Capital of Kefalonia. Beautiful island of Kefalonia, Greece. Video from Kefalonia

Crete, Rhodes, Athens, Chalkidiki and others popular resorts Greece is visited by thousands of tourists during the season. At the same time, independent travelers, on the contrary, do not like “promoted” places where every travel agency offers trips. It is precisely such lovers of looking for very beautiful and rare tourist “pearls” that will be interested in the Greek island of Kefalonia. The resort is remembered for its unusually beautiful landscape with fancy rocks, lush green plains and cozy bays washed by the blue sea. This place is also famous for its local color, traditions and history, which we invite you to get to know better.

What is the island of Kefalonia like?

Geographically, the island of Kefalonia is included in the archipelago of the Ionian Islands. Moreover, among them it is considered the largest: the area of ​​​​Kefalonia is 734 km 2. But this rocky one inhabits beautiful island only 36 thousand people ( for comparison, 41 thousand people live in neighboring Zakynthos, and 102 thousand local residents live in Kerkyra). Therefore, in Kefalonia there is almost no city bustle and noise, but many corners of nature have been preserved in their original form.

History of the island

The first settlements on Kefalonia appeared in the 15th century. BC. They were founded by the Lelegi tribes, who worshiped Poseidon. The region developed actively and already in the classical period was known on the “big” Greek soil. For example, the Cephalenians are mentioned as participants in the Trojan War in Homer's famous Iliad.

By the way, Greece did not immediately christen the island with the name Kefalonia. Initially it was known as the island of Sama (Sarmos), and its renaming was due to the mythological hero Cephalus. According to legend, Cephalus is considered the ancestor of Odysseus, who founded the clan. Therefore, many local residents still proudly call themselves descendants of the glorious Greek hero. However, there is another version of the origin of the name. According to it, the term “Kefalonia” comes from the toponym “Kefalus”, which is the name of the local rock. By the way, because of its height, Kefalonia is often called the “island with a head.”

After the collapse of Greece, the island was ruled by foreign invaders. In particular, a noteworthy episode was when in 1798 Admiral Ushakov drove the French legions out of the Ionian Islands and restored power local population. When the Russian fleet departed, the Greeks even presented Ushakov with a personalized gold medal with the image of local lands.

With the revival of the Greek state, the island receives a new round of development. But as a result of a powerful earthquake in 1953, Kefalonia lost much of its historical heritage, and its cities and villages were destroyed almost to the ground. Later, most of the settlements were restored, and today they are considered resort centers islands.

Here, first of all, we note the city of Argostoli, which is the island capital. It was severely damaged by the already mentioned earthquake, but the capital of the island of Kefalonia in Greece was quickly restored. Today, life here is in full swing both day and night, when the lights of numerous bars and clubs come on.

The second main place of Kefalonia is seaport Sami. He is responsible for ferry service with the neighboring island of Ithaca, as well as Patras, Astakos and even Italy. True, the last route is not regularly serviced, but still in season direct message with Italy adds advantages to the resort.

There are also small but very colorful and impressive towns on the island. For example, the following resort places are worth the attention of tourists:

  • Fiskardo;
  • Rock;
  • Ayia-Efimia;
  • Lassi;
  • Poros;
  • Lixouri.

Read also: Unforgettable vacation in Kefalonia

Note that almost all resorts are connected by well-established transport links, so traveling around the island will be easy and carefree.

Weather and climate of Kefalonia

The climatic conditions on the island of Kefalonia are similar to other Greek regions. Winters are warm and humid, while summers are hot and dry. The peak of temperature records occurs in July and August, when the air warms up to +35°C and the water to +28°C. It is during these months that most guests come to Kefalonia, although the beach holiday season lasts from May to October. Therefore, if you want to experience the island in relative peace and quiet, it is better to come in June or September.

Where is the island and how to get to Kefalonia

The island of Kefalonia on the map of Greece should be sought in the north-west direction, where the Ionian Sea is located: in the Kefalonia archipelago it is located between Zakynthos and Lefkas. And since we are talking about an island resort, there are only two ways to get to Kefalonia - by plane or ferry.

If speak about air traffic, then Kefalonia Eastland Airport is responsible for it International Airport, located 10 km from Argostoli. This is a small terminal with one lane, however, flights from Athens are accepted here all year round. During the season, tourist charters from European companies still arrive, as well as flights from neighboring Corfu and Zakynthos. So there are several ways to fly to Kefalonia, but they all involve transfers. The most common route is through the Greek capital: from Athens the flight will take 1 hour, and the price of a one-way ticket will be 50-75 euros.

