Mount Elbrus brief information for children. "The mountain around which the wind swirls." Elbrus. The highest peak in Russia. What is the famous mountain

Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. It is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, north of the Greater Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Elbrus is also considered the highest mountain peak in Europe, and therefore is included in the list of the highest peaks on the planet.

First ascents of Elbrus

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).
The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in July 1829 during a military-scientific expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized in Pyatigorsk, which is recorded in Diana’s grotto), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg, physicist Emilius Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier , founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director botanical garden Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe Marco) Bernardazzi (who made the first image of Elbrus), Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

The first part of the route from the Konstantinogorsk fortress (present-day Pyatigorsk) to the “Stone Bridge” fortification (on Malka) passed without complications. On July 8, 1829, travelers arrived at the Kharbas River (a tributary of the Malki). From here they climbed to a height of about 2600 m and camped near one of the mineral springs on the banks of the Kyzylsu River.

Inscription on "Emanuel's Rock"

Inscription on the “Emanuel Rock”: “1829 from July 8 to 11 Camp under the command of General of the Cavalry Emanuel”
Those directly involved in the ascent were Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Only four continued the further ascent: Emilius Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Kilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two accompanying men were forced to stop. According to some sources, the Karachay guide Kilar Khachirov was the first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. on July 10, 1829. This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a memorial inscription was carved on one of the stones, the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (by chance, 103 years later - it was hidden under centuries-old layers of lichens).
The first successful ascent to the western, highest peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and Balkar guide A. Sottaev, who participated in the first ascent.

Pastukhov Andrey Vasilievich

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is considered to be the Russian military topographer A.V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment, he climbed its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Pastukhov was also the first to map the peaks of Elbrus.
In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached a glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.
According to the Russian mountaineering and mountain classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A category of difficulty, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are others, more difficult routes, for example, Elbrus (W) along the NW edge 3A.

Elbrus during the Second World War

Due to its symbolic meaning as the most highest point Europe, Elbrus became the scene of fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after the lesson mountain bases“Krugozor” and “Shelter of the Eleven”, German alpine shooters managed to install Nazi banners on the western peak of Elbrus. At the same time, the capture of Elbrus was not part of the plans of the German high command.

By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and eastern peaks of Elbrus, respectively, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

Climbing Elbrus
You can climb Elbrus from any direction: from the south, north, west and east. There are more than 100 different routes to its peaks, mostly their complexity is within 2A-2B class, with the exception of climbing Elbrus along the wall of Kyukurtlyu-Kol-Bashi, which has a difficulty category of 5B. But this route is slightly “far-fetched”, and there have been no repeated passages along it over the past 20 years.

The most popular and easiest route for climbing Elbrus is from the south, from the village of Terskol or from the Azau clearing. Therefore, this is exactly what we offer to those who do not have a mountaineering qualification. On the boring part of the route there is a lift, 2 steps of which will take you to top station"Mir", located at an altitude of 3452 meters. From the station begins a breathtaking hiking climb to Elbrus. And acclimatization before the ascent is carried out in the Elbrus region, in the Adyr-Su gorge, which adds variety to the hike.

Whatever tour on Elbrus you choose, remember that the goal of the climb is not a mountaineering rank, but pleasure. And if you have good weather, luck and experienced instructors, it is guaranteed to you.

Sights of the Elbrus region

Valley of Narzans
The Narzanov Valley is located 34 km south of Kislovodsk, in the foothills of the Rocky Range of the Greater Caucasus, in the valley of the Khasaut River, at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, on the border between Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Republic.

There are 17 Narzan-type mineral water springs in the Narzan Valley. Their water belongs to the carbonic acid bicarbonate-chloride sodium-calcium type with mineralization up to 3.3 g/l and carbon dioxide content up to 2.2 g/l. The nature of the valley fascinates with its beauty: majestic mountains, luxurious subalpine meadows, dense forest and numerous mineral springs. Before going there, you should take care of your beauty, perhaps get waxed and visit a beauty salon (just kidding).

Another Narzan Valley is located in the Baksan Gorge, behind the village of Baidaevo, a little closer to the Itkol boarding house. This place is often visited as it is easily accessible to all guests. The ground in the clearing is painted rusty brown. This occurs due to the high iron content in water. One of the springs in the clearing is so powerful that the thickness of its stream is comparable to the thickness of an adult’s arm.

