Island of Forgotten Spirits. Island of good spirits or Karelian Shambhala in Karelia. The Island of Good Spirits is a favorite holiday destination among tourists

Karelia is famous for its sights, amazing islands and ancient monuments. In our article we will talk about the mysterious and mysterious place- the island of Good Spirits, the location of which is not even indicated on the map.

The Island of Good Spirits is a favorite holiday destination among tourists

This island is not marked on any geographical map. They say that if you start marking it, the cards get wet, and pencils and pens break. And the tourists rushing here have their kayaks capsized. It is possible to get to the island, but it is quite problematic, so it is better to go here as part of a tourist group. As they say local residents, spirits guard their island, so the path here is prohibited for those not initiated.

Island of Good Spirits perfect place for hiking and tourist parking. Firstly, there are many interesting places, which are worth visiting, and secondly, excellent fishing. Wooden, stone and metal sculptures, as well as household and household items, are popular on the island. Statues, stone figures, spoons and forks, pots - all this remains from ancient times. For example, some exhibits have been living here since the 70s. Walking along the Island of Good Spirits, you can admire a large spoon with a pot, as well as a hut and a wooden boat made of birch bark.

Island of Good Spirits - amazing place, which is definitely worth a visit. Picturesque nature, ancient household items, sculptures, tourist sites, as well as fresh air and a magical aura supported by good spirits. Visiting the island will leave unforgettable memories for the rest of your life.

Having finished all the work in the parking lot, we go to the island of “Good Spirits”. We are nervous... After all, it took 6 days to get to this place.

First, we hang up a flag with 274 embroidered names of Orlovites.

Friends! May the power of the “Good Spirits” be with us.

Now the flag is visible from afar.

On the island we found hundreds of “artifacts” left by tourists. It's time to win a smartphone from our general sponsor - the Beeline company in Orel.

Watch the video! Instructor of the largest in Karelia travel company“Stella - Karelia” randomly determines the owner of the smartphone.

Unfortunately, the owner of the patch with number 478899 did not respond within 24 hours. But we have a winner (the owner of the patch with number 464747)! A smartphone from Beeline was won by Ekaterina Tyurina. Congratulations to her! Hooray

Riddle No. 4. Where did the mouse hide? (solved)

If you carefully followed the news of the Karel-Arel 2013 expedition, then remember that a gray mouse traveled with us.

While we were playing the smartphone, the mouse ran away and hid among the artifacts of the island of “Good Spirits”. Friends! Help me find him! He is very dear to us. Moreover, his owner, Nina Molodtsova, is waiting for him in Orel.

In each of the 3 photographs there is a gray mouse hidden. Whoever finds it the fastest will receive a prize from our coffee and tea sponsor - the Tea Harbor store in Orel (opposite the Palace of Pioneers). One account - one try!

1) 1 kg of freshly roasted coffee;
2) 357 gram pu-erh pancake;
3) 1 kg of Argentine mate.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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Many in childhood dreamed of finding themselves on mysterious island with lots of treasures and tropical fruits. However, with the mysterious atolls, everything is far from so simple. For example, one of them has about 5 snakes per square meter - and it is perhaps the cutest.

website collected 12 truly strange islands, surrounded by age-old secrets. And at the end of the article you will find a bonus that shows how amazing the inhabitants of the islands are.

1. Palmyra Atoll

The atoll is located south of Hawaii and is owned by the United States. They say that this place is "demon-possessed". Over the course of several centuries, the island gained notoriety due to many shipwrecks near its shores. One of the incidents gave rise to rumors about a hidden treasure that was cursed by the souls of dead sailors.

In addition to shipwrecks, this place is also rich in rumors about missing ships. In 1855, a ship reported a collision with a reef, but rescuers who arrived at the scene found neither the ship nor the people.

During World War II, this island was used as a springboard. It is said that soldiers who worked there were subject to panic attacks of unknown origin, several of which resulted in suicide.

2. Snake Island

There aren't just a lot of snakes on this attractive island off Brazil - there are a lot of them. So much so that apart from them (and rare birds), no one can live there. The species inhabiting the island is officially recognized as the most poisonous- from one bite, complete destruction of tissue begins. There are even rarely excursions there - only Nat Geo expeditions for the purpose of studying and filming.

However, recently there are several unfortunate people who have become victims of this island. The fisherman, who did not know about the danger, landed on the shore. When he was discovered, he was lying in a pool of blood, covered in snake bites. And the family who decided to move to this island, also not knowing about all its vicissitudes. According to rumors, they ran out of the house as snakes filled the entire room, crawling through the windows. And already in fact they were found all over the island in pieces.