As for ferries, Kefalonia is on the map sea ​​roads connected to the Peloponnese Peninsula. Ferries from the mainland depart from the main local ports: Patras and Kyllini. Depending on the exact route and weather conditions the crossing will take from 1.5 to 3 hours, and ticket prices start from 10 euros.

How to get around the island

The easiest way to travel internally in Kefalonia is by bus. They run all over the island, connecting cities and villages. So tourists can visit not only the main attractions in the city, but also see the beauty of small resorts. The price of the trip depends on the length of the route and ranges from 1-5 euros. The only downside is that on Sundays public transport is closed.

Taxi and car rental services are also common on the island. Taxis are usually used to get from the airport to hotels in Kefalonia, and a personal car is rented for comfortable trips around the island. There will be no difficulties with either type of transport, because... there are more than enough offers.

Thus, travelers will only need a map of attractions and beaches to explore the island of Kefalonia, and there will definitely be no problems with transport links.

Recreation and attractions

It’s worth taking tours to the island of Kefalonia from Russia or visiting for a couple of days from other Greek resorts for the unimaginable beauty of the island. It was the natural attractions and beaches that made Fr. Kefalonia among travel lovers. But there are also cultural monuments on the island that are also worthy of tourists’ attention. We invite you to take a closer look at the “interests” of this Greek resort.

The main attractions of the island of Kefalonia

For excursion holiday Tours to Kefalonia are not complete without a stop in the capital Argostoli. Here tourists will find various cultural entertainment. So, it's worth visiting:

  • Archaeological Museum;
  • Church of St. Nicholas;
  • Kefalos Theater;
  • Church of St. Spyridon;
  • Bell tower.

Everything about the island of Kefalonia: hotels, entertainment at sea, relaxation on the beaches and excursions. Author's photos and videos, reviews from tourists. Location of Kefalonia on the map.

In the very center of the Ionian Sea lies the island of Kefalonia - majestic, mysterious, with a rich cultural and historical heritage. For beach lovers, its resorts are a real find. Whether you prefer secluded spots where you can lie down and immerse yourself in thought, or lively beaches where you can always find cheerful company, there is sure to be an optimal place.

The landscapes of Kefalonia are striking in their diversity, and each of them is endowed with a specific atmosphere. Here you will find romantic bays, beaches with entertainment programs, and mysterious caves. Geologically, Cephalonia is divided into two parts. The east coast is dominated by the soft contours of the mainland, while the west (called Paiki) is replete with sheer cliffs.

The name of the island "Kefalonia" refers to mythology Ancient Greece. A hero named Cephalus, according to legend, is the founder of the family from which King Odysseus, who ruled Ithaca, descended. Cephalus took possession of an island four kilometers from Ithaca and named it after himself. By the way, the modern local population often calls themselves descendants of Odysseus. Another legend says that the word "Kefalonia" is associated with the name of the Kefalus rock, thanks to which the place received the nickname "Island with a Head".

The history of Kefalonia goes back to the Paleolithic era. The first people settled it in the 15th century BC: they were a tribe of Leleges who worshiped Poseidon. The development of the region turned it from a pagan settlement into a highly organized civilization by the time of the Trojan War. Rich ship owners and bankers have long come from Cephalonia.

Climate of Kefalonia - treatment by nature

Kefalonia has long become the epicenter of tourist life, everything has to do with it: the outlandish nature, and a lot of opportunities for entertaining holiday. The climate of Kefalonia is Mediterranean, typical of Greece. Most of the precipitation falls in winter, while summers are usually hot and dry.

Peak temperatures occur in July, which is when tourism reaches its apogee. The gentle waters welcome you into their surface, because the sea temperature never drops below +25 degrees in the summer. Winter season in Kefalonia it is Mediterranean-style and there is practically no snow cover. The healing sea breeze, pine air, radiant sun - all this makes the weather in Kefalonia a real land of health.

Excursion holidays for tourists in the lands of Kefalonia

From the first minutes of his stay, the traveler is captivated by the vibrant life of the local population. It reigns everywhere here: in noisy squares and trading markets, on narrow streets with original houses and elegant red tiles, in national cafes, where vacationers get acquainted with the traditions and centuries-old customs of this corner. The Greek island of Kefalonia reveals itself to tourists with a string of numerous excursions. Activity is the main thing that is required from a wanderer in order to keep up with the changing visual range of beauties.