Baksan Gorge
The Baksan Gorge is perhaps the most famous gorge of the Central Caucasus, known far beyond the borders of Kabardino-Balkaria. It's incredibly beautiful and unusual place. It is through the Baksan Gorge that the road to the Elbrus region goes, and it ends in the Azau clearing, at the foot of Elbrus. The length of the gorge is 85 km.

The gorge gets its name from the Baksan River, which accompanies the traveler throughout the entire journey. The upper reaches of the Baksan Gorge and its spurs are occupied by glaciers. Several glaciers flow here from Elbrus, as well as from the neighboring Donguz-Orun mountain, which give rise to the high-water and stormy Baksan.
The path to the gorge goes along three Caucasian ridges - Pastbishchny, Skalisty and Main through a number of villages. The road winds all the time, sometimes gaining height, sometimes decreasing.

In the gorge itself there are many interesting natural and historical monuments, including the Narzan Glade, ancient caves on the slopes of Mount Ullukai, a complex of monuments to the first climbers of Elbrus, the “Mourning Highlander” monument, etc.
From the Baksan Gorge you can get to the picturesque gorges of Adyr-Su, Adyl-Su, Itkol, Yusengi, Terskol, Donguz-Orun.
The gorge has long been favored by climbers. There are many camps located on its territory, including “Ullu-Tau”, “Elbrus”, “Dzhailyk”, “Shkhelda”.

Springs of Djily-Su
The Djily-Su tract with its healing mineral springs is located on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus in the upper reaches of the Malki River at an altitude of 2380 m. unique place in the Elbrus region annually gathers a large number of people who want to improve their health with the help of warm Narzans. The most popular and main source comes directly from the rock. Water fills the artificial bath (about 12 cubic meters in volume) and it is renewed every 10 minutes. The water temperature in the source is +22-24 degrees. Swimming is carried out according to the schedule.

The healing properties of warm narzan have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal system, and treat skin and allergic diseases. Also, the mineral springs of Djily-Su are consumed internally. This helps improve the human body’s immunity, helps improve metabolism, and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are separate “specialized” sources: “renal”, “ocular”, “lumbar”, “hepatic” and others. In total, there are about 14 active springs in Djily-Su.

Interesting Silver Spring with slightly mineralized water, which flows from mid-July to the end of September. The water in the source is crystal clear and has a bluish tint. Each liter of water contains 4 mg of the precious metal silver. The healing properties of the source normalize heart function, equalize blood pressure, improve blood and lymph microcirculation, stimulate tissue regeneration processes, and cleanse the body of toxins.

In addition to mineral springs, there are other attractions in the Djily-Su tract. You should definitely visit the local waterfalls - the famous handsome giant Sultan (40 m), as well as Karakaya-Su (25 m) and Emir (7.5 m). Also popular excursion sites are the Kala-Kulak gully (Valley of Castles), the Valley of Stone Mushrooms, the Valley of Ancient Menhirs, and the German Airfield.

Blue Lakes
Blue Lakes is a unique natural monument located in Kabardino-Balkaria. There are lakes in the Cherek Gorge. There are five of them in total.

Lower Blue Lake (Tserik-Kel) is the most interesting and beautiful. The water in it is crystal clear, transparent and very cold. It has approximately the same temperature all year round and does not rise above + 9 degrees). With a surface area of ​​just over 1.5 hectares, the lake is one of the ten deepest in the world. Russian Federation(after Teletsky and).
Camp sites are scattered along the shores of the Lower Blue Lake, and there is a modern diving center. The fact that the lake does not freeze makes it possible to organize divers’ meetings and training here at any time of the year.

The Upper Blue Lakes are represented by the Eastern and Western communicating lakes. A dam is installed between them, through which water from East Lake goes to Western. These two lakes are rich in fish.
The other two lakes of the group are interesting in their own way - Secret and Sukhoe. Secret got its name because of its invisibility. The lake is located in a deep depression, so it is not immediately visible. The dry lake is located at the bottom of a very deep canyon, the height of the steep walls of which reaches 180 m.

Chegem waterfalls

Chegem waterfalls are a unique natural monument that is definitely worth a visit if you come to the Caucasus. This is a whole group of waterfalls located in the gorge of the Chegem Gorge. Locals call these waterfalls "Sous Auzu", which means "water throat". And, indeed, the water rushes in a stormy stream with a roar from the rocks, flows out of numerous crevices, and falls from a height of 50-60 meters into the seething Chegem. The largest and most powerful waterfall of the group is called Adai-Su (Maiden's Braid). Its height is about 30 m.

