New guinea physical map. Papua new guinea on the map. Main resorts of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guineaindependent state in Oceania. It takes eastern part the islands of New Guinea, the northern part of the Solomon Islands, the Bismarck and Louisiad archipelago and more than two hundred other small reefs and islands in the southwestern part Pacific Ocean.

The etymology of the name of the state is interesting. It comes from the Malay " papuwa", which is translated into Russian as " curly" The island received this name in 1526 from the Portuguese Menezes, who was surprised by the hair local population. 20 years later, Inigo Ortiz de Retes arrived on the island, who gave the place the name of New Guinea. In his opinion, the locals were similar to the Guinean aborigines who lived in Africa.

The name of the country changed several times from the beginning of European colonization until the state gained independence. It was only in 1975 that the island became officially known as Papua New Guinea.

Port Moresby


6,187,591 people

461.7 thousand km²

Population density

13 people/km²

English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu


Most of the population are Christians, the rest adhere to local traditional beliefs

Form of government

a constitutional monarchy


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


The islands of this state are surrounded by thousands of reefs, lagoons, and underwater plateaus, where unique marine life rages. Here you can immerse yourself in the world of sunken ships that disappeared from the face of the earth during the era of the Great geographical discoveries and World War II.

Climate and weather

The country reigns tropical climate with high humidity. As a rule, this area has stable weather throughout the year. The average daily temperature is about +26 ºС, and the seasons differ from each other only in the amount of precipitation, so the division is not into winter and summer, but into the rainy season and the dry season. True, for each place these seasons come at different times.

Only coastal areas are truly hot. Concerning mountainous regions, then the local climate differs significantly from the plain one. The temperature here is much lower, but there is much more precipitation. At an altitude of more than 2500 m, the average temperature does not exceed +10 ºС. For almost the entire time in the mountains are coming light drizzle, and from time to time you can get caught in hail.


The nature of this area is unique. You will not find such a variety of flora and fauna anywhere else.

Most of the surface of all the islands of New Guinea is covered with mountains. The main part of the territory is raised to a height of 1000 meters above sea level. At the same time, there are also mountains here that reach a height of 4.5 km, which classifies them as belts of eternal snow. In the territory Papua New Guinea there are 18 active volcanoes.

The flora and fauna of these places is particularly diverse. More than 20,000 different types plants can be found in this area. Wide band mangrove plants(at times up to 35 kilometers) goes along the coast of New Guinea. This area is very muddy and therefore impassable. You can cross it only by swimming along the rivers, along which there are wild thickets of sugar cane and groves of sago palms.

Hundreds of tree species grow in dense tropical rain forests, and recently vegetable gardens and entire plantations have become increasingly common. It is customary to grow sugar cane, coconut palms, bananas and tubers such as sweet potatoes, yams, taro, cassava and others. Vegetable gardens can only be cultivated for two or three years. After this, the area is again overgrown with forest for the next 10-12 years. This is how local residents maintain soil fertility.

Where forests rise to a height of 1000-2000 meters, the vegetation becomes increasingly monotonous. Mostly coniferous species are found here, in particular - araucaria, which are of great economic importance, since valuable building material is obtained from their wood.

In the highlands they predominate meadows and bushes. And in the mountain basins, where the climate is drier, herbaceous vegetation is more common.

Animal world here is also diverse. There are especially many reptiles, insects and, of course, birds in these places. As in neighboring Australia, mammals are represented more by marsupial breeds of animals - wallaby, bandicoot, cuscus. On the banks of the rivers you can find turtles and crocodiles. The bird world is represented by such unique exhibits as birds of paradise, cassowaries, crowned pigeons, weed chickens and parrots. And with the Europeans, pigs, domestic chickens and dogs came to this world.


Papua New Guinea has many natural attractions. One of the main ones is the double-vertex panel volcano Giluwe, which is located in the Southern Highlands. The volcano is the second highest peak in the country, reaches 4368 meters and is the highest in the entire territory of Oceania and Australia. Alpine bows are located across its entire surface.

