Kiseleva Rock - description, photo, map, location. Kiselyov's Rock - wild holiday at the cliff

Next to resort town Tuapse along the Black Sea is the Kadosh forest park. The forest park covers an area of ​​300 hectares and is a natural monument with a protected area. The hilly terrain is home to a variety of flora, including plants listed in the Red Book. Oak, chestnut, maple, pine, beech, yew grow here, and there are rare species of orchids and vines. The most popular attraction of the Kadosh forest park is the Kiseleva rock, on which the rock layers are arranged vertically. The rock got its name in honor of the Russian landscape artist Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev, who captured it in his paintings.

How to get to Kiseleva rock

  • By taxi. The easiest and fastest option is to take a taxi from Tuapse to the Skala Kiseleva camping site. The distance will be no more than 9 kilometers, travel time 20 minutes. Cost from 500 rubles.
  • On public transport. From railway station You can get to the Kadosh microdistrict by bus No. 18. Please note that the bus operates at long intervals. The distance from the railway station to the stop on request “Skala Kiseleva” will be 8 kilometers, travel time 40 minutes. The fare starts from 15 rubles.
  • Excursion by boat. IN summer season from seaport Tuapse organizes daily excursions by boat to the Kiselyov rock. The cost of the excursion is from 500 rubles, travel time is 30 minutes.
  • On foot on your own. The walking route from Tuapse to Kiselev Rock can be called the most difficult and longest. One route option goes along the beach and is available in the summer. The second option passes through the Kadosh neighborhood and is available all year round.

ABOUT walking route from Tuapse to the Kiseleva rock through the Kadosh microdistrict we will tell you in more detail. Getting to the Kadosh microdistrict is not difficult: from Central Square Tuapse we walk along Primorsky Boulevard towards the nearest hills in a western direction. The landmark is the railway track, it is difficult to get lost, and this road is very busy. Bus route No. 18 runs here, which can take you to the “Skala Kiseleva” stop if you decide to shorten the walking route.

Having passed Primorsky Boulevard, we go further along Maxim Gorky Street, and then along Frunze Street to the pedestrian bridge over the Spider River. For pedestrian bridge The most interesting part of the route begins.

We cross the bridge over the Spider and walk along the right bank of the river up 300 meters to the first five-story building, after which we climb the stairs to the next level. Next we go left through the garages and exit to the iron stairs leading to the top of the hill. It’s impossible to navigate here, navigators don’t draw the road, and the local architecture is so chaotic that around almost every turn there is a dead end or an ascent, followed by a dead end or another ascent. You won’t get lost, but you will have to get lost, so it’s better to just ask the locals where the stairs to the top are, they will show you.

The staircase in the Kadosh microdistrict also serves as a wonderful viewing platform. Climbing a little higher you can see the whole city: the seaport, ships, embankment, tower.

After an interesting climb up the stairs through the forest, the boring part of the route begins on an asphalt road. Walk along the road for 3 kilometers until the fork to the Kiselyov rock. In order not to miss a turn, it is better to use a navigator. After leaving the asphalt road, you have to walk another 500 meters through the forest towards the sea to find yourself at the very edge of the cliff. The path from the cliff into the gorge is quite steep, so you should be attentive and careful when descending. It will take some effort, but the effort will be rewarded. In summer there are always a lot of vacationers here. There is a campsite next to the road, and the entire coastline is occupied by tourists. And how wonderful it is to be here in the spring, when you have a unique opportunity to listen to the sound of the sea, which whispers to you alone.

The Kiselev Rock is 46 meters high, which is the height of a 15-story building. Therefore, when you find yourself on the top of a cliff and looking down, your head begins to spin and your legs begin to give way. The open space and steep slope turn the usual 46 meters into an adrenaline rush. Looking at this riot of elements, I remember that it was here that the fishing episode from Leonid Gaidai’s famous comedy “The Diamond Arm” was filmed.
There is a small observation deck on the Kiselev rock, from where a breathtaking view opens. You should definitely visit here and add to your collection of impressions that will warm you on cold winter evenings.

The route from Tuapse to the Kiseleva rock and back takes about 5 hours. The distance from the seaport to the Kiseleva rock is 6 kilometers. The road is not difficult, but it cannot be called easy either. We can only say with confidence that the impressions of natural architecture will smooth out all the difficulties of the path.

Video: Walking from Tuapse to Kiseleva Rock

This business card Tuapse can be called a wonderful natural attraction, which is located just three kilometers from the city towards the village of Agoy. This is a sheer cliff, fifty meters high in the form of a vertical wall right next to the water on the seashore, which is called Kiselev’s rock.

An ancient Adyghe legend is associated with this rock.

