Spearfishing - first dive. Spearfishing: tips for beginners and necessary equipment Spearfishing on small and medium-sized rivers

Spearfishing in troubled waters is increasingly becoming a necessary measure today. Because due to constant pollution environment There are fewer and fewer bodies of water with clear and clean water. Discharges of various wastes lead to gradual overgrowth and turbidity of rivers. But thanks to the right equipment and following hunting methods in troubled waters, underwater fishing will not cause any inconvenience and will bring decent trophies.

Flashlights for spearfishing

For comfortable, and most importantly, safe underwater fishing, you need to choose the right equipment. One of its most important components is undoubtedly the flashlight. After all, you can’t do without it when hunting in muddy water at significant depths or at night. Therefore, the choice of this device must be approached with all responsibility.

Flashlights for spearfishing

Types of lanterns

Today, lanterns are presented in the following types:

  • halogen;
  • battery;
  • xenon;
  • on batteries;
  • LED

In view of special conditions The flashlight is subject to a number of strict operating requirements:

  • durable and reliable design that can withstand various loads under high pressure. To do this, the case must be made of impact-resistant plastic or metal;
  • capacitive parameters of the power source and type of radiating element. The device must guarantee a long operating time and the ability to change the power component;
  • waterproof. One of the most important characteristics. As a rule, manufacturers focus on the IPX 8 standard, which ensures impermeability to water at a depth of 25 - 30 meters;
  • ease of use. The flashlight should have an ergonomic shape, fit easily in the hand, and not restrict the hunter’s movement, because maneuverability and speed are important in underwater fishing;
  • high quality fasteners. It is necessary that the device can be attached to the swimmer’s equipment and has a safety belt;
  • the presence of a change in operating modes. The flashlight should provide the ability to regulate the intensity of the radiation and select the frequency of the glow from constant to pulsed.

It is impossible to say with certainty which flashlight is best for spearfishing in troubled waters. The specimens on the market have both advantages and disadvantages. In addition, each type is only suitable for a specific style of spearfishing. When choosing them, they are often based on individual preferences or existing experience.

You need to remember that a reliable and high-quality flashlight is not cheap, so you need to take into account your desires and capabilities. You should also be wary of inexpensive devices made by unknown companies. Such an emitter will not last long and will cause a spoiled holiday. Today, the most famous manufacturers of spearfishing flashlights are: INTOVA, Light and Motion, Mars.

Flashlight Light and Motion SOLA Nightsea

Hunting methods in poor visibility conditions

There are often cases when it is not possible to arrange spearfishing in clear water and you have to be content with reservoirs with a fairly high turbidity. There are several ways to help you fish in such conditions.

Underwater fishing with a filter

The first thing you can do is modify your light to increase the range of water clarity. This is done by adding a yellow filter to it. This improvement makes it possible to better diffuse light, which partly improves visibility under water. The explanation for this lies in the ability of the yellow filter to retain blue, white and violet colors, and, on the contrary, to make brown, red and green more distinct, which is necessary during spearfishing in turbid water. In addition, fish react less to the yellow tint, perceiving it as natural. This means that even hunting in a reservoir with very muddy water can be quite successful and bring rich fruits.

Underwater fishing using the lay-out method

The second method is to conduct hunting using the laying method. It consists of hiding the catcher at depth or on the surface of the water in anticipation of prey. This method is suitable for active fish that are constantly on the move.

At the bottom you should be positioned behind some kind of cover, looking in the direction where the fish will appear. It is necessary to be completely still, since the slightest movement can scare her away. It is best to place yourself on the paths of movement of fish, which can be seen, for example, in reed thickets. Usually this type of hunting takes a long time, but you can try to lure the prey.

Do not forget about the behavioral characteristics of fish. Some species go to feed in the early morning and in the evening, when it begins to get dark. Others appear only late at night. Seasonal migrations also have a significant impact.

Before you start spearfishing in practice, you must acquire at least basic theoretical knowledge. To do this, you should contact clubs that specialize in underwater hunting or diving centers.

What they will teach:

  1. Fundamentals of legislation and regulations in the field of spearfishing;
  2. Basics of proper diving;
  3. Basics of scuba diving;
  4. Basics of handling equipment and equipment used in spearfishing, their storage and maintenance;
  5. Basics of actions in various kinds of situations, etc.

It is also better to start spearfishing not alone, but under the guidance of an experienced mentor who can give the right advice and help if necessary.

Where can you go spearfishing?

  1. Reservoirs located in areas of nature reserves, national parks, etc.
  2. In places of "wintering pits".
  3. In places with strong currents.

It is best to hunt in rivers or other large bodies of water.

On the rivers:

  1. First of all, you need to identify places with “differences”: holes, recesses. If there is abundant algae, you need to inspect the “windows”;
  2. In parts where a natural dam has formed there is usually a high concentration of fish.

Large bodies of water:

  1. As in rivers, in large bodies of water it is necessary to identify places with “differences”. For example, the habitat of catfish is various holes and depressions.
  2. Near the shores, where bushes hang over the water; near cliffs and stream confluences.

In summer, it is worth hunting in the deeper layers of the reservoir, at night - closer to the bank

Clothes for spearfishing

Considering immersion in water, one of the main attributes of spearfishing is a wetsuit:

  1. Suits of 5 mm thickness are suitable for warmer seasons.
  2. Suits with 7 mm thickness are suitable for cold seasons. Also, they are considered the most practical.
  3. Suits with a thickness of more than 9 mm are designed for winter spearfishing.

There are such main types of wetsuits as:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.

Wetsuits "dry" classification:

Wetsuits of this classification are used mainly by experienced divers, taking into account long and deep-sea dives. Such suits are less convenient to use, and during operation you need to be as careful as possible when handling the suit.

Wet suits:

The suit includes elastic and heat-insulating materials that completely fit the contour of the body. This type of wetsuit is recommended due to the presence of pores on it.

Through the pores, the suit is tightly suctioned to the body, which prevents the possibility of water penetration. An advantageous feature of the suit is also its softness, the ability to breathe freely, perform actions freely while staying under water for a long time.

The characteristic name “wet” suit was given due to the fact that it needs to be moistened with water when putting it on. Otherwise, putting on a suit will be problematic.

When spearfishing in areas with reeds and snags, it is recommended to wear a set of sportswear made of strong nylon over the suit to protect it from damage.

When choosing a suit, you need to pay attention to the absence of excessive compression. After use, the suit must be rinsed with clean water. The suit is stored in a suspended state. The suit should be protected from direct exposure to the sun or cold.

For spearfishing, you will need neoprene socks - they are needed to prevent your feet from rubbing on the fins and your limbs from freezing.

Socks can be short, which are worn on the feet, or long, taking into account the coverage of the shins. The thickness of the socks must match the suit and hunting conditions. For example, in winter it is recommended to select socks with a thickness of at least 1 cm. But, nevertheless, the determination of thickness should be based on the thickness of the suit as a whole. Gloves and mittens - when choosing them, you should pay attention to their comfortable location on the hand and integrity.

In summer, it is recommended to choose gloves 3 mm thick, in spring and autumn - 5 mm thick. In the winter months, gloves or mittens are used, the thickness of which is more than 7 mm.

