Mineral waters - things to do. Relaxation in mineral waters. Treatment at Mineralnye Vody

Holidays in Mineralnye Vody 2019

Mineralnye Vody is a famous town located in the Stavropol Territory. It owes its popularity not only to its long history, but also to several mineral springs and medicinal waters.

IN Mineralnye Vody There is absolutely everything so that you can truly relax and improve your health. In the vicinity of the city there are also mountains, among which the most famous is the magmatic Snake, at the foot of which there are two springs that have natural origin- the water in them is crystal clear, but very cold.

In this city, absolutely everything surprises, starting with very clean and well-groomed boulevards, incredibly clean air, a calm atmosphere, the smiles of many people you meet, low prices and so on. The most popular place in the city of Mineralnye Vody there is an embankment along the Kuma River. Here it is a large number of shops that have already become a favorite local residents, and tourists from different corners Russia. Tourists from abroad very rarely come here, but if they do, they come from Asia. The city also has several fountains that were erected in honor of the city's fiftieth anniversary and centenary. Like other cities, there are a lot of monuments here and there is even an Eternal Flame.

This year the weather again tests the strength of Stavropol residents. Sometimes it rains heavily, sometimes the heat is merciless. One of the ways to escape the stuffiness is to get out of offices or apartments in the evening or on weekends into nature, closer to a lake or river. This year, all equipped city reservoirs are completely sold out. Komsomolskaya Pravda found out on which lakes in the Kavminvody you can relax by the water, and also asked the rescuers for advice on how to spend your free time so that only pleasant memories remain.


An artificial reservoir that is fed by water from the Podkumok River. Was created in 1963. Water surface - 24 hectares. The depth in some places reaches 6 meters. The lake is decorated with an artificial island with green vegetation. Last year the reservoir had to be closed because it was unsafe to swim in. This year the lake was prepared for the swimming season according to all the rules. Highlighted beach area, there are changing rooms, lifeguards are on duty. Nearby there is an entertaining children's playground (the cost of attractions is from 50 rubles).

How to get there: located on Ozernaya Street in the White Coal area, from the railway station there are minibuses No. 2, 11, 16.


The man-made lake is filled with running water from the Podkumok River, which passes through a system of sedimentation tanks. This year the reservoir was thoroughly prepared for the swimming season. Experts checked the water Rospotrebnadzor. The beach area was treated for ticks. Buoys were installed. There are two rescue posts on the lake. There are drinking fountains, a first aid station and a police station, and quite a few locker rooms. A Cossack patrol monitors the peace of vacationers. This year, cars were banned from entering the area.

There is a free playground with slides, a children's beach, as well as paid trampolines and cars (depending on the time, they will cost from 50 to 150 rubles.) Adults can ride catamarans and banana boats, paying from 150 to 300 rubles per hour. However, during peak hours you will have to queue for them. There is a beach stadium on the shore of the lake where you can play volleyball. There are many kebab shops and cafes near the reservoir, but their prices are steep, so it’s better to bring your own drink and food.

How to get there: from the Pyatigorsk railway station by trams No. 2, 3, 5, 6 to the Volna stop.


Open since June 1st. The bottom of the lake was treated. The reservoir is constantly fed with running water using pumps. In the area around the lake there are benches, lawns, changing rooms, a fountain with drinking water. Rescuers are working. There is a free children's playground.

How to get there: the lake is located at the exit from the city towards Novopavlovsk. From the center of Georgievsk you can get there by bus or minibus number 10.


It appeared in the resort town in 1954 thanks to local residents who dug a pit on the outskirts, which was then filled with water. The beautiful round lake is surrounded by trees, under the shade of which you can hide on a hot day. Everything around the reservoir is very beautifully arranged - there are sculptures and cafes. True, swimming in the lake is now prohibited, as it is not safe due to the cold underground waters and the great depth near the shore. Here you can only sunbathe. There is a rescue post on the lake.

