Archeda - defense train timetable. Train schedule Archeda Oborona Train ticket Archeda Oborona

This train schedule for the Archeda - Defense route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Archeda - Oborona train timetable

Currently, the Archeda Oborona train schedule consists of 3 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 3. These are 089Ж, 055Щ, 015Ж flights - the fastest of them is 015Ж Volgograd 1 Moscow-Paveletskaya, which travels along the Archeda Defense route for 0 d 5 h 51 min, the slowest train is 089Ж Volgograd 1 Saint Petersburg-Moskovsky, departing at 05:09. The number of stops along the Archeda Defense route ranges from 9 to 11 depending on the train schedule and averages 10. On the route, the train makes stops according to the schedule on average every 42 minutes. Trains depart from Archeda station in the morning - 05:09, 09:04 and in the afternoon - 20:58. All trains leave from Archeda stations, and arrive at Defense stations.

The Archeda Oborona train schedule currently contains 3 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 6 hours 41 m, and the number of stops on this route is 10. The trains running along the Archeda Oborona route most often stop at Sebryakovo, Filonovo, Aleksikovo, Povorino, Borisoglebsk, which are also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave for example at 05.09, 09.04, 20.58 from Archeda station, but they arrive at the final point of Defense at 12.38, 15.49, 02.49 local time, respectively. The small number of assigned trains in the Arched Defense schedule is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. The Archeda - Oborona train schedule is designed so that you can leave in this direction in the morning, in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Archeda - Defense train at the ticket office of the nearest train station, as well as online.

Moscow time is indicated for all Russian stations in accordance with Russian Railways rules. All other stations in the schedule are local time. Keep this in mind when planning your trip.

Train schedule

    Route / train



Route Frolovo - Defense on the map

The route Archeda - Defense runs 1 train (s), of which branded: 0.

Cost and availability of train tickets Archeda - Defense:

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must specify the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults).

Sale and delivery of railway tickets Archeda - Defense:

Service "TravelBileti" provides the opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book tickets for the train following the route Archeda - Defense.

Tickets are delivered timely   Courier in Moscow.

You can place an order for e-ticket   followed by receipt of the code by mail. The code, in turn, changes to a classic railway ticket at the ticket office or terminal.

Electronic registration   - when placing an order, you indicate the passport data that is entered in the current list of passengers. Landing is based on the list of passengers (without a ticket).