Fishing from a boat - features of onboard fishing. How to fish from a rubber boat How to fish from an inflatable boat

There are types of reservoirs where it is possible to fish only from a boat. For example, an outflow of a river with very densely overgrown banks, or a wide body of water with promising places far from land. In such places, a boat is required to get a catch. It should be noted that on any body of water, the fishing method from a boat and the selected equipment will be slightly different from shore equipment and fishing methods.

Choosing a place and time for fishing

In order to choose a place and time for planned fishing from a boat, you need to understand which fish is the main object of fishing, know its habitats in the reservoir, and its habits at one time or another of the year. Let's look at examples of fishing various types fish in different bodies of water:

  1. Pike and perch in a lake, channel or oxbow. As a rule, such reservoirs along the banks are densely overgrown with water lilies or other vegetation. Considering that pike is an ambush-type predator, in such a reservoir the main place for its ambushes will be algae and thickets of water lilies. The main time for pike fishing is morning and evening, and in the fall - throughout the daylight hours.
  2. Pike perch, pike, catfish, bream on a river with a moderate current. The main places for these fish species to stay in the river are bottom irregularities: holes, edges, rifts. To fish a promising place, you need to anchor the boat upstream and throw the bait into promising places. Usually the fish concentrate along the edges of the hole.

Preparing the gear

Usually, for fishing from a boat, shorter rods are used, which will increase mobility inside the shuttle.

It is most convenient to use spinning rods with a length of 2.10 m.

The test component of the rod will depend on the weights of the baits that are planned to be used in spinning fishing or the weight of the sinker of the bottom tackle.

Here are the main types of equipment that you may need:

The equipment can be different, but the equipment with an anti-twist is considered the most universal. To make a leash, fluorocarbon fishing line with a diameter of 0.18-0.2 mm and a hook No. 6-8 are used. The main objects for fishing with such gear will be bream and silver bream.

Boat fishing technique

The task of the fisherman, who knows the promising sites for the predator, and who has prepared his gear, is to provoke the fish to attack the bait. You can provoke it using special spinning bait wiring.

Here are the basic techniques for fishing from a boat:

  1. When fishing for predators in stagnant bodies of water, the spinning angler’s task is to lure fish out of their ambushes: coastal thickets, water lilies. To do this, the bait is placed along a wall of plants in various ways: uniform, with pauses, twitching, jig.
  2. For catching predators on the river, the main wiring is a jig. Only this method can catch deep holes where living creatures are hidden.
  3. When catching peaceful fish using feeder gear, the main point is feeding. This needs to be done often, and casts should be made to the same place. The consistency of the bait should be such that the contents of the feeder are washed out within approximately 10 minutes.

Experienced fishermen advise paying attention to the following points when fishing from a boat:

  • when going out on the water, it is necessary to check the boat for possible damage;
  • When choosing a fishing spot on a reservoir, you must choose a quiet location without shouting nearby on the shore and without the movement of watercraft. The fisherman himself must behave as quietly as possible and make a minimum of movements and maneuvers;
  • When going out on the water, it is imperative to follow safety precautions and wear a special vest. You cannot place a boat for fishing on the fairway, where the movement of river craft is possible;
  • When fishing from a boat, it is imperative that the fisherman have a landing net or hook for convenient removal of fish from the hook, as well as a kukan or cage for storing the caught fish.

Fishing from a boat significantly increases the angler’s chances of a big catch, because it allows him to reach any point in the reservoir. And, taking into account the capabilities of modern gear and echo sounder, the problem of finding and catching fish is greatly simplified.

on a standing reservoir has its own characteristics. So how? Let's start with the boat first. Ideally, for our purposes, metal or wood would be best. It holds the wave well on a windy day and is much more stable than an inflatable one. Sailing across a large body of water on such boats, especially if they are equipped with a motor (where motors are allowed) and an echo sounder, is pure pleasure. Large frame jigs are good because they allow you to fish not only while sitting, but also while standing. This is very convenient, since in this case the control over the wiring is higher, and the fishing sector is much larger.

PVC boats

In recent years, inflatable boats made of PVC with a hard bottom are rapidly approaching large frame boats. IN in this case We are not talking about beach models made from unreinforced PVC. Such fishing boats also have a right to exist, but it is not recommended to move further than 100 meters (according to the instructions) from the shore. If the angler smokes, then this habit can end in swimming for him on such a boat, since unreinforced PVC is easily burned even by the ashes of a cigarette! They are made of multilayer reinforced PVC and are perfectly adapted for the motor and at the same time, when assembled, they are relatively compact. The PVC material itself today is significantly superior to rubber in most respects and is widely used throughout the world in the manufacture of inflatable boats.

When equipping inflatable boats with a motor, you must remember that there is a clear correspondence between the size of the boat and the power of the motor. As a rule, the maximum permissible engine power must be indicated in the passport for the surface vehicle. If you decide to go further and install on your, for example, a four-seater boat, a motor with a power of not ten, as expected, but fifteen or more horsepower, this could end disastrously for you. At some point, having given the gas to full capacity, a light boat from planing mode can go into flight mode, ejecting you and everything that was in it. Drowning all the fisherman's belongings and only getting wet himself would be the best evil that could happen. Therefore, be sure to follow all instructions that come with the boat.


