Where to go abroad for the first time. First time abroad. Where is the best place to go? Combined tours abroad

For your first trip, it is better to choose the most popular resorts among Russians - the coasts of the Red and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the Black Sea in Bulgaria. These countries have many advantages for those traveling abroad for the first time. Firstly, in hotels there are always compatriots whom you can turn to for advice. Secondly, local residents, living in tourist areas, for the most part, speak basic phrases in Russian, and you can always explain to them what is required. Thirdly, package tours are organized to these countries, the price of which already includes transfer from the airport to the hotel, guide support, insurance, etc. This is very convenient for those who have decided to go somewhere for the first time and are not yet getting their bearings in a foreign country. An inexperienced tourist will be met, put on a bus, helped to check into a hotel, etc.

To save on a trip, you can purchase a tour using the system early booking. Then the cost of hotel accommodation will be 25-30 percent lower.

Which country to choose

Which one depends on the time of year. From February to the end of May and from September to early November, the weather is comfortable and warm in Egypt. The sea is warming up quite well, and the air temperature is 29-33oC. In winter (from late November to mid-February), even in this African country it is quite cool, a strong wind blows, and the sea water temperature drops to 20-23°C.

It is better to go to Turkey between mid-May and the fifteenth-twentieth of September. This is when the Mediterranean Sea warms up enough for comfortable swimming. In Bulgaria, the season is from early July to mid-September.

Advantage popular resorts Another reason is that there are charter and regular direct flights from Moscow there almost all year round. That is, six to ten hours after leaving home you can find yourself near the warm sea.

In terms of the level of hotels and service, these are popular among Russian tourists countries are almost equal. The only thing in which Bulgaria loses is that there is practically no closed beaches owned by hotels. The coast is open to everyone; areas are rented to entrepreneurs who install sunbeds and umbrellas there and charge money for their rental. But there are hotels where the use of beach facilities is already included in the price of your stay. All this should be clarified when purchasing a tour.

Another disadvantage when choosing Bulgaria as a holiday destination is the need to apply for a visa. This increases the cost of the trip. In addition, when obtaining a visa, you need to provide some documents yourself - a salary certificate, account statement, hotel and ticket reservations. For inexperienced travelers, this may be too difficult. Therefore, if the choice falls on Bulgaria, it is better to apply for a visa through an agency. Then you will only need a foreign passport, and the company employee will receive the coveted stamp on his own.

Probably the fastest way to get anywhere in the world is by air. Even if your work is in no way connected with constant movement around the globe, then you are definitely going on vacation somewhere.

Sooner or later, every person will be faced with the need to fly by plane. Even to such already ordinary ones tourist countries, like Türkiye or Egypt, this is the shortest route. Therefore, the question of what to put in a suitcase concerns every adult.

It's best to start packing a few days before your flight. Otherwise, on the last day, it suddenly turns out that you will need to finish something urgent, and the training will take place in an emergency. So, start parking three days in advance and it is advisable to write a list of necessary things before doing so.


It is clear that the number of things depends on how many days you are traveling for. The longer the period, the more things you need. If you fly for 2-3 days, you can limit yourself to the standard minimum. This applies to clothes, cosmetics, shoes and any accessories (chargers, umbrellas, extra bags\packs).

In addition, there are mandatory things that you should have with you regardless of the length of your stay away from home. First: this is a ticket (if it is not electronic), documents (passport, insurance, voucher for hotel accommodation) and money. You won't fly anywhere without this, so pack these things first and check them again before leaving home. In addition, it is better to change money in advance, since doing it in your home country will be much cheaper. And it’s easier, you won’t have to run around and look for an exchanger.

Second: medications. Here you need to remember about your chronic diseases (what if they worsen?) and try to predict possible problems. Sunburn, cuts and food poisoning are the most common afflictions of tourists.

All large items should be placed in a suitcase. Its weight should not exceed 20-23 kg, otherwise you will pay extra for excess weight. Place all the things you need, such as documents, medications, e-reader, headphones, player, laptop and pillow, into a small carry-on bag that you will take onto the plane.

And remember, there is no need to stuff your suitcase to capacity. Leave room for things purchased during your trip.


The microclimate in the aircraft cabin is special. The air is very air conditioned with low humidity. This can cause passengers to experience dry mucous membranes (eyes, nose) and even the skin itself. So pack nasal spray, eye drops, moisturizer, and germicidal gel in your hand luggage.

If you're on a 10-hour flight, it's best to take a neck pillow with you. Inflatable or plush, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to be comfortable.

Shoes should be worn without heels. It may not be so beautiful, but it is convenient! And this is the most important thing. You can take a jacket with you to the salon. What if it’s cold there and blankets are not provided? In extreme cases, the jacket can be used instead of a pillow under the back.

You can also grab your favorite cookies, snacks, protein bars, and candies. Of course, during long flights they provide food. But if you are flying for the first time and don’t know how your body will accept airplane food, you need to have a backup option.

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  • Advice for airline passengers

Nowadays the tourism business is very developed, and foreign resorts are very popular. Therefore, it is worth knowing what dangers may await tourists in these countries. There are certain nuances that everyone should understand. Knowing these things will ensure relaxing holiday.

