Park complex estate theologian. Park complex “Bogoslovka Estate. Main ideas of the project

Church of the Intercession in Nevsky Forest Park, Vsevolozhsk district Leningrad region is a unique monument of wooden architecture. And despite the fact that it is comparable in scale and uniqueness to the famous ensemble of the churchyard in Kizhi, it is practically unknown in St. Petersburg.

Church in the name of the Intercession Holy Mother of God- a unique monument church architecture Old Russian wooden architecture of the 18th century in North-West Russia was built in 1708, as evidenced by the inscription on the iconostasis. According to legend, the design of the church was made by Peter I, who himself visited it several times. Lost (burnt down) in 1963. Recreated with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus'. The complex of the Intercession Church is located on the territory of the Bogoslovka Estate Park complex in the Nevsky Forest Park.

EXIF 1/800 sec, f/5.6, 32 mm, ISO 280, 2013:08:04 16:10:40, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/800 sec, f/5.6, 24 mm, ISO 280, 2013:08:04 16:13:26, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

On the territory of the complex there is not only a church, but several buildings, a museum, a workshop...

EXIF 1/640 sec, f/5.6, 62 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:16:05, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/320 sec, f/5.6, 62 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:16:24, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/100 sec, f/10, 52 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:35:49, NIKON D700, 24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8

EXIF 1/160 sec, f/2.8, 50 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:47:36, NIKON D700, 0.0 mm f/0.0

EXIF 1/640 sec, f/2.8, 50 mm, ISO 200, 2013:08:04 16:48:07, NIKON D700, 0.0 mm f/0.0

Where is it and how to get there:

Located on the banks of the Neva

You can get there

On public transport The park can be reached by route No. 476.

TRANSPORT PASSENGER ROUTES TO NEVSKY FOREST PARK: "St. Petersburg, metro station Lomonosovskaya - village named after Sverdlov"

Bus route No. 476.

Opening hours: daily.
Departure schedule from the station. m. "Lomonosovskaya": 5.46, 6.01, 6.11, 6.21, 6.38, 7.01, 7.26, 7.51, 8.16, 8.31, 8.51, 9.01, 9.21, 9.46, 10.26, 11.11, 12.41, , 13.07, 13.26, 13.45, 14.15, 14.42, 15.05, 15.29, 15.52, 16.20, 16.52, 17.12, 17.37, 18.04, 18.27, 18.55, 19.17, 19.33, 20.04, 20.38, 21.16, 21.49, 22. 29, 23.17

Commercial route K-476

Opening hours: daily.
Route: St. Petersburg, metro station. "Lomonosovskaya" - st. Babushkina - Ivanovskaya st. — Volodarsky Bridge — Oktyabrskaya Embankment — the village of Novosaratovka LO — Nevsky Forest Park — the village of Krasnaya Zvezda — the village named after Sverdlov.

While monuments of ancient Russian wooden architecture seem out of reach for a weekend trip, there is an alternative attraction near St. Petersburg - the Bogoslovka Estate ethnographic park. The place received the name “Bogoslovka” after 1747, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna donated these lands on the banks of the Neva to Archpriest Fyodor Yakovlevich Dubyansky, who built a manor and a small park on the banks of the Neva. The manor began to be called “Bogoslovskaya”, this name was returned to the place only in the 21st century, since in the 19th century, the estate began to be called “Dubyansky’s dacha” after the name of the new owner, state councilor, Alexander Mikhailovich Dubyansky. In 1843, the estate began to be called “Zinovievka” or “Zinovyevo”, after the new and last owner of the estate, the general’s nephew, State Councilor Stepan Stepanovich Zinoviev. IN Soviet time The Zinovievs' house became a state farm dormitory. Since 1932, the estate has been called Nevsky Forest Park.

Now, on the territory of the Nevsky Forest Park, an ethnopark called “The Bogoslovka Estate” is being created, in which the architectural structures of ancient Russian wooden architecture of the 18th century are recreated: the Zinoviev estate and park complex, the Wargopol wooden fortress, a Russian village from the construction of peasant estates in the western and eastern parts of the region, the Karelian-Vep village, water and windmill, Temple of St. Varlaam of Khutyn and other buildings.