Hunting equipment

Fins are purchased depending on the size of your feet and socks. Must have closed heel sections. For beginner underwater hunters, it is recommended to purchase fins with soft blades. It is prohibited to allow the feet to be compressed by the fins. Otherwise, your feet will freeze and cramps may occur. Masks are an essential element of spearfishing.

  1. When choosing masks you need to pay attention to:
  2. Waterproof.
  3. No fogging.

Maximum visibility of the water area.

Selecting a tube does not require much effort. Here you need to pay attention to ensure that the mouthpiece of the tube does not jump out of your mouth while breathing.

A belt with a weight is used for diving. For beginners, it is recommended to use rubber belts with lead weight pads that do not interfere with breathing. To select the right load, you need to proceed from the thickness of the suit. For example, for a suit with a thickness of up to 5 mm, the load should not exceed 8 kg. The thicker the suit, the larger the load must be applied.

Spear gun. According to their characteristics and effectiveness, there are the following types of guns:

“Crossbow” - guns equipped with rubber-based rods. For beginner spearfishing enthusiasts, it is preferable to use crossbows whose length does not exceed 70 cm. The peculiarity of crossbows is their simplicity. They are used in lake and sea reservoirs with clear water. A very effective action is performed within a radius of 4 m.

"Pneumatic" - air guns. Both types of weapons provide powerful shots. As a rule, for beginner underwater hunters it is recommended to use guns whose length reaches more than 50 cm. Such guns are easy to use, reliable and guarantee a successful hunt with a probability of up to 90%. Effectively used in almost all reservoirs. In the case of hunting in reed and stone reservoirs, the length of the weapon should be no more than 80 cm. The gun should be loaded or unloaded only in water.

Is a required piece of equipment underwater hunter at all times, regardless of the characteristics of the aquatic environment and fishing. Knives with both sharp sides - stilettos - are the most recommended. The location of the knife is the inside of the shin, to prevent interference and “hooks” on the algae.

Kukan is a mandatory attribute. With its help, you can tie prey to yourself. A flashlight for underwater hunting is used in night underwater hunting, or in hunting, taking into account the depressions and caves in the topography of the reservoir.

When choosing a flashlight you should pay attention to:

  1. Complete lack of water permeability.
  2. Reliability of the design.
  3. Working hours.
  4. Light power.
  5. Equipped with a strong cord for fastening.
How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.


In spearfishing, there are inherent safety rules that should not be neglected:

  1. The time spent under water should be monitored.
  2. Pay attention to the presence of boats, scooters and other technical means of navigation on the surface of the water, so as not to get hit.
  3. Do not unload the gun outside the water.
  4. Do not swim immediately to a large fish that has been shot.
  5. Do not transfer weapons to people who do not have sufficient skills to handle them safely.
  6. Do not dive to great depths if you lack experience and confidence in your own abilities.
  7. Never dive while exhaling;
  8. Avoid hunting in areas with significant underwater vegetation or debris - this can lead to loss of orientation.

To increase hunting efficiency:

  1. During dives, your legs should be bent at the knees. After diving head down, your legs should be sharply straightened, which facilitates rapid penetration into the depths.
  2. You should approach the fish in a horizontal body position.
  3. The head and sides of the fish are the most vulnerable and provide immediate immobilization places for shooting.
  4. For novice hunters, the recommended diving depth is 7-8 meters.
  5. An effective catch depends on the hunter making a careful, silent and smooth movement.
  6. You can swim closer to the fish while it is feeding.
  7. Swim up to the fish a little higher or lower than its location - this way the hunter’s perception will be minimal;
  8. The most effective way to hunt is in clearings that exist in dense aquatic vegetation;
  9. Morning is the best time to organize spearfishing.

Actions in extreme situations:

  1. If caught in fishing nets, it is not recommended to make sudden movements, which may cause more entanglement. IN in this case
  2. you need to use a knife; If a cramp occurs, it is recommended to lie on your back.
  3. For at least 2 minutes, you need to massage the painful area with your hands and, if possible, use uniform and smooth movements towards the coastal side. If the damage is superficial, it can be removed with care. The wound site should be treated with an antiseptic, apply a sterile bandage, and then consult a doctor. In case of serious injury, seek medical attention immediately.
  4. In case of loss of consciousness, the victim must be taken to land, placed on his back, head thrown back, and freed from restraining clothing.

Try to revive it with ammonia or vinegar. Check the oral cavity and nasal passages for the possibility of free breathing. If necessary, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions. Contact a doctor.


  1. Depending on the body of water and the season, spearfishing has its own characteristics: Fresh water bodies:
  2. Here it is worth inspecting the edge of the vegetation, diving close to the bottom. Rivers:
  3. you need to move along the current. Seas:
  4. hunting is carried out closer to the bottom, with some kind of shelter nearby. Season:

seasons also affect spearfishing.

  1. 1. Winter time
  2. The fish is mostly passive, the reaction is calmer.
  3. The water is clear, which increases visibility and makes finding fish easier.

Possibility of using long crossbows, the advantage of which is the production of silent, accurate and light shots

  1. Flaws:
  2. Covering the surface of the water with ice.
  3. Descent of fish to significant depths.

Possibility of hypothermia.

  1. "Equipment":
  2. A wetsuit should be chosen with a thickness of more than 10 mm. At minimum water temperatures, it is recommended to use thermal underwear under the suit.
  3. The choice of gloves or mittens should be based on a thickness of at least 5 mm.
  4. As for socks, they should be centimeter thick.
  5. The load must not exceed 15 kg.

To prevent freezing of the face, it is recommended to choose one-piece masks with open parts for the eyes, mouth and nose.

  1. 2. Spring time
  2. Spring spearfishing is short due to snow melt and prohibition due to fish spawning.
  3. Considering the low water temperature, a wetsuit of 10 mm thickness is selected. Arrows with hooking limbs or guns are used, the length of which should not exceed 50 cm. In general, the equipment should correspond to its winter counterpart.

In reservoirs with standing water, spearfishing can be limited to a depth of 1.5 meters. As a rule, hunting is mainly carried out in a vertical position. Based on this, the blades of the fins should be of medium size.

  1. 3. Summer time Places are selected where the level of visibility is the highest, and the depth varies from 2 to 4-5 meters.
  2. Given the warm water, there is no particular need for a wetsuit. You can dive into the water in a T-shirt and shorts. But, nevertheless, there are varieties of suits designed for summer. Suits made in a separate style are similar. Positive visibility allows the use of guns whose length can exceed 1 m in length.

4. Autumn time

Autumn is characterized by fish passivity and preparation for winter. Hunting is carried out at a depth of about 3 meters. The search for fish occurs among vegetation, among snags or in depressions.

Times of Day: Most spearfishing is organized during the daytime. But there are also night types of spearfishing.

Positive features:

  1. High probability of catching large fish.
  2. There are no risk factors for collision with technical navigation equipment.
  3. Lack of cases to interfere with fishermen fishing with rods.
  4. At night there is no wind, which facilitates the close movement of fish to the coastal shallows.
  5. Possibility to use flashlights, making tracking and hunting easier.