1. Assessing your financial capabilities. You need to immediately clearly allocate your budget and your capabilities; you don’t need to hope that abroad, just like in Russia, you will be able to ride as a hare on transport somewhere, or deceive a waiter somewhere. In developed countries, you can easily end up in prison for this kind of fraud.

2. Don't fall for tricks. Often travel companies They engage in fraud and offer tourists tours several times cheaper than their competitors. When buying a trip, you may either not get what you wanted or not leave at all, as you will be deceived. Travel agencies will never operate at a loss.

3. In the event of political conflicts in any of the countries where the tourist has arrived, first of all, you need to contact the travel agency in order to ensure a safe return to your hometown. Even if it’s very interesting, you shouldn’t go and look at various rallies and confrontations.

4. Before traveling to any country, you need to familiarize yourself with at least the basic rules of conduct in that country. After all, when you get to another state, you end up with other people who have completely different values, customs, and morals. You can absolutely accidentally, without knowing it, hurt, offend them, or desecrate a shrine.

5. Ignorance of the language and attempts to walk independently in unfamiliar areas. Not every tourist traveling abroad knows the local language of the country they are going to visit. Because of this, people get confused in the surrounding area even small town. In this case, you need to write down the numbers of the travel agency or hotel representative in the phone book. It is also better to prepare a map of the area and learn the address where you are staying.

6. Unsuitable climate. If a person has any health problems, you should first consult a doctor, since many countries have a rather harsh climate that is not suitable for everyone. Many people believe that if other people feel good in such conditions, then nothing will happen to him. The consequences may vary, so don't take risks.

If you follow all the above rules, you can ensure yourself a completely comfortable and safe holiday in almost any country.

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You have in your hands plane tickets to another country, but you have never flown or even left the territory of your own. native land? Your head is spinning, your hands don’t understand what to grab? Calm down, you are not the first to fly abroad for the first time. You can close the bulk of the questions raging in your head. I will share my personal experience.

A few months ago I was lucky enough - for the first time in my 25 years of life - to fly abroad for the first time. Alone, without knowledge of English and without travel experience. Yes, this also happens. This experience was not just interesting. But I think that the details of my experiences should be omitted here, and I will share tips collected from all the travelers I know that a beginner should take into account.

Baggage. Weight and quantity

Let's start with where to start. First of all, you need to find out (if you did not find out when purchasing a ticket or voucher) what weight of hand luggage and baggage is allowed by your airline for transportation. Although no, this is secondary. First of all, you need to know what happens main luggage(unless you bought a budget ticket, where only hand luggage), which you hand in when checking in at the airport, and hand luggage, which you take with you to the salon.

The average weight of main luggage varies within 20 kg per person, hand luggage - about 5 kg (sometimes 7-10 kg, but it’s better not to risk it). Some carriers allow you to take only one bag/suitcase/backpack in your hand luggage. In this case, the camera on your neck is already considered a second item for which you will have to pay extra for transportation, even if the total weight of two items is included in the established limit for hand luggage. Therefore, it is better to find out everything in advance so as not to look for a way out of a difficult situation later.

Short: There are two types of luggage - main luggage, which is checked into the luggage compartment of the plane (weighing about 20 kg) and hand luggage, which is taken with you on the plane (weighing about 5 kg).

Hand luggage. What you are prohibited from taking with you

Deodorants and other gas-forming substances are not allowed in hand luggage. cans, gels, cosmetics(mascara, gloss, etc.), medications(if there is an urgent need for this, then a prescription and an extract from a doctor are needed), any liquids volume more than 100 ml. That is, water, perfume, and in some cases creams may be asked to be transferred to the main luggage or left altogether. Therefore, it is better to immediately pack such things in a suitcase.

Also, under no circumstances should you take manicure kits (and especially sewing kits) into your hand luggage. scissors, sharp files and in general everything that can be used as a weapon in one way or another. Well, of course, it is forbidden to take compact folding knives And weapon.

By the way, if your keys quite sharp, it’s better to immediately put them in your suitcase. Personally, they didn’t try to take my keys away, but there were cases. Think about this when you close on your apartment or house. Airport inspectors in those countries where the likelihood of terrorist attacks and assassinations is high may pay special attention to such items. People and their luggage are checked there especially carefully. This is worth considering. (In my case, the super-rigid security check at the airport in Egypt really threw me off balance and made me nervous.)

Sometimes it is not allowed to take in hand luggage scotch And cling film. Again, this is mine personal experience. In Ukraine and Turkey they let this pass, but in Egypt they took it away.

Doubts may be raised by autonomous charging device(power bank), autonomous speakers. In Egypt, we were detained because a square stand-alone speaker seemed suspicious until I showed that it played music. In your main luggage, such an item will cause no less suspicion. Therefore, decide whether you really need this thing in another country or whether headphones will be enough.

Short: It is prohibited to carry weapons, sharp cutting and piercing objects(needles, corkscrews, knives), tape, cling film, water, any gel, gas, cream or water-like liquid with a volume of more than 100 ml (maximum 5 containers of 100 ml each are allowed).

