Tourist map of Spain. Map of spain resorts. Coasts with resorts on a map of Spain

Where is Spain? It is where the sun, sea, amazing nature, friendly people and unhurried slow life are. It is where the most extraordinary personalities in world history left their mark - Salvador Dali, Cervantes, Pablo Picasso, Antonio Gaudi, Goya. In those parts, people are not afraid for their own lives and know how to appreciate beauty. Everything here is imbued with passion, salt water and adventure.

You should know it

Some facts:

  • the official language is Spanish;
  • capital - ;
  • political structure - parliamentary monarchy;
  • king - Philip VI;
  • area - about 505 thousand sq. km (51st place in the world);
  • population - almost 47.5 million people (2013);
  • member of the European Union, Schengen zone, NATO.

The name is interpreted as “the shore of hyraxes” - small animals that look like rabbits.


On the map of Europe, this country ranks fourth in size. Spain is located on the mainland of the Iberian Peninsula in a southwestern direction, and also included the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea (Ibiza, Formentera, Menorca), in the Atlantic Ocean (La Gomera, Ierra, Fuerteventura and) and two cities in Africa - Melilla and Ceuto.

The territory of the kingdom borders:

  • in the west of the Pyrenees - with Portugal;
  • in the south of the Pyrenees - with Gibraltar;
  • from the ocean side - with North Africa;
  • in the north - with Andorra and France.

In the southern and eastern parts, the Spanish coasts are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the western and northern parts - by the Atlantic Ocean.


We can say that where Spain is located, the climate is the warmest in all of Europe. The number of days when the sun pleases with its rays is about 285 per year. At the same time, the Mediterranean coast boasts summer temperatures of 40 degrees, and winter temperatures of at least 10 degrees Celsius. You can only freeze in the north and center of the country - there the thermometer can drop to below zero.

The West Coast is not so warm - in the summer it's 25 degrees plus. The exception is Canary Islands, which are closest to Africa.

Conventionally, Spain belongs to the Mediterranean climate zone. But in fact, it is characterized by very significant differences in average annual indicators in different parts of the territory. For example, the northwest is characterized by mild weather with big amount precipitation and slight fluctuations in temperature throughout the year. The influence of the Atlantic is evident in large quantities moisture, fog, light drizzle. Summer is hot and humid.

Weather conditions look completely different in the interior parts of the country. There is little precipitation here, and the temperature can be sharp changes with the change of seasons. Winters here are very cold and summers are dry.


Spain on the mainland is distinguished by a large number of mountain ranges and high plateaus (about 90% of the total area).

Almost half of the Spanish territory is occupied by the Meseta plateau, divided into northern and southern parts by the Central Calderiera.

The north of Meseta is outlined by the Cantabrian Mountains with a length of 600 km. They are the ones who isolate the central regions of the country from the influence of the sea. This ridge, by its origin, is a continuation of the Pyrenees. The Pyrenees themselves stretch from west to east at a distance of 450 km.

From the northeast mainland Spain decorated with the Iberian Mountains, from which another ridge stretches towards the Pyrenees - the Catalan. It is he who descends in small ledges to the Mediterranean over a distance of 400 km.

The southeastern coast is the Cordillera Betica, the most famous branch of which is the Sierra Nevada mountains. In Europe, only the Alps are higher than them. And we can’t help but mention one more high point Spain - Teide volcano, the pearl of Tenerife.

The only large lowland is the Andalusian lowland, located in the southern part of the country. The capital city of Madrid is located in its very center and rightfully bears the status of the highest capital of Europe.

Where is Spain located on the world map. Detailed map Spain in Russian online. Satellite map of Spain with cities and resorts. Spain on the world map - western European state on the Iberian Peninsula with its capital in the city of Madrid, whose population is about 3 million inhabitants. Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay. In addition to the continental part, Spain also includes a number of islands. For example, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Detailed map of Spain in Russian with cities and resorts:

Spain - Wikipedia

Population of Spain: 46,528,024 people (2017)
Capital of Spain: Madrid city
Largest cities in Spain: Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Zaragoza
Spain telephone code: 34
National domain of

Maps of cities in Spain.

