The most beautiful cities near Moscow. Climate, when is it better to go to the Moscow region. Main attractions of the city

According to the latest VTsIOM survey data, Russians view the capital of our country, first of all, as a city for self-realization. Moscow is rich in historical places, architectural monuments, temples, museums. But in the harsh rhythm of the metropolis there is no time left for walking and enjoying the views. On weekends or short vacation compatriots prefer to get away from the bustle and traffic jams. As a rule, guests from all over Russia or foreign countries. To unwind and at the same time enjoy the beauty of nearby places, both Russians and guests of the country are recommended to visit places in the Moscow region. A trip to the region is both a saving of time, money and a pleasant trip.

What places in the Moscow region are considered the most beautiful? In our review article we will get acquainted with the most worthy neighborhoods of the capital.

Sergiev-Posad (50.40 km2 in area with a population of 106 thousand people) is rightfully considered one of the remarkable cities near the capital. It is famous for its picturesque, largest monastery in Russia - the Trinity - Sergius Lavra. The temple includes 40 architectural objects, each of which has its own history and legend. It is recommended to devote a whole day to exploring the territory of the monument. Connoisseurs of Russian art will be interested in getting acquainted with the unique artistic masterpieces of the local historical and architectural museum. The collection includes icons, books, ancient clothing, and manuscripts. After walking around the city, you can go to the suburbs and go to the Gremyachiy Waterfall (Vzglyadnevo village), to the Abramtsevo nature reserve in the village of the same name, and to the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the village of Vozdvizhenskoye.

Guests of the town of Istra (7 km2 in area with a population of 35 thousand people), especially those who appreciate the beauty and grandeur of churches, remain impressed for a long time by visiting the New Jerusalem Monastery. Located on the territory of the Resurrection Cathedral. Initially, this architectural monument was planned to be built in the image and likeness of the Jerusalem Temple. But the end result was a more transformed, majestic ensemble. The Siloam spring is located 30 minutes from the city. Its history is also connected with the New Jerusalem Monastery. Fans of Old Russian architecture are recommended to go to the village of Snegiri to the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Zaraysk (20.5 km2 in area with a population of 5 thousand people) is often called a city-museum. Exploring the surrounding area traditionally begins with a visit to the architectural monument – ​​the Kremlin. In addition to masterpieces of art, examples of furniture, dishes, and embroidery are presented here. The structure also includes the house of the sculptor A.S. Golubkina. and the estate of F.M. Dostoevsky. Walking through the streets, tourists will note that it is rich in monuments in honor of great people. We are talking about the monument to K.A. Meretsky, F.M. Dostoevsky, D.M. Pozharsky. The current Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the oldest on the Zaraisk land. There is a miraculous icon of the Saint here. It is recommended to definitely visit this church.

The city of Dmitrov near Moscow (26 km2 in area with a population of 61 thousand) is about a thousand years old. It is distinguished not only by its beauty architectural monuments, but also an abundance of modern entertainment. Arriving in the city, tourists, as a rule, go to the Kremlin. There is certainly something to see here. But the sculptures of people on its territory are especially amazing. Among them is A.S. Pushkin with his lady love, a pilgrim, a teacher from a local gymnasium, a merchant with a merchant's wife. But visitors have a favorite sculpture - a girl with a cat. It is believed that if you rub a cat's nose, any wish will come true. The Kremlin has a beautiful park that is pleasant to walk in at any time of the year. The Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin fascinates with its grandeur.

The town of Serpukhov near Moscow is also distinguished by its beauty and history. Its area reaches 37 km2 with a population of 127 thousand citizens. This perfect place for walking in warm weather. It is recommended to visit the Gorodskoy Bor forest park, the plant-rich park Nursery, the park of culture and recreation named after. O. Stepanova. In the port of Serpukhov, tourists are offered boat trips in different directions. Fans of ancient estates will be interested in visiting the estate of Sollogubov and Voronin.


Kolomna is one of magnificent cities Moscow region, which you should definitely visit (65.10 km2 with a population of 145 thousand people). First of all, it is associated with temples, monasteries, local history museums and monuments. Tourists who want to get acquainted with ancient architecture, can start their trip with a visit to the Kolomna Kremlin. Its power and beauty allow you to plunge into the distant 16th century. In order not to miss the most interesting things, it is better to seek help from a guide. A real attraction of Kolomna is the Peace Park. It's a pleasure to relax here for both adults and children. For an active pastime, it is recommended to visit the Kolomna skating center. For a reasonable price you can have a great rest here.

Volokamsk is a city occupying an area of ​​30 km2 with a population of 21 thousand citizens. One of the striking attractions is the mighty Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is believed that it was erected in the early 19th century in honor of the soldiers who died in the Crimean War. The temple includes two chapels. There is a museum on site. Next to the Kremlin is the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Fans of theatrical art have the opportunity to visit the Na Valu People's Theater. Founded in the mid-20th century. In the suburbs of Volokamsk, tourists will be able to visit ancient estates.

We have listed only the most important and beautiful places in the Moscow region. Depending on the wishes of the tourist, a trip to the Moscow region can be organized in the form of a cultural trip (visiting temples, architectural monuments), or spending time in modern entertainment centers, theaters, and animation parks.

You can admire this view from one of the surrounding hills for a very long time without stopping.
Lavra represents a real museum Russian history church architecture, here you can find most of the famous styles, and their most striking examples.

There are also picturesque places outside the Lavra, although I must admit I haven’t explored the surrounding area very well yet:

Second place - Kolomna, large historical city at a distance of approximately 100 km. from Moscow, which is unofficially called the “capital of the Moscow region”. In the 16th century, it was the main outpost against the regular invasions of the Crimean Tatars, so a huge brick kremlin, only slightly inferior in size to the Moscow one. During raids, tens of thousands of residents from the surrounding volosts took refuge in it.
Now only a few towers and small fragments of walls remain from the Kolomna Kremlin, but they also make an indelible impression:

Inside former Kremlin The magnificent ensemble of the old city has been preserved, which has been given the status of a nature reserve. You rarely see this here in Russia - everything is licked, cleaned, painted, people continue to live in small old houses. But there is also the opposite effect - a feeling of some kind of sterility, emptiness and unnaturalness of the situation. What is missing is what makes up the soul of a museumized historical center in any country in the world - crowded streets with thousands of cafes, restaurants, shops, workshops, street musicians, artists, etc.
But still great, beautiful:

The other day I came to Kolomna for the third time since 2005 and I hope to return.

Third place - Dmitrov, 65 km. north of Moscow. I have been visiting this city since childhood and have seen how dramatically it has changed over the past 20 years. It seems that there is a real economic boom there and is growing right before our eyes. new infrastructure- shopping and sports centers, extensive residential areas, central streets are being improved. I don’t remember that anywhere else in Russia was completely reconstructed in a few years historical center, the main street was blocked and turned into a pedestrian zone, decorative shopping arcades, set set street sculptures. More precisely, there is only one example - the above-mentioned Kolomna.
As well-maintained and cultured as in Kolomna, the historical center of Dmitrov is still very different in itself. Its core consists of the high earthen ramparts of the former wooden Kremlin, within which is enclosed the impressive 16th-century Assumption Cathedral:

Outside the ramparts, a private building area has been preserved, and behind it is another attraction in the ensemble of the historical center, the Boris and Gleb Monastery:

This monastery amazes with its fantastic well-groomed, not to say varnished appearance. The temples and walls shine with whiteness, the entire territory is buried in flowers and is a monument to modern landscape art, there are even peacocks. In general, the visit evokes a feeling of complete delight and respect for the Dmitrov residents.

