Berlin's most famous landmark. The main attractions of Berlin. Amusement park in pirate style

Berlin ist die Hauptstadt Deutschlands. Berlin ist eine Stadt und auch ein Bundesland, wie Hamburg oder Bremen. Mit rund 3.5 Millionen Einwohnern ist Berlin die zweitgrößte Stadt der EU.

Die Metropole an der Spree ist über 770 Jahre alt. Nach 1949 war die Stadt in zwei Teile geteilt. Das waren West- und Ostberlin. Die Grenze zwischen zwei Teilen war seit 1961 die Berliner Mauer. Nach dem Fall der Mauer 1989 und nach der Wiedervereinigung 1990 wurde Berlin wieder Hauptstadt des Landes.

Wenn Sie die Stadt kennen lernen wollen, beginnen Sie Ihren Spaziergang am Alexanderplatz oder Alex. Dieser riesige Platz ist ein beliebter Treffpunkt der Berliner. Auf dem Alexanderplatz befinden sich das Hotel Park Inn Berlin, die berühmte Weltzeituhr und einige große Kaufhäuser.

Neben dem Alexanderplatz befindet sich das höchste Gebäude in Berlin, der Fernsehturm. Neben dem Fernsehturm liegen das Rote Rathaus und die Marienkirche. Das Rote Rathaus ist der Sitz des Bürgermeisters.

In der Nähe des Rathauses liegt das alte historische Nikolai-Viertel. Die gemütliche Atmosphäre des Nikolai-Viertels mit vielen Cafés, Restaurants und Souvenirläden zieht viele Touristen an. Das Herz des Viertels ist die Nikolaikirche, die älteste Kirche Berlins.

Auf dem anderen Spreeufer befindet sich die größte Kirche Berlins - der majestätische Berliner Dom.

Ein Stück weiter beginnt Unter den Linden - die berühmte Hauptstraße Berlins. Hier gibt es viele Sehenswürdigkeiten, zum Beispiel die Humboldt Universität, die Alte Bibliothek und die Staatsoper.

Die Straße führt zum Brandenburger Tor. Hier war bis 1989 die Grenze zwischen Ost und West. Heute ist das Brandenburger Tor das Wahrzeichen der Stadt und der Einheit. Rechts vom Brandenburger Tor befindet sich der Reichstag. Die gläserne Kuppel des Reichstages ist eine beliebte Touristenattraktion.

Wenn Sie vom Brandenburger Tor nach links gehen, kommen Sie bald zum Potsdamer Platz. Seit 1962 war der große Platz wegen der Mauer öde und leer. Während der 90er-Jahre war hier eine riesige Baustelle. Heute ist er eine wichtige Sehenswürdigkeit Berlins. Die Touristen bewundern hier die futuristische Architektur der Hochhäuser und das gläserne Zeltdach des Sony Centers.

Wenn Sie vom Potsdamer Platz mit der U2 Richtung Ruhleben fahren, kommen Sie schnell ins Zentrum von Westberlin. Hier, am Wittenbergplatz liegt das prächtige KaDeWe, oder das Kaufhaus des Westens. Es ist das größte und das schönste Kaufhaus in Kontinentaleuropa. Ein Stück weiter befindet sich die Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche. Ihr zerstörter Turm soll an den Krieg erinnern. An der Gedächtniskirche beginnt der Kurfürstendamm, oder Ku'Damm, die bekannteste Straße Westberlins, mit vielen Luxushotels, Restaurants, Cafés, Kinos und Kaufhäusern.

Die Tag und Nacht geöffnete Metropole ist heute eine Stadt von Weltrang. In Berlin ist immer viel los. Hier findet jeder etwas für sich.

Wenn Sie sich für Kunst interessieren, gehen Sie zur Museumsinsel. Sie liegt hinter dem Berliner Dom und ist der größte Museumskomplex Europas mit 17 Museen. Wenn Sie Ruhe und Natur mögen, gehen Sie in den Tiergarten, den größten und den schönsten Stadtpark Berlins, spazieren. Wenn Sie sich für Technik interessieren, besuchen Sie unbedingt das spannende Deutsche Technikmuseum. Und wenn Sie ein Tierfreund sind, liegt Ihr Weg in den Berliner Zoo. Viel Spaß!


Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is a city and a federal state, like Hamburg or Bremen. With a population of approximately 3.5 million people, Berlin is the second largest city in the EU.