If you are flying abroad for the first time, then you definitely take with you money, passport, phone, Maybe, camera and laptop. All this should be packed in hand luggage, because... for the perfect safety and “unbrokenness” of your things in luggage compartment on the plane (and at the airport too) no one answers.

Also, if you take with you any fragile items(but oversized), it is better to carry them in hand luggage. Including jewelry, valuable items, medical certificates and extracts.

If your trip is business, important and valuable paper Of course, it is also recommended to pack it in hand luggage.

Even if you are flying on vacation, you should have vouchers for transfer to the hotel and check-in at the hotel. You should definitely take them with you so as not to look for them in your luggage.

Also, if the flight is long (and it can be considered long from two hours, especially for the first time), then it’s worth taking some products to satisfy your hunger (you can buy something edible even after passing control). It is advisable that your supplies do not have too strong a smell - people will be sitting next to you, and the windows on the plane will not open. And it’s better to stick to snacks that you’ve tried and tested that will satisfy your hunger but won’t lead to digestive problems.

It is worth mentioning separately batteries for cameras. To be honest, I haven’t been able to figure out exactly where I can transport them. The experience that I had says that it is possible both in hand luggage and in checked luggage. Although, according to the experience of friends, in China they were forced to remove batteries from hand luggage. It may be easier to pack the batteries, but they should not touch each other so as not to cause a fire or explosion. Since I wasn’t 100% sure what to do, I packed one set in my main luggage and took the second one with me (in the camera itself). I decided that in this case they wouldn’t take everything away :) In the end, both sets remained intact. But if I got to the airport in Egypt with them, then most likely they would be confiscated from my hand luggage. Therefore, it is worth further consulting how things stand with this issue at the airports of the country where you are flying.

Also, for convenience, especially if you are flying at night, an inflatable pillow. This is a great way to sleep alone, rather than falling asleep on the shoulder of a stranger.

There are times (more often when these are connecting flights) when your main baggage gets lost or your flight is late. Don't worry, they will definitely find him in a day or two, and he will arrive to you. But so that this does not become a disaster for you and does not spoil the first days of your stay in new country, take the most necessary things with you in your hand luggage. This could be glasses, a hat, a swimsuit (if you are going to the seaside). Or a clean shirt and sweater if it's a business trip. Such things will not take up much space, but you will be calm.

Short: It is recommended to take valuables and papers (money, passports, documents, telephones, medical certificates) with you in your hand luggage. necessary medications, food, wet wipes, an inflatable pillow, the required minimum of essentials (change of underwear, swimsuit, shirt, etc.).

Packing main luggage

You should not carry perishable food, fragile items or valuables in your main luggage. You have already read the explanations above. That is, checked baggage should not contain everything that is recommended to be carried in hand luggage. It's simple.

It is also prohibited to transport caustic substances that can cause corrosion (mercury, all types of alkalis, etc.), all types of gases in cans, substances and objects that can cause fire (matches, lighters, varnishes, paints, etc. .), and of course, no weapons can be transported. And once upon a time, acquaintances had the opportunity to sit in a chair next to a climber holding an ice ax in his hands. Those were carefree times...

And so you packed your suitcase. Now be sure to weigh it so you don't get a surprise at the airport itself. I’ll say right away that 20 kg is quite a lot; an ordinary girl will have difficulty lifting such a suitcase. This is in case you don't have scales.

If everything is in order with the weight of your luggage, then it’s time to pack the suitcase itself. Some do this at the airport (the service is paid, in November 2016 the cost was 70 UAH at Boryspil airport, terminal D), and some do not do this at all.

My personal opinion is that the suitcase still needs to be wrapped in film. Firstly, this will protect it from the intervention of intruders, and secondly, it will preserve appearance during loading and unloading. For this, regular cling film or the one sold in hardware stores is suitable. One roll of 100 meters will be enough for several trips.

A long roll can be cut in half. This will make it easier to wrap, and you can take the second part with you to pack your suitcase. way back. There is just a chance that it will eventually be taken from your hand luggage, but it will still be cheaper than packing a suitcase there.

You can cover the suitcase with colored tape over the film. This will help you avoid tearing the film during transportation and immediately recognize your luggage when receiving it at the airport.

Yes, by the way, when checking into a hotel, it is better to immediately ask for scissors so as not to ruin your beautiful manicure and not get hurt tearing the film by hand.

Short: It is prohibited to pack any items or substances that can explode, ignite, or break into checked baggage. As well as particularly valuable items and papers. Weapons and perishable foods cannot be transported.