Fourth place is Zaraysk, the region’s furthest city from Moscow. It is almost undeveloped by tourists and gives the impression of some kind of reserve, a real Russian province with chickens on the streets and massive wooden buildings in the center, which are not threatened with demolition in the coming years, despite its dilapidation.
The main attraction is completely preserved stone kremlin 16th century regular rectangular shape:

The surviving churches in the city are gradually being restored.
I would say that in all spirit Zaraysk is the antipode to the museumized historical center of Kolomna.

Fifth place - Serpukhov.
I visited there only once in 2007 and was captivated by the atmosphere. There was an impression that this one was quite large city located not a hundred, but a thousand kilometers from Moscow and it’s still the 90s there. A huge contrast with Kolomna and Dmitrov, although, perhaps, my impressions in in this case very subjective.
There is no compact historical center in Serpukhov. The ancient Kremlin hill stands somewhere on the outskirts. A rather modest-looking cathedral rises on it and quiet village life flows around it:

A very tragic story happened to the stone Serpukhov Kremlin. In the 1930s local authorities, either on their own idiotic initiative, or at the request of the center, decided to dismantle the ancient walls to their foundations and send the resulting stone for decoration of the Moscow metro under construction.
Only a small fragment was left as a souvenir for descendants:

Well, where else in Russia these days can you see horses grazing near the Kremlin wall?

Sixth place - Podolsk. This large city is worth a visit if only to see one of the wonders of Russia - the Church of the Sign - on its outskirts, in the Dubrovitsy estate:

In terms of its architecture, this temple has no analogues in Russia. It was built during the reign of Peter I by craftsmen invited from Switzerland, so the decoration corresponds more to the Catholic tradition:

Seventh place - Zvenigorod. small town with a sonorous name is located 30 km. west of Moscow. The main attractions are outside its modern centre. On the old settlement (Gorodok) there is one of the oldest temples in the Moscow land - the white-stone Assumption Cathedral built in 1399.

2 km. from Zvenigorod there is the famous Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery with the Nativity Cathedral of the 15th century.

The eighth place is the town of Vereya, 95 km southwest of Moscow, once the capital of the independent Vereya principality.
Vereya captivated me with its picturesqueness; if you go down from a high hill, where city life is in full swing, and cross the pedestrian bridge, you immediately find yourself in some kind of fairy world village childhood:

Right on the banks of the river, housewives milk cows; on the surrounding streets there are almost no souls.
View of the district from the city Kremlin hill:

The city has several quite interesting churches, including the Nativity Cathedral from the mid-16th century (much rebuilt), but the main thing worth coming here for is the picturesque landscape.

The top ten most interesting cities in the Moscow region, of course, includes Mozhaisk, 110 km west of the capital. Once it was an outpost of Moscow against invasions from the west, a border fortress (hence the expression “Drive beyond Mozhai”). The Mozhaisk Kremlin has existed since the 12th century; at the beginning of the 17th century it received stone walls, which, unfortunately, were dismantled long before the revolution.
Now the historical center, the Kremlin hill, is the very outskirts of Mozhaisk. When entering the city from the west, the entire area is dominated by the new St. Nicholas Cathedral of the early 19th century in the style of Gothic romanticism:

To the left of it you can see the old St. Nicholas Cathedral, of much more modest size.
Within the city there is an interesting Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery with a cathedral from the times of Ivan the Terrible.
Of course, there are many more interesting and beautiful historical cities in the Moscow region, I hope that over time I will tell you about them.

Finally, in the top ten I would include the city of Bogorodsk (better known under the Soviet name Noginsk), which traces its origins to the village of Rogozhi since 1389:

Although this city doesn't shine architectural masterpieces and so rich history like the previous ones, and has not retained most of the environment of the old center, it has many interesting and picturesque corners. Also worthy of attention are the efforts of local authorities to improve the most attractive places and create local areas where citizens would be pleased to come for recreation.

They are becoming more and more popular, on the one hand we want to get to know local beauties, and on the other budget trips became in demand after the ruble exchange rate rose. Therefore, the cities of the Moscow region come to the fore - close, inexpensive and beautiful, if you know the places.
We present to your attention the 10 most beautiful ancient cities in the Moscow region that are worth visiting.

- one of the oldest cities in the Moscow region, in which many historical monuments, attracting tourists. First of all, we are talking about the Kolomna Kremlin, from which only a few towers and impressive fragments of the wall have survived. The magnificent ensemble of the old city has been given the status of a nature reserve, neatly painted houses in which people continue to live, clean streets, create a museum atmosphere, but convey the spirit of antiquity. Several active temples, 4 monasteries and the Kolomna Pastila Museum also attract tourists.
Distance from Moscow 100 km.

All arrivals immediately go to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, founded in the 14th century by Sergius of Radonezh.

Located north of Moscow, the historical center is quite small, but well-groomed and beautiful, decorated with numerous sculptures. The Assumption Cathedral of the 16th century is surrounded by an earthen protective rampart, which makes a strong impression. The Boris and Gleb Monastery is worth a visit.
Distance from Moscow 65 km.

Has retained the charm of the living, ancient city. Several churches, an old cemetery, picturesque houses and monuments of Dyakovo culture, which, unfortunately, cannot be visited yet. Near Kashira you can visit the Belopesotsky Monastery, and in summer time swim in a quarry or the Oka River.
Distance from Moscow 115 km.

is the most remote city from Moscow, which not many tourists get to. The main attraction of Zaraysk is the stone Kremlin, built in the 16th century. This is the only Kremlin in the Moscow region that has survived completely to this day.

It is located 115 km from Moscow on the banks of the Guslitsa River, along which sorcerers once lived. Modern Yegoryevsk is immersed in provincial tranquility, one of the largest Old Believer churches in Russia is located here, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral has preserved its luxurious decoration, which was not looted during the Soviet period, and the historical complex of the Khludov manufactory is interesting.

All that remains of the Serpukhov Kremlin is a hill with a cathedral rising on it - during the years of Soviet power, all the ancient walls were sent for the construction of the Moscow metro. In addition, several monasteries and temples worthy of visiting have been preserved.

It was mentioned in documents of the 13th century as a powerful fortress protecting the western borders of the Moscow principality. There is almost nothing left of the Mozhaisk Kremlin; it was dismantled before the revolution, and the historical center is located on the outskirts of the city. The dominant feature is St. Nicholas Cathedral, built according to Masonic canons. Mozhaisk is also home to the Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery.
Distance from Moscow 110 km.

Located just 15 km from the Moscow ring road on the banks of the Pakhra River. It’s worth going here to see an architectural rarity – the Znamenskaya Church, located near Podolsk. This is one of the most original Orthodox churches Russia, made in the shape of a crown. The temple was erected in the 17th century, the name of the architect remained unknown.

The first mentions of Vereya date back to the 13th century; in the 15th century the city was the capital of the Vereya principality. On a picturesque hill rises the most ancient temple city ​​- the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ on the Settlement, built in the 16th century. A pedestrian bridge spanning a rushing river leads to quiet city streets lined with rickety wooden houses.

There is no region in Russia more rich in historical and cultural values ​​than the Moscow region. Tourism in all directions flourishes here: from recreational tourism - at numerous recreation centers and wild animals on reservoirs, to pilgrimage - to holy places, temples, and monasteries.

