Moshy Mountains station. Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia St. Mokhovye Gory

| Mokhovye Gory station

Geography and subordination

Mokhovye Gory station on maps and satellite images

Train schedule at Mokhovye Gory station

Schedule of commuter trains at Mokhovye Gory station

Train number Route Arrival Departure Days of operation
6201 - 05:55 on weekdays
6203 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 06:45 daily
6205 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 07:10 on weekdays
6207 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 07:43 on weekdays
6202 08:45 - daily
6209 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 08:59 daily
6206 Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - Mokhovye Gory 16:10 - daily
6217 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 16:47 daily
6212 Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - Mokhovye Gory 18:15 - daily
6219 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 18:36 daily except May 4
6219 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 18:36 only May 4th
6214 Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - Mokhovye Gory 19:15 - daily
6221 Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod (Moskovsky Station) - 20:28 daily

Schedule of passenger trains at Mokhovye Gory station

Links to materials about Mokhovye Gory station

Commercial operations carried out at Mokhovye Gory station

1 Reception and delivery of wagonload shipments of cargo allowed for storage in open areas of stations.
3 Reception and delivery of cargo by wagonload and small shipments, loaded with whole wagons, only on access roads and non-public areas.
5 Reception and delivery of cargo in universal containers with a gross weight of 3.3 (5) and 5.5 (6) tons at stations.
9 Reception and delivery of small shipments of goods allowed for storage in open areas of stations.
ABOUT Boarding and disembarking passengers on (from) suburban and local trains. Baggage is not accepted or issued.
Data source:

The current train schedule at the Mokhovye Gory station contains only 12 trains ( commuter trains), which connect Mokhovye Gory with stations and settlements such as Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky. According to the schedule, last train(suburban train) departs at 20:28 to the destination Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky. Nearest stations and stops Sportivnaya. For all routes on the above settlements available full information about the schedule - departure time, arrival time, routes and other useful information. When planning a trip, you should pay attention to the fact that most often electric trains at the Mokhovye Gory station depart or arrive in the evening - 2 electric trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) in different directions, with such messages as Mokhovye Gory - Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky, Nizhny Novgorod-Moskovsky - Mokhovye Mountains. The regularly updated schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) at the Mokhovye Gory station is displayed on this page.


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