The metropolis on the Spree is over 770 years old. After 1949 the city was divided into two parts. These were West and East Berlin. The border between the two parts has been the Berlin Wall since 1961. After the fall Berlin Wall in 1989 and after reunification in 1990, Berlin again became the capital of the country.

If you want to get to know the city, start your walk at Alexanderplatz or Alex. This huge square is a popular meeting place for Berliners. Alexanderplatz has the Park Inn Berlin, the famous world clock and several large department stores.

Next to Alexanderplatz is the most tall building in Berlin, TV tower. Next to TV tower there are the Red Town Hall and the Church of St. Mary. The Red Town Hall is the residence of the mayor.

Next to the town hall is the old historical quarter of Nikolaivirtel. Cozy atmosphere Nikolaivirtel with its many cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops attracts many tourists. The heart of the quarter is St. Nicholas Church, the oldest church in Berlin.

On the other side of the Spree River lies the largest church in Berlin, the majestic Berlin Cathedral.

A little further begins Unter den Linden, the famous main street of Berlin. There are many attractions here, such as the Humboldt University, the Old Library and the State opera house.

The street leads to the Brandenburg Gate. Here until 1989 there was a border between East and West. Today the Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of the city and unity. To the right of the Brandenburg Gate is the Reichstag. The glass dome of the Reichstag is a popular tourist attraction.

If you go left from the Brandenburg Gate, you will soon reach Potsdamer Platz. Since 1962, this huge area has been abandoned and empty due to the wall. During the 90s, the square was a huge construction site. Today it is an important landmark in Berlin. Tourists admire the futuristic architecture of skyscrapers and the glass roof of the Sony Center pavilion.

If you take the U-Bahn (line U2 towards Ruhleben) from Potsdamer Platz you will quickly reach the center of West Berlin. Here on Wittenbergplatz is the magnificent KaDeWe, or Department Store of the West. This is the largest and most beautiful department store in continental Europe. A little further is the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. Its destroyed tower should be a reminder of the war. At the Church of Remembrance begins the Kurfürstendamm, or Kudamm, the most famous street in West Berlin, with a large number of luxury hotels, restaurants, cafes, cinemas and department stores.

Open day and night, the metropolis is today a world-class city. Berlin is always bustling with life. Everyone can find something for themselves here.

If you are interested in art, go to Museum Island. It lies behind the Berlin Cathedral and is the largest museum complex in Europe with 17 museums. If you love peace and nature, go for a walk in the Tiergarten, the largest and most beautiful park in Berlin. If you're interested in technology, don't forget to visit the fascinating Deutsche Technische Museum. And if you are an animal lover, then your path lies in the Berlin Zoo. We hope you have a great time!

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Berlin is one of the oldest cities in Europe. His fate is dramatic and extremely contradictory. For almost 3 decades it was literally torn apart by two opposing political systems. In people's memory, this city is associated with the bloodiest wars in history - the First and Second World Wars. But the difficult fate did not break Berlin - the city survived. Today in it live 3.5 million people, and cultural attractions number in the dozens. Here are 10 must-see places to visit during your trip to Berlin.

The Brandenburg Gate is one of the most recognizable symbols of the German capital

The Brandenburg Gate is one of the main symbols of Berlin. The height of the structure reaches 25 meters. It is noteworthy that appearance The gate was borrowed from the Greeks - a similar gate stood at the entrance to the Acropolis.

When Napoleon occupied Berlin, he ordered the chariot to be removed from the top of the Brandenburg Gate and sent to Paris. But after that when Bonaparte was defeated, she was returned to her place. The Germans named the goddess who drove the chariot Victoria. It is no secret that this name translates as “victory”. Moreover, the vindictive rulers turned the statue so that Victoria’s gaze was directed towards the French embassy.

This is interesting: During Nazi Germany, the Brandenburg Gate personified the absolute power of the Nazis. After that they were part of the Berlin Wall. And in 1990, the gate became a symbol of the reunification of the two parts of Berlin - eastern and western. It was through them that the then Prime Minister of the GDR, Hans Modrow, came out to meet the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Helmut Kohl.

Today, the Brandenburg Gate, located on Berlin's Paris Square, attracts both guests and the city's indigenous inhabitants. Locals visit the Hall of Silence, located in the north wing, to once again remember their history and the bitter lessons it taught.

In the thirties, the Reichstag building was a symbol of fascist power. And at the end of World War II it began to symbolize the victory of the Red Army

Of course, the main parliament building in all countries looks presentable and solemn. A striking example of this is the Berlin Reichstag. This building has a long and interesting history.

