We need to rest at home: vacation makes our lives shorter and deprives us of our immunity. Is it dangerous to holiday in Spain now? Is it dangerous to holiday in Spain now?

I'll tell you a little about the possible dangers of holiday in Egypt.
As they say - forewarned is forearmed! My task is to fully equip you for the conquest of Egypt.

So now I will give you weapons against the dangers and troubles that await unprepared tourists.

Is it dangerous to vacation in Egypt on the Red Sea?

There is no need to bypass the Red Sea. Quite the opposite: you need to immerse yourself in it as often as possible. Otherwise, why fly so far?!

But it’s better not to touch the inhabitants of the Red Sea. Admire it, take pictures if there is a box for underwater photography, but don’t touch it. Among the inhabitants of southern latitudes there are many poisonous ones!

Both cheerful rainbow fish and seemingly harmless corals can carry poison. You will find out which marine life poses a threat after you touch it.

It won't be fatal, but it will be unpleasant. Why spend the rest of your vacation shyly hiding your swollen and reddened hands in your pockets?

Sometimes sea urchins spend their time in corals, whose spines easily dig into the skin but are difficult to get out, or scorpion fish. Therefore, there is no need to walk on the corals and reach out to touch them.

If you experience discomfort on the skin, redness, blisters, or a rise in temperature, visit the hotel’s first aid station. An inspection will not be superfluous.

For more safety on holiday in Egypt You can buy special plastic shoes. It's easy to get into the water and you can swim without taking it off. Most hotels strictly prohibit night sea swimming.

This is not a whim of the administration, but a necessary measure. At night, marine life becomes more active, and meeting them in the water becomes more likely. So it’s better for us - people - to be active at this time of day at discos and
animated entertainment, and postpone swimming until the morning. To each his own, as they say!

As you know, Ostap Bender knew four hundred comparatively honest ways taking money from the population. He would have a lot to learn in Egypt! However, crooks of various stripes are the scourge of almost any resort.

So we'll keep our ears open. And the volume of a 12-volume encyclopedia is not enough to describe all the methods of “divorce.”

Well, for example, a friend of mine was very happy about the opportunity to climb on a camel for free and take a photo. Imagine her surprise when, after the photo shoot, she was asked for money to get off the animal! Funny?

Yes, the first five minutes were funny. And then not so much. I had to pay, because no one said that the descent was also free.

What conclusions and general recommendations can be drawn from this story? First, always remember, free cheese is found exclusively in mousetraps, and heavily discounted cheese usually ends up expired. Take a closer look at the prices and only then choose goods and services.

Knowing the real price tag will help you both not to overpay and not to pay.
Secondly, always find out all the terms of the transaction. Don’t be afraid to once again discuss the price and list of services or goods, and
wait for explicit confirmation from the seller. Only then pay.

On vacation in Egypt you need to watch your money with triple force

Tourists need some time to get used to bills of unknown currency. The locals know about this and take full advantage of it.

There are several “divorce” schemes at work here. The seller may begin to assure you that you gave a bill of lower denomination than it actually was. And he will insist so persistently that you will believe it!

Therefore, take your time, carefully look at the money you are giving (let the seller see that you have taken a good look at the bill) and the money you are receiving in change. Although it is better not to count on change and pay according to calculation.

And it is also important to give money only after receiving goods or providing services, for example, in transport. Our compatriots, accustomed to paying when entering a bus or minibus, often have to pay for their fare twice: at the entrance and at the exit! Egyptians have such a short memory!

And here's more about the sellers. Their obsession has become the talk of the town. If you are not planning to shop,
politely but firmly refuse offers to “come in for tea”, “just have a look”, “try it on for fun”. Don’t be fooled by cries of “Free” - remember the cheese! If you do not want to pay more than a certain amount for an item, say that you no longer have money with you.

For such cases, it is good to keep several small bills in your pockets, and not take out or show your wallet without unnecessary need. And the phrase “I’m in Egypt for the fourth time” works magically. At the same time, stay confident and they will no longer see you as a newbie who can easily be swindled into meaningless and expensive purchases.

At first glance, Egyptians seem to be very friendly and helpful people. That’s the way it is, only they expect “friendliness and responsiveness” from tourists, expressed by a coin, or better yet, a banknote. At the airport, suitcases can simply be snatched from your hands to be carried.

If you ask how to get to the library, they will not only show you,
but they will also take you to the door. But even for little things - “Tell me, what time is it?” - Egyptians will ask for baksheesh, or in our language, a tip.

If you need help or information on the street, it is better to turn to tourists just like you.
Choose a darker tan color! They definitely already know everything here.

As a last resort, ask for help from Egyptians in business attire or from the police.

For a long time it has been a favorite vacation spot for Russians. However, in 2015 the situation changed dramatically. After the airliner crash Russian airline"Kogalymavia", the cause of which was terrorist attack, air traffic between Russia and Egypt was suspended.

Despite the assurances from the Egyptian side that all security requirements at airports have been met, the Russian authorities were in no hurry to give permission for flights to domestic airlines, periodically reassuring the Russians that this issue would be resolved throughout 2017.

The first, but decisive step was taken shortly before the onset of 2019. An agreement was signed between Moscow and Cyrus to resume flights in early February (later, however, the start of flights was shifted to April). This news gave hope to many Russians who want to spend a vacation on the shores of the Red Sea, and also once again raised the question of whether it is safe to vacation in Egypt and whether it is worth flying there in 2019. Let's try to figure it out.

Geopolitical situation

Egyptian authorities have repeatedly assured that the dangers for foreign tourists not in the country. Considering that the lion's share of vacationers go to resort areas or, where hotels are located in a separate area, carefully guarded and with restrictions on visiting it, it can be assumed that an armed bandit is unlikely to be encountered there.
This opinion is supported by numerous messages on various forums left by Russians permanently residing in Egypt or visiting there for work. They all unanimously claim that a safer place than Egypt cannot be found.

However, we should not forget that the main factor in the ban on the tourist flow between our countries was insufficient measures and security controls at the country’s air terminals, through which Russian tourists arrived on vacation.
The main questions concerned the airports of Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada.

