Let's go! Ideas for traveling around Asia, Africa and the East. European travelers in Asia of the 8th–15th centuries On their native soil

Ten great travelers Completed the work Anastasia Kraevaya and Maria Smirnova, 8th grade, 2014-2015 school year. year

Marco Polo (1254-1324) Marco Polo (Venice). For 24 years he traveled throughout Asia. From his book, Europeans learned about the amazing nature and unprecedented wealth of these countries

Ferdinand Magellan (1480 - 1521) Ferdinand Magellan (Portugal). At the head of the Spanish naval expedition he made the first trip around the world. This journey proved the sphericity of our planet and the unity of the World Ocean.

Robert Peary (1856-1920) Robert Peary (USA). Polar explorer. In 1909 he was the first to reach North Pole.

Vasco da Gama (circa 1469-1524) Vasco da Gama (Portugal). He was the first to pave the sea route to India, sailing his ships around Africa.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888) Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (Russia). Explored remote areas of Asia. He mapped more than 20 mountain ranges and a number of lakes and rivers.

David Livingston (1813-1873) David Livingston (England). Explored inaccessible areas of Africa, discovered one of largest waterfalls- Victoria.

Afanasy Nikitin. Afanasy Nikitin (Russia). Merchant from Tver. In the 15th century traveled to India, crossing the Caspian, Arabian and Black Seas on the way there and back. He outlined his impressions in the book “Walking across Three Seas.”

Vitus Bering (1680-1741) Vitus Bering (Russia). Explored the northern and eastern shores our country. Opened the strait between Asia and America (Bering Strait)

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846) Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (Russia). Headed the first Russian circumnavigation (1803-1806)

Roald Amundsen (1872-19280) Roald Amundsen (Norway). Polar explorer. In 1911 he was the first to reach South Pole.

Thank you for your attention!

08.02.2016 13:00

There are countries where our tourists have begun to travel more often than before. Thailand, Vietnam, India, Israel, UAE, Jordan, Sri Lanka, China - they received the majority of those who did not deny themselves winter holidays at warm sea. Here are some tips for everyone who is just planning it.

In Thailand: douse yourself with water and watch the bulls

Despite internal political problems, Thailand managed to achieve a record growth in tourist flow: in 2015, more than 29 million guests visited this country. By the way, the 29 millionth tourist was a Russian citizen. As a prize she received a plane ticket with open dates, a voucher for five nights at one of Bangkok's luxury hotels and a mobile phone.

According to the Tourism Authority of Thailand, more than half of Russian guests have already vacationed in this country and returned again. That is why the management hopes that tourists will want to see different parts of it and will pay attention to the calendar of Thai holidays. Among the most colorful, for example, is Thai New Year(Songkran). It is celebrated especially vigorously in Chiang Mai (in 2016 it will take place on April 12), when on the streets everyone pours water on each other en masse to wash away their sins. The buffalo festival, 60 km from Pattaya, is also interesting, the main event of which is the bareback bull race of local farmers (its dates are October 14-16).

To Japan: travel around the country for free
and touch the miracle

While European airlines are reducing flights to Russia, some Asian airlines are increasing them. Japan Airlines (JAL) announced such plans. Now the Japanese fly to Moscow three times a week, from March 26 they intend to make four weekly flights, and from the summer - all five. Moreover, to encourage Russians to travel around Japan, the airline will provide them with a wonderful bonus - a free flight from Tokyo and back to one of 33 cities in the country. The main thing is to book domestic flights at the same time as international ones. And that's not all! If you want to visit several regions, you will be offered a national air pass. It allows you to visit five cities, and each flight will cost about 80 euros. Full information on all special offers can be obtained from the JAL Moscow office.

A lot of interesting things await travelers in Japan this year. Traditionally, the two most popular periods among our tourists are the sakura season (April - May) and the maple season (September - October). At this time, many folk festivals are held, associated both with religious rituals or historical events, and with rice planting or harvesting. For example, in May the Sanja Matsuri festival takes place in Tokyo. It arose back in the 7th century, when it was built here buddhist temple Sensoji. There is a whole story connected with its appearance, full of wonders. Every year it comes to life during the holiday in the form of performances.