Excursions to Kefalonia have become a reason for local residents to proudly declare themselves, revealing the splendor of their heritage, and for tourists - an excellent opportunity to enrich themselves with impressions of the wonders they have seen. Every traveler certainly takes advantage of the opportunity to sightseeing tour, which covers the key attractions of Kefalonia: Katavotres, Myrtos beach, the castle on the Assos peninsula, the Drogarati caves or the Melissani cave lake , The epicenter of religious customs is the monastery of St. Gerasimos. You can restore your strength between exploring all these beauties in a cozy cafe in the cute village of Fiskardo.

The journey begins from the very foundations of the universe, dating back 300 centuries ago, when grandiose caves were formed - an indispensable component of modern excursion life. Stalactite relics in the caves of Drogarati and Melissani will enchant vacationers with a phantasmagoria of relief and transport them to a completely different dimension, hidden deep underground.

A visit to the monastery of St. Gerasimos - the real talisman of the island - makes you think about lofty things and become involved in the local spiritual culture. Filled with the spirit of righteousness, travelers will merge with the world of idleness by visiting the Robolla factory, a famous wine producer, where everyone can taste the whole bouquet of the Greek drink. And finally, travelers will be given the opportunity to debunk for themselves the intriguing myth generated by the snakes of Kefalonia - a miracle, which it is considered to be in the surrounding area due to the resemblance of a cross on the heads of reptiles.

However, not only the land of the islands of Kefalonia promises satisfaction of curiosity, the azure expanses of water They promise to satisfy every vacationer with a route around the islands. Onassis Dream Cruise - cruise, covering a whole complex of three islands, at the end of which you will reveal the secret of the Onasis family past. The starting point for the cruise will be the port of Sami , whose ships are heading towards picturesque island Meganisi. Connoisseurs of the saga of the victorious adventures of Odysseus will discover the whole bouquet of heroism in the lands of Ithaca, where a string of cruise ships is headed. There, everyone will be able to pay tribute to the man-made statue erected in honor of the Homeric hero, who became a symbol of more than one generation of Greeks.

Kefalonia has an inexhaustible supply of wonders that can be imprinted in the hearts and memories of everyone who once touched them. You can appreciate the scale of this splendor thanks to excursions, the cost of which ranges from $50 to $300; ​​this is the best opportunity to get lost in the whirlpool of Greek passions.

Outstanding sights of Kefalonia

Once in Kefalonia, it is impossible to limit yourself beach holiday. This is a region with a rich culture, where ancient monuments with a rich history can be found at almost every step.

A series of attractions will help open the course to the Fortress of St. George. Its powerful walls were laid 7 km from the capital of Kefalonia. The fortress was erected at an elevation of 320 meters above the sea, having conquered the height of the ascent, the eyes of vacationers will see the emerald carpet of greenery in which the island is buried. The first mention of the fortress was recorded in tomes in the 12th century. during the era of Byzantine rule. The architectural sculpture had the shape of a polygon, the scale of which extended to 16,000 meters; the fortress was known as a protector and took the inhabitants under its care, protecting them from hostile attacks of invaders and marauders. Having steadfastly withstood the battles, the fortress fell in 1953: not a single human creation can withstand the power of natural forces. Thus, the glorious times of St. George ended, where stone ruins mournfully rise in place of their former power.

Antiquity hunters are drawn to the Venetian Castle, a majestic stone fortification located in the picturesque village of Assos. The building seemed to have stepped out of the pages of fairy tales about brave knightly times. The castle is fraught with the spirit of fierce wars and real battles, when in 1798-99 the Russians and the French fought here in mortal combat.

Traveling to the holy religious places of Kefalonia will help you feel harmony and peace; in active churches and monasteries you can see rare icon paintings, unique altars and ritual attributes. The Monastery of St. Gerasimos is one of the religious sites revered by the Greeks. Tourists visit it almost every day, and on October 20, island residents celebrate the day of its founder.

The ascetic for 5 years led a solitary, moderate life in the caves of Lassi, where a temple is now erected, and in 1560 the first stone of the majestic convent. The relics of Gerasim still rest peacefully within the walls of the temple to this day.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to the miraculous sights of Kefalonia - those that nature itself gave us. The Drogarati Cave, which excites the imagination with its bizarre relief, is especially famous. Located at a depth of 60 meters, the cave was formed as a result of a powerful earthquake. It opened to the eyes of residents in 1963, and since then many spectators have gathered there, making their way down a 40-meter staircase to appreciate the scale of the room’s height of 20 meters. This is how Kefalonia appears to all guests, overwhelming them with an incredible concentration of wonders, wonders and a lot of entertainment.

Beaches of Kefalonia island

The fame of the coasts of Kefalonia has long gone beyond the borders of Greece. These attractions have received worldwide recognition and officially bear the label Blue Flag- an international award for the exceptional properties of water, which everyone can appreciate while vacationing in Kefalonia .

