Matveevka river. Train schedule New Year's river station

The current schedule of electric trains Novogodnaya - Rechnoy Vokzal includes 17 electric trains ( commuter trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, and evening stations. The fastest train (suburban) is recommended

Schedule suburban electric trains(trains) from the stations of St. Petersburg Today: Add to Favorites Schedule of suburban electric trains (trains) from the stations of St. Petersburg Welcome to the site with the summer schedule of 2005

When going on any trip or tour, summer holiday to hot countries or to ski resort, to relatives in the village or to friends in the capital, each of us will invariably need information about the schedule of electric trains and trains. A few more

Schedule of planes, trains, trains and

The current schedule of trains Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal includes 17 electric trains (commuter trains, diesels) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, and evening ones. The fastest train (suburban train) is recommended. Translate this page Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) in the direction. Current schedule electric trains Soyer Rechnoy Vokzal formed from 17

In a single help desk You can clarify not only the schedule commuter trains, but also find out prices for train tickets, availability of railway tickets, schedule

On the most densely populated Moscow-Kryukovo section (Zelenograd), 26 electric trains were canceled during the day, in addition, 8 electric trains will operate with a significant change in schedule (4 hours earlier than usual). As a result, in the Moscow section

The current schedule of trains Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal includes 19 electric trains (commuter trains, diesels) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, and evening ones. We recommend the fastest train (suburban train), which departs at 09:18 from Matveevka station and arrives at Rechnoy Vokzal station at 09:35. If you need to spend the longest possible time on the way, you should choose train number 6616 in the schedule with the message Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-Glavny, in this case the trip will take 0 hours 29 meters. Between the stations Matveevka and Rechnoy Vokzal this electric train passes 7 stops. Among them are Rechport (18.32), Novosibirsk-Yuzhny (18.57), on which it is possible to change trains to other directions. On this page you can always find out the schedule of electric trains Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal, including the seasonal one, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Matveevka Rechnoy Vokzal route, first read the schedule on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal train can be purchased at the ticket office of the nearest station.

Select a station

Train schedule Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal for today and tomorrow. You can find out the cost of a ticket for the Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal km train at the station ticket office or buy a ticket on the Russian Railways website Single tickets are issued no more than 10 days in advance - the departure date. On average the price for ticket 10, 20, 60, 90 trips - 10-15% less than a one-time trip. Return ticket by train is valid for 24 hours, not counting the day of sale, weekends and holidays(check at the box office).

Train Departure Arrival Where Where Stops Days
06:01:00 06:26:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Lozhok - Novosibirsk-main 06:39:00 07:05:00 Matveevka River Station daily
06:51:00 07:16:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 07:17:00 07:43:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 07:35:00 07:53:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Lozhok - Novosibirsk-main 07:52:00 08:11:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-main 08:12:00 08:39:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 08:42:00 09:00:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 09:18:00 09:35:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-main 09:48:00 10:14:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 10:18:00 10:36:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Iskitim - Novosibirsk-main 11:07:00 11:31:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-main 13:29:00 13:54:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-main 15:58:00 16:23:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Iskitim - Novosibirsk-main 17:18:00 17:42:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-main 18:31:00 19:00:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Barnaul - Cherepanovo - Novosibirsk-Glavny (agreed trains) 20:18:00 20:44:00 Matveevka River Station daily
Berdsk - Novosibirsk-main 20:54:00 21:12:00 Matveevka River Station on weekdays
Iskitim - Novosibirsk-main 22:16:00 22:41:00 Matveevka River Station daily

Train schedule Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal for today March 25, 2020. Departure times for trains in the morning, afternoon, evening may change due to problems on the routes. Children under 5 years old are entitled to free travel. Single commuter tickets for the Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal train are not refundable or exchangeable, with the exception of cases of an unplanned interruption in the movement of commuter trains for more than an hour. Subscriptions for the Matveevka - Rechnoy Vokzal train are sold:

  • season tickets“daily” for a period of 5, 10 days, 1, 3, 12 months;
  • “working day” subscription tickets for 1, 3 months;
  • “weekend” subscription tickets for 1 month;
  • season tickets for 10, 20 and 60 trips;