Little-known facts, events, versions: Mysteries of the Kola Peninsula. Little-known facts, events, versions: Mysteries of the Kola Peninsula Mysterious Barchenko Cave

Noidas are shamans who once inhabited the Kola Peninsula, who helped the peoples living there, guiding them on the path of truth. All residents of the peninsula obeyed them unquestioningly and knew virtually no troubles. But all good things come to an end.

Sorcerers, famous for their close connection with nature, a special technique of hypnosis and the ability to turn into animals, at one time attracted the attention of both the Soviet NKVD and the Nazi occult organization Ahnenerbe. Both sides wanted to master the secret knowledge of the shamans and use them for military purposes, but even under the threat of death, the captive noids did not tell their secrets to strangers.

Mysterious measurement (hypnosis) was sent with the help of spirits with whom the noids communicated during certain rituals. They forced the lazy to work, reconciled enemies and punished criminals, turning them into obedient puppets. The shamans said that it was impossible to hypnotize someone against the will of good - the spirits would not allow this. For refusing to cooperate, almost all the noids were exterminated, and the survivors disappeared without a trace, but to this day traces of their former existence can be found on the Kola Peninsula.

On some rocky peaks, huge stones are placed in a strange way, which are called seids. The largest ones reach 10 meters in height and weigh about 30 tons. It was the seids that were used by the noids to obtain their supernatural abilities.

As the instruments showed, the stones emit a radioactive background, which, for unknown reasons, can change over time. Psychics claim that seids have a unique energy that can be enhanced by sacrifices. Moreover, all these mystical boulders form a kind of mental network.

The Lapp Sami living on the Kola Peninsula now have many legends on this topic. They tell about spirits and creatures of the underworld that, at the request of mortals, they created seids to worship higher powers and conduct rituals. The word “seid” itself is translated from the Sami language as “sacred”.

One may recall Blavatsky’s expression “Stone is crystallized Time.” Taking into account the statement of the brilliant Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev that time is the most powerful energy in the Universe, it is quite logical to assume that seids were created for creatures capable of contacting the Energy of Time or the so-called stone power. Without a doubt, the noids could also use the power of the seids.

Nowadays, huge boulders miraculously balancing on mountain ledges and ancient legends are all that remains of these mysterious shamans.

Video – Mysticism of the Kola Peninsula

The Kola Peninsula, located in the north-west of the European part of Russia, in the Murmansk region, is unique and quite mysterious place, where amazing archaeological monuments are collected in one place, the purpose and origin of which is still unknown to this day.

The most ancient pyramids in the world, located on the Kola Peninsula, and the fact that it was here that the ancestral home of man could be located, was written in the article below. But as it turns out, that’s not all that can surprise this small peninsula in the north of the country!

  • On a steep cliff, near Lake Seydozero, in the Lovozero tundra Kola Peninsula, you can see an image of a character from the mythology of the Lapp tribes that lived here, legendary giant- Kuiva!

Kuyva can be seen from almost any point northern lake. The figure has the shape of a man and is 74 meters high. Its bas-relief protrudes from the wall by 3-4 meters in some places, and this is very clearly visible, especially in winter. Kuyva is called the “Dancing Lapp” - if you swim on the lake and look at him, it seems that he is moving.

In 1923, Academician A.E. Fersman, who examined the image of Kuyva, confidently stated that the giant’s figure is of natural origin. In his book, the academician wrote:

“As we saw during our expedition, the dark figure is formed by a combination of lichens, mosses and wet streaks on the rocks.”

But it’s strange, Fersman was in those places a long time ago, and 90 years have passed since then! The rocks weather and fall, but the figure of Kuyva remains.

There are many legends about how the giant ended up on the rock, and here is one of the most interesting:

“In ancient times, the giant hunter Kuyva came to the Sami lands. For a long time he instilled fear and horror in the local population. And the people were tired and prayed to the gods, asking for help. The gods heard the prayers of the people and incinerated the giant Kuyva with lightning from the waters of the sacred Seydozero. And since then, a trace of the incinerated Kuyva has remained on a steep cliff on the shore of Seydozero."

But what’s interesting is that in ancient Greek mythology there is a legend about the giant hunter Orion, who went to Hyperborea for brides and was incinerated by the lightning arrows of the goddess Artemis for offending the Hyperborean maiden.

Isn't it true that the legend about the giant hunter Kuiva is very similar to the ancient Greek legend about the giant hunter Orion? And the ancient drawing of the constellation Orion by the Muslim astronomer Al-Zufi is almost identical to the image of Kuyva. And here's another interesting fact, many researchers suggest that the mythical northern country of Hyperborea could be located anywhere other than on the Kola Peninsula!

