The greatest extent of mountains. What are the longest mountains in the world? First, let's look at the longest mountains in the world

A mountain is a convex landform with a well-defined peak, base and slopes, rising above the surrounding area to a height of more than 200 m.

First, let's look at the longest mountains in the world!

Andes or Andean Cordillera, in the Inca language - copper mountains. They form the longest mountain range in the world. Their length is 9000 km - from Caribbean Sea to Tierra del Fuego. The highest mountain of this mountain range is Aconkagau (6962 m). The maximum width of the longest mountains in the world is 750 km (Central Andes, Andean Highlands).

In Russia the longest are Ural Mountains. They are like a belt, stretching from north to south of our country for more than 2000 km. The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya (1894 m).

Let's take an interesting virtual journey across all six continents in search of the highest mountain peaks on the planet.

1. So, the first number on our list will be the highest mountains in the world - the Himalayas, with the highest mountain - Everest(8848 m). The Tibetans call it Chomolungma, and the Nepalese call it Sagarmatha.

2. Mount Aconcagua. This is the highest Mountain peak South American Andes. The height of Aconcagua is 6962 m. This mountain is also the highest extinct volcano on our planet. The fog you see below in the photo is actually a giant snow storm.

3. In third place is Mount McKinley, which is in North America. The height of this mountain giant, which is included in the list of the highest mountains on the planet, is 6194 m.

4. The next snowy mountain peak is located in sultry Africa. Kilimanjaro rises to 5895 m above sea level, being the highest point of the African continent. This is the highest mountain in Africa. Climbing this mountain you can see truly fantastic and contrasting landscapes. Unfortunately, due to global warming, the snow cap of the mountain is rapidly melting.

5. Between the Black and Caspian seas on the southern borders of Russia there are majestic Caucasus Mountains- these are the highest mountains in our country. The highest peak is Mount Elbrus (5642 m), is the most high mountain Russia. It is the cone of an extinct volcano and at its highest point has a height of 6642 m. An impressive panorama of white snow and cloud cover will open before the eyes of those who are lucky enough to be at the top of this mountain.

6. Encased in ice armor, Antarctica also has its mountain giants. Vinson Massif, which was discovered in the middle of the last century, rises to a height of 4892 m.

7. Completes the list highest mountains the planet's highest point in Australia and Oceania, which is located on the island New GuineaMount Puncak Jaya (5030 m). The world's largest copper and gold mines are located on the spurs of this mountain.

In fact, we will not be talking about one mountain at all, but about an entire mountain system called the Andes (Andean Cordillera). The length of this system is as much as 9000 km, width - 750 km, and height at the highest point - 6962 m. It is located in South America, penetrating almost the entire continent from north to west through seven states.

According to the data obtained by scientists, the formation of the Andes dates back to the Jurassic period, which began approximately 200 million years ago. Moreover, we are talking exclusively about the beginning of formation, since many deflections, massifs, etc. were formed much later. Moreover, the process of mountain building in the Andes is still ongoing.

The mountain system is rich in non-ferrous metals such as lead, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, etc. In the region of Chile there are large deposits of copper, gas and oil are hidden in troughs near Argentina and Venezuela, and Bolivia is rich in iron.

Since the Andes stretch over almost the entire continent, both soil and plant covers are extremely diverse. So, here you can find plants such as palm trees, ficus, bananas, evergreen shrubs, cacti, lichens, etc. In short, we are talking about almost any plant that grows in South America.

As for the animal world, there are about 600 species of mammals in the mountain system, just over 1,500 species of birds, 400 fish and almost a thousand species of amphibians, which is an incredibly large number (in our country, for example, there are only 28 species of amphibians). Some of the birds and animals are on the verge of extinction, including due to poaching, some are already extinct. However, there is another problem - air pollution. But more on that below.

Undoubtedly, mountain system has a number of environmental problems. So, since agriculture is well developed near the passing Andes, various chemicals are constantly entering the soil, and desertification occurs somewhere due to overgrazing. Fortunately, such situations occur infrequently. Environment is also polluted due to various factories located in close proximity to the Andes. Another important problem is that tropical rainforests are being cut down to plant rubber and coffee trees in the vacated areas, which support the economies of states.

By the way, about agriculture. The cultivation of coffee, barley, bananas and potatoes is most developed here. At high altitudes, corn, wheat and quinoa (an annual grain crop consumed by the local Indian community) are grown; cocoa, sugar cane, and tropical fruits grow well on moist slopes. Plants brought from European countries, including some citrus fruits, olives and grapes.

Livestock farming is well developed, but its main direction is sheep breeding. Indians breed llamas. Fishing is poorly developed.

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The longest mountain range in the world is the Andean Cordillera or simply the Andes. From the Inca language this short word is translated as Copper Mountains. The length of the Andes is incomparable to any other mountains on the planet. They stretched for a record 9,000 kilometers. In addition to its incredible scale, the Andes are famous as the birthplace of plants that have radically changed the lives of people on the planet. After all, it was the Andes that became the birthplace of coca, cinchona, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.

The Andes begin near the Caribbean Sea and reach Tierra del Fuego. Highest peak mountain range- Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters). In the Andean Cordillera there are places where the width of the mountain range stretches for 500 kilometers, and the maximum width of the mountain system is 750 kilometers. The longest mountains in the world act as the largest interoceanic watershed.

The Andes are incredibly diverse and picturesque. And each country that the mountain system crosses has its own uniqueness. For example, in the Andes of Venezuela, deciduous forests and shrubs grow on red soils. The lower slopes of the Central to Northwestern Andes are covered by tropical and equatorial rainforests. There are ficus trees, bananas, palm trees, cocoa trees, bamboos, and vines. However, there are also numerous moss swamps and lifeless rocky spaces. Well, everything above 4500 meters is already eternal ice and snow.