But these modern inflatables also have a drawback. PVC boats are very susceptible to frost. It would be more correct to say that the material itself is afraid of frost. For example, if you arrived at a pond in the morning and easily inflated it, and in the evening there was a light frost, then there may be a problem with deflating it. PVC hardens greatly in the cold and becomes like hard cardboard. In this case, the elasticity of the material suffers so much that an attempt to forcibly roll it up often ends in failure, and if this is still possible, the conditionally assembled boat will completely occupy the entire trunk, and the rest of the things will have to be transported inside the car.

Inflatable rubber boats

Inflatable rubber boats for fishing are still very popular in our country. They certainly have their disadvantages, but they also have many advantages. The main disadvantage of rubber boats is that their elasticity is so high that fishing from them is only possible while sitting. It is very difficult to sit in one position all day, especially since this is a serious limitation that directly affects the effectiveness of fishing. In addition, as a rule, most rubber ones are not suitable for motors, which significantly reduces the prospects for their use on large bodies of water. You can't swim far with oars that look more like tennis rackets. On the other hand, on small deep lakes such boats have no competition. And if you have to fish in the cold, then the owners of expensive PVC boats will quietly envy the owners of cheap rubber. An important factor in protecting rubber boats is their low price, compared to all others, which is also gradually falling. So the debate that rubber ones will soon go into oblivion is greatly exaggerated.

So, you have a boat and you are on a pond. Where to start? First you need to make sure that you haven't forgotten anything. Here is a list of things needed for successful fishing from a boat on a large body of water: electric or gas motor, echo sounder, satellite navigator, anchor, water parachute, spare set of gear (spinning rod, reel, etc.), life jacket.

I could go on and on, but the most necessary equipment indicated here. This list This is not at all a guide to action or a blatant advertisement of expensive things, but a theoretical component of success when fishing from a boat on a large unknown body of water. We also need to focus on the fact that you need to be able to use all these things at least to a good standard! If you know the body of water well, and you can quickly row to the desired place, you can easily dispense with the motor. When the depths have been known since childhood, you can do without an echo sounder or, if necessary, replace it with a piece of rope with knots every meter and a weight at the end. A satellite navigator is a special thing, and it’s worth talking about it a little separately. This system for accurately determining coordinates was invented by the American military. Its essence lies in the fact that using several satellites (at least three) it is possible to determine coordinates on the ground with an accuracy of 3-5 meters. For a fisherman, this device is a real find. Using it allows you to find on huge water spaces any edge, tubercle or any other catchable place that was previously entered into the large memory of the navigator. You can reach these points with an accuracy of 3-5 meters even at night. In this case, the navigator shows you the direction of the desired movement and the exact distance to the place. This device can be ranked even higher in terms of usefulness for the fisherman than an echo sounder, since it was previously found. With an echo sounder you can search for a catching point for a long time and not find it, but with a navigator you have the opportunity to accurately find it and fish for it day and night, winter and summer.

Navigators have other advantages, but they do not directly affect fishing results, so we will not dwell on them. For fishing from it, the anchor is of particular importance. Its weight must be selected in such a way that it reliably holds the boat in the wind and does not cling to all sorts of underwater obstacles (flooded trees, snags). In general, it is much better to hold two anchors, one of which is installed at the stern, and the other at the bow. You don't have to buy an anchor. It can be made very easily by pouring lead into an aluminum beer can. The required weight of the anchor is easy to determine experimentally. Before pouring lead, a wire loop is first inserted into the hole of the beer can, to which a rope will subsequently be attached. For exploratory jig fishing from a drift, it is very useful to use a so-called water parachute. It is thrown overboard on a rope and, even in a strong wind, significantly slows down the drift of the boat, which makes it quite tolerable. catch with a jig. The design of such a parachute is very simple, and if you find time to make it, it will delight you for many years. Life jacket - necessary thing, if you care about your own safety. In large expanses of water, strong winds can arise in a matter of minutes, and if you do not get to the shore in time, an unplanned swim is possible. Eventually it may start to leak from a puncture, cut, or simply capsize on a wave. A life jacket doesn’t take up so much space that you don’t need to take it on the boat.

Before we dwell on fishing tactics, let’s immediately make a reservation that successful jig fishing from a boat mainly occurs in spring, early summer and autumn. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, in the summer a thermocline forms in most reservoirs - this is the so-called stratification of water into warm and cold. The warm layer is located near the surface, and it is this layer that is well saturated with oxygen. Such conditions, like a magnet, attract all inhabitants to the surface of the water to warm up and breathe, even bottom-dwelling fish such as pike perch and bream. Only the largest and most passive fish remain at the bottom, which is very difficult to seduce with artificial baits, since it is in a half-asleep state and practically does not move or feed. So, most of the predatory and peaceful fish in summer time are collected precisely in this near-surface layer. That’s why deep jig fishing in summer often brings such modest results. Although, if among the depths there is a hillock, the top of which is located above the thermocline level, it is jig fishing that can bring the greatest effect.


