Palace Square parking. Parking: which side to approach Peter and Paul Fortress. Until now, the question of whether there are remains of victims of the Red Terror under the busy highway and how many there are remains open. The museum has nothing against excavations, but

The correspondent of “Evening Petersburg” spent a long time looking for parking near the Artillery Museum

In St. Petersburg on weekends, of course, you want to get out somewhere, for example, go to a museum with your family. But if you're driving, don't expect the trip to go off without a hitch!

Museum visitors are honestly warned: no need to park!

Where are the parking lots? The center is filled with public and private organizations, restaurants and cafes. The latter, in turn, are not averse to tearing off a piece of the roadway for their visitors in order to display orange cones and their parking attendants, who allocate parking spots, doing this, by the way, without permission. And if it is easier for entrepreneurs to pay a fine using a percentage of their profits, then it is much more difficult for government organizations to organize a stopping place for visitors.

I decided to check the numerous complaints from readers about parking in front of the Artillery Museum. So, let's arrive. Parking on Kronverkskaya embankment, opposite the museum - no. Every 50 meters there is a “No Stopping” sign, and in the museum itself they warn that tow trucks are working.

“Dear visitors! - stated in the announcement at the entrance. — To avoid misunderstandings, do not leave your cars on Kronverkskaya embankment. Parking on the embankment is prohibited. The cars are being taken away by a traffic police tow truck.”

Indeed, without breaking the rules traffic, you can park here only at the entrance to the main entrance. That's where the cashier employee sends me. I think how many vehicle owners are able to park here freely and easily. Six sedan class cars maximum!

At the same time, on the way to the museum, I noticed a guarded parking lot with about 50 parking spaces. As the press service of the museum found out, it is designated for official use.

“There are no plans to open it to visitors in the near future,” the press service clarified.

Theoretically, it would be possible to leave cars at the embankment, but visitors' cars are evacuated from there. Of the proposed and nearby places, they suggest leaving your car in Alexander Park. According to my observations, you can leave your car there only if you are lucky. On weekdays at 16.00 there are a couple of places, and they seem to have just become free.

Another alternative is parking on Kronverksky Prospekt near ITMO. There are spaces for about ten cars, but on weekdays, occupying them is like winning the lottery.

Parking a car in the center of St. Petersburg is difficult in principle. However, there is an option with traffic violation, however, for this there is a fine of 300 rubles. And from July 1, it will generally be increased to 3,000 rubles.

Let's turn to the experience of our colleague in the Moscow metropolis. There they took radical measures. Since 2013, all parking lots in the center are inside Boulevard Ring make them paid. Residents of the capital will have to pay 50 rubles per hour. It would seem inexpensive. But let’s count on a trip to the same Artillery Museum. It will take at least three hours, especially if you are going on a long walk with your family. We receive 150 rubles in addition to the price of a full ticket. And now culture is costing a pretty penny... Maybe it’s better to walk?

If you do leave your car...

At the Artillery Museum, where parking is prohibited, you will find the following information about tow trucks useful:

— Traffic police officers evacuate absolutely all illegally parked cars, including expensive, large, original and others. And although some of these models require special equipment, in Russia this is usually not taken into account.

— Remember: if you, the owner of the car, showed up at the time of evacuation of the car, you are obliged to return the vehicle to correct the incorrect parking, but you will still have to pay a fine for incorrect parking in the amount of 300 rubles (for now).

— If your car was towed while you were there, write down the badge number, the traffic police vehicle number and the tow truck number. It is advisable to record everything in photos or videos and, if possible, find witnesses.

Anatoly SLEPENKOV. Photo by the author

Under the walls Peter and Paul Fortress Several parking lots have been organized, traffic jams form on the Kronverksky Bridge, and tourists scurry between cars, which even manage to drive into the gate, into the area where the paving stones are laid. The museum management explains this by the congestion of the streets, which are not under their control.

