Unsolved mysteries of Russian archeology. Mystery of Rus': Slavic archeology Runitsa and the secrets of Russian archeology

On the Internet he is called an academician, but in reality it turns out that he is an academician of the Academy of Trinitarianism. I have two friends who, at school age, created an “academy” of 15 “academicians”, with one serving as “president” and the other as “academic secretary”. Even now, they jokingly refer to each other by their academic titles, although 29 years have passed since they graduated from school. Their academy was called "Academy of Insanity". I think, however, that there was incomparably less insanity there than in the Academy of Trinitarianism. The idea of ​​connecting the Etruscans with Russia is not new; it appeared in the 19th century; Chudinov did not invent anything of his own here.
The only basis for all this research is the decoding of the word “Etruscans” as “these are Russians.”

it seems that Mr. Chudinov, like Fomenko in his time, is trying to achieve some dubious fame, passing off what he wants as reality. Any historian will tell you that using only one source to substantiate such serious conclusions (and the rather controversial analysis of Etruscan art objects does not correlate with a comprehensive understanding of the problem) is not serious. And the publishing house of the Academy of Trinitarianism and the list of used literature in two paragraphs does not cause anything but a smile.

But it's funny only for the time being. Then it's no longer funny.
If people can be sold something like this, then what kind of people are they?
The author refers to documents that were burned. Wonderful.

This work, if I may say so, is much closer to fiction. It seemed to me that the author lacks an understanding of the analysis methodology. it is unproven. he says interesting things without substantiating them with anything other than the fact that this is how he sees the problem. personal opinion, not facts, is the main argument. those. I read this inscription this way and it means something. I'm reading everyone else wrong. Well, it's not serious. and unscientific. plus the use of outright sophistry is annoying. It seems like I'm being taken for a fool. and all this can be seen right from the beginning.

the author is an academician, excuse me, not the same “Academy of Trinitarianism”? No - RAS.
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, prof., academician RANS, author of 280 works (as of May 2004 - more than 310 works), born in 1942. In 1967 he graduated from physics. faculty of Moscow State University, speaks German and English. Area of ​​scientific research - Slavic mythology and paleography. He deciphered the Slavic syllabary - runica and read more than 2,000 inscriptions. On inscriptions of different eras (from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages), he has been giving public lectures for 4 years at the Central Lecture Hall of the Polytechnic Museum and has about 120 publications (currently more than 150). The main book of this problem is “Mysteries of Slavic Writing” (Moscow, “Veche”, 2002, 528 pp.). (three more books have recently been published: | Chudinov V.A. Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'. M., “Veche”, 2003, 432 pp. | Chudinov V.A. Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. M., "Fair-Press", 2004, 624 pp.| Chudinov V.A. Secret runes ancient Rus'. M., “Veche”, 2005, 400 pp.
Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture of Ancient and Medieval Rus' of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Actually there is a link at the very top of the site

it says there -
that we are very suspicious of the theories of such “academicians”, laureates, chairmen...
I would really like for Russian to really be the progenitor of all languages, but the facts tell us about other roots.

Saint Cyril did not create the Russian alphabet. Arriving in Rus', he discovered several writing systems that had existed thousands of years before him. He slightly modified one of them, canonized and consecrated it. Then the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius convinced the entire Christian world that the Russian language is sacred. That it is appropriate to perform divine services on it and write down canonical texts with it. Thanks to this, Russia was able, over time, to become the same thing as the Byzantine Empire. Each of the pre-Cyrillic writing systems is a window into the universe of the civilization of the ancient Russians. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of research into these systems. But in the modern scientific world, the dominant paradigm is that the Russians... did not have a written language before Kirill. When they try to provide facts that refute this point of view, they are called fantasies. But the question arises: how could several dozen authoritative specialists, domestic and foreign, fantasize in the same way? This book presents a summary of their works. For the first time, almost everything that was said about Russian pre-Cyrillic writing in the 20th century was published under one cover. Valery Chudinov, a famous runologist, chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission on the cultural history of Ancient and Medieval Rus', compiled this collection and commented in detail on each of the works included in it. The book is designed for a thinking reader who is capable of making an independent assessment of the facts.

The mysteries of the Slavic past worry not only our contemporaries. They have been the subject of considerable scientific controversy throughout the 20th century. Scientists from all countries of the Slavic and non-Slavic worlds took part in the research, arguing about the Slavic historical heritage and criticizing opponents.

Photo 1. Slavic finds at the site of the chronicle Cherven

Scientists competed in a certain way in the results of searches, as well as in assessing whether archaeological cultures belonged to the Slavs or other peoples.
And although the assessments of such searches often do not coincide, they have one rational grain, one that is indisputable in science.

Photo 2. The ancestral home of the Slavs of the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC and the early Slavs of the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. according to science

In their conclusions, researchers from all countries invariably pointed to the basic lands of the ancient Slavs, their central part, in fact, to the place that was the most holy and important place for the Slavs.

Photo 3. The ancestral home of the Slavs through the eyes of Europeans

If we superimpose maps of archaeological cultures, Slavic burials, maps of historical hydrology, historical toponymy (from the end of the 1st millennium BC to the end of the 1st millennium AD), then the contours of such a historical center, located in the Volyn-Carpathian region.

Photo 4. Early Slavic archaeological cultures of the late 1st century. to. AD /from the book by Kobychev V.P./

In this region, from Pripyat to the Carpathians, from the Vistula to the Dnieper, throughout 1 thousand BC. - 1 thousand AD The signs of Slavism never disappeared, the living connection between Proto-Slavic and Old Slavic cultures, leading the history of the Slavs to our times, never disappeared.
Here, in fact, the Slavs were born, as a kind of community that appeared to the world with its own special culture and humane vision of the universe.

Photo 5. The ancestral home of the Slavs according to B. Rybakov (end of the 1st millennium BC - beginning of the 1st millennium AD)

Many famous historians, archaeologists, linguists, ethnographers, philosophers from different countries Europe, including: Rybakov, Sedov, Kobychev, Artamonov, Shakhmatov, Petrov, Safarik, Niederle, Vasmer, Toporov, Trubachev, Tretyakov, Danilenko, Rusanova, Baran, Lehr-Slawinski, Kostrzewski, Lovmianski, Werner, Godlovskiy, Shchukin, Filin , Kozak, Terpilovsky, Braichevsky, Vinokur, Smilenko, Zhivka, Schimanski, Hensey, Braichevsky, Lyapushkin, Popovich, Sukhobokov, Fedorov and many others.

Photo 6. Early Slavs according to L. Niederle /from a book edited by B. Rybakov/

Maps created by many scientists clearly speak of one thing - the Volyn-Carpathian region played the most important role in the emergence of the European Slavs. It was the center of the formation and development of the Slavs.
But the stumbling block for most researchers remained, and remains, the question of identifying the force that stimulated the process of Slav formation, which gave it internal strength and ideological direction.

Photo 7. Early Slavs according to Sedov /from a book edited by B. Rybakov/

Lack of understanding of the nature of such force leads scientific world to rather simplified interpretations of the process of Slav formation.
The explanations come down to the philistine level of a certain material interest of the early Slavs in hoarding, the desire for power, and to the interpretation of the process of expansion of the Slavic area as a chain of successive aggressive wars.
But was it so? And who exactly are these mysterious early Slavs?

Photo 8. Early Slavism according to Sedov (3-4 centuries AD)

Since the identification by science of the Proto-Slavic cultures of Europe in the 3rd-1st centuries. BC, the spot of Slavic settlement (area) on the maps of many scientists is constantly increasing, until the historically significant 7-8 centuries AD, when this, still single and undivided area, grew to its maximum in size.
What is strange here is that some Slavic centers arise in distant territories, isolated from the main core - in the Balkans, on the island of Rügen-Ruyan, on the Volkhov, and much earlier than the general wave of “settlement” of the Slavs penetrates there.
But why is that? How can this even happen?

Photo 9. Slavic archaeological cultures of the 3rd-4th centuries AD. according to science

An amazing fact is that the progress of Slavicization across vast expanses is proceeding quite peacefully. There are almost no traces of protracted wars and signs of destruction local population.
The Veneds, Thracians, Balts, peoples between the Vistula and Oder, under the influence of some strange factors, quite quickly (after 100-200 years) become Slavs.
Everything indicates that Slavicization is not the result of mass migration of peoples, not a consequence of aggressive wars, but something else. But what?

Photo 10. Slavs along the Jordan /Gothic historian 6th century AD/

The answer can be very simple if we take into account that the process of Slavicization could be the consistent spread of new life attitudes, the movement of a new way of life, the reorganization of local communities according to the Slavic type.
We are talking about ideological transformation, introducing the local population to a different worldview as a result of the influence of an external (ancient Slavic) factor!
But why did the local peoples want to become Slavs, and definitely voluntarily, without violence or war? What stimulated them to do this?

Photo 11. Slavic cultures and settlement of the Slavs /Rybakov, Niederle, Vasmer, Baran/

Explanations are given by the “Book of Veles” - an ancient Slavic chronicle of the sorcerer of the 9th century AD.
She points out that for every Slav the most important thing was the primordial earthly faith, the worldview of the earthly ancestors who established a bright life on Earth according to universal laws.
These laws, transmitted by the most ancient Forefathers to humanity, were carefully preserved and passed on by the ancient Slavs from generation to generation.
And so for tens of thousands of years!!!
Knowledge allowed the Slavic spiritual Fathers to have constant contact with the Creator of the Universe, the Light Iriy (the governing force in the universe), and the Slavs to live a bright life, without aggression and war, slavery and humiliation, greed and acquisitiveness, illnesses and illnesses.

Photo 12. Slavic cultures in 300 - 660 AD. /from a collection of maps about world cultures/

The most ancient forefathers of humanity said that a bright person must believe in the Creator-Svarog, the Light Iriy, the forces of light, among which are the souls of the most ancient earthly ancestors.
He must live in the Rule, know the Rule, glorify the Rule (that is, be Orthodox).
A person with a bright soul (Slav) is one who reveres the forefather Slava (Slavyan, Slav-Yan), one who cares about his enlightenment, is engaged in disseminating knowledge of the laws of Rule, Revealing, Navi (spiritual, manifest and after the manifest worlds), who reveres the earthly spiritual ancestors

Photo 13. Slavs in the 5th-7th centuries AD. according to Russian science. Archeology

A Slav must resist everything dark, occult, cruel, solitary and magical, associated with violence against the light and righteous (corresponding to the law of Rule).
He must distinguish between light and darkness, even if the darkness hides behind white veils (like magic, unity, Yahvetism, pseudo-Slavism).
He must be free from the dark.

This provides an answer to why the ancient Slavs never tried to build states (unions) on the basis of slavery and cruelty. Why were they not seduced by undeserved social aggrandizement, meaningless material accumulation, greed and boasting?
The priorities of the Slavic ancestors in the material world (in Java) are modesty in everything, reasonable self-sufficiency, respect for those with bright souls, attention to personal spiritual growth, a desire to protect all living things, rejection of materially excessive things, fulfillment of the laws of the Creator-Svarog.