In 1894, a luxurious building appeared on what was then Republic Square, designed in the style of the new Renaissance with many Baroque decorations. It was named in honor of the newly formed legislative body of Germany - the Reichstag. The main decoration of the structure was a glass dome, unique for that era: nothing like it had ever been seen in the world.

This is interesting: In the thirties of the 20th century, the Reichstag became a symbol of the power of the “leader of the German nation” Adolf Hitler. At the end of World War II, the Reichstag was destroyed, and the Red Army made it a symbol of its victory, raising the USSR banner over it and leaving hundreds of memorial inscriptions on the walls (some of which tourists can still see today).

The parliament moved to the Reichstag only after the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR, which occurred in October 1990.

And in 1999, the famous English architect Norman Foster managed to restore that same legendary glass dome. Now it houses a large observation deck that receives thousands of tourists every day.

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe contains 2,711 stone slabs, of which not even two are the same size

Near the Brandenburg Gate there is a huge memorial covering an area of ​​19 thousand square meters. There are 2,711 gray stone slabs installed in this area. They are all perfectly smooth, but differ in size. You will not find two slabs with the same height.

The memorial is supposed to resemble a cemetery, but the slabs are completely bare. There are no names or dates on them. The ground's surface is undulating, so it's easy to feel disoriented when visiting the memorial. Note that many critics consider this memo too abstract. In their opinion, people who do not know about the purpose of the memorial would never guess what it symbolizes.

A visit to a Jewish museum can throw you off your psychological balance - the exhibitions make a strong impression

This institution is the only museum in Germany dedicated to the history of the Jewish community. The extensive exhibition covers a period of almost 2 thousand years. Huge sections are devoted to German cultural figures of Jewish origin, the role of the Jewish nation in the development of industry and the country's economy, etc. But the most interesting exhibit is still the museum building itself. The authorship of the project belongs to Daniel Libeskind. The museum also includes the Holocaust Tower, the Garden of Exile and the Garden of Emigration. More than a million tourists visit this place every year.

Women and children should think carefully before visiting the Jewish Museum. The exhibitions presented there make a lasting impression and can take people out of their state of psychological balance. In such cases, ranger guides will come to the rescue. They are ready to provide first aid to impressionable guests at any time.

This is interesting: There is not a single right angle in the construction of the Jewish Museum building.

The largest Protestant church in Germany is the Berlin Church cathedral

This building is required to be photographed by all tourists visiting Berlin. The magnificent cathedral is not only a remarkable architectural monument, but also the largest Protestant church in the country.

Directly under the dome of the Berlin Cathedral there is a large observation deck, which offers an excellent view of the central part cities. Take the time to climb 270 steps and be sure to take amazing photos!

Back in the thirties of the last century, the Berlin Cathedral was spoken of as one of the largest churches in the world - its height reached 114 meters. Unfortunately, during the Second World War the building was badly damaged and had to be radically reconstructed. The current height of the cathedral is 99 meters. For the second time, after perestroika, it was opened in 1993.

The picturesque Grunewald forest - favorite place holidays for Berlin residents

There is also a real forest in Berlin - the famous Grunewald. Parallel to it is a residential area and a chain of picturesque lakes of glacial origin. The Havel River also flows through the forest. Beeches, chestnuts and birches, which are so close to the heart of the Russian tourist, grow here.

Grunewald is the largest green area in the German capital. The forest area exceeds 3 thousand hectares. It can be reached from any area of ​​the city, including by metro. Access to some areas of the forest is closed in order to preserve nature in its original form. The glades and lawns located in Grunewald are favorite place recreation for Berlin residents. If you want to go into the thicket, you can use the services of a guide.

Charlottenburg Palace was a gift from King Frederick to his beloved wife

One of the main architectural monuments of Berlin has such an unpronounceable name. Initially, it was simply a gorgeous gift presented by King Frederick to his own wife Sophia Charlotte of Hanover. Note that Charlottenburg was developed in the image of Versailles in Paris. Soon this building became a favorite summer residence king and acquired a beautiful park.

Charlottenburg Palace has earned the reputation of one of the most popular places Berlin among tourists. It looks luxurious and elegant both outside and inside. Local residents love to stroll through the palace park in the warm season, and the well-groomed lawn serves as a place for picnics.

A very cursory inspection of all the collections presented on Museum Island will take 2-3 days

Who doesn't dream of being on an island? But most people associate the sun, palm trees, warm sea waves and golden sand with this word. But islands are different. One of the most unusual among them is Berlin's Museum Island. For lovers of history and culture, we recommend setting aside 2-3 days for its visit – the exhibitions presented here are very extensive.

