The girl survived the plane crash. Seven miraculous rescues in plane crashes. “The plane collision was facilitated by...”

Aircraft accidents appeared along with aeronautics, but only by the 40s of the 20th century these cases began to be recorded. The rating included people who survived plane crashes. 10 cases were considered when out of all the passengers only one person survived.

10.Julianne Diller Koepke(December 24, 1971) - the only survivor of the plane crash, a seventeen-year-old girl . On that terrible night, she was on board a Peruvian airline with her parents. A thunderstorm began and the plane was struck by lightning. The aircraft began to fall apart at an altitude of 3,200 meters and fell into the tropical forest. The piece on which Julianne's chair was mounted fell off while still in the air. He flew down through the raging elements and rotated at breakneck speed in a circle. The fragment, along with Julianne, landed on the treetops, which saved the girl. She had a broken collarbone and numerous wounds. The survivor found the strength to get up and go look for help. Having stumbled upon a stream in the jungle, she went down its course. On the tenth day, Julianne came out to the settlement. The story of the heroic girl formed the basis of several feature films.

9.Vesna Vulovich(January 26, 1972) - a twenty-two-year-old flight attendant who survived a plane crash and was included in the Guinness Book of Records for falling from a height of 10 kilometers without a parachute. At the moment when the airliner was flying over Czechoslovakia at an altitude of 10,160 meters, an explosion occurred on the ship. By the will of fate, the Yugoslav stewardess ended up on board that day - she was replacing her colleague. The branches of the trees on which the girl fell softened the blow. Vulovich did not come to her senses for almost a month and lay in a hospital bed for a year and a half. Despite this, the forced record holder was able to return to normal life and continued working in aviation, but only in ground service.

8.Larisa Savitskaya - twenty-year-old girl who survived a plane crash (August 24, 1981). Together with her husband, a young woman was returning home from honeymoon. Over the city of Zavitinsk at an altitude of 5220 meters, a bomber crashed into their AN-24 plane. All the people on the two planes (37 people) were killed. The girl was in the tail section of the broken AN-24. From a height of five thousand, Larisa fell on a large piece of debris. The fall lasted 8 minutes. A piece of the airliner, along with the victim, fell onto birch plantations, which softened the force of the impact. Plane crash survivor Larisa spent two nights alone in the forest. Despite a concussion, numerous abrasions and injuries, she was able to move independently. Graves were prepared for all passengers, including Larisa. The search engines were taken aback to see her alive. The woman was included in the Guinness Book of Records twice: as the only person to survive a plane crash and as a passenger who received a minimum compensation of 75 rubles.

7.George Lamson ( January 21, 1985) - the only survivor of a plane crash that occurred in the US state of Nevada. A seventeen-year-old boy was returning with his father on a Lockheed L-188 Electra plane with ski resort. Suddenly, the aircraft tilted heavily to one side and began to fall. George pulled his knees to his chest the moment the plane hit the ground. He and his seat were blown out of the fuselage moments before the explosion. It was this factor that saved the young man’s life. The cause of the tragedy, in which 70 people died, was a pilot error in assessing the situation, as a result of which the Lockheed L-188 Electra lost speed and fell.

6.Cecilia Sichan(August 16, 1989) was a four-year-old girl who survived a plane crash in Detroit that killed 154 people. The plane never managed to gain altitude. While still on takeoff, he caught the lighting tower with his wing, causing it to fall off and catch fire. The airliner veered to the right, and with its second wing it pierced the roof of the building. The aircraft simply fell apart into pieces, which were scattered over almost a kilometer area. Cecilia was found under the rubble by a firefighter. After numerous fractures and burns, the girl was able to recover. Cecilia's parents became victims of the same tragedy. Now the girl is not afraid to fly, believing that “a projectile does not hit the same place twice.”