In the first days of October, tourists are attracted by the vibrant harvest festival in Kyoto. It is called Kitano Tenmangu, like one of the temples in the city, and is famous for its beautiful rituals. At the beginning of August, the Lantern Festival (Kato Matsuri) is held in Akito. Several commands made up of local residents, compete in making paper lanterns of various shapes, and then launch them into the sky. In general, in Japan, in addition to folklore ones, there are 15 more official national holidays. And this is not only the Founding Day of the country (February 11) or Constitution Day (May 3), but also Greenery Day (May 4), Culture Day (November 3) or Sea Day (third Monday of July). Starting from 2016, Mountain Day will also be celebrated, and you have every chance to celebrate it for the first time on August 11 together with the Japanese.

In China: bathe in a hot spring
and look into the gorge of butterflies

China also has big plans for the Russians. In this country, they are aimed primarily at returning our tourists to the island of Hainan, from where they almost disappeared last year due to the bankruptcy of the Transaero airline and the cancellation of direct flights. Recently, a Russian-Chinese investment project worth 3 billion rubles was presented in Moscow. It will be implemented with the support of the Chinese government. As part of this project, charter flights from Moscow's Vnukovo Airport to Phoenix Airport in Sanya, Hainan, will begin on March 3. Tour operator Rus-Tour, one of the initiators of the resumption of flights, announced that a tour package to Hainan, including air tickets, will cost from 35,000 rubles.

Moreover, Hainan, according to tour organizers, can become a full-fledged replacement Turkish resorts. At least in terms of prices they are quite comparable. In addition, this region has no less ancient attractions and nature reserves. These include hot springs, an ethnic village of the Li and Miao peoples, and a Taoist park." Heavenly Grottoes", And Monkey Island, and the Butterfly Gorge, and the Shell Museum, and the Shark Factory, and, of course, the largest Southeast Asia Buddhism center Nanshan. According to Wang Hai Tan, CEO of the Chinese tour operator Sanya Holiday, the project will help welcome more than 20,000 tourists from Russia to Hainan this year. All local hotels have Russian-speaking staff, and almost all excursions are conducted in Russian.

To Singapore: eat delicious food and say hello to the dragon

There were significantly fewer Russian tourists in 2015 not only in Japan and Hainan, but also in Singapore. The republic has just celebrated its 50th anniversary magnificently and is ready to actively develop tourism. It is rightfully ranked among the most modern, beautiful and prosperous countries in Asia. A high standard of living presupposes a corresponding level of prices. So this country has no claim to the rapid flow of Russians who have lost cheap Turkish and Egyptian resorts. But it can offer a lot of interesting things to those who make business trips. Amazing cleanliness (a $500 fine is imposed for throwing a cigarette butt), beautiful lines modern architecture, ancient temples, parks full of not only greenery, but also lots of technical wonders, amazing museums - this is what Singapore is famous for.

One of the most colorful annual events here will take place on February 19-20. The Chingai Parade once arose as a protest against the ban imposed by the authorities on firecrackers and pyrotechnics, without which the local Chinese simply could not imagine New Year's holidays. Then outraged citizens gathered and walked through the city streets dressed as lions, dragons and other figures from Chinese mythology. The procession was so beautiful and colorful that it soon became a tradition. Now more than 10,000 people take part in it, and a procession is organized on the territory of the Formula 1 stadium, so you can watch it at the same time.

Foodies who are not particularly strapped for money should come to Singapore at the end of March. From the 24th to the 27th the famous gastronomic festival Savour will be held here. The country's best chefs will conduct tastings and master classes, where you can learn how to cook the most exquisite dishes according to their recipes. And 20 of the most reputable restaurants offer special menus during the festival starting from 70 Singapore dollars.