For history buffs, the doors of dozens of thematic museums are open: from local history and military to literary. And for art lovers there are all kinds of art galleries and exhibitions.

The region is also the center of the emergence and development of a number of traditional crafts. The small factories they employ have been operating for centuries, attracting tourists with their products and the opportunity to observe technological processes.

Interesting and beautiful places. Photos and descriptions of the main attractions

What to see and where to go? List of the best cultural tourism sites and active recreation!

Kolomna Kremlin

A powerful fortress with a rich history. Originally wooden, in the 16th century it was rebuilt into stone due to its important defensive value. Inside the Kremlin there are several temples from different times of construction. There are fascinating excursions around the territory; the history of the fortress is very rich, including mystical legends. Festivals of various types are often held here: music, folklore, ethnographic.

Museum-estate "Arkhangelskoe"

A well-maintained museum complex based on an ancient estate. The estate's palace is dedicated to the museum of interiors; in addition, there are several ancient outbuildings and a huge park available for inspection. Entrance and parking are paid, but the price is symbolic; there is a cozy cafe on site. Art exhibitions, concerts and the annual jazz festival “Usadba” are regularly held here. Jazz".

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

A 14th-century monastery founded by Sergius of Radonezh. A place of pilgrimage tourism that attracts visitors with Orthodox relics kept in the Serapion Chamber and a silver shrine with the relics of the founder of the temple complex. The Lavra is also famous for its unique church bells, which, in addition to their power and melody, according to legend, have healing properties.

New Jerusalem

A modern museum complex adjacent to the New Jerusalem Monastery. Its permanent exhibitions are dedicated to Russian culture: pre-Petrine painting and Parsun writing, church art, and artists of the 17th-20th centuries. A separate exhibition tells about the history of the monastery and includes unique exhibits: the staff of the patriarch-reformer Nikon, his portrait-parsunu, religious utensils.

Lake Senezh

19th century reservoir favorite place picnics and wild holiday residents of the Moscow region. There is good fishing here, especially attractive for fans of tench fishing, which is found here due to the slight swamping of the reservoir large number. Those who prefer a more civilized pastime in nature can stay in numerous hotels and holiday homes that are scattered along the lake shores.

Star City

You can visit the attraction only with excursion group. You can explore it like a museum, consisting of four halls: the history of astronautics, the room and personal account Gagarin (two different expositions), orbital stations, and the cosmonaut training center itself. Excursions to these two sites are separate; please note that on weekends the cost doubles.

Zhostovo Decorative Painting Factory

The ancient craft of painting trays from Zhostovo is known outside of Russia. There is a museum at the factory where samples of products that received prizes are displayed. international exhibitions and unusual works by the company’s masters. In addition to viewing the exhibition, you can book a tour directly to the workshop: watch the work and decorate the tray yourself, which you can pick up after processing.

Fedoskino factory of miniature painting

Here they make traditional papier-mâché boxes and painted boards in a special, recognizable manner. The factory organizes tours of workshops and workshops, and provides separate master classes. Under the guidance of the artist, you can paint a box or plate and take the resulting work with you. During production there are small museum finished products and a souvenir shop.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery

The monastery of the 14th century, now operating, although all the interior decoration of the ancient buildings is a remake after restoration. It is notable for the presence, in addition to religious buildings, of several temples, a bell tower, the Tsarina's chambers and a palace - Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his family loved to stay here. The monastery is famous for its unique raisin kvass, which the monks serve to pilgrims.

Central Museum of the Russian Air Force

A real men's museum dedicated to the history of the development of aviation technology. Consists of an open exhibition where it is presented aviation technology: helicopters, airplanes (including experimental models), cruise missiles, rescue equipment, engines. And a museum of weapons, ammunition and a hall of military glory. The institution owns a huge archive and conducts scientific and educational work.

Armored Museum in Kubinka

A huge museum of various armored vehicles. It consists of 6 pavilions, four are reserved for domestic models: heavy tanks and self-propelled guns, medium tanks and self-propelled guns, light tanks and tracked vehicles, and an exhibition of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and vehicles. No. 5 is dedicated to the technology of the countries of the Coalition during the Second World War, No. 6 – to Nazi Germany and its satellites. In addition to production samples, unique prototypes of machines are also presented.

Museum-Reserve "Gorki Leninskie"

V.I. Lenin spent the last years of his life in the museum estate, which is why most of the exhibitions are dedicated to the leader of the proletariat. The complex consists of four objects: the Gorki estate, the Lenin Museum, his office and “Peasant Life”. There is an exhibition of exhibits Civil War, including a collection of propaganda materials of that time and the exhibition “Mounds of the Vyatichi”. The area is equipped with a cafe, recreation areas and amenities.

Dubrovitsy Estate

Initially, it was the estate of boyar Morozov, but its current appearance was given to it by Peter I’s protégé Golitsyn. Now the Podolsk Civil Registry Office and the Animal Breeding Institute are located in the estate palace. Weddings in such an interesting place are extremely popular. Of particular interest is the Znamenskaya Church in the Baroque style, which is significantly different in appearance from traditional Russian churches.

Museum-reserve "Borodino Field"

Created on the site of two grandiose battles of both Patriotic Wars. There are six permanent exhibitions: Milestones of history, the house of Abbess Maria, Borodino in the Second World War, a military gallery, “War and Peace” and “Glory forever!” Historical battle stagings are regularly held here as part of history festivals. When visiting, please note: all exhibitions are closed on Mondays, some on Tuesdays too.

Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve

On the territory of his own estate, industrialist Mamontov created the “Abramtsevo Art Circle”. The gentlemen did not disdain peasant creativity, which is why the collections of the private collection that has become a museum also contain examples of folk painting. Vrubel, Repin, Vasnetsov, and many other famous artists donated their works to the future museum. Their reproductions can be purchased in the museum store.

Estate of A.P. Chekhov Melikhovo

There are quite a few Chekhov estates across Russia; the writer spent 7 years in this one, from 1892. Museum exhibitions reflect Anton Pavlovich’s entire career: as a writer, public figure, and doctor. The funds number 20 thousand items, in addition to Chekhov's things there are paintings by Levitan, Seregin, Polenov. The museum hosts literary readings, music festivals, and a Christmas tree.

Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin

This state museum consists of two estates in Odintsovo district- in the villages of Zakharovo and Bolshie Vyazemy. Here the poet spent his childhood years before entering the lyceum; both estates are sung in his poems. The exhibitions are dedicated to the work of Alexander Sergeevich and the biographies of his relatives. It is better to go sightseeing with a guide: every thing here has its own interesting history.

Estate of F.I. Tyutchev Muranovo

A small estate associated with the names of Tyutchev and Baratynsky. A visit exclusively with a guide; during a two-hour tour of the estate, tourists will learn interesting facts about the owners themselves and their famous guests of this house: Pushkin, Gogol. Inside is a superb collection of paintings and antique porcelain. You can independently stroll along the linden alleys of the park and visit the local church.

Belopesotsky Monastery

An active convent, founded as a men's monastery in the 15th century. On the territory there is a cathedral and three churches, restored after the buildings were used as a prison and hostel in Soviet era. Of particular interest are the carved tombstones of monastic graves from the devastated monastery necropolis: some have been put together into a unique exhibition, others are embedded in the walls of buildings.