In winter, the Chegem waterfalls present a fantastic spectacle in their beauty. Freezing, the water forms numerous ice columns and columns, turning the rock wall into a real work of art.
Near the waterfalls there is a small hotel, a cafe and a market. You can always buy from here local residents knitted items, wine, preserves, souvenirs. You will be invited to take pictures in folk costumes or take a ride on a donkey.

Glacier "Seven"

One of these natural wonders is the glaciological object Semerka glacier, which is part of National Park Elbrus region. The glacier is, as it were, “sewn” to the northern wall of the Donguzorun peak, and thereby faces Elbrus. Unusual name The glacier comes from its shape, which resembles the number 7.
The slopes of Mount Elbrus, the white ice shell of Donguzorun and the Semerki glacier - popular place among ski tourists.

Stone "mushrooms"

Stone "mushrooms" are the product of exotic erosion, which resulted in stone pillars with flat caps that look like mushrooms. They are located at an altitude of 3200 m. Arriving at the foot of Elbrus, you find yourself in the kingdom of the volcano, where nature has created many sculptures of the most intricate shapes from lava.

National Park "Elbrus"

Established by government decree on an area of ​​101.2 thousand hectares in order to preserve the unique natural complex of the Elbrus region and use it for recreational, scientific and cultural purposes.
Elbrus region as an area of ​​traditional tourism and others active species sport, occupies an area along the Baksan River basin in the high-mountainous part of its tributaries - Adyr-su, Kyrtyk, Adyl-su and its sources - Azau, Terskol, Donguz-Orun.

Between the southern slopes of Elbrus to the Main Caucasus Range and the interfluve of Baksan and Chegem is located the most popular in Russia and beyond its borders. mountain resort. Another part of the National Park is the northern Elbrus region, located in the upper reaches and sources of the Malka River.

See also:

The State Hermitage is the largest art, cultural and historical museum in Russia and one of the largest in the world. The founding date of the Hermitage is considered to be 1764.

→ (Kamchatka)
Avacha Bay- one of the largest and most convenient bays in the world, in size it is second only to Port Jackson Bay in Australia.

→ (Yakutia)
In the city of Mirny (Yakutia) there is one of the world's largest diamond quarries - the Mir kimberlite pipe. Even helicopters do not fly over this mine.

→ (Chelyabinsk region)
Arkaim is a mysterious ancient city, a fortified wooden settlement of the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e., considered the same age Egyptian pyramids and ancient Babylon.

→ (Irkutsk region)
Lake Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet and the most deep lake in the world. It is among the top ten large lakes on the planet. His average depth about 730 meters.

→ (Astrakhan region)
Lake Baskunchak is a unique creation of nature, a kind of depression on the top of a huge salt mountain, whose base extends thousands of meters into the depths of the earth.

→ (Tatarstan)
Syuyumbike Tower is a recognized architectural symbol Kazan and is widely known far beyond Tatarstan. The Syuyumbike Tower belongs to the “leaning” towers.

→ (Tula region)
The Bogoroditsky Palace (museum) is located in the former estate of the Bobrinsky counts. The estate was created by Catherine II for her illegitimate son A.G. Bobrinsky.

→ (Siberia)
In the center of the Siberian Federal District (SFD), between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, there are the Vasyugan swamps. This is the largest swamp place in Russia and the world.

→ (Transbaikal region)
Many people in Russia call the eighth wonder of the world a unique place in the Trans-Baikal Territory, where the Great Source of Fresh Water is located. From this place, water flows are divided into the channels of 3 rivers.

→ (Vladivostok)
The Vladivostok fortress is a unique complex of military defensive structures, which was built in late XIX century in Vladivostok and its environs.

→ (Ingushetia)
The historical building of Vovnushki received its name from an Ingush village in the Dzheirakhsky district of modern Ingushetia. Defensive castle was built by an ancient Ingush family.

→ (Bashkiria)
Shikhany Mountains - unique and inimitable natural monument in Bashkiria. In ancient times, there was a sea in this place, and the Shikhans were reefs. To this day, they retain imprints of mollusks on themselves.

→ (Kamchatka)
The Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka is one of the largest clusters of geysers in our world, and the only one in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers is located on the territory of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.

Dolmens have colossal mysterious power, the explanation of which still remains unknown. It is believed that being close to them, a person discovers unusual abilities.