In addition to a large number of historical and natural attractions, there is also a huge archaeological site - the agricultural settlement of Kuka, better known in the world as Cook's swamps. It is located in the Western Highlands, at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers above sea level. Area of ​​this historical monument equals 116 hectares. Since 1960, it has hosted archaeological excavations and research.

Another famous natural attraction is the river natural Bayer Nature Reserve and others nature reserves, parks, gardens, each of which is unique and unique. The Bayer Nature Reserve itself is located 55 km from Mount Hagen, in the Bayer River basin. This is the best place to meet animals and flora these places.

A popular destination is Lake Qutbu, whose waters are home to several species of rare fish. It is located 800 meters above sea level in the Southern Highlands and covers an area of ​​49 km² (only Lake Murray is larger than it). The reservoir is surrounded by wetlands and swampy forests, which are protected by the state.

Warirata National Park, which is the country's first national park, is located 42 km from the capital and occupies more than a thousand hectares. This area was once a hunting ground for the tribes who lived here. A religious object is dedicated to these times - the “tree-house” of the Koiaris tribe.

National Botanical Park in the capital is ranked among the main tourist sites countries. This place is regularly visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world, as well as local residents from different regions. The park is famous for its giant collection of orchids, hanging trails and a “plant map” of the country.

The next must-visit place should be " Gardens of Eden» in the Foya Mountains - a unique tropical forest, untouched by civilization, isolated from the outside world, where there is not a single path or path.

The best place to experience local architecture, history, culture and nature can only be National Museum. All the diverse and rich heritage of the state is collected in this truly spiritual center. The museum is designed as a complex consisting of many rooms located in different parts of the capital.


The national diet is quite different from the European type we are used to. Local kitchen represented by meat and fish dishes with the addition of various vegetables (usually stewed) and fruits (papaya, mango, pineapples, bananas, passion fruit).

basis traditional cuisine of this country are kaukau, taro, sago, yam and pig. Popular local dish is " Mu Mu"- a mixture of sweet potatoes, pork, herbs, rice, spices.

However, thanks to very well-developed tourism and the flow of foreign (in particular European) guests, Chinese, European, Indonesian restaurants and cafes are increasingly opening here. Philippine and Australian beer are common alcoholic beverages in Papua New Guinea.


Papua New Guinea has plenty of options for a comfortable overnight stay. At the same time, everyone will find an acceptable price category. Those whose finances do not allow them to indulge in luxury can stay at any time local residents practically for free, spending only symbolically on breakfast.

For those who want more comfortable conditions, a hotel is offered Kimbe Bay. It is surrounded by tropical gardens, and close to the building there are coral reefs where you can have an ideal time diving. The hotel will delight its guests with air conditioning, free internet and cozy rooms. There are also 2 bars and 2 restaurants.

There is another decent hotel in the port of Kimbe, Kimbe Bay West New Britain, whose windows overlook the coast. It is located directly on the New Britain Island Highway. Every morning in the hotel restaurant you can enjoy “ buffet" The rest of the time you can try national exotic dishes from any country in the world. The hotel has a currency exchange office and secure parking.

Entertainment and relaxation

In Papua New Guinea you can find a huge number of different things to do.

One of the most colorful and original local entertainments is the large-scale folk dance festival “ Sing Sing" In September, it is held in the city of Goroka at the foot of the mountain in memory of the country's Independence Day. Every year more than 90 Papuan tribes from all the islands of the state come here (and there are about 600 of them!). Thousands of aborigines wearing war paint, national clothes and jewelry unite to jointly perform the traditional “sing-sing” dance, sing, beat drums, perform ritual ceremonies and simply communicate. Due to the fact that the festival is a multinational live and fun musical event, a huge number of tourists and ethnographers from all over the world flock here. Here, guests of the country can purchase unique festival souvenirs that will remind them of the holiday for many years.

Fans of club life will definitely enjoy the nightclub Lamana Gold Club. It is located in the heart of the Lamana Hotel in the capital and holds the title of the biggest and best nightclub in all of Papua New Guinea. Here they set off fireworks and dance to open air on two dance floors. Tourists can enjoy five bars, karaoke, game rooms and live music.


