8 o'clock Moscow time. History of world clocks

We all remember how during the USSR all the republics waited with bated breath for the chimes to strike New Year's Eve. Today, these clocks strike time exclusively for Russia, however, this does not deprive them of their special magic and attractiveness.

The Kremlin Tower (also called Spasskaya), on which this clock is installed, was built back in 1491. In 1625 it was modernized - it was then that the clock device was installed on the tower. In 1626, the clock was destroyed due to a fire, so a similar one had to be built. In 1706 the clock was again replaced with new ones. This time they were brought personally by Peter the Great. However, they were also damaged due to the fire.

The dial was last replaced in the last century after it was hit by a shell in 1917. Few people know, but initially the tower was called Frolovskaya, since its creator (Italian Pietro Antonio Solari) chose the name for his structure based on the nearby church of Frol and Laurus. Only in 1658 was it decided to rename the tower Spasskaya. This was recorded in the royal decree, and the basis for the renaming was the location of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands above the gate.

Today, absolute time accuracy is achieved by connecting watches to reference clocks. For this purpose, a special cable is laid underground.

Chimes are capable of playing a variety of melodies. Until 1932, the Internationale was played every day at lunch; today the main tune is the anthem Russian Federation.

Access to the dial itself is limited to a limited number of people. However, there is no elevator in the tower - you have to climb an ancient spiral staircase. The length of each arrow is 3 meters, and the size of all kinds of gears and wheels exceeds human height. The total weight of the structure exceeds 25 tons.

Moscow time zone UTC+3 hours. In Russia, it is customary to consider the time difference between cities and Moscow. At the same time, the time zone of Moscow in Russia is taken as MSK + 0. Here you can find out what time it is in Moscow. Current time in Moscow online:

If you want to find out what time it is now in other cities, go to the section.

Moscow is located in the UTC + 3 hour time zone. Moscow time is the MSK+0 time zone.

Distance from Moscow to Kyiv- 856 km.

Distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg– 706 km.

Distance from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod – 421 km.

Distance from Moscow to Minsk– 713 km.

Population of Moscow: 12.2 million people.

Moscow telephone code: + 7 495, +7 496, +7 498, +7 499

Domodedovo airport(Moscow Domodedovo Airport) Code: DME: 142015, Russia, Moscow region, Domodedovo district, a/p Domodedovo.
Telephone help desk: +7 495 933 66 66.

Vnukovo Airport(Moscow Vnukovo Airport) Code: VKO: 119027, Russia, Moscow, 1st Reisovaya str., 12. Help desk phone number: +7 495 937 55 55.

Sheremetyevo airport(Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport) Code: SVO: Russia, 124340, Moscow region, Khimki, international Airport"Sheremetyevo". Help desk phone number: +7 495 232 65 65.

Sights of Moscow:

Moscow city- the ancient capital of the Russian Federation. It is located in the European part of Russia. The city stands on the Moscow River, but other rivers flow here, the largest of which are Neglinnaya, Khimka, Presnya, Yauza.

The founding date of the city is officially considered to be 1147. In those days the prince Yury Dolgoruky ordered to build a city here. During its long history Moscow More than once it was subjected to invasions, looting and burning, but still it rose, was restored and became only more beautiful than before. In 1712 Moscow loses its capital status and only finally restores it in 1918.

In the first years of Soviet power, many monasteries and churches were destroyed, at the same time the city began to grow at a rapid pace, and the transport infrastructure developed. Research and design institutes are being created. To the Great Patriotic War the city was defended and did not surrender to the fascist invaders.

On our website you can find out the exact Moscow time. The month, date and day of the week are also displayed.