To the Maldives: become happy and sunbathe

The Maldives is also difficult to classify as budget areas. However, the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic is determined to give not only wealthy people a chance to visit the country, and therefore is launching the “365 days of vacation in the Maldives for free” campaign. Applicants will have to fill out a detailed questionnaire, and then describe in detail and color how they will praise their vacation in oral conversations with friends and in social networks. But they won’t even have to embellish anything! The Maldives is a true paradise on earth, which, by the way, is FP.

The task of the participants in the future competition is to find in advance a lot of warm, or whatever - hot words that will so touch the soul of the employees of the Ministry of Tourism that they will allocate one of the treasured tours to their author. In general, if you want to try your luck, follow the Maldivian news.

To Africa: wave to the zebra
and look into the eyes of a lion

Africa is also actively conquering the global tourism market. In Kenya, tourism development is overseen by President Uhuru Kenyatta himself. He recently publicly announced the liberalization of tariffs for visiting national parks. There are more than fifty of these parks in the country, and many boast the “big five”, that is, they are home to leopards, elephants, lions, rhinoceroses and buffaloes. Kenya is not yet ready, like Canada, to completely abandon the sale entrance tickets and let tourists into their national parks, as they say, for beautiful eyes. However, it was decided not to charge VAT on park fees and to prohibit the administrations of these places from charging tourists more than $60 for an entrance ticket.

For wildlife lovers best time for visiting Kenya - July and August. It is during these months that you can see a fantastic spectacle: millions of zebras and wildebeest migrate from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara. Given the massive interest in this spectacle among tourists from all over the world, it is worth booking a trip several months in advance.

To Israel: swim in the three seas
and listen to music

Municipal state educational institution

Molodot Secondary School

Geography testing in 5th grade on the topic

“What kind of Earth do we live on?”

(according to the textbook by A.I. Alekseev)

Testing on the topic “What kind of Earth do we live on?”

    Which scientist concluded that the Earth is spherical?

A) Eratosthenes

B) Ptolemy

B) Vasco da Gama

D) Aristotle

2. Under the leadership of whom in 1498. expedition, going around m. Good Hope, reached India and returned with a cargo of spices, recouping the costs many times over:

A) Christopher Columbus

B) Ferdinand Magellan

B) Eratosthenes

D) Vasco da Gama

3. Which famous merchant-traveler composed geographical description India:

A) Afanasy Nikitin

B) Marco Polo

B) Christopher Columbus

D) James Cook

4. Indicate the name of the traveler who discovered in 1492. New World:

A) Abel Tasman

B) Ferdinand Magellan

B) Christopher Columbus

D) Vitus Bering

5. Which navigator made the first trip around the world?

A) F. Magellan

B) H. Columbus

B) A. Nikitin

D) Abel Tasman

6. Which continent was the last to be discovered?

A) Australia

B) Antarctica

IN) South America

G) North America

7. An expedition led by whom discovered it in 1920. Antarctica?

A) F. Magellan

B) V. Bering

B) F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev

D) Ivan Moskvitin

8. Who transferred Ural Mountains and marked the beginning of geographical discoveries in Siberia?

A) A. Nikitin

B) Ermak Timofeevich

B) V. Bering

D) Vasily Poyarkov

9. Who was the first to reach the North Pole?

A) Roald Amundsen

B) Robert Peary

B) Vasily Poyarkov

D) Erofey Khabarov

10. Who owns the discovery of the single continent of Australia?

A) Abel Tasman

B) James Cook

B) Vitus Bering

D) Semyon Dezhnev

11. Which statements are true?

1. Ancient Greek scientists knew all the continents of our planet.

2. America was discovered by the English navigator J. Cook in the 15th century.

3 . Antarctica was discovered in the 19th century. Russian navigators F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

4. Near the South Pole there is a huge inhabited continent, the Unknown Southern Land.

5. Most peoples in ancient times imagined the Earth to be flat.

6. Residents Ancient Greece could already navigate by the Sun and stars .

7. In the 4th century BC. The great scientist of the ancient world, Eratosthenes, came to the conclusion that the Earth is spherical.

8. The troops of the Great Northern Expedition were tasked with exploring everything north coast Russia from the mouth of the Pechora to Kamchatka, as well as the interior regions of Siberia.