→ (Krasnoyarsk)
Nature reserve“Stolby” is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. The main attraction of the reserve are the rocks, which have a common name - pillars.

→ (Buryatia)
Ivolginsky datsan - significant place pilgrimages of Buddhists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This is a complex Buddhist monasteries traditional Sangha.

→ (St. Petersburg)
St. Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest churches not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. Located on St. Isaac's Square. Since 1991 it has the status of a museum.

→ (Karelia)
Kizhi - museum-reserve under open air, one of the largest in Russia. This unique natural and historical complex is of particular value in cultural heritage Russia.

(Vologda region)
The Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery is a monastery in the Vologda region, located on the shore of Lake Siverskoye within the city of Kirillov, which grew out of a settlement at the monastery.

→ (Chukotka)
Whale Alley- an ancient Eskimo sanctuary on Itigran Island (Chukotka). It is an archaeological complex where huge bones of bowhead whales are dug into the ground in 2 rows.

→ (Kamchatka)
Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a volcano, which is the most high mountain in Kamchatka and the highest active volcano throughout Eurasia.

→ (Perm region)
Kungurskaya ice cave- one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions in the Urals. One of the main business cards Perm region.

Moscow State University is the largest educational organization, which includes more than 600 objects with a total area of ​​about 1 million square meters.

→ (Volgograd)
Mamayev Kurgan and the sculpture “Motherland” is the central height of Russia, a holy place for all the people of a huge country that defeated fascism.

→ (Murmansk)
The Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic (Alyosha) is a large memorial complex located in Murmansk. Represents an impressive figure of a Russian soldier.

→ (Tatarstan)
Home cathedral mosque Tatarstan is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. It recreates the appearance of the main mosque of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed during the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.

People go snowboarding and skiing here, tourists from all over the world come to the mountain in order to be at the highest point in Europe or to follow the routes at the base mountain range. People come here for new experiences, incredible sensations, and pristine nature. It is simply impossible to visit the top of the Great Mountain and remain the same.

But what do we really know about Elbrus?

From a geography course it vaguely emerges that height of Mount Elbrus in meters 5642, this is what we tried to remember when drawing the borders of Europe on the contour map.

In this article we want to remind readers about the most interesting facts about Elbrus and just tell us more about this ancient volcano.

Elbrus is the highest point in Europe.

Geography lesson: Mount Elbrus

What do we know about Elbrus from geography lessons and Wikipedia?

This is an ancient extinct volcano (it began its formation two to three million years ago), located in the Caucasus on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, the height of Elbrus (5642 m) is usually designated by the highest - Western - peak, and one and a half kilometers from it there is the Eastern peak, which is inferior in height to only 11 meters; between them lies the Sedlovina pass (5416 m).

From the time of its formation to the present day, Elbrus, under the influence of various natural disasters, has completely changed its outline up to ten times.

It’s hard to believe, but various earthquakes, landscape changes, precipitation, winds and other “misfortunes” erased the mountain to the ground, but then, erupting with renewed vigor, Elbrus again turned into a huge mountain.

It is believed that the “youngest” crater, which we now know as the East Summit, ultimately remained active.

There are 23 glaciers resting on the slopes of Elbrus; they give rise to such rivers as the Kuban, Baksan and Malku. Environmentalists are of considerable concern about the melting of glaciers against the backdrop of a general deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet.

Elbrus is considered an easy mountain to climb, but this is a deceptive impression. We will try to examine in detail the biggest misconceptions about climbing Elbrus in another article.

It’s worth talking about the weather on the slopes separately: in summer, at the foot of the ancient volcano, the temperature can be around +22-25 C°, and at the peak at the same time it will be down to -27C°. In addition, the ancient volcano is famous for its sudden changes in weather: experienced guides try to go out with climbing groups in the dark (at 3 or 4 a.m.) in order to have time to go up and down with the group before lunch, when the sun is shining and visibility is excellent. During the entire observation period, not a single rain was recorded at the Elbrus meteorological station (altitude 4250 m): precipitation falls only in the form of snow. February is usually the coldest month on the mountain, and it is better to conquer the peak in August, when all the cracks and cracks appear on the surface of the ice.

Scientists are still arguing: should we expect the awakening of the great volcano? Modern research and high-precision measuring instruments indicate activity in the bowels of the mountain (at a depth of more than six kilometers), but this is a normal phenomenon for a “former” active volcano, and scientists are not yet in a hurry to transfer Elbrus to the list of active volcanoes.