Papua New Guinea has a huge number of shops where you can buy unique locally made goods. Remember that it is not customary to bargain here in markets and shops.

All stores are generally open five days a week and are open from 9am to 5pm. Saturday is a working day, but not until the evening, but until one o'clock in the afternoon. Some shops are also open on Sunday.

In a large number of large shopping centers and restaurants you can present international bills for payment. credit cards. But finding ATMs may be a problem. They are only available in the capital, but you can only use them if you have an account in local banks. Using credit ratios in the province will be virtually impossible.

In the majority major cities Traveler's checks can be exchanged for cash. But not all branches can process traveler's checks, so you should prepare for long queues.

In many remote areas of the country, payment will only be accepted local currency. In this case, you can practically not hope to receive change, because there is a clear shortage of small bills.


There is good communication between New Guinea and the rest of the islands. coastal shipping. Main airport is located in the capital - Port Moresby.

In this country it is customary to take car rental to be able to independently explore all the beauties of the area. True, they will give you a car only if you have a driver’s license, driving experience and a credit card.

Here's the system Taxi it is not developed here, because there are practically no central roads in the country.

After you arrive at local airport, we recommend that you immediately purchase a telephone SIM card from a local telecom operator. If you need to call abroad, you can do this at any call center or through an operator from the hotel where you are staying.

Be sure to write down any emergency numbers you may need - the police can be reached on 000, the fire service on 110, and ambulance can be called by phone 3256822.


The main problem in Papua New Guinea is fraud. There are frequent cases of car theft and petty street crime. And the local police often try to make money from the same tourists. The crime rate is especially high in large cities, for example, in the capital Port Moresby. There you can observe such a gangster phenomenon as “ rascolism"- a special system of youth gangs that engage in murder, kidnapping, violence, extortion, robbery and theft.

Before traveling, we recommend getting vaccinated against malaria, cholera and typhoid. True, this does not apply to those tourists who will eat exclusively in hotels and restaurants. All travelers over one year of age are also recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, Japanese encephalitis, and polio. In recent years, there have been many more AIDS patients in the country.

Be careful with cuts and other damage to the skin, because even the most harmless scratch or skin irritation in the realities of this climate can cause you a lot of problems.

Business climate

Papua New Guinea has a huge amount of useful resources, however, in the conditions of this area, their extraction is quite difficult. However, two-thirds of the country's foreign exchange income comes from the development of gold, copper ore and oil deposits.

The main local industries are the mining and processing of silver, gold, oil, copra processing, copper ore, wood processing, palm oil production and construction.

Agriculture also brings considerable profit to the state. Cocoa, coffee, coconuts, copra, sugar cane, tea, sweet potatoes, rubber, vegetables, fruits, and vanilla are grown here. Shrimp, crabs and other seafood are also exported. The main buyers of all these natural resources are Japan, Australia and China.

  • Once you arrive in the country, you can exchange currency for local banknotes almost everywhere. This can be done not only in bank branches, but also in hotels, airports, large shopping centers. There are also private exchange offices that deal with exchanges.
  • In Papua New Guinea, it is not customary to leave a tip. The amount indicated on the invoice is, as a rule, final.
  • You should know that any non-bottled water here is unsuitable for consumption.
  • There are several species of sharks swimming around the island, as well as many different poisonous sea creatures.
  • It is prohibited to import antiques, weapons, wild animals and birds, seeds and plants, pornographic items and drugs into the country. But it is prohibited to export antiques and anything that was found on the seabed from the country.

Visa information

Russian citizens must obtain a visa before traveling to Papua New Guinea. Embassies of this country in Russian Federation no, so you will have to apply for a tourist visa at the consulate in Brussels, the consular section in London or the Australian embassy in Moscow. Depending on the option you choose to open a visa, the procedure for paying the consular fee, the procedure for submitting documents and the deadlines for obtaining a visa change.

Currently, the consular fee is $35.

Address of the Australian Embassy in Moscow: Podkokolny Lane, 10A/2.