Photo 14. Slavic archeology 5-8 centuries AD. /according to Sedov/

In addition, the Slav, as a person, had an important spiritual perspective, which was regulated in the Universe by the laws of Rule, Reveal, Navi.
It was the law of the Rule that determined the possibility of repeated incarnation of the bright human soul in the obvious world.
This is the reincarnation necessary for bright souls (reincarnation, sequential rebirth in reality, rebirth) - the road to the universal eternity of the soul.
Such a path required from those who wanted to follow it spiritual growth, understanding the essence of the Slavs, achieving high spiritual levels, self-improvement, caring for the spiritual education of children and grandchildren, who would then carry this to future generations.

Photo 15. Slavic cultures in the 7th century AD. /based on materials from Nikolaev V.V./

This is precisely why the Slavs never captured, enslaved, forcibly resettled or exterminated the sprouts of light.
They taught the laws of the Creator, defending the worldview of the earthly first ancestors - the First Fathers-Aryans and their entourage.
They spread a bright worldview in the name of spiritual brotherhood, sending to their neighbors special groups of confessors, experts in Rule, Revealing, Navi, those who were ready to carry knowledge of the universe, teach contact with the Creator and the highest forces of light.
They were looking for a common language with neighboring peoples - the language of the laws of Rule, Navi, Reveal, the laws of the Creator-Svarog, the language of spiritual mutual understanding, the language of earthly ancestors.
The Slavs shared their highest spiritual knowledge with all bright peoples, even if they temporarily (under the influence of occultism and magic) lost contact with the Rule and the Creator-Svarog.
Enlightenment helped neighbors overcome the influence of dark forces and take the path of spiritual purification and growth, the path to the eternal soul.

Photo 16. Slavic archeological monuments of the 5th-7th centuries AD.

The spiritual works of the Slavic envoys, the Elders-Rakhmans and the Magi, gradually changed the understanding of the world among many peoples of Europe.
This knowledge gradually became near and dear in the Slavic environment, among all those who were following the path of enlightenment.
The Spiritual Fathers of the Slavs invested love, soul and the ability to communicate with the forces of light into their activities.
They had a knack for healing, treating illnesses, the science of spiritual hygiene, and the ability to destroy the machinations of the occult and black magic.
People believed the spiritual Fathers and followed them. They wanted to know more about their origins and be closer to the knowledge of the First Fathers of mankind, to an understanding of the universal role of man. They wanted to earn initiation into the Slavs.

Photo 17. Slavic archeological monuments of the 7th-8th centuries AD.

The activities of the Slavic confessors at that time were of a constant nature and were based on the system of spiritual centers that they created in different regions Europe.
The framework of the entire system was created in the 3rd-8th centuries AD. system of spiritual centers: Rahman and Magi monasteries.
The main center in this system was the modest Peresopnytsia in Volyn, which operated in conjunction with the spiritual capital of the Slavs - Sourenzh (Surenzh).
Around Peresopnytsia and other centers of Europe in the 5th-8th centuries AD. About three hundred Magi monasteries arose!
The creators of such monasteries were actually those mysterious confessors (ros) who were discussed earlier. It was they who settled in small groups among the Wends, Balts, Thracians and other peoples, creating conditions for the process of enlightenment and Slav formation.
The system of spiritual centers they created was the mysterious force that shook Europe in the 5th-8th centuries AD. rapid growth of the Slavic area.

Photo 18. The formation of Rahman centers in Europe and the directions of their activities in the 3rd-11th centuries AD. (map of the Information Center "Rivne-Surenzh")

Above is a selection of maps that are present in the works of famous Soviet scientists (Rybakov, Sedov and others), as well as numerous works by scientists from other countries.
Additionally, for ease of reading, the extent of the Slavic area, or zones of Slavic influence, is highlighted in color (blue, yellow or dark blue).
The red oval shows central part Volyn-Carpathian region, the actual holy places where the concentration of confessors (Rus) was the highest (Roksolan, Roskolan).

Photo 19. The area of ​​spiritual influence of the Rahmans and Magi in the 3rd-9th centuries AD. (yellow) and external opposition to the Slavic world in the 7th-9th centuries AD. (brown arrows)

The last two maps (mid-late 1st millennium AD) reflect the time when the Slavs reached their maximum borders, but had not yet begun to divide into parts (principalities and countries) under the pressure of ideological blows of adherents of occultism and magic, irreconcilable to the laws of the Creator.
The return of some European peoples to a state of unenlightenment became possible as a result of the active struggle of external and internal forces against the centers of the Rakhman-Volkhvo system, first on the borders of the Slavic world, and then in its middle.
Such actions came from ideological forces hostile to the Slavs, hostile to the Slavic worldview, Byzantium, Khazaria, Franco-Germans, Vikings, Yakh-Yags, Varangians and others, especially in the period 8-13 centuries AD.

The conclusions that can be drawn from the presented material are the following:
1. Slavic education is a process of spiritual enlightenment, learning, knowledge of the light laws of Rule, Reveal, Navi, light rituals, by ancient European peoples who lost this knowledge as a result of aggressive penetration into Europe 3-1 thousand BC. adepts of black magic, bearers of Egyptian and Odinian, and then, in the 1st millennium AD, Yahovian occultism.
2. Enlightenment was of a peaceful nature and was carried out by the bearers of the knowledge of the Rule, the Elders-Rahmans, the Magi, priests and confessors (ros), in the form of healing, spiritual assistance, constant training of peoples in the knowledge of the universal law, bright spiritual rituals, veneration of the Light Iriy and his hierarchy.
3. The process of European enlightenment was carried out by the Rahman-Volkhvo system of spiritual centers and subcenters, which had an extensive structure and its own system for training spiritual personnel.

Photo 20. Elder-Rahman of the Slavic past

Nowadays we know too little about the Great Slavic ancestors, who through their labors created the greatest spiritual community in Europe, called the Slavs.
As a result, the concept of Slav has lost its original spiritual meaning and ceased to reflect the state of a bright person who has gone through the path of enlightenment and dedication, who knows the laws of Rule, Revealing, Navi, who rejects the occult and magic, who fights for the lightness of the soul, ready to serve the Creator-Svarog and the Light Iriy.

Based on this, the Slavs, as a spiritual community organized on the laws of the Rule, after the destruction of the Rakhman-Volkhvo system, no longer exists for more than three hundred years.
The system of spiritual enlightenment, which all Slavic peoples tried so hard to preserve (Aryans are the highest spiritual fathers of the Slavs), has also lost its power.

So do we now need knowledge of the spiritual greatness of the Slavic ancestors? Are we ready to accept as a relay all the covenants of the Forefathers?

Ten years have passed since the publication of my monograph “Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'.” These years passed incredibly quickly; It’s hard for me to imagine that such a long time has passed. This book was signed for publication on October 25, 2003, but I received my author’s edition (royalty in books) within days winter holidays, in January, taking them out on a cart, which got stuck in the snowdrifts and was barked at by the dogs guarding the warehouse of the Veche publishing house. It was freezing and there was a snowstorm. From “Second Red Pine Street” to my house is a 20-minute walk, but along uncleared paths, in places where I had to get stuck with all my wheels, I only got there in 40 minutes, feeling like a horse lathered after a run.

Table of contents:

  • Why is the memory of this book dear to me?

    Oddly enough, I conceived of it at the end of 1991, when I became acquainted with an article by G.S. through Leonid Nikolaevich Ryzhkov. Grinevich in the journal “Russian Thought”. The first two weeks I was delighted that, it turns out, in Rus' there was a syllabary writing system, which was preserved on a lot of handicrafts even from the recent past. Although, as I got deeper into the problem, it became clear to me that G.S. Grinevich somehow entered into the decryption problem too easily. I signed up for the Historical Library and began visiting it for several years, looking not only for examples of this particular type of writing, but also for the predecessors that G.S. had. Grinevich. The samples were replenished quickly, and the names and deeds of their predecessors were revealed twenty times slower.

    However, by the summer of 1992, I already had about 30 of my own decryptions, which, together with a new reading of G.S.’s examples. Grinevich formed an array of about 40 of them; and together with general considerations, as well as with a description of Grinevich’s predecessors and the works of Grinevich himself, this created material for a small monograph. And a publishing house was found: the Academy of New Thinking, where L.N. Ryzhkov was a scientific secretary. True, when I gave him the printed text with illustrations in the spring of 1992, he said that for their office this text was quite voluminous, and it would not be possible to publish it by the summer, as I wanted. When will it happen? Most likely by next summer. And at the same time it will be possible to publish a book on English. As for French, German and Spanish, this will have to wait.

    Throughout the 1992/93 academic year, I went to the Academy of New Thinking as if it were a job. But the conversations there were on any unrelated topics, just not about the book. In the end, the situation became clear to me: the Academy did not have the money to publish my book in Russian, but Ryzhkov really wanted to publish it. Therefore, he is stalling for time as best he can. So in the summer of 1993 the planned monograph was not published.

    But in the fall of 1993, a monograph by G.S. was published. Grinevich - I lost this competition with him in time. But I quickly recovered from the feeling of disappointment - I could have found new material there for decryption and - who knows - perhaps read it better than Grinevich did. I bought the monograph and was incredibly surprised: the book turned out to be written in a less interesting way than the article, and there were no new examples at all. But the book was filled with examples of dubious readings of alien types and types of writing with terrible results. Later I understood why this happened: Gennady Stanislavovich gave his article to the journal “Technology of Youth”, where, although it was not published, it was brought into readable form. And the monograph was its own creation - a mixture of weak knowledge of linguistics in general and the history of the issue in particular, very dubious methods of reading and reasoning not about the actually read sound combinations, but about the real words of the Russian language substituted in their place. In other words, the texts became slightly similar to Russian sentences, but often completely devoid of meaning. In other words, this was indirect evidence of the incorrectness of the reading itself.

    However, a negative result is also a result. This experience inspired me to create a new version of the monograph, and since I was then working for a private publishing house, they translated the printed paper text into an electronic one and recorded it on disk. One of the new researchers from Ukraine, namely Yuri Aleksandrovich Shilov, who wrote the book “The Ancestral Home of the Aryans” and successfully published it, while in Moscow, promised me to publish my book in his publishing house. I gave him this disc, which was in a single copy, relying on his word. However, I never met this man again in my life, and through friends I learned that his publishing house had gone bankrupt. He, of course, did not return the disk to me.