Magma cooling in the heart of the mountain saturates the springs reaching the surface with carbon dioxide. This is how the famous healing (and simply beautiful) narzans are formed.

Climbing Mount Elbrus

The infrastructure of Elbrus consists of three lines of cable cars, several shelters and hotels.

The A158 highway goes all the way to the foot of Elbrus.

It is worth noting that developed infrastructure exists only on the southern side of the mountain, while the northern side boasts only a few huts where climbers or emergency workers stay if necessary.

People come to Elbrus, of course, not only for the sake of climbing. There are beautiful slopes here that are favored by skiers and snowboarders, and the magnificent trails of the Elbrus region attract hikers of all abilities.

In order to reach the level of 3780 meters, you can simply use one of the cable car branches.

Let's look at all types of “transport” available to tourists on Elbrus.

The first road (cable-pendulum) appeared on the slopes back in 1969. It was possible to climb to a height of almost 3,000 (Krugozor station). In 1976 its length increased by 500 meters and extreme point became the Mir station.

A chairlift line was stretched from the Mir station to the Gara-Bashi station. In the early 2000s, a new gondola-type line began operating parallel to the old one. The construction of the new road was completed at the end of 2015, the launch of the last section (to “Gara-Bashi”).

Thus, you can climb along the new line from beginning to end or with “transfers” along the old lines.

In addition to cable car lines, Elbrus also has drag lifts.

Lovers winter species Sports Elbrus attracts with a variety of slopes and, of course, the stunning beauty of nature.

Shelters on Elbrus

We will look at six shelters available to tourists who decide to climb to the top of the Great Mountain.

To begin with, let’s define the word “shelter”, and to be absolutely precise, we are interested in “high-mountain shelter”.

High mountain shelter- this is a durable shelter (house or hut), which serves primarily to provide reliable protection from difficult weather conditions. Such buildings are built not only for travelers; rescuers and shepherds actively use the shelters.

We will climb up the mountain and “stop” a little at each shelter.

So, our story ended at the mark in 3780 meters above sea level, at the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, this is where Shelter "Bochki"

The shelter received this name because of the shape of the houses (they really look like barrels). The house can accommodate up to six people.

All amenities and a kitchen are located in a separate house.

For a comfortable stay on site, it is recommended to take with you toilet paper, wet sanitary napkins, bags for things, water vessels (thermos and/or flask), slippers, and a belt bag for documents and valuables.

"Hassan's Shelter"
A little further from the Gara-Bashi station there is the Hasan Shelter (height 3750 meters). These are three trailer houses that can accommodate 12 people. The kitchen, as usual, is located in a separate trailer and is equipped with gas stoves. A stream flows nearby, which is suitable for use in summer months, the rest of the time as drinking water tourists and climbers use melted snow.

Shelter "LeapRus"
In 2012, the shelter (or, as all press releases say, “the highest mountain hotel in Europe”) “LeapRus” was opened. High-tech houses, similar to parts of a spaceship, are equipped with the latest technology.

Perhaps this is the most expensive of the options we are considering, but heated floors, delicious breakfasts, round-the-clock electricity and “full service” may interest some of the readers.

There is the possibility of staying in rooms for up to 12 people, with a separate cooking area. The price may include breakfast or three full meals a day.

In general, main feature of this high-altitude eco-hotel is to completely free the tourist’s head from everyday problems - literally all of them can be solved by the administrators.

The most famous shelter on Elbrus can be considered "Shelter of Eleven"

Let us immediately note that the famous “Shelter of Eleven” was never restored after the fire (later it was completely dismantled) and now construction of a modern hotel with the same name is underway. However, the timing of its commissioning remains variable.

Shelter "Kotelnaya"
On the site of the former boiler house of the famous Shelter, the Boiler House Shelter was built. The two-story building is located 1.5 hours walk from the Gara-Bashi station at an altitude 4100 meters. The area can accommodate up to 50 people. There are rooms for groups of 4 to 6 people and a large room for 12 beds. Electricity here is supplied from a generator and “turns on according to a schedule for several hours a day (there may be situations when there is no electricity at all; the generator does not work in winter).

The main source of water is snow, and in the summer months - streams from the glacier.

Shuvalov's Shelter (Sherapi Hut)
On the southern slope of Elbrus there is a small building designed to accommodate 20 people. Sherapi Shelter offers accommodation in rooms with 6 or 8 beds. There are gas stoves in the kitchen, but there is no electricity at all. The source of water is a glacier in summer or snow in unlimited quantities the rest of the time.