Negative features:

  1. The flashlight occupies the free hand. A constantly outstretched arm gets tired and when making shots there may be misfires if you do not support the weapon with your second hand.
  2. Difficulty reproducing concentration on the target due to the monotonous water background, difficult separation of fish from vegetation.
  3. The likelihood of entangling the ropes of the kukan, the lantern and the fish itself.
  4. Orientation difficulties, as a result of which there is a possibility of becoming entangled in nets, falling into underwater rubble, or ending up in the branches of flooded trees
  5. The equipment is “on duty”, as in all cases. But the most important things are the presence of a flashlight and a knife.

Legal regulation

  1. To conduct underwater hunting, you must obtain an “underwater hunter” certificate.
  2. Underwater hunting is prohibited in areas of nature reserves, national parks under government supervision and during prohibited seasons in case of fish spawning.
  3. Underwater hunting organized within 500 meters of locks, dams and wintering pits for fish is also punishable by law.
  4. Spearfishing involves the absence of self-contained breathing apparatus.

The following equipment is permitted for spearfishing:

  1. Hand harpoons, harpoons with tips.
  2. Underwater weapons.
  1. In order to prevent collisions with technical equipment, a signal buoy must be left at the dive site.
  2. Excessively long stay under water helps to cool the body, which leads to spasms of the glottis, which can result in respiratory arrest.
  3. Before diving, be sure to check the tightness of the suit.


Spearfishing is an activity that combines three activities at once: swimming underwater, hunting and fishing. Available different kinds depending on the:

Time of day:

Each of these types has its own characteristics and differs in training and equipment. For example, someone who wants to practice year-round needs three types of wetsuits: for summer, spring-autumn and winter fishing. This is explained by the fact that both overheating and hypothermia pose the same danger.

Tips for beginners

Spearfishing is a kind of art, therefore, in order to master it, you must first gain theoretical knowledge. The most effective way would be to visit a club for those who love this activity, where you can get the necessary knowledge about equipment, safety precautions, and tips for a successful hunt. There are also many manuals, videos, and communication on forums.
Being underwater
The ability to stay underwater for as long as possible is one of the main components of success. The correct way to increase breath holding is intense breathing - hyperventilation. The task is, firstly, to accumulate as much oxygen as possible and, secondly, to remove carbon dioxide as much as possible.
Before diving into a body of water for the first time, you should definitely practice your breathing technique while underwater with a snorkel.

Selecting a location

You should choose a clear body of water. Most often, clean water is found in water with reeds. Underwater hunting with a flashlight has its advantages, because there are many types of fish that are easier to shoot at night.


A proven method for a successful catch over many years is the use of bait. The use of pheromones gives good results. You can try a new product - the “Hungry Fish” bait, about which there are good feedback. In general, it is worth experimenting with different baits and finding out which ones are more suitable for the characteristics of your hunt.


There are dangers for swimmers underwater when encountering mechanical obstacles: nets, algae, grass, flooded trees and others. You should either go around them, or very carefully make your way through them. As a last resort, you can reset the weight belt.

Typical beginner mistakes

1. Hunt alone.
2. Try to dive as quickly as possible, making sudden movements.
3. Ascend quickly and vigorously.
4. Start hunting without training.
5. Shoot without taking into account the movement of the fish. Shoot with some anticipation.

Necessary equipment for spearfishing

1. Mask
The appropriate size mask should fit your head tightly, but not squeeze it. Checking whether the mask fits you: place it on your face, suck in air. If the mask stuck and stayed like that for a while, then the size was chosen correctly. Different masks have different possibility review. You should choose the one with more visibility. If the silicone mask is black, then this is protection from sun glare.

2. Tube
Since it is impossible to stay underwater for a long time without breathing, you should also pay attention to choosing a good snorkel. It is impractical to choose a tube with silicone corrugation, as it will make noise and scare away all the fish. A smart purchase would be a tube that has different surfaces - corrugated on the outside and smooth on the inside. The inner surface will allow water to escape, which will eliminate noise, and the outer surface will provide flexibility, thereby preventing injury to the mouthpiece. A good option would be a tube with a top valve.

3. Fins for spearfishing
The choice depends on the location in which the hunt will take place. Fins have differences in material and blade sizes. The best option are fins with medium hardness. Long fins are not suitable for shallow water. They make movement difficult, and there is a risk of damage to the legs and fins themselves.

If your plans include hunting at significant depths, then you need to choose long and hard fins. They will add speed when diving. After purchasing socks, when purchasing fins, take them with you for proper fitting. Properly purchased fins will improve a swimmer's ability to maneuver.

4. Speargun
What kind of gun you need will determine the nature of the place where you are going to hunt. If it's sea, then you need a crossbow. An air gun is useful for hunting in reed thickets. You can buy a speargun for spearfishing at a specialized store, where they will help you choose a specific model for your purposes. You can read about the choice of arrows and tips in the article ““.

5. Wetsuit for spearfishing
The industry produces many models of wetsuits. It is better to buy a suit that consists of overalls and a jacket. They are sold separately, which is very convenient for people with a non-standard figure. Among suits made of different materials, you should choose the one that matches the ambient temperature. Signs of a correctly selected wetsuit size are that it does not compress the body too much, but does not sag. You should be careful when choosing the size of a wetsuit, without being embarrassed to spend a lot of time in the fitting room.

6. Gloves for spearfishing
There are two types: with five fingers and with three. Five-fingered ones are more comfortable, but since they are thinner, your hands will quickly cool down.

7. Weight belt
When choosing, two parameters are taken into account: body weight and wetsuit thickness. The selection of cargo for underwater hunting occurs individually for each hunter, based on his parameters.

8. Kukan
The presence of a kukan allows you not to come back every time after a catch. This accessory has a wide variety of options, allowing you to choose it according to your wishes.

9. Knife
Guarantees your safety. Must be reliable and have the ability to be easily attached. If danger arises, it is easy to remove. The choice of a knife for hunting and fishing is discussed in this article.

10. For underwater hunting, in addition to standard equipment, a special flashlight, harpoons, buoys, etc. can also be used.

Spearfishing has a number of positive aspects for the body. Swimming itself is beneficial because it helps strengthen the immune system. While swimming, all muscles work, including those that are not used while on shore. Finally, this activity brings pleasure and is an excellent way to combat stress.
Next in the video you can see what spearfishing is like.


Articles about Hunting

03/10/2010 | Spearfishing forever

“In biology, the statement that such and such an animal does not live there
not so rare means that simply no one was looking for him in these places ... "
K. Pryor (“Lads befir the Wind”)


Karen Pryor, a student of the world-famous Professor Skinner, after whom the method of operant learning of animals is even named, is considered the most authoritative expert on the behavioral characteristics of biological species, at one time she carried out numerous and unsuccessful experiments in training even such seemingly unpromising animal species as scallops . At one time, she, having said the phrase I mentioned in the epigraph (which can be read in her book), at lectures in San Diego on operant conditioning of aquatic organisms, added a few more words, the general meaning of which lies in the well-known Russian proverb “whoever seeks - he will always find."