    Now I understand that fate judged everything correctly. My interpretations in the proposed monograph were few, there was no unified approach to them, and the direction itself had not yet developed. The “cavalry attack” failed and we had to move on to a long siege. And she was crowned with success. I published some of the decryptions in the journals of the places where I worked, and some in two brochures. But in 1998, 6 years later, my dream came true, and having won a grant from the Ministry of Higher Education of Russia, I was able to publish a monograph in a journal version in the publishing house at the State University of Medicine. But I was able to publish it (in 2 parts), but not to distribute it. Therefore, almost the entire circulation, 1000 copies, remained in my hands, and later I was able to sell or donate no more than 200 copies. However, I still had a rough copy of the book.

    It was with him that I went to the Veche publishing house to see the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, Sergei Nikolaevich Dmitriev. This was in 2000. I told him about my ordeal with publishing the book, but what convinced him most of all were the two monographs in the magazine version. But my desires are one thing, and the interests of the publishing house are another. At that time, the best books were with all sorts of titles like “Riddles” or “Secrets.” Therefore, we decided on the book “Mysteries of Slavic Writing”. In fact, it was an expanded version of my first part of the book in a magazine version, to which I added several more authors - Grinevich's predecessors. As I promised, a year later I submitted the book to the publisher, but the publication itself took another year. But this book was focused not so much on my deciphering as on the deciphering attempts of other authors, as well as on a long path to understanding the nature of writing itself. Perhaps this was interesting for readers who had not encountered Russian syllabic writing before, but not for me personally. I wanted to publish the results of my own decryptions.

    In the year that passed from submitting my first book to the publishing house, that is, in 2002-2003, I was able to write new book, which I also decided to publish in the same publishing house. This was “Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'.” However, I overdid it: I was told that I had written a book exactly twice as long as required. It needs to be halved. But instead of selecting and discarding something, I designed the second half of the book as an independent one. But if the first half was released a few months later in 2003 under the original title, then the second half “stuck” somewhat, and appeared already in 2005 under the name “Secret Runes of Ancient Rus',” and the name was invented by the publishing house.

    So my own work was half published 10 years ago, and the other half appeared 8 years ago.


    From my point of view today it was magnificent. Here is a fragment of it: “This book is an evidentiary and pioneering study of an absolutely fantastic problem: the existence in Rus' in the Middle Ages of an original and very ancient writing system, the so-called runitsa, which depicted with its sign not a single sound, but an entire syllable. Due to the fact that the runitsa is not an alphabetic, but a syllabary, it does not have an alphabet - instead there is a syllabary approximately twice as large in volume (a repertoire of all syllabic signs arranged in a certain order). I have already told quite a lot about the runitsa itself in the book “Mysteries of Slavic Writing” that was published a little earlier, as well as in two of my monographs, about the history of deciphering Slavic signs and about the construction of the syllabary.

    In this book we will not talk about the writing system, and not about how the runic signs may look graphically, but about the culture of Rus' based on this writing. First of all, the stage of proving the existence of the runica has already passed in many ways; a syllabary was identified, groups and types of documents on which inscriptions were written were outlined, various graphic styles were considered, the scientific community became acquainted with the very fact of the existence of this letter in Rus'. An exhibition of literature dedicated to Slavic syllabic writing was held within the walls of the State Historical Library at the beginning of 2002. It is noteworthy that during the presentation of my book “Mysteries of Slavic Writing” at the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, to the question “what writing existed before the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet”, the radio listeners who called the radio station first gave the correct answer - Slavic syllabic writing; they received this book as a gift. Thus, the general public already has an idea of ​​the third type of writing in Rus', and thus the stage of the first acquaintance with this writing system has been completed.

    The next stage should show the runica not as a special type of Slavic font, but as a means of communication, a way of transmitting information that is new to us, which we cannot obtain in any other way. This stage can be compared with learning a foreign language, for example, English. At school and university, studying it is an end in itself, but when a person travels to English-speaking countries, the language reveals itself from a different side - only thanks to it does contact with the inhabitants of these countries become possible. In relation to the study of the runic, this means that since it permeated all areas of human activity: everyday life, crafts, decorations, buildings, rituals, pagan idols and even any images on a plane, including icons, by reading runic texts, we can significantly expand our knowledge precisely in these areas. At the same time, the degree of saturation with writing was not only comparable to the modern one, which already goes beyond the traditional ideas about the Middle Ages, but also significantly exceeded it - and this is no longer clear in one’s head. Were our ancestors more educated than us? “The solution to this problem is not at all in the key of education. It’s just that the Middle Ages thought of a thing only in unity with the word denoting it—oral and written. Let's say each tool, say, a carpenter had its own name, for example, bit. This name has not changed to this day.

    But with us the name exists only on the label at the time of sale; during operation, the label with the name is thrown away, and the thing itself remains without a written name. Things were different in the Middle Ages: the name of a thing was imprinted on the thing itself, and can be read now, after 8, or even 11 centuries! And the point here is not in the increased education of our ancestors, but in a different worldview: IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS THE WORD. A thing, from their position, is only then understood as a thing when it's named. And the name must be unity with the thing. Therefore, the modern idea of ​​medieval objects as predominantly “dumb” is false.

    After this statement, any reader who is more or less familiar with the problem has a legitimate question: where did I get all these provisions when THERE IS NOTHING SUCH! Hundreds known archaeological finds, perhaps even tens of thousands, and, with extremely rare exceptions, they are ALL Mute. In other words, there are no signs on them at all! It’s not like writing, even basic literacy is difficult to talk about. And even the best summary of recent data on the named problem, the monograph by A.A. Medyntseva about the literacy of ancient Rus' (X-XIII centuries) recites less than a hundred examples. What kind of permeation of writing can we talk about? Or is this a joke? Want to sharpen the question? Some kind of originality of the author? His ignorance on the subject of medieval writing? “It wasn’t me who came up with these objections, I hear them from infrequent contacts with professional epigraphists, who, having to do with reading Kirill’s inscriptions on a daily basis, do not see the runic at all, and when I show it to them, they consider me an unrestrained dreamer. - So this is my desire to entertain the reader at the expense of my own fantasies?

    No, no and no! I assert quite seriously that writing existed on a disproportionately larger scale than we are used to thinking, but we not only do not know how to read it, BUT WE DO NOT SEE IT AT ALL. For us, she is Wells’ “invisible man.” Archaeologists hold the inscriptions on it in their hands, the most conscientious ones copy it perfectly and... are completely unaware of it. If an ordinary craftsman of the 10th century had lived to this day, he would have exclaimed in amazement: “ How ILLITERATIVE are you, people of the 19th-21st centuries! You don't notice the OBVIOUS!“And he will be right, because it was not the people of the Middle Ages who suffered from the weak spread of writing, which we suspect them of, but, on the contrary, WE ARE SUFFERING WITH A SPECIAL “CHINK BLINDNESS”, NOT SEEING THE MEDIEVAL INSCRIPTIONS AT POINT POINT! In the runic sense, we are still ILLITERATIVE! So I propose a kind of educational program, a kind of GUIDE TO THE INCIPLES of the Middle Ages, in order to understand what we passed by with such superiority. I show not so much that the inscriptions existed, but rather their abundance, visibility and, most importantly, the need and importance for their society, their intertwining with the life and craft of that era.

    Immediately in the course of this discussion, I want to note that this study is replete with illustrations, it is, one might say, an album of drawings, which are intended to show the object with inscriptions on it first, and then demonstrate the meaning of the written text and, finally, delve into the features of this object with inscriptions . So, by and large, this book is dedicated not so much to inscriptions, but to ANOTHER SPIRITUAL CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN MIDDLE AGES.”

    My view of the introduction 10 years later.

    Over these 10 years, I have advanced so deeply into writing that the words spoken about the runica now seem to me as if they were spoken to children who cannot even see letters on various objects. Because then I began to highlight the semi-explicit letters of patterns and drawings (in fact, I began this already in this book, although I presented them with a small number of examples), then I began to read small, and then low-contrast inscriptions. And the runic inscriptions now seem to me both obvious and quite obvious.

    But that's for me. As for the archaeologists, for whom I tried first of all to make them understand what scatterings of information they passed by, they never turned their faces to the runica. At first I thought that my book had not reached archaeologists, but about five years ago I was convinced of the opposite. Then I needed to complete the teacher training program required for every five-year period, and I wanted to get an internship at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the head of the department of Slavic archeology, Alexey Vladimirovich Chernetsov, with whom I was connected by the scientific secretary of the Institute Ekaterina Georgievna Devlet, seemed to agree, however after consultation with the director of the Institute, he categorically refused. And last year, while filming one of the television stories, I met the director, Nikolai Andreevich Makarov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. When I introduced myself, he immediately realized who I was, he frowned, and no conversation even on extraneous topics happened with him. This is how mischievous schoolchildren behave.

    It would seem that I did not pose any threat to the scientists, because it was I who wanted to learn from them, and not them who offered to learn from me, but for some reason they were afraid of me. Why? - Yes, because talking about the ancient high culture of Rus' is not only not accepted, but also like death. For many centuries, Europe waged an open Russophobic campaign against this line of research, and no one taught them to object to the Europeans and defend Russia’s positions. So, the time for Russian antiquities, strange as it may seem, has not yet come. Although this sounds paradoxical, for now Russian science does not need to study the RUSSIAN past. If this is the past of the Sami, Adyghe, Tuvan, and so on, so on, so on, then yes, but as soon as you show the depth and greatness of the Russian ethnos, archaeologists immediately dull their gaze, hide their faces from direct view, and squeeze out some unintelligible words. For antiquity is Egypt, Mesopotamia, at worst Greece and Rome, but not Rus'. - Why, you have thousands of artifacts with inscriptions in your storerooms. - " There are no inscriptions on them!"- archaeologists answer. And when I show archaeologists these inscriptions on stones at the museum, they prefer not to approach me so as not to see them. Just in case, so that there is no precedent. It seems that they are truly afraid to see the inscriptions, lest they step outside the paradigm that the West has imposed on them. In a word, they impressed me as people who are deliberately forced to bend their hearts and not see the obvious.

    But now I know for sure that this whole performance with a sudden loss of vision (which reminds me very much of an episode from the book “Old Man Hottabych”: a football match, due to the sudden illness of the entire team with measles, is postponed to another date, and its results are not counted ), regularly played out in front of me, is done not due to the stupidity of the employees and not by direct order, but according to the tightly guarded paradigm of modern archaeological science. If not for this, then the runic would have been deciphered a long time ago, at least 100-150 years ago.

    It also became clear to me that the runic itself cannot cause any harm to the existing scientific paradigm of social development, since it was widely used only in the Middle Ages as an alternative to the Christian Cyrillic alphabet. But practically no letters were written on it (the only Novgorod letter No. 444 known to me turned out to be a love note), much less historical documents were compiled. And in earlier times, certain rare words were written with its help. This, of course, pushes the line of origin of writing deeper into history and makes Russian writing the earliest in the history of mankind, which, of course, is bad for current ideas about Western Europe as the ancestral home of European civilization, but in principle does not introduce any other changes into the existing picture of world history. It seems that simply relegating Russia to the locomotives of world history does not fit into the modern geopolitics of the West.

