Little-known wonders of the world (13 photos). Little-known wonders of the world (13 photos) Joan K. Rowling - The Famous Books of Hogwarts series

Daria Nessel | Dec 15, 2016

Pyramid of Cheops

Neither he nor his wife lived to see the completion of construction. The architects and sculptors completed the work they started on their own initiative so that people could admire this masterpiece of architecture.

The crypt of Mausolus stood in Halicarnassus for 1700 years, until an earthquake destroyed the three-tiered 50-meter walls, decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures.

Four marble horses at a gallop, with the royal couple, crowned this tombstone, called the mausoleum. Since then, all such structures are called mausoleums.

From 270 to 220 BC on the shore of the island of Rhodes stood, amazing in its size, a monument to the sun god Helios in the form of a young man with a torch in his raised hand. Delightful on the outside, in reality it consisted mainly of mortar, its power was only a mirage that soon dissipated.

The statue of the radiant handsome man collapsed, unable to withstand the vibrations of the earth's surface, and lay there for 900 years, until the iron and bronze were sent for smelting, leaving no mention of the place where it was located.

The 32 m clay-filled giant is the progenitor of the colossi that appeared later, such as, for example, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. There is a project for a virtual embodiment of the Colossus of Rhodes.

Alexandria Lighthouse

The signal tower on the island of Pharos at the entrance to the harbor was erected in 280 BC. in five years and served for almost 1000 years, showing the right path to sailors and reliably protecting the capital of Egypt from attack from the sea.

The design proposed by the architect Sostratus was implemented so successfully that in the future all coastal lighthouses decided to build according to its model.

The giant fire, which burned day and night on the third level, was visible at sea almost 100 km away, thanks to mirror reflectors made of polished bronze plates, first used here.

Strong seismic shocks destroyed the building, leaving only the ruins on which another fortress was built.

In 2015, the Egyptian authorities decided to restore the Alexandria Lighthouse.

Some of the disappeared ancient wonders of the world have been reconstructed as mini-copies in the miniature park in Istanbul: the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the Halicarnak Mausoleum.

It is better to see in reality once than to hear (read) a million times in order to understand and appreciate these beautiful works of art.

The 7 wonders of the ancient world are the results of human genius, covered with a veil of mystery and legend, created many centuries ago and almost all of them sank into the abyss without a trace.

Why exactly 7 wonders of the world? Were there really so few of them? In fact, this list should be much longer, but seven has been revered since ancient times as a magical, divine number in which providence manifests its will.

Maybe that’s why so many colors of the rainbow, notes, and days of the week are known. This is where the expressions come from: behind seven seals, seven circles of hell, in seventh heaven...

In those distant times, the Greeks annually determined a list of wonders, making it a kind of lottery, because there was so much to choose from. Until the ancient Greek poet Antipater of Sidon, in his famous poem about the 7 wonders of the world, named the objects that he considered worthy of this title.

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Later it became fashionable and ancient historians, poets and writers began to repeat it. The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World were built within 2,500 years before Christ. The geography of their location is the Mediterranean region: the territory of modern Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Turkey. This unprecedented surge of creative energy and talent took place here, leaving a bright mark on world culture.

Pyramid of Cheops

The greatest of all existing pyramids in the Giza Valley, dating from 2540–2560 BC, 146 m high (currently 138 m), with a base of just over five hectares. This is the memorial complex of Pharaoh Cheops and the only one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world that has survived to this day.

A stone monolith, completely filled with heavy, weighing more than 2 tons, blocks of cut limestone with three granite burial chambers inside. Today you can hear many hypotheses about the purpose of rooms, and new ones are constantly being put forward.

More than 5 million tons - this is the weight. Over the course of twenty years, 4 thousand builders laid them out in a geometrically correct form during a period when wheels were unknown in Egypt.

