Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year at the Airport" for children of the senior and preparatory school groups. New Year at the airport Scenario by Yulia Korzan New Year at the airport

Ekaterina Popkova
Scenario of the “New Year at the Airport” matinee in the preparatory group

New Year's party script« New Year at the airport» V preparatory group

Target: help children immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a fairy tale and holiday; develop creative imagination, expressiveness of speech, elements of theatricality; help children establish the relationship between the arrival of winter and the new calendar year.

Move holiday:

Music is playing « Airport» №1

Sound effect of airplane rumble No. 2

Announcement sound. No. 3

Good evening, dear passengers and guests of our airport. Airline "Frost Travel" congratulates you on Happy New Year, and wishes you unforgettable holidays! We ask you to make yourself comfortable in our waiting room. Airline "Frost Travel"- the most comfortable waiting rooms in the world.

Dear airline passengers "Frost Travel", boarding announcement for flight 1919! We ask you to enter the area customs control and register your tickets. We wish you a happy flight! Airline "Frost Travel"- the safest flights in the world.

(Repeat in English).

Sounds like music from the movie "Enjoy your steam"№4

The presenter, couturier, and producer come into the hall with suitcases.

Announcement sound. No. 4

"Attention! Passengers who took tickets for flight 1939! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed indefinitely.

Presenter: What a disgrace. Will I have to wait it out? New Year is here, V airport?

Couturier: How is it in airport? What are you talking about? I have a fashion show in Paris!

Presenter: Calm down. Who are you?

Couturier: Like who? I am a famous fashion designer. IN new year, me and my models are expected in the city of Paris, where my show will take place new works! I urgently need to fly away with my beauties!

Presenter: I also need to fly to the symposium of Russian educators. There's nothing you can do - the weather is bad!

Producer: That's it, we also have an invitation from a very famous people! We are bringing our best dances to the competition!

Presenter: I understand you perfectly, but I can’t help you! We need to wait for the weather to improve.

Producer: This is just terrible!

Parent (shouts out from the audience): And we need to get to matinee, to your children!

Presenter: Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't we organize a celebration right here in airport. Look how many people you have to meet New Year's Eve in the waiting room! Let's meet him here all together, fun and interesting! Moreover, we have so many famous people - stars, models, artists. All agree? (answers from children and guests). Well, then, let's begin!

Announcement sound. No. 5

"Attention! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed, we ask all passengers to go to the waiting room to celebrate the New Year!

Children come out with bags in their hands.

Dance: Fixies "Under New Year»

Child: What about our suitcases? Where should I put them, where should I put them?

Leading: Let's put them in a storage room,

let them lie there for a while!

And we'll have fun here,

surprises are waiting for the guys!

Children carry the bags to the tree to the music and stand in a semicircle.

1 child: Look, the holiday has brought us together in this hall.

Our holiday, which everyone was really looking forward to.

2nd child: Here are the dads, here are the mothers, here is the Christmas tree and the children.

There are no happier people in the world today!

3rd child: And our hall is so unrecognizable!

Well, who could remove it so beautifully!

4 children: We will joke, have fun and sing

And we'll watch a fairy tale.

5 children: And we’ll call Santa Claus here

And we are really looking forward to our granddaughter Snegurochka.

6 children: In the new year we will collect all the briefcases,

And the school will open its doors welcomingly.

7 children: And we will get older, and we will become more mature.

20 year, come to us soon!

Presenter: Well, shall we begin?

Of course it's time!

And we will shout to the New Year

All children: "Hooray"!

New Year's round dance

Children sit down

Leading: It turns out that in airport we can have a great time. All the stars gathered here, and even guests from Texas! Meet!

Dance "Cowboys" (country music)

Leading: Mr. Producer, I think you said that artists are flying with you. Maybe they will perform for us?

Producer: Of course they will! How much are you willing to pay?

Leading: Shame on you? Can't your artists perform for free?

Producer: Well, maybe just beginners.

Leading: Meet the show- group"Stars"!

Dance "Stars"

Announcement sound. No. 6

Attention! Attention! An unknown stupa system jet landed with Baba Yaga on board. Everyone who meets you, get ready.

The exit of Baba Yaga.

To the hall to the music “And I’m walking like this” V. Serduchka, the stylish Baba Yaga enters, with a ticket in her hand, sunglasses and a hat.

Baba Yaga: Open the doors wider and welcome Madame Yaga!

Am I late? Oh, I chose all the outfits! What, my plane has already taken off?

I have a ticket - I’ll be in the Canaries Celebrate New Year!

Presenter: Hello, Baba Yaga! Unfortunately all flights have been cancelled.

Baba Yaga: How cancelled? What about the sun and the beach?

The Hut on Chicken Legs runs into the hall, out of breath.

Hut: Wait for me. Baba Yaga, what about me? She forgot me.

Baba Yaga: What did you forget here? Go to luggage compartment.

Hut: But they don’t let me in there. They say we don't move houses. Take me with you to the salon. I'll sit in your arms.

Baba Yaga: Look, what are you thinking? On the arms. Go back to the forest. Shoo, look, they're already looking askance from here. Shoot whoever I'm talking to. (the hut runs away)

Leading: Baba Yaga! Don't be upset! We have a wonderful New Year's holiday here too. You can have a good rest and have fun.

Baba Yaga lays out a rug for herself, puts on her glasses and lies down to sunbathe.

Leading: Baba Yaga, are you going to sunbathe here?

Baba Yaga: You yourself told me that you can rest.

Leading: Grandmother Yaga, rest means playing and having fun with our children.

Baba Yaga: Guys? Are they afraid of me, my pretty little frog?

Children: No!

Baba Yaga: Well, if you are so brave, stand in a circle.

Game with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, how smart they are, they killed grandma!

Leading: We play and sing, Let's celebrate the New Year.

And we invite you to listen to our orchestra, grandma.


We are naughty musicians

Native talents

our orchestra is ready to perform

Master class to show everyone! (playing musical instruments "Three White Horses")

Leading: Baba Yaga, why do you need a plane? You have a broom.

Baba Yaga:(complaining) My dears, they stole my broom. My pretty, my pretty! And how gullible she was, anyone can lure her in!

Leading: Baba Yaga, so what happened?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I went to the hairdresser

I took my broom with me!

I put it in the corner,

Left her to wait.

Came out, hairspray on my bangs

Well, look, there’s no panicle!

Leading: Grandma Yaga, look for the broom here, maybe it’s lying here somewhere (looks for a broom; finds it under the tree)

Dance with a broom

Baba Yaga: Oh, how fun you are, and my broom was found. I changed my mind about flying to the Canary Islands. And in general New It's better to celebrate the year at home. (Looks at his watch) Oh! I have exactly one hour left before I reach the forest. We have to hurry. Goodbye!

The producer comes up to the presenter and says something in his ear

Presenter: Just a moment! A famous music producer decided here

create a new show group. And now he would like to select participants.

Producer: Here in the hall I see a lot of talented people. For groups to me

necessary: pianist, guitarist, drummer, and soloist.

The teacher explains all competitions.

Competition "Pianist's Choice".

3 people take part in this competition. Competitors are given children's pianos.

Guys, imagine that you are playing at a concert, there is a full hall of spectators, and suddenly you have

my left ear itched," or something else exercise: "You are playing, an annoying mosquito has pestered you,

which constantly sits on the nose.” The participants’ task is to imitate playing the game to the music.

instrument and play out the situation that happened to each participant.