How to get there: walk to the Resort Park, and then go down the cascade stairs, or from the 30 Let Pobeda sanatorium.


The water surface of this lake extends over 17 hectares. It is fed by healing waters from the Catherine Spring, which is why it is called salty. It is believed that by swimming in a pond, you can restore strength and improve your health. Only daytime recreation is provided on the lake. In addition to swimming, there is paid fishing here. For 450 rubles a day you can catch, for example, grass carp or crucian carp. You can also accommodate the whole group in the gazebo. It will cost 1000 rubles per day.

Mineralnye Vody is one of the most popular destinations in Russia, which is consistently included in the TOP 10 most visited domestic resorts (according to Biletix). However, if you have never been here before, the decision to go to Min. Water may not be so obvious to you: there is no sea, high mountains too, so what to do then? Throughout August I lived in the Pyatigorsk area as part of my trip around the world and I think I'm ready to convince you to come here on your next vacation.

Why go to Mineralnye Vody?

Mineralnye Vody is a resort region. The main resorts are Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk. You can end up here for several reasons: you were sent here by a doctor “to get started”, you were given a ticket here by the state corporation’s trade union, and the third option is that you decided to come here yourself.

In the first case, you are coming here on the recommendation of a doctor, and, most likely, a gastroenterologist. Since the end of the 19th century, the resorts of Mineralnye Vody (namely Kislovodsk) have been a favorite destination for the nobility, who, having loaded their carriage convoys with suitcases, servants and all their household belongings, went here “to the waters” to improve their health. And there are more than enough “waters”, mineral springs with a wide variety of chemical compositions and spectrum of effects on the body. These include all kinds of Narzans in Kislovodsk, “Essentuki” in Essentuki, water with a hydrogen sulfide taste in Pyatigorsk and water with a high iron content in Zheleznovodsk.

You can drink mineral water in special galleries scattered throughout the cities of Min. Water, absolutely free and in any quantity. But I want to warn you right away and give advice - if your doctor has not prescribed specific water for you, do not overuse it, as the effect may be the opposite and you can only upset the functioning of the digestive system.

By the second half of the same century, Kislovodsk in its “resort” capabilities was in no way inferior to the European balneological resorts - Baden-Baden or Karlovy Vary. The greatest Russian poets, in particular Lermontov, began to glorify the Caucasus in their poems.

The Russian aristocracy has long been gone, but in resort towns Mineralnye Vody has entire historical quarters that have preserved the spirit of that time. And this is another reason to go here.

Where to stay?

I will try to describe the pros and cons of each city.


The main and undeniable plus is the huge magnificent park. In my opinion this is best park in Russia. Dozens of kilometers of trails, narzan galleries, healing air, beauty all around and Elbrus on the horizon as a bonus. You can safely budget 3-4 days for one park. You can safely fly here on the weekend to “reset.” The city has a beautiful historical part, reflecting the tastes of high society of the century before last. The downside of Kislovodsk is that it is the most expensive resort in the region. Something like central Sochi.


This city is livelier and noisier: besides the resort itself, there is a life of its own here. In the vicinity of Pyatigorsk there are huge opportunities for mountain trekking and mountain biking due to its proximity to the Mashuk and Beshtau mountains (1500+ meters). Nearby there is a parade on Mount Yutsa. There are galleries with specific hydrogen sulfide mineral waters scattered throughout the city, there is an amazingly cool market, and historical Center very beautiful. Cons: the city is noisier and, as the spoiled locals say, “the climate is worse,” since the city is located “in the fields” and not in a ravine, like Kislovodsk.


A very small, quiet resort town for introverts. Nearby, the Zmeyka, Beshtau, Zheleznaya and Razvalka mountains are buried in forests. Enough for a week of trekking, walking and cycling. Minus - Zheleznovodsk is a little out of the way from other resorts, so it takes longer to travel around the region from here, but if you have a car, it’s quite convenient.