Phone: (+7 495) 956 6070.

The consulate in St. Petersburg is located on Petrovsky Prospekt, 14, room. 22-N.

Phone: (+7 812) 334 3327.

Island paradise among warm seas with a rich man natural world and a great choice active entertainment Papua New Guinea will certainly give you. This country is also famous for its underwater beauty, which attracts divers.

Papua New Guinea on the world map

The Independent State of Papua New Guinea is located north in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, more precisely in its southwestern part.

One of the most famous states of Oceania covers the group of Solomon Islands, the territory of the Bismarck Archipelago and the eastern regions of the island of New Guinea. total area The country has almost 463 thousand square kilometers. In addition to the Pacific Ocean, the shores of Papua New Guinea are bathed in the waters of the Solomon and Seas. The island lands of the country and Australia are separated by the waters of the Torres Strait and are also located near the equator.
Papua New Guinea on land borders only western part islands of New Guinea. The country's southern maritime neighbor is Australia, the southeastern expanses of water it shares with the Solomon Islands, and on the northern side the state is connected by sea with the Federated States of Micronesia and with Nauru to the east.

Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Most big Island The country is characterized by mountainous terrain, like many other island lands of Papua New Guinea. Average altitudes are 1000 meters above sea level, but some mountain peaks New Guinea exceeds 4.5 kilometers in height, which creates ideal conditions for the formation of eternal snow, despite its proximity to the hot equatorial belt of the planet.
A characteristic feature of this state of Oceania can be considered volcanic activity. Most of the local mountains are real volcanic chains. In total, there are 18 active giants in the country, which stretch in the northern regions of the island. That is why these lands are often subject to powerful earthquakes. Geologists note that seismic activity is characteristic of this state due to its geographical location at the convergence point of the Pacific and Australian lithospheric plates.
High mountain ranges stretch in the east of Papua New Guinea along the state border with Indonesia. The altitude maximum of the state can be observed on the Bismarck Ridge, where a peak called Wilhelm is located about 4509 meters in height. Mountains stretch across the entire territory of the island, and in the southeast the massif abruptly ends directly above the sea. Believed to be underwater Mountain chain continues, and causes a formation called the Louisiad. Only in the south can you see a flat area called the Papua Plateau. It is characterized by wetlands.
Mountainous terrain is also a distinctive feature of the island lands of New Britain and New Ireland, where altitudes above sea level reach 2000 meters or more. The islands of Papua New Guinea are rich in valuable minerals such as gold, oil, natural gas and various metals. Although most of the islands of Oceania are not characterized by an abundance of rivers and lakes, the inhabitants of Papua New Guinea do not at all lack sources of fresh water. The country boasts a truly dense river network, but it mainly consists of small mountain rivers and their tributaries, which carry their waters to the Pacific. During the rainy seasons, river basins overflow over vast areas, leading to the formation of swamps.
The flora of Papua New Guinea is distinguished by a pronounced diversity of species, the number of which exceeds 20 thousand units. Coastline The islands of New Guinea are decorated with dense mangroves, the territory of which no human has ever set foot on. These forests are so dense that the only means of transportation in the area is through rivers. Palm trees and sugar cane also grow here.
Rising into the mountains, mangroves give way to equally dense tropical rainforests. However, you can easily walk along them. In such areas, Papua New Guineans develop agricultural land, as the soils here are especially fertile. Residents of Papua New Guinea grow coconuts, bananas, canes and even some types of grain crops. In the mountains at altitudes of 1-2 kilometers you can find coniferous trees, from which houses and roads are built here.
As for the animal world of the state, it is mainly represented by insects and reptiles. There are very few mammals here - tree kangaroos and marsupial badgers. On the wild sea ​​coast Huge crocodiles and turtles constantly bask, and the variety of tropical birds will simply make your head spin.

National flag of Papua New Guinea

The main colors of the flag of this state are red and black. The rectangular canvas is divided diagonally from the upper left corner to the lower right into two identical areas: the lower one is painted black, and the upper one is painted with a rich shade of red. The black segment also displays four large and one small snow-white five-pointed star, which symbolically symbolize the Southern Cross constellation. The red segment is decorated with an image of a golden bird of paradise in flight.