Staro-Golutvin Monastery

The 14th century monastery is located at the confluence of the Oka and Moscow. Numerous buildings (several churches, the building of a pilgrimage hotel and a fraternal church) have fallen into disrepair; restoration is now underway. Students of the Kolomna Seminary and several novices live here, the place is sparsely populated, pilgrims are a rarity, tourists even more so. Suitable for quiet rest lovers of solitude and connoisseurs of ancient architecture.

Volokolamsk Kremlin

An architectural ensemble of two cathedrals and a bell tower with an adjacent local history museum. The temples are interesting for the preserved ancient frescoes inside and the interesting design of the facades outside. The museum presents the history of the region from the appearance of Bronze Age settlements here to the Great Patriotic War. Tourists are especially interested in exhibitions dedicated to battles near the city and the Battle of Moscow.

Dmitrov Kremlin

All that remains of the mighty 12th-century fortress is now an impressive earthen rampart surrounding temple complex with a museum. The Kremlin is visited by pilgrims and ordinary tourists, who have guides at their service. The museum is small; the objects collected here date from the early forties of the last century to the present day. Please remember that the area is closed to visitors on Monday and Tuesday.

Zaraisky Kremlin

Well-preserved and subsequently restored fortifications of the 16th century with a complex of two cathedrals, the Zaraisk religious school and a museum inside. All religious institutions are operational, but you can visit them. Ordinary tourists enjoy visiting the museum, literally filled with archaeological antiquities and works of art: paintings by Repin, Abakumov, Pimenov.

Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum

The former mansion of the merchant Maraeva, who had a weakness for antiques. Over time, her private collection turned into a museum. The collection of paintings, graphics, unique furniture and sculptures is striking in its diversity: from domestic talented but little-known artists to works by famous Flemings and Italians. The collections now contain more than 40 thousand exhibits.

Crane Homeland

A special reserve near Dubna, the main function of which is to protect flocks of cranes and schools of other wading birds during migration. Every spring and autumn, excursions are organized to coincide with the departure of the reserve’s residents. Various competitions are held with an environmental focus, for example, photographing birds along a certain route. The event ends with a joint picnic with dishes cooked in the oven.

Marfino Estate

A former estate that belonged to the Orlovs, Golitsyns, Saltykovs and Panins at different times. Now it belongs to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense, but admission is free for tourists who want to explore it. Inside, this is a completely modern medical facility; people come to admire the unusual architecture and decor of the facades. Plus, you can stroll through the vast and well-kept park of the sanatorium.

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

A UNESCO biosphere reserve, which acquired status in 1979. All types of flora of the region are collected here, but the main value is the collection of unique animals, both local and acclimatized. Among them are sika deer, bison and exotic steppe bison from America. The special pride of the reserve is the population of beavers, whose creeks and dams with huts occupy a fair share of the territory. Visits are carried out only by agreement with the management.

Caves of Syana

An extensive network of underground quarries, the total length of grottoes and passages is 27 km. The caves are well-trodden and considered safe. Ideal for acquiring initial skills in speleology: navigating the dungeon, testing for claustrophobia and “skinners” - narrow holes between the halls. However, it is strongly not recommended to visit the quarries without an instructor.

Mozhaisk Reservoir

An artificial reservoir with wooded banks. All types of outdoor activities are available here. Excellent fishing for trophy-sized pike, hunting for a variety of game in picturesque forests and swimming sandy beaches. Sailing enthusiasts will find yacht clubs; you can rent a catamaran, motorboat or jet ski. In Ilyinsky there is a huge entertainment center with a water park, cafe and comfortable hotel.

Peremilovskaya height

Strategic height, where the Red Army soldiers grappled with selected Nazi units. In memory of the bloody battles, a monument was erected here depicting a Soviet soldier going on the attack. It is noteworthy that the name of General Vlasov is carved on the memorial plaque. In that battle, the traitor showed heroism and military skill; for the edification of his descendants, they did not erase his name.

Nature and art. The Moscow region is a land of green forests and blue ponds. Forests occupy as much as a third of the territory of the entire Moscow region, and quiet, transparent protected forest lakes lie very close to man-made reservoir seas such as Istrinskoye, Mozhaiskoye, Uchinskoye, Ruzskoye and Klyazminskoye. Small rivers, these blue capillaries of the earth, collecting moisture from the surrounding fields and forests, where you can swim and fish without fear, flow into the large water basin of the Moscow River. The Moscow region carefully preserves the memory of outstanding figures of Russian culture. Many artists of words, sorcerers of music, masters of brushes and chisels drew creative inspiration here. Pushkin and Lermontov, Herzen and Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy and Gorky, Tchaikovsky, Polenov and Vasnetsov lived and worked on the land of Moscow... Therefore, the Moscow region is rich in architectural, historical and cultural monuments of all-Russian and world significance. They are associated with the names of many famous Russian artists, composers, poets, writers, actors, generals, public and political figures.
You can’t even imagine how many unexpected discoveries await anyone traveling around the Moscow region. You will see our history come to life. You will hear the silence of the evening forest with a slight whisper of leaves, you will feel white fog above the river, you will see the setting sun on the golden baths of Russian churches... And for this you don’t have to go far...

TRINITY-SERGIUS LAVRA. Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, and Andrei Rublev worked there. Under Ivan the Terrible, the monastery was surrounded by a wall with 11 towers. The monastery in Sergiev Posad received the status of a lavra. Numerous pilgrims flock here, especially on Orthodox holidays. In the vicinity of the forest, where there are a lot of mushrooms and raspberries. You can swim and fish in Lake Torbeevskoye (it can be seen from the highway). In the Torgosh River, if you're lucky, you can pan a few grains of gold in a week. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Zagorsk station 71 km. By car - along the Yaroslavl highway.

NEW JERUSALEM. In the city of Istra, Patriarch Nikon planned to build a “Russian Jerusalem”. For the cathedral of the monastery, they used the plan of the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the hills were named Zion, Olivet and Tabor, the Istra River was renamed Jordan. And now you can walk through the Garden of Gethsemane, see the cathedral with a fantastic dome, climb the walls of the New Jerusalem Monastery, and marvel at the 3-story hermitage of the patriarch. Here a real hut with a Russian stove and utensils is open for public viewing, windmill, all kinds of exhibitions. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Istra station 58 km.

ARKHANGELSKOYE. One of the best estates near Moscow, the property of the Yusupov princes, is Arkhangelskoye. Pushkin sang it in his message “To the Nobleman.” The museum is closed for a long time, but the scenery is magnificent. Cascading Italian gardens with wonderful sculptures, a monument to Pushkin, the Church of the Archangel Michael from the 16th century. Versailles in the forests near Moscow, only smaller and more elegant than the original.
Directions: by car (map) along Novorizhskoe or Ilinskoe highways (5th km), by bus No. 549 from the Tushinskaya metro station (map), by minibus No. 151, by train from Rizhsky station to Pavshino station 22 km.

BORODINO. 120 km. Borodino Field is located west of Moscow. A great battle took place near Borodino on August 26, 1812. Once a year, the military-historical museum-reserve is echoed by the roar of guns and shrouded in thick smoke: on the Sunday closest to September 9, a theatrical battle takes place here. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station 120 km, from the station 2 km.