    But my further discoveries began to undermine the already established picture of the history of ancient and medieval Europe, and then the scientists paid attention to me. But not even as a disturber of scientific peace, but as a pseudoscientist. What right do I have to read something that other researchers not only don’t read, but due to lack of appropriate training, don’t even see? In a word, at first people who spend their leisure time on scientific research in the field of deciphering unknown types of writing were first put “under the cap” (this was done by a program to identify “linguistic freaks”), then within this “cap” I gradually moved to the top ten, five, three .

    Late! The genie is already out of the bottle! In other words, it would have been appropriate to pacify me with some pseudoscientific arguments even when I was only taking my first steps in science, namely 20 years before my first decipherments. LiveJournal gave out some dubious recommendations, doubted my scientific positions and titles, in a word, behaved towards me not as a professor, which I was then, but as some kind of impostor who really doesn’t understand anything. Perhaps the LiveJournal team was instructed to do just that. However, for me, their mouse fuss represented only a chain of comic antics of trolls who understand nothing about epigraphy, linguistics, or even the audience that reads my articles (at first my opponents communicated with readers in the language of the then fashionable youth slang).

    However, gradually they began to increase the scientific level of their publications, although not to the level of a doctor of philological sciences, but to the level of a simple linguist with higher education. But I also grew up scientifically, so they never managed to reach out to my research. But they voiced what archaeologists were embarrassed to say, and I gradually began to understand what exactly was of greatest interest to them for criticism, what they would not criticize particularly zealously, and what would leave them indifferent. In addition, I began to understand the range of interests and handwriting of each of the LJ employees, although they were not researchers themselves, and it was impossible for them to understand me. They gave me the impression of zombies, paid and soulless executors of other people’s orders for money, and not much at that. But they tried to ruin my image, which did not matter much to me, since I am not a historian or linguist by profession, and thus do not depend in any way on the scientific community of historians or linguists. I did not publish my philosophical research on my websites, and therefore most of them did not come to the attention of my opponents, and those that did, they, not being specialists, could not criticize. In a word, from their point of view, they morally destroyed me, from my point of view, on the contrary, they raised my rating and raise it with each new publication.

    Therefore, now, turning to my work 10 years ago, I would say that it went smoothly, without the creation of websites criticizing me and without negative reviews in the press. But now this work is perceived as belonging to a different era, and as the basis of many of my other publications.

    Rice. 1. Inscription on the bottom of a pot from Kyiv

    Images and their consideration.

    I will quote Figure 1 and the text that I dedicated to it: “ Familiar letters were combined with each other, and as a result, a lot of possibilities for imagination appeared. Really, what is written here? SHUN? TUNTU? Remembering that the letter I was written then as N, perhaps we should read PUITU? Or perhaps you should read it upside down, and there is TISH written here? And if the first letter is a lying A, then isn’t it AIS? For example, it seems to me that it says PUNT, but this is just one of the possible options, which I do not insist on. But I illustrate with this example not a specific reading, but the difficulties that arise during ligature writing. And if in our impatient times we are only annoyed that the inscription is “not readable”, then our medieval ancestor, on the contrary, looked forward to a true “feast of the soul” when he saw such an inscription and believed that he would be busy for the next hour and a half interesting intellectual leisure. After all, we love to solve crosswords without complaining about wasted time.

    It is now clear how difficult the work of an epigraphist is, who must choose the only correct one from the mass of possibilities. I have the utmost respect for all of these researchers, even if I don't always agree with their reading choices, because I understand the work that went into it. And, at the same time, I am forced to apologize for the fact that with my results I cross out many of the achievements of recognized scientists. That is why I write all my work in the first person, without using the scientifically accepted pronoun “we,” since my opinion is not supported by the authority of any group. I also do not express the point of view of a government organization (on the contrary, all government organizations where I had to speak tried to distance themselves from my views). I'm like literary hero Sherlock Holmes, I'm trying to conduct a private investigation; his opinion often did not coincide with the official views of the police, but helped to find the true culprits of the crime. I console myself with the hope that my private opinion will be closer to the truth than B.A.’s interpretation. Rybakova, T.N. Nikolskaya, E.A. Rybina, A.A. Medyntseva, E.A. Melnikova, M.A. Tikhanova and a number of other epigraphists-historians. And therefore I decide to publish this book, intended for a general reader, before I publish the corresponding scientific monograph, written in full form.

    What is my confidence in my own rightness based on? Firstly, on the knowledge of the runic, acquired through long and hard work, as well as on my own experience, polished by reading about two thousand documents. Secondly, on a new approach that has not yet been used before. Therefore, in this chapter, first of all, I want to describe my method (not at all Holmes’ deductive method, but also based on the collection and analysis of seemingly unimportant details), which already differs from what is customary in Slavic epigraphy, although at first there is no difference there was none at all. It’s just that every ten inscriptions read not only increases reading skill, but also improves the technique, and this leads to new results. Thirdly, on the analysis of objections coming from professional epigraphists. I also pay enough attention to this side of the matter.».

    Indeed, at that time I was just beginning my investigations; now they are on stream, and for me the charm of novelty has already passed. Now I’m already putting my copyright, highlighting the fragment with the inscription and transliterating it in modern letters. IN in this case I read the word POINT, which means PONT (EUXINE), that is, BLACK SEA in a modern way. So archaeologist V.A. Bogusevich, describing excavations on Mount Kiselevtsy in Kyiv, published an image of the bottom of a 13th-century pot with a stamp pressed on it, not suspecting that the pot was made on the Black Sea coast.

    Rice. 2. My reading of the inscription on the grain jar

    Having published the first inscription, I wrote further: “ This completed my first stage of research, related both to reading explicit inscriptions and to clarifying the history of the relationship between two branches of epigraphy - Kirill’s, which considers itself “science,” and runic, which comes from amateurs and is declared “unscientific fantasy.” Moving away from G.S. Grinevich, I no longer trusted epigraphists, but one of the categories of professional historians, namely archaeologists, and began to look from monographs, including those of the last century, the magazine “Soviet Archeology” and “ Short messages” Institute of Archaeology, as well as from the collections of “Archaeological Discoveries” illustrations, where scientists reported strange inscriptions that were completely unreadable. No more than a few dozen such inscriptions, not very interesting in general, were discovered. It seemed to me naively that if archaeologists themselves point to the existence of some non-Cyril inscriptions on Slavic products, then epigraphists will be obliged to take this into account. So all that was left to do was to look through the archaeological literature and find the required number of examples. Here I acted in the same vein as my predecessor G.S. Grinevich, only more persistently and more carefully, without attacking inscriptions of non-Slavic origin, which significantly expanded the number of Slavic finds. This was the case before reading the article by M.K. Kargera, dedicated to ancient Kyiv; in the article about the results of finds at an ancient fire there was an illustration in the form of a vessel with inscriptions, which the archaeologist did not say a word about, although all the signs were similar to Cyrillic letters and were perfectly legible. I was not so much puzzled by the archaeologist’s silence as a little offended, since the inscription was visible, as they say, with the naked eye. Until now, I didn’t think that archaeologists could point blank not see the rune on finds discovered and described by themselves».

    But by the time of my decryption, I already knew the reason, which I described below: “ The inscription read ZNSLT. I realized that these were not letters, but runic signs, and I read GRAINS OF SUMMER or GRAINS OF SUMMER. Then it became clear to me why the archaeologist did not say anything about this: it was also clear to him that these were not letters, but that it could have been something else - there was no point in discussing it, because he had to get involved in dubious discussions about supposedly different writing in Rus' no use. It was easier to remain silent. And he remained silent. But from that moment (and this happened in mid-June 1994) archaeologists ceased to be an authority for me. Moreover, for me they were divided into “silent people” and “cheating people”. The first ones simply did not say anything about any unknown signs, and if they were encountered, then when photographing the shadow fell on them in such a way that the ordinary eye did not detect anything. This is what B.A. did, for example. Kolchin or the same M.K. Karger (fortunately, both were inconsistent in this regard). Others, such as A. V. Artsikhovsky, were very angry at unreadable signs and came up with different explanations for them, for example, “a test of the pen” or “machine drawings during boring lectures.” T.N. Nikolskaya was not angry, but attributed the unreadable signs to foreign writings, which is why native products were declared an import item, for example, penny clay icons. E.A. Rybina went even further and declared the unreadable signs to be Haus and Hofmarks, similar to the German ones. In this she followed A. Kotlyarevsky, who announced in a small brochure on German“Archaeological shavings” (Dorpat, 1871) crosses of Izborsk and similar markings as “signs of property”. This was a very convenient way for the “offenders” to become “silent”, but under a plausible pretext: property signs cannot be read. B.A. used this noble “figure of silence” most widely. Rybakov, who legalized it in his article in 1940. After him, other archaeologists stopped commenting on the signs found on the finds.».

    In this regard, I remember a curious incident that happened two years after the publication of the book, when I found myself at Moscow State University at the Faculty of History in the Department of Archeology V.L. Ioannina; the seminar on Novgorod finds was led by Professor E.A. Rybina. When she found out my last name, she was terribly scared. And there was a reason: the unreadable signs turned out to be written not in German runes (that is, not in Haus and Hof marks), but in Russian runitsa. And she decided that I had come to disgrace her. But I was not brought up to expose anyone publicly. If she likes her version, let her keep it. But only I realized for myself that she was fooling the students. And that I am like an eyesore for archaeologists. They cannot accept my point of view (it turns out that they have been telling students lies for decades), and my position has not yet been buried in science. In any case, the “special forces” of online hooligans clearly did not cope with their task of taking me beyond the line of science. And if I wish, I can discredit the readings of supposedly “Germanic runes” on the artifacts of any of them.

    Rice. 3. Images on the bracelet and on the lamp and my reading of the inscriptions

    Semi-explicit images: pattern.

    Here, as mentioned above, I started reading the patterns. This reading was preceded by the following reasoning: “ Here I must stop for a while and reflect on the problem of pattern. From my point of view, a pattern is simply a stylized representation of either the shape of an object (for example, a plant pattern) or, as I lead the reader to, the shape of written characters that form a meaningful text. Archaeologists are still accustomed to the first, and do not at all assume the presence of the second. In this book, I demonstrate precisely the textual basis of many Russian patterns (this is especially clearly seen in the chapter devoted to jewelry). In other words, from my point of view, the creators of patterns did not invent them at all, but simply rounded off the usual written signs to the level of a pattern. And it’s much easier than coming up with unimaginable curlicues. The patterns on the bracelets published by two Ukrainian researchers, whose article I read in April 1994, seemed especially similar to runic signs to me. Then I was simply attracted by the drawings themselves, now I am able to read them.