The state of Papua New Guinea, whose area is 462,840 square meters. km, located in the Pacific Ocean in its southwestern part, called Oceania. The capital of the country is Port Moresby. The country occupies more than 600 islands and reefs: the eastern part of the island of Guinea, the northern territories of the Solomon Islands, the Louisiades archipelago, and the Bismarck archipelago. Papua New Guinea is bordered by seas and territorial waters in the south with Australia, in the east with Nauru, in the north with the state Federated States Micronesia. To the southeast, New Guinea's neighbor is the Solomon Islands. In the west there is a land border with Indonesia. The coast of the country is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Arafura, Solomon, Coral and New Guinea seas.

Population of Papua New Guinea

As of 2009, the country is home to about 6 million people. These are mainly Papuans - 84%. Melanesians, Chinese and Polynesians make up 16%.

Nature of Papua New Guinea

Most of the country is occupied by tropical forests; mangroves are common on the coast. In the southern regions, savanna woodlands are widespread. The local forests and thickets are home to many reptiles, birds, tree and rock kangaroos, wild pigs, and wild dingoes.

Climatic conditions

The country's territory is dominated by a tropical humid climate. average temperature is +26°C, without significant fluctuations. In some mountainous areas it constantly rains; due to high humidity and heat, even local residents accustomed to the climate cannot stay in such places for long.


The official languages ​​in the country are Hiri Motu, Tok Pisin and English.

Cuisine of Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, a lot of hearty fish dishes are prepared. It is baked in dough, fried on coals and grates, and used as a filling for pies. Pork is very popular on the islands, especially the “mumu” dish, where, in addition to meat, there is a lot of greens, rice and potatoes, the aromatic treat is prepared in an earthen oven. Local chefs make very tasty fruit pies and buns.


Catholics in Papua New Guinea are 34% of the population. Adherence to local beliefs and cults - 22%, Lutherans in the country - 16%, followers of the Methodist Church and Presbyterians - 8%, Anglicans -5%.


On September 16, Papua New Guinea celebrates Independence Day, and on June 13, the whole country celebrates the Queen's name day.


Currency unit in the country - kina (code PGK).


In terms of time, Papua New Guinea is 6 hours ahead of Moscow.

Main resorts of Papua New Guinea

The most popular resort on the islands is Loloata, where in addition to staying on well-kept beaches you can indulge in diving, snorkeling, surfing, fishing, and riding on traditional Papuan boats.

We also visit Port Moresby, where you can lie on the beach, ride a catamaran or water ski, and have fun with your children in the water park. The local coastal waters are famous among divers.

Diving enthusiasts flock to Tufi Island to explore the coastal reefs and their exotic inhabitants. In addition, American and Japanese ships and planes lie at the bottom here.

For those seeking solitude, Tawali Island is suitable. You can also visit nearby Fergusson Island and its hot springs.

Sights of Papua New Guinea

In Port Moresby, it is worth visiting the Ella Beach Park building and the Ella Church, which is almost 130 years old, the Parliament Building, as well as the National Museum with an interesting exhibition of religious objects, traditional jewelry and art objects created by local artists. The museum's collection includes more than 30 thousand unique anthropological finds. For lovers historical tourism The military museums of Papua New Guinea are worth a visit. One of them is located in Rabaul - in a former military bunker.


General information

Geographical position. Papua New Guinea is a country in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It includes the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Louisiade Archipelago, the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, the Admiralty Islands and parts of the Solomon Islands (Bougainville and Buka). In the north, the country is washed by the Bismarck Sea, in the east by the Solomon Sea, in the south by the Coral Sea , the Gulf of Papua and the Torres Strait. In the west, the country borders Indonesia.

Square. The territory of Papua New Guinea covers 462,840 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. The capital of Papua New Guinea is Port Moresby. Largest cities: Port Morbsy (195 thousand people), Lae (81 thousand people), Ma-dang (27 thousand people). Administrative division of the country: 20 provinces.