5. Nine year old Erica Delgado ( January 11, 1995) was on the list of people who were the only survivors of plane crashes thanks to her mother. She and her family were on board a flight from Bogota to Cartagena (Colombia). The cause of the terrible disaster was a malfunction of the ship's instruments, which crashed to the ground during landing. At the moment of the fall, the mother pushed the child out of the collapsing airliner, and the girl fell into a lake overgrown with algae. A local farmer saved her after hearing cries for help. Erica escaped with a broken arm, the remaining passengers and crew members (52 people) died.

4.Youssef Jillali(March 6, 2003) - the only survivor of a plane crash that occurred in the city of Tamanrasset (Algeria). The Boeing 737-200 crashed during takeoff due to engine failure. While in the airspace due to an engine fire, the ship began to rapidly lose speed. The Boeing crashed in a rocky area not far from the airfield and broke into pieces. Of the 104 crew members, only twenty-eight-year-old soldier Jillali managed to escape. The victim suffered numerous fractures and was in a coma. But a day later the young man came to his senses, and his life was not in danger.

3. On Sunday morning (August 27, 2006), a fire broke out on board a Lexington-Atlanta flight in Kentucky. The car crashed a kilometer from the airport. All passengers and crew members (49 people) were killed. The fire was so intense that it was impossible to identify the bodies. Only the second forty-four-year-old pilot James Polehink managed to escape. Firefighters pulled him out of the cabin burning. The cause of the disaster was the use of a shorter runway by the pilots. As a result of this, the aircraft rammed an iron fence and crashed into a tree, collapsed and caught fire.

2. Thirteen years old Bahia Bakari- the only surviving passenger on the Paris-Comoros flight (June 30, 2009). A few minutes before landing, the aircraft began to fall rapidly and crashed into the waters. Indian Ocean. The girl cannot describe the circumstances of what happened because she was sleeping. Presumably, she was thrown through the porthole. Bahia waited 14 hours for rescuers to help, drifting in the open ocean on an unsunk wreck of the liner. So she turned out to be the only survivor of 153 people.

1. Flight engineer Alexander Sizov - survivor of a plane crash that occurred on September 7, 2011 near Yaroslavl. On that fateful day, the Yak-42 aircraft was supposed to deliver Lokomotiv hockey players to a match in the city of Minsk. Having skipped all runway, the plane began to rise from the ground, falling sharply onto the left wing. After this, the car collapsed, breaking into pieces that were thrown several hundred meters in the area. Alexander only came to his senses when he found himself in a river burning with kerosene. Despite numerous fractures and subsequent operations, the fifty-two-year-old passenger managed to survive. The cause of the tragedy that occurred on board the Yak-42 was a crew error during takeoff of the aircraft.

Born January 11, 1961 Larisa Savitskaya, a passenger who survived a plane crash and a fall from a height of more than 5,000 meters

Private bussiness

Larisa Vladimirovna Savitskaya (55 years old) born in Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region. At the age of 20, Larisa and her husband Vladimir returned to hometown from a honeymoon trip to the sea.

They were flying flight 811 on an An-24RV from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk.

On August 24, 1981, the An-24 plane on which the Savitsky spouses were flying collided with a Tu-16 military bomber at an altitude of 5220 m. The cause of the disaster was poor coordination between military and civilian controllers. The An-24 crew did not report evading the main route, and the Tu-16 crew reported that they had reached an altitude of 5100 m 2 minutes before this actually happened.

The bomber destroyed the airliner's wing and upper part of the fuselage, and its own fuselage was cut through the cockpit area with its propellers. After the collision, the crews of both aircraft were killed. Both planes fell into the taiga and caught fire. At the same time, the remaining part passenger plane During the fall it broke several times. The debris was scattered over an area of ​​5 × 1.5 kilometers.

At the time of the disaster, Larisa Savitskaya was sleeping in a chair in the rear of the plane. I woke up from a strong shock and searing cold - after the plane depressurized, the temperature in it instantly dropped from +25 °C to −30 °C.

