Architectural ensemble of the Athenian Acropolis. Presentation "Acropolis" for a history lesson Presentation on the theme of the ensemble of the Athenian Acropolis

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Athens Acropolis Developed by art teacher: Gnatyuk Natalya Aleksandrovna MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" Yugorsk 2008-09

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Here are images of columns of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian order. Name the components of the columns. Give a definition: Option 1 - pediment, Option 2 - capital, Option 3 - metope.

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Distribute ancient Greek structures into groups 1). Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens 2). Temple of Hera in Paestum 3). Temple of Athena Nike 4). Temple of Apollo at Ephesus 5). temple of Apollo in Corinth 6). Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 7). Temple of Zeus at Olympus

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AKROPOLIS AKROPOLIS (Greek: akropolis), elevated and fortified part ancient greek city, i.e. upper city; fortress (shelter in case of war).

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Ensemble of the Athenian Acropolis Propylaea Parthenon Temple of Athena Nike (Temple of Nike Apteros) Theater of Dionysus Temple of Erechtheion Statue of Athena Promachos Pinakothek ( art gallery) Library

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Propylaea and the Temple of Nike Apteros The sacred road, along which the procession of Athenians moved from the agora to the temple of the patron goddess during the main festival of the Great Panathenaia, leads to the Propylaea, which has 5 passages and in ancient times was flanked by two equestrian statues of the Dioscuri. In the left, protruding wing, there was a Pinakothek (a collection of pinak paintings donated to the goddess Athena), in the right there was a storage room for manuscripts and a room for the gatekeeper and guards. To the right of the Propylaea, on a pyrgos (an outcrop of a fortified rock), stands a small, light and graceful temple of the Ionic order, dedicated to Athena Nike, known as the temple of Nike Apteros (Wingless Victory; 443-420, architect Kallicrates).

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Parthenon The main temple in ancient Athens, dedicated to the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin. It stood on the highest point of the Athenian Acropolis. On a rectangular platform (68.4 m long and 30.38 m wide), built of Piraeus stone and which could be climbed from all sides by three steps, stood a majestic Doric-style peripterus built from Pentelic marble with eight fluted columns and with seventeen in each long one. The height of these columns was 11 m, the diameter of their section at the lower end was 1.8 m. Surrounded by this colonnade, the body of the temple itself was amphiprostyle, that is, having on each short side, eastern and western, a portico with six columns smaller: in the eastern portico there was an entrance to the sanctuary. Both porticos were blocked by gilded iron bars placed between the columns. The interior of the temple consisted of two parts: the so-called cella, 100 feet long. (hence another name for the Parthenon, Hekatompedon, i.e. a hundred-foot temple) and from the rear, less extensive room (opisphodom). In the temple there was a statue of Athena, sculpted by the great sculptor Phidias. The treasury, which housed the treasury of the Athenian Maritime League and the city archive, was adjacent to the sanctuary from the west, on the rear side. Here the priestesses of the temple wove sacred clothes (peplos), which the inhabitants of the city brought as gifts to the goddess during the festivals.

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Statue of Athena In the depths of the Parthenon, under the shadow of the horizontal ceiling, stood the colossal statue of Athena, one of the most magnificent works of Phidias. The goddess was represented standing in a simple but majestic pose, wearing a shell, with an aegis on her chest. At her feet, on the base, was a shield, slightly leaning against her left leg; on it rested the left hand of the goddess, holding a spear. On the palm of his right hand stood a figure of Victory, the size of a man, holding a laurel wreath. Athena's tall helmet was decorated in the middle with a statue of a sphinx, and on the sides with figures of vultures. Around the spear, below, there was a snake entwined - an emblem of wisdom. On the inside of the shield there was a Gigantomachy depicted in relief, and on the outside - the battle of the Amazons. Even the edges of the goddess’s clothes and sandals were decorated with images of the battle between the centaurs and the lapiths. The entire statue was 26 cubits (7m) high and was made on a wooden base of pure gold and ivory, so that the body parts were cut out of the latter, while all other parts were gold.