Having several decades of scuba diving experience, I can confidently add that virtually “anything” can be found “almost anywhere.” What can we say if at last year’s spearfishing competition for the Moscow Mayor’s Cup in the Stroginsky backwater an eel measuring more than a meter was shot, and a one and a half meter catfish was recently caught practically in the center of Yaroslavl. Today it is easier for an ordinary hunter to find ducks in the center of Moscow than somewhere in the immediate Moscow region.

What am I talking about? Besides, you can describe as much as you like how and where to hunt something, and for some, you can read dozens of books on hunting, but it will not end in anything real - the theory will remain a theory, and memoirs will not help anyone, because " experience is the son of difficult mistakes,” and only “genius is a friend of paradoxes.” Therefore, you can “become” a “shooter”, but you must first of all be born a “hunter”.

Will you believe that you can also hunt fish “in a den”, “with a decoy”, “with a current”, “with a pull”...? No? But in vain. As much as possible, and very necessary. No matter what idle lovers of tales tell you about spearfishing in Russia, remember once and for all: it began many decades before any modern Russian “pioneer” trick was born. Nowadays, many people try to write down their favorite things about themselves, and, by chance, assign themselves the title of pioneer.

For the first time, methods of underwater hunting in Russia were described for the general public in the book “Underwater Newspaper” by Sladkov and Bianchi in 1964. And this was a well-calibrated, long-term work created to introduce the younger generation to spearfishing. So from this date you can safely postpone it back at least 20 years. But let's not talk about history at length. Now we will briefly look at some of the methods of spearfishing that the authors of some books on spearfishing do not even know.

As a rule, all classifications are given by the authors in relation to the place of hunting: in rivers (small, large), lakes, seas... Can you even imagine if land hunters suddenly take and describe separately hunting in a large forest, in a small in the forest, on the edge of the forest, on the lawn, by the road... it’s impossible to imagine anything more stupid. No, the place of hunting plays a significant role, but it has only an indirect relation to the object of hunting, and constructing a classification purely “topographically” is very unreasonable.

To begin with, we will look at several methods of underwater hunting, and then present typical representatives of the “fish world”, based on the biological classification of species.

1. Search method of underwater hunting.

The name of the method speaks for itself, although this technique has many names; rifle hunters call it “self-propelled gun.” Before hunting, you need to carefully study the sailing area, its features, select areas in which your chosen hunting object may be located, and think over the search route. The search can be anything (and there are many of them) and it depends on the conditions of the area - “comb”, “comb with a shift”, “zigzag”, “irregular zigzag”, “tacks”, “spiral”, “expanding spiral”. ..and dozens more. Again, their choice depends not only on natural conditions, but, for the most part, on the object of hunting and its habits.

You need to swim along the route slowly, very carefully examining the places where fish can hide, depending on their habits: stones, algae thickets, snags, sunken buildings and objects. Naturally, the priority is to search in swamps and near the edge of vegetation, along the shore and slopes, behind rifts, and so on...

Luck will come to you only if you have dexterity, vigilance, intelligence and, most importantly, if you know the habits of sea animals and fish, because finding a fish is not everything, you need to be able to “take” it; Having quickly orientated yourself in the surrounding environment, think about how best to approach the shot, and at the same time hit, preferably immediately in the killing area for large prey, or in a strong one for loose ones. You are allotted one to four seconds for everything, no more. Shooting with this method is carried out “offhand”, and with “aiming”, so very often, when a target is detected, they switch to other methods that ensure an accurate shot.

The search method should not be chaotic, but systematized, subordinate not only to the goals of the search, but also to the capabilities of the photo hunter himself. First you need to calculate your capabilities for working at depth and search speed, and then determine the depth of immersion when diving. Otherwise, you will quickly “knock out” your “motor resource”, and the whole hunt will end very quickly.

On the southern coast of Crimea, from January 1 until March 30, mullet come to winter in large numbers in the narrow coastal zone and numerous bays. Schools can move in a very tight formation, right side by side. At the same time, when the water temperature drops below +8°C, the fish becomes lethargic and reacts very weakly to swimmers. If the wetsuit is good enough, then you can go out to the same school many times. The same applies to flocks of carp in the autumn. Pike, as a rule, are arrogant, and allow you to calmly point your gun, but the hunt for sawfish or garfish will be swift and lightning fast. The scorpionfish will let you aim directly at its forehead, the croaker will try to escape into a rocky shot, and the eel will try to climb into some hole. Here you need to study the behavior of each fish individually.

2. Hunting for decoy and “on current”.

Photo hunting for decoy is quite difficult, but very interesting, since almost no one knows it. Many have never even heard of it. All sea and river fish react to one degree or another to sound vibrations and other oscillatory movements. Each of us remembers how the fry “splash” from a pebble thrown into the water - they know that this is how a predator “plays”. A series of splashes, pops, and squelches can either scare away or attract fish. For a long time, fishermen have been catching catfish with a “kwok”, hitting the water with a specially made “kwok”, they lure these huge fish from the pools. Pike, perch, mullet, and weasel often go for the “spank.” While on the surface, you need to carefully remove your hands from the water and slap your palm on the surface, but this must be done carefully, otherwise you will scare away all the “clients”.

The whole problem is whether such a hunt is allowed. The hunt for a “slap” is going well in early spring During pike spawning, males actively turn to the sounds, looking for females. Sometimes perches follow the sound of rolling pebbles. The sound of carp, pike, and greenfish arouses curiosity. Carp can be lured to the mud by lifting silt from the bottom with the current.

Not only birds, but also fish have spring gatherings, although in much smaller sizes. Schooling groups during the mating season can be found among bream, roach, pike, pike perch, and sturgeon. In spring and early summer, schools of playing fish can be found in their chosen strictly defined places, the location of which depends on the specific body of water or place. Underwater fishing “on a current” has not yet been studied enough, the field of activity here is huge, there are many opportunities for the emergence of situations that have not yet been seen by people.

Massive visits to spawning salmon are so abundant that it is almost impossible to call it hunting - a lot of fish are moving past you, choose any one you like. This is not a very sporting thing. Moreover, the water area of ​​small spawning rivers is very limited.

3. Hunting "float".

This method is available to every hunter and is very easy to master in a few shooting trips. “Floating” you can hunt any variety of fish, as long as it likes to stand in schools in the current at the surface of the water. A similar habit is clearly expressed in trout, ide, and chub. Knowing these “standing” places, you need to go 30-35 meters upstream, lie down in the water, stabilize your head exactly with the flow, check the readiness of the weapon one last time, and quietly, without unnecessary movements, glide along with the flow towards the flock. About ten meters you need to slowly go three meters deep, and when the flock is above you, quickly float up, and there your experience with weapons will decide everything. In such a situation, you can only count on one shot in one place.

4. The “water kite” method or “swing” hunting.

For such a hunt, a special device is needed, consisting of a strong cord with musings (knots) and a wooden crossbar for sitting at the end. In a fairly fast current, you need to secure one end of the cord to a bridge support, pile, snag, stone, etc., then smoothly unwind the cord and slide down to the crossbar. Holding onto the crossbar with his hands, or sitting on it, the hunter hangs above the bottom. By adjusting your body position and using your flippers, you can swing on this improvised swing from one bank to the other, and by clicking the carabiner from one musing to another, you can change the radius of the swing. A belt with a carabiner allows you to completely free your hands for working with weapons.