After another break in the fuselage, which occurred right in front of her seat, Larisa was thrown into the aisle. She lost consciousness. When I woke up, I realized that I was no longer sitting in the chair, but was lying in the aisle between the chairs. And there is emptiness ahead.

Their row was the first on the edge of the rift. “It dawned on me that we were falling, and I still had time to think that if I fall sideways like this, it will be very painful, that I need to group myself ...,” Savitskaya later said. She managed to crawl to the next row, climbed into the chair, pressed herself into it, clutching the armrests and resting her feet on the floor.

“Then, like a green explosion, the larches caught my eye. In our taiga the larches are tall and tough. If you fell on them, there would be only wood chips left. But here again I was lucky...” Her part of the plane aimed at a birch grove, which softened the blow.

Savitskaya was unconscious for several hours. When I woke up, I saw in front of me a chair with the body of my dead husband. “Volodya sat with his hands on his knees and looked at me with a fixed gaze.” The rain that had been pouring all this time had already washed the blood from his face.

Larisa received a number of serious injuries, but despite this she was able to move independently. When she was able to get up, she took off the white cape from the chair and covered her husband’s face.

While waiting for rescuers, Savitskaya built herself a temporary shelter from the wreckage of the plane. I kept warm with seat covers, and protected myself from mosquitoes by covering myself with a plastic bag. I drank water from puddles - it rained all these days.

Larisa, as well as the bodies of her husband and two other passengers who died in that compartment, were found only two days later - the last of all the victims of the disaster. During this time, her relatives had already managed to order a coffin for her and even dug a grave.

Savitskaya was the only survivor of the 38 people on board the An-24.

She was taken by helicopter to the nearest town of Zavitinsk, where the military airfield to which the dead bomber was assigned was based, and was admitted to the hospital. However, after just a day, he was discharged and sent home.

Savitskaya traveled to Blagoveshchensk, three hundred kilometers from Zavitinsk, in the back seat of a Zhiguli along taiga roads.

At the Blagoveshchensk hospital, doctors diagnosed her with a concussion, spinal injuries in five places, and broken arms and ribs. She also lost almost all her teeth. The consequences of these injuries affect Larisa Savitskaya’s entire subsequent life.

For a year after the disaster, she lay flat at home, “it was difficult to eat a bowl of soup.”

Then she began to try to return to normal life. She graduated from college with a diploma in biology and went to school as a teacher. However, she was able to stay at school for less than a year and then she was already looking for an easier job - as a laboratory assistant, an insurance agent.

In 1985, Savitskaya gave birth to a son, Gosha, without a husband. And two months after giving birth, her mother died in a car accident.

Larisa lived with her child on a single mother's allowance, which amounted to 32 rubles. She reprinted texts and sold books. After perestroika, she organized a company selling shoes. Then she worked at the Borjomi representative office until she became paralyzed due to the consequences of a traumatic brain injury.

However, Savitskaya was able to recover from paralysis. Now he works as an office manager in a real estate company.

What is she famous for?

An-24 passenger Larisa Savitskaya survived the plane crash and fall from a height of 5220 meters. She is listed in the Russian edition of the Guinness Book of Records as a person who survived a fall from a maximum height.

What you need to know

Larisa Savitskaya

Despite numerous injuries, Larisa Savitskaya did not receive a disability: according to Soviet standards, individually her injuries did not affect the group, and collectively they did not fall under any classification.

Svitskaya received only 75 rubles as compensation for physical damage. According to Gosstrakh standards in the USSR, 300 rubles were required. compensation for damages for the dead and 75 rubles. - for survivors of plane crashes.

In the Russian edition of the Guinness Book of Records, Savitskaya's story is mentioned twice. The first time on page 129 as a record of falls from a height without a parachute, and the second - in the chapter “Man and Society” as a person who received the smallest compensation, disproportionate to the damage caused to health (a concussion, two compression fractures of the spine, a broken rib, fracture of the wrist, numerous bruises and ruptures of muscle tissue).