Now the dominant feature of the Bogoslovka Estate is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - an unsurpassed example of wooden architecture. The church, built in 1708 in the village of Ankhimovo, was destroyed by fire in 1963. According to legend, Peter I designed it and loved to visit it. Restoration of the original church was impossible, so an exact copy of it appeared in the park complex “Estate in Bogoslovka”.

At the beginning of 2015, construction of the Intercession Church, a chapel, a bell tower and a fence with a gate was completed on the territory of the estate. In "Theology" copies of lost works of architecture will be restored using drawings, images and technologies of the Middle Ages. There is a similar ethnographic complex, I advise you to visit this museum under open air Same. Park complex "Estate in Bogoslovka" the best place for photo shoots and wedding walks in Russian style. The Nevsky Forest Park provides excellent conditions for a walk with the family on a day off: fresh air, beautiful surroundings, and the opportunity to get acquainted with the historical past of the country.

How to get there? The Bogoslovka Estate ethnopark is located in the Nevsky Forest Park of the Vsevolozhsk district. 5 km sideways Lake Ladoga after exiting the ring road to Novosaratovka.

The all-Russian recognized border of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, 3 km from the Cable-stayed bridge across the Neva, the village of Nevsky Parkleskhoz and, finally, the long-awaited Bogoslovka estate - an outstanding ethnographic museum specializing in Russian wooden architecture. Many compare it with the Kizhi Pogost - the most famous architectural landmark located on the island in Lake Onega, moreover preserved in more or less original form.

Russian architecture is unthinkable without wood and woodworking. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary that sparkles with its domes under the sun’s rays. And you can’t help but admire the carved wooden vaults and subtle patterns outlining the silhouettes of the roofs. Alas, what appears to our eyes now is not the church built in 1708 and burned down in 1963, but just a remake, but a remake as close as possible to the original source. Fortunately, in 1956 they managed to measure the church for the planned reconstruction, but it was not possible to reconstruct it due to a fire, but it was only possible to build a new one in our days.

Legends claim that the burned Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was designed by the Tsar and future Emperor Peter I himself. And it stood in a different place - in the village of Ankhimovo. In any case, we have the opportunity to get a first-hand idea of ​​the monarch’s architectural preferences.

In the restored church, in its basement, a Sunday school is located, in which children absorb the basics of the Orthodox faith.

In addition to the church, the estate has a chapel, a bell tower, and a fence with a gate. In the near future, it is planned to present to the public all types of wooden buildings characteristic of the northwestern region of the country. Of course, these will only be copies architectural masterpieces lost in the past.

Also here you can already get acquainted with the life and way of life of the peasantry, for which purpose a typical for the 16th-18th centuries was erected in the Bogoslovka Estate. housing and commercial buildings.

And in the park complex there is always fresh air and a unique landscape! Why not get together for the weekend and combine business with pleasure? At the same time, you can take home wooden crafts, embroideries, crocheted or shuttle patterns, and other rarities from the family collection as a gift for the museum.

The journey from Lomonosovskaya metro station on bus 476 will definitely not be useless.

How to book a tour in Russian in any city in the world. Services overview

The park is much larger than it might seem at first glance. As soon as the well-groomed paths leading from the main entrance end, the area becomes more difficult to pass - a mixed, gloomy forest, with a small number of hills and many ditches. If you go even further, the landscape levels out, the forest becomes even less well-groomed and rather monotonous.

Explore everything in one go forest park will not work. If you don’t limit yourself to the part closest to the highway, you can wander around the park for a very long time, constantly discovering new places and unexplored corners. Just 500 meters from the road, you can find traces of wild animals in the park - the ground dug up in many places reveals their presence. And these are not facts from the life of the park at the time of its creation, but observations made in 2010.

In spring and autumn the park is dirty. To walk in the forest, you need rubber boots. At the end of summer and autumn, you can meet mushroom pickers here, among whose prey there are not only russulas, but also quite serious porcini mushrooms.