NIKOLO-UGRESH MONASTERY. In the city of Dzerzhinsky there is a monastery founded by Dmitry Donskoy on the banks of the Moscow River in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo. The Cathedral, the high Bell Tower, the Sovereign and Patriarchal Chambers, the unique Palestinian or Jerusalem Wall, repeating the picturesque images of cities on icons. Inside the monastery there is a picturesque pond with black swans. The monastery is located not far from the Moscow River. From 1921 to 1938 there was a children's labor colony named after Dzerzhinsky in the monastery. Directions: by bus No. 437 from the Kuzminki metro station, by train from the Kazansky railway station to the Lyubertsy-1 station, from the station by bus No. 20. By car - along the Ryazan highway.

DUBROVITSY. In the village of Dubrovitsy there is the Znamenskaya Church of rare beauty, decorated with stone carvings, with a crown instead of a dome. It was built in honor of Peter the Great, who visited here many times. Next to it is the Palace of Princes Golitsyn, an unforgettable view from the church hill to the hills and fields beyond the Pakhra River. Directions: by train from Kursky railway station 43 km to Podolsk, from the station by bus No. 65.

SAVINO-STOROZHEVSKY MONASTERY. Zvenigorod. Founded by the disciple of Sergius of Radonezh, the monastery is one of the most revered Russian shrines. The Storozhevsky Monastery was founded by the Monk Savva Storozhevsky, the miracle worker of Zvenigorod, at the end of the 14th century. The Monk Savva was a disciple of the Monk Sergius, the Wonderworker of Radonezh. The location of the monastery is very beautiful. The mountain offers an excellent view of the Moscow River, Zvenigorod and the surrounding villages. Mount Storozhevskaya is strewn with many fragrant plants, and to the Monk Savva himself it seemed like “a heavenly paradise planted with fragrant flowers.” Travel: by electric train from the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, as well as by bus No. 452 from Kuntsevo station to the city of Zvenigorod, then by bus No. 23 or No. 51

KOLOMNA. The local Kremlin is built on the model of Moscow: with cathedrals, churches, gates, towers, ancient city buildings. Near the city of Kolomna, the Moscow River flows into the Oka. From the Kremlin hill - beautiful view to the valley of the Moscow River and to the Bobrenevsky Monastery with high domes. Directions: by train from Kazansky station 115 km to Golutvin station.

YAKHROMA. It is here, near the famous Baranovaya Mountain, on which Prince Dolgoruky himself stood, that the famous ethnic festival ETHNOLIFE takes place annually. This holy place has powerful positive energy, so no one here feels alien or out of place. The main clearing is called the Place of Power; all celebrations, councils and feasts take place there. A magical forked pine tree grows here, each of the trunks of which, in turn, is also divided into two parts, and so on several times, and also strange stone, weighing no less than 100 kg, which, according to the geologists we met, is definitely of unearthly origin. Between Yakhroma and Tourist on the Volgush River good places for picnics. Directions: by train from Savyolovsky station about 50 km.

BIG ELMES. Bolshie Vyazemy is very beautiful. But this is not at all why Kutuzov stayed there after the Battle of Borodino, and Napoleon before entering Moscow. Pushkin was also here. This is the royal estate of Boris Godunov and the estate of the Golitsyns. The temple, belfry, church fence, pond, bridge have been preserved - there is something to see. And suitable for romantic walks and family excursions. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station to Golitsyno station 44 km, from the station 2 km. By car - along the Mozhaisk or Minsk highway.

MOZHAYSK. Ancient city Moscow region. In the upper reaches of the Moscow River is located one of the oldest cities in the Moscow region - Mozhaisk. If you are planning to go specifically to Mozhaisk on one trip, you can visit two incredible interesting places- the ancient Mozhaisk itself, and the Mozhaisk Kremlin on Nikolina Gora, and Borodino - it’s just a stone’s throw from Mozhaisk. excursions. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station to Mozhaisk station

CUBAN. Well, this has nothing to do with Cuba :) Not far from the village of Kubinka there is a museum of armored vehicles from the Second World War. Also at the base of the same name “Kubinka” there are the famous “Swifts” and “Vityazis”, which more than once made us feel a sense of pride for our country. In August, on Aviation Day, a grand air show is organized. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station to Kubinka station.

ABRAMTSEVO. In the village of Abramtsevo, the estate of the Aksakovs, and later the Mamontovs, is well preserved. The unbridled temperament of Savva Mamontov attracted artists Repin, Polenov, Korovin here, and the contemplative nature of his wife attracted artists Nesterov, Serov, Vasnetsov. The fabulous “Hut on Chicken Legs” was built according to Vasnetsov’s design; he also wrote “Alyonushka” near the Akhtyrsky Pond. And the artist V. Serov depicted the daughter of the owner of the estate, Verochka, in the painting “Girl with Peaches.” It was in this house, in the absence of the hostess, that Gogol treated the Aksakovs to a dish of his own making - macaroni and cheese. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station 57 km, from the station 2 km.

BAY OF JOY. Joy Bay on the Klyazma Reservoir is an elongated bay with high wooded shores, offering a wonderful view. Here you can swim, ride boats and catamarans, as well as horses. The holiday home has small bars and cafes open to everyone. Great place for family vacation. Directions: on river rocket on the channel named after Moscow - 26 km from Severny river station.

VVEDENSKOE. Vvedenskoye on the Moscow River is a beautiful estate, one of the best in the Moscow region. House-palace of the Lopukhins, outbuildings, equestrian yard, Vvedenskaya Church. Landscape and parterre parks. Tchaikovsky, Chekhov, Borisov-Musatov, Yakunchikova visited and worked here. The Moscow River is close to the station, convenient for kayakers. You can get here from Tuchkov by kayak in a day. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station to Zvenigorod station 60 km, next to the station.

ARMORS. The city of Bronnitsy stretches along the Ryazan highway. Its center has retained its features provincial town XVIII century. Cathedral, churches, cavalry regiment barracks. The Decembrists Fonvizin and Pushchin, as well as Pushkin’s grandson, lived here until the end of their days. Paleontologists enjoy digging in a ravine near the Moscow River. They find an ammonite here, fossilized sea ​​urchins, shark teeth, imprints of ancient plants. Directions: by train from Kazansky station 56 km, from the station to the city 13 km.

ESTATE GORKI. Thanks to the fact that Lenin liked the Gorki estate, its buildings and park are well preserved. Quiet, deserted, excursions must be booked in advance. Large parking lot, nowhere to eat. Locals They sell dairy products along the road. On the river bank there is an entrance to the Kiselikhinskaya and Sayanovskaya caves. We warn inexperienced speleologists: visiting the caves is dangerous. At least ten people died under the rubble and got lost over the course of 20 years. Directions: by train from Paveletsky station to Leninskaya station 29 km, from the station by bus 4 km. By car - along Kashirskoye Highway.

ZARAYSK. On the high bank of the Osetr River near the southern border of the Moscow state, the Zaraysk fortress with a stone Kremlin was built. Unfortunately, such a picturesque fortress, located on two hills at once, has not been preserved at present; you can only see the remains of the fortress walls. Here is the house-museum of the sculptor A. Golubkina. Despite all this, here the young writer G. A. Machtet wrote the song “Tormented by severe captivity. Directions: by train from Kazansky station 164 km.