The first of these, Cairo Metropolitan Airport, hosted predominantly scheduled flights, while the other two hosted numerous charter flights from various cities of Russia.
The work that was carried out to develop and implement security measures in the zone and inside airports was repeatedly inspected by representatives of the Russian side. And if our experts still have questions about Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, then the second terminal of Cairo airport, completely updated, modernized and equipped with the latest technology, was assessed as ready for the resumption of flights.

Taking into account these negotiations of December 15, 2017, it is important to understand that only regular flights will be organized on the Moscow-Cairo route. You will have to organize your further travel to your vacation spot yourself. For example, take advantage of domestic flights that arrive at those airports that have not been assessed by our side as completely safe and ready to resume flights from Russia.

All these facts should be compared to those who are planning to go on holiday to Egypt in 2019.

But, abstracting from the geopolitical situation and assuming that Egypt was chosen as tourist route, we will discuss the basic safety rules that should be followed when vacationing in the land of the Sphinx and pyramids.

Safety during excursions

Important. It is not recommended to go to meet historical heritage Egypt alone. Individual trip driving on Egyptian roads can be dangerous, and some roads are generally closed to individual vehicles.

When choosing and ordering excursions, you should not save money and order a cultural program from local residents. It is preferable to choose Russian tour operators for these purposes, providing certain attributes and security guarantees.

Sanitary situation and medical care in the country

The most important requirement in this matter concerns the water that the tourist drinks and swims in.

Only bottled water should be used as drinking water. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes.

Swimming in Egypt is only possible in sea water, especially since the Mediterranean and Red Seas are the best conditions for this. From swimming in river water worth abstaining. The Nile is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The desire to plunge into it can result in various skin and other diseases.

Before traveling to Egypt, be sure to take out insurance and carefully study all its points.
It should be noted that Egyptian medicine does not differ in quality and technology. But having insurance will at least protect the tourist from unnecessary, not always honest, waste on treatment and medicine.

It is advisable to consult your doctor before traveling about the need for any vaccinations ahead of the trip.

Sun, sand and dehydration

Egypt's hot climate with high solar activity often leads to sunburn and dehydration.

To prevent a lack of water in the body, you need to follow a drinking regime and always have a supply of drinking water with you.

Properly selected clothing with long sleeves and a closed collar will protect your body from sunburn. Apply to exposed areas of the body sunscreen, remembering to update it periodically.

When traveling through deserts, you must remember that protecting your face and especially your eyes from desert winds is mandatory. Special safety glasses and scarves are suitable for this.

Red Sea: beautiful and dangerous

The underwater world of the Red Sea attracts lovers of snorkeling and diving with its diversity and riot of colors. But we should not forget that behind the external brightness and exoticism of hedgehogs, moray eels, stingrays, sea snakes and fish, there can also be great danger.

There are two rules that will help you stay safe from marine life:

  • mandatory wearing of special rubber slippers, even in the case of a simple walk along the water’s edge,
  • When swimming, snorkeling or diving, you cannot touch hedgehogs, jellyfish and other inhabitants of the Red Sea.

Following these simple rules will make your holiday in Egypt safe.

However, returning to the general geopolitical situation, I would like to note that after the travel direction has been chosen, it is recommended to contact the Russian Foreign Ministry and clarify the security in the chosen holiday area. If there is information about an unstable situation in the planned holiday destination, you should refrain from traveling. Moreover, in such a situation, tour operators, as a rule, meet the tourist halfway and are ready to reschedule the dates of the trip or its direction.

Russia and other CIS countries are also relatively prosperous. But below is a list of countries where it is better not for tourists to go due to military, ethnic and religious conflicts, low living standards, and natural disasters. Even in such popular countries Like India, Brazil, Mexico, there remains a great threat of conflicts and other unforeseen circumstances.

There are countries in which ongoing fighting and there is a danger to life. But in some states, conflicts are hidden, and they can manifest themselves at any time. Just like natural disasters, no one can foresee them. Before choosing a country for travel, you should definitely check the current state of affairs in it.

We present to you a list of the most dangerous countries world to travel. Some countries on the list (in terms of their danger) are of course controversial, for example, Russian tourists are now actively traveling to the Philippines and Cambodia, but nevertheless, these countries pose a danger to tourism.

1. Afghanistan

The modern stage of development of Afghanistan began in 2001, when, after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, American troops invaded the country to search for and punish international terrorist Osama bin Laden (according to the official version). As a result of the invasion, the Taliban regime was overthrown and the modern Republic of Afghanistan, led by Hamid Karzai, was established. But the Taliban movement was not completely suppressed and militants are still hiding in the mountainous regions of Waziristan on the border with Pakistan. They constantly carry out armed attacks on allied forces and organize terrorist attacks. Although the official government in Afghanistan is supported by the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF), it controls only a small area around the capital Kabul.

Thus, it is not safe for a tourist to be in Afghanistan. This is very poor country With big amount religiously intolerant people. Here you can either accidentally get into the epicenter of an explosion or terrorist attack, or become a victim of a kidnapping or robbery.

Despite constant wars, Afghanistan still has some tourist attraction. This is a country with rich history. On its territory, many artifacts have been preserved, collected over more than 5,000 years of civilization on this land. But, unfortunately, during the recent reign of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, several important historical sites were deliberately destroyed. Among them, the tallest Buddhist building in the world is the Bamiyan sculpture. It was declared pagan and blown up.

2. Pakistan

Pakistan, a former part of colonial India, has always been turbulent. There is instability in this country politic system, government forces are constantly fighting rebels and terrorists. There is a threat of a military conflict with India. Most dangerous areas Pakistan - these are the territories along the border with Afghanistan (controlled by the Taliban), the Balukhistan region, as well as The largest city countries Karachi. Clashes between different tribes and religious groups often occur in these areas.

Travelers are attracted to Pakistan by its incredible beauty mountain landscapes. The northern part of the country is a popular place for climbing Mountain peaks. In addition, there are a lot of ancient architectural monuments in Pakistan: excavations ancient civilization in the Indus Valley - Mohenjo-Daro, the capital of the Indian Gandhara people - Taxila, Lahore Fortress, Shalimar Gardens, etc.

