Festival in Luzhniki on September 9. Active City Day. Meeting place - Luzhniki. Time for Moscow cuisine

On September 9, every Muscovite and guest of the capital will be able to appreciate the scale of the program of festive events that will be held in all districts of the capital. And, of course, we all have a global sports program to celebrate City Day.

Home sports ground On City Day, according to tradition, the territory of the Luzhniki stadium will become. As part of the “City Day in Luzhniki”, 30 different venues will be open for everyone from 11 a.m.

The large-scale sports program will be accompanied by a festive concert of popular rap artists. Its participants will be: Max Korzh, ATL, Casta, 25/17, ST, Noize MC, Kravts, Eldzhey, Feduk, Vander Phil, Luxor, Olga Buzova, Anna Sedokova, Denis Klyaver, Anna Pletneva, Klava Koka, Misha Marvin.

All these performers will perform from 2 pm on Prestige Alley.

At this site, fans of this sport with any level of training and experience will find something to their liking.

There are three categories in the competition: beginners, amateurs and professionals.

Folk fun and family starts

On City Day, much attention will be drawn to the large-scale ethnosports venue. Several tournaments will be held here in such areas as the Russian traditional ball game (kila), traditional archery, and Russian traditional wrestling.

The ethnosport platform invites you to master classes in traditional martial arts, youth sports, and wall-to-wall fist fights.

Many different competitions, attractions and exciting games for little visitors to the holiday will be presented in a specialized children's town.

A site for family starts will be located nearby.

Let's break the record together

“Come, join the whole country!” - this slogan will attract your attention on “City Day in Luzhniki” at one of the festival sites. The sports and social event - “World Pull-up Day” was invented several years ago by the president of the World Workout and Calisthenics Federation.

Photo: Mikhail Podobed for the newspaper "Evening Moscow"

In 2014, World Pull-up Day became truly global, and the campaign entered the international arena.

In 2016, more than 30 thousand people took part in the holiday around the world, who performed a total of half a million pull-ups. Due to the fact that the pull-up points were located in different time zones, the campaign started in Sydney (Australia), continued in Asia, Europe and Africa and ended in Los Angeles (USA). The winner of the action was Russia - 9 thousand Russians, who together did 122 thousand pull-ups, led their country to victory. This year, Muscovites and guests of the capital have the opportunity to break their own record.

We are looking for talents

Are you young, talented and want to get on the big stage? “City Day in Luzhniki” and the project #WhatYouCan - this is your big chance. Thanks to this project, you can be noticed by producers and sponsors. To become a participant, you just need to post a video or photo on Instagram of yourself singing, reading, dancing, training, or doing a trick with the hashtag #WhatYouCan, and you will be seen by mentors whose students have won international competitions.

On September 9, the first #WhatYouCanBattle will take place in Luzhniki in the following categories: 1. Rap ​​Freestyle - mentor RE-pac Freestyle Workshop; 2. Bboying - mentor Fastfoot, Predatorz; 3. Graffi ti - mentor Trunsky, TAD CREW.

The strongest will be revealed among the athletes

Several major competitions will also be held as part of the City Day in Luzhniki. More than a hundred athletes will take part in the open workout festival, which will include competitions in four disciplines.

Among 25 athletes, the best in the Russian Strongman Cup will be revealed. The special guest of the holiday will be Jeff Monson, an American and Russian athlete who competes in mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Monson is a two-time winner of the ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship and a world champion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

A matter of technology

If you love speed and technique, then several sites will attract your attention. Do you like Formula 1? Then the site with “Formula 1 of the 21st century” will not leave you indifferent.

This is a modern racing sport at the intersection of computer games and technical creativity. The competition is a race on radio-controlled drones (quadcopters). Vladimir Meshcheryakov, who is a winner of last year’s World Championships held in Dubai, will compete in this unique sport.

For those who like to conquer airspace, a real drone school will be presented at one of the Luzhniki venues.

All festival visitors will be able to try their hand at racing radio-controlled SUVs, which will take place on a specially designed track.

All moves are recorded

For lovers mind games A chess area will be set up.

The program includes competitions, simultaneous play sessions, a competition for solving chess problems and studies, and entertaining competitions on giant chess. An interactive chess platform is a new look at the ancient wise game.

On City Day in Luzhniki there will be Autumn Festival student and youth sports - a traditional sports festival for students and youth of the capital, which includes tournaments and entertainment areas in its program.

The program includes: a 5x5 football tournament, a 4x4 volleyball tournament among women and men, an armwrestling tournament, a cheerleading tournament.