  • Make sure you pack the essentials for your trip. If it's the sea, then a swimsuit, sunglasses, hat/cap, beach slippers and bag, sunscreen. Due to the fact that I was traveling almost in winter and was already preparing to “hibernate,” I only took a swimsuit. Well, thanks for that.
  • If your trip is business and involves evening wear, then make sure you take enough of them. This means with reserve. It's worth taking a couple extra just in case.
  • The same goes for shoes. One pair of shoes or sandals may not be enough. Especially when a heel breaks at the most inopportune moment, and the hotel shoemaker has already left. I speak as a victim – it was not the most pleasant situation.
  • Also inquire about ironing facilities at the hotel. Will he be there, is this service paid? And if you have a business meeting, keep in mind that you will most likely need to pay between $5 and $20 for ironing. Or (weather permitting) the night before you can thoroughly wet the item, straighten it with your hands and hang it on a hanger. If this is a summer chiffon dress, or a T-shirt that does not require strict “smoothness,” then this option will help you save a little. If the meeting is important, and the outfit must be perfect, you should ask for help. Or you can take a travel iron with you if you have one. Great option.
  • If you are traveling to hot countries, take hair protection products with you. This is especially true for girls with braids. The hot sun burns your hair quite strongly, after which you remember another couple of months of rest “not with an angry, quiet word.”
  • To prevent mosquitoes, flies and other insects from ruining your trip, stock up on protective equipment. On my trip there were many different “flying” things on the beach - I saved myself with spray from mosquitoes and insects.
  • Be sure to pack a first aid kit (it should be packed in your main luggage). First of all, focus on your weak points. But the following list can serve as a basis:
    • painkiller (be sure to look at the contraindications, because my bitter experience shows that it is better to buy the drug at a higher price than to hide in the shade for the entire vacation due to the drug’s reaction to the sun);
    • a remedy for diarrhea (even if you don’t eat anything “like that”, it could just be acclimatization, so it’s better to protect yourself);
    • sorbent (activated carbon, sorbex, white carbon - at your discretion);
    • a remedy for allergies (to food, to water, to the sun, to insects);
    • heart medications (weather changes and changes climate zone may have an impact on well-being);
    • cotton wool or cotton sponges;
    • patch;
    • bandage;
    • hygiene products.
  • Before leaving home, double-check your plane tickets, hotel vouchers, and travel insurance (you should have purchased it when purchasing your travel package).
  • It would also be a good idea to take money with you in cash, which will be an emergency reserve and in case of force majeure will help you get home or pay for the necessary assistance. Usually they remain unclaimed, but it is always better when there is a “safety cushion”.

And most importantly, have a good mood and free memory on your gadgets, because new discoveries are ahead of you!

Have a good flight (by the way, you shouldn’t drink alcohol before the flight - it still won’t relieve anxiety, but it will spoil your well-being).

I think more experienced travelers can add much better advice to this list of tips for those traveling abroad for the first time, so I suggest sharing life hacks in the comments.

Alina Derkach

First independent travel Traveling abroad is always associated with a huge number of worries, worries and worries. That is why it is best to start with countries that are understandable, close and accessible in a variety of senses, in which any traveler will feel comfortable and confident, regardless of age, knowledge of a foreign language or a number of other parameters. Without visa entry A fairly large number of states provide for our fellow citizens. There are quite a lot of countries where they not only understand and know the Russian language, but also treat the citizens of our country kindly. Before making your final choice in favor of a particular destination and resort, think about which criterion will be the most important for you when choosing a country: cost of travel, duration of travel or flight, climate, cultural characteristics. Don't forget that safety should always come first on this list.

Countries that do not require a visa to visit primarily attract tourists who have no experience in obtaining visas. Although, in principle, it is unlikely that anyone can be attracted by the need to collect certificates and spend money on paying consular fees and notary services. That is why visa-free destinations will always have priority among our compatriots. Today, our fellow citizens can visit, with only a passport valid for a certain period, about seven dozen countries in the most different corners planets. The length of stay, depending on the country of destination, will in this situation vary from two weeks to three months. The list of these countries includes and are quite popular among tourists from Russia. As well as a large number of countries in South, Central America and Asia.

What is a simplified visa entry? This is either applying for a visa (often free) online, or receiving it with minimal time spent at the moment of crossing the border. For example, upon arrival in Tunisia through the airports of Enfidha or Monastir, tourists, upon presenting a voucher for hotel accommodation, receive a free border crossing stamp in their passports. To enter Egypt you need to pay for a visa stamp (25 USD, and they will paste it into your passport). And to visit the Greek part of Cyprus, you need to fill out a special form posted on the embassy’s website in advance and wait for confirmation of the issuance of such provisions by email. The entire procedure is absolutely free. Upon arrival, it will be possible to obtain a visa to China if the trip is planned to Hainan with a direct flight from one of Russian airports. On summer season Albania has been canceling visas for Russian citizens for several years in a row. There are many more examples that can be given, each case has its own nuances, but the general principle is convenience and savings for travelers, both money and time.

Where you will always be understood, relaxing and traveling will be easier, calmer and more enjoyable. First of all, to everyone who is worried about being common language abroad, it is worth considering countries that were formerly part of the USSR. Armenia, Latvia, Georgia, Belarus, Estonia, Moldova, Lithuania and Uzbekistan - in any of these countries, the Russian language is in second place in terms of prevalence and popularity, and it will not be difficult for you to solve absolutely any questions and problems if they suddenly arise.