3. Island “Once you go, you won’t come back”

In the Kazakh language, the island is called Barsa-Kelmes, which literally means “If you go, you won’t come back.” Its name comes from ancient legends that tell of fugitives who They stayed on the island for about a year, and sometimes returned home after dozens of years. In addition, entire groups of people disappeared on the island - the Kazakhs blamed this on a flying lizard that came from prehistoric times.

The island was officially discovered in the mid-19th century. In the 20th century, there was a hunting farm on its territory. However, pretty soon the island was declared a nature reserve, which became one of the most closed in the USSR.

After shallowing Aral Sea the island is officially a tract.

4. Miyakejima Island

You can only be on it with a gas mask at hand. so that in case of danger you can immediately put it on. Located on Miyakejima active volcano. However, the greatest danger is not eruptions, but the poisonous gas that seeps from the bowels of the earth. In 1962, after a particularly strong eruption, all residents were evacuated, but already in 2000 they wanted to return to their homeland - now about 2,415 people live there.

5. Poveglia Island

The history of this island in Venice can amaze you at least with the logic of its use by people. During the Black Plague epidemic, the island was last refuge for about 160 thousand patients, 50% of its soil consists of the ashes of burned corpses.

In the 1920s, the Italian government opened a hospital for the mentally ill on the island. Patients complained endlessly about headaches and that the island was full of spirits who died in terrible agony. In addition, they say that the chief doctor conducted horrific experiments on patients. It is unclear what the ultimate cause was, but he went mad and committed suicide by jumping from the island's bell tower. After which the hospital was closed.

On this moment the island is empty - there are many photographs on the Internet of abandoned hospital rooms and that very bell tower.

6. Island of Dead Dolls

Quite a famous island among lovers of specific sensations. On this island lived a hermit named Julian Santana Barrera. Legend has it that one day a girl drowned near the shore near his house, and from that time on, many broken and discarded dolls began to wash up on the island. The hermit thought that this was a sign, and began to dress them up and hang them on trees, thus protecting himself from evil and trying to appease the girl’s spirit.

He collected his creepy collection for about 50 years, after which he was found drowned in the same place where the girl was.

7. Bouvet Island

Perhaps this island is the most isolated point on earth. Around 3,146,000 square miles (which is a little less area Europe) there is no other land.

Despite this, there is quite a connection with the island interesting story. The island was discovered in 1739 and forgotten for almost 60 years. After this time, an expedition arrived on the island and discovered a strange discovery - an abandoned ship lay on the island with its stern in the water. No serious faults were found on it, no name or other identifying marks. The oars lay 10 meters from the ship. We thought, of course, about a shipwreck, however, no human remains or housing were found near the ship.

In addition, in 1979, 2 incidents occurred on the island nuclear explosion, which are not recognized by any country.

8. Henderson Island

Nowadays this island is known only incredible amount garbage along its shores. However, he also has a more beautiful, mysterious side.

One of the striking mysteries of the island is a cave with a spring in which human skeletons were discovered. Petroglyphs on the surrounding rocks, earthen ovens, stone tools and other crafts were found there. Nobody knows where these people came from and what culture they were. According to archaeological data, the island was inhabited in the 12th–15th centuries.

It is unclear where this miniature culture came from and where it disappeared to. Adding to the mystery is the fact that there is catastrophically little fresh water on the island, and the skeletons in the caves are stacked incredibly neatly.

9. North Brother Island



The history of this island is to some extent mirrored by its Venetian counterpart.

IN late XIX century, a hospital was opened on the island that specialized in the treatment of smallpox and the isolation of patients. In 1904, the steamship General Slocum sank off the coast of North Brother, killing more than a thousand people.

40 years later, a clinic for the rehabilitation of drug addicts was opened on the island, but it became famous for the corruption and cruelty of the staff. In addition, the percentage of patients who began to use drugs more heavily after their stay in the clinic was very high. Therefore, it was closed in 1963.

As of 2017, the island is uninhabited: the clinic was destroyed, its territory was overgrown with forest.

10. Por-Bazhyn Island

Por-Bazhyn (which translated from Tuvan means “ clay house») - historical monument, built on a small island in the middle of Lake Tere-Khol in the Republic of Tyva.

The most relevant version at the moment is that the building was summer residence for relax.

In addition, the researchers were able to establish that the lake around the island has disappeared several times- due to the blocking of underground sources. It is likely that the fortress was built precisely at such a time, as evidenced by the roads at the bottom of the reservoir.

However, neither the exact reason for the destruction of the building nor the exact historical persons who used it have been established.

11. Roanoke Island

This is what Roanoke looks like in 2016.

This island became famous for the colony of settlers that disappeared on it. In 1587, Governor John White left more than 100 men and women on board while he sailed to England to bring in needed supplies. However, there was a war in the country and he was able to return only after 3 years.