The crown of championship here is borne by Myrtos - a well-maintained, beloved beach, protected from the winds by mighty rocks. The calm water surface of Myrtos amazes with its color variation, playing in all shades from sky blue to soothing dark blue. The fame of Myrtos beach thundered throughout the world in 2006, when it was included in the prestigious Forbes list, awarded with comparisons of “cleanest” and “well-maintained”.

Kefalonia Xi beach is a real gem among others beach places, it is distinguished by a rich shade of sand, which can easily be compared to Burgundy wine. This recreational place is very popular among all supporters of balneotherapy, where everyone can appreciate the healing properties of mud baths. This is a great opportunity to improve your health for the whole family by relaxing in Kifalonia with children .

The real peak of tourist life reigns on the coasts of Atisamos, but for those who dream of silence and merging with nature, the sands of Dafnoudi can become a tempting haven. A visit to the legendary Skala Beach - an example of cleanliness and amenities - will allow you to experience the whole kaleidoscope of nature of the “island with its head”. The temperature of the waters in Kefalonia is another reason to love this piece of paradise.

How to get to the island?

Since ancient times, Cephalonia has enjoyed special love among the Greeks themselves and many traveling tourists. The island is closely connected to the mainland through air routes and ferry lines. Flights from Athens are a favorite way of fast and comfortable transportation. Upon arrival, the doors of Kefalonia Airport, located near Lassi and Argostoli, open to each guest.

Sea waters report ancient island with the Peloponnese Peninsula. Kefalonia's largest ports, Kylini and Patras, offer all travelers an exciting one-and-a-half-hour trip between nearby islands.

Another opportunity to get to the lands of Kefalonia is provided by buses from Athens. They are more time-consuming, but within 7 hours they will allow you to see many significant points and the delightful landscapes of these places.

Kefalonia, a very picturesque and largest of the Ionian islands, is located in the western part of Greece and neighbors the small but world-famous island of Ithaca, the birthplace of the mythological Odysseus.

However, today there is a version of historians that the great Homer “settled” Odysseus not on Ithaca at all, but had in mind the island of Cephalonia. This fact alone could become attractive to many from a tourist point of view. But, besides this, Cephalonia is famous for its amazingly beautiful nature, even by Greek standards, and its rich historical heritage, since the Venetian Republic, under whose rule it was for almost two centuries, left a noticeable mark on the architecture of the island’s cities. All this has made Kefalonia one of the most popular destinations on the Ionian Islands, and every year more and more people flock here to relax or simply visit on an excursion from the capital of Greece or from neighboring islands. And there is something to see here!

How to get to the island of Kefalonia

The fastest

Airplane is the fastest and most convenient way to get to Kefalonia. The island has a small international airport with one runway (indicated by the code EFL on airline boards and in ticket search engines), which receives regular Olympic Air flights from Athens all year round, as well as seasonal (spring-summer) flights from many European airlines and tour operator charters. From Moscow and St. Petersburg to the island of Kefalonia during the “high” tourist season, you can fly with a transfer at one or another European airport, or buy a direct ticket to Athens and then transfer to an Olympic Air flight.

Travel time, for example, from the Greek capital of Athens on an Olympic Air plane to the island is 1 hour, a significant part of which is taken up by takeoff and landing on Kefalonia. Ticket prices vary greatly depending on the season and day of the week, as well as various holidays. On average, you should aim for 100-150 euros for a round-trip ticket to Kefalonia from Athens. The earlier you book your tickets, the lower the prices, as usual.


However, the main means of transportation in Greek waters Mediterranean Sea– ferries. They are the ones that connect Kefalonia with mainland Greece and other islands.

There is also a way to fly to the capital of Greece, and then get to the island by two means of transport - by bus, which will take you to the port (Kyllini or Patras), and then by ferry (travel is included in the price of the bus ticket).

This method is quite long and much less convenient than the previous one (air), and is more suitable for experienced independent travelers without children and luggage. It is as follows: from Athens airport, take bus X93 to the KTEL Kifisu bus station (this is the final stop), and buy a bus ticket to Kefalonia at the office of the transport company. Arriving at the port of Kyllini, the bus enters the ferry, and passengers disembark and take their seats. The approximate travel time to the island of Kefalonia is 7-8 hours, most of which takes a bus ride from Athens to the port of Kyllini (~320 kilometers).