You will be understood in most countries of Eastern Europe, especially if you communicate with the generation of forty-year-olds and slightly older people. These people often studied Russian at school, and therefore it will be easy to avoid misunderstandings during communication. East End Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Hungary - as you can see, the list of countries is worthy. Another country where a good half of the residents can communicate in Russian, or even speak excellent Russian, is Israel, which is generally perfectly suited for the holidays of our tourists.

Of course, a lot depends on specific person and on the level of his culture and upbringing, but we can confidently name countries in which, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a warm and friendly attitude is emphasized towards tourists from Russia. The list of such states includes India, Cuba, Greece, Laos, China, Cyprus and Vietnam. Russians can also feel comfortable visiting related Slavic peoples: in Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria or Croatia. The basis for mutual understanding in this case will be a common religion or culture, history and a similar mentality. In any case, you should avoid discussing religious or political topics, who knows which of the issues you raise will be painful for your interlocutor.

If you are attracted by traveling around Europe, and your financial resources are not too large, then first of all choose for your trip European states with its own currency and outside the euro area. Poland, Croatia, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Bulgaria or Hungary will please you more low prices for services, transport, accommodation or products. Please note that this principle will not apply to countries with a higher standard of living, which means a completely different pricing policy. Switzerland, Great Britain, Denmark or Sweden - these countries are unlikely to be suitable for budget travel. Prices in these countries are among the highest in Europe.

The transport component also influences the total cost of travel quite strongly. You can always get to neighboring states by bus or even by your own car. own car. Sometimes inexpensive air travel can help you save money. All that remains is to buy discounted air tickets to the country of your dreams.

Of course, travel costs are an important factor, but safety is even more important. Prosperous states will always attract a larger number of travelers also due to the order prevailing on their territory and the degree of compliance with laws. Which directions, according to research data, are included in the list of the most convenient from a safety point of view? The leadership in this list belongs to Singapore, followed by Iceland and Switzerland, Mauritius, Bhutan, Cyprus and New Zealand, UAE, Ireland, two flowering corners Caribbean paradise– Aruba and Curacao.

If you are tormented by doubts about the security of the country you have chosen as the main destination of your trip, do not be lazy to look for information about it on the portal owned by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is on this resource that warnings are published about “hot” spots that have arisen on the world map, to which, of course, you should not travel under any circumstances. In all other situations, the choice of country for your first trip will depend solely on your taste, your capabilities, preferences and desires.

Statistics tirelessly confirm that outbound tourism is constantly growing. There is no doubt that this is so. However, most Russians still prefer to spend their vacation days in hometown or at the dacha. And if for some of them a summer vacation is a conscious choice, then for a certain number of people organized tourism across and abroad simply remains a sealed secret. But breaking them is not so difficult. This article will help you choose the most convenient vacation option for those who have not yet joined tourism.

Beach holiday

Relaxing on the sandy shore of the blue-blue sea is perhaps the favorite pastime during the long-awaited vacation for most Russians. If you don’t have any special requests for your vacation, but just want to soak up the warmth, lie under palm trees, swim in the clear sea and get a bronze tan, then you are welcome at , (possible budget options recreation) or in, and other coastal countries and islands.

Requirements to beach holiday are usually minimal and defined in one word: comfort. The choice of options provided by Russian travel agencies is so wide that you can always find a tour to suit your taste. For holidays with small children, experienced managers will recommend hotels with good children's infrastructure (special baby food, children's pools and playgrounds, small water parks). For an entertaining holiday, you can choose a hotel in some popular youth city, where life is in full swing not only during the day on the beach, but also at night in bars and discos. Respectable married couples usually choose more respectable resorts.

Excursion tours

Especially for those who since childhood dreamed of visiting the places where the events of ancient Greek myths and knightly romances unfolded, they invented sightseeing tours. The main trails and routes have long been laid out by experienced tour operators: all you have to do is make a choice. And he is really great. These are the already mentioned trips to, and travel to the castles of the Loire, and excursion tours to the classical. Holidays in, and if the recreation program is full of various excursions can be no less interesting.

Cheapest type excursion holidayBus tours. However, before you pay money for such a trip, consider whether you are willing to spend long hours in a bus seat. If your health allows, then seeing almost everything through the bus window is pleasant and interesting.

Excursion tours are suitable for tourists of all ages, including very young children. The main thing for parents is to choose places where their children will be interested. Moreover, excursion trips around or can be combined with entertaining holiday in amusement and adventure parks, of which there are really many in these countries.

Combined tours

If you want to lie on the beach and go on excursions, then it is better to ask the travel agency about the availability of combined tours in its range. Many countries with good beaches are ready to offer tourists a variety of excursions to their historical, cultural and natural monuments.

Trekking, extreme

If you still remember what it’s like to relax in the forest in a tent, but you can’t cook dinner over a fire and assemble a kayak yourself, specially trained people can do it for you. By taking part in a trekking tour, you travel through forests, fields and mountains on foot, on horseback or kayaks, while all the most tedious work of choosing a route, setting up a camp and preparing food is taken on by specialists, and you just breathe fresh air and walk , pick mushrooms and fish - in general, relax.

Moreover, now a large number of organized tours gives tourists the opportunity to engage in their favorite activity extreme sports. For example, you can go to Andorra to ride alpine skiing or go scuba diving. In the Turkish town of Oludeniz, paragliding flights are organized, and windsurfing fans traditionally go to Hawaii.