3. Iraq

Internal conflicts between warring groups in Iraq, such as the Kurds, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims (Mahdi Army), Arab Socialist Party (Ba'ath Party), Iraqi Communist Party, are complemented by external conflicts with neighboring states Iran and Kuwait. The US military plays a major role in resolving the situation in the region. They are called upon to confront the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, whose main unit is located in Iraq.

Among the entire territory of the country, Iraq can be identified as the most troubled zone. This central part country along with the capital Baghdad. The most likely danger of terrorist attacks, explosions, and military conflicts exists in the area from north to south from Tikrit to Halla and from west to east from Ramadi to Mandali.

For tourism operators, Iraq is perhaps the biggest loss. The area in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is the cradle of many civilizations. This land is home to the largest number of archaeological sites, which attract both scientists and ordinary tourists. Just 85 km from Baghdad are the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, which served as a base for allied forces since the start of the Iraq War in 2003. The presence of the military caused significant damage architectural monument. In addition to Babylon, the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, the capital of Arcadia, the city of Stesiphon, and the capital of Assyria, the city of Ashpur, are located on the territory of Iraq.

4. Syria

The country of Syria in the Middle East has been in a state of civil war since 2011. The armed opposition and rebels have been fighting the government forces of the country's unchanged president since 2000, Bashar al-Assad, who was re-elected to a third term in June 2014. Before this, his father Hafez al-Assad led the country for 30 years.

The territory of Syria is the cradle of many great states of antiquity - Assyria, Phenicia, Mesopotamia, Persia, the Arab Caliphate, etc. Saladdin and Alexander the Great left their traces on Syrian soil. Every pebble, every grain of sand in this country witnessed important historical events.

The most attractive from a tourism point of view is the city of Damascus - the most ancient capital in the world. In Damascus, the part called the Old City has been well preserved. Here are the ancient pre-antique quarters, as well as the famous eastern market Hamidiya and the spice market Bzuria.

The historical part of Damascus is classified as an object world heritage UNESCO. There are several dozen valuable architectural structures here, including the Basilica of St. Zechariah (now a mosque) with the relics of John the Baptist.

Syria is also famous for its preserved crusader castles built in the 12th-13th centuries. The most famous castle, Krak des Chevaliers, is included in all history books. This is the most fortified fortification, which no one has yet managed to take by storm.

5. Algeria

In Algeria, the fragile order is maintained through constant military suppression of uprisings and the persecution of terrorist (al-Qaeda-linked) and fundamentalist (religious Islamic) groups. It is not uncommon for explosions and gunfire to be heard across the country, including at airports and hotels. Participating in or observing demonstrations is especially dangerous.

Relatively safe area Algeria is considered to be the north of the country - the Mediterranean coast and the Atlas Mountains. The Sahara Desert is considered a dangerous territory, where it is not recommended to travel on your own. Travel can only be made with an organized tourist group and under reliable security. The danger of traveling in the Sahara is the same as in the neighboring countries of Tunisia or Morocco.

Under no circumstances should you intentionally or unintentionally offend the feelings of local residents. There is a ban in the country on photographing local residents, and especially photographing women and military personnel.

6. Libya

The long period of rule of Muammar Gaddafi, who actively used the military to suppress popular uprisings, did not lead to anything good. In 2011, the country began Civil War, during which the rebels were supported by NATO and the European Union. Support came in the form of funding and direct participation of troops and aviation. In October 2011 Muammar Gaddafi was killed, and power passed to a temporary government body - the Transitional National Council. In August 2012, after the elections of the General National Congress, power passes to the legitimate government.

Despite the overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, the power of the official authorities extends only to the territory of Tripoli and surrounding areas. The rest of the country is divided into several quasi-states - autonomous regions with their own governments and army. The Fezzan region has a high degree of autonomy, the region Western Mountains, Benghazi region, city-state of Misurata. At the same time, the cities of Bani Walid and Sirte were destroyed for supporting the Gaddafi regime.

Safety for a traveler in Libya depends on the region where he is going. Only Tripoli can be considered relatively safe. In other parts of the country, armed attacks and kidnappings often occur; it is not for nothing that in ancient times the territory of Libya and its coastal waters were considered the most dangerous from the point of view of pirate attacks.

Despite the significant security threat, there are people who still strive to get to Libya, since its territory contains many architectural monuments of the ancient period and the period of the Roman Empire. These are the cities of Cyrene, Apollo, Sirtik (Leptis Magna), Sabratha. In the Tadrart-Akakus mountains you can see examples of ancient rock art. In the southwest of the country there is the oasis of Ghadames.

7. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Country in Central Africa Democratic Republic Congo, according to IMF data for 2012, is the poorest in the world. In addition to poverty and an unstable political situation, the country is constantly experiencing conflicts between tribes and communities, which are often bloody. Even in the 21st century, cases of cannibalism have been recorded in the Congo, there is the highest rate of rape of women, and sexual slavery exists.

Moving around the Congo, especially on your own, is extremely dangerous. Tourists may be caught up in fighting between tribes, many of whom are armed, or become victims of street robbers who are particularly hungry for gold. Tourists can be robbed by both criminals and ordinary residents or street urchins, for whom it is normal to take gold and valuables from a visitor.

8. Yemen

The state in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, is the poorest in the Arab world. A significant part of the territory is occupied by desert, unsuitable for agriculture or other activities. The main revenue item in the country's budget is income from oil and gas. But mineral reserves are constantly decreasing.

There are several dangers for tourists in Yemen. Firstly, the country has very cruel laws, which provide for the death penalty even for minor violations. Secondly, Yemen is the country with the largest number of weapons (AK-47 assault rifles) per capita. Thirdly, a large number of Islamic separatists and terrorists from other countries find refuge in this country.

But neither such dangerous factors nor the unbearable heat can stop some travelers coming to Yemen to see the “desert Manhattan” - ancient city Shibam, one of the most ancient cities in the world, the capital of the state of Sanaa, historical city Zabid and Socotra archipelago with alien species.

9. Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has a totalitarian regime under President Robert Mugabe, who is currently the oldest head of state (he is 90 years old). The reforms he carried out in agriculture, which implied the expropriation of the estates of “white” owners, led to devastation, inflation and unemployment. The adult unemployment rate was 95%, and the inflation rate in 2008 was . a record in the world – 231 million%.

Both robbers and gangs, as well as police officers, pose a great danger to tourists. It is very dangerous to be on someone else’s territory, because the owner can easily shoot a stranger. Due to fuel shortages and rising prices, you may find yourself without transport in the middle of Zimbabwe. Cases of mine explosions are very common here.
The main thing that can attract tourists to Zimbabwe are its numerous nature reserves and national parks. The famous Victoria Falls are located on the territory of this country.

10. Burundi

Burundi is small country east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has no access to the sea, but is washed by the waters of the world's longest freshwater lake Tanganyika (second in volume and depth after Lake Baikal). After a military dictatorship and the assassination of several presidents, a fragile peace remains in the country, which at any moment can be disrupted by armed representatives of one of several warring tribes. It is extremely dangerous to move around the country by car. Both the police and the rebels can fire a burst of machine gun fire at a person who does not know local customs. With the onset of darkness, a curfew begins, during which it is extremely dangerous to go outside.

11. Angola

From the beginning of the struggle for independence from Portugal (1950s) to the present day, Angola has been turbulent. For a long time, with the support of the USSR and Cuba, the country followed the communist path of development. After the collapse of the USSR, the ruling party reoriented itself towards the United States and began to carry out market reforms. But armed confrontations between the official authorities and the opposition still continue in the country. There is brutal persecution of members of opposition parties. Under the slogan of preserving the “spiritual and cultural heritage” of Angola, mosques in the country are being demolished.

In addition to constant armed confrontations, protests, and speeches, Angola has significant economic problems. There are high levels of poverty, unemployment, hunger, and rampant crime here. A lot of weapons have been preserved in the country since the war, some areas are mined. In some areas (especially in the Cabinda region), terrorist groups are common and can attack both the police and civilians and tourists. Street thefts are common in Angola's capital, Luanda. IN public transport often steal wallets, bags, Cell phones. Robberies often occur in broad daylight, and especially at night. It’s better not to stop anywhere on the road.

12. Nigeria

The most populous country in Africa, Nigeria has gathered more than 200 ethnic groups within its borders. Clashes often occur between them, which significantly hinders the establishment of stability in the country. Many rebels in Nigeria are fighting government forces. Frequent clashes between gangs, rebels and government troops occur in the Delta, Bakassi and Bayelsa regions. Civilian locals and foreigners are often kidnapped here.

In addition to the risk of armed attack, tourists in Nigeria are at risk of contracting yellow fever, AIDS or other dangerous diseases.

13. Kenya

Kenya is a country of African safari. This type of entertainment is especially popular among tourists. But the walk may not be as safe as it seemed at first glance. Most of the country's population lives very poorly, which provokes them into robbery and theft. Kenya has a high rate of AIDS. Residents of the capital Nairobi and other parts of the country are very rarely seen smiling. The streets are full of beggars and pickpockets. The Kibera slum area in Nairobi is considered particularly dangerous. Some guides can arrange excursions to this area, but no one can guarantee safety.

14. Somalia

Somalia is best known as a country of pirates. Indeed, attacks on ships still occur in coastal waters. Since 1991, Somalia has been in a civil war that has led to the division of the country into five independent territories (Somaliland, Puntland, Maakhir, Galmudug and Northern Somalia), which are ruled by paramilitary leaders. Somalia has no central government and the political situation is chaotic.

Rare travelers in the country are subject to threats of armed attack, kidnapping for ransom, mine explosion, capture by pirates, etc.

Somalia is the second country in the world after North Korea for intolerance towards Christians. The majority of the population professes Islam (Sunni Muslims), and the country has Sharia law instead of secular laws. It is especially dangerous for women to be in Somalia.

Among the circumstances that can attract tourists are the most beautiful untouched beaches and diving sites. It should be borne in mind that women are prohibited from being naked on the beach. In addition to the beaches in Somalia, the Laas Gaal caves are of particular interest, where rock paintings dating back 10 thousand years have been preserved almost in their original form. Due to objective circumstances, most of the territory of Somalia has not yet been explored.

15. South Africa

Despite the large number of African countries with unstable political situations, poverty and hunger, the most dangerous country in Africa in terms of tourism is the Republic of South Africa. The effects of apartheid are still being felt in South Africa. Most of the population (blacks) are below the poverty line. There is a high crime rate. High social tension remains. In May 2008, black riots took place in Johannesburg and Duban to punish migrants from other African countries who were stealing jobs from local population. Armed conflicts are a common occurrence in South Africa.

Serious crime is also common in South Africa. There are frequent cases of kidnapping for ransom. Children are also kidnapped. It is especially dangerous to be in poor areas of South Africa. Individual tourists and tour groups may be attacked by armed men. There are frequent cases of luggage theft on the way to the hotel. The streets are filled with large numbers of unemployed people and beggars.
South Africa has a high rate of AIDS infection (about 20% of the country's adult population).

16. Haiti

Due to the beauty of the surrounding nature and golden sand beaches, Haiti could be considered a piece of paradise for the tourist. But this is hampered by the unstable political situation in the country, the highest level of poverty among the countries of America, and frequent natural disasters. After the last earthquake in 2010, when, according to official data, 210 thousand people died, many residents still live in temporary housing - slums and tent cities. Many residents are starving, and the country has experienced a large-scale outbreak of cholera. The streets of Port-au-Prince are restless, with frequent demonstrations and armed conflicts. The police cannot fully guarantee the safety of visitors.

