Amazing zagan. Amazing Zagan Zagan military town on the map

Not big city ok Zagan is part of the Lubuskie Voivodeship and is the center of the county of the same name. At the beginning of the millennium the population was approximately 26,000.

History of Zagan

It is believed that the city owes its foundation to Zaganna, the granddaughter of Prince Krak, the same one who ordered the construction of the capital of Poland - Krakow. According to this legend, the first house was built at the beginning of the 13th century. But many are inclined to believe that this is a myth, and argue that the real founder of Zagan can be considered Boleslav Curly, the Polish king. In addition, supporters of the second version believe that the founding of the city dates back to a later period - the second half of the 12th century. However, both options are controversial. Be that as it may, it is absolutely known that Zagan received the status of a city only in 1285.

Times were troubled. The lands were passed from hand to hand. They found themselves under the rule of the Germans, Poles, Czechs and Austrians. To be fair, it is worth noting that the change of power took place surprisingly peacefully: without war and devastation. This is a phenomenal fact! For the most part, Zagan was under the control of the Piasts. The 14th century can be considered a turning point in the history of the city, when Prince Pshemko introduced the Catholic faith to Zagan. As a result of this decision, the Augustian monastery appeared, as well as a baroque church. These unique buildings have survived to this day. Tourists from all over the world admire the amazing architectural monuments.

In the 15th century, ownership passed to the German aristocrat - Albert III, who ruled the Saxon lands. Gradually, the Germans change the name in their own way, calling it “Sagan”. More than one owner will change before the city passes to Bohuslav Lobkowicz. It is he who will order to build magnificent palace in the Baroque style, famous not only throughout Poland, but also in Europe. Several centuries have already passed since this fantastic in scope was created architectural monument, but admiration for the building does not dry up; rather, on the contrary, interest in it is growing every year. Further, Zagan will pass from one owner to another more than once, only in 1945 the city will finally be transferred to Poland.

The famous Zagansky Palace

Already approaching the building, visitors can fully enjoy the amazing architecture. Palace complex can be divided into three parts: central and two lateral. Delightful decoration, many stucco elements, various decorative details - everything screams of luxury and wealth. The architect placed the building well: it is located on a hill, and the entrance to it is double-sided.

The palace has many exhibits of great interest to the public. There are letters from celebrities, including the most famous German poets Goethe and Schiller, and a lot of correspondence authored by Dorothea Sagan. The palace also houses the correspondence of many German aristocrats and simply famous personalities. Among them, perhaps, it is worth highlighting Napoleon’s letters to Josephine. Also, the priceless score of “The Magic Flute” (W.A. Mozart) is preserved in the Zagan residence.

Separately worth mentioning personal account Wallenstein, where the ancient furnishings have been preserved. In this room, almost all the walls are hung with portraits depicting the relatives of the former owner. However, the palace has a whole art gallery, some images depict the most important historical events that took place in Europe.

It is difficult to list all the items of interest: there are many things here of artistic value, some of which will be interesting for historians to familiarize themselves with. Of course, the palace was robbed more than once and much simply did not survive, but what is there is enough to spend almost a whole day visiting the palace.

Sights of Zagan

You cannot ignore the monastery complex, created in the 14th century. Almost all buildings are built in the Gothic style, which is characterized by narrow windows and sharp tops of the towers. However, the interior decoration of the church is more typical of luxurious and elaborate baroque: all the furnishings are expensive and richly decorated.

Also in Zagan it is worth visiting the Baroque monastery, on the territory of which there is a chapel of St. Anna. Traditionally, city guests also visit the monastery grain storage facility and the ancient library, created back in the 13th century.

This small town, which is part of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, it is the center of the county of the same name. In 2004, the population of the city was 26,665 inhabitants. Zagan is located in southwestern Poland on the southern side of the Lubusz Voivodeship on a river called Bubr.

It is generally accepted that the city was founded thanks to Zhadana, who was the granddaughter of the Prince of Krakow, the same one who once gave the order to build the capital of Poland, the large city of Krakow. Based on the Legend, the first house was built in the thirteenth century. But most people believe that this is a myth and claim that the city was truly founded by the Curly Polish King Boleslaw. In addition, those who adhere to the second version believe that the city was founded in the second half of the twelfth century. It is not known exactly which of these options is considered correct, but it is absolutely certain that Zagan received the status of a city in 1285.