  • Another unusual prehistoric monument, which is found in Russia - in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in Scandinavia, is called seids

Seids are stone structures of natural and man-made origin ranging in size from tens of centimeters to six meters in diameter, weighing from tens of kilograms to tens of tons.

Stone seids are found singly, but are often grouped into large clusters numbering tens and hundreds of objects. Thus, the largest concentration of seids are located on the islands of Nemetsky and Russky Kuzov, 30 km east of the city of Kem - Karelia. Several hundred accumulations of stones have been discovered here, although usually single seids are found in the areas inhabited by Lapp tribes.

The choice of location for the seida is also of interest - as a rule, they are all located in geologically active points, in obligatory proximity to some body of water.

In some places of the Kola Peninsula, seids are a kind of lighthouses, indicating an unknown road - if you go from seid to seid, then each one offers a view of the next one.

But the main canon of the seid is its instability - boulders are partially raised or placed in an unstable position at an angle of up to 45 degrees. And as a rule, three “stone legs” serve as a stand for boulders.

Scientists have not come to a consensus on the purpose of seids.

1. Some consider them to be household gods, patronizing either a family or a person.

  • There are versions that seids were patrons of the clan, giving commercial happiness to the sacrificer, in this case, buildings similar to animals were patrons of crafts, and those similar to humans served for the worship of ancestors

3. Another possible purpose of seids is to serve as directional road signs and demarcation “border signs”.

4. There are also versions about the magical purpose of the buildings.

3) The culture of labyrinths also originates in the North. It was from here that they spread across all continents.

Mysterious and expressive objects - labyrinths - are often called the legendary "Northern Babylons". These are complex spiral formations of stones and peat, creating paths leading to the center of the structure, which has a diameter of 5 to 30 m.

And despite the fact that the design is called a “labyrinth,” the creators of the “Babylons” did not leave any exits in it.

The configurations of the labyrinths differ from each other. Their shape can be horseshoe-shaped, round-spiral, kidney-shaped or concentrically circular. The “classic type” includes horseshoe-shaped labyrinths. It is precisely such labyrinths, as well as concentrically circular and kidney-shaped ones, that can most often be found on the Kola Peninsula. The age of the labyrinths dates back to the 2nd - 1st millennium BC.

Labyrinths are located on the islands and shores of Bely, Barents and Baltic seas, and also found in the continental regions of Southern Finland. More than 600 such structures have been discovered in northern Europe. It is only unknown when and what people left them and what their exact purpose was. Here are some versions:

  • Models of fishing traps
  • Altars, giant altars. Entrances to the otherworldly realm
  • A place of purification and redemption
  • Monument to historical events
  • Ancient symbol of Peace
  • Calendar - 360 stones
  • Model of our solar system
  • Projection of the wandering Sun across the polar sky
  • Movement of planets across the sky

The Kola Peninsula was first mentioned in the 9th century in written sources Western Europe. The King of the Anglo-Saxons, Alfred, described the inhabitants of the peninsula - the Terfinns - skilled fishermen and hunters, and called the reserved region itself a place of terrible mysteries and the domain of terrible pagan gods.

Ancient legends

For many centuries, Christian beliefs and pagan rituals of worship of the ancient gods, once powerful rulers of these lands, have happily coexisted with the indigenous population of the Kola Peninsula - the Sami and the Lapps (or Loppis).

A number of legends are associated with ancient beliefs that still exist today. Thus, the legend about the terrible giant Kuiva, who in ancient times attacked the inhabitants of the peninsula, seems very interesting. The Sami, despairing of defeating the enemy with their own strength, turned to the gods for help, who, throwing a sheaf of lightning at Kuiva, incinerated the giant. From Kuyva on Angvundaschorr - the highest peak of the Lovozero tundra - only an imprint remained, which, despite weathering and shedding of rock, has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. According to local residents, the spirit of a formidable giant sometimes descends into the valley, and at this time Kuyva’s imprint begins to glow ominously. That’s why the valley near Angvundaschorr peak is considered by the Sami bad place, where hunters do not wander and where animals are not even found.

There is one unusual myth that is associated with the underground inhabitants of this region, the Sami and Lapps call them saivok. This mysterious people used to live on the surface of the earth, but after a strong natural disaster, the memories of which were preserved in Lapland legends, they went into hiding. underground caves, leaving behind granite megalithic structures in the north of the peninsula.