17. Sudan

In Sudan, for a long time, as a result of the arbitrary division of borders and ignoring the ethnic component, a civil war was fought. Since 2011, the once united country has been divided into two states – Sudan itself and South Sudan. In both states, the remaining armed groups continue to fight. According to international data, Sudan is the last refuge for terrorists who fled from other countries. The situation in the province of Darfur remains very tense, where ethnic cleansing continues. A large number of the country's residents are forced to emigrate to the neighboring state of Chad. There is a dispute between Sudan and South Sudan over the Abyei region, where large amounts of oil are produced.

Radical armed groups, which strengthened their influence during the civil war, have not ceased to operate in Sudan. Each territory of Sudan has its own laws, and some areas (which make up most of the country) are prohibited for tourists. Anyone who violates the ban may face any danger.

Sudan has access to the Red Sea. The coastal area has excellent beaches with golden sand. But in a Muslim country, it is not advisable for women to appear on the beaches without outerwear. Pirate ships ply in coastal waters. Among the attractions in Sudan, many tourists strive to see the pyramids of Meroe, the Nubian Desert, and the Jebel Marra mountains.

18. Palestine

As a result of the UN plan in 1947 to partition Palestine in the territory of the corresponding historical region in the Middle East, the Jewish state of Israel and the Arab regions of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the Golan Heights (disputed territory between Israel and Syria) were formed. The entire Arab world opposed the creation of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict began, which continues to this day.

Now on the territory of prosperous Israel, Arabs and Muslims are trying to create independent state Palestine. Radical Palestinians, unlike the Israelis, do not want to resolve the conflict peacefully and oppose the existence of Israel as a state. The most dangerous region of Israel is the “enemy territory” Gaza Strip, controlled by the Islamic organization Hamas. From this territory on the shore Mediterranean Sea There is almost continuous artillery shelling of Israeli territory. From time to time, Israel strikes back. Weapons are smuggled into the Gaza Strip from Egypt.

Despite military operations and Islamic radicalism, many tourists strive to get to Israel, including the Palestinian territories, to walk around the Holy Land and get to the temples where the spread of Christianity began. Many Christians are attracted by the dream of seeing a silver star marking the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

19. North Korea

Since 1953, North Korea (DPRK) has become a closed state with a planned economy. Power in the country belongs entirely to the Workers' Party of Korea with the transfer of the posts of the head of the party by inheritance. The current successor, Kim Jong-un, succeeded his father, Kim Jong-il, in December 2011.

North Korea's isolationist policies extend to tourists. Only Chinese citizens have easy access to the country; others who wish to do so must go through a long procedure for obtaining permission to enter the country. Advantage provided organized groups tourists who have been verified by the Korean intelligence services.

Russians can only get to North Korea by flight Vladivostok – Pyongyang from airlines Air Koryo. There are only a few areas in the country where tourists are allowed. These are the capital Pyongyang, the Kumgangsan zone on the border with South Korea and the new economic zone Rason in the north of the country.

Tourists in North Korea are attracted by natural attractions. The most famous of them is Heavenly Lake on the border with China. Many Chinese and Korean rulers and famous people declared that their birth or formation was connected with the Heavenly Lake. This was also stated by Kim Jong Il. The Heavenly Lake appeared in 969 in the crater of a revived volcano. The 105-story Ryugyong Hotel is of great interest in Pyongyang.

Anyone can enter Pyongyang, except journalists, US citizens and South Korea. Literature about North Korea cannot be imported into the country, with the exception of that published in the DPRK, as well as any materials of a propaganda nature. Until 2013, tourists were not allowed to bring mobile phones into the country. Even in Pyongyang you cannot enter all areas. The government has developed special sightseeing routes for tourists. The police strictly monitor the movement of tourists around the city. The country is prohibited from photographing military installations or any objects not authorized by the government. In North Korea, the only threat is from government organizations. But the threat is serious, and under no circumstances should you break the rules.

20. Cambodia

Recently, Cambodia has become an increasingly attractive country for tourism. There's a lot here beautiful beaches and natural attractions. Cambodia is home to the world's largest religious building - the Angkor Wat temple complex.

But tourism operators strongly discourage travelers from deviating from well-trodden routes, as large areas of the country remain unexplored and may contain mines from the civil war. Other possible dangers in Cambodia include infectious diseases and snake bites. The population in the country is peaceful, but there are aggressive young people who can own weapons. In Cambodia, weapons are a fairly common item to buy/sell.

21. Philippines

The island nation of the Philippines is considered quite peaceful. The people here are generally friendly and hospitable. But among the seven thousand islands that make up the Philippines, there are several dangerous regions. These are the islands of Tawi-Tawi, Sulu, Zamboanga, Basilan, Mindanao, and North Cotabato. These islands are considered the most disadvantaged in terms of the development of drug addiction and crime. Cases have been recorded when tourists in cafes or local eateries were given a drug that renders them unconscious. In such a situation, you can lose not only valuable things, but also your health. The Philippines is also dangerous from the point of view of natural disasters: rain storms, floods, earthquakes.

22. Sri Lanka

In 2009, the civil war in Sri Lanka ended between government forces and the independence movement of the Tamil diaspora led by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The war is over, but small groups of separatists are still hiding in the jungle and may carry out terrorist attacks. For this reason, tourists are not recommended to go exploring the jungle on their own, as you may accidentally end up in a minefield.

It is not allowed to photograph military installations in the country. You should also not leave things unattended - they may be considered a threat. It is advisable to travel around Sri Lanka with identification documents.

The most famous resort towns in Sri Lanka: Moratuwa, Galle, Kandy, Anuradhapura, Nuwara Eliya. On the island there is the Temple of the Tooth Relic, one of the most revered shrines of Buddhism.

23. India

The risk of terrorist attacks remains high in India. Explosions or armed attacks can occur anywhere and at any time. The most dangerous regions of the country: the states of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the Ladakh region, the cities of Manali and Leh. Militant activity is particularly active along the Indian-Pakistani border. The exception is the Atari-Wagah section. There is a high risk of armed attacks, extortion and kidnapping in the northeastern states of Nagaland, Assam, Tripura and Manipur. Extreme caution should be used when traveling to these states.