They weren't the best back then better times, the lands, one might say, went from hand to hand. They found themselves under the rule of the Germans, Czechs, Austrians, and Poles. But we must take into account that no matter how strange it may be, the change of power came peacefully without destruction and bloodshed. For the most part the city was under the control of the Piasts. The turning point in the history of the city fell in the fourteenth century, it was then that the prince introduced the Catholic Faith to the city. Then the Augustinian monastery was built, as well as the first church in the Baroque style. These two amazing architectural monuments have survived to this day. Tourists from all over the world come to see them.

Commemorative coin of Zagan

In the fifteenth century, all possessions passed into the hands of the aristocrat Albert III, who at that time already ruled the Saxon lands. Over time, the Germans changed the name of the city in their own way, calling it Sagan. The city had many owners before it came to Boguslaw Lubkowicz, who ordered the construction of a magnificent palace in the Baroque style, which became famous not only throughout Poland, but also became famous throughout Europe. Several centuries have passed since this architectural monument, unusual in its scope, was created, but admiration for this castle still does not dry up. On the contrary, every year more and more tourists come here to admire this beautiful building. In 1945 the city was finally transferred to the Polish state.

Already from a distance, you can see the beautiful architecture of Zagansky Castle. The entire palace complex of the castle can be divided into central part and two side ones. The whole appearance of the building screams about its luxury and wealth - the extraordinary decoration, many stucco elements, as well as various decorative details. The location for this palace was very well chosen, since it is located on a hill, and the entrance to the castle is two-way.

In the palace you can see numerous exhibits that are of great interest to the public. Here are letters from celebrities, including the most popular German poets Goethe and Schiller. There is also a lot of correspondence from the author, who was Dorthee Sogan. The palace houses unique correspondence of many German aristocrats and simply famous personalities. Among them, Napoleon's letters to Josephine are very valuable. Also preserved in the residence is the unusually priced score for The Magic Flute.

Wallenstein’s personal office is located in the Tagansky Palace; all its ancient furnishings have been preserved there. The walls in this office are all hung with portraits depicting relatives of the former owner. I must say that the palace has an entire art gallery. Some paintings depict the most important historical events that took place in Europe over a long time.

There are many things here that have artistic value. Of course, the palace was attacked and looted. So, many valuables simply did not survive, and what is there is enough to get a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Monastery complex of the 5th century

In the city, it is worth visiting the monastery complex, which was created in the fourteenth century. Almost all the buildings were built in the Gothic style, which is characterized by narrow windows and sharp tops of the towers. But the interior decoration of the church is typical of luxury in the Baroque style; all design items are expensive and unique.

Zagan is a city in Western Poland, located 40 km from the Polish-German border and 100 km from the Polish-Czech border. Zagan was first mentioned in 1202, when the city was under the rule of Duke Henry I of the Piast dynasty. For almost two centuries the city passed from one duke to another, until it became the property of King John of Luxembourg in 1329.

In 1549, Elector Moritz of Saxony ceded the city to the Czech king Ferdinand I of Habsburg. He then passed on to the famous Czech Lobkowitz family, who built a Baroque palace in Zagan. After the first Silesian War in 1742, Zagan became part of Prussia.

In 1939, shortly after the attack on Poland, Nazi Germany created a system of prison camps in Zagan, housing more than 300 thousand prisoners. It is estimated that about 120 thousand of them died from hunger, disease and abuse. Later, in 1942, an additional camp was set up for Allied pilots, called "Stalag Luft 3". In May 1945, the process of expelling the German population began. In their place came Polish prisoners displaced from the eastern outskirts.

Today, the city center with sixteenth-century buildings, the former Augustinian monastery, the late Baroque Church of the Holy Spirit from 1701, the parish of the Holy Cross with a Gothic chapel, and ancient military barracks are of interest to tourists. There is also a Prisoner of War Camp Museum in the city.