History of world clocks

The first clock invented by man was a solar clock, they were used in ancient Egypt 3500 thousand years ago, at that time the day was divided into 24 hours. In Mesopotamia and throughout ancient China they used a water clock that did not depend on the sun, the ancient Greeks improved it, and in the 3rd century BC, the scientist from Alexandria Ctesibius invented the most accurate water clock at that time - the klebsidra, this mechanism was used right up to the 17th century, perhaps it was thanks to the klebsidra that the expression appeared time flows, because the ancient arators were allowed to perform while the water from the 1st klebsidra was flowing.

Vintage Sundial

Water clocks have become history, but solar clocks still exist today, they have different shapes and sizes. The first mechanical watches were invented in China (8th century AD); over time, the secret of their design came to the Arabs, and from them to Europe in the 13th century. However, these watches had two significant disadvantages: they were bulky and very expensive. Having learned to determine time, people wanted to measure its intervals; an hourglass appeared for this purpose - for the first time, an hourglass was described in detail in a document of 1339, found in Paris. It is believed that the prototype of the hourglass is the bottle clock invented in ancient times by Archimedes.

The largest hourglass is called the “Wheel of Time”; its height is 8 meters; it is located in Budapest and is capable of counting time equal to 365 days. The smallest hourglass was made in Hamburg - it is 2.4 centimeters high and counts 5 seconds. In 1288 on the tower Palace of Westminster The first mechanical watches are built in England, and 100 years later chimes appear on these watches.

Hourglass Wheel of Time

In Russia, the first clock was installed in 1404 in the Moscow Kremlin on the tower of the palace of Grand Duke Vasily the 1st; it worked non-stop for 217 years without a minute hand or a pendulum - instead there were stone weights. In 1852, the most famous clock in Russia was installed on the Spassky tower of the Moscow Kremlin, and today it is unique because it is completely mechanical - it is wound 2 times a day.

In Mesopotamia and in ancient China, they used water clocks that did not depend on the sun. The ancient Greeks improved clocks, and in the 3rd century BC, the scientist from Alexandria Ctesibius invented the then most accurate water clock - the “klebsidra”, this mechanism was used right up to the 17th century, perhaps it was thanks to the klebsidra that the expression “time flows” appeared - after all, the ancient speakers were allowed to speak while the water from the 1st klebsidra was flowing. Water clocks have become history, but solar clocks still exist, they have different shapes and sizes.

The first mechanical watches were invented in China (8th century AD); over time, the secret of their design came to the Arabs, and from them to Europe in the 13th century. However, these watches had two significant disadvantages: they were bulky and very expensive. Having learned to determine time, people wanted to be able to measure its intervals; for this purpose, hourglasses appeared - for the first time, an hourglass was described in detail in a document of 1339, found in Paris. It is believed that the prototype of the hourglass is the bottle clock, invented in ancient times by Archimedes.

Clock with seconds

The largest hourglass is called the “Wheel of Time”; its height is 8 meters; it is located in Budapest and is capable of counting time equal to 365 days.

The smallest hourglass was made in Hamburg - it is 2.4 centimeters high and counts 5 seconds. In 1288, the first mechanical clock was built on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in England; 100 years later, chimes appeared on this clock.

We all remember how during the Soviet era, all the republics waited with bated breath for the chimes to strike on New Year's Eve. Today, these clocks strike time exclusively for Russia, however, this does not deprive them of their special magic and attractiveness.

The Kremlin Tower (also called Spasskaya), on which this clock is installed, was built back in 1491. In 1625 it was modernized - it was then that the clock device was installed on the tower. In 1626, the clock was destroyed due to a fire, so a similar one had to be built. In 1706 the clock was again replaced with new ones. This time they were brought personally by Peter the Great. However, they were also damaged due to the fire.

The dial was last replaced in the last century after it was hit by a shell in 1917. Few people know, but initially the tower was called Frolovskaya, since its creator (Italian Pietro Antonio Solari) chose the name for his structure based on the nearby church of Frol and Laurus. Only in 1658 was it decided to rename the tower Spasskaya. This was recorded in the royal decree, and the basis for the renaming was the location of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands above the gate.