Direct speech:

About the disaster:“Roar, screams, my face burned with cold... Then I found out that our plane’s roof was immediately blown off and its wings were cut off, which is the only reason we didn’t explode - because there was gasoline in the wings. No, I didn't see the sky. It was foggy, like in a bathhouse. I didn't have time to get scared. Maybe because everything went like a continuation of a dream. I looked at Volodya - blood was gushing down his face. The next moment the plane broke apart...”

About salvation: “When the rescuers found me, they couldn’t say anything except “moo-moo.” I understand them. Three days of removing pieces of bodies from trees, and then suddenly seeing a living person. Yes, and I still had the same view. I was all the color of prunes with a silver tint - the paint from the fuselage turned out to be extremely sticky, my mother spent a month picking it out. And the wind turned my hair into a big piece of glass wool.”

Rescue helicopter pilot talking about the disaster: “I don’t understand, I can’t wrap my head around it... A head-on collision of planes. How can you survive here? And falling from a five-verst height! Can you imagine: a wall of dense taiga, hills sticking out, and this fragment lands exactly on a swampy clearing about thirty meters in diameter? From above it looked like a circle neatly drawn with a compass. Then I flew specifically to that place again - not a single twig there was broken. It’s even scary: it’s as if some hand took her out of the catastrophe and carefully planted her...”

3 facts about Larisa Savitskaya

  • The fragment of the plane in which Savitskaya ended up was 3 meters wide and 4 meters long. His fall-gliding lasted a long 8 minutes.
  • Both the circumstances and the very fact of the An-24 plane crash in the USSR were not advertised. There were no reports about them in the press. The first publication about Savitskaya appeared only in 1985 - in Soviet Sport, but the article stated that the girl fell from a height of five kilometers during testing of an aircraft of an original design. “Apparently, they really wanted to write about it, but they couldn’t mention the plane crash. Then they came up with the idea that I, a sort of Ikarushka, flew on a homemade aircraft and fell from five kilometers, but survived, because a Soviet man can do anything,” says Savitskaya.
  • Larisa Savitskaya believes that the film “Miracles Still Happen” helped her survive the plane crash: “Fate would have it that Volodya and I watched an American film a year before. There, the plane crashes into the jungle, and only one girl is saved, tightly clutching the armrests of her chair.”

Materials about Larisa Savitskaya:

Flight attendant Vesna Vulović became famous throughout the world in the early seventies. In 1972, an event occurred after which her life completely changed. Vulovich’s name was included in the Guinness Book of Records, she met with political and public figures, met the idol of her youth, Paul McCartney, and other world-famous stars. What happened in the early seventies? What event made an ordinary flight attendant famous?

Plane crash

A terrible accident occurred on January 26, 1972. The McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 airliner was flying from Stockholm to Belgrade. At an altitude of more than ten thousand meters the liner exploded. Its debris fell on the Czechoslovakian city of Ceska Kamenice. All passengers and crew members were killed, with the exception of flight attendant Vesna Vulović.

On this day, all the world's media reported about the explosion of the plane. The cause of the tragedy that occurred over a small Czechoslovakian town was a bomb that was hidden on board an airliner by terrorists from Croatia. The chances of surviving such accidents are negligible. Reports of disasters in the sky usually end with the tragic phrase: “Everyone on board died.” But this time, news appeared in the media that shocked the world: Yugoslav Airlines flight attendant Vesna Vulović managed to survive. However, this case cannot be called absolutely unprecedented in

So, more than forty years ago, a sensation spread around the world - twenty-two-year-old flight attendant Vesna Vulovich remained alive after falling from a height of ten thousand meters. What saved her life? The planting was softened by the snow-covered tree crowns. However, the heroine of this amazing story herself could not tell about her flight. Stewardess Vesna Vulovich, who survived the terrible accident, remembered that terrible day vaguely. She came to her senses only two months later. What is known from the biography of the flight attendant?