Before he left, the colonists made a promise that if they were forced to leave the island, they would leave a sign in a visible place. On his arrival, John White found the word "CROATON" carved on a tree near the gate, and on another, near the road leading to the pier, only three letters - "CRO", which, in all likelihood, was an abbreviation of the same word. Croatoan is the name of the neighboring Indian tribe, but they were not found there

In addition, the entire island is riddled with large ruts, similar to a network of rails or roads, but not a single wheel - wooden or other material - was found.

Bonus: Swimming Pig Island in the Bahamas

This island called Pig Beach is interesting because it is inhabited by... feral pig community, which are regularly fed by Bahamians specially hired for this purpose and by tourists who come to admire the miracle of nature.

You can come to the island, rent a room in a small hotel, rent a boat - and the pigs will definitely swim up to it and start begging for treats. However, be careful: if your ship runs aground, one of the piglets might jump on board and eat your lunch!

In the Republic of Karelia there is a place that is not on any geographical map. This place is the Island of Good Spirits. It is famous for its mystery, amazing nature and mysticism.

Those who want to rent cottages in Karelia closer to this island should choose properties in the Belomorsky region. Every year hundreds of tourists conduct eco-tourism in Karelia and visit this island.
Usually these are those who are not here for the first time and know that the island has enough convenient places for tourist sites.

Tourists visiting the island can go to the museum of wooden crafts made by tourists. The museum has a collection of sculptures and statues created from all kinds of available materials (wood, stone, pots, spoons and forks...),
which it was no coincidence that it began to gather. The first crafts were created here back in the 70s of the last century. Tourists most like the wooden boat, the birch bark hut and the large spoon and pot.

Getting to this natural attraction of Karelia is problematic, so on your first visit it is recommended to come to the island as part of a tourist group or with people who already know the way here.

recommendation list best places for holidays in Karelia. Top 7 tourist sites, where the eye is pleased and the soul is pleased. The rating included both super-popular objects such as Kizhi and Ruskeala, as well as the less popular Island of Good Spirits.

If you don’t live in Karelia, it’s worth knowing about them; if you do, even more so, you need to know your merits in person. The portal “Petrozavodsk Speaks” looked into the pros and cons of the seven best vacation spots in our republic.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

- the most popular point on tourist map Karelia, one of the largest museums under open air, and the ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is included in the List of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO.


From the obvious: to see with your own eyes an architectural monument that glorifies Karelia throughout the world. Here you can also get acquainted with traditional crafts.

There are many festivals and holidays held in Kizhi. In August you can come to the Transfiguration, which is traditionally celebrated here. At the end of summer, the island hosts the blacksmithing festival “Nail” and the annual Kizhi Regatta. In the near future - from February 20 to 26 - people will be walking on the snow-covered Kizhi for Maslenitsa.


Kizhi has a well-functioning infrastructure and year-round service. In summer, comets and ships sail to the island every day, and in winter - air cushions.

A relatively inexpensive ticket: an adult ticket will cost 500 rubles, and a student ticket will cost 200 rubles. Price included sightseeing tour. Children under 16 years of age can visit the museum for free, but they will have to pay an additional 100 rubles for a guide.


Entrance tickets are cheap, but getting to Kizhi will cost a pretty penny. Especially if you are going to the island with your family: last summer, a round-trip transfer on the Comet cost 2,850 rubles per person. And this is the cheapest offer.

It is much cheaper and faster to fly to Kizhi by helicopter. For half an hour in the air you will pay a little over 700 rubles per person. But you can use such cheap and fast transport only once a week on Mondays, and you will have only an hour and a half to walk around the island.

In summer there are vipers on the island. And a lot.

You won’t be able to fully enjoy the Kizhi churchyard itself: the main Transfiguration Church is under restoration and will definitely be open to visitors until 2020. This summer, “Preobrazhenka” will spend the entire holiday season under a special protective film.

Valaam Monastery

- a monument of Russian architecture on the island in Lake Ladoga, a functioning monastery.



Even if you are far from religion, Valaam is a historically rich place. Not only Russian emperors visited here, but also truly great Russian artists and writers. The monastery was also visited by royalty Alexander I and Alexander II.

The divine beauty of the nature of Northern Ladoga. You won't see anything like it anywhere else. It is no coincidence that Nicholas Roerich was inspired by these places.

Valaam has a developed service. There is an economy class hotel here, which looks pretty decent.



Located on Valaam active monastery, so if you are not ready to follow certain rules of behavior (for example, women can only enter the territory in skirts), then this direction is not for you.

For Petrozavodsk residents, a trip to Valaam will take a lot of energy. First you need to take a bus to Sortavala (about 250 kilometers to Sortavala and more than 370 to Belomorsk), and from there get to the monastery by boat or hovercraft.