The technique of fishing from a boat consists of searching for underwater humps, edges along the riverbed and other bottom irregularities. This must be done with the help of a heavy scout jig. Found differences in depth should be marked with buoys or entered into the memory of a satellite navigator and carefully fished from all sides with a jig of normal weight. You need to return to such places several times a day and not be lazy to fish them again. This will often lead to good results. In strong winds, casts should be made in the direction of the wind or against it. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to properly monitor the jig. If there is no wind, you should fish edges or other bottom irregularities, performing the wiring in such a way that it does not pass perpendicular to it, but along and at an acute angle. Due to this, the jig will be long time be in the fish's field of view. It happens that there is a piece of snag at the bottom - you definitely need to check it with a non-snagging foam rubber. Moreover, after you have caught a snag on one side, you definitely need to swim to the other side and make a series of casts again. This tactical technique, at first glance, does not carry much value, but in fact this is far from the case.

Sometimes it is enough to even slightly change the trajectory of the wiring in the same place, and greedy bites immediately begin. And on every good location You should always remember the direction of casting, in which most bites occur. Most likely, this direction will work on your next fishing trip! The predator often attacks the unhooked bait precisely at the moment of direct contact of the bait with the branches. This is understandable, because, as a rule, he hides there, and comes out of hiding to hunt only during periods of increased food activity. An unhooked girl jumping straight into his house cannot help but go unnoticed. It’s just important not to confuse a careful bite with a hook and hook it in a timely manner. When fishing large bodies of water from a boat, the angler often has to fish in strong wind conditions. If the wind seems small on the shore, then on the water, especially far from the shore, you have to take it into account. For jig fishing from a rubber boat, strong wind is a serious enemy. If the reservoir has not yet been studied, then it is best to fight the wind by drift fishing. In order to slow down the movement on the waves, it is necessary to use an underwater parachute. This will allow you to cast baits with or against the wind and perform high-quality stepped retrieves. You can also fish with a jig track. In this case, the jig bait is cast strictly against the wind, the reel bracket is closed, and the game is carried out only with the rod, without reeling in the fishing line while it is carried along the waves. In practice, this is vertical fishing, only from a greater distance. Since the direction of the fishing line coincides with the direction of the wind, the sensitivity of the gear will be quite high. As soon as a difference in depth or something else interesting at the bottom is localized, you need to enter the boat from the side and, despite the strong cross wind, try to fish this place from the other side. The sensitivity of the tackle will, of course, suffer from this, but tactically it’s better to do it anyway: maybe something will hang on the hook, even if you don’t notice the bite. For anglers who have a boat but no motor, this drift method allows them to fish diagonally across the entire body of water without much effort. You just need to first arrange for a partner to pick them up in a car on the other side. Otherwise, you will have to row against the wind or walk, and this is not always possible.

It is also important what kind of ship you are going to get out on. to high water. If this is a small rubber inflatable, then we strongly do not recommend that you tempt fate, because on a large body of water a sudden gust of wind can quickly create a decent storm. So, when going fishing on a boat in bad weather, you should always remember basic safety precautions. Yes, you should never forget your life jacket on the shore! We hope we helped you with the question of how to properly fish from a boat. Stay with us.

This article will talk about how to fish from a rubber boat. So. The boat significantly expands the capabilities of the jig spinner. The fisherman has the opportunity to reach the edges furthest from the shore and fish them delicately from a short distance. When fishing from the shore, the angler is within the coastal landscape, and the bushes along the river or the swampy floodplain force him to bypass promising places. Fishing tactics from a boat on the river are based on what kind of boat you have and how it is equipped. It is quite obvious that an aluminum or wooden frame with a motor will be unrivaled. Next to such boats in terms of ease of fishing are only inflatable PVC boats with a motor. With a boat, the fisherman has the opportunity to sail anywhere and return to base in a short time, even going against the current. At the same time, fishing mobility is maximum, since moving from place to place takes a short time. And so let’s move on to some rules and fishing from a rubber and PVC boat.

Inflatable rubber boat

When fishing from an inflatable rubber boat without a motor, even if it is equipped with oars with an increased working surface, it is best to fish by rafting downstream. In this case, you need to go back along the bank where the current has a minimum speed. But it's better to do it differently. You arrive at the river and unload completely. Then the car with a partner moves 10-15 kilometers downstream of the river and waits for you there. This will allow you to calmly fish this entire stretch of the river, anchoring in the most promising places and not worrying at all about the need to go back upstream.


Now let's talk about fishing from a PVC or rubber boat and the rules. You can properly fish from a rubber boat using a jig while drifting or anchored. Drift fishing, despite its simplicity, is very productive. At the same time, you can fish by casting and plumb. As a rule, most local anglers catch it vertically. The technique of vertical fishing is practically no different from winter trolling from ice. Winter baits are also most often used for such fishing, but only heavier ones. Often their weight even reaches 60 g. Lately, vertical fishing has become very popular. silicone baits. In this case, a twister, vibrotail or octopus is put on a standard jig head with a single caster, and the bait is ready. The cost of such a bait is minimal, and there is no need to adjust its performance, as is the case with vertical lures. Heavy balancers of 30-60 g also bring excellent results when fishing vertically, but the use of these catchable baits limited by their too high grip on various underwater obstacles.