Shelter "Maria"

Literally a few meters from the Shuvalov shelter there is the Maria shelter. The conditions are almost the same as at the Boiler House: kitchen with gas, electricity for a few hours and only in the summer, access to water - glacier or snow.

Shelter "Esen"
The shelter for 20 places is located between the former “Shelter of the Eleven” and the Shuvalov shelter, at an altitude of 4100 meters.

Conditions are the same as in other shelters: kitchen, gas, water from available sources on the mountain.

Climbing routes to Elbrus

(according to various sources - there are about a dozen of them), we will look at the most popular routes at the moment. Separately, we note that Elbrus is deceptively considered one of the easiest mountains to climb. We wholeheartedly affirm that this impression is very deceptive and the ascent can become a real test, and for some, the last “adventure” in life. The forces of nature are merciless and unpredictable. We advocate a responsible attitude towards the process of preparation, acclimatization and safety of the group and do our best to convey the message to our readers: climbing Elbrus on your own or as part of an unprepared group is DANGEROUS for your life.

The normal acclimatization period for Elbrus is considered to be 8-10 days. An attempt to climb to the top without first preparing the body for the difficult conditions of high altitudes is fraught with catastrophic consequences for the body and poses a danger not only to the climber, but also to the entire group. Try to plan your ascent, taking into account the time required for acclimatization of the body, or better yet, contact the managers of the My Way Tourist Club and don’t think about anything like that. Mountains do not tolerate fuss.

Classic route (Climbing the southern slope)

One of the most popular climbing routes to Elbrus. This climb is qualified as 2A. Groups usually start from the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, then overcome a difficult climb upward (the road has almost no deviations) to an altitude of approximately 5000 meters above sea level. On the way, you have the opportunity to stop at the “Kotelnaya” shelter. At around 5,000 meters, the route deviates slightly from the original axis, and tourists reach the saddle (5,416 meters). From the saddle, groups climb to one of the peaks, according to the original route.

The average climbing time from the Kotelnaya shelter to one of the peaks is taken to be 6 hours for a prepared group.

Classic route (Climbing the northern slope of Elbrus)

This route is also classified 2A. The beginning of the route is base camp(2500 meters). A transfer is usually organized to the camp or you can get there on your own. From a height of 2500 the group rises to a mark of 3700 (Northern Shelter), then there is the opportunity to traverse to the saddle (5416 meters) and climb to the Western peak or conquer the Eastern peak of Elbrus through the Lenz rocks.

This route is considered more difficult due to the poorly developed tourist infrastructure of the northern slope.

Route along the Achkeryakol lava flow (eastern edge)

This route is considered one of the most difficult. The group starts from the village of Elbrus, moves along the gorge, pass and Irikchat glacier, where the Achkeryakol lava flow begins, the movement along which ends at the Eastern peak of Elbrus.

We would like to remind readers once again that climbing Elbrus cannot be considered an “easy walk.” The climate at altitude is very changeable; it gets dark in the mountains very quickly and the level of visibility drops to almost zero in a matter of hours. In addition, precipitation in the form of snow, which occurs very often here, can also reduce visibility, which can lead to loss of landmarks.

My Way Tour Club organizes tours during the most favorable periods, in compliance with all safety regulations. Our trips are registered with special services; the group is accompanied only by the most experienced guides and instructors with many years of climbing experience, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the Great Mountain, we have specially prepared, which can also serve as an excellent period for acclimatization before the subsequent ascent to one of the peaks.

The two peaks crowning the cone-shaped volcano are separated by a saddle, the height of which is 5300 m. The peaks of Elbrus are two independent volcanoes formed on an ancient volcanic base. The height of the young cone, located in the east, is 5621 m. This volcano has retained its classic cone-shaped shape with a clearly defined crater. The height of the maximum point of Elbrus - the western peak - reaches 5642 m. This volcano has a fairly ancient history, which is reflected in the condition of its upper part - it is partially destroyed by a vertical fault.

Elbrus is a saddle-shaped cone of a volcano that was last active in 50 AD. e. It was most active around 225 thousand, then 110-70 thousand and less than 30 thousand years ago. The mountain, formed about a million years ago, consists of alternating layers of lava, ash and tuff.
The slopes of Elbrus are mostly gentle, but starting from a height of 4000 meters, the average angle of inclination reaches 35 degrees. The northern and western slopes are strewn with steep rocky areas up to 700 meters high. The eastern and southern ones are more gentle and even.