Political system

Papua New Guinea is a republic that is part of the Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the National Parliament.

Relief. The country's territory consists mainly of mountains with coastal lowlands and gentle foothills.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of gold, silver, copper, and natural gas.

Climate. The country's climate is hot and humid. Average annual temperature about +28°C, in mountainous areas temperatures of about +3°C were recorded.

Inland waters. The main rivers are Fly, Digul, Sepik.

Soils and vegetation. Most of the country's territory is covered with forests. On the coast there are mangrove swamps, in the depths of the island there are tropical jungles.

Animal world. The country's fauna is represented by tree kangaroos, wallabies (rock kangaroos), wild pigs, wild dingoes, several species of squirrels, rats and bats. Found in Papua a large number of various tropical birds, including the bird of paradise; a lot of reptiles.

Population and language

The country's population is about 4.6 million people, the average population density is about 10 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Papuans (in the south and center of the island of New Guinea), Melanesians (in the north and east) -98%, Pygmies, Chinese, Australians, Polynesians. Languages: English (official), languages ​​of the Melanesian group, languages ​​of the Papuan group.


Protestants - 63%, Catholics - 31%, pagans.

Brief historical sketch

Since 1883, the country was under the actual occupation of Australia and was called British New Guinea; in 1906, the territory received the name Papua. After World War II, the national liberation movement grew in the country. On December 1, 1973, Papua New Guinea received the right to self-government, and on September 6, 1975, the country's independence was proclaimed.

Brief Economic Sketch

The basis of the economy is agriculture and mining. Mainly cultivated coconut tree, rubber plants, coffee, cocoa. Beef cattle breeding. Forestry. Fishing. Mining of copper, gold, silver, zinc. Woodworking and food industry. Export of mining products, tropical timber, coffee, cocoa, gold, palm oil, copra.

The monetary unit is the kina.

Where is Papua New Guinea on the world map. Detailed map Papua New Guinea in Russian online. Satellite map of Papua New Guinea with cities and resorts. Papua New Guinea on the world map is a country located in Oceania. Located on the eastern part of the island of New Guinea and also the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Islands and other 200 islands and small reefs. The capital is Port Moresby. Official language- English.

Map of Papua New Guinea in Russian:

Papua New Guinea - Wikipedia:

Population of Papua New Guinea- 8,084,999 people (2016)
Capital of Papua New Guinea- Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea dialing code - 675
Internet domains of Papua New Guinea- .pg
Languages ​​used in Papua New Guinea - English language, Hiri-motu, Tok-pisin

Equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones, in which the islands of this state are located, are the reason for the eternally reigning summer. Temperature variations throughout the year are insignificant; the heat remains all year round. Average summer temperatures are +25…+32 C, winter temperatures are +25…+28 C.

Tourists will be especially interested in the capital with its historical part, which is called Town. This part of the city is located on a peninsula hanging over the sea, from which it opens beautiful view to the city.

One of the oldest buildings in the capital is the church, which was built at the end of the 19th century. Also worth visiting in the capital is National Museum and get acquainted with exhibits on the culture, history, ethnography of Papua New Guinea. But the main thing sight capitals - national Botanical Garden, in which countless plants and flowers grow from all over the world.

Tourism in Papua New Guinea is rapidly developing thanks to the beautiful natural and climatic conditions Oceania. Loloata resort is the most visited and easily affordable resort, located near the capital on a small island. Other popular resorts among tourists are Tufi, Tavali, Valindi, Lissenun and others. Tourists in Papua New Guinea are especially attracted not only by the weather conditions and beautiful sandy beaches, how many opportunities to go diving. Papua New Guinea is rightfully considered the world center of this water sport.

What to see in Papua New Guinea:

Mount Wilhelm, Giluwe Volcano, Port Moresby, Ancient agricultural settlement of Cook, Fjords of Papua New Guinea, mountain range Owen Stanley, Sepik River, Southern Highlands, Rabaul City, Lake Kutubu, Duke of York Island, Central District, Eastern Highlands, Western District.