You can also take a ferry to Kefalonia:

From the island of Zakynthos;

From the island of Corfu;

From the island of Lefkada and some other small islands. There is also a ferry service to Kefalonia Italian city Brindisi in the Apulia region (from where it is very close to the city of Bari, where the great Christian shrine is located - the temple and relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker)

Ferries generally operate only seasonal (summer) trips, so you need to check the schedule immediately before your trip. For example, here is the website of one of the many maritime companies Kefalonian Lines, whose ferries operate on route Kefalonia - port of Kyllini(on the mainland) and Kefalonia – Zakynthos, and where the relatively recent flight schedule for 2019 is indicated.

Important: To see all current ferry flights in Greece, it is convenient to use the search site The fact is that the schedules and routes of different ferry companies are constantly changing, so it is not possible to track all changes within the framework of this article.

As an excursion trip, it is most convenient to sail to Kefalonia from Zakynthos or Corfu to explore the island in a few days. In this case, the road will not be very tiring. It's also worth keeping in mind low-cost flights between Greek islands local airlines.

To get around Kefalonia, as almost everywhere in Greece, the most convenient way is to rent a car. The fact is that ferries are not only the main means of communication between the island and the mainland, but also the main transport between populated areas of the island. There is a bus service in Kefalonia, but buses run infrequently.

Car rental in Greece

You can choose a car in advance for traveling around Kefalonia here

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There are a total of 4 major ports on the island: in Sami, in Poros, in Argostoli (the capital of the island) and Fiskardo.

There will be a separate article about the architecture and surviving artifacts on Kefalonia, but for now I will list the best natural attractions of this island, namely - beaches. They occupy the top lines of all ratings compiled by tourists.

Here I present the ten best beaches on the island and the nearest settlements on the island:

Myrtos Beach

Petani Beach (Lixour)

Kaminia Beach (Skala)

Antisamos Beach (Sami)

Makris Gialos Beach (Lassi)

Emblisi Beach (Fiskardo)

Beach Skala (Skala)

Lourdas Beach (Lourdata)

Ames Beach (Svoronata)

Katelios Beach

Kefalonia photo

Beaches of Kefalonia, including the most famous and popular Myrtos Beach

Fiskardo, Kefalonia

"Venetian trace?"

Assos is one of the most beautiful towns on the island

Kefalonia(Κεφαλονιά) or Cefallonia(Κεφαλλονιά) or Cefallinia(Κεφαλλήνια) is one of the islands of the Ionian archipelago, part of Greece.


The towns of Kefalonia are clean, tidy and small enough to get around without any rush. If you want to come to this cozy corner to enjoy its picturesque views, you will not be disappointed. Lush forests, mountains that take your breath away, dizzying high cliffs, falling into the shining azure sea - that’s what Kefalonia is. You can book a hotel in advance on a well-known website, and you can compare prices from different services. If you prefer to stay in private apartments, you can look at similar offers from local residents.

The cities here are very beautiful:

general information

The island has three name options: Kefalonia, Kefallonia, Kefallinia. You may also hear locals call it "Sephalonia". This is the name of the region, which also includes the island of Ithaca (Ithaca). Hence the name of the airport. The island is mostly known for being the location where the film Captain Corelli's Choice was filmed. However, souvenirs related to the film are not as common here as you might expect, even in Sami, the old port in the east of the island where the filming itself took place.

Languages ​​of the island

An impressive part of the island's population spends time in Kefalonia only summer months, and in winter they live abroad. The reason is simple - there are very few jobs on the island after graduation. tourist season(April – November). Therefore on the island a large number of Greeks speaking with an American accent. English language used everywhere here. The exception is older people who speak only Greek. Many will also understand you if you speak Italian, as the island is historically closely related to the nation from the Apennine Peninsula. Try learning a greeting in Greek and you will receive an enthusiastic response.

How to get there

By plane

Main airport international Airport Kefalonia, located near Argostoli and Lassi, is an ordinary, not big Island Noah airport. In other words, if two planes arrive at an airport, it immediately becomes overcrowded. On Tuesday and Sunday the airport visits greatest number people, and on both days there is real chaos here. Remember that the word "chaos" is of Greek origin, so just try to move through it. Despite this, the airport staff are very friendly and calm. Flights to mainland Greece are operated by Sky Express and Olympic Air. You can find out the prices for flights for your dates on various aggregator sites, or, for example,.

You can also arrive here by ferry from Italy, mainland Greece or another island (the main ports are Argostoli, Sami and Poros). KTEL also provides buses from Athens from the Kiffisou Street station to various points on the island (ferry included in the price).


Kefalonia - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Kefalonia - weather by month


Kefalonia - weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

The island has four peninsulas and high mountains, which together creates a stunning landscape. A series of earthquakes (the last one in the 70s) left little of the ancient buildings on the island, but the local architecture is practically no different from the architecture of the rest of Greece.