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Temple of Erechtheion In the Erechtheion, the oldest sanctuary of Athens, there was the sacred xoan of Athena (a wooden statue), which according to legend fell from the sky, the altars of Hephaestus and the hero But, the tomb of the legendary Athenian king Cecrops, and the sanctuary of the Attic dew goddess Pandrosa adjoined to the west. In the courtyard of the Erechtheion there grew a sacred olive tree, donated to the city by Athena, and a salt spring flowed, which Poseidon carved with his trident.

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Athens Acropolis

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Cities of the ancient world usually appeared near high cliff, a citadel was erected on it so that there would be somewhere to hide if the enemy penetrated the city. Such a citadel was called an acropolis. In the same way, on a rock that towered almost 150 meters above Athens and had long served as a natural defensive structure, an upper city gradually formed in the form of a fortress (acropolis) with various defensive, public and religious structures.
The Athenian Acropolis began to be built up in the 2nd millennium BC. During the Greco-Persian Wars (480-479 BC) it was completely destroyed; later, under the leadership of the sculptor and architect Phidias, its restoration and reconstruction began.

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The walls of the Acropolis are steep and precipitous. Four great creations still stand on this rocky hill. Wide zigzag the road goes from the bottom of the hill to the only entrance. This is the Propylaea - a monumental gate with Doric style columns and a wide staircase. They were built by the architect Mnesicles in 437-432 BC.

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But before entering these majestic marble gates, everyone involuntarily turned to the right. There, on the high pedestal of the bastion that once guarded the entrance to the Acropolis, stands the temple of the goddess of victory Nike Apteros, decorated with Ionic columns.

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The goddess of victory Nike was depicted as a beautiful woman with large wings: victory is fickle and flies from one opponent to another. The Athenians depicted her as wingless so that she would not leave the city that had recently won a great victory over the Persians. Deprived of wings, the goddess could no longer fly and had to remain in Athens forever. The Nika Temple stands on a rock ledge. It is slightly turned towards the Propylaea and plays the role of a beacon for processions going around the rock. Immediately beyond the Propylaea, Athena the Warrior stood proudly, whose spear greeted the traveler from afar and served as a beacon for sailors. The inscription on the stone pedestal read: “The Athenians dedicated from the victory over the Persians.” This meant that the statue was cast from bronze weapons taken from the Persians as a result of their victories.

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The Erechtheion temple ensemble was also located on the Acropolis, which (according to the plan of its creators) was supposed to link together several sanctuaries located on different levels, - the rock here is very uneven. The northern portico of the Erechtheion led to the sanctuary of Athena, where a wooden statue of the goddess was kept, supposedly falling from the sky. The door from the sanctuary opened into a small courtyard where the only sacred olive tree on the entire Acropolis grew, which rose when Athena touched the rock with her sword in this place.

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The central part of the temple is a rectangular room (24.1x13.1 meters). The Turks, who at one time captured Athens and, due to their Muslim beliefs, did not allow images of humans, did not, however, destroy these statues. They limited themselves to only cutting off the girls' faces.

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The Parthenon, the temple of the goddess Athena, is the largest structure on the Acropolis and the most beautiful creation of Greek architecture. It stands not in the center of the square, but somewhat to the side, so you can immediately take in the front and side facades and understand the beauty of the temple as a whole. The ancient Greeks believed that the temple with the main cult statue in the center represented the house of the deity. The Parthenon is the temple of Athena the Virgin (Parthenos), and therefore in its center there was a statue of the goddess made of ivory and gold plates on a wooden base.

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The Parthenon is surrounded on four sides by slender colonnades; gaps of blue sky are visible between their white marble trunks. Entirely permeated with light, it seems airy and light. There are no bright designs on the white columns, as is found in Egyptian temples. Only longitudinal grooves (flutes) cover them from top to bottom, making the temple seem taller and even slimmer.

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Placed on the upper platform of the Acropolis, at an altitude of about 150 meters above sea level, the Parthenon was visible not only from anywhere in the city, but also from numerous ships sailing to Athens. The temple was a Doric perimeter surrounded by a colonnade of 46 columns.

  • The Acropolis in Athens is an elevated and fortified part of the ancient Greek city, a fortress, a refuge in case of war. Temples were usually built on the Acropolis in honor of the patron deities of the city.