Zvenigorod. One of the oldest cities near Moscow, stands on the Moscow River. Cathedrals, churches, earthen ramparts. The very old and extremely beautiful Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, the Assumption Cathedral in the city. Picturesque hilly terrain (“Russian Switzerland”), captured by Levitan (“Savvinskaya Sloboda”, “Bridge”, etc.). Karamzin and Herzen rested here. Chekhov worked here as a doctor in a city hospital and even planted larch trees near it. You can stay in the boarding houses "Zvenigorodsky" and "Solnechnaya Polyana". You can fish and swim in the Moscow River, and pick mushrooms and berries in the forests. Travel: by train from Belorussky Station 60 km, from the station 3 km, by express bus from the metro Kuntsevo.

OBIRALOVKA. At Obiralovka station (city of Zheleznodorozhny), Anna Karenina threw herself under a train. No one is robbed there, but on the contrary - red bricks are made from clay. Not far from the station is Black Lake, where people can swim. Nearby - nature reserve with moose, roe deer and hares. Directions: by train from Kursky station 24 km.

VOLOKOLAMSK. Seven centuries ago, Novgorod merchants dragged their ships from the Lama River to the Voloshnya River, a tributary of the Ruza. On the site of Volok Lamsky, the city of Volokolamsk arose. Cathedrals, churches, ancient buildings. You can see, have a snack and even spend the night. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station 130 km.

DMITROV. On the Yakhroma River, Yuri Dolgoruky founded the city of Dmitrov. A cathedral, a fence with towers, churches, an earthen rampart from 8 to 23 m high, ancient houses, including the house of P. A. Kropotkin. Picturesque surroundings, mushrooms and berries in the forests. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station 65 km. By car - along Dmitrovskoye Highway.

GLINKA'S ESTATE. At the confluence of the Vori and the Klyazma, the Glinka estate is located. It belonged to an associate of Peter I, Jacob Bruce. He conducted scientific experiments at the estate and became known as a warlock. He planted the trees of the park according to the signs of “gibberish letters” and discovered the secret of “living water.” Showing Peter its action, he allegedly turned a pond in the park into a skating rink on a hot July day and invited the guests to skate. The estate is the oldest in the Moscow region; a museum was recently opened here. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Monino 50 km, from the station 5 km.

TERYAEVO. In the village of Teryaevo there is the Joseph-Volokolamsky Monastery: on the shore of the lake there are hipped towers, powerful walls, a cathedral decorated with tiles. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Volokolamsk 126 km, from there 25 km by bus.

BABKINO. Chekhov's brother believed that Babkino played an outstanding role in the development of Anton Pavlovich's talent. “Not to mention the charming nature, where we had both big park, and the river, and the forests, and the meadows, and the people themselves had gathered precisely for the selection... At about seven in the morning, brother Anton was sitting at the table, looking out of the large window at the magnificent view and writing...” The garden described in “Verochka” moonlight with wisps of fog crawling through it - this is the garden in Babkino. White seagulls still fly over Istra. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Istra station 58 km, from the station 6 km.

GREBNEVO. One of the oldest estates near Moscow. Here the poet Kheraskov wrote the epic poem “Rossiyada”, and Derzhavin remembered Grebnev in the poem “The Key”, comparing its icy spring with the Kastalsky spring. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Shchelkovo station 38 km, from the station 8 km.

ZAKHAROVO. In 1805–1810 on summer months Pushkin was taken to Zakharovo. Life in the village developed liveliness and agility in the shy and withdrawn boy. He wrote about this village in the Lyceum “Message to Yudin.” In 1830, before his marriage, he made a sentimental trip to Zakharovo alone. Those who wish can repeat. Directions: by train from Belorussky station to Golitsyno station 45 km, from the station 4 km or to Shkolnaya station 49 km, from it 0.5 km.

BOLDINO. The historian and geographer V. Tatishchev was appointed governor of Astrakhan, but after a conflict with the governor he left for his Boldino near Moscow (not to be confused with Pushkinsky!). He was considered to be on trial, and a soldier was on guard at the door of his house. During the 5 years he spent there, he wrote 5 volumes of “Russian History from the Most Ancient Times, collected and described by tireless labor after thirty years.” Directions: by train from Leningradsky station 70 km to Golovkovo station, 6 km from the station.

BRATSEVO. On the Skhodna River there is the Bratsevo estate, a manor house with a dome, the best rotunda in the Moscow region, a church from the time of Alexei Mikhailovich. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Trikotazhnaya station 18 km, from the station 2 km.

VALUEVO. Park, estate, cascade of ponds, boat station. Directions: along Vnukovskoe highway 30 km, turn to the Moskovsky state farm. From the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station the bus is coming sanatorium "Valuiki".

VERBILS. There is a store in Verbilki, at the famous factory. There, at prices two times lower than in Moscow, you can buy porcelain products. Or you can see the porcelain museum. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station 90 km.

FREE. They took place in Darovoe better days Dostoevsky's childhood. Here there was Kharin Wasteland, mentioned in “The Village of Stepanchikovo”, the village of Cheremoshnya is named several times in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”, in the “gloomy and wild area” of Brykov’s fishing line - in “Fedina Grove” - in “Demons” a duel between Stavrogin and Gaganov takes place. Directions: by train from Kazansky station to Zaraysk 164 km, from the station 13 km.

DEDINOVO. In the village of Dedinovo, under Alexei Mikhailovich, the construction of the Russian navy began. Dutch master David Butler and Astrakhan resident Danila Tarlykov built the ship "Eagle". The ship did not reach the sea, but was burned in Astrakhan during the uprising of Stepan Razin. Directions: by train from Kazansky railway station to Lukhovitsy station 137 km, from the station 10 km.

BIG VOLGA pier. The Moscow Canal (Bolshaya Volga pier) begins from Dubna. In a beautiful green city there is a Nuclear Research Center and a synchrophasotron, although it is not shown to tourists. Dubna River, Ivankovskoye Reservoir, swimming, picturesque banks, mushrooms, blueberries, fishing. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station 115 km.

DUNINO. In the village of Dunino there is the “land of blue bells” and the home of the writer M. Prishvin. Directions: by train from Belorussky station to Zvenigorod 60 km, from the station 6 km.

ZHOSTOVO. On metal trays in the village of Zhostovo, bouquets and fruits are depicted with bright, energetic strokes on a black or colored background. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Lobnya station 30 km, from the station 10 km.

ZHUKOVSKY. Aircraft are designed and tested in the city of Zhukovsky. Here you can ride a hang glider, glider and other aircraft. And for a lot of money - on the MIG. Directions: by train from Kazansky railway station to Otdykh station 32 km.

IVANTEEVKA. In the city of Ivanteevka on the Ucha River, paper was first made in Russia (around 1576); before that, it was brought from abroad. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Pushkino station 30 km, from the station 7 km.

IKSHA. There is a gold deposit near the village of Iksha. You can wash several grains in a day. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station 44 km.

KASHIR. The center of Kashira preserves the spirit of past centuries, and from there a wonderful picture of the wide Oka River and the surrounding area opens up. Directions: by train from Paveletsky station 115 km.

KIEV. In one of the Lobnya districts on Lake Kiev there is a colony of river gulls. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station 30 km.

WEDGE. The city of Klin is famous for its musical monuments. Here is the home of the P.I. Tchaikovsky Museum, where he wrote the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”, the operas “The Enchantress”, “The Queen of Spades” and “Iolanta”, the Fifth and Sixth Symphonies. Cheap market. Directions: by train from Leningradsky station 90 km.

MARFINO. The Marfino estate is an ensemble of various buildings (palace, outbuildings, kennels, rotunda, pier on the shore of the Big Pond) located on the hills. Park, ponds, ravines. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Catuar station 35 km, from the station 4 km. By car - along Dmitrovskoye Highway.