Looted in ancient times, the tomb of Khufu keeps the secret of its creation, continuing to attract the attention of scientists and archaeologists.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Babylonian miracle, built by order of Nebuchadnezzar 3000 BC. for his wife, the daughter of the Median king, so that she could dispel longing for her native land.

Four platforms, placed in tiers on powerful supports, were like a mountain hill, planted with rare trees and bushes. It was an oasis of peace and coolness in the sultry and noisy Babylon.

The name of Semiramis, a legendary woman who lived several centuries earlier, was connected by popular rumor with this unique creation, creating beautiful fairy tales. Amytis, for whose sake the birds sang and the streams gurgled, is forever forgotten by history.

Statue of Olympian Zeus

In Olympia from the 7th century BC. popular athletic competitions were held. The patron of athletes participating in competitions and citizens of the polis was the formidable head of Olympus. He was feared and respected, so a palace was built for him, suitable for such a powerful protector.

The marble temple was the largest ever dedicated to deities. An impressive ivory and gold statue of the thunder god, created by the sculptor Phidias, sat on a throne in the center of the building.
The optical effect, thanks to which the figure of the Thunderer seemed to shine in the twilight of the room, amazed those present.

For almost a millennium, the Olympians brought gifts to, until Emperor Theodosius the Second ordered the burning of the temple of the supreme pagan god in order to strengthen the formation of the Christian religion.

The Temple of Zeus at Olympia is reproduced in the Archaeological Museum of Olympia.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Residents of Ephesus in the 5th century BC. In honor of their patroness, Artemis, the always young goddess of the hunt, they erected a magnificent temple. They worked for almost a hundred years, experiencing serious difficulties with the foundation, located on shaky, swampy soil.

A lover of glory, Herostratus fifteen years later burned the pride of the Ephesians, thus wanting to become famous. Since then, his name has become a proverb, so he managed to achieve his goal.

A miracle can mean more than just sudden ghostly visions or recovery from a serious illness. Here is a list of ten amazing and unusual wonders of the world.

Joseph Desa was an Italian Franciscan friar, canonized after his death as Saint Joseph of Cupertino. The saint is said to have spontaneous levitation, which he experienced about 70 times, including before Pope Urban VIII, and also in October 1630, during a procession in honor of another saint, Francis of Assisi. Joseph of Cupertino is considered the patron saint of pilots and astronauts.

According to the Roman Catholic Church, some organs of a deceased person can miraculously become incorruptible. These bodies remain as they were during life (without decomposition) for an infinite amount of time. One of the most famous such cases is the body of Saint Bernadette, who has been dead for more than 130 years.


In the Cova da Iria field near Fatima, Portugal, a miracle of the sun occurred in October 1917. According to legend, on May 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children. The children saw a mysterious flash of bright light, and then the light took the form of a small woman. The woman said that new mystical visions would follow in the next 6 months, and also showed a picture of hell, which frightened the children.
The place of their mystical vision became an object of pilgrimage and in October of the same year thousands of people came there to see the Virgin Mary again. On October 13, 1917, about seventy thousand believers gathered there. Most observed mysterious light phenomena, the most spectacular of which was the “dance of the sun”: the sun broke through the clouds and began to rotate and bend towards the ground, sparkling with multi-colored lights and emitting intense heat. The mysterious vision lasted approximately 10 minutes. This miracle was officially sanctioned by the church in 1930.


A nun named Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa in 1973 had a vision of the Virgin Mary, after which stigmata appeared on one of Agnes's hands and began to bleed. In June of the same year, a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary in the church where the nun served spontaneously began to bleed in the same place. The statue continued to bleed for several years and then continue to cry. Sister Agnes was subsequently cured of her deafness without medical intervention. Scientists collected samples of the statue's blood and tears and determined that they were of human origin.

Martin de Porres was a cell attendant of the Dominican Order in Peru. He could heal the sick, but his special ability was considered to be the ability to be in two places at the same time - literally. Martin de Porres was spotted in places like Mexico and Japan while he was at home in Peru. Porres repeatedly provided evidence of his “trips.” He described in great detail places he had never been to. Martin de Porres was the first black American to be canonized by the Catholic Church in 1962.