For vertical fishing, it is best to use a short and rigid rod, for example a winter pike perch, but preferably at least 1 m long. The reel is equally good, both inertial and multiplier (with spinning reel It’s inconvenient to quickly drop the line when the depth changes). The fishing line can be used as monofilament with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm, or braided 15-25. The use of a metal leash is mandatory, since pike are a very frequent guest in such fishing. The essence of the rules and fishing from a boat is that the boat drifts straight along the edge of the edge while fishing is in progress. The depth is controlled by the bait itself, and if it moves to the side from the edge, you need to paddle back with the oars. All this is done with one hand, holding the oars brought together, and with the other hand the fishing is carried out directly.

Drift casting fishing is somewhat more difficult than vertical casting, as it is practically no different from shore jig fishing. The only inconvenience is that the boat is constantly moving down the river. To prevent your rubber boat from being tossed around by the current, you need to use a relatively light anchor in the form of a chain. The weight of the anchor is selected so that the boat drifts slightly slower than the speed of the river flow. Casting with a spinning rod must be done perpendicular to the direction of its movement and then perform a classic step-by-step retrieve. With this kind of fishing, the quality of fishing, if the tackle is thin and sensitive, is even higher than with coastal fishing. This happens because the working area of ​​the wiring turns out to be very large: after all, the current carries both the jig bait and the boat almost parallel, and a normal step is obtained right up to the side. Bite locations need to be remembered, marked with buoys or the coordinates entered into the memory of the satellite navigator. A navigator, of course, is much preferable to memory and buoys, since the confidentiality of the places you mark will be absolute and it will be simply impossible to miss this place next time. In most cases, drift fishing and casting turns out to be more successful than vertical fishing, and more interesting.

If you know great place on a river where the fish take very well, then it makes sense to fish such a point more carefully. When fishing from a drift, these promising places fly by very quickly. It is best to anchor above this place. Fishing can be done by spot fishing, when, for example, the jig bait is trampled in one place with the help of only pulling the rod up and down, or you can perform a reverse retrieve downstream, as when fishing with a running bottom.

Point fishing brings the highest results at the entrances and exits of pits, as well as on edges transverse to the direction of the flow. Fish constantly approaches such places, therefore, if the place is good, you can fish stationary and effectively using this method, standing in one place for quite a long time. Reverse wiring consists of jig steps strictly downstream. These steps are achieved by releasing the line and pulling the rod. The stepped wiring is quite high quality and is carried out strictly along the edge. Longitudinal edges are simply ideal for this type of fishing. It is quite obvious that from the shore, in order to fish this edge so well, you need to make at least 10-15 casts. In this case, the jig bait will always cross the edge at different points, and very quickly. In the case of reverse wiring, to ensure the presence of fish, only two or three such wiring downstream is enough. If there is fish on the edge, then it will definitely show itself by biting.

How to fish with a fishing rod from a boat

You can fish from the shore all your life, or you can decide to feel like a real fisherman and go out to the open sea, that is, go out on a boat to fish in the nearest body of water. The first trip on a boat for a novice fisherman is no less exciting than the first trip to a pond with a fishing rod. Choosing a boat for fishing is a separate serious task; We have already talked about choosing a boat. Today we will talk about safety and comfort rules for anglers.

In order to fish from a boat, the following factors should be considered:

  • Where to fish (river, lake, reservoir);
  • What boat will you be fishing from (size);
  • From what depths will fish be caught?
  • Is the pond familiar to the fisherman...

Ideal fishing, which will bring true pleasure, is possible when the angler does not feel any discomfort while fishing.

Having chosen a suitable place for fishing (it is better if there are several such places), you must first install two poles. The poles will perform several functions:

  • Point to the fishing spot (they should be visible from afar);
  • The boat will cling to the poles. If fishing takes place on a river with a noticeable current, then the boat should be positioned across the current. And if you plan to fish on a lake, reservoir or river with a very small current, then the boat can be installed in different ways (by the wind, by coastline, given the sun, and so on);
  • And finally, there will be complementary foods on the poles (you can attach a bag to each pole).

In order for the fish to be constantly at the fishing site, it needs to be fed and this must be done constantly, periodically changing and adding new food. In this case, she will, as it were, “graze” in this place, get used to the feeder, and success in good catches will be ensured. At the same time, there is no need to overfeed her, otherwise she will become fat. That is, after feeding first, then take breaks for several days so that the fish is on a kind of starvation diet. But during the fishing itself, you should remember that the bite can often change. Therefore, you need to constantly experiment (either remove the complementary food completely, then change the bait on the hooks, then adjust the depth to half-water, and so on). But one rule should always be followed. This rule says that complementary foods should not be more attractive in taste than the bait itself, which is used to attach to hooks. Otherwise, the fish will simply ignore the bait. A fishing boat must be stable; it would be better if it is large (so that you can fish calmly, move around it, place gear, a net, a cage and other things so that you can just relax) . It should also be equipped with accessories for fishing rods (so that they can be easily reached and held firmly in the cast position). All sharp corners, protrusions, bolts, oarlocks must be covered with film, tarpaulin or a raincoat (to prevent snags and tangling of fishing line, net and hooks). One of the main conditions for any fishing is silence. Therefore, you should behave calmly, don’t make noise, don’t knock, in a word – don’t scare the fish. The most optimal number of fishing rods for fishing is two, maximum three. You can put different baits on fishing rods, then you will be able to catch different fish.