Oral folk epics describe saivok as small creatures that live deep underground. They understand human language, and their witchcraft has terrible power, capable of stopping the Sun and Moon, as well as killing people who have always been afraid of meeting them. But even today, from time to time information appears about meetings of local residents, scientists and travelers with mysterious saivok.

Mysterious encounters and unexplained deaths

In 1996, Yegor Andreev (surname changed) visited the Kola Peninsula, who, as part of a group of “black meteorites” in the Khibiny Valley, was illegally searching for the remains of a meteorite that fell in those parts during the Ice Age. From Yegor’s memories, one summer night he heard strange sounds near the tent that sounded like a magpie chattering. Looking out of the tent, Andreev suddenly saw three furry creatures that vaguely resembled beavers. But within a moment Yegor was seized with horror - the creatures, which he mistook for animals, had human faces with pointed noses, small lipless mouths, from which two long fangs protruded, and eyes glowing in the darkness with a greenish light. Taking a step towards them, Andreev suddenly realized that he was unable to move...

It was only in the evening of the next day that Egor’s comrades found him lying unconscious at a distance of three kilometers from the parking lot. Yegor could not explain what happened to Andreev after he left the tent. The circumstances of the young man’s meeting with mysterious creatures were erased from his memory...

A real tragedy occurred on the Kola Peninsula in 1999. At that time, four tourists died on one of the passes near Seydozero. No signs of violent death were found on their bodies, but horror was etched on the faces of the unfortunate people. Close to the bodies local residents strange footprints were noticed, vaguely reminiscent of human ones, but very large in size. Immediately after this tragedy, they remembered a similar incident that happened in the summer of 1965, when three geologists who mysteriously disappeared from the camp died in the Lovozero tundra for an inexplicable reason. Their fox-gnawed bodies were found two months later. Then the official version was put forward, according to which the geologists were poisoned by poisonous mushrooms...

Mysteries of expeditions

The Soviet authorities knew about the strange phenomena that were observed on the Kola Peninsula back in the 20s of the last century. In 1920–1921, a geographical expedition visited those places, led by the head of the neuroenergetics laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, Alexander Varchenko. The official goal of the expedition was to study the influence of the climate of northern latitudes on the physiology of the human body. But in reality, Professor Varchenko was interested in the occult practices of the Sami shamans, as well as such a mysterious phenomenon as measuring and the associated changes in human consciousness. It was Varchenko’s expedition that first proved that measuring is a special form of zombification used by shamans, and also caused by strange granite structures, the discovery of which belongs to Alexander Varchenko. Thus, in one of the gorges of the Manpupuner ridge, scientists discovered yellowish-white columns that looked like candles, opposite which there were structures that looked like walled-up crypts. All the group’s attempts to get to the columns and further to the walled crypts were unsuccessful: either the weather suddenly began to deteriorate, or people and loaded horses were suddenly seized by causeless panic, driving them away...

Already in 1992, a Magadan expedition led by Pavel Udaltsov in those parts managed to get almost close to several small hills that were located in the tract and had a clear artificial origin: they were made of granite stones of regular shape and resembled pyramids, overgrown with moss and small stones. bush. According to the Lapp guide, in one of the hills there should have been a hole - the entrance to underworld, where in former times his fellow shamans often visited. However, the members of the expedition, who stopped a couple of hundred meters from the hills, were unable to move further: a sudden malaise that gripped the people forced them to return to the base...

Kola superdeep

The drilling of an ultra-deep well, which began in the 70s of the last century on the Kola Peninsula, caused local population strong dissatisfaction. Its main reason was that the elders of the Sami and Lapps feared the wrath of those disturbed underground inhabitants, rumors about the existence of which constantly reached those arriving from Mainland drillers. But at one time nothing was reported about this “secret enterprise”. So, various ridiculous rumors were floating around, such as “and the devil will jump out of there!”, which even the grandmothers at the entrances did not believe.

Special object

About thirty, forty years ago, it was almost impossible to get a job at least as someone at the Kola superdeep well. Out of hundreds of highly qualified workers, two were chosen, and one engineer. The head of the well was appointed by the Central Committee of the CPSU. Each person hired immediately received a separate apartment with furniture, special rations and a salary equal to two general’s salaries on the “mainland”. It is known that 16 research institutes were simultaneously working on the well.

Was the location for drilling a super-deep well chosen by chance? Of course not! Experts know that the Kola Peninsula is located on the so-called Baltic Shield, which is 3 billion years old.