In my opinion, despite the brand name, Essentuki is the worst choice for a holiday in the region. The only plus is the Essentuki mineral water. There are no mountains in Essentuki, there is no feeling of the Caucasus and absolutely small park for a couple of hours maximum.

Mineral water

This is generally an industrial city, and if you stay in it, consider your vacation lost.


The big plus of the region as a whole is its rich excursion program in the North Caucasus. From here it is convenient to travel to Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ossetia and Adygea, Chechnya and Dagestan, Elbrus and Dombay. And all these places - numerous gorges, canyons, peaks and mountains - can be explored for the rest of your life, and even then there will not be enough time.

Personally, I recommend going to national republics North Caucasus With individual guides, not on excursion buses: guides will show you the Caucasus, and buses will take you to the markets. Caucasian markets are, of course, colorful, but the Caucasus is even better.

In a specially protected resort region Russia (Caucasian Mineral Waters), which is located in the Stavropol region, there is small town- Mineral water. Name settlement contains comprehensive information, although there are no sources of healing waters in the city itself.

But this place attracts tourists with its dry, warm climate, a large number of sunny days, which made it possible to have a complex of medical institutions and many hotels here. The attractions here are not those for which it would be especially worth coming. But still in Mineralnye Vody there is something to see between medical procedures and rest.

And since Mineralnye Vody is a large transport node with an airport and a railway station, from here you can take exciting excursions around.


Attractions marked on the city map:

This elevation resulted from volcanic activity. It is located near the city and is a protected natural monument. If you translate its name from the Turkic language - Zhlak-tau - you get: “snake mountain”. There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  • The mountain, covered with rich vegetation, was the refuge of snakes;
  • The mountain slopes are dotted with ravines, narrow and winding, which look like the bodies of snakes.

The height of this natural monument 994 meters. Archaeologists studying the mountain discovered a structure made of stone, inside which ancient shards were found. Near the Snake there are ruins considered to be the remains of an ancient altar.

Also near the city is Mount Sheludivaya volcanic origin. It is slightly lower than Zmeyka (874 meters), and its slopes are covered with screes, which became the reason for the name. On one of the slopes of the mountain there are garden plots of local residents.

Temples and cathedrals

Address: st. Pyatigorskaya, 35
Telephone: +7 87922 524 16
Operating mode: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.

This temple is considered the main attraction of both Mineralnye Vody and the entire Stavropol region. Construction began in 1992, and construction lasted 5 years. The development was planned by the architect M.K. Mikhailovich.

The cathedral represents architectural complex, including:

  • The church building itself;
  • Belfry with eight bells;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Administrative building.

The cathedral became the main shrine of the city. The interior decoration is very beautiful. The walls are painted in a single composition, and the iconostasis has several tiers.

Address: st. Svobody, 94
Telephone: +7 87922 575 05
Operating mode: every day from 7:00 to 19:00.

Construction of this structure began in 1950, but the church received its current name only 47 years later. Its architecture is simple, and in addition to the main building there is also a bell tower. Everything is surrounded by red brick walls.

The interior decoration is modest. The walls are decorated with a few paintings and faces of saints.

Historical buildings, monuments, museums

Address: st. Lenina, 42a

Located within the city limits Train Station, which is architectural monument, made in Baroque style. The monumental structure, surrounded by columns, was erected in 1955.

Inside the huge premises of the station there can be at least one and a half thousand people at the same time. This station is operational, although its reconstruction is planned.

Sculpture "Eagle"

Address: st. Lenina, 42a (near the city station)

There are eagle sculptures in every resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters (KMV). The proud bird tightly grips the snake in its steel claws. The eagle is a symbol of health, and the snake represents illness. Here on CMV resorts, this is what happens - health conquers illness.

The silhouette of the bird is cast from bronze, and the pedestal on which it stands is carved from stone.