In 1635, a girl found a small statue of a mother and child on the road and brought it home. Waking up, the girl discovered that the statue had disappeared, but was later found again in the same place. After this happened again, the girl brought the strange figurine to the priest, where it was placed in a box. But the statue disappeared this time too, and appeared on the road in the same place where it was found. As a result, this miraculous statue was placed on the altar of the temple.

In fourth place on the list of the most amazing wonders of the world is a story that happened at a Roman mass in 595. One of the women who was preparing bread for the Eucharist began to laugh at the fact that the bread and wine were the flesh and blood of Christ. Soon after, the bread miraculously turned into flesh and the wine into blood. Some of these relics are still preserved in Andechs, Germany.

One of the most recent miracles that occurred was in late 1996 in Clearor, Florida. Suddenly and without any explanation, an image of the Virgin Mary appeared on one side of the Seminole Financial Corporation building. The rainbow painting, approximately two stories high, did not disappear even after some vandals began spraying water on the building. More than 500 thousand people came to see this miracle.

Healings from Willard Fuller

Most known miracles involve healing the sick from serious or even fatal illnesses. However, Willard Fuller from Louisiana became famous for his miraculous dental healings. From the 1940s to the 1970s, it purportedly cured tooth decay and other oral health problems. According to one of the patients, after treatment, gold fillings appeared in his teeth, which were not there before.

Voice of Clelia Barbieri

Clelia Barbieri is considered the youngest founder of a monastic congregation in the history of the Catholic Church. She died of tuberculosis at the age of 23. Clelia always told her parishioners that she would never leave them. For the first time, her voice was heard exactly a year after her death, sometimes it even merged with the church choir.

Seven Wonders Ancient world- a list of famous ancient monuments compiled by ancient historians and travelers, including the “father of history” Herodotus.

The list was edited several times, and its classic version was formed 2.2 thousand years ago thanks to the efforts of Philo of Byzantium. The list of “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” includes: the pyramid of Cheops, “ hanging gardens» Semiramis, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the lighthouse on the island. Pharos in Alexandria.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

Pyramid of Cheops, or Great Pyramid is the only one of the 7 wonders of the world that has survived to this day. The age of the structure is 4500 years. Over the course of 20 years, 120 thousand Egyptians, by the sweat of their brow, erected a grandiose pharaoh’s tomb. The Cheops pyramid is made up of 2.5 million blocks weighing 2.5 tons each. Without the use of cement or other fastening agents, the blocks are fitted so tightly to each other that the gap between them does not exceed 0.5 mm.

Initially, the pyramid had a height of 147 meters, but even today, when its top is destroyed, and the most high point located at around 138 meters, the tomb of Cheops still makes a majestic impression. For almost 4000 years, until the 14th century AD, the Pyramid of Cheops bore the title of the tallest structure in the world.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Asia

Around 600 BC Ancient Babylon roared on the territory of modern Iraq. The city reached its greatest prosperity under King Nebuchadnezzar II, who entered into a military alliance with his main enemy, Assyria, and became related to the Median king Cyaxares, marrying his daughter Amytis (Semiramis). The king ordered the famous “hanging gardens” to be laid out for his wife. The gardens were located on a four-tiered platform, reminiscent of an ever-blooming green hill. The base of the terraces was made of stone blocks covered with a layer of reeds and filled with asphalt. Then there was a double layer of brick, and even higher - lead plates that prevented the seepage of irrigation water. A fertile layer of soil was laid on top of this structure, on which trees, palm trees, and flowers were grown. The magnificent gardens, elevated to great heights, seemed like a real wonder of the world in sultry, dusty Babylonia.