The appearance of the Kola drilling rig can disappoint the average person. The well is not like the mine that our imagination pictures. There are no descents underground, only a drill with a diameter of a little more than 20 centimeters goes into the thickness. The section of the Kola superdeep well looks like a tiny needle piercing the earth's thickness. A drill with numerous sensors, located at the end of a needle, is raised and lowered over several days. You can’t go faster: the strongest composite cable can break under its own weight.

What is the Earth made of?

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was believed that the Earth consisted of a crust, mantle and core. And at the same time, no one could really say where one ends and the other begins. Scientists did not even know what the layers themselves actually consisted of. Some 40 years ago they were sure that the granite layer begins at a depth of 50 meters and continues up to three kilometers, and then there are basalts. There is perhaps no stronger stone on the planet than granite. Try to drill into a palm-thick piece of granite and you will curse it a hundred times. And we are talking about several kilometers!

The mantle was expected to be encountered at a depth of 15–18 kilometers. In reality, everything turned out completely different. And although school textbooks still write that the Earth consists of three layers, scientists with the Kola Superdeep Site have proven that this is not so. The well showed that almost all of our previous knowledge about the structure of the earth's crust is incorrect. It turned out that the Earth is not at all like a layer cake. From eyewitness accounts, up to four kilometers everything went according to theory, and then the end of the world began. Theorists promised that the temperature of the Baltic Shield would remain relatively low to a depth of at least 15 km. Accordingly, it will be possible to dig a well up to almost 20 kilometers, just up to the mantle.

But already at five kilometers the temperature exceeded 700 degrees Celsius, at seven - over 1200 degrees, and at a depth of 12 kilometers it was hotter than 2200 degrees - 1000 degrees higher than predicted. Kola drillers questioned the theory of the layered structure of the earth's crust - at least in the interval up to 12,262 meters.

At school we were taught: there are young rocks, granites, basalts, mantle and core. But the granites turned out to be three kilometers lower than expected. Next there should have been basalts. They weren't found at all. All drilling took place in the granite layer. This is a very important discovery, because all our ideas about the origin and distribution of minerals are connected with the theory of the layered structure of the Earth.

Another surprise: life on planet Earth, it turns out, arose 1.5 billion years earlier than expected. At depths where it was believed that organic matter did not exist, 14 species of fossilized microorganisms were found - the age of the deep layers exceeded 2.8 billion years. At even greater depths, where there are no longer sediments, methane appeared in huge concentrations. This completely destroyed the theory of the biological origin of oil and gas.

By the way, the French scientist, historian and writer Joseph Roni Sr. wrote back in 1961 that the Earth is older than its estimated age and that life appeared on it much earlier. Alas, without convincing argumentation. He also put forward a theory of the structure of the Earth, corresponding to the scientific data obtained when drilling a well on the Kola Peninsula.

Paranormal or coincidence?

It is not known for certain what is happening in the depths. Temperature environment, noise and other parameters are transmitted upward with a minute delay. Nevertheless, the drillers said that even such contact with the underground can be seriously frightening. The sounds that came from below really looked like screams and howls. To this we can add a long list of accidents that plagued the Kola Superdeep when it reached a depth of 10 km.

Twice the drill was taken out melted, although the temperature at which it can melt is comparable to the temperature of the surface of the Sun. Once the cable was pulled by something from below and broke. Subsequently, when they drilled in the same place, no remains of the cable were found. What could have caused these and many other accidents still remains a mystery.

There were even louder sensations. When the Soviet robotic space station brought back 124 grams of lunar pound to Earth in the late 1970s, Kola researchers scientific center They found that it is exactly like samples from a depth of three kilometers! And a hypothesis arose: the Moon broke away from the Kola Peninsula. Now they are looking for where exactly. By the way, the Americans, who brought half a ton of soil from the Moon, did nothing meaningful with it. They were placed in airtight containers and left for research by future generations.

There was also mysticism in the history of the Kola Superdeep. Officially, as already mentioned, the well was stopped due to lack of funds.

Coincidence or not, but it was in 1995 that a powerful explosion of unknown origin was heard in the depths of the mine. Journalists from a Finnish newspaper broke through to the residents of Zapolyarny, and the world was shocked by stories about a demon flying out of the bowels of the planet. There were also “eyewitnesses” of the incredible phenomenon. This is where the researchers took their breath away anomalous phenomena, esotericists, mystics, etc.! Even the “convincing to the point of hoarseness” ufological publications did not know such sophisticated details!