Museum of Local Lore

Address: st. Proletarskaya, 137
Telephone: +7 87922 614 00, +7 87922 612 31
Operating mode: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 17:00, break: 13:00 – 14:00.

In 1999 it appeared on the basis of the city museum. There are several departments on specific topics:

  • paleontology;
  • archeology;
  • city ​​`s history;
  • history of the events of the Great Patriotic War;
  • collection dedicated to the writer A.P. Bibik.

House of the writer Bibik

The museum is located in an adobe house where the writer lived the last 20 years of his life. Here he worked on his book “Towards the Broad Road”.

The collection of the museum, opened in 1990, contains the writer’s personal belongings, his drafts, and old books. The interior of the premises remained the same as Bibik remembered it.

Address: st. Knyshevskogo, 9, Aircraft factory No. 411 GA
Telephone:+7 87922 566 33, +7 87922 637 66 – plant administration
Pre-arrangement is required before visiting.

This museum is located on the territory of a local aircraft repair plant. Here under open air you can see famous airplanes and helicopters: Mi-1, Mi-8, Yak-40, Li-2.

It cannot be said that all the exhibits are perfectly preserved, because even here weather not always favorable. But you can get acquainted with photographs depicting the first flights, and also look at some interesting historical documents.

This plant is located at the very foot of the picturesque Zmeyka Mountain. In the 80s of the 19th century, Count S. A. Stroganov brought horses of Arabian blood to Russia. From that moment the construction of the plant began, the place for which was chosen by the count himself, taking as a basis the similarity climatic conditions former habitat of horses.

The revolutionary October whirlwinds thoroughly ruined the enterprise, which was restored only in 1921. The stud farm was named “Tersky” in honor of the Cossack regiment. And since 1970, the plant's pets have been sold at international auctions.

Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory"

Address: Square 30 years of Victory

The memorial was opened in 1976. It is dedicated to the residents of Mineralnye Vody who gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War. The complex is represented by a composition of columns and bas-reliefs made of stone.

The monument itself is made in the form of pylons, at the base of which there is a marble bowl. In its middle there is a star, from which comes fire, lit from a torch brought from the Volgograd memorial.

The memorial complex is surrounded by a park with alleys framed by bas-reliefs of Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the city.

Not far from the city, near the river. Dzhemukha, there is a monument dedicated to the tank crews who died during the war. This is a stone pedestal on which the T-34 tank flaunts. The names of the heroes are carved on a tablet mounted on a pedestal. The creation of the monument dates back to 1965.


Shopping and entertainment center "Vershina"

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 28
Telephone: +7 87922 603 37

The shopping center building was built in the shape of an aircraft, which is a symbol of the city. The original design of the building makes it the only one of its kind. It houses numerous shops and an entertainment area. The complex is equipped with ample parking.

Restaurant "Holburg"

Address: st. Lenina, 16
Telephone: +7 87922 644 47

The "ancient castle", of course, is not real - it is a very good stylization, built specifically for a restaurant. But the owners took great care in recreating the medieval atmosphere: tapestries. turrets, massive tables made of dark wood, authentic menu. An evening spent in the throne room will remain in the memory for a long time.

The Pyatigorsk resort was born and grew thanks to mineral springs, which since ancient times have flowed from the depths at the foot of the local mountains. On ancient coats of arms, Soviet emblems and the modern coat of arms of Pyatigorsk mineral springs reflected. However, this does not mean that there is a great abundance of reservoirs in the city.

The only permitted swimming place in Pyatigorsk is Lake Novopyatigorsk. It is correct to call this lake a pond, since it was created by man. In the second half of the 20th century in the floodplain of the river. A large dam was built in Podkumok. In 1965, water began to flow into the bowl of the future lake through a system of locks and a canal.