A lounge area with comfortable ottomans will be organized for guests, the most popular attractions will operate, and sports competitions will be held. And face painters will decorate everyone with logos of their favorite teams.

In addition to the extensive festive program at Luzhniki, on September 9, sporting events will be held in all administrative districts cities. Entrance to all sites is free!


IN Italian city The World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships ended in Pesaro. The Russian team took first place in the team competition, winning 13 medals. All these awards are the merit of Moscow athletes.

In Italy, eight sets of awards were played these days. Seven out of eight gold medals were won by Moscow gymnasts. The Russians also won five silver medals and one bronze.

Most of the gold medals were won by sisters Dina and Arina Averina. Dina has three gold medals - in exercises with a hoop, with clubs and in the individual all-around. Arina was the best in exercises with a ball and ribbon. In addition, the Averins have won four silver and one bronze in individual competitions.

By the way, for the Averin sisters, this World Championship was their debut in their careers. Experts doubted whether Muscovites could cope with the excitement? We did it! - When I won the hoop, I was happy, but when I took second place with the ball, I was even happier, because I understood: my sister has a gold medal and so do I. I think we did everything we could. We are lucky that we support each other so much and always insure,” admitted Dina.

Only on the decisive competition day, based on the results of the all-around, Dina surpassed her sister in the number of gold medals, becoming the absolute world champion.

Pleasantly tired! These are hard earned medals! - Dina summed up. “There were tears of joy, and when Arisha was still meeting me and we hugged, then we started crying together with happiness. I'm very happy! Everything worked out so well.

The success of Dina and Arina Averin was commented on by the vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (VFKhG) Tatyana Gorbunova.

We always expect that we will only have gold, but after all, this is a sport, this is a matter of chance, these are children, after all, who entered the world stage for the first time,” Tatyana noted. “But the fact that they made no mistakes the first time and won all the gold suggests that these are real champions. We are so lucky that we have two of them! Muscovites Anastasia Bliznyuk, Evgenia Levanova, Ksenia Polyakova, Anastasia Tatareva, Maria Tolkacheva and Maria Kravtsova in the lineup Russian team won two gold medals.

First, they won the group all-around, and on the last day of competition, they won the group exercise with three balls and two jump ropes.

We went to this for a very long time, it was very difficult,” says the head of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Irina Viner-Usmanova. - We made a lot of substitutions. The last replacement was the inclusion of Olympic champion Nastya Tatareva, who had an old injury. But she pulled herself together. And when Sofia Skomorokh was injured, but could still continue performing, I decided that Nastya Tatareva would stand up, because she is more experienced. And so she became the world champion.


The new academic year began with traditional ceremonial celebrations in 10 state budgetary educational institutions Department of Sports and Tourism of Moscow.

The first day of September is a symbol of good beginnings, achievements and journeys into the world of knowledge. On this day, the first bells will ring for first-graders; for them, on September 1, a new page of life begins, full of unforgettable impressions And interesting discoveries. Dear teachers! I wish you new creative successes and grateful students, and parents - patience and understanding. Dear schoolchildren and students! May all your plans and dreams come true.

Photo: Alexander Kazakov, "Evening Moscow"

Be confident in your own abilities, strive for new achievements and victories! - Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism, congratulated teachers, schoolchildren, students and parents on the start of the new school year.

The first bell rang for 106 first-graders and 410 first-year students. The Day of Knowledge was also held at the Moscow State Educational Institution of Tourism Industry named after Yu. A. Senkevich, which is subordinate to Moskomsport.

The students and teachers of the Olympic Reserve School No. 2 were congratulated on the Day of Knowledge by the first deputy head of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the city of Moscow, Moscow Komsport, Alexey Kondarantsev.

An “Olympic lesson” was held in all educational institutions of Moskomsport with the participation of champions and medalists of the Olympic Games and other famous athletes.


The Russians won the Kremlin Cup in modern pentathlon. Athletes competed in swimming, fencing, show jumping, shooting and running.

The Kremlin Cup has been held since 2011. The tournament was conceived as a competition of modern pentathlon stars and became one of the central events of the world sports calendar. The competition was held in the mixed relay discipline. Each of the 12 teams brought a mixed duet to Moscow - a sportsman and a sportswoman. Russia fielded a couple - Alexander Lesuna and Gulnaz Gubaidullina.