In shallow water and in still water, the rods should be long, the sinker and float should be small. It is more convenient to fish with long rods from the stern of the boat. This will make it much more convenient to take out fishing rods and lay them along the entire length of the boat towards the bow.

If fishing takes place at great depths and during currents, then the fishing rods should be short (50-70 centimeters). It will be much easier to pull them out of the water when hooking a fish (after hooking, place the fishing rod next to the boat and continue to pull the fish out by the fishing line). The net should always be at hand. When fishing in the current, the boat should be placed across the current. That is, fishing rods are cast from the side of the boat. It is also recommended to have a tummy with you (tackle for catching pikes, perches and other predatory fish). To attach a tee, you need to take care of live bait in advance (they can be quickly caught right at the fishing spot). Naturally, they must be placed in a can of water, which must be changed periodically.

Live bait with tackle may be required, since very often the fishing spot is visited predatory fish(especially pike). It disperses the fish, and the bite stops and very often will not start again. Because the predator will be nearby and will hunt for fish. In this case, you need to immediately set up live bait (even ruffs will do) to try to catch a pike. This is the only way to start fishing normally again. As a rule, 15-20 minutes after the pike is caught, the fish will again approach the place where the angler is fishing and will bite again.

If you plan to fish on navigable rivers for a long time and it is already dark in the evening, and early in the morning it is not yet dawn, or maybe fog or rain suddenly begins, then in this case you need to take a good flashlight with you. It is needed to provide light signals to ships and boats walking along the fairway. It should be turned on when the sound of an approaching vessel is heard and waved in a circular motion to signal that people are present.

You should also remember the following safety rules when fishing from a boat:

  • Be sure to have a life jacket with you;
  • Fishing is prohibited on shipping routes;
  • Do not install fishing poles on rapids, whirlpools, near cliffs and other potentially dangerous places;
  • The boat must be reliable and stable;
  • You cannot go fishing on a boat during a thunderstorm or strong wind that raises a strong wave.

It is prohibited to fish in water discharge areas at hydroelectric power stations. Let me explain. This is where a lot of fish always accumulate. During the discharge, powerful streams of water lift a mass of food from the bottom and it is at this moment that the fish begin their feast. The fish grab everything. This is where desperate fishermen strive to get, driven by fishing passion and carelessness. Very often, in the excitement of the frenzied bite, they simply forget that the next discharge is due soon and as a result, tragedies occur. You should also take care of the place to spend the night and rest on the shore. Before dark, prepare firewood, set up a tent or build a hut, stock up on water, etc.

If fishing is planned for several days, then you should have a supply of salt with you (for salting fish). A true fisherman should always have a supply of various fishing gear and bait with bait.

Fishing from a boat

  • 1 Fishing from a boat

The most common type of fishing, whether on the sea, lake or pond, is perhaps fishing from a boat. The catching possibilities with a boat increase significantly. The boat can be used all year round, except for the winter season, when frost freezes the water bodies. At the same time, fishing will be comfortable and productive. It is very important to have the necessary knowledge and some tricks when going fishing with a boat, and also to make the right choice when buying it.

IN at the moment The choice of boats on the market is very large, and you can choose any one you like, but, most importantly, the one that is suitable specifically for a given body of water. There are many models: inflatable rubber boats, wooden, folding, plastic. If the reservoir is not too wide and there is no strong current, you can fish from any boat, depending on the taste and preference of the fisherman, to choose from maximum comfort. If fishing is planned for large river, then the boat’s carrying capacity must be at least 700 kg. And it’s very good if the boat has a motor, since at a considerable distance from the shore and strong wind, it will be very difficult to row to the shore.

Like any product, boats can be divided according to price criteria - inexpensive boats, medium-priced ones and expensive ones for professionals. Don’t think that cheap boats are necessarily of worse quality and less convenient for fishing than expensive ones. Thus, aluminum boats, due to the strength of the material and reliability, are much more expensive than rubber ones, but if we compare the ease of their transportation, they are undoubtedly inferior to the latter. Modern technologies do not stand still. On a day off, if you decide to go fishing in a suburban pond, you can take a rubber boat or PVC with you as luggage on public transport. Therefore, the distinction between boats by weight – heavy and light – remains relevant.

Every fisherman knows that, first of all, you need to prepare a place on the shore where the fishing will take place. Sometimes the shore of a reservoir is quite overgrown with reeds, which, of course, does not affect the catch in any way, but will be an inconvenience for preparing gear and launching the boat. It is necessary to clear the shore of excess vegetation and very carefully check and clear the coastal water area from snags and other sharp objects that can interfere with the launching of the boat and even damage it. This can be done using a garden rake, attaching a rope to it for convenience.