Now Novopyatigorsk Lake is the largest artificial reservoir of the Kavminvod. We do not take into account Tambukan Lake, whose area exceeds Novopyatigorsk, but is located on the border Stavropol Territory and CBD and is not intended for swimming. Another active lake (pond) is located in the resort park of Zheleznovodsk. A small lake is located on the southwestern outskirts of Essentuki. Several years ago it was reconstructed and put back into operation. In Kislovodsk, both lakes were drained in post-perestroika times. About ten years ago, the city of Lermontov lost its small lake on the western slope of Sheludiva.

Due to the shortage of reservoirs in the region, residents from all over the region flock to Lake Novopyatigorsk. The lake is conveniently located close to bus stops public transport. A seven-minute walk from the lake is the tram stop “ul. Cooperative" (popularly called "Wave" or simply "Lake"). A ten minute walk away is railroad station"Novopyatigorsk". There are stops very close to the lake minibus taxis №3.

There are several car accesses to the lake. The main one is located in continuation of the street. Cooperative, which approaches the lake from the north. There are several access points to the western part of the lake. There is a small unequipped, unguarded parking lot on Kooperativnaya Street. Access to the dam and to the lake itself is closed. However, craftsmen find ways through holes and ravines to reach the edge of the lake.

IN summer time There is a first aid post and a police post on the lake. They are located next to each other at the northern edge of the pond. A rescue service is located in the western part of the lake. Except summer season They also work in winter, catching ice walkers. At the western edge of the lake there are several summer cafes with tables under umbrellas and sports grounds. In particular, beach volleyball competitions are held here every year.

Some characteristics of Novopyatigorsk Lake:

  • length – 1200 m
  • width – about 600 m
  • nature of the shore - swimming is allowed in the right half northern shore and on the western shore of the lake. Here the coast is sandy and rocky, the bottom drops gradually. The left side of the northern shore is bordered by various retaining walls and concrete structures, which is why swimming is prohibited there. Eastern Bank The lake is a high dam that slopes into the depths. The bottom is covered with huge slabs. Swimming is also prohibited here. There is a danger of bumping into reinforcement or meeting snakes that hide in the cracks between the slabs and like to bask on concrete in shallow water. South part the shores of the lake are not suitable for swimming, the coastal part is overgrown with reeds, but there are small exits; People often come here to relax with their families by the water.
  • depth - we do not have exact data on the depth of the lake, but it is unlikely to exceed 4-5 meters. The bottom is cleaned periodically, but not very often, so you can stumble upon broken glass and other debris.
  • infrastructure - lifeguard station, first aid post and police post (in summer), toilets (very bad), locker rooms (outdoor), cafes, sports grounds, the northern part of the coast has an asphalt road.

Photo [in development]

How to get there [in development]

There are two other lakes in Pyatigorsk that need to be talked about. In the park of culture and recreation (formerly “named after Kirov”, and originally the State Garden) there is a small pond. It is located in the southwestern part of the park. It is fed by springs and streams that come out nearby. There was a small pond on this site even before 1917. Soviet time the pond was expanded. At one time it was the only body of water for swimming. There was a boat station here, and in winter it opened ice rink. Swimming is currently prohibited on the lake. The shores are not equipped for recreation. The narrow and steep banks, as well as the crowds of random passers-by and people walking around the shore, are not conducive to this.

Perhaps the only real lake in Pyatigorsk is a unique natural monument - Lake Proval. It is located in the bowels of the city of Mashuk, on its southern slope at the end of the resort boulevard. In the old days they swam in the lake. Before the construction of the tunnel, those who wished were lowered from above to the lake in baskets. In 1858, a tunnel was made from the south. During the Soviet years, swimming in Proval was prohibited. However, even now there are desperate people who rappel down to the lake and take night baths.

This concludes the list of lakes in Pyatigorsk. Some people prefer to relax by the Podkumok River. Humanity, shackled in concrete and asphalt, is drawn to nature, even if this nature is polluted and dangerous to health and life.