Producer: One, two, three.

Competition "Guitarist's Choice".

3 - 4 people participate in the competition. The participants' task is to imitate playing the guitar,

dance to the music.

(Participants are given guitars. And they all dance together, at the same time, with the guitar.

The best is determined by the audience: whoever gets more applause will win

play the role of a guitarist)

Producer: One, two, three.

Competition "Choice of a Drummer".

4 people participate in the competition. On the table are noisemakers, pots,

forks, spoons, combs, etc. The participants’ task is to play to the music on these

instruments (all at once). Who will have the most original game, who will get more

applause from the audience, he will be the drummer in the show group.

Producer: One, two, three.

Competition "Soloist's Choice". 3-4 people participate in this competition. The participants’ task is to sing one verse at a time

accompanied by the soundtrack of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The audience chooses the best soloist according to


Producer: So, the choice is made! Meet the new show- group"Kiss meow"!

Leading: Friends, this is the first time for you group"Kiss meow" performs his first hit

The soundtrack of the song "Black Cat" is playing.

Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner, and the whole house hated the cat,

Only the song is not at all about how people didn’t get along with the cat.

Chorus: They say it will be unlucky if a black cat crosses the road.

In the meantime, on the contrary - only the black cat is unlucky.

All other members groups imitate playing instruments.

Presenter: Dear guests, there is a famous couturier among the passengers. He knows everything about fashion. Dear, maybe you can present your work to us.

Couturier: With pleasure!

(Together with the models he goes to the middle of the hall).

I am a famous couturier,

And I’m quite proud of myself!

The models are all as if they were selected (points to the models,

Beautiful, elegant.

We're flying to conquer Paris,

AND show new outfits,

And my talents will be revealed in them.

1st model:

Our couturier is the highest class,

Dresses us up cool!

2nd model:

Look at us

3rd model:

Ah, France, my dream.

I want to get there!

Please consider you, gentlemen,

That we are always on a diet.

4th model:

So that the dress fits us well

And may we walk down the catwalk boldly!

Music is playing groups"A-studio" models show off their outfits (initially they are in capes, which are removed before the show)

Presenter: Thank you for your speech, dear couturier. Now we will know what is fashionable this season.

Announcement sound. No. 6

“Attention, a supersonic flying vehicle of the system has landed Snowmobile, board number 1, VIP passenger Santa Claus"


But we'll interrupt the show!

Footsteps are approaching... I don’t understand, whose are they?

Sound of footsteps

Sneaking and whispering, Valenki enter the hall.

Voluminous felt boots made of foam rubber. Inside each is a child, a hat on his head, a scarf on his neck, and mittens on his hands. (walk around the hall and hide behind the tree)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall to the sound of a cheerful song.

Father Frost:

Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

I have a problem, my felt boots are missing from the luggage compartment.

Oh, there are so many people, and I’m barefoot.

That's a shame.

Presenter: Grandfather, don’t worry, your felt boots will be found. Let's congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Father Frost: What are you saying, how can I celebrate a holiday in slippers? Yes, I won’t go to a party without felt boots! Until you find felt boots, don’t even call. Am I your Santa Claus or who? (leaves)

Snow Maiden:

Dear children, guests, we have lost our felt boots,

Maybe you've seen them?

What to do?

Presenter:Should we call the detectives? Well, let them search! (calls) Hello, police? Santa Claus's felt boots are missing, we can't find them without you, please come as quickly as possible!

Detectives exit.

Detective Dance

Detective: Did you call the detectives?

Snow Maiden: They called, our felt boots were missing! We can't find it anywhere!

Detective: Don’t worry, citizen, we’ll find you. Come on, citizens, spectators, show your legs! (not finding felt boots, he says). So, citizens, it is clear that this is a dark matter.

(goes behind the screen and speaks from there)

Here they are, my dears! (everyone goes out together to the music).

They are knocked off their feet here, they are looking for them, and they are rolling down the hill with snowflakes, call Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: What if these weren’t his felt boots, his felt boots were magical! They could not only speak, but also dance. Let's check it out

Song-dance "Felt boots"

At the end of the dance the felt boots run away

Santa Claus comes to the music

Father Frost:

Dear friends, my felt boots have been found!

Hello my dears!

Hello, my beautiful ones!

WITH Happy New Year!

I wish you all good health.

I came to you to have fun,

I couldn't find a better place.

Snow Maiden: WITH Happy New Year!

All children and all guests!

I only wish you happiness,

New good news.

The tree is sad and doesn’t light up!

Father Frost: Indeed, the tree is not burning.

We'll fix that now

Let's make all the lights burn...

Let's say together our magical words:

Come on, the Christmas tree, perk up!

Come on, smile Christmas tree!

Come on, tree one, two, three

Shine with joyful light! (does not light up)

Apparently they ate little porridge

Maybe the children got sick?

Are you shouting something quietly?

Or don't you want to help me?

Come on, help us together

Yes, repeat with me!

Come on, the Christmas tree. Come on, the Christmas tree, perk up!

Come on, smile Christmas tree!

Come on, tree one, two, three

Shine with joyful light! (the tree lights up)

Come on, guys, quickly join the round dance.

We will meet you with song, dance and fun New Year!

Round dance about the Christmas tree

Leading: Grandfather Frost, we know you love to freeze people, but can you defrost them?

Father Frost: Certainly! I have a magic staff, it will help me not only freeze, but also defrost.

Leading: But we’ll check it now!

Game "Snow, Ice, Mayhem", children move in a round dance around Santa Claus and They say:

"Snow ice is a mess,

hello winter winter"

At this time, Santa Claus is knocking with his staff. After the music ends, the round dance stops.

Santa Claus says: “Get in pairs and freeze your knees.”

Then Santa Claus walks between the children, tries to separate them and sentences:

“Wow, they’re so frozen, I can’t separate them!”

The game continues.

Then Santa Claus says: “Get into pairs and freeze your foreheads together”, then you can freeze your palms, for example.

Father Frost: While I was playing with you, did I lose my mitten? Haven't you seen it?

Leading: In our nothing goes missing at the airport, here she is! But in order to take the mitten, you need to catch up with her.

Game "Mitten" (children pass the mitten around).

Game "Bridge".

Leading: Grandfather Frost, can you build bridges?

Grandfather Frost: But of course, on all the rivers they are icy and strong in winter.

Leading: And if we make a bridge for you,

Can you walk on it?

Grandfather Frost: Of course, where is this bridge?

(children in pairs hold hands and sit down)

Leading: Yes, here it is!

Just walk along it

You need to be blindfolded.

Grandfather Frost: It was, it was not.

(Santa Claus is blindfolded, the children quietly go to their chairs, and Santa Claus carefully walks)

Oh, mischievous people, they deceived Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Oh, yes, the guests are funny.

Leading: Sit down, relax, and we will delight you with more poetry!

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

You're probably cold:

The day walked around the city,

I froze my beard...

Place your nose on the battery.

I'll warm you up now!

Outside the window there are snowdrifts, cold,

Thick ice froze on the puddles.

The blizzard is angry, snow is blowing...

Holiday is coming - New Year!

Santa Claus under New Year

Everything you want will be brought.

Make a wish -

And dreams will come true.

I didn’t just make a wish -

I drew on the sheets of paper,

I put them under the tree,

Carefully covered it with cotton wool,

I didn’t tell my mom and dad

What I wished for myself.

And so it happened. Father Frost,

I brought everything I wanted.