Flowers on the southern slope of Elbrus:

At an altitude of more than 3,500 meters, the volcano is covered with stone placers, rocks and glaciers. The number of the latter is about 70 pieces, and there are total area equal to 134.5 km². The most famous glaciers of Elbrus: Terskop, Big and Small Azau. The streams erupting from them, connecting, create the three main rivers of the region - Baksanu, Kuban and Malka. The glacier-free surface is covered with moraines. A huge cap of ice and snow retains the picturesque shape of the Kazakhstan volcano all year round. It is because of this snow cap that Elbrus is called Little Antarctica.

The first written mention of the double-peaked volcano can be found in the “Book of Victories,” written by the Persian historian and poet, Sharaf ad-Din Yazdi. It tells about the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane, who during his military campaigns climbed to the top of Elbrus to pray.

The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East made up their minds about Elbrus large number songs and legends. One of the legends tells that the mountain used to have one hump. At its top lived the magical bird Simurg, who bestowed happiness and prosperity on the mountain people who inhabited the valleys of the mountain gorges. This idyll lasted for many centuries, until the desire to seize the bird’s heavenly throne led to its possession by two greedy people. Their fierce struggle was stopped by higher powers: blinding lightning cut the sky, terrible thunder erupted and Elbrus split in two, spewing out streams of fire that incinerated everything in its path. After such a terrible fight, the magical bird Simurgh hid deep underground, upset by the ingratitude and greed of people.
According to research by scientists, Elbrus has not been visible for quite a long time, but despite this, the current level of activity does not give experts a reason to classify it as an extinct volcano; now it has the status of “dormant”. The volcano is indeed quite active in external and internal activities. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local “Hot Narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52°C and +60ºC. The life of many begins in the depths of a volcano famous springs medical resorts of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters region.
The climate on Elbrus is characterized by severity, making it similar to the Arctic regions. Average temperature in the warmest month of the year it does not rise above -1.4°C. There is quite a lot of precipitation here, but it is mainly represented only in the form of snow.
Around the two-headed giant are located the most beautiful peaks Caucasus: Nakra-Tau, Ushba, Donguz-Orun.
The first time a person managed to reach the eastern (lower) peak of the volcano was on July 22, 1829. This was done by the conductor of the Russian scientific expedition, a Kabardian by nationality, Kilar Khashirov. highest peak Elbrus (western) was conquered by a team of climbers led by Florence Grove in 1874. The first to reach both peaks was the Balkar hunter and shepherd Ahiya Sottaev. During the period of his long life, he conquered Elbrus nine times: he made the first ascent at the age of over forty, and the last in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

At the top of Elbrus:

View from the top of Elbrus:

The study of Elbrus by Russian scientists began actively in the 19th century. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1913 was the first to determine the height and location of the volcano. In addition to the status of a unique natural attraction, the famous Caucasian peak is also important scientific base. Even before the war, the first experiments with cosmic rays in the Soviet Union were carried out here, and today it houses the highest geophysical laboratory.
The Elbrus region is a major center of tourism and skiing. The bulk of the guests are fans of winter sports, including extreme sports, which are very popular in these mountains. In addition to the usual snowboards, sleds and freeride, a new entertainment was organized for thrill seekers, which was an ascent to the top of Elbrus by helicopter and subsequent descent from the mountain on skis. For more conservative alpine skiers, there are cable cars, average throughput which is 2400 people per hour.

Elbrus is the most big mountain Russia and Europe! One of the “magnificent seven” of the highest peaks of our planet, from which you can even see the Black Sea and the Turkish coast..

Elbrus is located just north of the Main Caucasus Ridge on the border of the republics Karachay-Cherkessia And Kabardino-Balkaria.

Elbrus(Mount Elbrus) - a two-headed volcano in the North mountain system Caucasus.
The height of the Western peak is 5642 m.
The height of the Eastern peak is 5621 m.
The height of the saddle is 5300 m.

The white two-headed volcanic cone of Elbrus is noticeably different from the entire mountain landscape of the Caucasus and can be seen in good weather a hundred kilometers away. Nearest town - village Terskol (Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria) in the Baksan Gorge at the foot of the mountain itself.

Elbrus coordinates on maps:
43°21’11″ N 42°26’13″ E

Peaks of Elbrus.

Due to its status as the highest point in Europe, climbing to the top of Elbrus is popular among climbers all over the world and is considered one of the “steps” to conquering the “seven peaks”.