Sea and river cruises

Measured, elite and varied holiday. Sounds like a fairy tale? This is actually a reality if you go on a cruise. They are especially loved sea ​​cruises. This could also be travel Mediterranean Sea, and sailing around. But the essence of such a vacation is clear: you spend most of your time on a fashionable ship and only sometimes go down the gangway to the piers of hospitable cities to take short sightseeing walks.

However, river cruises can be just as interesting. Russian travel agencies offer travelers cruises on the Volga, Danube, Dnieper, Rhine and other rivers. For many, this can really be a good opportunity to relax and see several countries at once. Is it true, cruise vacation It can’t be called budget-friendly, but if financial capabilities allow, cruises can be a truly luxurious option for spending a long-awaited vacation.

Exotic holiday

Unforgettable, elite, fabulous and a great many other delightful adjectives can be chosen for a vacation in those countries that are commonly called an exotic destination. Exotic countries– it’s always a little more than just the sea, a little more than just beaches, a little more than just unique natural and cultural monuments. Holidays in exotic countries are always breathtaking, memorable almost for a lifetime and... hit hard on your wallet.

What is considered exotic? For example, most beautiful resorts to Bali and... Or holiday in Buddhist monasteries. Or the mysterious caves of the islands. Exotic countries are what we see in the most colorful advertising brochures, creating the illusion of heavenly life on earth. And if you organize your vacation correctly, this illusion can be realized – at least during your vacation.

beauty and health

Finally, another type of recreation is recreational. You can breathe fresh air, bask in the sun and swim in the healing waters of the seas and oceans on your own, or under the supervision of doctors. Massages, wraps, baths and other spa treatments for many city residents, exhausted by dirty air and daily bustle, are in the best possible way relax and recuperate.

Spa resorts are now the most developing type of recreation in many countries around the world. It is a mistake to believe that spa services are provided only in luxury hotels in sea ​​coasts. Spa resorts in the highlands and on the shores of pristine lakes in alpine villages are no less popular.

This is my first time flying (travelling) abroad, I’m afraid. I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what should I do, what should I know? What do those who are flying abroad for the first time need to know? What to do at the airport, how not to miss the plane, how to go through check-in, customs and passport control in an Aeroport?

Are you going abroad, abroad on vacation or on a business trip for the first time? This article contains the whole path, the algorithm, from purchasing a tour to collecting the necessary things for the trip, what to do if you are traveling with children, arriving at the airport, checking in for the flight, customs and passport control, arrival, transfer, check-in at the hotel and etc. before leaving the hotel. Have a comfortable trip abroad!

Buy a tour

The very first thing to do is choose a good tour. Travel agency staff will help you with this. They will select and book rooms in a suitable hotel. Typically, booking takes from a few minutes to several hours. Afterwards the contract is signed.

If you have chosen a tour to a country with which you have entered into an agreement with visa-free entry, then you do not need to prepare additional documents.

If you need a visa, you must give the travel agency employees: international passport, 3x4 photo, medical certificates, income certificates, as well as money to pay for a visa.

Keep in mind that if you travel to a “visa” country, you may be denied entry into the country even if the voucher has already been purchased. Therefore, purchase “cancellation insurance”, in which case in an unforeseen situation you will get your money back.

The contract with the travel agency must contain the following information:

  • country visited;
  • how many people the tour is designed for;
  • does the price include meals (breakfasts, breakfasts and dinners, all inclusive) or not;
  • detailed information about the hotel;
  • length of stay;
  • perhaps other data.

After concluding the contract, the travel agency employee must provide you with information about the departure time and flight number. As a rule, everything necessary documents will be given a few days or a few hours before departure - it all depends on the accepted practice of the company.

Of course, if it is agreed that documents will be issued several hours before departure, natural concerns arise. What if the employee doesn’t come? What if something is wrong with the documents? Don't worry! This is a well-established practice; the company carefully checks everything and makes sure that you receive documents in a timely manner - any discrepancies are excluded. All documents are waiting at the operator's desk at the airport three hours before departure. All you have to do is pick it up.

If you have children traveling with you, who have not yet reached 18 years of age, each child must have one registered in their name. If a child travels with only one parent or with an accompanying non-parent, it is necessary to have a notarized permission to export the minor.

After receiving, no matter, in the office travel company, or at the airport, be sure to check your documents.

The package must contain for each traveler:

  • a set of air tickets (round trip, as well as for intermediate flights, if provided). The ticket can be provided electronically on plain paper;
  • voucher (three copies) granting the right to stay at the hotel;
  • individual medical insurance with detailed conditions.

Be sure to learn about the traditions accepted in the country, religious rituals, history, important monuments and shrines. Familiarize yourself with some laws that may affect you. For example, is it prohibited to drink alcohol or smoke in in public places And so on. It's good if you can learn a few phrases that will help in the future.

Be sure to make copies of all documents you take with you on your trip. Also take care to make and save an electronic copy of your passport in your mailbox. In an unforeseen situation, you can print documents anywhere in the world.