It's a pity, it's only once a year

He cares about us.

Poor Grandfather Frost!

I feel sorry for you to the point of tears!

under you New Year

Things are absolutely overwhelming:

Deliver a Christmas tree to every home,

Give gifts to everyone,

Snow-white snow silk

Cover all the paths!

You're busy from morning to night,

You must be very tired!

I'm waiting for you at the window.

You can rest with us for a while.

Here's hot sweet tea -

Drink, but don't melt!

Leading: Santa Claus, dance and please us at this New Year's hour!

Dance of Santa Claus.

Leading: It was great how much fun we had, how we danced and frolicked around our bright Christmas tree.

Tell me, Santa Claus, did you bring gifts?

Father Frost: Hey, my magic bag!

People are waiting for you in the hall!

Hurry here quickly

Yes, bring gifts!

A rat runs into the hall with a bag in his hand.

Rat: Hello! Here I am!

WITH Happy New Year to you, Friends!

The year is coming - a year of goodness,

Let everything be in it in full,

I wish you a sea of ​​laughter

WITH Happy New Year!

Meet this year with luck,

And in a good mood!

Rat: Santa Claus, hold the bag and give gifts to everyone.

Santa Claus takes the bag, opens it, and there snowflakes:

Oh, oh, oh, I got everything mixed up! (takes phone from parents and calls)

I need a bag of gifts! Where to bring it? Where - where, in airport. Order! Gifts coming soon!

Announcement sound. No. 7

Attention, dear Santa Claus, you can receive your luggage.

Father Frost: It seems the gifts have arrived...

The presenter and the Snow Maiden bring into the hall a large suitcase on wheels, decorated in New Year's style. Santa Claus gives out gifts from it.

Father Frost: Well, guys, receive your long-awaited gifts!

Gift distribution

Father Frost:

I amused the guys and had fun myself.

I hope you guys enjoyed the holiday? (Yes)

You guys, grow up and gain strength.

And I’ll come to your school next year!

Snow Maiden

WITH Happy New Year

And, of course, we wish

Make your dreams come true.

May you all be happy.

Father Frost:

Don't be bored, have fun,

Don't be angry about the weather.

Very soon you, friends,

Fly away in all directions.

Announcement sound. No. 8

Attention! I want to tell you good news. The weather has improved and all flights of our airline have been resumed. Passengers are asked to undergo customs inspection of their luggage and register their tickets. The airline wishes you a happy trip and thanks you for your help in organizing the entertainment program!

WITH Happy New Year!

Elena Pavkina
Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year at the Airport" for children preparatory group


New Year's party script for preparatory group children




TV presenter

Baba Yaga


Father Frost

Snow Maiden






Fanfares sound for the start of the holiday. The sounds of the airport and people talking are heard.

Moroz Travel Airlines wishes all passengers and guests of our city a Happy New Year!

The sounds of the airport are heard. Children with suitcases enter to the music.


The sounds of the airport are heard. Children listen to the announcement.

The dissatisfied roar of “people” is heard:oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Children go to the chairs.

A flight attendant enters to the music.

Stewardess: Good evening, dear passengers and guests of our Morozko airport! We apologize to you.

Child director: What an apology! What are you saying, I'm filming something new?

New Year's clip. I urgently need to fly away!

Stewardess: Calm, just calm.

Child producer: Just a minute, just a minute. I'm a famous producer. My new

the show group must perform on television on New Year's Eve. This is a disgrace, I will complain!

Stewardess: Well, what can we do - the weather is bad.

TV presenter (teacher) comes out

TV presenter: I am a famous TV presenter, if I am late for the program, then

I'll be left without work.

Parent (from the audience): And I need to fly to New Year's concert to my

Two parents shout from their seats:“Me too!” “Me too!”

Stewardess: We understand, but we can't help!

Producer, director, TV presenter together: This is just a disgrace! (sit down)

Stewardess: Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought.

Why don't we organize concert program right here at the airport.

Look how many people are forced to celebrate the New Year in the waiting room! Let's help them - let's celebrate the holiday here, all together, fun and interesting! Moreover, we have so many artists and even a TV presenter. All agree? (answers)

Well, then, let's begin!

TV presenter: Our dear guests!

May this year be good for everyone,

The cheerful laughter rings louder.

Guests came to us with an open soul,

We all gathered for a big holiday.

Children-readers come out:

New Year is just around the corner, everyone's favorite holiday.

Everyone is waiting for his arrival, quiet and prankish.

Both the old and the young are happy to meet him.

In winter he will come to you and me, having gone through blizzards and obstacles.

He will light the lights on the Christmas tree and give us gifts.

His deeds are like a round dance, both cheerful and bright.

Ah, New Year, amazing ball,

How many good friends have you gathered?

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

Interesting miracles await everyone!

TV presenter: Why sit lazy on chairs, I suggest everyone sing a New Year’s song in a round dance.

Children stand in a circle.


After the performance they sit on chairs.

Stewardess: And so that the tree lights up, sparkles, sparkles. What do we need for this?

TV presenter: Tell everyone together:

"Once! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!”

The lights on the tree light up.

Stewardess (addressing the producer): Dear producer, maybe your artists will show us their talents?

Producer: With pleasure! (claps three times) Hey, artists, hurry here, show me what I taught you!

TV presenter: Group “New Year's Serpentine”, welcome as friends



Stewardess: Thank you, just wonderful! You are real talents!

Music sounds, a stylish Baba Yaga flies in on a broom with a ticket and travel bag in her hand, wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Baba Yaga(addresses the flight attendant): Am I late? Oh, I chose all the outfits! What, my plane has already taken off? I have a ticket (shows)– I’ll be celebrating the New Year in the Canaries – sun, warmth, beach!

Stewardess: Baba Yaga, why do you need a plane? You have a broom.

Baba Yaga: It's the 21st century! My broom is an old design, it only flies

for short distances. And I decided to use the Moroz Travel airline.

Stewardess: Unfortunately, due to bad weather, all flights are cancelled.

Baba Yaga: How are they cancelled? But what about the sun, the beach, the Canary Islands, New Year?

Stewardess: Baba Yaga! Don't be upset! We have a wonderful New Year's holiday here too. Here you can have a good rest and have fun.

Baba Yaga: And I really like to have fun.

Baba Yaga (draws the children's attention to their parents): Passengers in this sector are somehow depressed. I see that you also want to play, otherwise you’ve been sitting too long, bored, waiting for a plane? It’s okay, we’ll all be flying soon. Let's dance! And you, parents, repeat after us. (B. Ya. shows movements.)


Children sit on chairs.

Baba Yaga: Oh, how fun you are. I changed my mind about flying to the Canary Islands. In general, it’s better to celebrate the New Year at home (looks at his watch). Oh! I have exactly one hour left before I reach the forest. We have to hurry. Goodbye!

The noise of the engine sounds, Baba Yaga flies away on a broom.

Stewardess: And our festive concert program continues.

A wizard comes out with a big key.

Wizard: Children and parents! Would you like to see it?

A wonderful performance - everyone was surprised!

I have a lot of toys, they sing and can dance for you.

The toys go out one by one to the center of the hall and freeze. The wizard turns on

toys with a key


1. Now magic will happen under this tree,

We will all spin around in the dance, how good it is!

2. Such a miracle can happen on New Year’s Day,

When toys dance and dance in circles.


The sound of a snowstorm is heard

TV presenter: The weather is not improving, look, a snowstorm is breaking out.