The next step is preparing the boat. After inflating the boat, you need to carefully inspect it for scratches and damage, and listen to see if there are any holes for air to escape. It is very important to take a suitable anchor. If you plan to float slowly downstream, the anchor should not be too heavy, allowing the boat to move slowly, and when fishing in one place, the anchor should be of appropriate weight, which will hold the boat in place and prevent it from moving.

The next important stage of fishing from a boat is choosing a parking spot for the boat itself. Many fishermen mistakenly stop right at the place where the fish are supposed to bite - where the fish are standing - and throw the bait right under their feet. This should not be done, as the fish will be afraid of the shadow of the boat, the movements of the fisherman and the sounds that occur during this. It is best to swim 8-10 meters from the biting spot.

You shouldn’t forget about the gear; it’s better to have several of them in stock, depending on the bite or in case of damage or loss. So, just by getting a new rod, you can continue fishing without spending time on repairing or equipping the old one. To prevent fishing from ending sadly, you must follow safety rules. In reality, fishing from a boat is not that easy. You can stand or sit in the boat depending on the hardness of the bottom. In a rubber boat, it is better, of course, to fish while sitting and, under no circumstances, should you approach the edge of the boat. You should also not be distracted, since you can completely unnoticed a hook from a fishing rod to pierce the rubber of the boat. You need to monitor the fishing process in time and after each bite, reel in the gear in time and not allow the fish to overwhelm it. All necessary tackle and fishing accessories in the boat must be in strict order. There must be life jackets for the number of people present in the boat. If possible, it is better to take a set of spare clothes in case the boat capsizes or the clothes get wet in some other case.

And one more thing – you shouldn’t go fishing alone, especially for beginners. It is better to invite friends with you and spend this day in the company. If suddenly a boat capsizes far from the shore, it will be very difficult and almost impossible to get to land alone. You can ask more experienced comrades to go fishing - this will also help in the fishing process, because many things are often inconvenient for one alone, and will also provide additional safety.


Fishing from a boat. Features of fishing from a boat - WORLD OF CATCH

Fishing from a boat is always interesting and attractive because of its advantage over fishing from the shore. But it’s not enough to buy the first boat you come across and go to the pond, you need to know some points and features.

Fishing from a boat. What to look for before fishing from a boat.

Factors that need to be taken into account and what you should pay attention to when fishing from a boat in order to have fun and not feel discomfort:

* First of all, you need to decide which body of water you will be fishing on (slow-flowing river, fast-flowing river, lake, reservoir, etc.). On small bodies of water, with minimal current, any boat that the fisherman can choose at his discretion will do. But on a large body of water, and especially if there is a strong current, a small boat will not work and it will be dangerous to fish on it. In this case, a motor boat with a carrying capacity of at least 500-700 kg is desirable.

And in general, you should always remember that it is highly not recommended to go to a large body of water alone on a boat, no matter how sophisticated it may be!!!

* Which boat will be used for fishing. As mentioned above, the size of the boat and the reservoir are very closely related. For example, if you have a small oar boat, then you should not go out on the water on large bodies of water, where the width is measured in hundreds of meters - this is very dangerous! The wave can rise in a matter of minutes and the oars may not help you row quickly to the shore (in this case you need a motor and good stability of the boat). It’s the same when fishing from a boat in a strong current - a small boat and oars are not good helpers!

If there is a possibility of damaging the boat on snags, stones or other objects on a pond, then you need to take care, when buying a fishing boat, about the strength of the material from which it is made.

* Availability of means for delivering the boat to the reservoir. This factor must first be taken into account before purchasing a boat. It is worth thinking about how you will deliver the watercraft to the reservoir, and, based on this, select the dimensions of the fishing boat you buy.

* At what depths will fishing from a boat take place. The depth of the fishing spot determines which gear to choose. For example, if the depth is three meters, then you can fish with ordinary float rods. But at a depth of more than 5 meters, a float rod is unlikely to bring you a big catch; in this case, it would be better to fish, for example, “with a ring.”

It is advisable to have more information about the reservoir.

Fishing from a boat. Safety.

Some of the most important safety rules when fishing from a boat: * A life jacket must be available; * Fishing from a boat is not permitted on shipping routes; * It is prohibited to fish near the hydroelectric power station, near the water discharge site. Many fishermen know that a lot of fish come there to feast on food, which is raised by powerful flows of water, and fishing excitement can lead to tragedy during the next water release. * Do not install fishing poles on whirlpools, rapids, cliffs and other places that could be potentially dangerous; * The boat must match the body of water where you will fish, that is, be reliable and stable; * During a thunderstorm or very strong wind that can lift big wave, you cannot go fishing from a boat; * When fishing from a boat on navigable rivers at night, in the presence of fog or rain, you must have a good flashlight with you that can be used to provide light signals to an approaching vessel; * You should always remember that fishing is just fishing, but life must be protected and always take precautions!

Fishing from a boat. Features of fishing from a boat.

