead Moscow time for 2 hours 30 minutes, and Kyiv and Minskoe - for 3 hours 30 minutes.
It differs from the Almaty time zone in summer timeplus 30 minutes, winter timeplus 1.5 hours.

Climate in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has an equatorial, warm and humid climate. The seasons here differ not in temperature changes, but in differences in precipitation patterns. Large quantity precipitation occurs in the summer, when monsoon winds from the southwest dominate on the island.
In lowland areas, the average annual temperature is +27 C, and the difference between the hottest and coolest months is no more than 5 C. Cities are hot and always have high humidity, and on the coast it is more comfortable due to the constant sea breeze, the temperature there is + 28+30 C.
The water temperature in the Indian Ocean is usually +27 C. The average annual temperature in the mountainous parts of the country is between +23 + 25 C. The coolest place in Sri Lanka is the high-mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya, called the “particle of the north”, where the daytime temperature is about + 18 C, and at night +10 C.
The optimal season for a beach holiday on the southwest coast is considered to be from December to April, and for the northeastern part of the country – from March to November.

Statein Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a socialist democratic republic and independent state, formerly known as Ceylon. Legislative power in the country is in the hands of parliament, whose members are elected by direct popular vote for a term of 5 years.
Executive power is concentrated in the hands of the president of the country, who here has the right to nominate and dismiss the prime minister and other members of the cabinet, and can also dissolve parliament. The President of Sri Lanka is elected by direct secret ballot for a term of 5 years.
Sri Lanka is a member of the largest international organizations: the UN, Interpol, the Asian Development Bank, the Commonwealth of Nations, the World Federation of Trade Union Movements, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the South Asian Regional Relief Association.

Historical dates of Sri Lanka:

  • 6th century BC – arrival of the Sinhalese from northern India to the island.
  • 3rd century BC - penetration of Buddhism to the island.
  • 3rd-13th centuries AD - the existence of large Sinhalese kingdoms on the island with capitals in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa.
  • 1506 - discovery of the island of Ceylon by the Portuguese navigator Lourenço d'Almeida, later - occupation of the coast of the island by the Portuguese.
  • 17th century - Dutch domination on the island.
  • 1802 - the island becomes a colony of the British Empire.
  • 1948 - the state gains independence and is called the Dominion of Ceylon.
  • 1971 - the youth uprising of the Popular Liberation Front, which failed.
  • 1072 - the country ceases to be a dominion and is renamed Sri Lanka.
  • Since 1983, there has been a civil war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam guerrilla organization and the government.
  • December 2004 - Sri Lanka suffers heavy losses as a result of the tsunami. More than 38 thousand people died, 6 thousand were missing, and the homes of hundreds of thousands of residents were destroyed.
  • May 18, 2009 – end civil war, victory of government forces.

Geographical position Sri Lanka:

The state of Sri Lanka is located on an island in the Indian Ocean, which is located south of the peninsula Hindustan. The length of the island from south to north is 445 km, and from east to west – 225 km. The main part of the state's territory is located in flat terrain, the height of which practically does not exceed 100 m.
In the center of the island is Central mountain range 1000-2000 m high, located here highest point islands - Mount Pidurutalaga (2524 m), but Adam's Peak (2243 m) is most famous. Many rivers of the state flow from the mountains, the largest of which are the Ganga, Malvanuna Oya, and Kelani Ganga. Many rivers are navigable, and the mountains contain many waterfalls, the most famous of which are Koslanda Bryda Vale (aka Bridal Veil) and Babarakanda, which are over 200 m high.
East Coast Sri Lanka comprise hundreds of continuous snow-white beaches, turquoise ocean with many coral reefs and diverse vegetable world.
14% of the state's territory is occupied by National parks, reservations and nature reserves, the most famous of which National Park Yala, Udawalawe National Park, Wasgamuwa National Park, Wilpatu National Park, Bundala National Park.
South West Coast The island is represented by continuous golden beaches, hotels and small towns, where a resort atmosphere reigns everywhere
The city of Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, is located on the ocean in the western part of the island.