Conductor(approaches the flight attendant):

My orchestra is ready to perform

Show the master class to everyone!

TV presenter: And I know this famous orchestra. Meet! Orchestra "Kavardak"!

Musicians come out to the music, take musical instruments and stand in the middle.

“PAPER ORCHESTRA” PERFORMED (Selivanov V. Shutochka)

Stewardess: Thank you very much for your performance! You are real musicians. Take your seats in the waiting room.

to the reception desk. I repeat."

The light dims, then lights up, old man Hottabych stands by the tree

oriental attire.

Hottabych: May there be peace to this house! Hello, most educated of

well-mannered and the most charming of the most charming, gentlemen!

Stewardess: Grandfather, how you suddenly appeared.

Hottabych: I am an oriental wizard and great magician, Hassan Abdurahman ibn Khattab. Came from the most beautiful and ancient country of Baghdad. Oh, joy of my eyes, would you deign to tell me where I ended up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many guests?

Stewardess: This is not a house, dear Hottabych. This is an airport.

Hottabych: Oh, most beautiful of women, I heard from the skillful storyteller Scheherazade, an outlandish story about a distant and unusual country Russia, where they celebrate the most joyful holiday - New Year. Wow, wow, how interesting it is in distant Russia, I thought. And I immediately decided that I wouldn’t be Hassan Abdurahman Ibn Hottab if I didn’t visit this wonderful country.

Stewardess: How did you get there, dear Hottabych? After all, today the weather is bad.

Hottabych: I’m not afraid of bad weather, because I have a private carpet - an airplane.

The beautiful Scheherazade told me that in Russia you can see snow and this time of year is called Winter, an unusual word for me.

Magic music sounds

Stewardess: Snow, ice, chaos!

Children: Hello, winter-winter!


After the game they sit on chairs.

Hottabych: Thank you, you made the old man happy (strokes his beard). Oh, incomparable guests of this house, with great regret I have to take my leave, it’s time for me, the business and worries that I was forced to leave in my country await me.

Hottabych leaves.

Stewardess: It's a nice holiday at our Airport! (looks out the window) The snowstorm has stopped - the weather is getting better, and that means planes will soon be allowed to take off.

The noise of an airplane landing.

Solemn music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall

D.M.: Hello my friends!

Were you looking forward to meeting? Here I am!

I send winter greetings to everyone:

For adults and children,

Dads, moms, grandmas,

For girls and boys.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children! Congratulations to all guests!

Together D.M. and Snegurochka: Hello!

Stewardess: Hello Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. We are glad that the weather has improved and you were finally able to get there. Today is an unusual day for us - we are celebrating our holiday at the airport, because due to bad weather our passengers were unable to get to their homes on time.

Father Frost: I know, I know... Baba Yaga already called me on mobile phone. So I calmed the blizzard a little with my magic staff.

Snow Maiden: Come on, guys, quickly join the round dance.

Let's celebrate the New Year with song, dance and fun!


Children stay in a circle

Father Frost: Guys, do you like to play? (children's answers) Do adults like it? (children's answers) What are they playing? (children's answers) Well, what shall we play?

Stewardess(addresses parents):

Dads, moms, don't be bored, sing along with us on the spot,

Clap your hands together and have fun with us.


The children take their seats.

Father Frost: Wow, how hot it became in the hall, we all played great! And now, mischievous people, it’s time to read poetry.

Snow Maiden: Wait, don’t rush, don’t run to the Christmas tree!

I’ll go up to the Christmas tree and take off the snowflake.

Only one snowflake knows who will read poems to Santa Claus!

The Snow Maiden takes a snowflake from the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, and the poems here are not ordinary. Their parents should read!

Parents take turns reading poetry.

1. Santa Claus is a good fellow from the forest, he is under our Christmas tree

I put the bag in the winter and hid it under the needles.

Waiting for the kids to dance in a round dance,

The mischievous little girls will sing and recite a rhyme!

And then we will find gifts in your bag!

2. The snow creaks under the runner,

This is Grandfather rushing on a sleigh!

He has a gray beard!

You and I love him!

Well, how can you not love?

Who will give then?

Sweets and toys,

Balls, crackers.

3. How Santa Claus appeared on our doorstep!

And he said very sternly, very loudly and seriously:

“How were you doing, baby? Did you help mom lovingly?

Have you been lazy all year? IN kindergarten did you work?

“Well, of course, Grandpa!” - I gave him my answer:

“I helped my mom and grandma! You deserve your sweets!”

4. I woke up early in the morning, quickly jumped off the couch,

She ran into the hall, where the tree was covered with prickly needles,

She saved my gifts so that I wouldn’t open them before!

Grandfather Gray, Frost, with a beautiful beard, left them for me!

Father Frost: Well done! My grandfather's parents were pleased.

Stewardess: Santa Claus, a gift from our passengers for you!


Children sit on chairs

Stewardess: Grandfather Frost, you forgot about the most important thing! What about New Year's gifts for children?

Father Frost: Of course, friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. I have prepared gifts for all passengers of Moroz Travel Airlines. From my residence, from Veliky Ustyug itself, a miracle was delivered to you - an apparatus with gifts.

Well, okay, let's not waste time, the kids are waiting for gifts.

A miracle appears in the hall - an apparatus.

Snow Maiden brings out a basket of snowballs

D.M.: Snow Maiden, give me a snowball...we'll get gifts.

Look guys... throw a snowball here.

And receive a gift! (throws a snowball at the window)

A small felt boot flies out of the device

D.M.: What is this? This is probably for you (gives it to the flight attendant).

Stewardess: No. This is not my size!

Santa Claus (looks at his feet): And not mine! (knocks on the device) It's probably broken. Or maybe he's just cold...

sounds of the miracle machine sneezing

Snow Maiden: It needs to be warmed up a little.

D.M.: Warming up... (strokes the device, casts a spell) Connect... (presses the button)

Miracle - the machine laughs

The music of the device sounds

D.M.: Now, our miracle giver is ready! Well, let's call our friends and let them try it!

The flight attendant calls the child's name: Passenger ___ (name, don’t be bored, go get a gift! The child approaches Santa Claus.

D.M.: Well, go….name, throw a snowball, get a gift! (the child throws a snowball into the machine and receives a gift) Look - it works.

Ask two more children to throw a snowball.

Snow Maiden: Guys, take a snowball and hit it into the device!

All the children get up, take snowballs in their hands, and throw them. A bag of gifts appears from the device.

D.M. and Snegurochka distribute gifts.

Stewardess: Well, friends, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun. Happy New Year to you!

D.M.: We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will come.

Snow Maiden: All the best to you in the New Year!

D.M. and Snegurochka take pictures with the children, say goodbye, and leave the hall.

Lyubov Chuchumakova
New Year's scenario "New Year at the airport" (preparatory group)

New Year's holiday scenario« New Year at the airport» (preparatory group) .

Fluffy snow covers both trees and houses

This means that Mother Winter is coming to visit us.

The lights are shining brightly, the children can't sleep today

After all, today Grandfather Frost will give gifts to everyone.

And under the Christmas tree New Year's noisy, bright round dance

This means that today we are meeting New Year!

Music sounds, the drone of an airplane, against this background voice:

"Attention! Attention! To all passengers flying to New Year 2018

Please register!"

No. Sounds New Year's song, children come out (to music "Buranovsky grandmothers")

Announcement: "Attention! Airline dispatcher speaking "Sun". Passengers who took a ticket for flight No. 2018 due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. We ask you to go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to meet New Year at the airport».