The top of the Andes is Mount Aconcagua (6962 meters)

No less interesting animal world Andes. Here you can find exotic alpacas, llamas, prehensile-tailed monkeys, as well as pudu deer, relict spectacled bears, vicunas, sloths, blue foxes, chinchillas and hummingbirds.

Copper Mountains. This is the name of the longest mountains in the world in the Inca language. These are the Andean Cordillera or simply the Andes.

The length of this Mountain chain incomparable to any other on the planet. The Andes stretch for a record 9 thousand kilometers. They begin at the Caribbean Sea and reach Tierra del Fuego.

The highest peak of the Andean cordillera is Mount Aconcagau. It rises exactly 6962 meters. By the way, there are places where the Andes are 500 kilometers wide, but the maximum width of the mountain system is 750 kilometers. This value was recorded in the Central Andes, in the Andean Highlands.

However, most of the Andean cordillera is occupied by a plateau called Puna. It has a very high snow line. It reaches 6500 meters, but the average height of the mountains is about 4000 meters.

As experts say, the Andes are relatively young mountains. Here the process of mountain building was completed several million years ago. The origin of fossils began in the Precambrian and Paleozoic periods. Then areas of land began to appear in place of the vast ocean. For a long time, the area where today's Andes are located was either land or sea.

The mountain range finished forming by uplifting rocks, as a result of which huge folds of stone extended to an impressive height. By the way, this process continues today. Sometimes there are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Andes.

The longest mountains in the world are also the largest interoceanic divide. The famous Amazon River, as well as its tributaries, originate in the Andean Cordillera. In addition, influxes of other largest rivers countries of South America - Parana, Orinoco and Paraguay. The mountains for the mainland serve as a climatic barrier, in other words, the Andes isolate the land from the west from any influence Atlantic Ocean, on the other hand, from the east, protect from the Pacific Ocean.

It is not surprising, given the extent of the mountains, that the Andes are located six climatic zones. Subtropical temperate, equatorial, southern tropical, northern and southern subequatorial. On the western slopes, in contrast to the southern ones, up to ten thousand millimeters of precipitation falls per year. Consequently, the landscape in different parts is radically different.

Based on their topography, the longest mountains in the world are divided into three regions. These are the southern, northern and central Andes. The Northern Andes include the Ecuadorian Andes, the Caribbean Andes and the Northwestern Andes. The main Cordilleras are divided by the depressions of the Cauca and Magdalena rivers. And there are many volcanoes here. For example, Huila rose to 5750 meters, Ruiz to 5400 meters, and the current Kumbal rises to 4890 meters.

The longest mountains in the world are the Andes (Very beautiful)

A volcanic target hit the Ecuadorian Andes with the most high volcanoes. Just look at Chimborazo alone, with a height of 6267 meters. The no less giant Cotopaxi breathes in his back - its height is 5896 meters. The chain crosses seven South American countries at once. These are Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Argentina. And the highest point of the Ecuadorian Andes is Mount Huascaran with a height of 6769 meters.

As for the Southern Andes, they are divided into Patagonian and Chilean-Argentine. In this part the most high peaks Tupungato with an altitude of 6800 meters and Medcedario with an altitude of 6770 meters. The snow line in this part reaches 6 thousand meters.

Varied and beautiful

The Andes are unique natural place. The longest mountains on the planet are extremely picturesque. And each country that the mountain system crosses has its own zest. For example, in the Andes of Venezuela, deciduous forests and shrubs grow on red soils. The lower slopes of the Central to Northwestern Andes are covered by tropical and equatorial rainforests. There are ficus trees, bananas, palm trees, cocoa trees, bamboos, and vines. However, there are also numerous moss swamps and lifeless rocky spaces. Well, everything above 4500 meters is already eternal ice and snow. By the way, the Andes are the birthplace of coca, cinchona, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.

The fauna of the Andes is no less interesting. Here you can find alpacas, llamas, prehensile-tailed monkeys, as well as pudu deer, gaemal, relict spectacled bears, vicunas, sloths, blue foxes, chinchillas, and hummingbirds. In a word, those whom Russian residents can only meet in zoos.

A special feature of the Andes is the great diversity of amphibians - there are more than 900 species. There are about 600 species of mammals and almost 2 thousand species of birds in the mountains. Almost 400 species of freshwater fish are found in local rivers.

Tourist delicacy

The Andes, except in rugged and remote areas, are by no means a pristine nature reserve. Literally every piece of land here is cultivated local residents. But still, for most tourists, the road to the Andes means the same thing as “escape” from modernity. The local way of life, which has been preserved for centuries, helps to go back in time.

Travelers will immediately notice the patchwork of crops that cover the mountain slopes. And its color changes from dark green to golden. Tourists are invited to follow ancient Indian trails, where sometimes, however, they will have to stop to let a herd of goats, sheep or guanacos pass. And no matter how many times you visit the Andes, the first or the hundredth, nature will never leave you indifferent.

Meetings with local residents will be unforgettable. You can talk to them both in their language and with gestures. However, some mountain inhabitants are not very willing to engage in dialogue. If you come across a contact resident, it would be a good idea to look at his lifestyle. The huts here are made of untreated bricks, people sometimes live without electricity, and draw water from a nearby stream.

Well, hiking in the mountains is not quite like mountaineering. These are most likely walks along steep paths. But they should only be performed by well-prepared and absolutely healthy people with special equipment.
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