Despite the ease of the routes, Mount Elbrus annually takes dozens of human lives. To a greater extent, the mortality rate of the mountain is determined by the difficult climate with changeable weather, as well as the poor training of climbers without experience. Visually, the peaks of Elbrus seem easily accessible, which instantly excites the hearts and minds of many people to “conquer the mountain” and even those who have never climbed before... In fact, this simplicity is deceptive and in reality a person without preparation finds himself in difficult conditions in which he cannot always manages to survive...

Climbing Elbrus.

The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East composed a large number of songs and legends about Elbrus.

One of the legends tells that the mountain used to have one hump. At its top lived the magical bird Simurg, who bestowed happiness and prosperity on the mountain people who inhabited the valleys of the mountain gorges. This idyll lasted for many centuries, until the desire to seize the bird’s heavenly throne led to its possession by two greedy people. Their fierce struggle was stopped by higher powers: blinding lightning cut the sky, terrible thunder erupted and Elbrus split in two, spewing out streams of fire that incinerated everything in its path. After such a terrible fight, the magical bird Simurgh hid deep underground, upset by the ingratitude and greed of people.

According to research by scientists, Elbrus has not been visible for quite a long time, but despite this, the current level of activity does not give experts a reason to classify it as an extinct volcano; now it has the status of “dormant”. The volcano is indeed quite active in external and internal activities. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local “Hot Narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52°C and +60ºC. In the depths of the volcano, life begins for many famous springs in the healing resorts of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

Flowers on mountain peaks Caucasus mountains.

The climate on Elbrus is characterized by severity, making it similar to the Arctic regions. The average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not rise above -1.4°C. There is quite a lot of precipitation here, but it is mainly represented only in the form of snow.

The most beautiful peaks of the Caucasus are located around the two-headed giant: Nakra-Tau, Ushba, Donguz-Orun .


  • Made his first ascent Kilar Khashirov - conductor of the Russian scientific expedition, Kabardian by nationality on July 22, 1829 to the Eastern peak of Elbrus.
  • The western peak of Elbrus was conquered by a team of climbers led by Florence Grove in 1874.
  • The first to reach both peaks was a Balkar hunter and shepherd Ahiya Sottaev . During the period of his long life, he conquered Elbrus nine times: he made his first ascent at the age of over forty, and the last in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

The study of Elbrus by Russian scientists began actively in the 19th century. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1913 he was the first to determine the height and location of the volcano. In addition to its status as a unique natural attraction, the famous Caucasian peak is also an important scientific base. Even before the war, the first experiments with cosmic rays in the Soviet Union were carried out here, and today it houses the highest geophysical laboratory.

The territory of the Elbrus region is a major center of tourism and skiing. The bulk of the guests are fans of winter sports, including extreme sports, which are very popular in these mountains. In addition to the usual snowboards, sleds and freeride, a new entertainment was organized for thrill seekers, which was an ascent to the top of Elbrus by helicopter and subsequent descent from the mountain on skis. For more conservative skiers, there are cable cars with an average capacity of 2,400 people per hour.

On the slopes of Elbrus.

How to get to Elbrus?

  • By plane fly to the nearest airport in Mineralnye Vody. There are many regular flights to Mineralnye Vody from Moscow from airlines: Aeroflot, Sky Express, Kavminvodyavia, S7 Airlines, UTair, Don Avia.
  • By train you can get to Pyatigorsk or Nalchik - these are the closest populated areas from which it will be faster to get there by minibus or taxi. Already from these places they are opening up beautiful views on Caucasus Mountains, which you can admire all the way.

It will be most convenient to get from the airport or train station by taxi, it will be cheaper to use the services private cab drivers. The best and cheapest option is to find the phone numbers of private bombers from the village of Terskol on the Internet and arrange a meeting upon arrival and the price in advance. The journey to Elbrus will take about four hours. You need to get to the city of Baksan, then turn into the Baksan Gorge and to the end along the Baksan River, where the road will lead to the very foot of Elbrus.

You can also get there regular buses And minibuses. Only this method is less convenient and will take longer, since there are no direct flights to Terskol. First you will need to get to the city of Baksan and change to minibus to the village of Terskol. The road in the Baksan Gorge passes through the settlements: Tyrnauz, Upper Baksan, the village of Elbrus and Tegenekli.

  • Based on materials from the sites:,
  • March 24, 2015