12. Answer the questions below the picture.

13. Solve the crossword puzzle:

Crossword "Great travelers"

Beginning of the form

End of form

1. A scientist who traveled around Asian countries for 24 years.

2. Norwegian explorer who was the first to reach the South Pole.

3. The name of the famous Italian scientist and discoverer of America.

4. Russian explorer who discovered the strait between Asia and America, which was later named after him.

5. This man led the first Russian circumnavigation.

6. One of the Russian navigators who discovered Antarctica.

7. The name of the Portuguese navigator who was the first to circumnavigate Africa and sail to India.

8. Ancient Greek scientist who compiled one of the first geographical maps.

9. English traveler who discovered Victoria Falls.

10. Russian traveler - explorer of Asia.

11. Merchant-traveler who made the Sea Route to India.

12. Portuguese who made the first trip around the world.

13. One of the Norwegian navigators who first set foot in Antarctica.

14. Russian navigator who discovered in 1820. Antarctica.

15. One of two Russian navigators who discovered the sixth continent in 1820.

One of the first geographical maps was compiled by the ancient Greek scientist Hecataeus (VI-V centuries BC). How different it was from modern cards! Europe, Asia and Africa (it was then called Libya) looked completely different on it, and there were no other continents and parts of the world at all. In those distant times, people still did not know much about the appearance of the Earth.

It took humanity centuries to find out what our planet really looks like. These centuries were marked by a series of remarkable geographical discoveries. We will talk about those of them, thanks to which new continents and parts of the world appeared on the map.

Discovery of America

This part of the world was discovered, one might say, by mistake. In the 15th century Many European travelers were attracted to the distant countries of Asia, primarily India and China, famous for their untold riches. But the journey to Asia was very long - it was necessary to sail around Africa. The Italian from Genoa, Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506), decided to find a shorter route. He was sure that the Earth was spherical and therefore Asia could be reached by sailing from Europe to the west. On August 3, 1492, Columbus and his crew (about 100 people) sailed from Spain on three ships. And on October 12, 1492, a sailor of one of the ships saw land. Soon Columbus landed on shore. He believed that he had reached India, and therefore called the locals he met here Indians. The discovered land turned out to be a small island.

Columbus continued his journey and discovered several more islands, including Cuba. In the spring of 1493 he returned to Spain, and in subsequent years he made three more trips to the same places. However, until the end of his days, the great navigator never found out that he had not reached Asia, but had discovered a new part of the world - America. The day of the discovery of America is considered to be October 12, 1492.

Discovery of Australia

For many centuries it was believed that there was a huge continent far to the south, inhabited by people and rich in gold, diamonds and pearls. And although no one had ever seen this continent, it was put on maps and called the Unknown Southern Land. Many sailors were busy searching for the legendary continent. And when in the 16th century. managed to open New Guinea, geographers considered this huge island to be a protrusion of the Unknown Southern Land. On modern map It is clearly visible that Australia is just a stone's throw from New Guinea. The first to reach this continent was the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. He not only landed on the mainland, but also explored its coast for 350 km. At the same time, Janszon thought that he had only visited New Guinea. Like Columbus, he did not learn until the end of his life that he had become the discoverer of a new continent. After Janszoon, other Dutch navigators discovered large areas of the northern, western and south coast Australia.

It is curious that at the same time one of the Dutch captains first discovered and described a kangaroo - an amazing animal with a tiny baby in its pouch. Open lands were called New Holland and were considered part of the Unknown Southern Land. And only after in the 18th century. the great English traveler James Cook discovered and carefully examined east coast Australia, it became clear that it is an independent continent. It was called Australia, which, as you remember, means “southern.”

Discovery of Antarctica

In 1820, Russian navigators Thaddeus Faddeevich Bellingshausen and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev sailing ships"Vostok" and "Mirny" discovered the sixth continent - Antarctica. Their heroic voyage lasted 751 days. During this time, they came close to the shores of Antarctica 9 times, but the ice did not allow them to land on the mainland.