    It turns out the word RUCHITSY, which I did not know. But it is not known to other scientists either, since it has fallen out of use; and it means BRACELETS. So I was faced with the fact that reading “patterns” can give words that are new to us, but once existed in the Russian language. So the use of the syllabary I created on the basis of other readings led to a tangible result: to the identification of a new ancient word and to an understanding of its meaning. In this book, I devoted a separate chapter to such words, and this section is placed immediately after this one. But the important thing here is that for the first time a result was obtained that was unknown to my fellow epigraphists; hence, runica can give new information, missing from Kirill's texts.

    From this moment on, my reading of inscriptions moves from one of my hobbies to my new professional activity related to the processing of texts written in runic. Now many things become important for me: the material of the letter, the motive of the author of the inscription to use the runic alphabet rather than the Cyrillic alphabet, the general composition of the inscription, its placement on an archaeological site. To some extent, it turns out that I know and I can read more than what historical epigraphists know and can read, and therefore, paradoxically, I also become a professional. At first I didn’t realize this, but after I moved on to reading mixed texts and unwittingly wandered into the territory where such highly respected colleagues as A.A. had calmly grazed before me. Medyntseva, E.A. Melnikova, T.V. Rozhdestvenskaya, I was suddenly struck by their obvious mistakes, which neither they themselves nor their colleagues had noticed before. These mistakes were caused by ignorance of the runica, failure to take into account its presence in the texts, and sometimes led to completely arbitrary interpretations of documents. In these cases, for me, our roles changed. Now their readings began to seem fantastic to me, and their claim to a scientific interpretation of certain types of documents (for example, inscriptions on hryvnias or oriental coins) was simply anecdotal. Of course, I fully share the respect and gratitude for these researchers when they introduce new epigraphic monuments into scientific circulation and give their initial reading and interpretation. I have no complaints here. There are no comments regarding reading obvious and simple texts. But complex texts (although not all of them either) in their interpretation sometimes become simply unrecognizable. In addition, I also have complaints against archaeologists regarding the inscriptions when publishing a number of archaeological sites - they are clearly insufficient and in some cases simply hide existing inscriptions» .

    Candlestick from Novgorod.

    In the same fig. 3 I depicted a candlestick from Novgorod. The text accompanying it was: “ The first word that I was able to read quite independently was the name of a candlestick from Novgorod; this happened in 1992. Therefore, I will first present a picture - as a fragment of a whole series of drawings from the Moscow newspaper Al Qods for 1994, where I published my very first article about decryptions, and then I will tell you what kind of thing came into my field of vision, how easy it was to find on there is an inscription on it, and how this inscription gradually began to be read and understood. Naturally, nothing works right away, and in order to start reading the runic, fairly simple texts were needed. I came across them, but I was never sure that I was reading correctly. Now, if the inscription coincided with the purpose of the object, then it would be a different matter: I would understand that I was on the right path and that the reading was going as it should. And using the example of the Novgorod candlestick, happiness smiled on me - I found what I was looking for.

    Generally speaking, I have long had a passion for acquiring archaeological literature, and when I began to become interested in Slavic syllabic writing, I decided to rummage through my treasure trove and look for any images with incomprehensible signs. But such images did not come across for a long time. Later I understood why: archaeologists publish only what is completely understandable, and the caption under the picture is likeimage of a found object with incomprehensible signsis quite traumatic for the researcher himself. This can be forgiven for him only when we are talking about some newly discovered archaeological culture, where there is still a lot of mystery; but when an image of some household item of medieval Rus', completely recognizable and familiar, is published, then talking about “mysterious signs” on it means signing off on some kind of professional inferiority. Really, just 200-300 years ago, ordinary Russian people knew something that the current doctor of historical sciences does not know? This somehow doesn’t fit into my mind. And, according to venerable academicians, there was no pre-Cyril writing system in Rus'.

    So, leafing through the anniversary collection dedicated to the 50th anniversary of excavations in Novgorod, on p. 215, I came across a photograph of a wooden candlestick from the 14th century, discovered in an excavation on Kirov Street. In the text on p. 216 he was not even mentioned, although the objects whose photographs were placed nearby were named - three iron lights andinteresting clay lamp”. The wooden candlestick, therefore, did not arouse any interest and was not commented on.

    The photograph itself did not immediately attract my attention either - it was dark, where the candlestick was deliberately illuminated from the sides so that the shadow fell on the center of the image, on the inscription itself. Nowadays, computer technology allows me to give an exact reproduction of this photograph. At the same time, I lightened it as much as possible so that the inscription could be seen at least to some extent. But still, the inscription is more likely to be guessed than seen. So the authors of the article acted wisely: they gave the photograph, thereby getting rid of possible accusations of suppressing this find, and did not report anything about it, so as not to discuss the presence of unreadable signs on it. So for my first article, I redrew the image by hand and drew the signs by hand.

    Later, I already used scanning, but, not yet fully mastering the capabilities of the computer, I cleared the area from the thick shadow as best I could inside the image and wrote the inscription by hand. It turned out clearer than when drawing on paper, but not quite the way I would like to see this item if the photo was normal. This time I wrote the following in the article:« In Fig. 5 shows three lamps, that is, lamps into which a wick with a clay base was inserted, and oil was poured into these wooden vessels. On the left one you can read the inscription SVETILO, that is, LAMP, and on the other two- FILL And FILL OIL. Note that syllabic marks here are often joined together to form ligatures, and appearance theirs is quite peculiar, resembling crosses, corners and other angular figures. This- the so-called “prickly style” of Novgorod syllabary».

    Rice. 4. Piercings (shilas), which were previously called ZHALEVO in Russian


    « What new things did you learn? - First of all, the scope of the use of the runica is amazing. I published only a small fraction of the epigraphic wealth accumulated by archaeologists, namely, runic inscriptions on 30 types of objects whose names have either been forgotten or are still in use (about 75 inscriptions); on registered items - on 93 things, on 7 “ancient” items, on 55 “princely signs”, 282 inscriptions on bricks, 66 on pieces of jewelry, which together amounts to 578 examples.

    Is it a lot or a little? Let me remind you that S. Gedeonov read one inscription, F. Magnusen - three, N.A. Konstantinov - 7, M.L. Seryakov - about a dozen, G.S. Grinevich (I mean “East Slavic”) is about two dozen, Yan Lecheevsky is about three dozen.” I’m not talking about the quality of reading, I’m just showing the number of detected texts with “mysterious” signs". - In fact, before me, ALL EPIGRAPHISTS had read about 62-64 inscriptions, and in this book alone I read about an order of magnitude (almost 10 times!) more. This means that by this parameter alone, the Russian epigraphy of the runica in my person has not just risen one step, but has moved from amateur to professional reading syllabic texts.

    It may be objected to me that only amateurs worked before me, and professional decryption should only be compared with professional decryption. But there is an answer to this in my book. " If we compare it with the final work of A.A. Medyntseva on all the outstanding monuments of Kirill's epigraphy, she examined 14 inscriptions on amphorae (including on shards), 30 - on spindle whorls, 4 - on grivnas, 2 - on foundry molds, 5 - on walls, 4 - on plinths, 4 - on weapons, 5 - on charms and bowls, about a dozen - on icon frames and the same number - on icons, crosses, serpentines, 13 - on wood, 3 - on monumental works; a total of about 90 inscriptions. On average, I have this amount per chapter. And again, I do not take into account the quality of reading, because, as was shown in the text of this book, a number of inscriptions with runic signs by A.A. Medyntseva mistook the Cyrillic alphabet for letters, which inevitably led to errors. Thus, in terms of the number of examples considered, I exceeded the most competent summary of data to date by more than 6 times. So it's not a lot, but a fantastic amount».

    Rice. 5. Bracelets, which used to be called RUCHITSY in Russian

    This is the result of the publication of only this first book. After the publication of the second book, in which a slightly larger number of inscriptions were published (inscriptions on jewelry and handicrafts, on spindle whorls, on weapons, on coins, on vessels and trade items), their number read was approximately 1100-1300. This array is larger than the number read by academician A.A. The sludge of birch bark letters, on the basis of which he identified the Old Novgorod dialect. The identification of such an array of syllabic writing, including on some birch bark letters, is quite comparable to the identification of one of the dialects of the Russian language. However, the fate of these discoveries turned out differently. A.A. Zaliznyak became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but philologists did not pay attention to my research. But this is not significant, Mendeleev was also not elected to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, and no one saw anything special in this. It's a shame that the same A.A. Zaliznyak, after the enormous work I had done, called me an amateur, having no idea at all about the syllabary writing of Russia. This was already contrary to all scientific traditions.

    It is clear that any bias has its reasons. And this book was a litmus test for identifying it. And the essence was this: for the Russian language at the beginning of the second millennium AD. It is quite acceptable to have dialects, not even one, but three or four. Russia is large in territory, and special pronunciation and local words could well have arisen in one area or another. Although this somewhat expands our understanding of the early stages of the development of the Russian language in the ancient Russian state, it fits well into the established paradigm the late origin of Slavic languages ​​in relation to Western European ones, and the especially late origin of the Russian language. But the presence of syllabic Russian writing in parallel with the Cyrillic alphabet, and even going back to a much more ancient state of the Russian language breaks this paradigm, foreshadowing the scientific revolution. So I - professional scientific revolutionary. With all the ensuing negative consequences for me.

    Rice. 6. Buckle tongues, which were previously called ZANOZY in Russian

    My previous book did not foretell any such breakdown. There, hypotheses of various authors regarding the existence of syllabic writing were considered, however, all of them were not very convincing, and the finding of it by G.S. Grinevich, after my critical remarks, was questioned. So, although I stated in conclusion that we had such writing, after reading the book itself, the reader did not form such an opinion with the necessary certainty.

    The book in question turned out to be completely different. In its conclusion I write: “ What is the main conclusion from this study? It is like this: runica existed in Rus', and chronologically like this: until the 10th century - it was a monopoly (I have considered more than a dozen examples of precisely this period), but it continued to coexist in parallel with the Cyrillic alphabet untilXIV century very active and untilXVI century - as a dying type of writing; Vin the 17th century it was used very rarely and with errors, and indisappeared in the 18th century". At the end of the book, I could only state such a distribution over the centuries, that is, I made a purely empirical observation, but could not explain it, since I did not know the events either in Spring Rus' or in Western Europe related specifically to writing. Now I understand the reason: the main books written in runic were not produced in our Rus', which was then called the Russia of the Slavs, but in the Rus' of Yar, and after the decisions of the Council of Trent, which banned the existence of books not dated according to Christ (and all of them were dated according to Yar ), these books began to be withdrawn from use and destroyed. This also affected the Moscow kingdom that was emerging in this era.

    Rice. 7. Seals, which were previously called VZHATETS and VZHATETS in Russian

    « At the same time, the runica permeated all spheres of social life: everyday life (inscriptions on dishes), collateral and money circulation, crafts, weapons, jewelry, a system of signs, maps of the area carved on stones, princely signs, birch bark letters, graffiti in churches. In other words, Runitsa was an all-Russian syllabic writing system, in no way inferior to the Cyrillic alphabet . That's why The Cyrillic alphabet in no way can be considered the first all-Russian or Slavic written language.

