Laser theatrical projection show treasure island. Treasure Island program script description photo video how it goes ideal for children and adults

The premises are decorated in pirate style(rope ladders, steering wheel, chests, Balloons– scenery of the show program “ Treasure Island".

Before the show starts Treasure Island" There is a pirate crew on duty on the ship. At the gangway, guests are greeted by a sea duet singing sea folk songs, offering guests soft and strong drinks, registering those entering logbook to participate in the pirate lottery.
A bone poker tournament is being held. After this, guests are given black or blue bandanas, which determine whether the participant belongs to a particular flotilla team. In turn, the flotillas are divided into table ships. Each “ship” is given its own name. Each table-ship is commanded by a boatswain (show actor), helping guests subsequently participate in the competition program. This is how the first stage of the show takes place. Treasure Island».

The second part of the program Treasure Island" begins the presenter - Captain Flint. He explains the conditions of the game and announces the start of the battle. The “ships” of the flotillas fight among themselves, participating in stylized competitions, for which they receive golden doubloons from Captain Flint. The show's performers perform theatrical interludes on stage, explaining the essence of the test competitions. Between competitions, a maritime ballet performs on stage.

The results of the game are announced in the third part of the program " Treasure Island", after the formation and roll call of the flotillas. The flotilla team that gained large quantity gold doubloons, is declared the winner, receives the main prize - 100 liters of beer, and the losers receive all the dried roach brought as entrance tickets. After this, a barbecue or crayfish boil, as well as a “Sea Bar Show” (juggling, walking through bottles, fire show, making pirate cocktails).

Fourth part.
Guests will enjoy a show program, a dance marathon and a sea lottery. Upon arrival at the port, each guest is given a certificate of participation in the “Treasure Island” show and gold doubloons obtained in pirate trials.

Participation and number of artists in the show program Treasure Island, by agreement with the customer.
At the request of the customer, changes and additions to the program are possible.
A detailed program script with a list of prizes, props, timing and descriptions of competitions is provided to the customer after approval of the script plan.

The program includes
Host – Captain Flint
Actors of the program: Crooked Morgan, Blind Pew
Show Ballet -3-4 people.
Sound engineer - 1 person.
Sound equipment set, 1KW
Decoration and props
Musicians -2 people.

We help you relax beautifully and comfortably!

Photo. Show Treasure Island

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island..

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.

Show Treasure Island.



The stage or hall is decorated in a pirate style (rope ladders, a steering wheel, chests, balloons - the scenery of the “Treasure Island” show program).Before the start of the show, a pirate crew - the show's actors - is on duty on the ship. At the gangway, guests are greeted by the sea duet “We’ve grown up!” singing sea folk songs, offering guests soft and strong drinks, registering those entering the logbook to participate in the pirate lottery.

A bone poker tournament is being held. After this, guests are given black or blue bandanas, which determine the participant’s affiliation with one or another fleet team (“Pirates” and “Sea Wolves”). In turn, the flotillas are divided into table ships. Each ship is assigned its own name (Barracuda, Sea Urchins, Unsinkable, etc.). Each table-ship is commanded by a boatswain (show actor), helping guests subsequently participate in the competition program. Thus, the first stage of the “Treasure Island” show takes place. In addition, during the first stage of the program, actors perform theatrical interludes.

The second part of the “Treasure Island” program begins with the presenter, Captain Flint. He explains the conditions of the game, conducts a roll call - “formation” of ships, and announces the start of the battle. Two flotillas take part in the game - “Sea Wolves” and “Pirates”. Ships of the flotillas fight among themselves, participating in stylized competitions “Pirate Duel”, “ Knot", etc. (the game show "Treasure Island"), for which they receive golden doubloons from Captain Flint. The show's artists perform theatrical interludes on stage, explaining the essence of the test competitions. Between competitions, the sea ballet "BARACUDA" performs on stage.

The results of the game are announced in the third part of the program, after the formation and roll call of the flotillas. The flotilla team that collects the most gold doubloons is declared the winner and receives the main prize - 100 liters of beer, and the losers receive all the dried roach brought as entrance tickets. After this, a barbecue or crayfish boil, as well as a “Sea Bar Show” (juggling, walking through bottles, fire show, making pirate cocktails).