The young horseman Dysheek - proud, hot, courageous, but very poor - fell in love and opened his heart to a beautiful Adyghe girl, whose name was Guash. The beauty's delicate skin was the color of rose petals, her voice was like that of a nightingale, and her slender figure was like that of doe. She was from a local wealthy family, so there was no end to rich suitors. The girl fell in love with the young groom Dysheek and asked her father to bless them. However, the father was categorically against the wedding. He locked his daughter under seven locks and began to match her with an elderly but very rich groom. Then the girl decided to run away from home. She sent her lover a message and made an appointment for him at midnight on the top of a cliff. Guash got out of captivity and began to wait for her betrothed on the rock. Having received the letter, the horseman in love saddled his horse and flew towards his love. However, a chase of two dozen horsemen was launched after him with the task of “finding him and detaining him by any means.” He didn’t calculate the speed of Dysheyek, flew onto a rock and shouted: “Guache!” - fell off her straight into the depths of the sea. Guash grieved for a long time at the cliff, shedding tears; she could not live without her beloved and rushed after him. In general, as the character of the famous film says: “Everyone died.” Since then, this cliff is sometimes called the “Rock of Tears,” and at night sad girlish songs can be heard here. This sad Adyghe legend has been passed down from generation to generation, and today not a single excursion to Kiselyov Rock is complete without it.

The smooth vertical facade of the rock, facing the sea, has not changed for many years.

You can get to Kiselyov Rock from Tuapse, following directly along the seashore, or from the village of Agoy. You can drive from Tuapse by car, but you still cannot avoid walking through the forest and descending.

The proof is the famous painting, created back in 1902 by the Itinerant artist Kiselyov, “Kadosh Rocks,” on which this rock is depicted. A unique natural phenomenon is surrounded by the protected forest park "Kadosh" with a magnificent virgin forest, in which there are more than twenty species of trees, many various types bushes, wild orchids, lianas. The top of the rock is decorated with spreading Pitsunda pines. It has its own special unique atmosphere. Green pine needles, mosaic motley pebbles playing in the sun, pink shells among the stones, the pungent smell of brown algae thrown ashore by the waves, clear sea water, the alluring blue of the horizon where the sea and the sky connect - all this intoxicates and makes you come back here again and again. again. It’s not for nothing that Kiselyov once built a gazebo on the top of the rock, in which he inspiredly worked on his canvases. Filmmakers also liked this place. It is Kiselyov’s rock and pebble beach underneath it became the scene of an episode of the film “The Diamond Arm”, where the main characters came on a fishing trip, which turned out to be successful for some and not so much for others. And the boy who walked on the water with a halo and was perceived by the hero of the film as a divine presence was actually moving along the reefs. The local waters are literally dotted with them.

Cape Kadosh is indeed a unique place, and the rock on it is a real pearl. After visiting this natural monument you should look into the Tuapse house-museum of A.A. Kiselev, where you can admire its landscapes and learn more about this rock.

As you know, I have an extremely negative attitude towards “seal holidays” on the Black Sea coast. But last season I went there for a few days to show my beloved four-year-old child what the sea was after the mountains of Adygea. I won’t repeat myself about this hellish trip, but today, when it started snowing outside again, I wanted to show something summery and hot. The choice fell on Kiselyov's Rock. This quite picturesque natural attraction is located four kilometers northwest of Tuapse, between Cape Kadosh and the mouth of the Agoy River. It is known largely due to the fact that the famous fishing scene from the movie “The Diamond Arm” was filmed on the beach near this very rock.

02 . Kiselev Rock in all its glory. According to various sources, the height of this “wall” is from 43 to 46 meters.

03 . If you look at the rock from the side, you can see that it consists of rhythmically interlayered thin layers of sandstone and marl. This layer of shallow marine sediments was formed in the Upper Cretaceous - 80 million years ago.

04 . The layers of rocks are placed vertically and extend towards Cape Kodosh parallel to the seashore, but not straight, but curved in the form of a giant arc encircling the bay.

05 . The rock is surrounded by rich flora, including 7 species of vines and up to 30 species of shrubs and trees, including Pitsunda pine. Kiselev's Rock, together with the Mouse Minks located 700 meters to the north, is part of the protected Kadosh forest park. The area of ​​the park is 300 hectares. The rock itself covers an area of ​​1 hectare.

06 . Get to Kiselev Rock and swim in clean water sea ​​water(at least regarding city beaches) is not so simple. First, having left the asphalt, you need to drive on a dirt road. More precisely on primers, since there are several exits and the condition of the road depends on weather conditions. However, in dry weather, almost any car can pass carefully. Next, you will have to pay 100 rubles per person and so much for each car to drive a little more, and then, having gathered your children, towels and beach umbrellas, set off for the extreme, crumbling descent down. Something near the goat path. No railings, just branches and tree roots. Only at the very end is a wooden staircase (visible in the title photo).

07 . But if the extreme descent down to the beach is compensated by well-deserved relaxation in the sea, then the tiring climb to the top, when you are wet with sweat, with dirty feet, torn flip-flops and an exhausted child under your arm, you get to the car to greedily share the remaining water in the heated in the back seat of a bottle, alas, forever puts Kiselev Rock in the category of dubious attractions. Yes, yes, I finally got one.