Quite unexpectedly for everyone, Alexei Tolstoy’s predictions from the novel “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid” were confirmed. At a depth of over 9.5 km, a real treasure trove of all kinds of minerals, in particular gold, was discovered. A real olivine layer, brilliantly predicted by the writer. The gold in it is 78 grams per ton. By the way, industrial production is possible already at a concentration of 34 grams per ton. Perhaps in the near future humanity will be able to take advantage of this wealth. For now the station is closed.

“They are afraid to dig!”, “The earth does not allow you to approach it!” - say the jokers. Is this a joke? And can we hope that in the near future (and even in the distant future!) we will find out what is really happening in the bowels of the Earth? In the meantime, in our time, every year dozens of sensation hunters come to the Kola Peninsula: some for fragments of the famous meteorite, some in search of the bones of fossil animals, and some with the goal of becoming more familiar with the mystical mysteries that abound in this ancient region.

Mysticism. Journey into the unknown

On one of the passes of the Kola Peninsula near Lake Seid, four tourists recently died. Experienced, athletic guys lay in a line stretching from the pass to the nearest housing. The latter ran seven kilometers and fell two hundred meters from the nearest house, where he hoped to find salvation. No signs of violence were found on the bodies, but a grimace of horror was frozen on all faces.

And around, according to the frightened local residents, there were footprints that did not look like those of an animal, but were too large for a person...

The tragedy that happened is like two peas in a pod like another that happened about 30 years ago in the same northern latitudes, but thousands of kilometers distant from the Kola Peninsula. In the Northern Urals, in the upper reaches of the Pechora River, a group of Sverdlovsk tourists disappeared. Rescuers who urgently went to the area where the Sverdlovsk residents were supposed to take their route found them only a few days later. On the pass of Mount Otorten there were two tents, their back walls were cut with knives, and down the mountainside there were half-naked tourists lying in the snow. No signs of violence were found on their bodies. But just like on the Kola Peninsula, horror froze on the faces of the victims.

Mysterious deaths

There is one more detail that unites these two terrible incidents. Near Mount Otorten there is the Man-Papunier tract, sacred to the Mansi peoples. Six huge, several tens of meters high, stone pillars rise here above the spurs of the Urals. According to a legend preserved among the northern peoples, six mighty giants pursued one of the Mansi tribes going beyond the “stone belt” Ural mountains. At the source of the Pechora River at the pass, the giants had almost overtaken the tribe. But a small shaman with a face as white as lime blocked their path and turned the giants into six stone pillars. Since then, every shaman from the Mansi tribe always came to the sacred tract and drew their magical power from it.

Discoveries of a secret expedition

Seid Lake on the Kola Peninsula still evokes awe among the local population. on his south coast found theirs last refuge local shamans. And this is also marked by extraordinary monuments, but not of nature, like the Man-Papunier ridge, but of man. A geographical expedition visited this area in 1920–1921. The expedition was unusual. It was organized by... the OGPU. The leader of the expedition, Alexander Barchenko, head of the neuroenergetics laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, was also known as an unusual person. The range of his professional interests was very wide: the creation of devices for radio espionage, the study of extraordinary or, as they now say, extrasensory abilities of humans, clarification of the nature of UFOs, search Bigfoot and much more. The expedition was brought to the Kola Peninsula by an order from the leadership of the OGPU: to study an extraordinary disease widespread here - “emerek”, or “merechenie”.

It is difficult to find anything similar to this “devilry”, which bewilders even modern psychologists, who tend to compare the state of “deadness” with the state of a zombie. Local residents often explained this disease as the machinations of a mysterious tribe of dwarf sorcerers who once lived on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, who were angry at people who disturbed the peace of their graves. This is what astrophysicist Condiain, a member of the expedition, wrote in his diary: “In one of the gorges we saw mysterious things. Next to the snow, which lay here and there in patches along the slopes of the gorge, a yellowish-white column like a giant candle was visible, next to it was a cubic stone. On the other side of the mountain from the north you can see a gigantic cave at an altitude of 200 fathoms and nearby something like a walled crypt.” But what struck scientists most was the change in the mental state of people who found themselves near ancient buildings. For some reason, their appearance brought the members of the expedition into a state of unaccountable horror.