Sri Lanka is interesting to tourists not only for its beaches, but also for its numerous attractions. There are many architectural monuments, ancient cities, royal palaces and gardens, ancient monasteries. The country's painting and sculpture speaks of the great cultural and technological achievements of the ancient inhabitants of this island.
There are many religious shrines in Sri Lanka. These include: the holy mountain of Sri Lanka, Adam's Peak, a rock with the footprints of Buddha, the ancient royal city of Anuradhapura, the Temple of the Tooth Relic, the Bo tree under which Buddha rested, the huge ark of Ruwanwelisiya Dagoba and others.
In the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, it will be interesting to visit the fort in the old part of the city, the Presidential Palace, the Royal Botanical Garden of Kandy, the elephant nursery, the Yami-ul-Affa Mosque, the palace of the last king of Kandy.
Lion Mountain, located in Sigiriya, is a giant monolith with a fortress on top. This attraction is interesting for many facts related to Buddha.
Of great interest to tourists is the elephant nursery, where little elephants who have been killed by poachers or left without parents are regularly brought in.
No less interesting is a visit to the turtle farm, where every year 5 species of sea turtles swim from far away to lay their eggs. All these turtle species are protected by law.
While in Sri Lanka, you can always find many exotic and even extreme entertainment: diving, snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, rafting, fishing, camping safari, sea or river walk kayaking and canoeing, helicopter tour, fly on hot-air balloon, take a jeep safari or even an elephant safari.

National characteristics:

The national characteristics of the people of Sri Lanka have developed over many centuries, mainly under the influence of religions and, first of all, Buddhism.
In general, local residents are always welcoming, friendly and ready to provide any help. But when going on vacation to this country, you should be aware of some rules of politeness.
- When entering the temple, you must always take off your hat and shoes, and your back, knees and shoulders must be covered. This rule also applies to ancient, dilapidated churches.
- You cannot shake hands with monks or even touch them. You can say hello by putting your palms together and raising them to forehead level. You also cannot sit on the same level with a monk, only below him. Under no circumstances should you sit if a monk is standing next to you. Front seats in public transport always reserved for monks.
- It is considered bad form to walk down the street in an embrace, holding hands and kissing in public places.
- Women should not sit in the front seat next to the driver in public transport, wear too revealing clothes, or sunbathe topless.
- To photograph local residents, you must first ask their permission. You cannot take pictures with a Buddha statue with your back to it.
- Men are not allowed to wear shorts at dinner in restaurants.

Traditions and customs:

In Sri Lanka, five days a week are considered working days, and days off, in addition to Saturday and Sunday, are full moon days, which are intended for meditation. Basic Religious holidays here are determined by lunar calendar.
Independence Day is celebrated here on February 4th. Celebrations take place in Colombo at Independence Square and in Jayawardenapura in front of the new Parliament House.
Sinhalese and Tamils ​​celebrate New Year on April 14th. This holiday is not considered religious and is celebrated differently everywhere. The time of the new year is always calculated by astrologers. At the appointed hour, it is customary to light a fire in the kitchen and prepare traditional Kiribath dishes and curry. On this holiday, residents wear new clothes and exchange gifts with each other.
Each month has its own special full moon festival.

KitchenSri Lanka:

Sri Lankan cuisine. Sri Lankan cuisine is quite similar to Indian cuisine. The same basic products are used in preparing dishes: fish, tropical fruits, a lot of herbs, spices.
The basis of the usual daily diet here is rice and curry. Curry is a whole group of dishes made from fish, various seafood, meat, poultry, legumes, vegetables and fruits, united by a peculiar combination of spices, ground into powder, called curry. The required components of the mixture include black pepper, hot chili pepper, coriander, mustard seeds, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, turmeric, garlic and leaves of the evergreen curry bush. There are a lot of options for this mixture.
Essential components of many Sri Lankan dishes are coconut shavings, coconut oil, coconut juice and palm nectar.
In addition to curry, Sri Lankan cuisine is characterized by dishes made from rice flour, for example, vermicelli or flatbreads.



Almaty city
st. Satpayeva 50/13 (corner of Zharokova St.)