    Although a similar conclusion was voiced in my previous book, it did not have what appeared in this one: evidence. The existence of runica in Rus' in the pre-Mongol period is in this book proved, having examined key groups of objects, everywhere the runic was either present or was the only means of transmitting information (for example, on vessels, on hryvnias). Moreover, I showed step by step how the interaction between the runica and the Cyrillic alphabet occurred, when the runica at first moved from ligatures to a chaotic (clustered) arrangement of characters, then to a linear one, even later - with a deliberately sparse arrangement of characters, and then, including incorporating the Cyrillic alphabet into itself, it became a mixed style (at first the letters were read in a syllabic manner, and then the syllabic signs were read as letters). This is no longer just a statement of fact, but an examination of the process in its dynamics. Of course, the evidence of a process is higher than the evidence of a single fact; Fortunately, an opportunity arises, rare for epigraphy, to consider in detail the problem of the coexistence of different graphic systems for one language. So after this book I think the very fact of the existence of runitsa in Rus' in the period of the X-XIII centuries has been proven with all the ensuing consequences» .

    It was this evidence and certainty that played a cruel joke on me. For if I had stopped halfway, as in the previous book, I might have received the attention of linguists, but only for my hard work. For the topic was still dangerous: syllabic writing precedes alphabetic writing in stages, and the discovery of such in Rus', one of the supposedly most backward regions of Europe, according to Western scientists, breaks the usual ideas. So it was after this book and precisely because of its evidence that I became an enemy of academic linguistics. At a seminar with V.L. Yanina, I was convinced of this. They didn’t know me personally there, but when I introduced myself, all the conversations around me fell silent, as if around an enemy spy who, for diplomatic reasons, cannot be slammed on the spot. I also felt this during my rare visits to the Institute of Archeology in Moscow.

    Rice. 8. Tweezers, which used to be called ZHMELO in Russian

    Then I moved on to less global results. " There are quite a lot of consequences from this. The first, purely pragmatic, is very pleasant: it is possible to read the mixed styles of the “most ancient” Russian inscriptions of the 10th century. Since they did not exist without runic signs, modern, so to speak, “reading”, which ignores precisely this most important component, leads to the fact that the inscriptions are either “not readable”, or a lot of interpretation options are obtained, such as a request to fill the throat (in the spelling of that time, GOROLO) KANA led to various PEAS, PEAS, PEA PSALS and other equally fantastic interpretations. In the same way, the inscription on the sword, LYUDODSHA, is justified by two diminutive suffixes from the word LUDOVIK, while the official epigraphic reading of LYUDOTHA, which does not take into account runic signs, does not have such justification. And El-Nedim's inscription was not read at all before my attempts. So we managed to read the most unreadable, most difficult to read inscriptions.

    But the longer-term consequences are not so bleak. First of all, it turns out that the picture cultural life Rus' turns out to be much more complex than previously imagined. From purely epigraphic consequences we have to move on to sociocultural ones, tracking these small discoveries of each chapter. Thus, during the study it turned out that 800-1000 years ago there was a unique system of “certification” of personality, where data about her was located in the belt set; and the most informative part of the belt is belt ring, where you can read the first name, last name, sometimes profession and even the name of the gentleman whom the person served. Thus, many burial grounds cease to be a repository of unknown remains; in some cases, one can clearly say who was buried here ten centuries ago (and this despite the fact that nowadays there is a special laboratory for identifying people who died a few days ago - we we don’t know whose remains these are, if the bodies were damaged). Moreover, as it turned out, even burning does not destroy the data on the ring, although the ring itself is deformed in the flame. And even more so, the ring is not afraid of water. These are truly eternal data: they don’t burn in fire, and they don’t drown in water. This is in some ways not only not inferior to a modern passport, but also more than exceeds it in terms of reliability of information storage. So either we are dealing with an inexplicable quirk of the Middle Ages, completely unnecessary from the modern point of view of statehood of that period, or, on the contrary, we greatly underestimate the level of development of the social culture of medieval society in Rus'» .

    Rice. 9. Pliers, which used to be called VOPILO in Russian

    And this also plunges historians into shock: it turns out that in those days not only were the names of many people known ordinary people(it is officially believed that surnames appear only in the 18th century), but they also carried some kind of “passports”, which did not exist in Western Europe and which in some cases does not exist even today. It is very pleasant for a Russian person to read about this, but not for a modern Russian historian: some V.A. Chudinov, who has been reading ancient inscriptions for weeks, teaches historians what exactly happened in Rus' and what didn’t! It's a shame!

    « Further, it turned out that the city's economy was well planned, and when constructing a building, it was said in the era of which ruler and in which state it was built. All the necessary signs and indicators were applied to the bricks, including the name of the city at that time. The only thing I haven't come across yet is the medieval street names; It is quite possible that archaeologists have not yet published the corresponding impressions on the bricks and plinth. Both the interiors of the premises and the street spaces were provided with signs, which sometimes helps to restore the location of various capital and light premises. There were road signs, city plans, and even more or less accurate maps with signatures of the main structures of the city, engraved on pebbles, as was found in Old Ryazan. In short, the medieval inhabitants of Rus' were guided by runic inscriptions and did not get lost around the city. And again, this fact does not fit into the usual picture of princes, their squads and smerds; It seems that neither one, nor the other, nor the third needed maps: they came to a strange city, took a guide, and went where they needed to go. Note that the only way to lose a map on pebbles is to lose it; it cannot be burned, soaked, covered in dirt, or even broken (this would require special tricks), it is also “eternal.” And it was made in an ordinary stone-cutting workshop. What was the level of literacy of the craftsmen?

    From these small examples it is clear that we simply did not look closely at the remains of the material culture of our ancestors. But they didn’t look closely for one reason: we consider ourselves to be much higher in level of development than the inhabitants of the Middle Ages, and we would like to remain in this pleasant delusion. And when we find out that in some respects we are inferior to our distant ancestors, we become very uncomfortable» .

    Rice. 10. Boomerang, which used to be called KRUDILO in Russian

    I note that only researching the names on bricks could have earned me a PhD in historical sciences. However, I do not need titles, but knowledge. And this knowledge enriched my understanding of medieval Russian cities. I'm not sure that in Europe at that time there were corresponding city signs and stone cards cities with a lot of signatures.

    « Another discovery was a completely different socio-political situation than what follows from current history textbooks. It turns out that there were THREE Rus': PERUNOVA, ZHIVINA AND STOLICHNAYA. Stolichnaya is Muscovy, Zhivina is Novgorod and generally Northwestern, but bearing the name of the goddess Zhiva, whose cult flourished in the Neolithic in the region of present-day Serbia, and Perunova, that is, Lithuania. At the same time, behind the concepts of ZHIVINA and PERUNOV there are thousand-year-old traditions, while STOLICHNAYA Rus' looks like an upstart. This is the real socio-political triangle of Russian-speaking countries, while textbooks tell us about some kind of direct continuity from Kievan to Muscovite Rus'. Meanwhile, as for the cabinet term Kievan Rus, it did not receive confirmation in the inscriptions of the corresponding time: then they simply wrote Kyiv, Rus, just as they wrote SUZDAL, RUSS. But in relation to Chernigov they wrote differently, NORTHERN Rus'. In other words, NORTHERN Rus' was perceived as Slavic country, while Kyiv - only as city. Or more precisely, as a city of VOLEVOYA Rus'. I do not undertake to define all the subtleties of these realities yet, but it has become clear that the simple picture that exists now does not work out. — Difficulties also arise with the “Khazar” fortress of Sarkel, where on the shards of the 10th century I did not come across a single Khazar inscription - all of them were Russian, including information about the receipt of goods from KHAZARIA and the direction of RUSSIAN TRIBUTE TO KHAZARIA. In other words, the political geography of those days was somewhat different» .

    Thus, it was while working on this book that doubts crept into my mind about the existence of Kievan Rus. I believe that from that moment on I became persona non grata not only for linguists, but also for historians.

    Rice. 11. Mold for casting jewelry, which in Russian was called TIN

    « The most surprising and very sad discovery was a completely different picture of the existence of graffiti on oriental coins and hryvnias. The existing point of view that Scandinavian inscriptions were applied to them, namely the Icelandic word GOD (GOR), was not confirmed, as well as the presence of proper names on them such as PETROV, BYNYATA, SELYATA. Instead, it turned out that the listed valuables were pawned, that is, pledged to obtain cash loans, the word MORTGAGE was first scratched on them, then the name of the country where the corresponding office was located was drilled out, then they moved on to a stamp with a seal, where the name of the city was already written. How could epigraphists not notice the existence of seals while holding hryvnias in their hands, I just wonder. The sad side of the matter is that Russian inscriptions on eastern coins are still trying to be read in Icelandic, the same inscriptions on hryvnias are like Kirill’s, and the inscriptions on coins are like Arabic, although we are talking about the same runitsa. Moreover, the incorrect point of view is presented with pomp as “scientific”, and the reading of the runic, which almost completely coincides with the Kirill legend of the coin, is presented as “fantastic”. That is, you can and should believe that the oriental coin in Rus' is an Icelandic god (in one case, even specifically GOD TYR), but you cannot believe that it is just a MORTGAGE or PLEDGE, this is supposedly a fantasy. With all due respect to epigraphists, whose bread is really not easy, I cannot come to terms with this situation and believe that they have been moving in the wrong direction for several decades» .

    And this is a direct challenge to the Norman theory, for which “material evidence” was rooted precisely in these inscriptions. Moreover, it turned out that the hryvnia was not a monetary instrument, but a collateral. This also hits hard according to the statements of modern historians.

    Rice. 12. Salt shakers, which in Russian were previously called PCHEPOT

    « It also turned out that in the Middle Ages many words were used that were later superseded by foreign or Russian words, but different ones. There were STINGS, ZHMELA, VZHATTS AND SQUEEZTS, SCREAMS, KRUDILA, CANA, KAMORY, RUCHITSI, SPAINS, patterned TIN, DIL and a number of other expressions that have not come down to us. In this sense, my reading contributed reconstruction of the lexical fund of the medieval Russian language(it is usually called Old Russian, although you can read inscriptions that are more ancient than medieval ones). The fact that such words do not appear in Cyril’s texts is understandable, since chronicles or literary works usually do not mention everyday trifles, and reading runitsa on medieval items seems very promising for historical lexicology. Generally speaking, there was a stylistic difference between the runic alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet: the first was used in everyday life and for various everyday messages, the second represented an example of a business, literary and religious style. And just as before the twentieth century, the word FOREIGN LANGUAGE was understood, first of all, as a LITERARY language (and therefore, having studied it and gone to the country where it was spoken, the citizens who studied it found themselves helpless in everyday situations, not understanding those around them and not having opportunities to express their needs), in the middle of the twentieth century, FOREIGN BUSINESS had already appeared for training, and we are only just approaching the creation of FOREIGN HOUSEHOLD courses. Even the first monograph “Russian Colloquial Speech” was published by the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences only in 1983. Consequently, in historical terms, we first studied the “medieval literary”, which was partly traditional Common Slavonic, partly Church Slavonic, but was consolidated under the name OLD SLAVIC LANGUAGE. As for “medieval everyday life,” it is much closer to modern in grammar and word formation than Old Church Slavonic, however, it has a number of lexical features, which are revealed by the inscriptions on the runitsa. Thus, reading the inscriptions in the runic alphabet does not contradict the reading of texts in Cyrillic, but significantly complements them, demonstrating a different linguistic style and a different social category of native speakers.