There are 5 museums on the island, representing an integral architectural ensemble. Its construction took more than 100 years. The so-called Old Museum was opened first, in 1823. Initially it housed paintings by German artists, now it also houses a collection of Greek art and hosts temporary exhibitions. Here you can see antique collections of weapons, sculptures and precious jewelry from the times Ancient Rome etc. The new museum was opened after perestroika only in 2009. It contains papyri, an extensive exhibition of the Egyptian Museum and numerous objects dating from the Stone Age and other eras.

The three buildings of the Pergamon Museum display ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, architectural objects, objects from museums of Western Asia and Islamic art, and much more. He gained worldwide fame thanks to the reconstruction of the ensemble of the Pergamon Altar, the gates of the ancient Miletus market and the Ishtar Gate. Imagine the size of a museum that displays such large-scale architectural structures!

Without leaving the island, tourists can also visit the Old National Gallery and the Bode Museum.

This is interesting: The island's museums display exhibits covering a 6,000-year period in the history of human civilization. In 1999, the cultural complex was included in the UNESCO Global Heritage List.

At the top of the Victory Column there is an 8-meter gilded sculpture of the goddess Victoria.

The monument is located in the center of the Tiergarten park, in the middle of the Grober Stern (“Big Star”) square. The column was built by order of King William I. It was intended to symbolize the victories of Prussia in the Danish (1864), Austro-Prussian (1866) and Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) wars.

The bronze reliefs of the powerful granite plinth depict battle scenes that tell the story of the great battles of this era.

The top of the column is crowned with an 8-meter sculpture of the goddess of victory Victoria, popularly called “Golden Elsa”. Its weight reaches 35 tons. To give a beautiful shine to the goddess’s clothes, the city authorities in 1987 allocated a kilogram of gold of the highest standard for this purpose.

The Victory Column was opened on Berlin's Royal Square (now Republic Square, located in front of the Reichstag); it consisted of three parts. But a year before the start of World War II, during the implementation of Adolf Hitler’s plan to rebuild the capital, it was moved to Big Star Square. At the same time, another part was added to the column, after which its height increased to 67 meters.

To restore an 800-meter section of the Berlin Wall, it was necessary to buy its fragments from private collectors

A three-meter-high concrete fence 160 kilometers long, surrounded by thick barbed wire, was the border between two parts of the divided German state for almost 3 decades. In just one night, the Berlin Wall separated tens of thousands of families.

The Berlin Wall was erected in the summer of 1961, but it fell at the end of 1989. Over 28 years, guards detained and convicted over 70 thousand people who tried to overcome it. Hundreds of them were shot on the spot. Among the victims were children...

In November 1989, Germans from East Berlin were given permission to cross the border. True, this required a special visa. But people decided not to wait to receive the documents and stormed the Berlin Wall on their own. On the other side they were joyfully greeted by thousands of German residents.

The completed reunification of thousands of families, Berlin and all of Germany became a global event. Meanwhile, the Germans were destroying the remains of the wall. A few days later, not even a stone remained from the monolithic structure, and numerous fragments of the Berlin Wall, decorated with graffiti by artists from the GDR, were snapped up by private collectors.

This is interesting: Later, an 800-meter section of the wall was restored in the place where the Germans most often tried to cross the border illegally. Moreover, slabs from which the Berlin Wall previously consisted were used for construction. The German authorities had to buy them back from collectors from different countries, paying thousands of euros for each individual fragment. 3 watchtowers were also rebuilt. Note that at the time of the division of Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR there were almost 300 of them.

Today, thousands of tourists come to this unique fragment of the Berlin Wall every day. It is considered a symbol of freedom, national unity and the unbroken character of the Germans, who had to live for a long time in isolation from friends and loved ones.

This is not a complete list of Berlin attractions. It is also necessary to mention the Berlin Zoo, the Spandau district, Alexanderplatz, the Berlin Opera, cultural center Kultforum, GDR Museum, Tiergarten Park, Unter den Linden Boulevard, Köpenick Palace, Royal Porcelain Factory... It becomes clear why the capital of Germany attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

Berlin is a stylish, relaxed and easy city. A lot of tragic events happened in Berlin during the Third Reich; it would have been almost completely destroyed by bombing, divided into two parts by a wall for 50 years. Now the city is flourishing and writing its history anew. Berlin, of course, is not as elegant and ceremonial as others European capitals, however, he has his own soul, which is revealed to the traveler gradually.