The strongest pentathletes in the world came to Moscow - 48 athletes from 11 countries took part in the tournament. The largest prize fund in the history of this sport was awarded. The victory was shared by Muscovite Alexander Lesun and Gulnaz Gubaidullina, who plays for Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region and Moscow region.

The competition started in the pool, where Alexander and Gulnaz immediately took the lead. The most intense struggle took place at the running distance with shooting.

The athletes started with a difference of several seconds, but the Muscovite managed to beat all his opponents.

As a result, the victory went to the Russian duet.

In addition to the main pair, Russia was represented at the competition by a youth duo - Sergey Baranov and Adelina Ibatullina. Their twelfth final place only speaks of the most serious composition of the Kremlin Cup participants. The Cup competitions took place at several venues.

Swimmers competed in the CSKA swimming pool, and the fencers were received by the Palace of Combat Sports. Show jumping and combine (running and shooting), as well as the opening ceremony and awarding of the winners took place at the CSKA equestrian base.

By the way, modern pentathlon is becoming more and more popular. Next year, in the capital, in the Severny district, the world's largest sports complex for practicing this sport will be opened. It will host training camps and international competitions.

Photo: Anna Ivantsova, "Evening Moscow"

■ Open scooter competitions will be held in the Kuzminki Culture and Recreation Park. Kuzminki St. Kuzminsky Park, 1, page 2

■ The Samokat Sports and Fitness Complex will host open bowling competitions (the competition will continue on September 10). Roman St. Samokatnaya, 2, building 1

■ An open city physical culture and sports festival will be held at the State Budgetary Institution “FSC “Central”. The program includes demonstration performances by young athletes; sports relay races: “Combined relay”, “Don’t drop it”, “Build a pyramid”, “Shuttle run”, “Pass the ball”. Semenovskaya St. Hospital Val, 1a


Nikolay Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism:

The 870th anniversary of Moscow, like the previous birthdays of the capital, will traditionally be widely celebrated by city residents. The celebration will not be complete without a sports component. On September 9, Moscow will host a huge number of sports events, and the main celebration will take place on Saturday on the territory of Luzhniki. On this day, lovers of a healthy lifestyle, athletes, and professional athletes will find something to do in Luzhniki. By tradition, the holiday will bring together more than 30 sports grounds.

Photo: Alexander Kazakov, "Evening Moscow"

Friday, May 03

White Mouse Day, 4 green menge, element – ​​fire. A good day for virtue, taking the vow of a novice, making medicine, going on a journey, learning science, sowing seeds, pacifying the enemy, and blacksmithing. It is forbidden to cut hair, enter into a truce, bring a bride into the house, have a wedding, slaughter cattle, hunt, adopt a child.

Saturday, May 04

Day of the whitish cow, 3 blue menge, element – ​​earth. A favorable day for shopping, digging a well, going on a journey, carpentry and blacksmithing, making knives, and renouncing an oath. It is not recommended to cut your hair, repay a debt, cut down trees, dig a ditch, bring a bride to the house, have a wedding, lay the foundation for a house, sell goods.

Sunday, May 05

Black Tiger Day, 2 black menge, element – ​​iron. A good day for appointment to a position, making medicine, taking a novice vow, setting off on a journey, digging a well, installing a water supply, planting trees, repaying a debt, renouncing an oath, slaughtering cattle, hunting. It is forbidden to cut hair, teaching a child to walk, sending small children far from home, laying the foundation for a house, cutting clothes, bringing a bride into the house, making a wedding.

Today, September 9, 2017, Moscow celebrates the 870th anniversary of the city. A lot of different events have been prepared throughout the city for the anniversary of the capital of Russia. This year there will be more of them than usual in honor of the round anniversary. Venues for the celebration will be located both in parks and in the city itself - in all districts of Moscow! So, there will definitely be something to have fun with.

Moscow City Day 2017: star concerts - schedule, venues, Luzhniki, and more

The most unforgettable events for citizens and guests of the city are always concerts and fireworks. There will be a lot of them too. Almost every park has prepared concert programs, competitions, festivals and various competitions.