Not far from the tract, the expedition discovered several small hills that looked like pyramids built by human hands. At their feet, scientists experienced weakness, dizziness, or an unaccountable feeling of fear. “Even the natural weight of a person,” according to Condiain, “here increased or decreased.” And another unexpected discovery was made by the expedition. She discovered a narrow hole going deep into the rock. It was not possible to investigate it. The daredevil who tried to penetrate it experienced... irresistible, almost tangible horror. He felt as if his skin was being slowly torn off alive. In 1997, another expedition led by Doctor of Philology Valery Demin visited these places. However, she did not find the mysterious, fear-inspiring manhole. But she discovered several ancient structures, including a stone “observatory” on Mount Bingurt, an Etruscan anchor and a well under Mount Kuamdepahk.

Dungeon Dwellers

The Lapps living on the Kola Peninsula and their neighbors the Sami have legends about dwarfs who once settled underground. The Lapps call them "Sayvok". Laplanders are nomadic people. Having spread out his light dwelling on convenient location, they could sometimes hear vague voices and the clinking of iron coming to them from underground. This served as a signal: to immediately move the yurt to a new place - it blocked the entrance to the underground dwelling of the saivok. The Lapps were afraid to quarrel with dwarfs - underground inhabitants who were afraid of daylight, but powerful wizards.

Legends about small underground inhabitants who know how to process iron and have supernatural abilities have been preserved among all the peoples inhabiting the North of Russia. So, the Komi living in the Pechora Lowland know about the existence of little people who work miracles and predict the future. They came from the north. At first the little men did not know how to speak the Komi language, but then they gradually learned. They taught people how to forge iron. Their witchcraft had terrible power. At their command, the Sun and Moon dimmed.

On the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the Nenets take the baton of Komi legends about dwarfs. “A long time ago, when our people were not here, “siirtya” lived here - small people. When there were a lot of people, they completely disappeared into the ground.” This is how they talk about the Siirtya - a strange, mythical people who once allegedly inhabited the space from Kanin Nos to the Yenisei.

Russian explorers, who appeared in the Urals later, also have legends and tales about small, beautiful people with unusually pleasant voices living in the mountains. Just like the saivok on the Kola Peninsula, they do not like to be in daylight, but some people hear a ringing sound coming from underground. And this ringing is not accidental. “White-eyed Chud” - this is the name used by dwarfs in Ural tales - was engaged in underground mining of gold, silver, and copper. When the Russians came to the Urals, on the advice of prophetic shamans who knew the future, the white-eyed chud, who lived on the western slopes of the Urals, dug long underground passages and disappeared into the depths of the mountains with all her treasures.

In these foothills of the Urals, where the Chud disappeared, there is another place - the Sumgan cave, with which a “sense of horror” is associated, as is the case with the manhole found by the OGPU expedition on the Kola Peninsula.

Speleologists who have stormed this cave more than once and reached its second bottom recall the feeling of incomprehensible, unfounded fear that gripped them in one of the cave passages. To this day, the narrow hole into which this passage goes has not been passed by anyone.

There are traces of mysterious underground inhabitants in distant Yakutia, in the Vilyui River basin, in a place bearing the significant name Death Valley. Rare researchers who have made it this far mysterious place, they talk about amazing metal bells covering passages leading into unexplored depths. Mikhail Koretsky from Vladivostok was lucky - he visited Death Valley three times. He did not end up there because of a good life - in this place most people could pan for gold without fear of getting a bullet in the back of the head. “I saw,” says Koretsky, “seven “boilers.” Their size is from six to nine meters in diameter. They are made of an incomprehensible metal that even a sharpened chisel cannot handle. On top of the metal is covered with a layer of an unknown material, similar to emery, which cannot be chipped or scratched.”

The Yakuts say that previously, from under the domes it was possible to get into rooms located deep underground, where thin, one-eyed people in iron clothes lay frozen through and through.

Stones there, rocks and granite

Not only legends remain from the mysterious inhabitants who went underground. Scientific records of the expeditions of the discoverer of “Russian Hyperborea” on the Kola Peninsula, Alexander Barchenko, were subsequently classified by the Cheka, and then disappeared without a trace. But, fortunately, his novel “Doctor Black” has been preserved, in which he encrypted some of the results of his expeditions in the Russian North.

“Far away on the other side, a fire broke out. It plunged, disappeared, blinked again, and it looked as if a snake was crawling in the depths of the lake, flashing its scales...

– What kind of light is this blinking, Ilya? Where is it? Are these fishermen?

The old man turned to the lake, looked for a long time, even covered himself with his hand, although the dawn had long gone out, and chewed his lips disapprovingly.

-...There are no fishermen there. There are stones, rocks, granite. A remote place... This is in Pechory... They come right to the water, and then these caves go thousands of miles underground, to Finland. It’s just, one might say, a dark place... In the old days, the Chud lived here, and then the Chukhns took over this side...