In this article we will briefly look at all the most popular and main attractions of Berlin - we will indicate where they are and show what they look like.

  • Attractions: name, photo, brief description, address
  • Berlin sightseeing map
  • Excursions in Berlin

Sights of Berlin - TOP 30 places worth visiting

1. – important architectural monument capital of Germany, which has special significance for it. After the war, the Brandenburg Gate found itself in the zone of division of Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. Not on either side ordinary people did not have access to them.

Address: Platz des 18 Mars, Berlin, Germany

2. – the building where the government met during the German Empire, Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. The modern German government also sits here. Today this building is called the Bundestag.

Address: Paul-Lobe-Allee 1, Berlin, Germany

3. – a structure that divided Berlin into 2 parts: Western and Eastern. The wall became a symbol of the Cold War, stood for 30 years and was destroyed after its end. Today, tourists have access to some preserved sections of this structure, which have been preserved in different parts of the city.

One of the addresses: Bernauer Str. 111, 13355 Berlin, Germany

4. is the largest Protestant church in Germany. Built during the period of William II. This cathedral was created as an analogue of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

Address: Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin, Germany

5. – built at the end of the 17th century, by order of King Frederick 1, as a gift to his wife Sophia Charlotte of Hanover. Used as a royal residence.

Address: Spandauer Damm 10-22, Berlin, Germany

6. – a fortress on the outskirts of Berlin, built during the reign of Joachim 2. During the Nazi era, there was a secret laboratory for the development of chemical weapons. Tourists gained access here only in 1992.

Address: Am Juliusturm 64, 13599 Berlin, Germany

7. – summer palace prince during the German Empire, and now the residence of the President of Germany. Located in the Tiergarten park.

Address: Spreeweg 1, 10557 Berlin, Germany

8. – built on the site of an ancient Slavic fortress. Today it houses a museum of decorative and applied arts.

Address: Alt-Köpenick 1, 12557 Berlin

9. – seat of the city government and the Berlin mayor. Built in the neo-Renaissance style with neo-Gothic elements.

Address: Rathausstrasse 15, Berlin, Germany

10. Ca-de-ve– a six-story store.

Address: Tauentzienstraße 21-24, Berlin, Germany

11. – the square where at the beginning of the 19th century William the Third received the Russian Emperor Alexander 1.

Address: Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany

12. Postdam Square– The parade ground in the Tiergarten area on the site of the destroyed Potsdam Gate.

Address: Potsdamer Platz, 10117 Berlin, Germany

13. is one of the most beautiful squares in Berlin.

Address: Charlottenstrasse 52, Berlin, Germany

14. Berlin State Opera– an opera house whose first building was built in the mid-18th century.

15. – Berlin branch of the Madame Tussauds wax museum.

Address: Unter den Linden 74, 10117 Berlin, Germany

16. – a whole quarter of museums that are included in the world’s list cultural heritage UNESCO.

Address: Museum Island, 10178 Berlin, Germany

17. – a whole memorial complex in honor of the victims of the Nazi regime.

Address: Niederkirchnerstrasse 8, Berlin, Germany

18. – memorial complex dedicated to Jews, victims of the genocide of Nazi Germany.

Address: Cora-Berliner-Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany

19. – a memorial structure in honor of the victims of all wars and tyranny.

Address: Unter den Linden 4, 10117 Berlin

20. Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church– a temple built in honor of the first Kaiser of a united Germany, Wilhelm 1.

21. is the oldest church building in Berlin.

Address: Nikolaikirchplatz, 10178 Berlin, Germany

22. St. Mary's Church– one of the oldest Lutheran churches located near the Berlin TV tower.

23. New Synagogue- was recreated and opened in the 90s of the 20th century, after the unification of Germany.

24. Checkpoint Charlie- a symbol of the confrontation between two irreconcilable enemies of the Cold War, the USSR and the USA.

Address: Friedrichstraße 43-45, 10117 Berlin, Germany

25. – the fourth tallest in the world.

Address: Germany, Berlin, Gontardstraße, 7

27. – park on the banks of the Spree River. This is a memorial complex built in memory of Soviet soldiers-liberators. The main monument of the park is a soldier with a sword and a little girl in his arms. The alley leading to the statue contains the remains of thousands of soldiers in five mass graves.

Address: Alt-Treptow 1, 12435 Berlin, Germany

28. Botanical Garden – broken at the beginning of the 19th century.

29. – the main street of Berlin, where most of the city’s attractions are located.