From the outside it may seem that fishing from a boat is very simple, but this will be a mistaken opinion. Fishing from a boat is not the same as fishing from the shore: other features, other nuances... * Often, when fishing on board, fishermen use a winter fishing rod instead of a regular float rod. It is convenient when the depth at the fishing spot is more than three meters. * To make the boat more stable in waves or currents, use two anchors. * If there is no bite, try to change the place of fishing. * If you are lucky enough to find a school of fish, then try to follow it so that you are at a short distance from this school. * When fishing in the current, secure the boat perpendicular to the river (across the current). This position of the boat will be the most comfortable and optimal. You should do the same in case of strong wind - the board is across the wind. * On a small body of water, in the absence of wind and current, you can secure the boat at your discretion: relative to the shore, depending on the position of the sun, etc. * Move the oars as quietly as possible - splashes may scare the fish. * You can feed fish only in places where there is a bite. Since bait can be thrown into the water silently when fishing from a boat, unlike bait from the shore, you can do this at any convenient moment without fear of scaring off your future catch. * Try to put all your fishing accessories and accessories in the boat in its “own” place. * On a small body of water, you can install two poles for attaching the boat in several places where there is potentially a good bite and feed these places. Then, if there is no bite in one place, you can swim to another place. * If possible, you can feed places for fishing from a boat in advance, several days before fishing, so that the fish get used to feeding in these places. * If you plan to fish for several days, then do not forget about a supply of salt for salting the fish. I don’t think there is any need to remind you about a sufficient supply of groundbait, bait and fishing tackle. * When fishing from a boat with an overnight stay, before dark you need to take care of a place to rest and spend the night on the shore (set up a tent, prepare firewood for the fire, stock up on water).

Fishing from a boat. Conclusion.

We have considered many important questions about fishing from a boat, decide on all the factors, buy fishing tackle, boat, outboard motor, for example, in this online store and go fishing, not forgetting the safety rules when fishing from a boat. Over time, you will have practice, experience and everything will work out for you!

May be interesting: Fishing boats. How to choose an inflatable boat for fishing.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the article, write them in the comments. We will answer, add, tell!

See you on the pages of articles on our website about fishing MirUlova.Ru and on our YouTube channel MirUlova.Ru - Fishing Video

A boat can with a high degree of confidence be called an important “accessory” for any fisherman. If a person has a boat, then his fishing opportunities increase significantly. Moreover, if the fishing arsenal has this accessory, then the fisherman can completely take control of the reservoir. In some ways, a fishing boat can be compared to a saddle for a horse rider.

Here, however, a question arises that not every boat is suitable for fishing in a particular body of water. Currently, there are many types and models of boats made from a variety of materials. These include wooden, plastic, inflatable rubber, and folding boats. As well as kayaks, canoes, punts, skiffs, etc.

Which boat to choose for fishing

If you are going to be fishing from a boat on small-width bodies of water where the current is not too strong, then you can fish on such a body of water on almost any boat. And its choice in this case depends solely on the preferences of the fisherman. Those. so that it is as comfortable as possible for him to fish from this type of boat.

However, if you plan to fish on a large river, then the boat must have a carrying capacity of at least 700 kg. Even better if it has a motor installed. In principle, you can do without a motor, but it will be extremely difficult to do without it if the boat anchors at a considerable distance from the shore. In this case, with a strong wave, the boat may begin to drift away from the shore, so it will not be easy to reach it with the help of oars. Or even completely impossible.

However, no matter how “cool” fishing boats are, you should not forget about safety precautions. Otherwise, fishing can end very sadly. The first thing you should remember once and for all is that it is strongly not recommended to go out on “open” water alone, even on a boat. If, God forbid, the boat capsizes far from the shore, then the probability of a sad outcome is very high.

In addition, when going fishing on a boat, you must remember to wear warm and water-resistant clothing. And in the boat there must be a lifebuoy, a long rope or a life jacket.

As for gear, it all depends on where the fish will be caught. For example, for fishing in a reservoir with a large current, 3 types of gear are usually used. With a maximum depth of no more than 6 m, classic wiring is usually used with the obligatory release of the fishing line from the boat. At a depth equal to the length of the fishing rod, gear equipped with stationary floats is usually used. But when it is produced from 12 m and deeper, the use of sliding floats can only partially justify itself.

What, then, is ring fishing from a boat? It must be said that this method is considered very old and it was invented in Italian city Florence. As a rule, this method is used on those rivers where the current is quite strong. In this case, the boat is “anchored” in a direction perpendicular to the shore, and the tackle is lowered from the downstream side of the river. It is a side rod of small length up to one meter. A split metal ring must be attached to the fishing line. The diameter of the ring is in the range of 40-60 mm. There are 2 leashes with hooks extending from the ring. In addition, this tackle includes a feeder, which is tied to a long cord. This feeder is usually filled tightly with bread or other fish food, after which it is carefully lowered to the very bottom of the reservoir. Under the influence of the current, food is washed out of the feeder and gradually begins to float up. When a fish “follows the smell” of food and gets hooked.

By the way, when fishing in this way, it is recommended to use ordinary floats as bite alarms, and not electronic signaling devices, which have recently become fashionable. In this case, the wave causes the boat to rock, and this, in turn, can lead to false alarms of such alarms. Very often, fishermen practice so-called onboard fishing, when they use a fishing rod instead of a summer fishing rod.