Getting to the fortress territory via the wooden Kronverksky Bridge on a fine summer day is not easy. The narrow sidewalks on both sides of the bridge do not accommodate all pedestrians; cars and cars line the roadway bumper to bumper. sightseeing buses. A Novaya correspondent observed how, due to an unsuccessful turn, a bus descending from the bridge towards the fortress formed a huge traffic jam - cars heading out folded their side mirrors and squeezed a few centimeters from the curb. Behind, on the asphalt road along the Kronverksky channel, impatient drivers honked, and tourists scurried about in the middle of this mess.

On the bones

The asphalting of the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress and the opening of parking lots here at the end of the 2000s was accompanied by a scandal. According to archival data, after the revolution, mass executions were carried out in the fortress, including civilians, since there was a liquidation prison here. From 1917 to 1920, more than a thousand people could have been shot here, and here, on the shore, from the fortress wall to the descent to the water, they were buried.

But the museum’s management, trying to increase the number of visitors, laid the asphalt despite the protests of historians and archaeologists, who argued that the remains of victims of the Red Terror lay in the ground. The construction buckets stopped only when they brought out skulls with bullet holes. However, the work stopped for a short time: a narrow asphalt path, rarely free of traffic, now stretches along the Kronverksky Strait and ends at the parking lot.

« It is absolutely clear that this route passes through part of the necropolis of the execution period Civil War “, says Alexander Margolis, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments and Culture.

Until now, the question of whether there are remains of victims of the Red Terror under the busy highway and how many there are remains open. The museum has nothing against excavations, but wants those who want to continue searching for the remains to provide evidence that they are there.

« For example, archaeologist Kildyushevsky did not give us a single document that would justify further work“said Deputy Director of the State Medical Institute Yulia Demidenko. Currently, an anthropological examination of the previously found bones is being carried out by order of the museum, but even their future is unclear: they are kept within the walls of the fortress, and so far no one is thinking about how to bury them and perpetuate the memory of the dead.

On Bridge

« We will lose tourists if we force them to walk with their feet“, says Sergei Kondratyev, deputy director of the museum for general issues. He does not consider the dominance of cars on the territory of the fortress under his jurisdiction to be critical and recalls the times when tourist buses parked towards them from Nevsky Prospekt.

As for the Kronverksky Bridge, which today is both pitiful and a little scary to look at - its wooden foundations are daily subjected to pressure of thousands of tons - then Kondratiev is very categorical: “ This is a federal facility and is not our responsibility. We can neither expand it nor increase it».

In August 2015, information appeared that Mostotrest recognized Kronverksky Bridge emergency, and some of its elements were rotten by 80 percent. In September, Vice-Governor Igor Albin convened a meeting on the fate of the bridge, where he invited representatives of four committees (transport, urban planning, cultural and monument protection) and demanded that work be carried out to eliminate accidents before June 1, 2016. So that, at any time, an emergency does not happen .

According to one of the participants in this meeting, Chairman of the Culture Committee Konstantin Sukhenko, partial repairs were made so that the bridge could work. For transport, a limit of 7 tons per axle was established. Now not all buses can pass there, only two-axle ones, and the passage of heavy freight vehicles is prohibited.

By the way, Deputy Director of the State Medical Institute Sergei Kondratiev was also present at the meeting. In a conversation with Novaya, he did not say a word about this, insisting that the opportunity to get to the fortress by vehicle is an absolute benefit for citizens and tourists.

It is worth noting that excursion buses usually weigh 13.5-19 tons. At the same time, two buses and several cars can be parked at the Kronverk crossing, so the prospects for the monument of federal significance are not bright.

Igor Albin, in turn, believes that the situation today is not so dramatic. Mostotrest carried out repairs to the bridge from October to January without completely closing traffic. We replaced the wooden supports, changed the top layer of the deck, the connections between the beams and spans, and restored the connection between the asphalt and the bridge. Well, of course, we treated everything with an antiseptic. About 10 million rubles were spent for these purposes. These priority emergency measures make it possible to operate the bridge now. “Then we have a program of design, survey, construction and installation works until 2018. I will try to speed up the process as much as possible, because I understand the load the Peter and Paul Fortress takes on,” the vice-governor assured.