The disadvantage of this method: its narrow specialization; in this way you can conduct photo hunting in clean and fast mountain rivers ah and cold rivers of the north and north-west of Russia, during the passage of salmon, and even when towed behind a boat, in feeding areas of pelagic sea ​​fish, at speeds up to 3-4 knots. As a rule, rivers of the Scandinavian countries and Karelia, Kamchatka and the Far East, Altai are suitable for this method.

5. Hunting “in the pool.”

Hunting in pools and holes can only be carried out by a fairly experienced diver and only with a partner waiting for belay. You cannot hunt alone, without a knife and in very muddy water. Remember that poachers very often leave their fishing gear on snags and dumps, and it may not be a catfish that ends up in them. Even during the day, sometimes you need to use a fairly powerful under-barrel flashlight - huge catfish and pikes in the dark look less like fish than like mossy snags or logs.

Before entering a pit or pool, you need to “walk” around its perimeter, clearly find out the dimensions and expected depth, and the presence of possible obstacles. Having chosen the gentlest slope, without much haste, “enter” the pool towards its deepest place. Never rush to “hit an arrow” on the first specimen you come across, because at the edges, as a rule, lie the youngest rudd, chub, carp, and bream; a little further along lie bream and larger chubs, catfish, and burbot; and the most seasoned specimens, if you’re lucky, up to 1.5-2 meters, are waiting for you in the deepest place.

But once you scare away the entire “sleepy kingdom” at once, then you don’t need to think long about it - “hit” the first large specimen that comes your way. After this, you can leave for two or three days, look for other holes, since the fish “pandemonium” will raise huge clouds of silt, which will settle to a state suitable for photography only after a day, and large fish will return only after two or three days...

6. Hunting “in the den”.

Although this method is not entirely ecologically correct, it is the only effective way of underwater hunting for lovers of burrow life - burbot, eels, moray eels, and so on, in the daytime. If the stones or snags are small, then they are simply turned over. For the first moments, the inhabitants of such shelters are numb: they are perplexed “who and how”, because except for humans in nature, no one does this to the inhabitants of the “houses”.

It’s also not difficult to lure an eel out of a hole by slightly stirring up the water, or just wait until it appears. Don't rush to shoot - let him stick out at a sufficient distance. The most excellent eel shooting master I know is Volodya Dokuchaev. Read his advice - no one will give you better ones.

7. Hunting “on bait” and on manila.

So few people hunt now. Everyone goes to the Delta to shoot "mad fish." Modern scammers have neither the experience nor the patience to bait. For such a photo hunt, the first step is to look for a suitable “clearing” with a convenient “approach”. After which they prepare a place for the “hideout” by cutting down excess pondweed or other grass, leaving something like a dense screen in front of the “clearing”. Then the bait is prepared - these can be either living organisms (bloodworms, caddisfly larvae, chilim, carriage, mosquito tadpoles, fry, tubifex worms, Nereis, etc.), or specially prepared food. I won’t describe the classics - every fisherman knows how to prepare balls with bait. But I will note some peculiar options.

Live bait is placed in a three-liter jar or other fairly capacious transparent container with a wide neck, which is tied with gauze or covered with a lid, in which small holes are often made with a heated needle over the entire surface. Such a kind of aquarium, installed in the middle of a clearing, collects enough small fish around it, and larger fish lovers soon come to take the small things; cockroaches or grasshoppers, etc. are placed in sealed jars with a load. Dogs, gobies, plumes, and greenfinches come to the sea to look and poke at the glass. If you have neither the time nor the desire for a permanent bait, just crush a bunch of bloodworms, or pour 5 kilograms of bait from the boat into the water before changing clothes. After half an hour or an hour you can safely go out onto the “path”.

The turning points to the shelter in the form of a curtain of algae or a pile of stones must be carefully marked either with a pole stuck into the ground or with a marker buoy, so that later you do not have to scour the thickets for a long time and noisily when searching for the place to install the bait. Quite often, in marine photography, they use direct feeding of fish with crushed mussels, which is especially effective for cryptic organisms.

For fish that use their sense of smell in the process of searching for food, prepare special baits of cake, dough, etc., pressing them into springs 30-5 mm wide with a coil pitch of 7-12 mm and a height of 50-7 mm, closing the top and the lower part with the bottoms. The springs are placed on a platform in the middle of the clearing in a vertical position (the lower bottom can be made heavier). You can wrap the bait in two layers of gauze along with a pebble, but this method is less effective. Such baits “work” for 3-4 days. This includes hunting using a light “manila”.

Light manila:

The light manila is a light source enclosed in a casing that directs the light of the source to the lower diffuser.

Mullet and mullet, sawngas, and garfish are also in the spotlight. Practically all pelagic fish react to light. So at night hunting with a light manila at sea is always quite successful.

8. Hunting by “surge”.

Photography using the “surge” method is an excellent school of skill for underwater hunters. This method is used to hunt all fish hiding in the thickets of reeds and reeds. It takes two people to hunt. One of the hunters, with a crash and noise, should “break through” the very thickets, and the second should quietly swim a little behind along the very edge of the vegetation and attack the fish flying out at him.

9. Hunting “on the fly.”

Photo hunting “on takeoff” is carried out on seabed just under the shore, where there are large, 2-3 meters wide, stones ending in a flat top, overgrown with algae and other vegetation in close proximity to the surface of the water. On such flat tops, blennies, greenfinches, sometimes scorpionfish and mullet, and croakers feed. Having noticed such a stone, you need to dive 5-6 m to the very bottom and “fly” to the very foot of the stone, where, standing vertically, under the influence of your own positive buoyancy, you need to float to the upper edge of the underwater stone. Always keep the gun at eye level and your finger on the trigger.

In a similar way, “with a revolution” they hunt schooling fish in large rivers, for example, carp, grass carp, and silver carp. Only in this case, the hunter dives under the flock in advance, waiting for its center, and emerges with a flip on his back, aiming for the largest specimen in the flock in the light from below against the background of a light surface. This is a hunt for the masters.

10. Ambush hunting.

Classic spearfishing. A camouflage suit, a minimum of movements, great ability to hold your breath, a minimum of noise - and the trophy is yours. But holding your breath will have to be trained long and tediously. However, you can also “hang” on the water’s edge (if your snorkel is silent). You can hunt anything from an ambush, it all depends on a host of other circumstances.

To implement ambush hunting at sea, a number of conditions must be met. Animals must be pelagic, preferably anadromous, preferably with school behavior. It is very difficult to “overstay” a croaker, but it is quite possible to watch for a mullet. The hunter must find out in advance the usual places of passage of the schools and the time (morning, evening). This is how they usually wait behind the capes for mullet, horse mackerel, and garfish.
Ambush hunting is very interesting. predatory fish“grazing” schools of anchovy and silverside. Here you need, in addition to everything, to know the swimming ability and speed of schools of forage fish. If you managed to attack a school of anchovy with a predominant mass of specimens of 6 grams, then it is enough to remember in which direction under the shore the school migrated and at what time it was. The migration speed of such anchovy is 30-40 cm/s, and for adult fish weighing 12 grams, 40-50 cm/s. You need to drive a car or boat along the course of the shoal with anticipation and stand in ambush at convenient location. During the feeding period, in places rich in food, anchovy moves at a speed of 20 cm/s, covering 1 km in 83 minutes. Apparently, the most typical migration speeds of anchovy are 15-20 cm/s. If the school has saragnas or other predators on its tail, then the school will move at speeds of 50-60 cm/s.