It was only in 1894 that people first set foot on Antarctica. These were the Norwegians, captain L. Christensen and sailor K. Borchgrevink, who managed to get through the ice to the shore in a boat.

Ten Great Travelers

Robert Peary (1856-1920)
USA. Polar explorer. In 1909 he was the first to reach the North Pole.

Marco Polo (1254-1324)
Venice. For 24 years he traveled throughout Asia. From his book, Europeans learned about the amazing nature and unprecedented wealth of these countries.

Ferdinand Magellan (circa 1480-1521)
Portugal. At the head of the Spanish naval expedition he made the first trip around the world. This journey proved the sphericity of our planet and the unity of the World Ocean.

Vasco da Gama (circa 1469-1524)
Portugal. He was the first to pave the sea route to India, sailing his ships around Africa.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888)
Russia. Explored remote areas of Asia. He mapped more than 20 mountain ranges and a number of lakes and rivers.

David Livingston (1813-1873)
England. He explored remote areas of Africa and discovered one of the largest waterfalls - Victoria.

Afanasy Nikitin
Russia. Merchant from Tver. In the 15th century traveled to India, crossing the Caspian, Arabian and Black Sea. He outlined his impressions in the book “Walking across Three Seas.”

Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)
Norway. Polar explorer. In 1911 he was the first to reach the South Pole.

Vitus Bering(1680-1741)
Russia. Explored the northern and eastern shores of our country. Opened the strait between Asia and America (Bering Strait).

Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern (1770-1846)
Russia. He led the first Russian circumnavigation of the world (1803-1806).

Test your knowledge

  1. What parts of the world and continents were known to ancient Greek scientists?
  2. How was America discovered?
  3. How was Australia discovered?
  4. How was Antarctica discovered?


Trace the routes of four expeditions of X. Columbus on the map. During which of these expeditions did he visit only the islands, and during which did he visit the American continents?

Ancient Greek scientists were aware of Europe, Asia, and Africa (it was called Libya), although their outlines on the maps of that time were still very far from authentic. America was discovered in 1492 by X. Columbus, who was trying to find a shortcut to Asia. The discoverer of Australia was the Dutch navigator V. Janszoon, who set foot on this continent in 1606. Antarctica was discovered in 1820 by Russian navigators F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev.

Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant, famous traveler, and writer who wrote the famous “Book of the Diversity of the World,” in which he told the story of his travels through Asian countries. Not all researchers agree with the reliability of the facts presented in the book, but to this day it remains one of the important sources of knowledge on the history, ethnography and geography of Asian states of the Middle Ages.

The book was used by sailors, cartographers, explorers, writers, travelers and discoverers. She traveled with Christopher Columbus on his famous voyage to America. Marco Polo was the first European to set off on a risky journey through unknown countries.

Childhood and family

Documents about Marco’s birth have not been preserved, so information about this period of his biography is inaccurate. It is believed that he was a nobleman, belonged to the Venetian nobility, and had a coat of arms. Born in 1254, on September 15, in the family of the Venetian merchant Niccolo Polo, who traded in jewelry and spices. He did not know his mother, since she died during childbirth. The boy's father and aunt raised him.

Alleged coats of arms of the Marco Polo family

Homeland famous traveler there could also be Poland and Croatia, which dispute this right, citing as evidence certain facts confirming both versions. The Poles claim that the Polo surname is of Polish origin; Croatian researchers are confident that the first evidence of the life of the famous traveler is on their land.

Whether Marco Polo was educated is not known for certain. The question of his literacy is also controversial, since famous book was written under dictation by a cellmate, the Pisan Rusticiano, with whom he was held captive in a Genoese prison. At the same time, in one of the chapters of the book it is written that during his travels he made notes in his notebook, tried to be attentive to what was happening and write down everything new and unusual that he encountered. Later, traveling around the world, he learned several languages.

Travel and discovery

The father of the future navigator traveled a lot due to his profession. While traveling around the world, he discovered new trade routes. It was the father who instilled in his son a love of travel, talking about his travels and adventures. In 1271, his first journey took place, on which he went with his father. His final destination was Jerusalem.