Entry into the territory of the fortress for passenger cars costs car owners two hundred rubles, and tourist buses three hundred. The museum and the city make good money from this. At the same time, they are not interested in the purpose of the motorist’s visit to the ticket office. For 200 rubles you can leave your horse for the whole day: from nine in the morning to eleven in the evening. It is unlikely that any parking lot in the city center can offer such conditions. And if paid parking appears on Kronverksky Prospekt in the near future (60 rubles per hour), then there will be a noticeable increase in the number of “museum recreation enthusiasts” among St. Petersburg car owners.

Hare Island, where St. Petersburg began, today resembles a busy crossroads.

Several parking lots have been organized under the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress, traffic jams form on the Kronverksky Bridge, and tourists scurry between cars, which even manage to drive through the gates into the area where the paving stones are laid. The museum management explains this by the congestion of the streets, which are not under their control.

Getting to the fortress territory via the wooden Kronverksky bridge on a fine summer day is not easy. The narrow sidewalks on both sides of the bridge cannot accommodate all the pedestrians; cars and tour buses line the roadway bumper to bumper. A Novaya correspondent observed how, due to an unsuccessful turn, a bus descending from the bridge towards the fortress formed a huge traffic jam - cars heading out folded their side mirrors and squeezed a few centimeters from the curb. Behind, on the asphalt road along the Kronverksky channel, impatient drivers honked, and tourists scurried about in the middle of this mess.

On the bones

The asphalting of the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress and the opening of parking lots here at the end of the 2000s was accompanied by a scandal. According to archival data, after the revolution, mass executions were carried out in the fortress, including civilians, since there was a liquidation prison here. From 1917 to 1920, more than a thousand people could have been shot here, and here, on the shore, from the fortress wall to the descent to the water, they were buried.

But the museum’s management, trying to increase the number of visitors, laid the asphalt despite the protests of historians and archaeologists, who argued that the remains of victims of the Red Terror lay in the ground. The construction buckets stopped only when they brought out skulls with bullet holes. However, the work stopped for a short time: a narrow asphalt path, rarely free of traffic, now stretches along the Kronverksky Strait and ends at the parking lot.

“It is absolutely clear that this route passes through part of the necropolis of the execution period of the Civil War,” says Alexander Margolis, chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments and Culture.

Until now, the question of whether there are remains of victims of the Red Terror under the busy highway and how many there are remains open. The museum has nothing against excavations, but wants those who want to continue searching for the remains to provide evidence that they are there.

“For example, archaeologist Kildyushevsky did not give us a single document that would justify further work,” said Deputy Director of the State Historical Museum Yulia Demidenko. Currently, an anthropological examination of the previously found bones is being carried out by order of the museum, but even their future is unclear: they are kept within the walls of the fortress, and so far no one is thinking about how to bury them and perpetuate the memory of the dead.

On Bridge

“We will lose tourists if we force them to walk with their feet,” says Sergei Kondratyev, deputy director of the museum for general issues. He does not consider the dominance of cars on the territory of the fortress under his jurisdiction to be critical and recalls the times when tourist buses parked towards them from Nevsky Prospekt.

As for the Kronverksky Bridge, which today is both pitiful and a little scary to look at - its wooden foundations are subjected to thousands of tons of pressure every day - Kondratyev is very categorical: “This is a federal facility that is not our responsibility. We can neither expand it nor increase it."

In August 2015, information appeared that Mostotrest recognized the Kronverksky Bridge as unsafe, and some of its elements were 80 percent rotten. In September, Vice-Governor Igor Albin convened a meeting on the fate of the bridge, where he invited representatives of four committees (transport, urban planning, cultural and monument protection) and demanded that work be carried out to eliminate accidents before June 1, 2016. So that, at any time, an emergency does not happen .

According to one of the participants in this meeting, Chairman of the Culture Committee Konstantin Sukhenko, partial repairs were made so that the bridge could work. For transport, a limit of 7 tons per axle was established. Now not all buses can pass there, only two-axle ones, and the passage of heavy freight vehicles is prohibited.