Some species of sea bass are prone to sustained daily migrations. They spend daylight hours in rocky crevices at depth, occasionally leaving them for short hunting trips. As sunset approaches, the feeding activity of fish increases sharply; they begin to scour around their permanent habitats, and late at night, gathering in schools, they move to shallow water for active feeding. The schools scatter just under the shore, and before dawn they form again and move into the depths, where the perches first disperse across their “grounds” and then go into the crevices again for the whole day. On the path of such migrations, ambushes are set up, calculated in advance based on several observations. Approximate time is 5-6 hours and 24-1 nights. At the same time, you can use light manilas.

In many ways, the method of underwater hunting determines not only the place and type of the hunted object, but also its local characteristics: For example, the sawfish can stay overnight in a shallow bay near the shore, then the fish can be taken with your bare hands, or it can go into the flood to spawn, and You won’t have time to get back out and fall into a trap. He also likes to frolic on the surface and at shallow depths, and the Azov sharpnose is not afraid of warm water - it comes to the shore to feed even at a temperature of +30. Loban prefers cold water, and singir comes to the shores of Crimea very rarely. Quite often, especially in spring, in the Black Sea, large croakers can be found at shallow depths and the classic rule - greater depth - larger croakers, suddenly, does not work. The thermocline drives the fish, which hatch eggs during this period, into a warmer layer, and the boundary of the layers passes at depths of 4-5 meters. Fluctuations in the hydrogen sulfide layer also force those who like to sit deeper into shallow water. So it can be “squeezed out” from the depths of the Kalkan even after hours, and not necessarily in early spring. Large fish of the same species behave completely differently from smaller ones. So experience is always the son of difficult mistakes.

In fact, there are many more methods of underwater hunting than I have listed, and their combinations are generally countless. All of the above hunting methods are by no means classical techniques. Various combinations, additions, changes, and the introduction of fundamentally new techniques are possible, because spearfishing in our country is just beginning to develop.

Water temperature also has a serious impact on the work of an underwater hunter. For example, in the Black Sea, the upper “working” layer, down to a depth of 40 meters, is subject to seasonal fluctuations in water temperature at the surface: from 7°C in winter to 24°C in summer, and off the coast of the Caucasus up to 29-30°C. With depth, fluctuations in water temperature decrease. At a depth of 40 meters, the temperature varies from 8°C in winter to 11°C in summer. Such changes force hunters not only to change clothes, but also to adapt to the temperature migrations of fish. The upper half of the “working” layer, warm in summer and cold in winter, is populated in summer by fish from Mediterranean Sea. The lower half is constantly inhabited by cold-loving fish - the so-called boreal-Atlantic forms. In winter, when the temperature of the layers is equalized, cold-loving fish also populate the upper floor.

Therefore, there is no way to avoid this trick without an “underwater calendar.”


24 years ago I published my book "The Road to Mystery" depths of the sea- Secrets of underwater photography." And there was an underwater hunter’s calendar. We recently put up a fisherman’s calendar, for whom we published part of this calendar. Imagine my surprise when the Fish Season portal made a claim to us that we had taken from them calendar, but you didn’t put a link. Gentlemen, I don’t know where you stole this material from - it’s quite possible that you already took it from countless clones of my materials (and even respected media steal them from me), but the original source is still here. Published with abbreviations. The vast majority of “clean catchers” and “underwater photographers” prefer the warm season, and in the cold months they prepare for the new season, conduct studio work, modernize equipment, put albums and websites in order. Therefore, a calendar will be given below. exclusively for the regular spearfishing season.

At the beginning of April, the rivers of the central zone of the European part of the country usually open up. Pike perch and large perch go hunting in the morning and evening hours at depths of 4-6 meters, medium and small perch stay in shallow places 1-1.5 meters near the grass. After the end of the ice drift, perch spawn in rivers, and with the disappearance of ice, in lakes and reservoirs. In the second decade - the beginning of spawning of pike, in the second, and sometimes in the third - ruff. Closer to the north, these dates shift somewhat. So, for example, in Leningrad, Kirov and Volgograd regions the rivers open at the end of the month. In the Kirov region, as a rule, pike spawning takes place under the ice in the first two decades of April. The spawning of pike perch, carp, barbel, podust, shemai, and fish begins. After the water recedes, pike, perch, and roach remain in the pits. Photographers “change” from “dry” wetsuits to “wet” ones. During this period, it is very interesting to photograph the activating crayfish, crawling out to bask in front of their burrows. The water is very clear and the conditions for filming are very suitable. After the spring waters disappear, pikes, perches, and roaches remain in the holes of the flooded meadows.

In the middle zone of the European part of the country, all the trees are blooming. Bird cherry blossoms, and by the end of the month - lilac, apple tree, rowan. At the end of the third decade or at the beginning of June, when the water warms up enough and warm weather sets in, dragonfly larvae begin to emerge from the grasses. Pike stays near the boundaries of aquatic vegetation. In the first and second decades, asp, pike-perch, roach, podust, chub, ide, gudgeon, and jab spawn in the rivers; in small lakes with higher water temperatures - bream. In the northern regions, spawning dates shift by 15-20 days. In the Kuban, carp, roach, kutum, and bersh are spawning; goby - in the coastal waters of the Caspian and Black Sea. As the weather warms, burbot moves deeper into the depths. Photo hunters change into lightweight suits, or even begin to descend without them. The water is still quite clear, plankton is just beginning to develop.
At the beginning of the month the water temperature is +4°C, and at the end the water heats up to +15°C on the surface. Catfish, tench, and crucian carp wake up. All the fish are mostly basking in the shallows, and the underwater thickets are beginning to turn green.

The beginning of summer in the middle zone. All aquatic plants grow rapidly. In the second - early third decade, rose hips and rye bloom. In rivers, reservoirs and lakes, rudd, bream, and catfish spawn first, then silver bream, hive, carp, crucian carp, and tench. In late spring, a mass emergence of dragonfly larvae is observed in the first ten days of June. The second half of the month usually sees the emergence of mayflies. The process of feeding all the fish at the moment of departure of this butterfly is very interesting to photograph. In the Caspian Sea, as the water temperature rises, fish begin to leave coastal areas and go deeper. At the beginning of the month, the molting of crayfish begins. Spearfishing is in full swing in the south; a lot of vacationers “comb” the coastal thickets in search of native wildlife. Crayfish are molting, and large fish often “stand” near their burrows.