The concert will take place in the evening in Severnoye Tushino Park. It will end at 22-00 with fireworks.
- One more concert venue- Bauman Park. New York jazz improviser Jamie Saft, composer and Sylvan Chauveau from France, Russian pianists such as M. Mishchenko, V. Martynov and P. Aidu will perform there.
- In Petrovsky Park the Brothers Grimm will be waiting for you in the evening, as well as a lot of surprises.
- Such stars as Alexey Aigi, ensemble 4:33, groups “7B”, “Hipsters Band” will perform in Babushkinsky Park.
- Children with disabilities will sing for you in Fili Park.
- In the Lilac Garden you will meet Jazzanova, Jazz’n’Time and Nick Fera.
- Poklonnaya Gora, Victory Park - Kobzon, Maidanov, Anita Tsoi, Katya Lel, S. Casanova, M. Tishman, Marina Devyatova, D. Garipova will delight you from 12 to 21-00.
- Luzhniki will delight all guests with the explosive Bolshoi REP festival. Entry will be free! There will also be plenty of raffles and even selfies with the stars!
- Red Square, concert with many pop stars, starts at 13-00, admission by invitation.

All concert programs will end with fireworks at 21-00. At this time, Moscow will be simply magical! Don't miss it!


Parks, squares, squares, streets of Moscow

Ticket prices

Free admission

On September 9-10, 2017, Moscow celebrates City Day. This year Moscow celebrates its 870th anniversary, and large-scale events are dedicated to this date in the capital.

From September 1 to September 10, it will take place in Moscow and will be held at various venues in all city districts. The festival is dedicated to the contribution of Moscow and Muscovites to Russian and world heritage. More details about the festival - at ALLfest

IN City Day many will work for free Moscow museums.List of free museums September 9 - on

Live broadcast of Moscow City Day celebrations

Look online live broadcast of the celebration of Moscow City Day 2017 you can at ALLfest on this page. Start of broadcast - September 9 at 13:00.

Soon! Live broadcast of the continuation of the celebration of Moscow City Day!

Watch live broadcasts of City Day events:

Look on this page live broadcast of the international wakeboard tournament!

Broadcast from the Moscow Builds festival site"Moscow Anniversary 870" see below.

Broadcast from the Moscow Opens site

Moscow is singing. Second day of celebration:

Moscow cuisine time:

Venues for celebrating Moscow City Day 2017

Red Square (September 9, 12:00-13:00)
The City Day celebration will traditionally begin on Red Square with the opening ceremony. It will start at 12:00 and will be broadcast on live at all city sites. The citywide celebration starts at 13:00 to the sounds of the Moscow anthem.

TsPKIO im. Gorky (September 9, 13:00-22:00; September 10, 13:00-21:00)
On September 9 and 10 in Gorky Park will take place. The program includes: theater shows, including for children, who will be shown by masters from Russia, Italy and France.

On September 9 and 10, Gorky Park will also host . The festival will feature a giant interactive model of the capital with landmarks. On the music stage of the festival on September 9 they will perform Umaturman(at 16:30), Vanyn(at 17:45), Eight GMT (19:00), Pompeya(20:15),My Michelle(21:30). On September 10, they will appear on the festival stage Pizza(at 14:30), Wide open (15:15), AloeVera(16:30), Jukebox Trio(17:45), Guru Groove Foundation (19:00), IOWA(20:15).

Manezhnaya Square (September 10, 10:00-18:00)
On Manezhnaya Square on City Day there will be a Ren-TV channel stage. On September 10, “Accident”, 25/17, A.F. will perform there. Sklyar and the group "Va-Bank", "Adventures of Electronics", "Underwood", "Radio Kamerger", VIA Tatyana. Free admission!

Park "Museon" (September 9, 12:00-22:00)
On September 9, the first

Triumphal Square (9 and 10 September)
On Triumfalnaya Square The concert will be played on September 9 Underwood And Accident, and September 10 - Evgeny Margulis.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior (September 9, 13:00-22:00; September 10, 15:00-20:00)
September 9
On Volkhonka, symphony and chamber orchestras will perform, as well as a concert of popular musicians who will perform classical works in modern arrangements. During the day September 10 A festival of modern children's songs will take place, and in the evening children's groups will appear on stage along with popular artists.

Olympic complex "Luzhniki" (September 9, 10:00-20:00)
On September 9, Luzhniki will have four music stages, a children's playground and a recreation area with wi-fi, and a sports festival will also be organized. The concert of popular performers will take place on the stage at the main entrance. In the parking lot Southern Core will take place rap concert.Prestigious alley will become a platform for a festival of contemporary electronic music. Stars Radio "Chanson" will perform about Small sports arena. The concert starts at 17:30.

Victory Park, Bauman Garden, Tagansky Park, Sokolniki and Krasnaya Presnya Park (September 9, from 15:30)
On September 9 at 15:30 in the above-mentioned parks of the capital there will be Battle of the Choirs. Choirs will be formed right on the spot, then rehearsals will take place, and only then - at 17:30 - performances will take place. The winner will be determined by voting on the social networks of the parks, where there will be live broadcasts.