(a dissatisfied hum is heard "people":uuuuu)

No. The music sounds, the Cat - the producer - comes out.

Cat - producer: As in airport? What are you saying, I'm filming new New Year's show"Glamourous cats" in Hollywood!

1st steward: Calm, just calm. Who are you?

Cat - producer: Like who? I'm a famous producer. My new show- the band is scheduled to perform on New Year's Eve in Hollywood. I urgently need to fly away with my cats!

1st steward - Well, what can you do, the weather is bad, so we’ll have to celebrate here.

No. Gypsy music is playing. A gypsy woman comes out.

Gypsy: Wait a minute! But what should we do? We were asked to perform at New Year's holiday, on television! We can't wait, we have to fly to perform!

1st steward: We understand, but we can't help! We need to wait for the weather to improve.

2steward: Dear passengers, I have an interesting thought. Why don't we organize an interesting concert program right here in airport. Look how many people you have to meet New Year's Eve in the waiting room! Let's help them - let's meet them New Year is here, all together, fun and interesting! Moreover, we have so many artists. All agree? Well, then, let's begin!

№ General dance: "WITH happy new year dad, With happy new year mom(children give cards)

1 child: Blizzards and blizzards have arrived to us today again,

Hats on birch and spruce trees put on new ones,

2 child: There was a lot of snow, you can’t see it around the ground.

If it snows together, it means soon...

Together: New Year!

3 child: Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree, invite us to the holiday!

Fulfill all your wishes, make all your dreams come true.

4 child: For fun New we will start a round dance for a year,

We will sing songs, dance, and dignify our Christmas tree.

Song: «»

1st steward: Dear producer, what is your name?

Cat: Cat - Glamor, what?

2steward: Cat - Glamor, maybe your Kitties will show us their talents here Cat: Of course they will perform, but how much are you willing to pay?

2steward: Shame on you…

Cat: Okay, okay, but first you show off your talents


5 child: We invited a Christmas tree from the forest into the garden,

We decorated the Christmas tree in a festive outfit.

Multi-colored beads, white boots,

And on each branch there are earring balls

6 child: In a green dress there is always a Christmas tree.

She is not afraid of snowstorms, blizzards, or cold.

Only sometimes he feels chilly with his shoulder

And he shakes the fluffy furs off his shoulder.

7 child: We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best holiday New Year

He comes with her to kindergarten.

8 child: Balls, beads hanging on a branch,

The tree pleases the big ones and the kids.

Today we will be happy,

Let's give the Christmas tree a song now!

No. Song «»

Cat: I will invite Model Cats here,

And I’ll ask them to dance for you!

(claps 3 times) Hey Kitties, hurry here,

Show me what I taught you!

1 cat: Our producer is top class,

Compliments are in store for us.

He takes pity on us and loves us,

Because he loves it very much

2 cat: People know about cats

That they walk everywhere.

Good fluffy ones,

Delicate sparkling.

3 cat: We love to perform at shows,

Show yourself to people.

We love to sing songs,

But we love to dance more


1 steward: Thank you, cats, they danced wonderfully

You are real talents!

2nd steward: And our next number is gypsy motifs.


No. Game "Catch up with the tambourine"

Attention! 2 rub. In our airport the plane landed "Christmas trees at the Christmas tree" oh no "Flying Dutchman" ugh, meet me

No. Exit of Baba Yaga - aliens.

B. I: Open the doors wider

And meet Madame Yaga!

Am I late?

Oh, I chose all the outfits!

What, my plane has already taken off? I decided to relax on planet earth. So what, I’ll meet you New Year in the Canaries.

1 steward: Hello Baba Yaga, why do you need a plane? You have a plate.

B. I: My saucer is of an old design and flies only between planets, but it lands only where it wants.

2nd steward: Unfortunately, airport closed and all flights cancelled.

B. I: How cancelled? How is it closed? But what about New Year in the Canaries?

1 steward: B. I am! Don't be upset! We have a wonderful one here too New Year's holiday. You can have a good rest and have fun.

B. I: To be honest, I don’t know how you can have fun here.

2nd steward: And you and the children play some kind of game.

Game: «»

B. I: And that passengers in this sector are depressed. I see that you also want to play, otherwise you’ve been sitting too long, bored, waiting for a plane? It’s okay, we’ll all be flying soon. We need dads and moms.

No. Game “Writing a letter”

1st steward: We have a glorious holiday in Airport, it turns out! (looks out the window) The weather is getting better and the snowstorm has stopped, or is it just me?

2nd steward: Let's call our wonderful astrologer. Let him look through his telescope at the sky.

No. Stargazer's Exit


I'll count all the stars,

I’ll reread all the comets -

This is how I find out the past

And I’ll read the future

Will always put things in order

In star charts, the astrologer

Let's light up the stars

The stars go to the Christmas tree

1 star: We are wonderful stars,

In the sky we shine

And on holiday New Year

We help all children

2 star: We will shine very brightly

It's getting hot in our hall

Starlight will help us,

After all, he is no more beautiful!


1 steward: Thank you stars, the room immediately became brighter and the snowstorm subsided.

ATTENTION! Dear greeters! The plane from Veliky Ustyug, Father Frost, has just arrived!

No. The song is being recorded "Russian Santa Claus", the children sing along. Santa Claus comes out to the performance - says hello, walks around the Christmas tree, and dances in a circle of children during the chorus of the song.

"COLD WINTER HAS COME..." continues to play.

Father Frost: Hello guys

Hello dear guests

How beautiful it is in your room!

I'm glad you called me

Glad I met friends here

Both big and small.

WITH Happy New Year

All the guys and all the guests!

And with all my heart I wish

Happy, bright days to you

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers

Over frozen seas

Over forests and fields

There the snowflakes dance around,

There Winter and Frost are friends,

I was in a hurry, guys, to see you,

To my little friends.

I heard you're in trouble

I came here to help you.

Sit down on the chairs and tell us what happened here.

D. M I know, I know... B. I already called me on my mobile. So, with my magic staff, I calmed down the snowstorm a little... and I also brought you artists...

Are you tired of waiting? Well, let's get to work

Let's continue miracles boldly!

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

We'll meet you New Year!

Christmas tree, what a look you have!

Hello, hello dear!

I know you weren't offended,

We sang songs, danced...

Helped me grow up

You can't see the top of your head!

Why isn’t your Christmas tree lit? This is not order. Well, let's say one, two, three, our Christmas tree is burning.


(The Christmas tree is capricious)

D. M: Oh, yes. You need to say the words and tickle the sides.

They pulled their ears down, come on, light up the Christmas tree.

Child: Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree festive outfit.

WITH Happy New Year

We are both adults and children.

D. M, we call you into a circle and we’ll start dancing with you.


1 steward: D. M got caught in our circle here and stay, we won’t let you go, no matter how much you break out.

D. M: And I’ll jump out here. Or I’ll come out here...

No. GAME «»

D. M: Well done! They made my grandfather happy. And now I want to please you. I will invite artists to you, and not ordinary ones, but cowboys.


D.M Legs are shaking

Don't stand still

Come on kids come out

Let's dance together.

No. DANCE «»

Attention! Attention! In our airport an unidentified object landed.


D.M. Well, the holiday is over, it’s time for everyone to fly away. And it’s time for me to get on the plane and fly further...

1 steward: D. M, you forgot about the most important thing! And the gifts New Year's for children?