Upon arrival at the hotel, immediately resolve the issue with the safe. All documents, jewelry, bank cards must be stored only in a safe. Take copies with you, as well as the money and cards you plan to use.

Stock up on a first aid kit, which should contain a set of the most commonly used medications:

  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs used for food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • drugs to avoid burns and minimize their consequences;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • medications that you are forced to take constantly, as well as anti-allergy medications.

Remember, some drugs may be prohibited for import into a particular country. Therefore, you must have a prescription certified by a doctor’s seal.

Separately write down, preferably in several places, all the telephone numbers that you may need: bank, tour operator, embassy, ​​numbers of relatives and close friends. This way you will save a lot of nerves and time in case of unforeseen circumstances.

When leaving the hotel, do not take all the money at once, but only a certain amount and only one card that you plan to use.

Before your trip, check the expiration date of your payment cards and write down your PIN codes separately. It would be useful to clarify the conditions for using bank cards abroad. It is possible that your card is only valid within the country or that a fee will be deducted in other states.

If there are restrictions, get another card with favorable conditions.

When calculating your travel budget, assume that you need to spend 50 dollars or euros per day. This way you will avoid troubles and be able to relax normally, go on tours and buy memorable souvenirs.

In many countries, for example in Egypt, Turkey, merchants can accept both local currency and dollars and euros. They often offer their own course, which is significantly worse than the official one, and the purchase price will increase. It is better to change currency at one of the points, for example at a hotel, airport or directly in Kazakhstan. Do not use special exchange machines - they usually have an inflated exchange rate.

When paying for a purchase, try to minimize use by bank card, it is better to pay in cash. Just in case, it doesn’t hurt to have “money in plastic” with you.

When planning a trip, remember that the total baggage per person should not exceed 20 kg (for economy class) or 30 kg (for first and business class). You will have to pay extra for the excess. The weight of each individual bag can exceed 30 kg.

To protect your luggage from possible damage, and primarily from theft, wrap the bag with stretch film, wrapping it many times. You can find out more about the rules for carrying hand luggage at the airport.

Do not accept parcels, packages, or bags from strangers or even people you know to hand over to those greeting you at foreign country their friends, relatives, etc., there are international delivery services for this. If there is something forbidden hidden inside the package, you will be jailed.

How to fit a lot of things in one suitcase? How to competently compactly pack a suitcase for a trip? In general, if you don’t want to know how to put all your things in a suitcase so that everything fits, watch the video “How to pack 100 things in one suitcase.”

If we are traveling with a child. Minimizing the risk of illness

A week before departure on the tour, minimize all contact with other children. Consult your pediatrician; it may not hurt to prescribe your baby medications that strengthen the immune system.

If you go to a place where there are a lot of children, your risk of getting an infection increases dramatically. It is better to plan your vacation for June, September, or winter time(excluding period winter holidays). If this does not work, then it is better to pay attention to tourist destinations less popular among holidaymakers.

Always keep fever reducers, food poisoning and allergy medications in your first aid kit.


So, after you have received the documents, check their completeness. Must be:

  • round trip air tickets. Please note that seats are marked on tickets immediately upon check-in before departure;
  • a voucher granting the right to check into a hotel. Check the hotel, length of stay, whether meals are included in the price;
  • Passports must contain visas (in the form of a stamp or a pasted hologram). Usually they are placed on any free page of the passport, not necessarily in a row, for example in the middle of the document. After you have received and checked your documents, you will have to: - go through customs, check in your luggage, check in for your flight and go through passport control.

If this is your first time at the airport, you can sit behind one of the passengers on your flight and follow him through all the necessary procedures.

Below you will learn in detail about each stage before boarding the plane.

customs control

At this stage, customs officers check whether you are carrying items prohibited for export or import: antiques, etc. It is necessary to declare an amount in any currency equivalent to 10,000 US dollars or more.

There are two areas at customs:

  • "Green corridor" Passengers who do not carry prohibited items, such as tourists, usually pass through;
  • "Red channel intended for passengers who need to fill out a declaration.

Remember, after passing through control, customs officers can selectively inspect the luggage of any passenger. Usually they pay attention to those who are in a hurry or nervous. Therefore, do not try to hide anything to avoid serious problems.

After passing customs control It is no longer possible to return to the hall.


It is recommended to arrive at the airport no later than two hours before departure. The flight number is indicated on the ticket. Upon arrival, look for information on the desired flight on special boards. On the screen you will see the numbers of the counters (up to five counters can be allocated) where check-in is underway for the flight you need.

When registering, you can politely ask for the most comfortable places, for example, near the window or vice versa, closer to the aisle if you are flying with a small child.

At the check-in counter you check in your luggage, receive boarding passes (they will act as a pass when entering the plane), which will contain very important information for you, namely the gate number, in English “Gate”, flight number and departure time .
For example, GATE 11 means gate 11 - there you will need to look for your plane. 40 minutes before departure, they will announce over the loudspeaker that boarding for your flight is beginning, the gate number is such and such - come over.