  • You can enter the Acropolis through the heavy gate - Propylaea

  • . Immediately beyond the Propylaea there is a view of central square, in the center of which once stood a statue of the goddess Athena Promachos (Warrior)

  • To the right of the Propylaea, on a pyrgos (an outcrop of a fortified rock) stands a small, light and graceful temple known as the Temple of Nike Apteros (Wingless Victory)

  • Behind the statue of the goddess Athena, Promachos was visible in the distance (architect unknown), temple of Athena and Poseidon on the site of a dispute between these gods for the possession of Attica.

  • The main temple of the Acropolis and Athens, the strict and majestic Parthenon

  • In the Parthenon Temple itself there was a statue of Athena Parthenos

  • The temple and theater of Dionysus adjoined the northwestern slope of the Acropolis

  • The Acropolis towers over all of Athens, its silhouette shaping the skyline of the city. In ancient times, the Parthenon rising above the hill could be seen from any part of Attica and even from the islands of Salamis and Aegina;

  • After the declaration of independence of Greece, during restoration work (mainly in the late 19th century), the ancient appearance of the Acropolis was restored as far as possible: all late buildings on its territory were eliminated, the temple of Nike Apteros was rebuilt, etc. Reliefs and sculptures of the temples of the Acropolis are located in the British Museum (London), the Louvre (Paris) and the Acropolis Museum. Remaining under open air the sculptures have now been replaced by copies.

See you!

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Acropolis - the city fortress of countries Ancient world located on an elevated place, the fortified part of the city, which served as protection in times of danger. On the Acropolis, temples were erected to the gods, the patrons of the city, and the treasury and weapons of the city were stored. The Athenian Acropolis is a complex architectural and spatial complex that takes into account as much as possible surrounding nature. Situated on a natural limestone cliff 156 m above sea level with a flat top (270-155 m). Based on the found ceramic fragments, the date of the first settlements on the Acropolis is determined (4-7 thousand BC).

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Propylaea – ceremonial entrance to the Acropolis (437–432 BC). Built by the architect Mnesiklos and located in the western part of the Acropolis. The Propylaea, built from Pentelicon marble, stands at the top of a steep slope, to which an 80-meter path originally led. In the middle of the 1st century. The Romans, during the reign of Emperor Claudius, covered the road surface with steps. The Propylaea are two Doric porticos, one of which faces the city, the other faces the top of the Acropolis. The ceilings of the porticoes were decorated with square recesses painted with gold stars on a blue background. Propylaea – ceremonial entrance to the Acropolis (437–432 BC). Built by the architect Mnesiklos and located in the western part of the Acropolis. The Propylaea are two Doric porticos, one of which faces the city, the other faces the top of the Acropolis. The ceilings of the porticoes were decorated with square recesses painted with gold stars on a blue background.

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Where the hillside rose sharply, a transverse wall was built with five passages, the central one intended for ceremonial processions. In normal times it was closed with bronze gates. These gates were the boundaries of the sanctuary. To the right and left of the western portico were pavilions of unequal size. The larger northwestern wing of the Propylaea housed the Pinakothek, an art gallery. In the southwestern wing of the Propylaea there is a library. The Propylaea had no sculptural decoration.

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The Temple of Nike Apteros is an unusually elegant marble temple adjacent to the southwestern wing of the Propylaea, built by the architect Kallikrates. The temple project was carried out in 450 BC, and its construction was carried out in 427–421 BC. The building is placed at a slight angle to the façade of the Propylaea. Standing on a three-stage pedestal, the temple was surrounded on all sides by a sculptural ribbon frieze, which depicted episodes of the struggle between the Greeks and the Persians, and the Olympian gods (Athena, Zeus, Poseidon). Inside the temple there was a now-unpreserved sculpture of Athena Nike, according to eyewitnesses, depicted with a helmet in one hand and a pomegranate fruit, a symbol of victorious peace, in the other.