D. M: Is it time yet? Of course, friends, I did not come to you empty-handed. For all airline passengers "Sun" I have prepared a surprise - gifts (looks into the bag). Only my bag is too light for gifts. I think I forgot them somewhere.

1st steward: Well, what are you doing, grandfather!

D. M: Now, now, I need to call (looks for a phone in the bag). My phone number is here somewhere. And here he is (calls). Ale!

Hey, my Miracle Machine!

Hurry up to kindergarten!

From my residence, from Veliky Ustyug itself, a miracle device with gifts was delivered to you. Greet them with thunderous applause.

(it turns out "MIRACLE APPARATUS")

D. M: How quickly you came.

I quickly found myself in the hall!

MIRACLE APPARATUS: You forgot to put the gifts in a bag

I had to rush to you myself!

What a forgetful Grandfather you are!

D. M: What do you, dear, want from me!

I'm so old!

Okay, let's not waste time -

The children are waiting for gifts.

Give me a snowball. We will get gifts.

Look guys...throw the snowball HERE.

And receive a gift!

(throws a snowball at the window -

a small felt boot flies out of the device)

D. M: What is this? This is probably for you! (gives it to the flight attendant)

1 steward: No, this is not mine, size

D. M: (looks at his feet) And it’s probably not mine that’s broken (knocks on the device)

Miracle Apparatus: Oh! HI-HI-HI-HI-HI...

D. M: Don't joke with me like that!

Miracle device: I got so cold on the way! Or the battery is dead!

Get me in the mood...warm me up!

D. M: Okay, okay…. don't be angry. I'll warm you up now (presses the button)

Connecting... charging... And we receive a gift.


D. M: Well, go stewardess and get a gift! Look, it works.


D. M: We'll say "Goodbye" to each other

And again we will part for a year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come with winter...


New Year's scenario at the airport New Year's music is playing. 01 Words against the background of music. How nice it is that today Guests came to us here And, without looking at worries, everyone found a free hour. Happy New Year, We invite you to the holiday, Our children are invited to the best fairy tales in the world. 02 The New Year's melody sounds, children run in behind the chain and line up in a circle near the Christmas tree. 1. Today in this hall we will talk about how the New Year holiday comes to every home! 2. About how brightly the Garlands of lights glow, About the fact that there is no holiday More beautiful and brighter. 3. A fairy tale fairy will open the door to a fairy tale for us. Standing in a circle, shyly, is a decorated spruce tree. 4. Green eyelashes In toys, tinsel. And we say “thank you,” we, Christmas tree, to you! 5. We anxiously await the arrival of guests, fairy-tale heroes, magicians, and animals. 6. And of course we’ll invite Grandfather Frost... We’ll definitely be waiting for him at the Christmas tree! 7. Let the silvery powder of winter dust up any trouble. We wish you only good things in the coming New Year. 8. May the New Year be generous, may it not be stingy on happiness, may it light up the stars on time, so that all your wishes come true. 9. May the New Year bring you: With snow - laughter, with frost - cheerfulness, May a happy life come and the earth not be embarrassed by age. 10. Fluffy snow covers both trees and houses. This means that Mother Winter is coming to visit us. 11. The lights are sparkling brightly. The children couldn’t sleep today. After all, today Grandfather Frost will give gifts to everyone. 12. And under the New Year’s tree, a noisy, bright round dance. This means that today we are celebrating the New Year. 03 Song “Celebrating the New Year.” Children sit down 04 ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention, attention! We ask all passengers departing on flight 2018 to check in! 05 Music from the film “The Irony of Fate” is playing. children sit down 06 Snow Maiden enters to the music Snow Maiden: Our dear guests! I'm in a hurry to congratulate everyone! May good luck and success come in the coming year! I invited the artists, We will go on a flight. Santa Claus sent a real plane for us. 07 ANNOUNCEMENT “Attention! Passengers who purchased tickets for flight No. 2018! Due to technical reasons, the flight is delayed. We ask you to go to the waiting room. The airline apologizes to passengers and offers to celebrate the New Year at the airport.” Snow Maiden: How delayed it is! For what other technical reasons? I have a hall of artists, both singers and musicians, all just talents. We may be late and not get to see Santa Claus.. Presenter: Well, don’t be upset, Snow Maiden. You are also a bit of a sorceress. Is it really impossible to think of anything? Snow Maiden: Oh, it’s really me. We can turn to our fairy-tale friends. Now I’ll go online and write a letter. (types on a smartphone) 08. “Dear friends, SOS, SOS, Grandfather Frost is waiting for us, Help us fly, And we’ll be in time for the holiday!” (closes smartphone). Someone please help. In the meantime, why don't we organize an interesting program here at the airport. Moreover, we have so many artists. All agree? Presenter: Guys, we agree, right? 09 (Children line up around the Christmas tree). 1p Why do we love New Year? Here's to the brightest holiday! Because Santa Claus will come and bring gifts. 2p The rain on the Christmas tree will sparkle, It will light up with lights. And the wizard will fly to us to have fun with us. 3p And the Fairy waves her wand, And all dreams come true, We know: only on New Year's Day do wishes come true! 10 Round dance “Santa Claus is coming to us” Snow Maiden: Guys, why isn’t our Christmas tree on fire? So beautiful, fluffy and without lights! (takes the Christmas tree by the branch) 11. Voice of the Christmas tree: Don’t touch me! Don't touch! Don't even breathe! I'll faint! Snow Maiden: Oh, who is saying this? It seems to me that this is our Christmas tree. Children turn around to face the Christmas tree. Snow Maiden: Guys, apparently our tree is sick! Maybe water it? (watering) 12. Voice of the Christmas tree: Well, stop watering, otherwise mold might grow on me from the dampness! Snow Maiden: Maybe the Christmas tree is stuffy? Can you open the window? 13. Voice of the Christmas tree: Oh, how cold it is! What a draft! I'll get sick! (coughs) Snow Maiden: Guys, we urgently need to treat our Christmas tree! Let's sing her a song, maybe then she will please us with lights! 14. Song “The Christmas tree is on fire!” Voice of the Christmas tree: Oh, how fun you are! Now I'm completely healthy! 15. The lights on the Christmas tree come on. 16. Dance “We will hang the balloons” Snow Maiden: How fun we are having a holiday at the airport! I see the princess here, and she’s with her friends! Princess 1: Yes, I am a princess, so what? She looks like all the girls! She ran away from the palace and upset her father! Princess 2 The World I want to see, I’m planning to fly to Paris! But bad weather... I will celebrate with the people! Princess 3 I'm capricious and stubborn, I'm good, I'll say it straight! Princess 4 The prince is in love with me, and well, but freedom is more precious to me! 17. Princess Dance 18. Announcement: Attention! Madam Princess! Go to the information desk, the King Father is waiting for you! The princesses grab their heads and run away Snow Maiden: Guys, while the princesses were entertaining us, I received an SMS “I’m rushing, hurrying, flying, running. I’ll be there soon, I’ll help.” But there’s no signature, Who could it be? 19. Baba a rides in on the stupa to the music. She is fashionably dressed, and twirls the keys to the stupa in her hands. Sings: We're going, we're going to the neighboring village for a disco. Hello little ones, Hello Parents! Here I am. Came to help. I offer a device, modern, modernized, adapted to our North. The truth creaks and sneezes, flies a little sideways, but everything is fine. (To the Snow Maiden) Who is Kasatka taking? I'll take it inexpensively, about twelve thousand. Well, who's going to ride here first? And you will like the service, because the driver is a beauty. Snow Maiden: (Slowly to the children). Guys, we need to somehow persuade Baba Yaga, and also not make her angry. You can’t fly on this mortar, but you might end up making noise. B. Yaga: Are you whispering to a chavoy there? Tell me straight, I don’t like my stupa. Snow Maiden: What are you doing, Grandmother Yaga? You are dear to us as a friend, but what do you do with friends? They are hugged first. Let me hug you! (hugs Baba Yaga, she sniffles, feeling emotional). Snow Maiden: No, look at grandma’s condition. One disorder and malaise. We need to treat grandma, or better yet, cheer her up. 20. Game “Baba Yaga” Baba Yaga: Wow, you’re having fun grandma, oh, I’m afraid I won’t stop. I haven't played much, let's start all over again. Whoever is faster on a broom will run around the decorated Christmas tree 21. “Playing with Brooms” Baba Yaga: Oh, they completely killed me, they outwitted me again, I can’t play myself anymore, I’ll act as a producer. I have my own artists. I taught them myself. 22. Dance" Cowboys - guitarists" "Robbers" 25. Dispatcher announcement: "Attention, attention, an unidentified flying object is making an emergency landing" 26. Dance of aliens Snow Maiden: Where did you come to us from? 1 alien: We landed by mistake, 2 alien: Flying over the earth, 1 alien: We were in a hurry to get home. Alien 2: And there is such beauty here, Together: What do you have? Snow Maiden: Winter. 1 alien: I don’t understand. Alien 2: And me. Together: What is winter? Children: 1st child: When the snow flies and sparkles, In the golden radiance of the day. As if it were covering all the valleys and fields with down... 2nd child: A cheerful winter has come With skates and sleds, With powdered ski tracks, With a magical old fairy tale. 3 children Lanterns are swinging on the decorated Christmas tree. Let the fun winter never end! 27. Song - round dance “Silver Winter” 28. Game “Snowballs” Aliens are shivering from the cold Baba Yaga: What’s going on? The killer whales are completely numb. Turned green from the cold. Come with me, there is a store there, called Dutyfree, tea, coffee - let's warm up! Baba Yaga leads the aliens away. Snow Maiden: Well, we didn’t get any help from here either. What happens? The numbers are running out. And the New Year is approaching. What is there to wish for? 29. Music sounds in the hall, Hottabych appears Hottabych: Oh, the delight of my eyes, O. Diamond of my heart! I am the great Abdurahman Ibn Hottab. Why are your eyes sad? I’ll take you to any fairy tale. My carpet is an airplane, taking flight. Snow Maiden: Oh, how useful this is, And the carpet – I hope it’s big, I want to take everyone with me? Hottabych: Now I’ll count everyone, and I’ll know everything for sure (runs around the hall, counts passengers. Mutters: “Seven by eight, two in mind.” Oh, we won’t be able to fit in, (Grieving). Oh, the firebird will help us. Well, come on Make room, kids, I'm letting the birds out of the cage 30. Dance of the Fire Birds. 31. Game "" Snow Maiden: Don't be angry, sit down by the Christmas tree. But this bird dance won't endure the flight. But thank you for the beauty. It was very cute! 32. Dispatcher announcement: Attention! Attention, the 2018 Veliky Ustyug - Krasnoyarsk airliner has landed with Santa Claus on board! hall! The compass showed me the right way. Hello, my friends! I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday! Hello, Grandfather Frost! We’ve been waiting for you for so long! . Santa Claus; Why are we delaying? Come out. Let’s sing and dance, Let’s celebrate the New Year!!! 34. Round dance “Santa Claus came to our Christmas tree” Presenter: Dear friends! Moms, dads, grandmothers and you kids! I'll check now if you know everything about Santa Claus. Answer in unison, guess all the riddles. Is Santa Claus known to everyone? - YES! Does he arrive at seven sharp? - NO! Is Santa Claus a good old man?...... Does he wear a hat and galoshes?..... The trunk of our Christmas tree is good?..... Was it cut down from a double-barreled shotgun?..... Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? ..... Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?..... Is our Christmas tree looking beautiful?..... Are there red needles everywhere?..... Well, the answers have been given to the questions, Do you know everything about Santa Claus, A this means it’s time for us kids to dance. 35. Dance “Teach me to dance” Snow Maiden: But the time has come to say: see you again! The New Year's Carnival is over! At the airport we met our dear friends, everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale! Santa Claus: We will say “Goodbye” to each other, And again we will part for a year, And in a year the blizzard will howl again, And the holiday will come to you again. As we say goodbye, we want to hug everyone, And we will look forward to a new meeting! Snow Maiden: Wait, grandfather! How can we wait for a new meeting? What about gifts? Santa Claus: Oh, I'm an old fool, with a hole in my head. I forgot about the gifts! 36. Announcement: “Dear Santa Claus! “You forgot your luggage in the cabin of the airliner,” a large suitcase on wheels, decorated in New Year’s style, is brought into the hall. Santa Claus: (opens, looks) These are real gifts, (shows). 37. Distribution of gifts. 38. Dispatcher announcement: “Attention, attention, flight 2018 is ready to fly. Waiting room administrator - Snegurochka, organize a photo session with Santa Claus for our passengers. Have a nice flight! Happy New Year! 39. Final song Taking photographs Santa Claus says goodbye to the children and leaves. Children leave the hall to the music!