At the check-in counter you also check your luggage, leaving your hand luggage with you(marked with a special sticker, and a similar sticker is given to you), the airport employee marks the hand luggage with a sticker - “Into the cabin”.

After passing through a special corridor, you find yourself on the plane. Here, flight attendants will help you get into your seats and serve drinks and food during the flight. If you are flying with children, bring food to the airport and on the plane.

Passport control

You need to go through passport control one at a time. Minors travel together with their parents or accompanying person.

Show the airport employee your passport and boarding pass - he will make a note in his passport about crossing the state border. From now on you are in neutral territory.

If you are going to fly abroad in a large group, it is better to immediately distribute passports to everyone and include a boarding pass in them to speed up the process.

During passport control, you must go through a metal detector, and hand luggage is checked separately. Don't worry, this is standard procedure to ensure your safety and the safety of your flight.

After completing all the procedures, you find yourself in the waiting room. Here you can buy souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, clothes and other goods in the duty-free zone ( Duty free). You can pay for goods in tenge, US dollars or euros.

In the waiting room, pay close attention to the information on the screens. You will be announced over the loudspeaker when boarding your flight begins (usually 30-40 minutes before departure). To board the desired aircraft, proceed to the Gate indicated on your boarding pass.

Before boarding, you may be checked again with a metal detector. To board the plane, present your ticket and passport to the airport employee.

After arriving at the airport at your destination

Upon arrival at your destination at the airport, you go through all the procedures, but in reverse order. The exception is personal search. You won't have to go through it again.

To go through passport control after arrival, prepare the following documents:

  • international passport;
  • immigration card. In it you need to enter personal information: first name, last name, citizenship, arrival flight number, period for which you arrived in the country, name of the hotel where the rooms are booked. If you have children on the tour, you need to enter information about them. When filling out the card, do not hesitate to ask for help from passengers who can read and write English.
  • in countries such as Egypt, Thailand, Türkiye and in other countries with an easier visa regime for Kazakhstan, you can get a visa right at the airport. It is presented in the form of a sticker-mark with a hologram. You only need to purchase one sticker for each passport. If your children are included in your passport, you do not need to purchase a separate visa for them.

Employee border service puts a corresponding stamp in the international passport indicating entry into the country. He may also ask to see a voucher confirming your hotel reservation.

When you go out to the airport, don’t be scared, it just seems like a big and inhospitable labyrinth. Follow the crowd and join the flow. There is nowhere else to go, no matter what country you are in. In fact, everything is very simple, you just run your nose first to passport control, and from there to the baggage belt. Next, look for a representative of the tour operator among the crowd of people greeting you. You can recognize him by a special sign or T-shirt with an inscription. Here you check in, a representative will show you which bus to go to.

We receive luggage

To claim your luggage, find the transfer belt that matches your flight. Here you can collect your luggage. Don't confuse your luggage with someone else's. To make sure that the bag is yours without printing it, compare the number of the sticker pasted and the one you have on hand.

Then hand over your luggage to the bus driver and take one of the empty seats.

If you could not find your luggage, contact the baggage tracing service, providing the sticker you have on hand. If you do not speak other languages, look for the sign of the tour operator representative who meets you and tell your situation.


Transfer is delivery from the airport to the hotel. Don't be afraid to miss the bus; the guides won't leave until the whole group has gathered. But don't keep others waiting either.

During the transfer, you will be able to find out from the guide the most important information: features of the country, the most profitable and closest currency exchange points, and he will also indicate where you can meet with another guide who will supervise your stay in the country throughout the entire period.

If for some reason you are forced to stay late, you can also get to the hotel by taxi. Just show the driver your voucher with your hotel information and he will take you to your desired location. Remember, this trip is at your own expense.


After arriving at the hotel, you can leave your luggage in a special place. Don’t be afraid to contact the staff, they will help you with everything. Now you need to contact the receptionist and provide your voucher and passport. To check in, fill out a special form (one per room).

Abroad, it is common practice to ask visitors for a deposit- this is a certain amount (usually 100 US dollars) that you leave for using the telephone, the Internet, and the bar in the room. Don't worry. If you don't use paid services, the money will be returned in full or in part, minus payment for services provided.

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to receive the keys before two o'clock in the afternoon local time. Therefore, if you arrived earlier, you can relax in a specially designated area or familiarize yourself with the hotel infrastructure.

After checking into your room, inspect it. Check if everything works (TV, air conditioning, shower with hot water whether the light is on). Wait until evening. Perhaps the music playing from the window is too loud, interfering with sleep. If you are not satisfied with anything, ask for another number, citing the identified problems.

Be sure to store all documents, money, jewelry in a safe. Some hotels provide this service for an additional fee.

We leave the hotel

Check-out from the hotel in most countries around the world is carried out before 12 noon local time. By this time, you must collect all your things and hand over the keys to the administrator at the Reception. If your flight is in the evening, your luggage can be checked into a storage room.

Porters will help you carry heavy luggage (Luggage boy)- call Reception to call them. Before transfer to the airport, you will be able to freely use the hotel infrastructure (in some hotels only a paid part of the services), luggage is stored free of charge.

Upon arrival at the airport, you need to go through the already familiar procedures.

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