    Finally, it can be noted that several runic inscriptions belonged to the 9th, 8th and even 2nd centuries! This suggests that all this time the runica existed and changed in its own way. Moreover, it turns out that at that time the Cyrillic alphabet coexisted alongside it, which turned out to be at least 700 years older than Cyril! I did not dwell on this problem, because it requires, on the one hand, the presence of supporting facts, and on the other hand, special historical research. But if this fact is true (and I have no reason to doubt it), then the presence of two types of writing moves far into the depths of history, forcing us to interpret the cultural heritage of the Slavs in a completely different way» .

    Rice. 13. The name of the pot is like KANA and KANELA

    It turns out that my book did not provide a tiny increment of historical and linguistic information, which is usually required from a candidate’s dissertation, and sometimes from a doctoral dissertation, but a giant leap forward. I was just ahead of my time. And the same comical situation arose, as in the book “Old Man Hottabych,” when Volka ibn Alyosha spouted some nonsense about the sphericity of the Earth, while the old genie was convinced that the Earth was flat. So I am, from the point of view of current linguistics and historiography, some kind of nonsense about the high literacy of our ancestors back in the 10th century, about the fact that they had peculiar “passports” and maps of the city on the runica, that they had signs traffic and names of buildings.

    « In short, very interesting new material was obtained. For each of the chapters, a separate monograph could be written, involving the history of the issue, existing interpretations and new epigraphic data. But this will be a special study, not intended for the general reader. And in this book I wanted to appeal precisely to a wide range of ordinary citizens who do not have the blinkered eyes of academic science, in order to reveal our great cultural heritage, which people either do not want or cannot extract, by their very nature and professional duty they are obliged to work with precisely this problem. I believe, however, that I can find not only supporters, but also followers who consider it their patriotic duty to engage in the rehabilitation of the glorious Slavic past» .

    In ten years, I have already gained both followers and admirers, there are already about five thousand admirers, and a little more than a dozen followers. But this, as I am sure, is just the beginning.

    Rice. 14. The pusher was called TOLKALO

    Responses to the book.

    I note that the book was first published on the websites of the Academy of Trinitarianism. Each chapter was reflected in the corresponding article. Later this book was offered for download many times; I counted offhand more than 20 such proposals. In reality there are many more.

    But there are also individual statements about the book.

    Vladislav Belorechensky. Where did the Russian land come from? http://www.1-sovetnik.com/articles/article-434.html. " The information preserved in Siberia is confirmed by the research of some Moscow scientists.

    Thus, the chairman of the commission on the history of culture of Ancient Rus' of the Council for the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Valery Chudinov, in his monographs “Mysteries of Slavic Writing” (2002), “Runitsa and the Secrets of the Archeology of Rus'” (2003), “Sacred Stones and Pagan Temples ancient Slavs" (2004) proved that the Slavs, even in ancient times, had the highest spiritual culture.

    Studying the numerous sacred stones and places of worship our ancestors discovered on the territory modern Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, the scientist found data on the presence of Slavic culture in a vast area, from Great Britain to Alaska - in time from the Neolithic to the first half of the 17th century. This led him to a sensational conclusion for those uninitiated in the secrets of history: Eurasian culture is the culture of the Slavs, and Eurasia is Rus'. The Slavic language was the ancient sacred language of Europe. We, Russians, have actually preserved that very ancient, main language of the Eurasians.

    Chudinov proved that in ancient times the Slavic peoples had three of their own types of writing: Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Runic. He managed to decipher the runica, a Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary, and already read more than 2 thousand inscriptions. This made it possible to shed light on the history of the development of Slavic culture over the past 30,000 years!

    The scientist also came to the conclusion that the Etruscan language is a variety of the Belarusian language. Moreover, on one of the mirrors found by archaeologists it is written that the Etruscans came from the Krivichi, and the capital of the Krivichi was the city of Smolensk. Another group of Etruscans - Polotsk people from Polotsk…»

    Rice. 15. The names ARROW, PEAK and GLASS, written in runic

    Svetlana. September 29, 2013. Book by V.A. Chudinov “runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'”. http://uznaipravdu.narod.ru/viewtopic380d.html?t=1678.

    « A book by the researcher of Slavic writing V.A. Chudinova contains large number the latest decipherments of numerous inscriptions made in the medieval Slavic syllabary - runica. Archaeologists find signs of it on household items, jewelry, and objects of Jewish and Christian cults. The main goal of this study is to show the modern reader the high level of medieval Russian culture. Judging by birch bark letters and numerous inscriptions on objects, our ancestors widely used writing in everyday life and government affairs. The study of runitsa and recent archaeological discoveries once again prove that medieval Rus' was one of the highly developed states of Europe.

    "...Another discovery turned out to be a completely different socio-political situation than the one that follows from current history textbooks. It turns out that there were THREE Rus': PERUNOVA, ZHIVINA AND STOLICHNAYA. Stolichnaya is Muscovy, Zhivina Rus' is Novgorod and in general the North Western, but bearing the name of the goddess Zhiva, whose cult flourished in the Neolithic in the region of present-day Serbia, and Lithuania, that is, behind the concepts of ZHIVINA and PERUNOV there are thousand-year-old traditions, while CAPITAL Rus' looks like an upstart.»

    « Much of Mr. Chudinov’s evidence is extremely logical, subject to certain laws of reading and perception, in contrast to recognized authoritative epigraphists. Moreover, when using computer technology and ignoring church shackles, I am sure that REAL results will be obtained, no matter how much anyone likes it! At a minimum, a clear algorithm is proposed; it is clear that there is euphoria and excessive pathos about the general Russification of the ancient world, although - why not? And why are we worse than the Chinese with their 3000 year old written language??? and no one seems to be shouting that this is nonsense!... and they themselves are not against it. I am definitely convinced that Russians are not Ivans who do not remember their kinship!»

    Rice. 16. The names BOARD, SPOON and SPOONS, the latter on the case for spoons

    There have been a lot of positive responses to the book, so I’ll stop at this point. There are also negative ones. I will consider one of them in more detail in the spirit of response to events last days. Because this is one of the fights local significance, caused precisely by the publication of my book and my subsequent research.

    Feeble-minded Feeble-minded. December 16, 2013. " Dear Valery Alekseevich! My acquaintance Serdit Serditych was angry with you because, when citing a link to his remark suffered through a sleepless night, you did not take into account the space in the whole line. This led to a distortion of the meaning of the replica».

    The feeble-minded The feeble-minded, apparently, does not take into account two things. The first thing is that the author of the non-distinction of spaces is Serdit Serditych himself, who reads the words THE WORLD OF MARY YARA without spaces, like MIRMARYYARA. So, as it comes around, so it will respond. And second: Angry Serditych is a phantom. Such a person really does not exist. There is only a certain computer program that implements the intentions of its programmer, nothing more. And the Program, as you know, cannot have feelings of resentment, rage, shame or good manners. So here the weakling weakling is telling a lie. The program cannot be angry - it does not possess such properties.

    I note that this Program broadcasts under different nicknames. As Brykr, she seeks out the opinions of boys and girls who, due to their age, have emotions that prevail over reason, and who share their feelings of rejection of everything and everyone with the whole world. Of all the possible responses to my speeches, this subprogram tries to select only negative, kicking ones, however, judging by the statistics (no more than 1 response per year), even it succeeds with difficulty. Under the nickname Suomalainen, this Program provides links to unpublished and non-existent articles by various authors in order to accuse its opponent of ignorance of these articles.

    Rice. 17. Syllabic inscriptions of the Novgorod birch bark charter No. 16 Lushevan

    So briefly: nickname Suomalainen is a reader of the non-existent, nickname Serditych is an epigrapher of spaces, nickname Brykr is a lover of youthful emotions. Even when the Program decided to materialize and sent me a T-shirt, which I gladly use as a rug in front of the front door (all the guests admire how this gift of the Program absorbs other people’s dirt), it was able to do this only through the real pensioner Somsikov from St. Petersburg.

    And the LiveJournal of love for children itself is nothing more than a game by linguists supposedly in defense of science. More precisely, in defense of their science, where there is no place for the rich ancient Slavic history and different types Russian writing. And not even science itself, but a certain scientific entourage of its bosses. Moreover, by child they understand either Chudinov, or Chudilo, or Monster, or Voniduch, or Valeniya, or Avak Avakyan, or Somsikov, or Yarali Yaraliev, or Zhivov, or Zaliznyak, and some are praised, some are scolded, depending on moods. It's funny how each of their characters can be described as such strictly scientific epithets: " as a swindler and a charlatan, a philosopher who has been miraculously cheated, as a specialist in history, linguistics, epigraphy, etc., as a person who has already All And of all cracks (and this despite the weather in Moscow being quite frosty for all kinds of leaks), like a shameless and illiterate producer ( I barely saved Academician A.A. from these accusations. Zaliznyak, but the Program did not appreciate this, since it was not included in it - V.Ch. ), as “an adult uncle with his eyes squinted towards his nose from constant lies,” like a blind man with mentally retarded admirers of his child’s creativity, for whom the child’s opuses are designed, like a crazy child liar, completely perverted, like a liar with a child’s admirers who do not have sufficient mental abilities to simply check the veracity of a child’s words, like a person who not only took a shit, but acted like a pig " - Isn’t it true that there is an abyss of strictly scientific evidence of the correctness of modern linguistics and historiography? I wonder what scientific journal would take the liberty of reprinting this kind of refutation of my research? You can go further and ask - what scientist would dare to call such a voluble a scientific style of polemic?

    I believe that only such a reader and admirer of the Program as the Weak-minded Weak-minded.

    Rice. 18. Syllabic inscriptions of the Novgorod birch bark charter No. 753


    My book in question appeared both timely and premature. It is timely because preliminary censorship has disappeared, and private, non-state publishing houses have appeared. This made it possible to publish the work without numerous scientific reviewers, who would certainly have banned such a publication. In other words, only during a short period of absence of scientific pressure was it able to be published.