Sights of Spain:

What to see in Spain: National Museum Prado, Burgos Cathedral, Altamira Cave, Plaza de España in Seville, Canary Islands, Park Guell, La Concha Beach, Old city Cuenca, Mezquita, El Escorial Monastery, Sagrada Familia, Ibiza Island, Alhambra, Costa Brava, Royal Palace in Madrid, Seville Alcazar, Maspalomas Dunes, Loro Park, Aqueduct in Segovia, Roman Theater in Merida, Monastery of Montserrat, House Museum of Salvador Dali in Figueres, Puerta del Sol in Madrid, Palazzo Reale in Madrid, Turian Gardens in Valencia, Generalife.

The official language of Spain is Spanish, but many residents speak dialects, Basque and Galician. The second official language is Catalan, which is quite common in Spain.

Climate in Spain subtropical prevails, so the sun shines most of the year, summers are hot and dry, winters are short and mild weather conditions. The coldest time is winter, and the warmest is the period from June to September.

Spain- This is enough popular place for recreation both among Europeans and residents of other countries. The diversity of Spain especially attracts tourists. Each city in Spain has its own atmosphere and its own architecture, all of them are unique and interesting in their own way.

Attractions in Spain a great variety thanks to the remaining traces of the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages. Churches, fortresses, cathedrals - all these architectural structures of the distant past can be seen in almost every Spanish city. In addition to the attractions, tourists are attracted by the national Spanish pastime - bullfighting. Many tourists come to Spain specifically to attend this performance. Many people believe that coming to Spain and not attending a bullfight is a crime.

Holidays in Spain: Spain is also famous for its beach holidays. Catalonia is the most famous resort region. The most visited Spanish resorts are the Canary Islands, Alicante, Costa Brava and Costa Blanca.

Resorts in Spain:

Resorts of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea: Ibiza Island, Majorca Island, Minorca Island. Resorts of Spain on the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean: Tenerife Island, Gran Canaria Island, La Palma Island, Lanzarote Island, Fuerteventura Island. Resorts in mainland Spain: Costa del Sol, Costa Tropical, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Blanca, San Sebastian Resort.

the place is completely unique. Here, by the will of fate, religions and cultures intersected, various natural zones coexist on the territory of the country, even the landscape is extremely contradictory - bucolic meadows turn into inaccessible harsh mountains, then give way to luxurious beaches washed by the gentle warm sea.

This is the junction of Europe and Africa, Islam and Christianity, in Spain a lot of medieval castles and monasteries, and the numerous tourists flooding the country always find, . Tourism, which began to develop rapidly since 1960, has brought the country to the forefront in the world in terms of attendance.

A piece of Western Europe, or where is the state located?

Features of geographical location and borders

Spain belongs to Western Europe And is its southwestern extremity. The Iberian Peninsula is occupied by 80%; it includes the Balearic and Balearic islands, as well as some objects on the African coast. The country is reliably separated from Europe by the mountains behind which it is located.

The Atlantic Ocean approaches Spain from the north and west, in the east and south its coast is bathed in warm waters Mediterranean Sea. The Canary Islands are Atlantic, and the Balearic and Pitius Islands are Mediterranean.

It is there, on the islands and on the coast, that main resort areas countries. But the mountainous areas provide unlimited opportunities for skiing. Such features geographical location make the country absolutely unique and very attractive to the European public.

Climate, population, currency

  • Climate

    In general, the climate of Spain is Mediterranean, or more precisely, among the country’s numerous climatic zones, the climate is most Mediterranean. But they are also divided into 3 main subgroups: marine, continental and steppe.

    If we take the whole country as a whole, then it average annual temperature recorded between +14°C and +19°C.

  • Population

    In total, Spain has about 40 million people, of which 99% are Catholics. Among the inhabitants of the country, 4 separate groups can be distinguished, more precisely, 4 peoples: Spaniards, Galicians, Catalans, Basques.

    There are also smaller ethnic groups, they also speak their own languages.

    Due to such a heterogeneous population in the country, internal problems worsen from time to time. For example, Spain is the most large country The European Union is one of those who does not want to recognize Kosovo, for the reason that it has similar problems with the Basque population.