08 . But since we finally went down, let’s admire the amazing creation of nature a little more.

09 . Something like a circle of young geologists. While everyone was swimming and sunbathing, these girls and boys were climbing rocks and breaking off pieces of rock.

10 . Kiselyov's Rock in "The Diamond Arm". Does everyone remember the scene when the boy walked on the water? It was filmed here.

11 . At the beginning of the 20th century, not far from this place there was a dacha of Alexander Alexandrovich Kiselev, a famous Russian democratic artist and wanderer. In his paintings he glorified the beauty of the nature of the Black Sea region, and on one of the canvases he depicted this rock. Locals as a token of gratitude to the artist, the rock was named after him, and in Tuapse there is even a Kiselev memorial art museum. But despite the relative inaccessibility, as well as the historical and natural significance, the beach near the cliff is clogged with garbage from “grateful” descendants. However, like the entire Black Sea coast.

Rock named after the painter A.A. Kiseleva is located in the Tuapse region, between Cape Kadosh and the mouth of the Agoy River. The height of the rock is 46 meters. It is part of the protected Kadosh forest. Kiselev Rock has an area of ​​1 hectare and smooth steep walls. On the top and slopes grow Putsunda pine, Crimean pine, more than 30 species of other trees and shrubs, 7 lianas and more than 250 species of herbaceous plants, including orchids.

Skala Kiseleva, Tuapse district

The rock is named after the Russian artist Kiselev, who visited here several times and painted pictures of local landscapes. Among his works are “Kadosh Rocks” and “Descent to the Sea.” Here, in the vicinity of Tuapse, his dacha is located. Works in Tuapse. There is also a tour route “From the House Museum to Kiselev’s Rock” with a story about the city during the artist’s lifetime and modern Tuapse. The excursion is organized by the museum management.

Publication from CAUCASUS, CRIMEA, SOUTHERN RUSSIA(@kukarta) Mar 22, 2018 at 1:25 PDT

By the way, this place is also famous for the fact that the fishing episode of Andrei Mironov’s hero “The Diamond Arm” was filmed here.

How to get there?

You can get to the rock in different ways: by car, on foot, by boat. If you walk from wild beach Tuapse, the path will be about 4 km along the rocks. In some places the rocks come close to the sea, and it is quite difficult to walk in a storm. It's better to go calm.

Kiseleva Rock on the map

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Message from: Irina
We spent 4 days in September on Kiseleva Rock, an unforgettable experience. Extreme descent to the sea along the rock, the view is amazing. You need to see it with your own eyes. I really liked it. We cooked on a fire, spent the night in a tent. At night we watched hedgehogs and raccoons.

Message from: Igor
Better “relaxed”, “unforgettable”, “amazing”. Otherwise everything is quite decent...

Message from: Irina
It's very beautiful there, but write your message in English

Message from: Anna
Is it possible to get there by car?

Message from: Andrey
Visited the rock after Irina and her unforgettable impressions. You can’t take them out even with Kamaz trucks. All that remains is to build a waste incineration plant. Work for him for the budget century!

Message from: Larisa
Is it possible to camp in a car with a tent in Kadosh near the Kiseleva rock?

Message from: Paul
08/11/2014 hike to Kiselyukha. In addition to the described walking route from Tuapse along the seashore, for trekking lovers there is also walking route No. 2. Here are the coordinates: 44°06’04.9″N 39°03’16.9″E jumper stairs through the forest from the city up to the road. And then the walk is simple and easy to the rock campsite. And you don’t have to break your legs or be afraid of tripping. The main thing for us was to find this secret staircase, which was mentioned somewhere on the internet. We walked back along the shore for a change, it was lunch time and +34 degrees. To be honest, I didn’t really like roasting under the sun and jumping on rocks at the same time. But the route is not technically difficult. From the stairs to the rock there is exactly 4 km of path. In hot weather, you must have water with you, etc.

Message from: Karina
is this located in Tuapse?

Message from: Masha Kushner

Message from: Masha Kushner
What are you people? What kind of cars? This is a reserve of virgin nature, I was there at the end of September, my husband and I walked first along the stairs up the mountain, and then along the asphalt, beauty, autumn is good, although the wind is not at all like summer! It was scary to walk along the highway Absolutely not for pedestrians, cars are rushing at speed, and we were stomping along the side of the road! 4 km!

Message from: Dmitry
Today my wife and I were at this legendary rock. The nature views are really beautiful! But as they wrote above, there are cars all around, just pay money. In the very place where people are swimming, it’s a fucking bastard! Swimming is prohibited according to the “sign”, but few people are interested in this. The route from the camping car camp is not difficult, but there is a possibility of twisting your ankle. Landscapes with observation deck magnificent!