    But it came out prematurely because the Westernization of Russian science, which advanced quite quickly in the 19th century, continued to be carried out in Soviet era, although the official propaganda seemed to disown the West in every possible way. The thing is that Russia at the very beginning of the twentieth century was developing by leaps and bounds, and this greatly worried the West. As a result, the First was imposed on us world war, which sharply worsened the situation of the population, and this natural discontent, aggravated by the artificial inflation of food prices, created a revolutionary situation. The government, which had lived through Russia's heyday, was unprepared for such a rapid deterioration in the population's condition, and began to take feverish but ineffective actions. There was no anti-crisis manager at that time.

    Foreign intelligence services took advantage of this, introduced their agents into the agitated and weakened Russia and carried out a revolution in their own interests. So our revolution was neither Russian nor proletarian, but a revolution of professional revolutionaries of the Western sense. Therefore, all Russian religious philosophers, and in fact, philosophers of the Russian worldview, were expelled from Russia, and even such a deeply national poet as A.S. Pushkin fell into disgrace (“let’s throw Pushkin off the ship of revolution!” proclaimed the writers’ organization RAPP). For the spirit of proletarian internationalism, materialism and atheism, alien to Rus', was implanted.

    Rice. 19. Ownership syllabic inscriptions on spindle whorls

    Our cultural history was limited in school only to the 19th century; other cultural achievements were studied only in specialized universities. Western modernism was welcomed in every possible way, from romanticism to impressionism. But against the backdrop of this circumstance, denying its consequences, for example, surrealism and abstractionism, no longer looked logical. And therefore, in the last decades of Soviet power, this form of Westernization of Russian culture was legalized.

    Dissidents, fed by Western money, also added their contribution, praising the Western way of life in every possible way. The small post-war rise in Russian patriotism with the death of Stalin did not even receive moral support from the authorities, although in the countryside forms of folk life, albeit in a truncated form, were still preserved. Then, for some reason, we began to compete with the West not in ideology, but in sectors of production that, for one reason or another of a natural or historical nature, were not strong in our country, and we actually lost this race. Which, of course, led to the erosion of many spiritual values.

    Having thrown off the system imposed on us, we, however, did not return to our own - the new Russian leadership of the post-Soviet era, under demagogic slogans, was rapidly turning the second most developed power in the world into an underdeveloped colony, a raw material appendage of Europe. And this happened not only according to the plans of the US State Department, but also with the direct participation of its employees as assistants to Russian President Yeltsin in the collapse of the country.

    Therefore, talking about the former greatness of the culture of Rus', about its glorious past, and even at a high scientific level, meant fighting the ongoing Westernization. Being unable to either ban the publication of my books or close my website with approximately 1050 articles I published on the Internet, these Russians, by place of residence, and sometimes by passport, purveyors of the Western point of view, began to fight not with scientific, but with slanderous methods. A little higher I showed what strictly scientific arguments they lead: if I show that A.A. Zaliznyak contributed to the development of the history of the Russian language by showing the existence of the Old Novgorod dialect (although it would be more correct to call it medieval rather than ancient), and I demonstrated a large array of documents written by Runica, then it turns out that we (and also all researchers Russian antiquity) are people who “ shit like pigs" In other words, Westernization is a blessing, and a rich, original culture is excrement. And such people in Russia are still paid money for this humiliation of the Russian people and given the opportunity to publish! Go crazy!

    In a word, although Russian national self-awareness is slowly but surely rising from its knees, it has not yet reached either the Ministry of Education or the Russian Academy of Sciences. Both education and science are being rapidly destroyed before our eyes. It turns out that universities in the Russian outback are ineffective because foreign students do not go to them. But did we really build them to train foreigners? Isn’t it to improve the education of the local population? - But the criteria for “efficiency” (and there are more than 50 of them) were invented by Westernizing officials. For them, everything related to the specifics of Russia is ineffective. They have one example - US universities.

    So it will still be years before the real significance of my book is recognized. We must survive the invasion of Westernizers into various areas of Russian spiritual culture. It will be difficult for us to compensate for the losses that are associated with their coming to administrative power, but this is retribution for the fact that at one time we did not create a mass of private public schools and universities with the propaganda of Russian culture. It just so happens that the “Russian” brand characterizes everything, just not Russian. It is becoming increasingly clear that the “Russian” brand means Western both in terms of priorities, and in the denial and humiliation of everything Russian, and in the desire for profit.

    Rice. 20. Cover of the book “Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'”


    But sooner or later, the multi-million Russian ethnic group will prevail not only demographically, but also spiritually, occupying leadership positions, including in the field of education and science. Then my work will be able to reach the attention of ordinary Russian citizens without indecent epithets. All these showmen in pseudonymous masks, all these ill-wishers of mine who threw mud at me and did not want to leave their names, will be instantly forgotten. They know how to bring nothing but harm to Russian culture, and they only care about maintaining leadership positions in spiritual life, so that in these positions they can receive high salaries and kickbacks. For their path is one - decay and oblivion.


  1. Chudinov V.A. Runica and the secrets of Russian archeology. - M.: Veche, 2003. - 432 p. (Secrets of the Russian Land).
  2. Chudinov V.A. Secret runes of ancient Rus'. - M.: Veche, 2005. - 400 p. (Secrets of the Russian Land).
  3. Chudinov V.A. Mysteries of Slavic writing. - M.: Veche, 2002. - 528 p. (Secrets of the Russian Land).

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The territory of Russia keeps many secrets. But Siberia is especially rich in mysteries - a place where peoples mixed, where huge ancient civilizations arose and disappeared.

Where did the Sargat disappear?

Siberian archaeologists are looking for an answer to the question: where did the ancient Sargats, whose kingdom stretched from the Urals to the Barabinsk steppes and from Tyumen to the steppes of Kazakhstan, disappear? There is an assumption that Sargatia was part of ancient Sarmatia and existed for more than 1000 years, and then disappeared, leaving behind only mounds. Scientists believe that in the territory Omsk region There is a special area of ​​Sargatia - “Graves of Ancestors”.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a whole complex was opened, called

Novoblonsky. Sargat burial mounds were up to 100 meters in diameter and reached a height of 8 meters. Clothes made of Chinese silk with gold decorations were found in the graves of the nobility; the Sargat wore gold hryvnias around their necks.

DNA studies have revealed their similarity with the Hungarians and Ugrians. Nobody knows where the Sargat disappeared. Unfortunately, many graves were plundered by “miners” back in the 18th century. The famous Siberian collection of Peter I was composed of Sargat gold.

Is Denisovan man the ancestor of Australian Aborigines?

In 2010, during excavations in the Denisovskaya Cave in Altai, archaeologists found the phalanx of a finger of a seven-year-old girl who lived 40,000 years ago. Half of the bone was sent to the Institute of Anthropology in Leipzig. In addition to bones, tools and jewelry were found in the cave. The results of the genome study shocked scientists. It turned out that the bone belonged to an unknown species of human, which was called Homo altaiensis - “Altai man”.

DNA tests have shown that the Altai genome deviates from the genome modern man by 11.7%, while for Neanderthals the deviation is 12.2%. No Altai inclusions were found in the genomes of modern Eurasians, but “Altai” genes were found in the genomes of Melanesians living on the islands Pacific Ocean; 4 to 6% of the genome is present in the Australian Aboriginal genome.

Salbyk pyramid

The Salbyk burial mound is located in the famous Valley of the Kings in Khakassia and dates back to the 14th century BC. The base of the mound is a square with a side of 70 meters. In the 1950s, an expedition of scientists found an entire complex inside the mound, reminiscent of Stonehenge.

Huge megaliths weighing from 50 to 70 tons were brought to the valley from the banks of the Yenisei. Then the ancient people covered them with clay and built a pyramid, not inferior to the Egyptian ones. The remains of three warriors were found inside. Archaeologists attribute the mound to the Tagar culture and still cannot answer how the stones were delivered to the valley.

Mammoth Kurya and Yanskaya site

Parking lots raise a lot of questions ancient man, discovered in Arctic Russia. This is the Mammoth Kurya site in Komi, which is 40,000 years old. Here archaeologists found bones of animals killed by ancient hunters: deer, wolves and mammoths, scrapers and other tools. No human remains were found.
Sites 26,000-29,000 years old were found 300 kilometers from Kurya. The northernmost site was the Yana site, found on the terraces of the Yana River. Dated to 32.5 thousand years old.

The most important question that arises after the discovery of sites is who could live here if there was an era of glaciation at that time? Previously it was believed that people reached these lands 13,000 - 14,000 years ago.

The mystery of the Omsk “aliens”

10 years ago, in the Omsk region, on the banks of the Tara River in the Murly tract, archaeologists found 8 graves of the Huns who lived 1.5 thousand years ago. The skulls turned out to be elongated, reminiscent of humanoid aliens.

It is known that ancient people wore bandages to give the skull a certain shape. Scientists are wondering what prompted the Huns to change the shape of the skull so much? There is an assumption that the skulls belong to female shamans. Since the find raises many questions, the skulls are not displayed, but are stored in storage rooms. It remains to add that the same skulls were found in Peru and Mexico.

The mystery of Pyzyryk medicine

The burials of the Pyzyryk culture in the Altai Mountains were discovered in 1865 by archaeologist Vasily Radlov. The culture was named after the Pyzyryk tract in the Ulagan region, where the tombs of the nobility were found in 1929. One of the representatives of the culture is considered to be the “Princess of Ukok” - a Caucasian woman whose mummy was found on the Ukok plateau.

Recently it turned out that the Pyzyryk people had the skills to perform craniotomy already 2300-2500 years ago. Now neurosurgeons are studying the skulls with traces of operations. Trepanations were carried out in full accordance with the recommendations of the “Hippocratic Corpus” - a medical treatise that was written at the same time in Ancient Greece.

In one case, a young woman apparently died during the operation; in another, a man with a head injury after trephination lived for several more years. Scientists say that the ancients used the safest technique for scraping bones and used bronze knives.

Arkaim - the heart of Sintashta?

The ancient city of Arkaim has long become a cult place for mystics and nationalists. It is located in the Urals, discovered in 1987 and dates back to the turn of the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. Belongs to the Sintash culture.

The city is distinguished by the preservation of buildings and burial grounds. It was named after the mountain, whose name comes from the Turkic “arka”, which means “ridge”, “base”. The Arkaim fortress was built according to a radial pattern of logs and bricks, people of the Caucasian type lived here, there were houses, workshops and even storm sewers.
Also found here were items made of bone and stone, metal tools, and foundry molds. It is believed that up to 25,000 people could live in the city. Settlements of a similar type were found in Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, in Bashkortostan, and therefore archaeologists called the area the “Land of Cities”.

The Sintash culture lasted only 150 years. It is unknown where these people went afterwards. Disputes about the origin of the city are still ongoing among scientists. Nationalists and mystics consider Arkaim a city of ancient Aryans and a “place of power.”