In winter it is good to go skiing. The park has many small slides that make skiing more interesting. There are approximately the same number of skiers and pedestrians, so in most places there is a well-trodden path next to the ski track, convenient for walking.

On the unpleasant side, there are several dirt roads passing through the park that are passable for cars. As a consequence of this, spontaneous garbage dumps have been set up in several places.

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Pokrovskaya Church) is a unique architectural monument of ancient Russian wooden architecture of the Onega land of North-West Russia, was built in 1708, as indicated by the inscription on the iconostasis. According to legend, the design of the church was made by Peter I, who himself visited it several times.

It is currently active Orthodox church in the Nevsky Forest Park, Vsevolozhsk district, Leningrad region. The temple is a recreated copy of the Intercession Church built in 1708, which was located in the Vytegorsky churchyard until 1963.

History of construction

From the report to His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of All Russia Alexander II of the Russian and Slavic Department of Archeology of the Imperial Archaeological Society (1870). Compiled by member-correspondent A.T. Zhukovsky: “...The Vytegorsk Church of the Intercession in the Vytegorsky churchyard, in terms of its external appearance and the time of construction, is a wonderful Christian monument to Peter’s antiquity in the Vytegorsky city.”

...Folk legend says that it was built in 1708 according to a drawing by Peter I. The following tells about this: “during the reign of Peter I, in the Vytegorsky churchyard in the village of Kryukova there lived one very rich peasant Plotnikov, who had only one son who was literate. On Peter’s Passage I to Arkhangelsk in 1693 or 1694, when he was considering the local area in the form of joining the Volga with Baltic Sea, the son of the rich Plotnikov fell into disgrace with the Tsar and was, at his order, executed for the fact that when Peter's sergeant came here to prepare horses, he read some decree of the Tsar, or perhaps an order for the preparation of carts, and scolded the Tsar in his voice, thereby showing disrespect to the person of the Sovereign and, moreover, being very rude to the sergeant. The sergeant conveyed all this to the Emperor, and in an exaggerated form.

Peter I, having listened to the sergeant, and being out of spirit, immediately gave the order to execute the culprit. Old man Plotnikov, having heard such a strict sentence, fell at the feet of the Emperor and begged for mercy for his son, offering him all his enormous wealth. But Peter remained unbowed and his son was immediately executed. Heartbroken, and not knowing who to leave his wealth to, Plotnikov, even before the Tsar’s departure, decided to build a rich church in memory of his executed son over his grave and asked for permission to carry out his idea. Peter heeded the request and immediately drew a drawing, according to which this church was subsequently erected.

In 1711, returning with victory from Azov, Peter 1 served a prayer service in the Intercession Church. This time Peter stayed in the house of a local priest, who in memory of this visit painted a kaleographic icon of the Sign of the Plenty of Peace. This icon, by the way, depicts right side Our Lady of St. Apostle Petra - the namesake of Peter, and on the left side St. Alexy - the man of God - the namesake of Tsarevich Alexei. In the middle of the icon is a double-headed eagle - coat of arms Russian Empire, with outstretched wings, scepter and orb. In the middle of the eagle the Mother of God and the Savior are depicted. At the bottom of the icon are the fortresses of Azov and Kyzykermen with kaleographic signatures, and at the very bottom there is the inscription: “Pop Kliment Makariev wrote this image” (grammatical translation, 2003).

Icon "Sign of the Multitude of the World" (Our Lady of Azov)

The Church of the Intercession was lost (burnt down) in 1963.

The restoration project was developed by A.V. Opolovnikov immediately after the destruction of the temple, based on measurements he made in 1956. However, the temple was never built in its original location. In agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the complex of the Church of the Intercession is located on the territory of the Bogoslovka Estate Park complex in the Nevsky Forest Park of the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region.