Address: Unter den Linden, 10117 Berlin, Germany

30. Big Tirganten Park.

Street "Unter den Linden"

Topic in German with translation

Berlin ist, wie Hamburg und Bremen ein Stadtstaat. Die Stadt Berlin hat eine sehr alte Geschichte. Es entstand zu Anfang des 13. Jahrhunderts. Da Berlin an der Kreuzung vieler Handelswege lag, war seine Lage besonders günstig. Seit 1486 war Berlin der Regierungssitz der Brandenburger Kurfürsten und seit 1701 der Regierungssitz der preußischen Könige. Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts war Berlin die führende Industriestadt Preußens und eine der größten Städte Europas. Seit 1871 wurde Berlin zur Hauptstadt des deutschen Reiches und entwickelte sich schnell zu einer Millionenstadt.

Zurzeit ist Berlin die Hauptstadt des vereinten Deutschlands. Berlin wurde zum wichtigsten industriellen, wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Zentrum Deutschlands sowie zu einem bedeutenden Verkehrsknoten- und Handelszentrum Mitteleuropas.

Die wichtigsten Industriezweige sind der Maschinenbau, die Elektrotechnik, die Textilindustrie. Nach wie vor finden optische, pharmazeutische Produkte und Druckerzeugnisse aus Berlin Anerkennung in der ganzen Welt.

Berlin ist auch ein großes wissenschaftliches Zentrum. Hier gibt es einige Universitäten. Das sind die Freie Universität, die Humboldt-Universität, die Technische Universität. In der Stadt gibt es auch viele Hochschulen, Forschungsinstitutionen.

Berlin ist eine Stadt mit reichen Theatertraditionen. Am Abend öffnen sich die Türen der zahlreichen Berliner Theater, die eine wichtige Rolle im Kulturleben der Stadt spielen.

Die Stadt hat sich als kultureller Mittelpunkt behauptet. Weltbekannt sind die Berliner Museen: ein Teil davon befindet sich auf der Museumsinsel.

Berlin ist an vielen architektonischen Denkmälern und Bauten reich. Eines der ältesten Denkmäler Berlins ist das Brandenburger Tor, das der Architekt Carl Langhans baute. Eine der schönsten Straßen Berlins heißt “Unter den Linden.” In der Straße liegen viele Botschaften, Geschäfte, das Gebäude der ältesten Universität Berlins, der Humboldt Universität, die heute über 14,000 Studenten zählt.

Einer der schönsten Parks von Berlin heißt der Tiergarten. In der Mitte des Tiergartens erhebt sich die 75 Meter hohe Siegessäule mit der 10 Meter hohen vergoldeten Göttin Viktoria. Man errichtete diese Siegessäule 1870/1871. Nicht weit vom Torgebäude steht das Gebäude des Reichstages. Man errichtete dieses Gebäude im pompösen Stil der Hochrenaissance.

Einer der beliebten Einkaufs- und Touristenverkehrszentren ist der Alexanderplatz, der mit seinen Brunnen und der Weltzeituhr zu einer Fußgängerzone wurde. Die Weltzeituhr gibt nicht nur die Berliner Zeit an, sondern auch die Zeit in vielen Großstädten der Welt.

Der 365 Meter hohe Fernsehturm gehört zu den weiteren Wahrzeichen Berlins. Die Touristen besuchen gern sein drehbares Cafe. Sehr schön sind auch die Grünanlagen, die zwischen dem Roten Rathaus, dem Femsehturm, der Marienkirche und der Spandauer Straße liegen. Auf dieser Freifläche befinden sich zahlreiche Wasserspiele und Skulpturen, darunter der Neptun-Brunnen.

My experience will be useful to those who are planning to visit Berlin, a city that is filled with attractions. Before traveling to this beautiful city, I would advise you to find out in advance the names of the main attractions in Berlin, look at their photos and read detailed description to determine the places where you should go. This way, when you find yourself in Berlin, you won’t get confused and will have time to explore many more remarkable places in a shorter period of time.

Berlin is the most big city Germany, its capital and popular tourist center. Berlin attracts travelers of different ages, social status, and interests, as everyone can find attractions and entertainment to their liking in this city. I will tell you about the most interesting places in the city that helped me appreciate the diversity and historical value of Berlin.

Berlin architecture

What helped me get to know Berlin was acquaintance with its architecture, which fascinates with the variety of styles and forms of different eras and movements. Despite its centuries-old history and the difficult times it has experienced, the city demonstrates an abundance of preserved palaces, cathedrals, and squares.