India is also dangerous in terms of infectious diseases, viruses, insect bites and poisonous snakes. Before traveling to this country, it is recommended to get all possible vaccinations. In India, you should avoid drinking untreated water or swimming in local ponds or rivers.

24. Mexico

The country of Mexico is a fairly common destination for tourist trips. The tourism business is well developed here, there are many attractions and beautiful beaches, local residents happily welcome tourists. However, not all areas of Mexico are safe.

An unfavorable criminal situation remains in Mexico. A significant amount of drugs are transported through the country to the United States. This process is led by the local mafia, led by dangerous drug lords. A large number of criminals who fled the United States are hiding in the northern regions of Mexico. Mesik has twice the per capita murder rate of Russia and four times the rate of Ukraine. Weapons are used here not for intimidation, but for their intended purpose.

A tourist in Mexico has nothing to fear if he does not enter poor neighborhoods with slums and travels to the northern states of the country. It is better to check with your guide or tour operator for safe places. Local travel agencies They provide tours only on proven routes. It is not advisable to make independent forays.

25. Colombia

Colombia is a fabulous country with incredibly beautiful landscapes and cities. There are a lot of natural and architectural attractions concentrated here. But Colombia has a bad reputation due to rampant crime and drug trafficking.

Colombia has the highest number of murders and kidnappings in the world. For more than 40 years, the country experienced a civil war, where drug lords, among other things, defended their interests. After the end of the war, armed formations remained in the country, which could make themselves felt at any moment. In terms of high crime rates, the most dangerous departments in Colombia are: Putumayo, Magdalena Medio, Northern Santander, Vichada, Arauca, Vaupes, Antioquia and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) are still active in Colombia, and their units kidnap people, including tourists, and demand ransom for them. They use the money they receive to finance their activities.

Travel around Colombia should only be on government roads. There are a lot of pickpockets on public transport, from whom locals prudently hide their wallets and valuables. It is customary here to travel with bags and backpacks tightly pressed to the body in front.

Cases of cocaine overdose are not uncommon in Colombia. This is a country where drugs are produced in large quantities and are easy to obtain. But abuse leads to a large number of deaths.

26. Venezuela

Venezuela attracts tourists with incredibly beautiful nature and a large number of tropical islands and beaches. Here is the tallest and most impressive waterfall in the world - Angel Falls. The rich flora and fauna attracts active and curious travelers. Many have remained fascinated by the thousands of species of orchids that grow in the rainforests. But in addition to beautiful nature, dangers also await in Venezuela.

This country is involved in drug trafficking. The routes for transporting cocaine to the United States run through Venezuela. The capital of the country, Caracas, is a very dangerous city where a large number of murders occur. Most crimes are not solved. In addition to the capital, the territories on the border with Colombia are dangerous.

27. Brazil

Most famous city Brazil Rio de Janeiro with Capacabana beach, Jesus Christ statue and mountain Sugarloaf. In 2014, Rio de Janeiro became the key host city for the FIFA World Cup at the Maracanã Stadium. The Summer Olympic Games will be held here in 2016. Rio de Janeiro has always been the center of colorful festivals and the most important events in Brazil.

But a tourist in this city faces several dangers at once. Firstly, you should never try your luck by planning a trip to Fawele - a slum area. They will rob you here and can easily kill you. In Brazil, murders are committed four times more often than in the United States. There are frequent cases of robbery with violence. Secondly, during mass processions and festivals, in crowded places such as Capacabana beach, pickpockets become more active. Valuables should not be taken with you. Thirdly, riots often occur in Rio de Janeiro and other cities in Brazil. Large groups of aggressive people are dangerous for tourists.

In Brazil there is an extreme Snake Island. This is not only the name, but a reflection of the really high concentration of snakes on the island - there are 1-5 snakes per 1 m2. Most snakes are poisonous. The bite of a Spearhead snake causes instant tissue death and death. Officially, visiting the island is prohibited, but many extreme sports enthusiasts still try to get to it.

28. Honduras

In addition to beautiful nature and beaches, travelers are attracted to the territory of Honduras by the ruins of the Mayan civilization. But Honduras is a country with a very high crime rate. Criminals of all stripes operate here - from large drug lords who are trying to take control of drug traffic from Colombia to the United States, to robbers and pickpockets. Pickpocketing, bag snatching and even armed robbery are not uncommon in Honduras. You need to be especially careful at night (when it is better not to go out at all), as well as when interrupting in crowded places.

It is also not recommended to go it alone. The most dangerous areas of Honduras for tourists: the capital of the state of San Pedro Sula, the cities of Tela and Santa Rita de Colon (attraction El Rubi waterfall). Visiting the areas bordering Nicaragua and El Salvador is undesirable and unsafe.

Small settlements and villages are considered relatively safe in Honduras, where order is maintained by local self-defense forces. Self-defense forces, together with government agencies, are effectively fighting smugglers, poachers and “black loggers.”

29. Ivory Coast

The country of Cote D'Ivoire in Africa has large areas of dense equatorial jungle, here are located crystal clear lakes and great beaches. But we should not forget about the spread of various infections carried by insects. Cote D'Ivoire is very hot and stuffy almost all year round.

Hazards in Côte D'Ivoire also involve human factors. The crime rate remains high here and the drug business is developed. Since 2010, the country has been in a political crisis that has developed into a civil war.

30. Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is located on the same island as the state of Haiti. There is a developed tourism business here, which relies on natural attractions: waterfalls near the city of Jarabacoa, the Armando Bermudez nature reserve, the Padre Nuestro underwater cave system. IN Dominican Republic a lot of beautiful beaches and popular places for diving (Catalina and Saona islands).

But being in the Dominican Republic is not so safe. On the one hand, natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes often occur here. On the other hand, the Dominican Republic maintains a high crime rate, which is also associated with involvement in drug trafficking.

On city streets you should beware of pickpockets and robbers. They can attack either alone or in a group, with or without weapons. But the outcome of such a meeting is predetermined. The police very rarely solve cases of street theft. Of greatest interest, in addition to valuable equipment and gold jewelry, are citizens' passports, driver's licenses, and credit cards.