In the center of the island there are two noteworthy caves: Drogarati Cave

unfortunately lost a large number of stalactites and stalagmites (it is said that during the occupation of Greece by German troops during the Second World War, soldiers used them as targets for training their shooting skills) and Melissani (in reality an underground lake above which the earth collapsed during an earthquake), filled crystal clear blue water from underground rivers flowing under the entire island. Seeing them is an unforgettable experience.

Sami Beach (near the city of the same name) is also incredibly beautiful (blue water, white stones, mountains encircling a small bay), but there are always traffic jams around the beach. Myrtos Beach, to the west, is very popular but can get busy. It is known for its rather steep descent to depth (after 3 meters you will not feel the bottom), so it is not recommended for those who cannot swim. Be sure to bring sunblock as the beach is covered in white pebbles and the sun shines blindingly bright in high summer.

Not as amazing, but still good and not crowded beaches can be found in the south near Skala and the Lixouri peninsula to the west. Xi Beach, south of Lixouri, is an excellent spacious sandy beach where peace and tranquility reigns. Makris Gialos and Platis Gialos are two stunning beaches in Lassi but, as expected, often crowded. Petani beach on the Lixouri peninsula is also good, and on Antisamos, near Sami, some scenes for the film about Corelli were filmed. Kaminia Beach is a beautiful shallow beach between Anno Katelios and Skalla where you can spot a turtle!

The pier from which Mandras throws Pelagia into the sea in the film is located on Khorgota Beach.

If you want to take a boat trip, check out the one near Ithaca or the glass-bottom boat trip Captain Mackie.

The Roman villa, located in the vicinity of the Rock, with a mosaic floor, should be a must-see in your Kefalonia travel itinerary. Today, excavations in this place continues, and new discoveries make Wiluu even more attractive to tourists.

Food. What to try

The Ionian Islands have their own culinary tradition, And local kitchen different from traditional Greek. She was not influenced in any way by Eastern culture, unlike Italian and Austrian. Since many Greeks moved to Cephalonia after the 1953 earthquake, Greek dishes here you can also easily find them, sometimes even easier than traditional Cephalonian ones.

The cuisine of Kefalonia is famous for its meat pie, which is served in several restaurants. This is more of a homemade farm dish than a modern one. Finding a good meat pie is not the easiest task, but at Captain's Table in Argostoli you will have perhaps the best opportunity to try this dish. The dishes served in many establishments are not bad, but they cannot be called spectacular. The menu in many places can be different the same. Ask locals about the best catering establishments. good idea.

If you are in Argostoli, go to the big bakery opposite the harbor and get some small round cheese pies, they are delicious.

At the entrance to the Venetian Castle in Kastro there is an excellent tree-shaded restaurant/café with a very friendly owner (a Greek married to an Englishwoman). The homemade cakes here are very tasty.

In Poros there is a good tavern “Dionysos”, from which there is an excellent view of the island of Ithaca and the pier. In this place you can find one of the most delicious meat pies on the island (creatopita), as it is prepared according to the traditional Cephalonian recipe (contains up to three types of meat). They also serve squid, which is sun-dried before cooking. Despite this, the restaurant's signature dish is moussaka, even a small piece of which is filled with many flavors.


Frappe is an instant cold coffee. Many people drink the drink. Inexpensive and refreshing.

Freddo cappuccino - cold cappuccino. Also very popular, like frappe, but stronger and less harmful to the stomach.

Ouzo is a Greek liqueur with anise flavor.

Mitos is a Greek light beer. Good for you if you've spent the whole day in the sun. In addition, the drink is quite inexpensive.

Orshad syrup is called sumanda here and is popular in Kefalonia.

Safety. What to watch out for

Kafelonia has a very low crime rate. However, be careful in busy areas, as tourists are the victims of most crimes. Traffic, as in general in Greece, can be too busy in the cities. The roads in the mountains are very winding, and some of them can only be driven by a four-wheel drive vehicle, but the roads are generally of high quality.

Watch your step; if the street is poorly lit, the sidewalks may be uneven.

You will rarely see a local police officer on a city street. They are mainly involved in issuing fines for speeding. You will need a translator if you contact them regarding insurance claims.

Things to do

In Agia Efimia you can rent a boat for a small fee and visit the untouched wild beaches, which can only be reached from the sea.

In Kefalonia you will find several riding arenas. It is also possible to arrange a horseback ride into the mountains through ruined villages and ancient vineyards, where the roar of mountain goats and the cry of eagles are the only sounds breaking the absolute silence. This trip is very interesting and recommended to everyone, even in the middle of summer. To the west you can drive to the remote village of Ateras, and then take the road down to reach the small beach with the monastery of St. Spyridon.