The Berlin Reichstag parliament building, built in 1894 on Republic Square, is also worth a visit. The building looks presentable and pompous, complemented by a delightful glass dome. I took the opportunity to go up to the observation deck on the Reichstag dome. When I got to the very top, my emotions went through the roof.

Important! If you decide to go up to the observation deck, know that you will not be charged for this pleasure, but you will need to make an appointment in advance.


While in Berlin, try not to miss a visit to Charlottenburg. The palace was erected at the end of the 17th century by King Frederick I for his wife Sophia Charlotte of Hanover. Charlottenburg was reconstructed several times, each subsequent ruler brought something new in order to leave a memory of his own. This is how greenhouses and a new outbuilding appeared under Frederick II, a palace theater, a mausoleum, and an oval pavilion under Frederick William III. I was greatly impressed by the Porcelain Gallery, which houses an extensive collection of Chinese and Japanese porcelain.


The western part of Berlin is famous for another attraction - the special Spandau district, where the old town and the ancient citadel on the Spree are perfectly preserved. The settlement, on the site of which stood the town, and now the Spandau district of Berlin, was founded back in the 8th century by the Hevels (one of the Slavic tribes), but already in the 12th century the Hevels were forced to leave their homes under the pressure of German knights. And in the 16th century, they decided to build a fortified citadel in this place by order of Elector Joachim II Hector.
In 1914, the Spandau citadel became a reliable military industrial facility. Ammunition was manufactured and stored here, and even the Nazis used it for its intended purpose. Now it is a historical and cultural complex, which consists of the Spandau History Museum, the Theater, the Children's Art Center, a medieval tower, medieval palace, gun exhibitions, Italian courtyard, Jewish gravestones and taverns.
If you are attracted to Germany and its attractions for which Berlin is famous, take the time to visit:

  • Bellevue Palace - residence of the President of Germany;
  • Red Town Hall – active city hall;
  • Ka-De-We is an iconic shopping center.

Tourists who have already admired the sights of the city center will have something to see outside, I suggest heading to the outskirts of Berlin, for example: Brandenburg an der Havel is the most ancient city region.

Berlin Museums

The main attractions of Berlin are museums, of which there are more than 130 in the city.

Museum Island

Museum Island

The famous Museum Island is of great interest to travelers. , since here you can immediately visit as many as five museums: Old national gallery, Bode Museum, Pergamon Museum, Old Museum, New Museum. Having visited each of them, you will plunge headlong into the past; six thousand years of human history pass before your eyes; the huge exhibition halls contain objects of Byzantine art, a collection of paintings by famous artists, numismatic collections and sculptures. When you cross the threshold of each museum, time seems to freeze and begins to move only when you leave its walls!

Another museum that I am absolutely delighted with is the Technical Museum. From the very first second you understand that it will be interesting when you see a bomber right on the roof of the museum building! The exhibits exhibited there for various purposes - transport, units, mechanisms, computer equipment and even mills - will hold your attention for a long time. The museum is located on 25,000 sq. m. so that you are unlikely to be able to go around all the expositions, and you will be happy to come to this amazing place again.

Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum

The next museum is interesting both for its contents and for the building in which it is located. In 1828, on the advice Alexander von Humboldt The Egyptian Museum was created, the collection of which was based on the collection of Egyptian exhibits of Frederick William III. The building in which the museum is now located was built according to the architect's design Friedrich August Stüler a little later - in 1850. The most valuable exhibit of the museum is a bust of the most beautiful queen of Egypt, Nefertiti, donated James Simon in 1920.
Other museums:

  • Madame Tussauds Wax Museum (Berlin branch);
  • Berlin art gallery– has a huge amount of classical painting;
  • Jewish Museum, which presents the life and culture of the Jewish people;
  • The Berlin Museum of the History of Medicine consists of two separate parts - modern and pathological.

Berlin monuments

Business card city ​​and the main attraction of Berlin, I can call the Brandenburg Gate, they are located in the central part of the city on Pariserplatz. The gate was erected in 1791 by the will of King Frederick William II. In 1809, during the French occupation, the Gate was taken by Napoleon to Paris, but after the defeat of the French in 1814, it was returned. Subsequently, they became mute witnesses to the passage of Prussian regiments in 1871 and the founding of the German Empire, torchlight processions of Hitler's adherents. After the end of World War II, the Brandenburg Gate was assigned the role of dividing Germany into Western and Eastern Germany.