Zeus statue, Olympia, Greece

In 435 BC. e. in Olympia - one of the sanctuaries of Ancient Greece - a majestic temple was built in honor of the ruler of the gods - Zeus. Inside the temple there was a huge 20-meter statue of the Olympian god sitting on a throne. The sculpture was made of wood, on top of which ivory plates were glued, imitating the upper naked part of the body of Zeus. The god's clothes and shoes are covered with gold. In his left hand Zeus held a scepter with an eagle, and in his right hand a statue of the goddess of victory.

Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, Türkiye

The Temple of Artemis was built in 560 BC. King Croesus of Lydia in the city of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. The huge white marble temple was framed by 127 columns 18 meters high. Inside was a statue of Artemis, the goddess of fertility, made of gold and ivory. In 356 BC. one vain resident of Ephesus, Herostratus, set fire to the temple, thus deciding to become famous and perpetuate his name. The sanctuary of Artemis was rebuilt, but in 263 it was destroyed and plundered by the Goths.

Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, Türkiye

The ruler of Caria, Mausolus, was still alive in 353 BC. began construction of his own tomb in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Türkiye). The grandiose funeral structure, 46 meters high, surrounded by 36 columns and crowned with a sculpture of a chariot, made such a strong impression on contemporaries that since then all monumental tombs began to be called mausoleums after King Mausolus.

Colossus of Rhodes, Greece

A giant statue of the ancient Greek sun god Helios was installed at the entrance to the port of Rhodes in 292 - 280. BC e.. A slender young god, sculptured to full height, held a torch in his hand. Ships sailed between the legs of the statue. The Colossus of Rhodes stood in its place for only 65 years: in 222 BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake. The fragments of the sculpture were transported on 900 camels.

Alexandria Lighthouse, Egypt

Natural wonders are found in every country and there are a number of wonders from around the world that we all know about. In this list, we've tried to put together a bunch of lesser-known wonders that are stunning and worth a visit when you're planning your vacation. Only one location from each country listed is selected, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many more wonders in other countries to make a continuation of the article in the future. It is quite unfair that few people know about such miracles, so we decided to correct this situation. If you have already been here, or can add to the selection, please leave a comment.

7. Playa Ostional, beach in Costa Rica

Ostional Beach is filled with thousands of turtles every year. Because it is one of several egg-laying sites for these rare turtles, the area is now part of a national park. If you plan your vacation correctly at the right time of year, you will be able to visit this truly incredible and rare corner of the globe.

6. Blue Lagoon Iceland

The water of this beautiful geothermal lagoon has a temperature of 37–39 °C. This place was formed by a lava flow, and the mineral-rich waters are good for skin diseases such as psoriasis. If you want to swim here, be aware that due to Iceland's strict hygiene laws, all bathers are required to shower in the nude before entering the water. While the lagoon itself is natural, it is filled with water heated from a nearby thermal power plant. We have already written about this place in a selection of Iceland attractions, where you can also find stories about many others, no less interesting places.

5. Valley of the Moon in Chile (Valle de la Luna)

Once in Valle de la Luna, you will think that you have landed on the moon! An impressive range of unusual structures color the area (shaped by wind and water) and dry lakes that look like cosmic craters, giving the site an otherworldly Moon Valley atmosphere.

4. Colca Canyon

The Colca Canyon is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States, and it is still inhabited by people who maintain the ancient Inca terraces by growing food here. In addition to archaeological sites and cultural attractions, there are numerous spa resorts in the area for those who want to maintain their health and youth through the special healing waters.

3. Wai-o-Tapu Geothermal Area

Wai-o-Tapu - one of the most beautiful, but little known natural wonders New Zealand. Embarking on a three-hour walk, each turn presents a new wonder - from geysers to incredibly colorful lakes. There are also mud pools and the popular Champagne Pool - probably the area's best-known attraction, with its stunning orange-colored outer ring.

2. Jiuzhaigou, Nine Villages Gorge, China

Jiuzhaigou means “nine villages,” after the nine Tibetan villages located in the valley. The whole valley is filled beautiful rivers, lakes, and is surrounded by mountains with snow-capped peaks. This place is considered a very important natural wonder and is even classified as a World Biosphere Reserve.