Wildlife Sense, (+30) 26710 81285. This is a volunteer organization working with local authorities and environmental organizations that protects rare species of plants and animals through scientific research and awareness-raising of this problem to ordinary citizens.

The George and Mary Vergottis Foundation organizes world-class concerts of both national Greek and foreign music.

Diving Club, Agia Efimia, +30 26740 62006. The club provides a range of diving related activities. These can be classes for beginners (no special knowledge is required) or courses to obtain a scuba diver certificate.

Motorcycle tours in Kafelonia, Karavomylos, +306942665034. Opening hours 8:30-16:30. Motorcycle tours in Kafellonia lasting from 1 to 10 days. Accommodation provided. Follow the "secret" roads of Kafellonia, discover ancient paths and hidden valleys. Food, drinks, and protective equipment are included in the price.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Be sure to purchase wild thyme honey, its taste is incomparable, as well as local wine, Robola.

As you can guess, souvenirs are sold here in large quantities. Some jewelry good quality sold at a low price; you are unlikely to be deceived, since the Greeks prefer to sell what they paid for.

Interesting facts about the island of Kefalonia

In the center of the Ionian Sea there is a large Kefalonia island(Kefalonia, Kefalonia), washed by sapphire waters. Mysterious and romantic, concealing the riches of culture, giving rest to the soul and body. The island is the largest of those located in the Ionian Sea. It is named after the mythical hero Cephalus.

The island's landscape is varied - secluded bays, sandy beaches, mysterious caves. Unlike east coast, West Side Kefalonia is rocky.

Large administrative center Province of Kefalonia - city ​​of Argostoli.

Greece is attractive for its comfortable Mediterranean climate. IN winter time falls out the largest part precipitation. Winters are mild, mostly without snow. Summer is hot and dry. July is the hottest, with air temperatures above 25 degrees.

Amazing natural beauty of Kefalonia

In the cozy village of Karavomylos there is salt lake Melissani- a geological anomaly, water from it flows through a small channel into the sea. The lake is being fed groundwater. Sea water goes deep under the island, covers 17 km in a few weeks, making its way through underground channels, is partially desalinated and ends up in the water, located in a cave. Water surface turns unrealistically blue when it is hit by sunlight penetrating through the opening of the rock arch. Part of the cave's dome collapsed about 4,000 years ago, which is how this place was discovered.

Scientists have approximately restored the age of the cave - it is about 30,000 years old. This place is a paradise for a photographer, where you can take photographs that are unique in their beauty and fantastic colors and shapes. The unreal blue of the lake turns green when the lighting changes.

There are legends about this place. It’s as if one nymph named Melissani fell in love with the god Pan, a flighty and fickle tempter. The nymph's feelings remained unrequited. She cried so bitterly that a lake formed from her tears. It accepted into its waters a girl who had suffered from unrequited love.

When this place was discovered, inside were clay figurines of the god Pan and nymphs.

People believe that if a couple in love holds hands and immerses them in water, their love will be eternal and happy. If a person wants to find a beloved (beloved), then he needs to wash his face with lake water and love will soon come.

A special pleasure is a boat trip on the lake, the depth of which in some places reaches 14 m. The water is cold - only 15 degrees. The lake is home to eel and mullet.

The water is so transparent and clean that people in the boat feel as if they are floating in weightlessness, because the bottom can be seen from any place and the illusion of being between heaven and earth is created.

A unique place in Kefalonia - huge Dragoratti cave 40 km long, supposedly turning into a whole gallery of caves.

It is famous for its unique surface topography and the whimsical shapes of stalactites and stalagmites. There are stalactites 2 m long in it, and the process of their formation continues to this day. Stalactites grow very slowly - 1 centimeter per hundred years, you can roughly calculate how ancient this cave is.

There is a legend that speaks of a dragon that lived in this cave, which is where its name comes from.

The cave is located at a depth of 60 m. It maintains a constant temperature all year round - 18 degrees.

The cave has excellent acoustics. In its central hall with an area of ​​45x65 m there is a unique concert hall at 800 seats. For its wonderful acoustics, the room was called the “Hall of Perfection”; its height is 20 m.

The cave was discovered about 300 years ago - a strong earthquake “opened” the entrance to it, collapsing part of the vault. Acquaintance with the beauty of this place has been open since 1963.

Enos mountain range – national reserve, on the territory of which unique plants listed in the Red Book are found.