The fourth part (final) -. Guests will enjoy a show program, a dance marathon and a sea lottery. Upon arrival at the port, each guest is given a certificate of participation in the “Treasure Island” show and gold doubloons obtained in pirate trials.

Participation and number of artists in the show program, crayfish cooking, bar show, by agreement with the customer. At the request of the customer, changes and additions to the program are possible.

A detailed program script with a list of prizes, props, timing and descriptions of competitions is provided to the customer after approval of the script plan.The author and presenter of the program is the popular TV presenter, theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Aksenov.

Many famous hotels in Las Vegas offer free theatrical shows at certain times.

One of these, called “Sirens of Treasure Island,” takes place in front of the Treasure Island casino hotel.

We got to the last evening performance (and were a little late for its start) and therefore had to film in complete darkness.

Before commenting on the photos, I would like to talk a little more generally about this show.

A troupe of circus performers and stuntmen take part in this show, because... many tricks are difficult for an ordinary mortal to perform. As for the plot of what is happening, when you have an average command of a foreign language, and even come to the show late, and then have to take photographs often, it is difficult to immediately grasp the details of what is happening. However, I haven’t read a lot on the Internet about this.

Well, for example, on the website of one of the travel agencies it literally says the following: “in front of the Treasure Island hotel there is a real battle between an American ship and a ship of the British fleet - with the thunder of guns, heartbreaking screams of the dying and the death at the end of the battle of one of the ships, disappearing into the sea depths." Personally, I did not find either an American ship or a British one (although there were actually two of them), especially since the people on these ships did not in any way resemble naval officers.

The next version, posted on one of the sites with explanations of the corresponding photographs - “The Treasure Island hotel shows a free show every evening, which I called “Amazons vs. Pirates,” although the Amazons are also more like pirates, but because they are on their team only girls, I called them Amazons :), it’s quite logical that a hotel called “Treasure Island” shows a show about pirates).” In my opinion, this is already closer to the truth. But, if we take into account the fact that the title of the show contains the word “sirens”, then, probably, the version that the sirens of Treasure Island, using legal and illegal techniques, lure the ship of poor pirates into their bay is closer to the truth and taking advantage of their male gullibility, they deal with them mercilessly.

Based on this version, I will try to comment on the photos below.

So, the Bay of Sirens, where their ship is located

At this time, in front of this bay, a ship of pirates is peacefully drifting, who are tired of their everyday work and, naturally, after drinking a significant amount of rum, have lost their former vigilance.

The sirens seemed to have seen them and were slightly wary...

After consulting, they decide that relaxed pirates will be easy prey for them, and begin to intensively lure them into their bay...

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"

The half-asleep pirates seem to have seen and heard them...

Intoxicated by the heartbreaking sounds of sirens and blinded by their beauty, the pirates resolutely direct their ship into the bay, but they forgot about the reefs... And this is the result - the ship runs aground at full speed.

The sirens rejoice, and festive fireworks appear in honor of the victory over their ship...

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"

And at this time, the pirates' gunpowder explodes in the hold, and they, in a hurry and panic, abandon the sinking ship as best they can...

(And this is what it looks like up close...)

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"

Only the pirate captain continues to fulfill his duty to the end...

and the Bay of Sirens swallows him along with the ship....

However, some pirates manage to escape (obviously they knew how to swim well, and the bay was not deep) and with great pleasure they fall into slavery to the sirens...

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"

But the sirens catch the captain of the pirate ship, and the most important of them takes him for himself (and he doesn’t seem to resist very much)

However, some pirates who survived are trying to take revenge on the sirens for their shame, but they deal with them mercilessly...

Other pirates (so as not to be left behind again) resigned themselves to their fate...

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"

Well, their captain is, as always, at his best, both literally and figuratively

And, of course, everything ends wonderfully

And at the end - fireworks in front of the hotel

Show "Sirens of Treasure Island"