So, you went out to the pond to fish on a boat. To prevent the boat from swaying on the waves, it is advisable to have 2 anchors. In addition, the boat's equipment must include rings (cleats) intended for attaching a rope or chain.

In general, at first glance it may seem that fishing from a boat is quite simple. However, in reality this is not the case. Fishing from a boat bears little resemblance to our usual fishing from the shore. For example, after a bite, you must definitely try to reel in the tackle, without allowing the fish to overlap the lines of other rods. As for the location of all the utensils and accessories necessary for fishing, they should be in the boat, each in its place.

And then... It’s stupid to think that it’s enough to just sail a boat to a certain place in a body of water, anchor and the fish will “throw” themselves onto your hook. If you already have a boat in your hands, then don’t be lazy and at the slightest sign of a lack of bite, try to change the place. And if you are lucky enough to “attack” a school of fish, then it is advisable to follow it so that the boat is at some distance from the fish. In principle, it will take quite a long time until you learn how to fish correctly and safely in this way.

Although, if you fish on the river from a boat, then the boat must be positioned with its side perpendicular to the current. In this case, the placement of gear is most optimal. Fish should be baited only to those places where they bite. And, of course, it is necessary to fish in complete silence. If necessary, the boat must be moved with oars as quietly as possible so as not to spook the fish. If there are shipping routes near the fishing site, then fishing here is initially a lost cause. Therefore, you need to anchor at a considerable distance from such places.

But all of the above concerned safety precautions and some technology for fishing from a boat. In this case, what are the best places to swim to? Practice suggests that the most catchy places are considered to be those reservoirs in which the current speed is low. In addition, it is desirable that the banks be steep. As a rule, a great depth is always “discovered” under such shores. Fishing at river mouths has shown itself to be very good. True, if there is sufficient depth. But most best place is the place where the bed of one river flows into another.

Video - fishing from a boat


Of course, experience and practice come with time. This entirely applies to fishing from a boat. Although, without certain knowledge, even with a boat, there will be simply nothing to do on the reservoir. Therefore, if a fisherman – a “boatman” – comes to this body of water for the first time, it will be useful for him to sit a little and watch what is happening on the river or lake. And where other fishing boats are trying to sail. In any case, every fisherman has his own fishing secrets, so such attentiveness will come in handy for all those who decide to fish from a boat.

If you are going to use fishing boat on a small, shallow river, then such fishing, in general, will be no different from coastal fishing. While anticipating pleasure, you will only experience negative moments, such as the boat rocking or being tossed by the current.

It’s a different matter if you’re planning to fish in deep sea and big rivers, where it does not make sense to use a plug or fly float equipment.

First we should talk about boats. For fishing from a boat wide rivers with a small current you can use any boat, it all depends on the fisherman’s requirements for comfort. If fishing is to be done on a large river, such as the Volga, you need motor and you need load capacity boats at least seven hundred, eight hundred kilograms. Firstly, this is necessary for the safety of the fisherman; cases often occur when several anglers are fishing from an inflatable double boat and when a powerful river vessel passes, the fishermen are simply washed away, even if the boat is anchored in a guy rope.

If fishing means at a great distance from the shore, then a motor for the boat is simply necessary, on large rivers the wave can rise within a few minutes, and you may simply not have time to move to the shore with oars.

The second advantage of a motor boat is the ability to anchor the boat exactly in the chosen place; if there is a large current on the river, then the boat is placed on two anchors stretched across the current.

This is done this way: turn the boat across the current, dropping the stern anchor at low throttle, as soon as the anchor rope is pulled out, turn off the engine and throw in the bow anchor.

For fishing in currents boats Three types of gear are mainly used. At a depth of no more than six meters, they use conventional wiring with the line released from the boat.

If the depth is not greater than the rod itself, then use gear with stationary floats or sliding floats. After anchoring boats, you need to lower the bait into the water in a heavy feeder or in the form of balls. The bait used is the same as for fishing from the shore, but maggots and worms are still preferable.

At great depths with strong currents, it is best to use gear where the feeder is combined with a sinker; the closer the bait is to the bait, the more active the bite is.

It was on the Volga that a very effective bottom rig “spring” was invented for fishing from a boat in medium and strong currents at great depths. To make a “spring” you need a one and a half meter spinning rod with an inertial large diameter reel on which fifty meters of thick fishing line is wound. Two short leashes are attached to the end of the fishing line, a swivel stopper is attached ten centimeters above them, and a spring is installed above the stopper.

The spring is made of steel wire, about fifteen centimeters long, the coils in diameter are from three to five centimeters. The ends of the spring are filled with lead, through which a three-millimeter copper tube passes, also filled with lead on one side. This is necessary so that the feeder with bait is located in an extended position and as any bait is washed out, the spring will compress and squeeze out the bait. For bait, use pearl barley, buckwheat or millet porridge, and for bait, maggots or worms.

I would like to note that using more than two rods for deep fishing is useless. If there is no bite, then it is gone. And if the bite is good, then two rods are enough; you simply can’t cope with the rest, because a lot of time is spent pulling out and lowering the gear to depth.