In the same year, a new Pope was elected, who appointed the Polo family (father, brother Morpheo and son Marco) as official envoys to China, where the Mongol Khan ruled the country at that time. First stop on the coast Mediterranean Sea there was the port of Layas - a place where goods were brought from Asia, where merchants from Venice and Genoa bought them. Further, their path passed through Asia Minor, Armenia, Mesopotamia, where they visited Mosul and Baghdad.

Then travelers go to Persian Tabriz, where at that time there was a rich pearl market. In Persia, part of their escort was killed by robbers who attacked the caravan. The Polo family miraculously survived. Suffering from thirst in the sultry desert, on the verge of life and death, they reached the Afghan city of Balkh and found salvation in it.

The eastern lands where they found themselves as they continued their journey abounded in fruit and game. In Badakhshan, the next region, numerous slaves mined gems. According to one version, they stopped in these places for a year due to Marco’s illness. Then, overcoming the forts of the Pamirs, they went to Kashmir. Polo was surprised by the local sorcerers who influenced the weather, as well as the beauty of the local women.

After this, the Italians were the first Europeans to find themselves in the Southern Tien Shan. Next, the caravan headed northeast through the oases of the Taklamakan Desert. The first Chinese city on their way was Shangzhou, followed by Guangzhou and Lanzhou. Polo was greatly impressed by the local rituals and customs, flora and fauna of this country. It was a wonderful time of his amazing travels and discoveries.

The Polo family lived with Kublai Khan for 15 years. The khan liked young Marco for his independence, fearlessness and good memory. He became close to the Chinese ruler, participated in state life, making important decisions, helped recruit an army, suggested using military catapults and much more.

Carrying out the most difficult diplomatic assignments, Marco visited many Chinese cities, studied the language and never ceased to be amazed at the achievements and discoveries of this people. He described all this in his book. Shortly before returning to his homeland, he was appointed ruler Chinese provinces Jiangnan.

Kublai did not want to let his assistant and favorite go, but in 1291 he sent him and all the Polos to accompany the Mongol princess who had married a ruler from Persia. The route passed through Ceylon and Sumatra. In 1294, while still traveling, they received news that Kublai Khan had died.

The Polos decide to return home. Path through Indian Ocean was very dangerous, only a few managed to overcome it. Marco Polo returned to his homeland after 24 years of wandering in the winter of 1295.

On native soil

Two years after his return, the war between Genoa and Venice begins, in which Polo also participates. He is captured and spends several months in prison. Here, based on his stories about the journey, the famous book was written.

There are 140 versions of it, written in 12 languages. Despite some speculation, from it Europeans learned about paper money, coal, the sago palm, places where spices were grown, and much more.

Personal life

Marco's father remarried and had three more brothers. After captivity, everything is going well in Mark’s personal life: he married a noble and wealthy Venetian Donata, bought a house, gave birth to three daughters and receives the nickname Mr. Million. The townspeople consider him an eccentric liar, not trusting stories about distant travels. Mark lives a prosperous life, but yearns for travel, especially China.

The only joy that comes to him is the Venetian carnivals, as they resemble magnificent chinese palaces and luxurious khan outfits. After returning from Asia, Mark Polo lived another 25 years. At home he is engaged in trade. The book written while in prison made him famous during his lifetime.

Polo died in 1324 at the age of 70 in Venice. He was buried in the church San Lorenzo, destroyed in the 19th century. His luxurious house burned down in a fire at the end of the 14th century. Many exciting films and TV series have been shot about Mark Polo, his life and travels, arousing genuine interest among our contemporaries.

  • The struggle for the right to be called the birthplace of Marco Polo between Italy, Poland and Croatia.
  • He wrote a book about his travels, which made him famous.
  • In the last years of his life, stinginess is revealed in him, which leads him to legal proceedings with his own family.
  • Marco Polo freed one of his slaves and bequeathed part of his inheritance. In this regard, many speculations have arisen about the reasons for such generosity.
  • The Marco Polo butterfly was named after the great traveler in 1888.