Izmailovsky Park (September 9 from 13:00)
September 9 from 13:00 at Izmailovsky Park The final concert will take place. Together with the finalists of the festival, groups will take part in the concert "Pilot" and "Underwood". Pay attention! . Instead of what was previously stated Moskvoretsky Park the festival will take place in Izmailovsky Park in Moscow.

September 10 at Izmailovsky Park will take place . They will perform from 12:00 7B, Slot, Mara, The end of the film Accident and others.

Sokolniki Park, Fontannaya Square (September 9, from 20:00)
September 9, at 20:00, on Fontannaya Square Sokolnikov will take place German band concert UWAGA.

Kolomenskoye Park (September 9 from 7 p.m.)
September 9 from 19:00 at Kolomenskoye will host the International Ethnic festival under the patronage of the singer Zary, in which they will take part Nino Katamadze and group Insight, Goran Bregovic, Sevara, Zara, Pelageya, Yasmin Levi, ensemble from Georgia "Rustavi" and others.

Park "Krasnaya Presnya" (September 9 from 11.00)
On September 9, Krasnaya Presnya Park will host a concert of the group "Fruits", at 14.30 and 18.50 the famous producer Lina Arifulina will present “At the top of her voice!” - a new music show on the Mir TV channel, in support of which will be performed by Mark Tishman, Eteri Beriashvili, Brandon Stone, Margarita Pozoyan, Ruslan Alekhno, Arsenium and others. In addition, on the main stage of the park during the day you can see the incendiary drum show “Rhythms of the Caucasus”, hear the Armenian duduk and take part in a gift drawing.

Fili Park (September 9 from 13.00)
In Fili Park on September 9 from 13:00 there will be gala concert of the festival "Filigree 2017", organized by "Top Fili Music", where you can watch performances Mikhail Bashakov, Konstantin Arbenina, Kirill Komarov, leader of the Orgy of the Righteous Sergei Kalugin and other musicians. There will be a concert at 21:00 headliner festival - groups Kalinov Bridge.

Poklonnaya Gora (9 and 10 September at 19:00)
September 9 at 19:00 on Poklonnaya grief will pass Road Radio Festival, which will feature performances by Joseph Kobzon, Denis Maidanov, Anita Tsoi, Katya Lel, Sati Casanova, Mark Tishman, Bayan Mix, folk show "Fair", Rodion Gazmanov, Igor Sarukhanov, Ruslan Alekhno, Sergey Kuprik, Vadim Kazachenko, Zheka, Gleb Matveychuk, Utah, Methodie Bujor, Marina Devyatova and others. On September 10, there will be a performance by your favorite artists according to radio station "Dacha": Utah, Sogdiana, Sati Casanova, Mitya Fomin, Alexander Shevchenko, Alexander Aivazov, Lyudmila Sokolova, Na-Na group, Alexander Dobronravov.

Babushkinsky Park (September 9, 15:00-20:00; September 10, 18:00-20:00)
In Babushkinsky Park of the capital in honor City Day Popular rock musicians will perform. On September 9, visitors can expect band concerts Total, 7B, Django And Masha and the Bears, and September 10 - Old friend And After 11.

Perovsky Park (September 9 at 20:00)
On September 9 at 20:00 the band will give a full concert here 7B

Design Factory "Flacon" (September 9, 12:00-23:00)
On September 9 from 12:00 to 23:00 at the Flacon Design Factory there will be performances Elektromonteur, Nina Garnet, Mama, Chekhonte, White Mud, Groove Etiquette, Mangoband, Anray, duet "Stanislavsky System", and there will also be DJ sets and jams.

Arbat (September 9, 13:00–22:00; September 10, 15:00–20:00)
On City Day on Arbat, on the so-called Dog Playground near the Evgeniy Vakhtangov Theater, there will be inter-museum festival. Visitors are expected walking tours, lectures by historians and literary scholars, creative meetings with actors and writers, concerts of classical and jazz music, book presentation "What do composers say about Scriabin today" and much more. In the evening, the band Feelin’s will perform together with Italian vocalist Boris Savoldelli. The musicians prepared the best works from international program"YeseninJazz". In addition, concerts will be held at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum and the A.N. Memorial Museum. Scriabin. September 10 at 21:00 they will perform at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum Alisa Grebenshchikova and the Universal MusicBand group. They will present the program “The Poet is the Son of Harmony” based on the works of the great poets and prose writers of the Silver Age.