Stewardess Vesna Vulovich

She became a flight attendant by accident. Vesna was born in Yugoslavia in 1950. She graduated from high school and entered university. Like many other young people of the sixties, the girl was a fan of the Beatles group, and therefore dreamed of mastering English language in excellence. In 1968, she could not imagine that she would ever meet Paul McCartney himself.

Vesna chose the English department for herself and began to study the language in which famous vocalists sang. After the first year of study, our heroine went for an internship in England. When she returned home, something happened that radically changed her whole life.

The girl met her school friend. By that time he had flown on airliners of a large Yugoslav company. A childhood friend advised Vesna to enroll in a flight attendant course. Working on international airlines gave me the opportunity to regularly visit the beautiful, foggy city of London. In addition, the salary of a flight attendant was several times higher than the income of an English teacher.

First flight

Vesna successfully completed her courses. In 1971, the girl took to the skies for the first time. When the tragedy occurred, which became the main event in her life, she was still a university student. She did not have a permanent job.

The last hours before the disaster

On that day, the crew in which Vesna interned arrived in Copenhagen. In the Danish capital, he replaced the pilots of the plane that flew in from Stockholm. Subsequently, Vesna Vulovich - the flight attendant who killed all her colleagues - recalled that the crew members, more experienced people, seemed to have a presentiment of something. They constantly talked about their families, went shopping a lot, and bought souvenirs for relatives.

Later, in the hospital, Serbian flight attendant Vesna Vulovic tried to remember all the smallest events of that day. Who planted the bomb? Shortly before takeoff, she noticed one of the loaders. This man differed in both appearance and behavior from his colleagues. Outwardly, he looked like a resident of the Balkan Peninsula. The man’s behavior contrasted sharply with the behavior of other loaders. He spoke loudly, was nervous, and fussed. According to Vulovich, it was he who planted the bomb on the plane. However, this realization came too late.

Bruno Honke

What happened to flight attendant Vesna Vulović in 1972 can safely be called a miracle. She was incredibly lucky twice. The first time was when she did not die in the explosion. In the second - when she managed to survive the fall.

However, the girl was saved not only by the fact that the dilapidated liner fell on snow-covered trees. The fact is that the first at the scene of the disaster was local Bruno Honke. This man worked in a German field hospital during the Second World War. He provided the girl with first aid. It is worth saying that Honka miraculously managed to discover a barely breathing young flight attendant among many dead bodies. He probably saved her life.


The story of Vesna Vulović, a flight attendant from Yugoslavia who survived an accident that claimed 27 lives, instantly spread throughout the world. She was taken to the hospital. A long period of rehabilitation began. For about two months Spring did not come to her senses. For a long time, doctors did not believe that the girl would survive after such a terrible accident. But she still came to her senses. It is noteworthy that when I opened my eyes, the first thing I did was ask for a cigarette.

As the days passed, the young body coped with the injuries received from the fall more and more confidently. However, Vesna never remembered the last hours spent on board the plane. She could not say what she was doing at the time of the explosion. Most likely, at those minutes the girl was in the passenger compartment.

For ten months, Vesna was paralyzed. Doctors feared she would never be able to walk. However, another miracle happened - the only survivor of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 plane crash got to her feet.

After the disaster

Flight attendant Vesna Vulović, whose photo was shown on television almost every day in February 1972, was sent by plane to Belgrade two months after the accident. Doctors feared that the flight would negatively affect her mental state. A fall from such a height cannot pass without leaving a trace. However, everything turned out well. Moreover, Vesna had no fear of flying. She was not afraid of airplanes even later.

She spent some more time in a Belgrade hospital. A policeman was on duty at the entrance to Vulovich’s room day and night. She did not remember anything about the events of the last hours before the accident. However, she remained the only witness to the crime, which, by the way, was never solved. The authorities feared that terrorists would try to kill the surviving crew member.