The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 and for many years divided Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. For the residents of Berlin, especially its eastern part, the division of the city turned out to be a great tragedy. Initially, barbed wire was strung at the site where the Wall was built; over time, the Wall became stone, and in final version– reinforced concrete. The length of the Berlin Wall was 160 kilometers and its height was about three meters. Despite this, there were brave souls who tried, nevertheless, to move to western part city, about 150 of them were killed. In 1989, the Wall fell under the pressure of rebellious people, and in 1990 the Wall was finally demolished, leaving minor fragments. They decided to reconstruct part of the destroyed Wall and along Bernauer Strasse they restored a section of the wall with a length of 800 meters. For a long time, the ruins of this wall in Berlin -
An unusual but attractive attraction for tourists from different countries.
You may also be interested in:

  • Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin;
  • Checkpoint “Charlie” is a checkpoint created in 1961, operating until the collapse of the Berlin Wall;
  • Victory Column, a monument erected in 1873 and dedicated to Germany’s victories in several wars at once.

Religious buildings in Berlin

Separately, I would like to highlight the variety of religious buildings that can be found along the way in almost any part of the city. I will highlight only a few from the entire list; for me they are the most relevant.

In the Praskov area there is an active Protestant Church of Gethsemane, opened in 1893. Externally, the church looks majestic, and the garden next to it adds charm, but the interior decoration is very ascetic.

Not far from the TV tower you can find a Lutheran church, also active, founded in the 13th century - this is the Church of St. Mary, during the period of its existence it was repeatedly restored and completed after further destruction caused by fires and bombings. Over time, the style of construction has also changed; now it is neo-Gothic. It’s better to choose a Sunday for the tour, then you can hear the singing of the local choir, and perhaps even the organ, which, by the way, was played by Bach himself!

The Berlin Cathedral, which was built in 1905 on the Museum Island in Berlin, makes a great impression on its visitors. The cathedral is Protestant and is considered one of the largest in Germany, its height is 98 meters. When you are next to him, you feel like Gulliver in the land of giants! There is a park planted in front of the church, clean and well-groomed. Externally, the church is decorated with stucco, columns and sculptures, the interior of the church differs from others in its luxury, an abundance of paintings in the middle of the temple, bright colors are pleasing to the eye. Observation deck The cathedral is open to the public; here you can take beautiful photos of the city.
Very popular among tourists:

  • The memorial to fallen Soviet soldiers in Tiergarten was erected in 1945;
  • The French Cemetery in Berlin is a cemetery for the French community of the German capital;
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church - Protestant church;

What can a tourist see during a six-day stay in Berlin?

In order for you to be able to see as many of its wonders as possible during your stay in Berlin, you need to draw up an action plan for your stay in the city.

What can a tourist see in Berlin in 1 day of stay?

  • Old National Gallery, Bode Museum;
  • Old Museum;
  • New Museum;

Try to distribute your time in each museum evenly, and don’t forget to take into account time for a snack!

  • Olympic Village;
  • Greater Tiergarten park.

What can a tourist see in Berlin during the 5th day of his stay?

  • Zoo – take one day and you won’t regret it! This is a wonderful attraction of Berlin not only for children, but also for adults!

What can a tourist see in Berlin on day 6 of his stay?

Ka-De-Ve, shopping! Ladies and gentlemen, all the sights have been seen, and with a light heart we rush to spend the remaining money!

Where to go and what to see in Berlin with children

For parents who don’t know what attractions in Berlin may be interesting for children, I have looked at several options for spending time for their children. Children appreciate the beauty of their surroundings through their own emotions; the sights of gloomy cathedrals are unlikely to leave joyful memories. Give your children some contact with the living world; the Berlin Zoo, which is located on 35 hectares of land, will delight your kids with an abundance of varieties of animals and birds, and a large aquarium will showcase colorful underwater inhabitants. Don’t forget to visit the Natural History Museum, where not only children, but also you yourself will be curious to look at the skeleton of a dinosaur 23 m high. Let me also remind you about the Museum of Technology with a huge number of exhibits. Discover a corner of the Wild West in the heart of Berlin called Eldorado. Water parks, cinemas, entertainment centers and huge balloon We are waiting for your little adventure seekers!

Video review of Berlin sights

We have specially selected a bright video for you, perhaps about the most famous capital, about Berlin and its attractions.

Berlin is ready for the meeting! You will definitely love him as soon as you get to know him better! If you have been to this city and still know interesting places or cool places that I didn’t mention, write about it in the comments!