So she, therefore, went underground... Well, how could it be that in the face of trouble, in the face of some misfortune, now she is coming out.”

Back in the 16th century, European geographers were convinced of the existence of an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean large islands or even the continent of Arctida, inhabited by dwarfs. They are mentioned in very similar legends among almost all northern peoples. The dwarfs created a strange civilization, unlike ours. They had pronounced extrasensory, as they say now, abilities. Echoes of legends about a fair country were systematized by the ancient historian Pliny in his description of the country of the Hyperboreans. “The day lasts for six whole months and the night for the same length. This country has a pleasant and fertile climate. Their homes are located in forests and groves, where they worship the gods... They know neither hostility nor disease. They never die. At night they hide in caves."

Then one of many earthly cataclysms occurred, as a result of which the Arctic continent went under water, and the warm Gulf Stream that warmed it changed its direction. The surviving inhabitants of Arctida left the freezing and quickly covered islands and settled in northern Europe and Asia. They were unable to restore their civilization, did not want to fight with the local residents, and gradually left the surface of the earth into underground catacombs and caves, into their usual habitat. After all, in their homeland they spent six months in them. To protect them from the energetic and greedy for precious metals, especially gold, peoples of northern Europe, they placed psychological barriers at the entrances to their underground shelters, instilling supernatural horror in people, driving them away from places sacred to dwarfs, and sometimes even leading curious people to death.

The possibility of the existence of land in the north of the Earth is confirmed not only by legends, but also by the opinion of some prominent scientists. For example, the famous Russian polar explorer J. Gakkel wrote back in 1965: “... As a result of studies of the Central Arctic, which illuminate its nature in a completely new way, the question arises about the former existence of the ancient land - Arctida - in the Arctic Ocean.” According to the scientist, based on a detailed study of the bottom topography of the Arctic Ocean, until relatively recently, about 5 thousand years ago, the appearance of the Arctic was completely different. The peaks of the underwater ridges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov rose above the surface of the water, the islands of Spitsbergen, Franz Josef, and the New Siberian Islands were much larger, and in the waters of the Arctic Ocean there was another part of the world - Arctida, consisting of individual archipelagos and large islands.

5000 years... The period seems to be too short for an entire civilization to disappear during it. But this only seems to us, people who happened to live in a period of relative stability, unchanged land contours and ocean boundaries.

The ancient history of the Kola region has been poorly studied; there are many blank spots in it. But what we did manage to find has not yet been fully comprehended. In addition, catastrophically few expeditions were carried out here. In the late 70s they stopped coming here altogether. Moreover, most expeditions were not historical, but geological in nature. They were not looking for ancient artifacts, but for metal deposits. However, there are legends that are passed down from mouth to mouth. I was able to hear and record several of them.


For me, the Sami themselves are still a legend; I’ve heard a lot about them, but I haven’t seen them yet. Sami mythology is very similar to Finnish. They also have fairy tales (mains): for children, about Tal - a stupid cannibal, about ravok - ghouls, about chakli - dwarfs. Fairy tales and legends about natural phenomena and myths (lovta), for example, about the deer-man Myandash, are common. Sakka historical tales tell of wars, mountains and water features.

Two brothers

...from the point of view of interplanetary biology, the Sami are one of the forms extraterrestrial civilizations, which arrived from the Alpha Centauri solar system

Two Brothers are two stone seida-outcrops located right on the seashore a little away from the coastal terrace in the Zemlyannaya Bay of the Rybachy Peninsula. The remains are fascinating. Thirty meter stone sculptures, reminiscent of birds preparing to take off, with outstretched necks and heads anxiously turned towards the sea. Many legends and traditions are associated with them.

The Sami believed that the “Two Brothers” were the mighty giants of the noidas (sorcerers) Kiiperi-Ukko and Kiiperi-Akka, who ruled these lands 10 thousand years ago. They stand here as punishment for the evil they have caused. According to Sami beliefs, stone seids are the embodiment of deities and spirits. The Sami tried to appease them: they made sacrifices - meat, lard, reindeer blood or other treats. It is necessary to distinguish from seids gurias - pillars of stones placed on sea ​​coasts. These are navigation signs. It is curious that the Sami, who have lived in these areas since ancient times, do not consider seids to be part of their culture. Recently, even a semi-fantastic version has appeared about the seids belonging to the culture of the mysterious race of Hyperboreans.