A rare species of fir grows on the mountainous slopes - Abiescephalonica - an evergreen coniferous plant from the Pine family. It is found exclusively in Greece. The needles of the tree have a very rich dark green color, appearing black, and the mountains themselves appear black due to the many fir trees. The Venetians called them "Monte Nero".

An amazing religious phenomenon has been spotted on the island. In the village of Markopoulo there is the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. In a day religious holiday- the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15, snakes crawl up to the miraculous icon, with a design in the form of a black cross on their heads - such is their coloring. On this day they do not sting people and you can even pick them up. This phenomenon repeats itself year after year. Locals they say that in the 20th century reptiles did not crawl to the temple twice - this was an omen of tragic events - war and a powerful earthquake that happened in 1953.

Kefalonia is an earthquake-prone zone. The 1953 earthquake destroyed all cities and most villages except Fiskardo (northern locality). France, America and Australia provided assistance to the residents - they supplied the residents with food, water, and medicine. That year, many residents of Kefalonia moved to America, Africa and Australia, because their homes were destroyed.

Discovering the sights of Kefalonia

Local residents lead an active, vibrant life, which can be seen in crowded squares and markets where brisk trade takes place. Narrow streets with houses in a distinctive style under red tiles are a pleasant delight to the eye. In many national cafes, tourists taste traditional centuries-old cuisine. Kefalonia is a place rich in attractions, which can only be explored with active recreation and attending many excursions. The colorful shimmer of the sea, the blue of underground lakes, the grandeur of huge stalactite caves will amaze you with their natural mysteries and wonders.

Sightseeing tour of Kefalonia includes visits to unique places:

  1. Castle of the Assos Peninsula.
  2. Katavotres.
  3. Drogarati Caves.
  4. Melissani Cave Lake.
  5. Monastery of St. Gerasim.

A café in a picturesque the village of Fiskardo.

Many ancient shrines have been preserved in Kefalonia. Operating temples and monasteries store rare icons and unique altars.

The Monastery of St. Gerasim is located in the Omala Valley near Argostoli. October 20 – St. Day Gerasima. He lived for 5 years as a hermit in the Lassi caves. In 1560, Saint Gerasim restored the chapel of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is still active today. In the same year St. Gerasim laid the first stone of the currently operating convent, in which his relics are still kept. If you visit this temple, you will be able to see the cave where the saint led a hermit’s life.

People believe that two ancient plane trees growing on the territory of the monastery were planted by St. himself. Gerasim. The area was waterless, and the saint personally dug 3 large and 37 small wells.

Beaches of Kefalonia

Greek island of Kefalonia famous for its beaches. His unique places awarded the Blue Flag label - an international award that has been awarded since 1987 to beaches with clean water that meets strict quality standards and is safe to swim in.

The most popular, clean and well-maintained beach – Myrtos. It is comfortable due to the protection of rocks from the wind. The waters are mostly calm, striking with the play of colors: cornflower blue, ultramarine, turquoise, blue - the color changes depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. Top ten the most beautiful beaches peace. The beach is not with sand, but with large white pebbles; there are smaller pebbles near the water. The beach is permeable to the winds, the sea is rough.

On Kefalonia Beach, Xi is striking in the color of the sand - rich red, but sometimes it can seem red. The proposed relaxation can be supplemented with wellness treatments using therapeutic mud (balneotherapy).

For those who prefer silence and unity with natural nature, the coast of Antisamos is suitable. Antisami is the most beautiful of the white pebble beaches. Almost from the first steps of entering the water, a great depth is noted. It’s not comfortable for families with children, but it’s a haven for those who like to swim.

Lassi Beach– clean water, light sand. The entire coast is covered with Cephalonian fir trees. This is especially convenient for families with children, since the water near the shore is shallow.

Legendary Beach Skala– the standard of neatness and comfort.

Petani Beach– a beach with white sands. The purest water and surrounding areas.

    Top 10 Islands in Greece

    Proud Sparta! (1)

    If you place your right hand on the table, palm down, and, with your fingers spread out, bend your little finger, you will get a figure very similar to the Peloponnese. The ring finger corresponds to Cape Akritas, the middle finger to Cape Tenar, the index finger to Cape Malea, and the thumb to Cape Emilianos. The wrist corresponds to the Isthmus - the Isthmus of Corinth. Not far from Cape Malea is the island of Kythera (Κυθηρα: Kythera, aka Kythira, aka Kythira), about which the Spartan king Demaratus said that it would be better for Sparta if it did not exist, since it is an excellent base for sea raids on Laconia. Aphrodite chose this same island much earlier to set foot on solid ground for the first time. This is where one of its epithets comes from - Cypherea. So I decided to start with Cythera.

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