The miraculous rescue of the flight attendant overshadowed the other details of the accident. Vesna was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who made the highest jump without a parachute. In the mid-eighties, Spring arrived in London. Paul McCartney was present at the ceremony for presenting the certificate of entry into the Guinness Book of Records. Spring finally met the idol of her youth.

In the early autumn of 1972, Vulovich was discharged from the hospital. Surprisingly, she not only did not develop a fear of flying, but did not even lose the desire to work as a flight attendant. Vesna tried to get a job at the airline again. She was not hired as a flight attendant, but was offered a position in the office. Vesna Vulovich worked for the airline for many years: she was involved in the preparation of cargo contracts. Left my place of work former flight attendant eighteen years later due to disagreement with the policies of the Yugoslav leader S. Milosevic.

A flight attendant who survived a 1972 plane crash has become a national heroine. She was received by Marshal Tito himself, which was considered a great honor for a citizen of Yugoslavia at that time. Songs were dedicated to Spring, and she was invited to various television shows. Girls were named after her. To survive such a catastrophe, a lucky break is not enough. You need strength, an extraordinary desire to live. Vulovich became a symbol of good luck and optimism.

The former flight attendant used her fame for social and political purposes. She took an active part in protests against Milosevic’s rule and campaigned for one of the parties in the elections.


Vesna Vulovich lived to be 66 years old. On December 23, 2016, she was found dead in her own apartment. Relatives and friends could not reach her for a long time. The police were called and they opened the door. The cause of death of the famous flight attendant is unknown. Friends claim that the woman’s health has recently deteriorated sharply.

The record of a flight attendant from Yugoslavia has not yet been broken. Not a single person has managed to fall from such a height and survive. However, history knows several equally interesting cases.

In 1942, a Soviet military plane was shot down, the pilot of which fell without a parachute. His life was saved by snow cover.

Another amazing event happened many years after the Second World War ended. World War. In December 1971, a passenger plane crashed near Peru. Half an hour after departure, the airliner ran into a thunderstorm. The plane caught fire and broke into pieces. The 17-year-old passenger survived. When she woke up, she found herself sitting in a chair hanging from a tree.

In August 1981, a collision occurred between An-24 and Tu-16 aircraft. Student Larisa Savitskaya and her husband were present on board the passenger airliner. There were several reasons for the disaster, including poor coordination between civilian and military dispatchers. Everyone died except Larisa.

She fell from a height of five kilometers. She received many injuries, but, according to Soviet laws, she was not entitled to disability. The woman spent her entire life doing odd jobs and sometimes went hungry. She also became a record holder in some way. Unlike Vulovich, Savitskaya did not become famous in her homeland. She received compensation from the state in the amount of 75 rubles, after which the story of the amazing fall was forgotten.


Almost 35 years ago, on August 24, 1981, terrible plane crash, in which a miracle survivor found herself, the only one of all dead passengers who were on board the ill-fated plane at that moment. It was Larisa Savitskaya.

For many years, people have strived to conquer the sky. They made wooden wings, designed airplanes, climbed high hot-air balloon. But the desire to take to the air comes with great risk. Over the past five years, more than three thousand people have died in plane crashes around the world. On average, this is about 600 people annually.

Mortality per Russian roads much higher. More than a hundred people die from road accidents in Russia every day. But a plane crash brings more fear to people than the statistics of deaths due to road accidents. The tragedy in the air is widespread. One mistake or malfunction can cost the death of more than two hundred people.

The likelihood of boarding a plane that crashes is low. As small as the possibility of survival. In the entire history of aviation, few have managed to survive a catastrophe in the sky. This article will talk about one of these passengers - Larisa Savitskaya - a woman who survived a fall from a monstrous height and visited a place from which there is no return.

Larisa, born on January 11, 1961 in Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, miraculously survived a plane crash and a fall from a height of 5200 m.