Sami legend about the creation of the world

In the beginning there was nothing but the old man's head. There were wells on its crown. But since the head was covered with a hat, it was impossible to get to the water. One day thunder tore the hat. Then the streams from the wells rose to the sky and flooded the whole world. A duck flying over the water found a blade of grass in the middle of the ocean. Gradually the blade of grass grew, and earth began to form around it. The bird laid five eggs on a blade of grass. From them arose plants, springs, fish, birds, animals, and, finally, man and woman. This first human couple had a son and a daughter. They went in different directions in search of their spouses. But the first people did not find anyone. They walked all over the earth and met again. From them the human race originated.

Legend of Anikiev Island

One of the legends tells about Anika the warrior, a hero who traveled around the world and always fought alone. According to one version, he once entered into battle with Death itself, but got scared and was defeated by it. According to another version, he was defeated by the monk of the Pechenga monastery Ambrose. According to legend, on the island of Anikiev, near the Rybachy Peninsula, there is the grave of this evil hero Anika. He was often mentioned in many fairy tales and parables, he was often depicted in popular prints, the text of which was usually a summary of “The Tale of the Debate between the Belly and Death.”

The most ridiculous myths about the Sami

...that the Sami are no more.
...from the point of view of interplanetary biology, the Sami are one of the forms of extraterrestrial civilizations that arrived from the Alpha Centauri solar system. They reached such a decline here on Earth that they could not fly back.
...that the Sami are going to create their own Sami Parliament.

Interesting facts

There is a Sami football team that won the FIFA World Cup among unrecognized national teams in 2006.
- Renee Zellweger's mother has Sami roots.
- Sami People's Day is celebrated on February 6th.
- In 2008, the film “Uprising in Kautokeino” was shot, telling about one of the tragic episodes in the history of the Sami.


The legend about the forgotten "Decembrist"

Already 70 years remain unsolved mystery the death of the submarine D-1, which until August 21, 1934 was called “Decembrist” and was the first Soviet North Sea submarine. She disappeared from sight of two coastal posts at once on November 13, 1940 in Motovsky Bay.

Since 1997, they began to say that every new kilometer drilled in the Kola superdeep well brought misfortune to our country

On that fateful day, D-1 occupied the designated training ground to conduct a combat training course exercise. At 13.30 she plunged to a periscope depth seven miles from Cape Vyev-Navolok, 15 minutes later she was recorded at Cape Sharapov in the southeastern part of the Rybachy Peninsula, 1.5 kilometers from the coast. Then the instruments unexpectedly detected the movement of the periscope of a submarine heading towards the center of Motovsky Bay. How did the underwater “Decembrist”, following a course strictly to the west, quickly “fly” to the northern part of the bay, and why did it surface again to periscope depth? These questions still remain unanswered.

The exercise was completed successfully, but at the appointed time D-1 did not get in touch and did not return to base. Motovsky Bay was combed inside and out overnight. Only at dawn they discovered an oil slick, a lifebuoy, and small debris on Cape Sharapov. This is how the first opinion emerged, later accepted as the official version, that the submarine sank at great depths in the northern part of the bay. But the biggest surprise was the discovery in the southern part of the bay: here the ship's metal detector showed the presence of a large metal object. On the same night, another one of the same type was discovered two miles from Cape Vyev-Navolok. For unknown reasons, the search for the submarine was stopped.

They wanted to raise the submarine in April 1941, after the end of the winter storms, but the war began and they forgot about it. They wanted to start the search again in 1990, but suddenly it turned out that all information about the “Decembrist” had mysteriously disappeared. They remembered about him another 10 years later. Search work was scheduled for September 2000, but the Kursk disaster disrupted these plans. They didn’t even look for the “Decembrist” in the year of the 65th anniversary of his death. It turned out that today the Northern Fleet, as in the first post-war years, does not have the technical ability to find the D-1.

Well to Hell

The Kola superdeep well (SG-3) is the deepest borehole in the world. It is located 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny, Murmansk region. Its depth is 12,262 meters. Since about 1997, the legend of the “road to hell” began to be associated with the well. It is alleged that every new kilometer drilled in it brought misfortune to our country. According to this legend, in the very thickness of the earth, at a depth of 12 thousand meters, the microphones of scientists recorded screams and moans, and when the drillers were excavating thirteen thousand meters, the USSR collapsed.

They say that the drillers felt horror - as if something terrible, invisible, but this made it even more frightening, jumped out of the mine. Their stories were published in Finnish and Swedish newspapers - they claimed that “the Russians released a demon from hell.” Drilling work was stopped due to insufficient funding.