Tsvetnoy Boulevard and Trubnaya Square (September 9, 13:00–22:00; September 10, 15:00–20:00)
An exhibition-fair of charitable foundations will be held on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. There will also be a charity run. On the evening of September 9, from 18:40 to 21:00, on this the site will take place concert of popular performers: will perform Natella, Yuri Kononov, "MBAND", Nathan, "Chelsea", Kravets, Brandon Stone and ex-vocalist of the pop group "Tatu" Lena Katina. September 10 from 16:00 to 20:00“Pizza”, Emma M, Stas Piekha, “Ligalize”, #2Mashi, Yulia Parshuta, Elvira T, Dominic Joker and Katya Kokorina, Alina Grosu, Arseny Borodin, Utah, Elina Chaga, Lyudmila Sokolova, Sogdiana, Django will perform on Trubnaya Square , Maria Mia, Alexander Elovskikh, Basil, Konstantin Biteev, Masha Koltsova, Alex Malinovsky, "Bayan Mix" and Dzhigan.

Triumphal Square (September 9, 13:00–22:00; September 10, 15:00–20:00)
This venue will feature literary performances, poetry readings and theatrical and musical performances. Visitors will find animated characters from their favorite books, urban myths and legends, and literary quests. There is also an interactive promotion on this site "We rhyme with Moscow." September 9 there will be a joint concert of the group Feelin's and famous Italian vocalist Boris Savoldelli. Poems Sergei Yesenin will be performed in Italian, English and Russian with jazz, blues and soul. The performance will be enriched by Savoldelli's acapella numbers.

Alley of Cosmonauts (September 9, 13:00–22:00; September 10, 14:00–20:00)
September 9 and 10
The Alley of Cosmonauts will host events dedicated to space and science fiction. Visitors can expect modern choreography, circus acts and performances by popular DJs. On the evening of September 9, the Alley of Cosmonauts awaits visitors light and sound laser show "7 steps beyond the horizon". At different times, Quest Pistols, Tesla boy, On-The-Go, Gayana, Plazma group, Vlad Sokolovsky, Sati Casanova, Vakhtang, Guru Groove Foundation, Pizza group, Leonid Agutin, DJ Feel, Dj Filatov and other artists will perform on the site. On September 10 at 16:00 in the lecture hall of the "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" pavilion there will be lecture by producer and music expert Mikhail Kozyrev on the history of rock music.

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, (September 9, 13:00–22:00; September 10, 14:00–20:00)
On City Day on Palace Square"Tsaritsyno" There will be a stage where classical music will be played for two days: philharmonic orchestras, instrumentalists and vocalists will give several symphony concerts. IN Grand Palace a platform will be equipped for family vacation, where visitors with children will enjoy games with animators, creative classes, master classes and other activities. At the Tsaritsynsky pond Festive art objects will be installed and theatrical performances will take place. Among the participants are the Kaluga Youth Symphony Orchestra of Alexander Gindin, the State Symphony Orchestra named after E. Svetlanov, the State Orchestra "New Russia"Yuri Bashmet.

List of addresses for launching fireworks and salutes in Moscow on September 9 for City Day 2017

This weekend, Moscow will simply be “boiling” with a variety of events throughout the Russian capital. The occasion is the most joyful and wonderful. Today Moscow celebrates 870 years since its founding. Everyone prepared just wonderfully for this anniversary. Citizens and guests of the city will definitely not be bored! 300 venues will entertain everyone!

Moscow City Day 2017: Luzhniki - concert, big REP festival, and the whole program

One of the most grandiose events of the city day in Moscow in 2017 is the Bolshoi REP festival, which will be held in Luzhniki. The organizers attracted the attention of almost all city residents by the fact that admission to the concert would be free. Also, a huge number of surprises and competitions await everyone. The competition will start at 10 am!

The celebration of Moscow City Day will begin in Luzhniki with sports competitions. At 10-00 everyone is waiting there to watch strength sports. There you can see even the strongest people of our vast Motherland! By the way, it will be interesting for girls. Fitness competitions will also be held in Luzhniki today.

After all the competitions are over, a grandiose concert awaits the guests - a big rap. Entry will be free. You definitely need to take a good mood with you!!! There will also be many competitions at the concert. For example, in one of them a selfie with the stars of the concert will be played. And among them will be Max Korzh, Casta, NOIZE MC, Eldzhey, FEDUK, Kravets and many others. Everything will end with festive fireworks at 21-00, as throughout Moscow!