In the central zone of the European part of Russia - summer month with the most stable and high air and water temperatures. Water “blooming” begins (massive development of microscopic algae in rivers and lakes). In small reservoirs, this process occurs very intensively under favorable conditions. The algae then dies and decomposes. In some reservoirs, due to this, the fish get sick, and sometimes even death is observed. The emergence of mayflies in the Irtysh catchment occurs in the first ten days of the month, lasting 8-10 days with intervals of 1-2 days. July is the height of underwater photography. The water temperature allows you to stay underwater without a wetsuit for up to several hours.

In the European part of Russia, grain is ripening. There is an increase in morning fogs and a gradual decrease in night temperatures. At the end of the month, the water temperature decreases, microscopic algae die off, and the water becomes clearer.
On Black Sea coast Goby, croaker, sea ruffe, sponge, and garfish live off the coast of the Caucasus. In the middle zone, by the end of the month you already need to wear a light wet suit.

Beginning of autumn. The water temperature continues to decline. The leaves are starting to fall. In some places, falling leaves cover the surface of the water in a dense layer. IN good weather Perches, roaches, breams, roaches like to stand under them (fish do not gather under a layer of fallen alder leaves). Aquatic plants turn brown, partially curl up and sink to the bottom. Underwater thickets are thinning. The fish go to deeper places. The water becomes even clearer. In the Caspian Sea, as the water temperature drops, fish approach the shores. On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, mullet, large horse mackerel, and gurnard live near the shore. Burbot prowls in the rivers near the shore. The majority of fish gather in schools. The average monthly water temperature in the center of Russia is up to 13°C, and by the end of the month it drops to 10-9°C. In the Black Sea you can swim in lightweight suits until the very end of the month. In rivers, fish gather in dense schools.

In the middle zone, the deciduous forest is exposed, the mud on the roads does not dry out, and there are long, drizzling rains. Cold winds are blowing, the sky is covered with low hanging clouds. The water temperature is already about +4°C; On the Black Sea coast 10-12°C. In the middle zone, this is one of the last months of sailing in “wet” suits. Catfish, tench, carp, bream become lethargic and allow humans to come close. The autumn feeding of pike continues, mainly on deep places. In some years, early freeze-up is observed in the northern regions. In the southern regions the weather is relatively warm and the fishing is the same as in September. With a steady decrease in temperature, vimba and shemaya come to Kuban for the winter. Now is the time to go to the Volga Raskats to take advantage of the warm weather and before winter have plenty of hunting for trophy specimens of carp, pike, catfish, carp, pike perch and tench. As a suit for Raskatov, I recommend “transitional” models with combined neoprene 5-4-3. Light and warm, the “transparency” is excellent, and the “black water” covers almost all the Peels.


The fish-biting calendar is also very interesting for underwater hunters, because it not only shows whether the fish takes the bait or not, but, first of all, characterizes its motor activity. But this is exactly what determines where this or that fish will be located - on the “feeding areas” or in the shelter. Accordingly, if the “bite” is excellent - the fish is “in the field”; if there is “no bite” - it is in holes, snags, or other shelters.

Water temperature has the greatest influence on the results of fishing (no matter what method), since cold-blooded animals cannot oppose their own body temperature to fluctuations in water temperature and immediately react to every warming or cooling of the environment.




Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Elets (adult)
Dace (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Crucian carp (adult)
Crucian carp (growing)
Rudd (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)




Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)


Ideally, I would advise taking a dip for the first time in places like the Volga Delta. Transparent and warm water, safe, one and a half meter depth, plenty of light and a variety of small fish - this is what you need for your first acquaintance with underwater world. However, not all Russians have similar bodies of water nearby, and therefore knowledge of our fresh water bodies, even if purely theoretical at first, will help make the right choice.

Since reservoirs interest us solely from the point of view of the possibility and feasibility of using them for spearfishing, we will consider them from these positions. In particular, according to criteria such as average depth, water transparency and current speed. Based on this, we will divide all Russian fresh water bodies into small and medium-sized rivers, where there is a gentle current and average depths do not exceed 4-5 meters, mountain rivers, where the depths are even shallower, but the current is very powerful, large rivers and lakes, ponds, quarries and reservoirs.

Spearfishing on small and medium rivers

Personally, I really like to hunt in small and medium-sized rivers. Firstly, the shallow depths and light saturation of such a reservoir contribute to the rapid growth of abundant and diverse aquatic vegetation. Not only does it provide food and shelter for many fish, it is also so beautiful! What about the rubble formed after washed away coastal trees fall into the water? They are impossible in this form in any other reservoirs, but it is river debris that is the most likely daytime habitat for catfish, chubs, ides, pike perch and other fish. If a hunter is not only (and not so much!) a breadwinner, then he is interested in swimming among underwater plants, in reeds and cattails, on shallows and riffles, it is interesting to check cold holes and whirlpools, warm reaches and bays, that is, to carry out a comprehensive search. And this is justified, since the good thing about a small river is that it is unpredictable.

In such streams there is a current of medium strength. It forms the river bed, which in two or three years can change beyond recognition. Where good pondweed grew last year, this year it became sandy and the grass almost disappeared. Or, on the contrary, a powerful blockade was swept away by the spring flood, but at the next bend a large alder tree was washed away and knocked down, and now a new “Eldorado” is being created there.

And the behavior of fish in the river cannot always be predicted. Sometimes you find it in completely unusual places. In addition to temperature and pressure, in small rivers the presence of fish in a particular place can be influenced by spring floods, accidental discharges from industrial enterprises, farms or livestock yards, prolonged rains, and so on. In a river where last year there were no fish at all and you were ready to give up on them, there are surprisingly many of them this year. Unfortunately, this rarely happens; more often, alas, it’s the other way around. But that is another topic…
Small rivers are also good because all categories of hunters can enjoy hunting there: old and young, experienced masters and beginners. In them it is quite possible to do without diving to great depths, without making long breath-holds, which many of us, for one reason or another, are simply incapable of. But at the same time, with some experience and perseverance, you can always count on meeting fish. And sometimes it’s not small at all.

And the last word in defense of small rivers. There are many of them, or rather, a lot of them. And even more precisely - more than 2.5 million! They cover our mostly flat country so thickly that near not only every city, but also towns and villages you can always find a river or rivulet. Thousands of hunters can enjoy our favorite hobby without buying a train or plane ticket. And this is a very powerful, perhaps the main argument in favor of hunting on small rivers.

Spearfishing in mountain rivers

Mountain rivers, in accordance with the criteria we have adopted, should also be classified as small rivers. It is distinguished from a lowland river by a powerful current, usually a rocky bed and an almost complete absence of aquatic vegetation. The first of these differences makes spearfishing either completely impossible or very difficult. It is impossible to describe in words the stream in which you can still hunt, and the one in which it is better not to meddle. Everyone must learn to determine this themselves, based on the speed of the current, the depth, the abundance of stones and other objects in the riverbed, the equipment used and their own physical fitness.

There is no question of swimming against the current. There are two ways out: the first is to hunt in places where there is almost no current, that is, under a waterfall, on a hole or on a stretch, and the second is to raft down the river. When rafting down a mountain river, even if it’s not very stormy, the speed is such that you have to be more careful not to crash into some boulder under water. Sometimes you rush past graylings standing right at the bottom and, despite very good visibility, you don’t even have time to notice them.