In addition to street robbers, you should be wary of large groups of angry people. In the Dominican Republic, there are frequent cases of pogroms and riots on the streets committed by local residents. Tourists are advised not to enter poor areas.

On Thursday, August 17, a van rammed a crowd of pedestrians on La Rambla in the heart of Barcelona. Soon, a similar attack occurred in another Spanish city - Cambrils. According to the latest data, as a result of the incident, 14 people died. More than 100 more (one Russian citizen) were injured. The Village found out how the incident affected tourists already in Spain and whether it is now dangerous to vacation there.

How residents and tourists reacted to the terrorist attacks

To find out what was happening in Catalonia when the attacks became known, we turned to tourists and local residents there.

Olga Lukinskaya

Wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Such a terrorist attack can hardly be prevented, but you should have seen how well all city services worked yesterday.

We approached the Rambla from the opposite end, at the Columbus Monument, about 10 minutes after the terrorist attack - and the Rambla was already evacuated, tied with ribbons and surrounded by police. I have never seen so many police cars in Barcelona before. A helicopter immediately appeared, there were many secret police cars - they look like unremarkable cars, but they drive with a siren.

All transport in Barcelona was free, including taxis. Hotels invited people who could not get home or to their hotel for free. My friends wrote on Facebook that they were ready to feed and put a couple of people to bed. We all felt and feel together, because this is a city where everyone loves and supports everyone.

Tatyana Simakova

editor-in-chief of The Village,

in Barcelona on vacation

We were on the beach when it all happened. Very quickly, all the people next to us grabbed their phones and started reading the news, but I can’t say that panic began. Many, especially locals, remained where they were. Perhaps because there was simply nowhere to go.

After the incident, several streets in the city were blocked and some metro stations did not work, but all transport and taxis could be used for free. True, this did not help us much, since it was impossible to get to the place we needed. I had to get there on foot.

What surprised me was that the police behaved very competently and separated the flow of people without any panic. The employees were very polite and collected - I have never seen such police officers.

What's happening in Spain now?

After the double terrorist attack, three days of mourning were declared in Spain. The terrorist organization “Islamic State,” banned in Russia, took responsibility for the incident. On this moment About 100 victims from 34 countries remain in hospitals, including 15 people in serious condition. The number +34932142124 works hotline. Security measures have been strengthened in the country, but this has had almost no effect on everyday life, including the lives of almost 100 thousand Russian vacationers.

Olga Lukinskaya

Wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Everyone is sad, but life goes on. Everything is operating as usual, except for some establishments right on the Rambla. In principle, this is a typical situation for August, when half of the restaurants and shops are closed for the holidays. The fences on the street itself have already been removed.

In the afternoon there was a minute of silence in Plaza Catalunya. Many people came, including the king and prime minister of Spain. Some stores have added black ribbon directly to their signs. Memorials with flowers, candles, and toys appeared.

From time to time on the street people applaud and shout “No tinc por!”, that is, “I’m not afraid!” The residents have a very strong sense of unity: everyone is ready to help, volunteers go to hospitals as translators.

I don’t think people will change their tickets and fly away.

Tatyana Simakova

editor-in-chief of The Village,

in Barcelona on vacation

Some shops were closed, but now everyone is back to work. I understand that locals went to Plaza Catalunya to express their solidarity. People have a lot of emotions: after a minute of silence, they began to clap their hands together.

As for special operations, they take place unnoticed by others. The police are present in crowded places, but I cannot say that the city is paralyzed.

Is it worth giving up travel?

Despite the increased level of danger, Spain was not officially closed to tourists. The Federal Tourism Agency only provides recommendations for those going on vacation: they are asked to leave travel companies your contact details in case emergency situations, observe personal safety measures, avoid crowded places and follow the instructions of the authorities.

Olga Lukinskaya

Wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Tourists, I think, can be recommended to spend the day in museums or go to the beach and have fun more moderately, respecting the mourning declared in the country. Also, do not be afraid to contact the police if you have any suspicions. They are nice and attentive.

The Association of Tour Operators of Russia emphasized that there is no talk of mass cancellation of tours. Market participants admit only a slight decrease in demand, which is also due to the end of the summer season.

Representatives from Aviasales told The Village that the number of searches for flights from Russia to Spain decreased yesterday by 3% compared to last Thursday and by 12% compared to the previous day. The number of bookings to Barcelona remained unchanged compared to last Thursday and fell by 14% compared to the previous day. At the same time, the number of tickets purchased on the website from Spain back to Russia increased by 13% compared to last Thursday and by 56% compared to the previous day.

Sravni.ru noted that Russians usually plan their vacation in advance - a month and a half in advance, so not many then change their plans in connection with events in the country.

OneTwoTrip confirmed that the situation with searching and booking hotels and tickets, as well as with exchanges and refunds, is within normal limits.

In our series of stories about independent travel in Turkey, we will tell you about beautiful beaches and attractions, popular routes and amazing seaside towns, unknown to the mass tourist. But we didn't just relax on Mediterranean coast: at the same time we found out whether the latest news is true, whether it is worth vacationing in this country and what the situation is like for tourists in Turkey today.

The situation in Turkey for tourists today: 4 main conclusions

At the very beginning of our endless story about Turkey, we decided to answer the main question of Russian tourists. And it sounds something like this: who is currently vacationing in Turkey - how is the situation today?

The answer is simple - The situation in Turkey for tourists today is excellent! And now more about what is happening now at the resorts of Turkey. I’m only talking about what I saw with my own eyes, and I can’t vouch for everything else.

1. There are few Russian tourists in Turkey

This is very noticeable. In none of the Antalya hotels , Alanya and other cities we did not meet a large number of compatriots. Do you want to know what is happening at Turkish resorts today? Nothing happens: elderly Europeans are quietly drinking by the pools and not rowdy, like the heroes of the program “Our Russia” :)

Of course, for obvious reasons, there are not as few Russian tourists in Turkey now as there were a couple of years ago. At that time, only independent travelers came here, not intimidated by propaganda, which daily inspired the people that the situation in Turkey for tourists was worse than ever. But 5-10 years ago there were significantly more Russians on the local beaches. Although it’s strange, because right now - best time for a holiday in Turkey! Read more in our articles:

To find out what the situation is like for tourists in Turkey today and what the attitude is towards Russians, I tried to pass myself off as a traveler from the Czech Republic. But despite the cap and T-shirt with the word “Prague” written on it, people shouted “Hello, friend!” to me on every corner. not at all in Czech.