By the way, Deputy Director of the State Medical Institute Sergei Kondratiev was also present at the meeting. In a conversation with Novaya, he did not say a word about this, insisting that the opportunity to get to the fortress by vehicle is an absolute benefit for citizens and tourists.

It is worth noting that excursion buses usually weigh 13.5-19 tons. At the same time, two buses and several cars can be parked at the Kronverk crossing, so the prospects for the monument of federal significance are not bright.

Igor Albin, in turn, believes that the situation today is not so dramatic. Mostotrest carried out repairs to the bridge from October to January without completely closing traffic. We replaced the wooden supports, changed the top layer of the deck, the connections between the beams and spans, and restored the connection between the asphalt and the bridge. Well, of course, we treated everything with an antiseptic. About 10 million rubles were spent for these purposes. These priority emergency measures make it possible to operate the bridge now. “Then we have a program of design, survey, construction and installation works until 2018. I will try to speed up the process as much as possible, because I understand the load the Peter and Paul Fortress takes on,” the vice-governor assured.

Entry into the territory of the fortress for passenger cars costs car owners two hundred rubles, and tourist buses three hundred. The museum and the city make good money from this. At the same time, they are not interested in the purpose of the motorist’s visit to the ticket office. For 200 rubles you can leave your horse for the whole day: from nine in the morning to eleven in the evening. It is unlikely that any parking lot in the city center can offer such conditions. And if paid parking appears on Kronverksky Prospekt in the near future (60 rubles per hour), then there will be a noticeable increase in the number of “museum recreation enthusiasts” among St. Petersburg car owners.

Parking in St. Petersburg is a problem, as in any city overloaded with transport. There are clearly not enough parking spaces for a city of five million.

In this regard, the city government has already adopted a bill stating that parking in the city center, including parking at the side of the road, will be paid.

Beware of leaving your car in the area covered by the “No Stopping” sign, even if other cars are already parked there. Your car may be towed to an impound lot.

Convenient parking spaces in the city center

There are several underground parking lots in the center of St. Petersburg. As a rule, they are located under large shopping centers(Stockmann, Gallery). The cost of 1 hour of parking is about 150 rubles.

This secure parking lot is convenient if you want to go sightseeing or go to one of the restaurants on Nevsky Prospekt. There are almost always spaces available here, unlike nearby free parking areas. The cost is 150 rubles per hour.

Parking on Konyushennaya Square

Paid guarded parking is located next to the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood and the largest souvenir market. The cost is 150 rubles per hour.

Parking in the parking lot of Pulkovo Airport or Pulkovo-2 will cost approximately 100 rubles per hour and from 700 rubles per day.

Some free parking spots in the city center

Fines for illegal parking

Current information on fines for other violations of traffic rules can be found on the traffic police website.

The cost of evacuation, which is about 3,000 rubles, is legally paid by the owner of the car.

Be careful: many places only allow parking on even or odd days of the week. Violation of this regime entails the same sanctions as parking in a prohibited place!

If you cannot find the car where you left it:

Try to find out about the location of the car by calling +7812 680-33-33 or 004. This number will tell you the address and telephone number of the traffic police department where you need to obtain permission to issue it.

By calling the traffic police department you need to find out where and when you can get permission to receive a detained car. You can obtain this permit after paying a fine for illegal parking.

If you have written permission from the traffic police to issue vehicle you can go to a specialized parking lot, also having with you an identity document and a document confirming the right of ownership of the detained vehicle.

The Academic Council of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg supported the need to remove all types of transport from the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress - both tourist and personal cars of museum employees. In return, the museum administration wants to create a separate parking lot near the walls of the fortress.

The Academic Council of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, by 11 votes to five, supported the decision on the need to remove all types of transport from the territory of the Peter and Paul Fortress - both tourist and personal cars of museum employees. In return, the museum administration wants to create a separate parking lot near the walls of the fortress.