On August 24, 1981, the young student Savitskaya was twenty years old when, after a trip to visit relatives, she was returning from a honeymoon trip with her husband Vladimir to her native Blagoveshchensk. It is known that before an accident, many people seem to sense danger and hand over their tickets at the last moment. The flight took place on August 24, 1982. Larisa wanted to fly a day later, on August 25, but tickets were only available for that ill-fated day.

Plane crash: miracles still happen

There were empty seats on board the AN-24 aircraft. The couple had tickets for seats located in the middle part of the plane. Despite this, they took seats in the rear. When the plane took off into the sky, Larisa fell asleep and woke up from a strong shock and a feeling of burning cold. As a result of the push, she found herself a meter away from her chair, and she did not see her husband’s face, but already in the first minutes of the fall she realized that he was dead.

Ten years before this disaster in the rainforest South America the plane crashed. There were more than 90 people on board, including crew members. But only one girl survived. For nine days she wandered through the jungle and survived, despite numerous injuries and fractures. Her story served as the basis for the script for the film “Miracles Still Happen.”

Larisa watched this film. Perhaps he saved her life. The plane crash lasted eight minutes. During this short time, Larisa tried to find a more comfortable position. In these moments and in the next two days, she remembered the actions of the heroine of the film, and they became a kind of survival guide for her.

What does a person who finds himself on the verge of death experience? For many, in such a situation, their whole life seems to fly before their eyes. Larisa Savitskaya claims that she did not think about the past. She was afraid of pain and slow death.

The fatal blow was avoided thanks to a birch grove on which the plane's tail dived. The rest of its parts were scattered over a distance of a kilometer. The bodies of the remaining passengers hung on trees and were scattered far from the crash site. But Larisa found out about this much later.

And at the moment of “landing” she was in a chair. Opening her eyes, she realized that she was in the taiga forest. There was not a single living soul around. And right in front of her is her husband. He was sitting in a chair, his eyes were closed, his face was covered in blood. Vladimir Savitsky died in the air. But at that moment it seemed to her that in the last moments he wanted only one thing: for her to live.

Savitskaya had several fractures and spinal injuries, but after the disaster and before rescuers discovered her, she was in such severe shock that she did not feel pain. She was found two days later. Members of the rescue team could not believe that this girl was one of the passengers of the crashed plane. All this time they found only bodies crippled by the fall...

Cause of the plane crash

The cause of the disaster was a collision with a military aircraft. Larisa stayed in the hospital for a month and a half. The traumas suffered make themselves felt throughout the subsequent years. But she was still not awarded disability. Until the 90s, there was no information about this disaster in the media. Only in 2000, an article appeared in one of the newspapers about the extraordinary fate of Savitskaya. But the facts in this essay were so distorted that they were rather a figment of the imagination of its author.

After a terrible plane crash, Larisa was included in the Guinness Book of Records twice:
- as a survivor of a fall from a height of 5200m,
- and as a recipient of the minimum amount of compensation for damage in a plane crash - 75 rubles

After the plane crash, Larisa was paralyzed, but she was still able to get out, although she was forced to do odd jobs and even went hungry. Larisa later learned that after the plane crash, a grave was already prepared for her and her husband, because she was the only survivor.

In 1986, Larisa gave birth to a son, and the two of them lived on child care benefits for a long time.

In the 2000s, Savitskaya gave interviews, although reluctantly. The most difficult things in her life, perhaps, were not those days in the taiga, which she spent next to the remains of the plane and the body of her husband, but all the subsequent years. “Living is always better than not living.”

Whether she doubted this statement in difficult moments is unknown. But one day, in an interview, Larisa Savitskaya said: “If they left me here, it means I have to do something else...”.

Video with Larisa, in which she talks about the plane crash:

Who survived falling from an exploding plane into a snowdrift, I would like to tell you about Larisa Savitskaya. Larisa Vladimirovna Savitskaya, née Andreeva (born January 11, 1961) is a woman who survived a plane crash and a fall from a height of 5200 meters.