It is much simpler and more common to hunt on a stretch, where a countercurrent forms after a sharp turn in the river, or in holes under falling water. On the reach you can find not only fish from mountain rivers, but also the well-known perch, ide, pike, and burbot. It is very likely that this fish has never seen an underwater hunter and will let you take a shot without showing signs of excitement or fear. Hunting under a waterfall is interesting due to a completely unusual situation: falling water forms thousands of small bubbles and sharply reduces visibility. Often it is in this seething water or just downstream that the owner of the waterfall (taimen, brown trout) stands and waits for what the river will bring him.

Obviously, mountain rivers are completely unsuitable for a novice hunter. Hunting in them, despite the shallow depths, requires a person to have self-confidence, quick reaction and experience in communicating with the aquatic environment, which is exactly what beginners do not have. When all this appears, it is very likely that hunting in mountain rivers will become your favorite. This is exactly what happened to me. The reason lies in the very sporting nature of the hunt, in the exceptionally clear water of such rivers, and especially in its inhabitants. The main and typical inhabitants of Russian mountain rivers are trout, salmon, whitefish, trout, grayling, in Siberia there are also taimen and lenok, and in Far East- several types of Pacific salmon. All these fish belong to salmon and whitefish, they are very beautiful, strong, and such fish as taimen and salmon can weigh 20, 30 or more kilograms - real colossi both in weight and strength. The vast majority of our hunters have not met them either under water or even on the shelves of fish supermarkets.

Spearfishing in lowland rivers

In large lowland rivers, starting from a depth of 5 meters, as a rule, there is no longer lush vegetation, and the bottom is something like a lunar landscape: it is either bare sand, or sand covered with a small layer of silt, or clay, or stones. It happens, however, when the river bottom is covered with logs - the consequences of the once active moth rafting of the forest.

A significant part of large rivers still occupy coastal, shallow areas with hard and soft aquatic vegetation. On these “shelves” hunting is no different from that which is typical for small rivers. Therefore, we will not dwell on this and will immediately delve deeper...

Diving to great depths (10 meters or more) with visibility of one and a half to two meters is difficult. It has long been noted that, when swimming in muddy water, a diver, all other things being equal, will not be able to hold his breath as much as he does in a clear body of water. Apparently it's subconscious. And then the thought constantly beats in your head: is there an old net waiting for you down there, planes with huge and sharp hooks, or protruding reinforcement. Therefore, with visibility of two to two and a half meters, you have to reduce the speed of your dive in order to be able to stop with the unexpected appearance of an obstacle threatening you and not crash into it face-first. At the same time, the time spent at the bottom and, accordingly, your ability to find fish there are sharply reduced.

Now, when there is ten times less fish in Russian rivers than twenty to thirty years ago, it is our large rivers still remain very attractive hunting areas for experienced submariners. Fortunately, river fish is a biological species that is almost impossible to completely destroy either with nets, seines, or electric current. In the dark depths of the river there will always be objects of our desire - large fish. And based on the fact that the hunter receives indelible impressions and pleasure from meeting at least one worthy specimen, we can be confident in the future of this variety of our hobby. This conclusion is also confirmed by the fact that hunting in big rivers the most difficult of all types of freshwater hunting and not accessible to all of us.

Spearfishing in lakes, quarries and reservoirs

The fundamental difference between lakes, quarries and reservoirs and rivers is the complete or almost complete absence of flow. This factor is extremely important in the development and existence of the flora and fauna of the reservoir. The first thing the current does is mix the water mass. And this leads to equalization of the temperature regime vertically and saturation of the lower layers of water with oxygen. This practically does not happen in stagnant reservoirs.

In addition to the fact that the composition of water is influenced by its purely mechanical mixing, aquatic plants play an even greater role in this process. Due to the inability to move quickly, underwater flora is very critical to growing conditions. Therefore, when understanding aquatic plants, we see a strict division into those that need a strong current, and those for which it is not necessary or even contraindicated. In standing water, the most common species found are urut, chastuha, vallisneria, bladderwrack, burrwort, some types of pondweed, as well as reeds, reeds, cattails and sedges along the banks.

Almost all plants on earth, when exposed to sunlight, release oxygen, and in its absence, carbon dioxide. This determines the main difference in the oxygen regime of water bodies during the day and at night. But a lot depends on the water: if the water is clear, then the light penetrates deeply and the plants “work”, and if it is cloudy, then, alas, this is where swamps are formed. We know about the attitude of fish to the oxygen regime from fishing and scientific literature and from our own experience. Everyone knows that tench, crucian carp, and carp feel great in stagnant water. If the water is cloudy, then it heats up quickly, and it is known that the warmer the water, the less oxygen it contains. These fish have adapted to such a life; they not only live, but also reproduce in these conditions. And it’s a completely different matter - chub, dace, not to mention the fish of mountain rivers.

Hunting in a still body of water is in some ways easier, but in others more difficult. It’s easier, in particular, because you don’t have to fight the current. Without this it’s pure physical activity and you can breathe easier, hold your breath longer, and you can get by with small, softer fins (which also reduces the load). However, it is more difficult to take fish from the approach, and here's why.
In a river, the underwater environment is noisy, moving and changing. The fish gets used to it and does not react to weak disturbances (read: the movement of an experienced hunter in the water). There is silence in the lake. Any movement of the hunter, even the most silent one, is certainly transmitted in an incompressible medium, which is water, and is perceived by the lateral line of the fish. Realizing this fact, we should not be surprised that, when swimming in a lake that is known to be fishy, ​​we often do not see any fish: they simply leave before the transparency of the water allows them to be detected.

What then remains for us? And to us, if we are tuned in to the search method, only those fish are available that are fenced off from the surrounding space by some kind of barrier. First of all, these are plants. Fish can be found at the bottom, among soft aquatic vegetation, for example, in the thickets of some pondweeds, egg capsules, water lilies, chara vulgare, Canadian elodea and others. In this case, you will have to dive to depths of up to five meters and with close range look at what might be hiding in the short grass at the bottom. If the grass stretches up more than one meter, then you should carefully examine the thickness of the water. Here, among the green stems and leaves, you can see hovering pike, red crucian carp, bream, tench, and eels. Pike perch and catfish really don’t like to break away from the bottom, but in some cases they allow themselves to do so.

If you can’t find anything by searching at depth, lift your head out of the water, look around and look for hard aquatic vegetation (reeds, reeds, cattails, sedges), which often forms impassable jungles separating the reservoir from the land. Swim to these bushes and climb into them. Here you can make noise, crackle the dried stalks of the same reed blocking your path. The fish here take refuge and are much less shy. First of all, among the reeds and reeds you will find white crucian carp, and if you are lucky, then carp and carp. Large pike and catfish also come here to rest.

Thus, a small and shallow lake with clean, clear water is perhaps the most suitable place for the very first dives. Considering that there are about 2 million (!) lakes in our country, such reservoirs can be found in your district. But at the same time, dives should still be under the guidance and supervision of a more experienced hunter. It is better to do this in the second half of summer or early autumn, when vegetation in the reservoirs has fully developed, the water has cleared, and prolonged rains and cold have not yet set in.