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. The scenario is unusual in that the children find themselves on an unexpected journey that ends successfully. You can choose any numbers for this holiday, at the discretion of the music director, even if they are not always related to the New Year theme. Because children (they are all talented directors, musicians, producers, singers, dancers, etc.) The unusual beginning of the holiday makes you relive the whole story until the very end.



New Year at the airport.

The hall is decorated like an airport (on the walls and windows there are posters with pictures of airplanes and displays).

Flight No. 2020! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed. We ask you

Go to the waiting room. Morozko Airlines apologizes

Passengers are invited to celebrate the New Year at the airport. I repeat!

Thank you for your attention!

While the announcement is being made, the children enter the hall and stop near the Christmas tree, facing the audience. All children have plates with names and positions and suitcases.

Director . What's it like at the airport? What are you saying, I'm filming a new movie! I'm flying to

Syktyvkar, with me is my team, which is busy filming a new


Leading . Calm, comrades, calm!

Producer . Just a minute, just a minute. I'm a famous producer. My new show group

Must perform in New Year's Eve on television.

Passenger . We urgently need to fly to Syktyvkar. This is a disgrace, we will


Leading . Unfortunately, dear passengers, all flights are delayed due to

Bad weather.

TV presenter . I am a famous TV presenter. If I'm late for the program, then

I'll lose my job.

Journalist . Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm recording!

Leading . Why no job? Dear passengers, I have an interesting question.

Thought. Why don't we all organize some entertainment?

Here at the airport?

Passenger . Are you laughing at us? Are you kidding?

Leading . No, I'm not kidding. There are a lot of passengers here. Everyone will have a New Year

Meet here, whether you like it or not. After all, you and I are not at the same

An inhabited island, we were not left without communication after all. We can

Use the services of the bureau.

Passenger . Friends, there is no need to be upset. We need to organize the evening like this,

So that we remember him.

Leading. I have such a proposal. Since there are artists among us, that means we

Must see the performances of everyone who prepared the performances for the New Year


Voice (phonogram).Dear passengers of flight No. 2020. We ask you to go to the luggage compartment and hand over your belongings to the storage room. Morozko Airlines apologizes to passengers. Sit down in the waiting room. Happy New Year everyone!