Young student Larisa Savitskaya and her husband Vladimir were returning from their honeymoon. They got married in the spring of 1981, but due to the session and practice, the trip was postponed.

After traveling at sea, they flew flight 811 on board an An-24RV from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Blagoveshchensk. There were many empty seats on the plane and, despite the fact that the Savitskys had tickets for the middle part of the plane, they took seats in the tail.


On August 24, 1981, the An-24 plane on which the Savitsky spouses were flying collided with a Tu-16 military bomber at an altitude of 5220 m. There were several reasons for the disaster: poor coordination between military and civilian dispatchers, the An-24 crew did not report evading the main route, and the Tu-16 crew reported that they had reached an altitude of 5100 m 2 minutes before it actually happened .

After the collision, the crews of both aircraft were killed. As a result of the collision, the An-24 lost its wings with gas tanks and the top of the fuselage. The remaining part broke several times during the fall.

At the time of the disaster, Larisa Savitskaya was sleeping in her seat at the rear of the plane. I woke up from a strong blow and a sudden burn (the temperature instantly dropped from 25 °C to −30 °C). After another break in the fuselage, which passed right in front of her seat, Larisa was thrown into the aisle, waking up, she reached the nearest seat, climbed in and pressed herself into it, without having buckled herself in. Larisa herself subsequently claimed that at that moment she remembered an episode from the film “Miracles Still Happen,” where the heroine squeezed into a chair during a plane crash and survived.

Part of the plane's body landed on a birch grove, which softened the blow. According to subsequent studies, the entire fall of the plane fragment measuring 3 meters wide by 4 meters long, where Savitskaya ended up, took 8 minutes. Savitskaya was unconscious for several hours. Waking up on the ground, Larisa saw in front of her a chair with the body of her dead husband. She received a number of serious injuries, but could move independently.

Two days later, she was discovered by rescuers, who were very surprised when, after two days they came across only the bodies of the dead, they met a living person. Larisa was covered in paint flying off the fuselage, and her hair was very tangled in the wind. While waiting for rescuers, she built herself a temporary shelter from the wreckage of the plane, keeping warm with seat covers and covering herself from mosquitoes with a plastic bag. It rained all these days. When it ended, she waved to rescue planes flying past, but they, not expecting to find survivors, mistook her for a geologist from a nearby camp. Larisa, the bodies of her husband and two other passengers were discovered as the last of all the victims of the disaster.

Doctors determined she had a concussion, spinal injuries in five places, and broken arms and ribs. She also lost almost all her teeth. The consequences affect Savitskaya’s entire subsequent life.
She later learned that a grave had already been dug for both her and her husband. She was the only survivor of 38 people on board.


Both the circumstances and the fact of the plane crash were not advertised in the USSR. There were no press reports.
The first mention of Larisa Savitskaya was in the newspaper “Soviet Sport”, but the article said that she fell from a height of five kilometers during testing of an aircraft of an original design.

Despite numerous injuries, Larisa did not receive a disability: according to Soviet standards, the severity of her individual injuries did not allow her to receive a disability, and it was not possible to receive it collectively. Later, Larisa was paralyzed, but she was able to recover, although she could not do many jobs and was forced to do odd jobs and even went hungry.

In 1986, Larisa gave birth to a son, Gosha, without her husband, and for a long time they lived only on child care benefits.
IN modern Russia there was no longer any need to hide the fact of the plane crash. The unusual fate attracted the attention of the press, and numerous interviews with Savitskaya appeared. She became the heroine of television programs of several television companies.

Larisa Savitskaya is twice included in the Russian edition of the Guinness Book of Records:
-like a person who survived a fall from a maximum height
- as a person who received the minimum amount of compensation for physical damage - 75 rubles.

According to Gosstrakh standards in the USSR, 300 rubles were required. compensation for damages for the dead and 75 rubles. for survivors of plane crashes.

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