MELIKHOVO. In the village of Melikhovo there is Chekhov’s estate, where “The Seagull” is written. Nemirovich-Danchenko believed that the scene Treplev was causing took place on the local road leading to the lake. Some episodes of Melikhovo’s life were included in the stories “The Black Monk” and “On Business.” Directions: by train from Kursky station to Chekhov station 79 km, from the station 13 km.

MOZHAYSK. Mozhaisk was called holy city Russians. Its main shrine is the image of St. Nicholas, the savior of the needy and the perishing, the protector of the wandering, the patron of agriculture, domestic animals and wild animals. Temples were erected in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker, a national saint. Countless carved and painted reproductions of the image of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk were distributed throughout the city and rural churches of Rus'. In his right hand is a straight sword (candle, cross), in his left hand is a model of a fortress city (temple). On the outskirts of the city is the Luzhetsky Monastery, from which there is a panorama of the Moscow River floodplain. Directions: by train from Belorussky Station 110 km.

YOUTH. Not far from the village of Molodi on the Rozhaika River in 1572, 20 thousand Moscow warriors defeated the 50 thousand cavalry of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey. We would rather be pleased with the old manor in the park. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Kolkhoznaya station 64 km.

MONINO. In the village of Monino there are very interesting museum aviation (air force). Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station 50 km.

MURANOVO. The poet Baratynsky built a house in the village of Muranovo, and later Tyutchev’s relatives lived here. Recently a museum of two poets opened here. The large pond has a clay bottom, but you can swim. During mushroom years there are a lot of honey mushrooms near the estate. The surrounding area is very pleasant to walk around and you can have picnics. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Ashukinskaya station 49 km, from the station 4 km. You can walk from Abramtsevo (8 km).

MYTISHCHI. Forty thousand buckets of water per day were supplied to Moscow by the Mytishchi-Moscow gravity water pipeline, built on the orders of Catherine II. The water from the underground springs was of excellent taste. All pilgrims heading to the Lavra drank tea here. In 1909, Russia's first artificial silk factory, Viscose, was opened in Mytishchi. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station 19 km.

NARO-FOMINSK. In Naro-Fominsk there is a “pole of cold” located near Moscow; sometimes it is 10 degrees colder here than in Moscow. There are a lot of fish in the Nara lakes, the shores are marshy. There are few mosquitoes. Directions: by train from Kievsky railway station Nara station is 70 km away.

NIKITSKOYE. In the village of Nikitskoye on the Rozhaika River not far from Domodedovo, speleologists are studying caves. Lovers should be careful: the length of the caves is 15 km, you can get lost and end up in a rubble. Directions: by bus from Domodedovo station (from Paveletsky station 37 km).

NIKOLSKOYE-URUPINO. The Golden Hall in the Nikolskoye-Uryupino estate is one of the most remarkable in the Moscow region. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Opalikha station 29 km, from there 4 km.

ODINTSOVO. The poet Bryusov, the artist Levitan and many others spent the summer months in the picturesque surroundings of Odintsovo (Otradnoye, Krasnaya Gorka). Directions: by train from Belorussky Station 24 km.

LAKES. Near the town of Ozyory on the Oka there is a natural monument called the Nagornaya oak grove (a large relict forest). The surroundings of the Lakes are one of the most scenic spots Moscow region. There are many lakes and forests, but very few people. Suitable for noisy picnics in a large company. Directions: by train from Kazansky station 155 km.

OLGOVO. The 18th century estate that belonged to the Apraksins is Olgovo. Large landscaped park around large ponds. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Yakhroma station 53 km, from the station 11 km.

OSTAFIEVO. Prince Andrei Vyazemsky married a cheerful Irish woman against the will of his parents, who died of grief. From this marriage the poet Pyotr Vyazemsky was born. His father sold the old family estate, which brought back sad memories to him, and built a new one in the village of Ostafyevo. Preserved beautiful park and the house where Karamzin, having married the daughter of Andrei Vyazemsky, wrote “The History of the Russian State.” Here Pushkin taught Pyotr Vyazemsky’s little son to box in English, after which they stopped taking the boy on visits because he wanted to show everyone what he had learned. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Shcherbinka station 38 km, from the station 4 km. By car - along the Warsaw highway.

ISLAND. In the village of Ostrov on the high bank of the Moscow River, a church of white stone was built in 1500. The hill offers a picturesque view of the river. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Tsaritsyno-Dachnoe station 22 km, from the station 13 km. By bus to the village of Volodarsky, 3 km from it.

OTRADA. In the park, crossed by the Lopasnya River, there is a huge manor house of the owners of Otrada, the princes and counts Orlovs. The garden projects that have survived include the rotunda-mausoleum by Gilardi, gazebos, a pavilion, a colonnade, artificially constructed ruins, and ponds. The FSB of Russia takes care of the estate, but it also does not allow the curious to enter. Directions: by train from Paveletsky station to Mikhnevo station 74 km, from the station 15 km.

PAVLOVSKY POSAD. In 1812, the peasants of the village of Pavlovo (Pavlovsky Posad) became partisans and successfully acted against Napoleonic troops. And Pavlovo Posad woolen scarves and shawls with bright flowers on a black, cherry and cream background have been made here since 1900. Directions: by train from Kursky station 68 km.

Peredelkino. At his dacha in Peredelkino, Boris Pasternak learned that he had been awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize in Literature. Foreign correspondents poured in. Here is a smiling Boris Leonidovich reading a telegram about the award, here he stands embarrassedly with a raised glass, responding to Korney Chukovsky’s congratulations... And in the picture 20 minutes later he is sitting at the same table with the same people, but he looks depressed, his eyes are sad. During these 20 minutes, Fedin came and, without congratulating Pasternak, said that in order to avoid serious troubles, the prize and the novel “Doctor Zhivago” should be “voluntarily” abandoned. Directions: by train from Kievsky station 20 km.

PERKHUSHKOVO. Pushkin stopped in Perkhushkovo on his way to Zakharovo; he captured it in “The History of the Village of Goryukhina” under the name Perkukhovo. Leo Tolstoy wrote about it, here the earth trembled from shots on the Borodino field. Gogol visited here, Herzen visited his uncle at his estate, and Marshal Zhukov’s headquarters was here during the last war. The Church of the Intercession has always been active. The surrounding forests are beautiful, there are a lot of mushrooms in them. There is a lively trade at the station. Directions: by train from Belorussky Station 30 km.

KING The space flight control center is located in the city of Korolev (Podlipki-Dachnye platform). Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station 20 km.

PODOLSK. Sixty-year-old Leo Tolstoy traveled from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana on foot three times. We reached Podolsk at 8 o'clock, two days later we were in Serpukhov. His companion was surprised at Lev Nikolaevich’s endurance. During one of their hikes, they were caught in the rain, and they turned off the road to spend the night with a merchant they knew in the village of Alachkovo. Tolstoy's companion developed a fever from exhaustion and was put to bed. Lev Nikolaevich said that the best remedy to warm up is to play four hands, and immediately sat down with the hostess at the piano. Now climbers come to Podolsk to conquer the walls of an old quarry not far from railway bridge through Pakhra. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Podolsk 43 km.

PUSHKINO. In the city of Pushkino in a wooden theater in summer seasons L. Sobinov, F. Shalyapin, V. Kachalov, N. Obukhova performed. In the area of ​​Shark Mountain, a house has been preserved where Mayakovsky rested for 8 years and wrote “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.” Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station 30 km.