The children carry their luggage into the corridor and sit down.

Leading . Good evening, good evening ladies and gentlemen! In what happened

Today, there is something very romantic that not everyone has the chance to meet

New Year at the airport. Friends, let's not be sad! I'm sure that

A little later you will remember this evening as the most interesting

And romantic in your life. Now let's cheer ourselves up

Wonderful music that invites everyone to dance.

New Year's counting.

Leading . It turns out that we can have a great time at the airport too.

All the stars gathered here: directors, producers, journalists,

TV presenters and even pop stars! Dear friends! I just

I saw among you incomparable pop stars. I'll ask them

Perform a song for us, and all the fans will greet with delight

Our stars with applause.

Song "Happy New Year Dad, Happy New Year Mom"

Leading . While all your fans will line up for you

For autographs, we continue our show program. I suggest

Write poems for a wonderful Christmas tree.

1 child . At dawn, miracle sparks lit up in the snowflakes and ice flakes

Christmas trees in white capes gathered at the edge of the forest

2 child . Cheerful Santa Claus walked through the northern forests

He chose this tree himself and brought it himself.

3 child. Balls glitter on the Christmas tree and golden rain

The children's eyes sparkle from such beauty.

4 child . We have been waiting for this holiday, when will it come?

Our glorious, our elegant, cheerful New Year.

5 child . The Christmas tree has come to visit us and is shining lights on us

Let our guests celebrate the New Year with us.

6 child . Dear Christmas tree, bright lights

We brought you a song as a gift.

The song “New Year has come again” is performed (to – to No. 40)

Leading. Just a moment! Among you there is a famous musical

Producer with his band. Let's ask them to show their performance.

In the meantime, I’ll find out the meteorologists’ reports.

Orchestra "The Bells Are Ringing"

2020! Due to bad weather, the flight is delayed! Please continue

Entertainment program. Morozko Airlines brings its

Apologies to passengers and offers to use New Year's services

Serpentine Bureau. Thank you for your attention!

Leading. Guys, have you heard, we can use the services of New Year's

Serpentine Bureau. So we can call Santa Claus. (takes out

Phone, dialing) Hello! This is the New Year's service bureau

"Serpentine"? We would like to use the services of Santa Claus!

Fine! When should we expect it? In 10 minutes? Thank you! Well, since we have

We have a little time, we will continue our festive performance.

Laziness. I know there is a director among you. You're probably flying to film

Movie? How do you know that every film should have its own audience?

Maybe you can show it for us?

A scene from parents.

At the end of the fairy tale, Santa Claus comes in and then addresses everyone.

Father Frost . Hello my friends! Are you tired of waiting? Here I am!

I know you're in trouble here

The bad weather is all to blame here.

The clouds will clear, the cyclone will go away, memories will remain.

And remember how you spent the New Year

At the airport, in moments of despair.

Let's not be sad, let's start a round dance, wonderful music awaits everyone!

Song “Thank you, Santa Claus” (k – k No. 49)

Leading . Grandfather Frost, it so happens that we are celebrating the New Year

At the airport. But all our passengers have their numbers ready

For New Year's shooting.

Father Frost . I see that there are wonderful artists among you. As a child I never

I visited the circus and did not see trained animals or acrobats.

But I had a friend - a magician, he taught me one thing

Interesting trick. Want to watch?

Trick with jars.

To do this you need 3 jars half filled with water. The inside of the lid is smeared with thick gouache. Santa Claus shakes jars of water and they become colored.

  1. You are water, water, you are my beautiful friend, become water, not just water, but red.
  2. You are water, water, you are my cold friend, become water, water, not just water - green.
  3. You are water, water, as light as frost; become water, water, not simple, but blue.

Leading. Since you, Grandfather Frost, have never been to the circus, then especially for everyone

We have an acrobatic performance for guests.

Acrobatic performance with ribbons.

Father Frost . I saw that there are many talented children among you. Friends, I have arrived

Do not come to you empty-handed. For all airline passengers

“Morozko” I prepared a surprise. I'm already very old and decided to find

Your own replacement. I am announcing a competition to fill the position of Santa Claus.

The task is simple: you need to wear a suit and someone who is interested

He will greet the guests and congratulate them on the holiday, I will choose him

Your deputy.

Competition "Choice of Deputy Santa Claus"

A child is selected and given the attributes of Santa Claus (hat, mittens, staff, etc.). He should greet the guests, congratulate them on the holiday and wish them something.

Leading . Well done, Grandfather Frost! This competition showed us how it turns out

It's hard to be in the role of our beloved Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga flies in to the music.

Baba Yaga . Wait, wait, wait! I don't want you to continue!

After all, I am also applying for your vacancy!

Father Frost. I don’t understand anything, what else is this?

Leading . Grandfather Frost, this is some kind of misunderstanding!

Baba Yaga . I'm the one who misunderstood! Do you think I can't handle it?

To put on a hat, beard, take grandfather’s staff and congratulate you on the New Year

A year?! Yes I have now New Year's tour through the forest with congratulations!

Father Frost . Now this is interesting!

Leading . Well, maybe we can check it out?

Father Frost . Well, let's see how you do it.

Baba Yaga . Happy New Year and, of course, I wish you

Make your dreams come true so that you all are happy!

Don't be bored, have fun, don't be angry with the weather.

Very soon, you, friends, will fly away to wherever!

Father Frost . Well, I can trust you to temporarily replace Grandfather

Frost. While I'm away, I'll find out where the gifts are that

Need a ride to the airport(leaves)

Leading . Dear passengers! For some reason you stopped handling

We request that our airline's flights be resumed.

Baba Yaga . This is even wonderful! So you like it here, then I think you

You will dance with joy.

Dance “We will put on mittens”

Baba Yaga . For some reason, Grandfather Frost is delayed, but it’s time for me to go to the forest, others


Leading. Let's call him! (everyone calls Santa Claus)

Santa Claus comes in accompanied by music.

Father Frost . Attention! I want to announce good news to you! The weather has improved

And all airline flights have been restored! And I'm glad to give you gifts

Before your departure, my deputy will help me with this. Please!

(addresses Baba Yaga)

Father Frost and Baba Yaga distribute gifts.

Baba Yaga . Well, friends, I am very sorry to part with you.

Leading . Still, despite some problems, we had a lot of fun.

After all, it’s not every time you spend New Year’s at the airport!

Father Frost . Just a minute, friends! Unfortunately, it's time for us!

Happy New Year and, of course, I wish you

Happiness, joy in the year, well, I’ll be off now!


Father Frost and Baba Yaga are leaving.

Attention! Attention! Passengers who took tickets for flight No. 2008!

We ask you to undergo customs inspection of your luggage and register your tickets.

The airline wishes you a happy journey and thanks you for

Help in organizing an entertaining New Year's program!

Leading . Well, it’s good that everything ended well!

We wish you, friends, to believe in various miracles!

Happy New Year!

Children go to the group. The holiday is over.


  • MRD "New Year's counting"
  • Song “Happy New Year Dad, Happy New Year Mom” (individual)
  • Song "New Year Has Come Again"
  • Orchestra “The Bells Are Ringing” (individual)
  • A scene from parents
  • Round dance "Thank you, Santa Claus"
  • Acrobatic performance with ribbons (individual)
  • MRD “We will put on mittens”
  • Trick with jars
  • Poetry