    Recently, the situation has been developing in the direction of worsening such problems, as the flow of immigrants from African countries, both legal and criminal, into Spain is increasing.

  • Currency

    Today the euro is used in Spain, this monetary unit introduced in 2002. Currency exchange is not a problem; it is carried out through banks. There are also numerous exchange offices that offer a more favorable rate than in bank branches.

    True, it is not so easy to find the most suitable one among them; it varies greatly at exchange points, even those located next door to each other. Sometimes you have to pay commissions when exchanging currency.

Administrative division by region

State of Spain is a constitutional monarchy and has its capital city of Madrid.

Territorially the country is divided at 17 autonomous communities and 2 more cities, Ceuta and Melilla, with autonomy. The autonomous regions, in turn, are divided into 50 provinces.

Costa Brava, Mallorca, Costa Blanca and other coastal holiday destinations

The Mediterranean coast line, washing Spain from the east, and further south, to the Strait of Gibraltar, is rich in resorts providing tourists luxury beach holiday. The same applies to the Bay of Biscay and the islands.

All Spanish beaches belong to the municipality and are provided to holidaymakers free of charge.

Let's look at the brightest resort places.

What is the south of the kingdom famous for - popular resorts

In the south you can visit Andalusia, get acquainted with the sights of Granada, Seville and Cordoba. Southern Spain offers tourists diving and windsurfing, rich nightlife, picturesque waterfalls and luxurious beach holidays. This:

  • Malaga, with mixed beaches, pebbles and sand, with ancient palaces and castles;
  • Costa Tropical, sandy coast, sea ​​activities and monuments of the Middle Ages;
  • Sierra Nevada and other resorts for lovers alpine skiing, operating from December to March.

International airports

Spain has 29 airports, 16 of them were assigned international status. In fact, they are in everyone big city, and in Madrid they are the largest.

From Russia you can fly by charter to 6 Spanish airports.

See also video - Spain on the world map:

The fourth most visited country in the world by tourists is ready to welcome you! Pleasant climate, picturesque archipelagos, ski resorts, many historical monuments, entertainment for every taste.

Ideal year-round beach holidays are provided by the Canary and Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Andalusia, and Valencia. You can, of course, enjoy the culture and feel the historical spirit of the settlers of the Iberian Peninsula in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which are also famous for their world-famous impressive nightlife with an incredible number of clubs and discos.

Don't miss the opportunity to take part in carnivals, musical Sonar festivals or Primavera Sound, visit the Seville Fair or the Fallas in Valencia. And if you want to go skiing, then go ahead to northern region- Pyrenees, Cordillera, or to the south - Sierra Nevada. You'll like it!

Spain on the world map

Shown below interactive map Spain in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Spain is located on a world map or on a map of Europe, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to a map with the names of objects, you can look at Spain from a satellite if you click on the “Show” switch satellite map" in the lower left corner of the map.

Below are two more maps of Spain - a map of the coast with resorts and a map of Spain with cities. To see each of them in full size, click on the map and it will open in a new window. You can also print them out and take them with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Spain, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Where is beautiful Spain located on the world map? Official name– The Kingdom of Spain is a sovereign state located in southwestern Europe and partly in Africa. The country occupies about 80% of the Iberian Peninsula and 20% of the Canary and Balearic Islands. The country borders on the west with Portugal, from South with Gibraltar, in northern Africa with Morocco and from North with Andorra and France.

Flight time to Spain depends on which city you arrive in; for example, you will arrive in Mallorca in four and a half hours.

On the map of the coast of Spain we can see that the country is washed by waters from the north and west Atlantic Ocean, and from the south and east the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Spain is beautiful country for recreation and tourism. Main places for beach holiday can be called: Costa Brava, Costa Dorada and Costa del Maresme. The most crowded cities in terms of tourism are Barcelona and Salou, and Magaya has the largest port in the country.

A detailed map in Russian with all the most popular cities and resorts in Spain you will find on our website. As for entertainment, Mallorca and Ibiza offer simply a huge number of discos and nightclubs. And the Canary Islands are the most popular year-round resort, thanks to its tropical climate.