A trip to Valaam is one of the most expensive. Last summer the price tag for a similar tour from Petrozavodsk started at 4 thousand rubles per person.

Coming to Valaam in winter can be difficult. For example, now Ladoga has not yet been covered with ice and there was no communication with the island through the Sortavala pier.

Onega petroglyphs

- monuments of the primitive era in the Pudozh region. Rock paintings on east coast They date back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC. Like the Kizhi Pogost, they are included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO.



Again, here you can touch the culture of the ancient Karelians. On Besovy Nos there is the richest collection of rock paintings in Scandinavia.

Here you can see an image of a demon the size of a man.

View petroglyphs here -. The tour itself is also quite budget-friendly: to get from Petrozavodsk to the Shalsky port on a meteor will cost, according to summer 2016 prices, about 2.5 thousand per person, plus for 4 thousand you can rent a boat for four to the very cape.

Besov Nos is the most accessible area with ancient rock paintings in Karelia.


Availability here is relative. If you want to see the Onega petroglyphs “savages”, then you will need a prepared SUV. Only by jeep can you overcome the 35-kilometer off-road section from Pudozh to Besovo Nos itself.

Due to the distance from the main tourist routes and populated areas (first by meteor to Shaly, and then by motorboat to the cape itself), travel agencies usually take groups to Besov Nos with an overnight stay in tents. If, again, you are not a fan of ecotourism with its ticks and mosquitoes, then it is worth considering whether this holiday option will bring real relaxation.

Mountain park "Ruskeala"

- a former quarry in the Sortavala region, in the past - one of the largest marble deposits in the Ladoga region. Today this is one of popular destinations for tourists in Karelia.



The mountain park is well equipped for tourists. You can get around it on foot along a rocky path or swim through the water inside the quarry and explore the caves. Soon there will be underground routes.

Prices in the mountain park are low. You can look at the quarry for 250 rubles, renting a boat for four costs 400 rubles. There are benefits for students and schoolchildren, and if you are registered in the Sortavala region, you will pay a symbolic 50 rubles for entry.

There are summer cafes at the entrance.

In the evenings the rocks are beautifully illuminated.

In winter, you can ride a sled with huskies on the frozen bowl.


If you refuse excursion tour from Petrozavodsk, then getting to Ruskeala without your own transport is again not easy. There are no regular flights to the popular tourist destination from Petrozavodsk. The quarry itself is located 37 kilometers from Sortavala. Buses to Sortavala from the Karelian capital run daily (ticket price is about 600 rubles). There is nothing going from Sortavala itself to Ruskeala: the road to the town is still only . The only way out is to take a taxi or try to get to the right place on the Sortavala-Vyartsilya regular bus, which runs several times a day.

Official site mountain park, by the way, will not help you learn more about the buses that can take you to Ruskeala. There is information here only for those who will travel by personal transport.

Not the safest additional entertainment. There is a bungee rope stretched across the quarry, on which last summer the girl almost hit the rocks. The Investigative Committee of Karelia then opened a criminal case under the article “provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers.”

Reserve and waterfall "Kivach"

- the legendary Karelian waterfall, sung by Gavriil Derzhavin. The first and closest protected area of ​​Karelia to Petrozavodsk.



For just 150 rubles, here you can see the quintessence of Karelian nature: 14 lakes, the most famous Karelian waterfall, arboretum, forests, pine forests, swamps. Here you can see Suna - the most large river Karelia.

The prices are among the cheapest: for 100 rubles you can book an excursion, during which the reserve’s staff will tell you about the nature of our region.

The reserve is equipped to receive tourists. There is parking and small cafes inside the reserve. Your own souvenir.

In “Kivach” there are healing ferruginous springs, from which you can freely drink water. And it’s better to drink right away. In bottles, iron quickly forms a brown sediment.

No risks for the car. The 80-kilometer route from Petrozavodsk to the reserve runs along the federal highway, which is in perfect condition.



Again, if you don’t have your own car and don’t want to deal with a tour operator, then regular bus can only take you to Kondopoga or to the village of Sopokha (through this locality follows, for example, a bus route Petrozavodsk - Segezha). To get to the reserve itself you will have to walk about 7 kilometers from Sopokha or about 30 kilometers from Kondopoga.

Mount Vottovaara

- rock massif in the Muezersky district. One of the most high points Karelia. It is believed that Vottovaara is mysterious place with special magical energy. The area is replete with mangled trees. There is also its own “Stonehenge” - a group of stones that some scientists consider attributes of the cult of the ancient Sami. There are many legends and beliefs associated with the rock.


A picturesque place with a more than original landscape. Again, you can check whether this rock is really a place of power, as people who have been there say about it.

Video of Ivan Kovalev from the group "