Today, absolute time accuracy is achieved by connecting watches to reference clocks. For this purpose, a special cable is laid underground.

Chimes are capable of playing a variety of melodies. Until 1932, “The Internationale” was played every day at lunch; today the main tune is the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Access to the dial itself is limited to a limited number of people. However, there is no elevator in the tower - you have to climb an ancient spiral staircase. The length of each arrow is 3 meters, and the size of all kinds of gears and wheels exceeds human height. The total weight of the structure exceeds 25 tons.


It should be borne in mind that with default settings, your computer's operating system itself, without your participation, must synchronize the time of the computer clock with the time of the exact time servers. If this setting is correct, then you always have before your eyes the time that you want to find on the network. By double-clicking on the clock on your computer, you can open the window for setting the date and time properties. Enabling synchronization with Internet server time is located on the “Internet Time” tab - there you should check the box next to “Synchronize with an Internet time server.” In the “Server” field, you can select from the list or specify your own version of the exact time source server, and by clicking the “Update Now” button, you can start unscheduled synchronization. Synchronization of the computer’s internal clock with Internet time is carried out using a simplified version of the NTP protocol specially developed for this purpose (Network Time Protocol). His main feature lies in the fact that the protocol makes it possible to make allowances for the constantly changing time it takes for the signal to travel from the server to the computer. The accuracy of such synchronization can reach one hundredth of a second.

If two instant messaging users different cities Russia, then they agree on when it is best for them to talk to each other using Moscow time. How can you recognize him?


If you are in Moscow itself, call 100 from any landline phone. If you are connected to an unlimited tariff, the call will be free. The time will be announced by voice from an automatic informant.

Buy a special table clock-calendar. They are produced by many Chinese companies under different names. In clock mode on such a device, the calculator keys switch. Set it to the correct time. Now press the key with the name of a large one located in the same time zone as your locality. After releasing it, immediately press the “Set” key. The device will remember your time zone. Now, in order to find out the current Moscow time, just press the calculator key with the division sign (it says “Moscow” above it). The device will switch to displaying Moscow time, and after a few seconds it will again begin to display local time.

Tune your radio to the Mayak or Radio Russia station, or listen to an audio broadcast of one of these radio stations via the Internet. Wait until the next hour starts. Signals will sound, after which the announcer will announce the time in Moscow. At noon Moscow time, he will also announce the time in other regions of the Russian Federation.

To find out Moscow time online, go to the following website:
In the drop-down list of cities available on the main page of this resource (“Select a CITY to see CURRENT TIME”), select “Moscow, Russian Federation”.

Having determined Moscow time using any of the above methods, compare it with local time. Calculate the difference between them equal to an integer number of hours. After this, you will be able to determine Moscow time using any clock that is correctly set to local time.

A good interior decoration would be a double wall clock, which can be made from two identical regular ones located next to each other. On one watch, set local time, on others - Moscow. Place signs under them with the names of the corresponding cities.

Please note that the transition to winter time has been canceled in the Russian Federation these days.

In order not to be late anywhere, you need to know exact time. But any watch tends to start rushing or falling behind over time. You can avoid this if you know where to check that your watches and alarms are accurate.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - telephone.


Find out the exact time using the Internet. Go to one of the sites that publish such information, for example, the following - http://www.anafor.ru/time/index.htm There you can find information about the exact time, according to the atomic clocks operating at the US Observatory. From their indicators the time in a specific locality. To do this, in the search column, indicate the name of the city whose time you are interested in. It must be recorded on English language. You will then be able to see the time in that time zone down to the second. Also as additional information The calendar date will be given, as well as the air temperature and humidity in a particular region. After this, you can set the found exact time on your watch.

In addition to the above, there are also special resources for setting the time on your computer. On such sites you can synchronize the exact time with your computer. The system will update them every time you access the Internet. One of these sites for time synchronization is http://direct-time.ru/