Pushchino. Pushchino is an academic town, a center for biological research of the Academy of Sciences. Besides great place For summer holiday, traditionally loved by filmmakers. There are beaches on the Oka River, and mushrooms in the surrounding forests. The Pushchino Hotel accepts guests for 40–50 rubles. per day and has a wellness center. Restaurants, bars, cafes serve food at affordable prices. This is the warmest and dry place Moscow region. In the old estate, N. Mikhalkov filmed “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano.” Directions: by train from Kursky station to Serpukhov station 99 km, from the station 13 km. By express bus - 2 hours from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station.

RADONEZH. St. Sergius of Radonezh, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, spent his childhood in the village of Radonezh. Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Kalistovo station 52 km, from the station 4 km.

PARADISE-SEMENOVO. Rai-Semenovskoye is the family patrimony of the Nashchokins, built by the architect Kazakov. The owner of the estate, with the permission of Alexander I, set up a hydrotherapy enterprise. The resort was famous for its healing properties mineral waters. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Sharapova Okhota station 91 km, from the station 10 km.

CHRISTMAS-SUVOROVO. In the village of Rozhdestveno-Suvorovo is the family estate of commander Suvorov; his father is buried in the local church. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Lobnya station 30 km, from there 15 km.

RUZA. Ruza district (Ruza) is the most environmentally friendly in the Moscow region. Nice swim, boat station, fishing on the Ruza reservoir. Directions: by train from Belorussky station to Dorokhovo station 87 km, from the station 24 km or to station. Tuchkovo.

POLUSHKINO. Near the Polushkino station on the banks of the Moscow River, in a sand quarry, there are interesting paleontological finds. Directions: by train from Belorussky Station 72 km.

SAVINSKOE. Catherine's senator Lopukhin was an admirer of J. Rousseau. He dedicated several corners in Savinsky to his memory. Under the influence of Rousseau, a new direction arose in park art- a “mood landscape” that acts like a painting. The poet Zhukovsky, who visited here, appreciated these landscapes. “In the very middle of the lake is Young Island... It is shaded by spruce, linden, and birch trees, its position is extremely picturesque; It’s most pleasant to be on it at night, when the full moon is shining, the waters are calm, and the groves surrounding the shore are reflected in them as in a clear mirror!” Directions: by train from Yaroslavsky station to Monino station 50 km, from the station 6 km.

SALTYKOVKA. In the village of Saltykovka there is a blacksmith museum and an annual blacksmith festival. Directions: by train from Kursky station 20 km.

SERPUKHOV. An ancient Russian city. Merchant quarters with cobblestone streets and the remains of the Kremlin, which was dismantled into stones for the construction of the Moscow metro, have been preserved. An art museum with a decent exhibition. And most importantly, the functioning Vysotsky Monastery, the first stone of which was laid by Sergius of Radonezh. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, which heals drunkenness, is kept there. The second monastery - Vladychny - in poor condition. Directions: by train from Kursky station 99 km, by bus from Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station 2 hours.

SPAS-CORNER. In the village of Spas-Ugol is the Saltykov family patrimony. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was born here (the house has been preserved). Spas-Ugol is described in “Poshekhonskaya Antiquity” under the name Malinovets, although such a village exists 3 km from Spas-Ugol. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Taldom station 111 km, from there 30 km.

PODMOKLOVO. In the estate of the Dolgoruky princes Podmoklovo there is a unique Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in the Italian Baroque style, decorated with white stone statues of the apostles. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Serpukhov 99 km, from there 7 km.

SUKHANOVO. In the town of Sukhanovo - in a beautiful park, the Volkonsky estate: a house, a mausoleum, a rotunda gazebo over a cliff. Directions: by train from Paveletsky station to Rastorguevo station 22 km, from the station 3 km. By car - along the old Simferopol highway 24 km

TALDOM. In the Taldomsky district (Taldom) there are the most spreading cranberries in the Moscow region. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Taldom station 111 km or to Verbilki station, 10 km from them.

TARAKANOVO. The wedding of Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeleeva took place in the village of Tarakanovo. Directions: by train from Leningradsky station to Podsolnechnaya station 65 km, from the station 22 km.

TUCHKOVO. Around the Tuchkovo station there are dense forests, hills, the Moscow River, ponds, and glades. From here you can kayak to Zvenigorod. Not far from the station, the birthplace of the Russian writer A.I. Herzen is the village of Vasilievskie. Directions: by train from Belorussky Station 80 km.

DECORATIONS. In the village of Ubory, the Spasskaya Church is richly decorated with white stone carvings on the banks of the Moscow River, nearby is the bridge from which Yeltsin was once thrown. The bridge is high, people fish and swim in the river. Directions: by train from Belorussky railway station to Perkhushkovo station 30 km, from the station 19 km. By car - along Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, turn right, through Uspenskoye.

USPENSKOE. Not far from the village of Uspenskoye there is a famous stud farm. Directions: by train from Belorussky station to Usovo station 30 km, from there by bus or to the station. Perkhushkovo, also by bus from there. By car - along Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

FEDOSKINO. In the village of Fedoskino they make varnish products from papier-mâché (pressed cardboard), painting them with oil on mother-of-pearl and gold leaf. The craft began in the 18th century with the production of lacquered visors for military caps. Directions: by train from Savelovsky station to Lobnya station 30 km, from the station 7 km or to Lugovaya station, 5 km from it.

FENINO. In the village of Fenino there is the Troitskoye-Kainardzhi estate. Church, mausoleum of Field Marshal Count Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky with a jasper tombstone. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Kuchino station 21 km, from the station 3 km.

BLACK DIRT. In the village of Chernaya Gryaz there was the first postal station from Moscow on the Petersburg highway. There is a museum in the 2-story stationmaster's house. Radishchev saw a “wedding against his will” here. Pushkin, Gogol, Belinsky, Lermontov, and Herzen visited the station. There is still a lot of dirt. The surrounding area is hilly terrain, turn-of-the-century country houses in Skhodnya and Firsanovka. Directions: by train from Leningradsky station to Skhodnya station 30 km, from there 3 km. By car - along Leningradskoye Highway

CHEKHOV. In and around the city of Chekhov (formerly Lopasnya) there are several ancient churches and estates. One of them, owned by the Lanskys, was visited by Pushkin’s widow, children and grandchildren. Some of them are buried in the local church cemetery. A very beautiful church by the road. Directions: by train from Kursky station to Chekhov station 79 km, from there 3 km. By car - along the Simferopol highway.

SHATURA. Near Shatura there are lakes Muromskoye, Svetloye, Chernoye. Directions: by train from Kazansky station 124 km.

CHESS. The outskirts of Shakhmatovo are the places of Alexander Blok. As Andrei Bely wrote, “In these colorful meadows and forests, among these flowers, there is a continuation of the “working room”; yes, Chessovsky sunsets - that’s his desk; the most magnificent bushes among which we walked, completely dotted with purple rosehip flowers, were the natural style of his purple lines.” Directions: by train from Leningradsky station to Podsolnechnaya station 65 km, from the station 22 km.

YAROPOLETS. In the village of Yaropolets, Pushkin visited his mother-in-law. Goncharovs' estate, park on the bank of the Lama. Directions: by train from Rizhsky station to Volokolamsk 126 km, from the station 16 km.