Based on numerous reviews of our articles, we also see that people are very interested in vacationing in this country, including independent ones. And even official statistics say that hundreds of thousands of Russians go on vacation to Turkey.

But before, millions traveled. The reasons that led to this are well known to all of us. Television also played its role, which even now sometimes insists that the situation in Turkey today is not the most suitable for tourists. But the main thing is, of course, the consequences of the cancellation of charters and the ban on the sale of package tours to Turkey for Russian travel agencies. Now the ban has been lifted, but many are now afraid to contact travel agencies: what if they are again banned from selling tours and we will be left without a vacation? Of course, no one forbids tourists to fly regular flights and book their own hotels in Belek or Mahmutlar. But here, as lonely ugly girls write on social networks, “everything is complicated.”

And first of all because Russian tourist is not independent. It sounds a little harsh, but it is a fact that must be recognized. While the whole world is traveling independently, the average Russian tourist, intimidated by everyone, continues to be tormented by stupid questions: What if they won’t accommodate me? What if I get lost during a transfer at the big and scary airport in Istanbul (Berlin, Moscow)?

In general, many are afraid not even of the military or political situation in Turkey, but of the need to independently organize their travel. If this doesn’t scare you (or scares you, but not much), then these articles of ours will be very useful to you:

- a small “Russian” town in the province of Antalya. Rumors that the situation in Turkey today is unsuitable for tourists have scared off not only tourists, but also those who have real estate here.

2. There are only Jews around. And the Germans

A holy place is never empty: while the number of Russian tourists is falling, they are replaced by guests from other countries. In 1st place in terms of tourist flow to Antalya, as always, is Germany. The number of Ukrainian tourists increased by a third, Israeli – by 70%. And no matter who, the Israelis know a lot about security. If the situation in Turkey for tourists today was really as terrible as the Russian average person is led to believe, they wouldn’t even be there.

In general, one gets the impression that there are two Turkeys, two absolutely different countries. The first is terrible, filled exclusively with terrorists who dream of turning off the heads of Russian (for some reason, Russian!) tourists. The second is hot, bright, hospitable and at the same time inexpensive country, in which the Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and the Israelis who have joined them have a wonderful rest. The Russians were also among them recently.

And this is West Beach the city of Side, which the Germans have long chosen. Feel, as they say, the difference.

3. Attitudes towards Russians in Turkey have not changed

The attitude towards Russian tourists in Turkey today is the same as it was a year, two, and five years ago. It even seemed to us that Russians are more welcome here now than in previous years. After all, many Turks have friends in Russia, they read newspapers and know perfectly well in what terms we present the situation in Turkey to tourists today.

In general, the famous Turkish service has not gone away. Just like the no less famous Turkish obsession :)

4. There is no civil war in Turkey

“There is a civil war in southern Turkey and the situation in Turkey today is dangerous for tourists.” This phrase is constantly repeated to you by the head on TV. And the closer the summer season is, the worse the “latest news” is, the more terrible the situation in Turkey seems for tourists today and the wider the flow of happy Russians heading to the blessed and safe resorts Fatherland.

So, dear friends, there is no civil war in Turkey that would prevent tourists from vacationing in this country. People who say this either do not know what the situation is like in Turkish resorts for tourists today, or they are pursuing their own vile goals.

As part of education Russian tourist Due to conscious hatred of everything Turkish, Turkish citizens were prohibited from conducting almost any activity in Russia. Russian business in Turkey, as always, feels comfortable.

I don’t want to say that nothing ever happens in Turkey – unfortunately, it does. Now tell me: when was the last time you or someone you know was in Diyarbakir? And in Gaziantep? And in Sanliurfa? These cities are located near the border with Syria and, indeed, there are frequent clashes between the police and Kurdish militants and members of some organization banned in Russia. But the distance to tourist Antalya from these places is more than a thousand kilometers.

Another reader may say: so what, this is Turkey, which means that the situation in Turkey for tourists today is not the most favorable. Then I will remind you that Sochi and other safe resorts North Caucasus are located close to “hot spots”, where something bad is always happening. And let me shock you with the news: unlike Turkey, There has been a real civil war in Thailand for many years now. with constant, sometimes even weekly terrorist attacks, shootings and casualties. About 4,000 people have died in the conflict over the past ten years. This war is being waged by Islamic terrorists in the southern provinces of Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani (not to be confused with Pattaya). And these places are located 500 km from Phuket and Samui, beloved by Russians.

So, did any of the Russian tourists suffer in this war? No. Did she stop anyone from going to Thailand? Also no. It’s just that the Soviet media, to our great happiness, do not escalate the situation and do not scare the average person with “terrible Thailand.” Because Thailand, unlike Turkey, is considered a winter resort and it is not a competitor to You Know What. And, which claimed the lives of many tourists, occurred even before the explosions in Istanbul. At that time, our faithful servants had not yet had the brilliant idea of ​​stopping us from traveling to unordained countries under the guise of concern for our safety.

Citizens, where are you going?! There are terrorists there! Don't you watch Channel One?

This is the situation in Turkey for tourists today, seen with our own eyes. We will be glad to hear other reviews from tourists who are currently vacationing in Turkey! This is where we end our review articles and move on to the story of our journey through this beautiful country. Don't forget - it will be even more interesting!

If you are traveling to Antalya, Alanya, Kemer or Side, we can recommend a trusted travel agency, whose services we ourselves use when we come to Turkey. They have good programs, low prices and excellent guides. We have already recommended this company to friends and readers and everyone was satisfied. If interested, write to us on WhatsApp/Viber +79166440605, we will send you contact information. The guys will help you make a vacation plan, send you a price list and answer your questions.