1. Tsingy du Bemaraha, Madagascar

The amazing limestone formations at Tsingy du Bemara are the reason for the name of this natural wonder - the Stone Forest of Madagascar. Apart from the stunning formations, you can also see preserved mangrove forests and an amazing assortment of fascinating flora and fauna.

Eat unusual strength- surprise. IN high mountains ah, the vast meadows and vast oceans offer true natural wonders.

But sometimes our world opens up not just amazing, but also very strange. Next will be shown the strangest corners of our planet.

Lake Heviz is largest thermal lake in Europe and a place for those who want to improve their health by swimming in its healing waters. The lake contains a huge amount of blue, green algae and bacteria, which will then treat people’s ailments. The tourism industry is developed here, due to which the lake is always kept in proper condition.


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A Chinese landscape in which the rocks stand like tall pine trees. There are so many rocks that this place is called a forest. Shilin. High rocks can also be compared to the skyscrapers that form a city. Most rocks are weathered blocks, but on some formations one can distinguish figures of animals and people.

Free-standing rocks are located among the trees, creating scenes of real paintings that seem to come to life.

Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California, USA

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Almost in the center of Los Angeles, at Rancho La Brea, there is bitumen lake, which conceals millions of years of history in its depths. The bitumen itself seeps out of the ground, forming a viscous substance. This pool is then covered with water, providing an attractive watering hole for animals. If an animal falls into a lake, then, unfortunately, it will not be able to get out of it on its own. The museum in La Brea has preserved bones of a stork, a prehistoric wolf and even a mammoth.

Luray Caverns, Virginia, USA

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Luray Caves were first discovered in the late 19th century. Commercial tours are currently offered here. You will be able to see beautiful caves from stalactites and stalagmites in the form of draped curtains. Only here you can see the formation of frozen drops in the form of a pair of eggs. Small underground lake in the Luray caves, which stunningly beautifully reflects stalactites on the surface, is called "Dream". This illusion makes the lake appear to be much deeper than it actually is. (50 cm).


© Alexander Ozerov

In an otherwise flat landscape, conical shapes like candy suddenly rise up. During the rainy season they are covered with a fresh carpet of green grass that looks like moss. When large number precipitation falls on the dried ground, the color of the grass becomes the color of milk chocolate. The limestone hills were created by erosion and contain ancient marine fossils.

Utah, USA

© Gagliardi Photography

Arches National Park in eastern Utah is known as red-orange sandstone, which makes him extremely attractive. The forms were created very slowly over many centuries. The most famous feature in national park- This "Delicate Arch". In addition, you can see other unusual arches here. But not all stone sculptures They represent only arches: for example, here you can also find other figures similar to fins, blades or other natural sculptures.

Bonneville Salt Flat, Utah, USA

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Bonneville Salt Flat is dry part of a salt lake Salt Lake City. Although part of the lake still exists (one of the few on Earth that has access to the sea), most of it has dried up. Now all that remains on Bonneville Salt Flat is a lifeless white landscape. The white soil is actually salt left behind by Salt Lake City after millions of years on the site.

Penitentes, Andes chain, Argentina

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Penitentes is spiky formations of ice and snow, similar to stalactites in underground caves. They form on huge plateaus along high mountains in South America. The formations, which resemble religious people bowed in prayer, get their name from the Spanish "penitent."

Pine Mountain laccolith, Utah, USA

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Pine Mountain - world's largest laccolith(a fully formed volcano with magma inside). Due to the unusual formation, lava was coming out of the lower part of the mountain. Although there has not been an eruption here for thousands of years, lava still covers this seemingly contradictory landscape, with dense vegetation on one side and smooth areas of hardened lava on the other.

Wyoming, USA

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Devil's Tower in eastern Wyoming is a stunning landmark that stands tall 1,556 m above sea level ( relative height 386 m).