For the project, as stated by Petropavlovka director Alexander Kolyakin, there is even a private investor who is ready to take on the work. However, the longer the approval procedure takes, the greater the chance that the crisis will force this anonymous sponsor to refuse to invest money. There is still a long way to go before approval - so far there is only a positive reaction from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate. The most difficult thing, as Kolyakin admitted at the academic council, is the conversation with the committee for the protection of monuments.

The site that the museum proposes for a new parking lot was also approved. Several options were presented to the members of the academic council. The first one is from the arrow side Vasilyevsky Island, on the current territory of the site for urban sports. The second is in front of the Nikolskaya curtain, between the Zotov and Golovikin bastions. That's where it is now helipad. As the director of the Peter and Paul Fortress stated, this option is supported by the KGIOP. And the third option, which the museum management likes most, is in front of the Kronverkskaya curtain, between the Menshikov and Golovkin bastions. This space is the largest - 4,700 square meters can be allocated for parking. meters versus 2000 and 2700 sq. meters in the first two cases. However, the reason here is not only the volume of space. This is the option I voted for academic council— 8 people were in favor, with one person against it. The other two options did not find a single supporter.

The problem with vehicles in the fortress is purely vital. According to the head of the operational service of the Peter and Paul Fortress, during the peak moments of the summer tourist season 40 buses stop at a time on the territory of the fortress. During the day, up to 200 of them pass through. In addition, the fortress is increasingly filled with personal cars of employees of the Mint, the museum itself, and contractors and services working on its territory. This does not improve the aesthetic condition of the monument, nor does it have the best effect on its preservation. Bus drivers, for example, don’t even think about turning off their engines.

In recent years, spontaneous parking tourist transport formed on Cathedral Square. However, after the improvement of the territory of the fortress was carried out with money from the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which allocated about 500 million rubles), it was decided to completely close it from the entry of cars. The fact is that archaeologists did not give the go-ahead to deepen it by more than 40 centimeters. Next lies the cultural layer, which requires special excavations and research to work with. But the Fund for Investment Projects of St. Petersburg, which allocated the money, did not set any deadlines or funds for this. After long negotiations with archaeologists, a compromise was found. The work was carried out only at the surface, but now the area simply cannot withstand the constant flow of large vehicles.

The temporary decision taken by the museum administration to move transport to the Alekseevsky ravelin area, during the same improvement of the granite-paved area, also turned out to be unsuccessful. Granite turned out to be a fragile material, and it also absorbs all the fuel oil leaking from buses (it can only be cleaned by grinding - it is impossible to wash it). Now the pavement next to Alekseevsky has already been partially destroyed. In addition, it’s simply not possible to put so many buses there - more than 8 at a time simply won’t fit. Tourists began to be dropped off on embankments where parking was both prohibited and dangerous. In addition, it is not at all easy for older travelers to overcome this path. And most of the people who come are elderly.

“Of the 5 million tourists who visited St. Petersburg last year, a third visited the Peter and Paul Fortress. That is, 1.5 million people visited our museum last year. Half of them arrived on buses in trains organized groups“, Deputy Director of the Museum Natalya Senko told her colleagues. According to Alexander Kolyakin, this year due to the crisis this flow will become smaller. But it is also in the interests of the museum that it be preserved. Because the authorities are giving museum workers a choice - either fire employees or start making money. So we need to offer some amenities to tourists.

The main opponent of the parking lot idea was the architect-restorer Andrei Gunich, an employee of Lenproektrestavratsiya (he is currently working on a project for the restoration of the Ioannovsky Ravelin). It was he who compared the possible appearance of a parking lot with metastases. In his opinion, official parking near the walls of the fortress will lead to the fact that the space around Peter and Paul Fortress will begin to spontaneously fill with cars. In addition, two of the proposed sites contain burials that archaeologists need to deal with. And, it is quite possible to generally assign the territory a memorial status, which will not allow creating anything there other than green areas. Concerns were expressed about the serious deterioration of the environmental situation, and about the problems that await the funds of the Peter and Paul Fortress (the parking lot will be located directly under the windows of the museum storage room). However, Alexander Kolyakin managed to convince the majority of members of the academic council of his position. Whether he will be able to convince other city committees is still a big question.