Architectural description and decoration

The church is a vast octagonal figure, which is adjacent to the north, south, east and west. The eastern altar (main altar) is five-walled, as are the side altars, attached to the northern and southern altars from the east. Each cut is covered with two barrels towering one above the other, and the main octagon is covered with eight barrels, the heads of which complete the edges of the octagon, and the skates rest against the second, smaller octagon, placed at the top. A hipped porch adjoins the church on the west. The church is shaped like a cross. Its length is 15 fathoms, width - 14 fathoms, height - 9 fathoms. It has 25 chapters, 21 windows, they are small, located in 2 rows. There are 5 entrance doors. The altar is separated by a blank wall.

The main altar is consecrated in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the right (south) and left (north) in honor of St. ap. and Evang. John the Evangelist and St. vlmch. St. George the Victorious (not yet consecrated). The outer walls of the altars are hewn, according to the ancient tradition of temple building, as a tribute to special veneration of the location of the throne. The iconostasis is four-tiered, painted in panels (for now, instead of painted icons there are sketches). The ceiling is made of "sky", i.e. has a rise towards the middle, towards a round medallion, on which beams rest, diverging from it like the rays of the sun. The dimensions and ornamentation of these beams are similar to the dimensions and ornamentation of the panels of the iconostasis, which contributes to greater integrity of the church interior.

The sky is a lightweight type of ceiling that allows you to do without intermediate supports (pillars) even with a relatively large area of ​​​​the temple space. From central ring beams diverge radially, resting on the outer ring of similar beams adjacent to the walls. Thus, a frame is created that holds the floor due to the spread of the beams. The design of the sky made it possible to retain heat in northern churches, and at the same time provided the visual effect of a higher ceiling, compared to beam ceilings.

The revered temple icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a copy of the 21st century, the original of the Intercession Icon is in the storerooms of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg) is placed in a special iconostasis, built in 1803. On November 16, 2003, the church was given the altar Gospel, printed in 1701 by order of Peter I in the Moscow printing house for the Intercession Church of the Vytegorsky churchyard; Azov Icon of the Mother of God (21st century copy, the original icon is located in Vytegorsk local history museum); “The Savior on the Birch Bark” (the churchyard chapel, a copy of the icon “The Savior from the Zvenigorod Order”); Solovetsky Cross; revered icons of the Dormition of the Mother of God and Sts. passion-bearers Boris and Gleb.

In the ground floor of the building there are premises for an Orthodox Sunday school, a refectory, etc.

Church of the Intercession. Reconstruction. Western and eastern facades. Section of the head. Reconstruction.

Russian ethnographic park "Bogoslovka Estate"

The complex called “Bogoslovka Estate” is expected to include the following buildings and structures:

2) Cemetery of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

  • Church of the Intercession

  • The bell tower is the restored bell tower of the Nizhne-Uftyug churchyard, Vologda province (1670s). The bell tower has not survived; it was restored according to the measurements of V.V. Suslov made in 1884.

  • The Holy Gates and Fence are a combined reconstruction of two fences of the late 18th century: the Lyadinsky and Spassky churchyards of the Kargopol district of the Olonets province.

  • Museum of the Church of the Intercession - reconstruction of Kostin’s house (1871) in the village of Verkhovye in Zaonezhye, according to the measurements of M. I. Milchik made in 1940.

  • The church (parish) house is a copy of Mankin’s house (1889), located in the village of Kaskesruchey, Petrozavodsk district, Olonets province.

  • Worship cross

3) Pilgrimage center(with a refectory and a hotel for 60 people);

4) Cultural and educational center- reconstruction of the Kargopol fortress (1664-1665) with the restoration of two intra-fortress buildings - the Spasskaya Church and the voivode's house.
5) Russian Ethnographic Park:

  • Russian village - will consist of two parts: 1. Construction of types of peasant estates in the western part of the region; 2. Buildings of the eastern part. The total number of yards is 8-10.

  • Karelo-Vepsian village - buildings reflecting the typology characteristic of the Tikhvin region and Mezhozerye. It will consist of 4-5 courtyards.

  • Historical village - no less than four buildings of the 16th-17th centuries.

6) Berth for cruise fleet.