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The Parthenon is the largest and most famous building in this ensemble, which is also called the “anthem” Ancient Greece and “the beauty of simplicity.” The Parthenon is the temple of the goddess Athena the Virgin. Built by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates, the Parthenon, which fit perfectly into the surrounding area, was distinguished by amazing harmony. This applies to its steps, outer colonnade, pediments, friezes and metopes - square slabs with sculptures, many of which were created by Phidias. The Parthenon building was erected from local white marble, but then painted, and there were two more porticoes with columns inside. Here, on a high pedestal, stood a 12-meter statue of Athena the Virgin by the same Phidias. This statue was made of ivory and gold, and not of bronze and marble, as usual. Phidias made the goddess's clothes and helmet from pure gold, her hair and shield formed gold plates, and precious sapphires were inserted into her eye sockets

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On the southern slope of the Acropolis is the oldest known theaters, - theater Dionysus (god of wine). The theater has 78 rows of spectators, which are divided by a passage into two zones. The passage is also part of the Peripata - the path that surrounds sacred rock Acropolis. The front rows of marble spectators, 67 seats, were intended in ancient times for rulers, archons and priests. In the center of the front rows is the throne of the chief priest of the temple, Dionysus Eleftherius.

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The Erechtheion is an outstanding monument of ancient Greek architecture, made by an unknown author (421–415 and 409–406 BC). The temple, located near the Parthenon, is dedicated to Athena, Poseidon and the legendary king of Athens Erechtheus, who gave the name of the temple. A special feature of the temple is its unusual asymmetrical layout, taking into account the unevenness of the soil. On three sides the building is decorated with porticoes of various shapes, including the famous portico of the caryatids. The temple consists of two rooms located on different levels. Eastern part The temple, located higher than the western one, is dedicated to Athena Pollada.

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Architectural ensemble
Athens Acropolis

After the Greco-Persian Wars begins
heyday of Athens.
At this time, they were led by Pericles.
He was a highly educated man
generally recognized
Pericles united around himself the best
the minds of Hellas: his friends were the philosopher
sculptor Phidias
In 443 BC. Athenians for the first time
elected him to the highest position in
your policy.
He was then re-elected 15 more times.
Pericles was an outstanding statesman and patriot. He
devoted all his energy and time to caring for Athens and its citizens. He was
honest and selfless.
He was famous as a wonderful speaker (he had eloquence - the art
speak correctly and convincingly).

Pericles made several changes to
administration of the Athenian polis, in
citizens' rights.
Thus, he continued the reforms
Under Pericles in Athens finally
democracy was established.

Under Pericles, buildings were built in Athens
temples, public buildings,
strengthening Athens has become
at the very beautiful city Greece.
Construction gave jobs to many
to the Greeks Supervised the construction
architect and sculptor Phidias,
friend of Pericles.
Athens Acropolis
stood on high
steep cliff,
rising on
150 m above level
He was
city ​​center,
spread out near him

Phidias' childhood and youth passed during the Greco-Persian
war. He devoted almost all of his creative activity
creation of monuments glorifying the homeland and its heroes. WITH
460 BC Phidias began working in Athens. This
city-state, advanced Greek slaveholding
republic, center of Greek culture, occupied during the war
leading place and became in 478 BC the head
Athens Maritime Union.
Government leadership
Pericles Considering that Athens has the right
thanks to
to his
manage the union treasury,
Pericles decided to use these
funds for the restoration of the city and

Panathenaic celebrations and procession to the Acropolis of the Athenians.
On the last day of the Great Panathenaia, celebrated once every 4
year, a solemn procession of city citizens offered Athena
sacred veil (peplos), woven by the hands of Athenian girls.
This gift was a sign of the resurrection of the goddess Athena.
The holiday was accompanied by equestrian and gymnastic competitions,
competitions of singers and musicians.
The procession rose from the lower city, which lay at the foot of
Acropolis, to the very top of the hill, passing through:
- Propylaea,
- Pinakothek
- Temple of Nika Apteros
- past the monumental statue of Athena Promachos, towering in
center of the square,
- and the temple of the Erechtheion -
- to the majestic Parthenon (Temple of Athena Parthenos).

Propylaea is a ceremonial, grand entrance
It was built by the architect Mnesicles in 437-432 BC.
They are two Doric porticos, one of which faces the city, and
the other is to the top of the Acropolis
Adjacent to the propylaea on the left was the Pinakothek - an art gallery in which
paintings, memorial marble slabs and dedications to
to the gods

The external and internal facades are six-column Doric

Statue of Athena Promachos
Having passed the Propylaea, we find ourselves on
the top of a leveled rock,
turned into a square
towered a huge 17-meter bronze statue
patron of Athens
and the Greek people. Harsh
and the formidable goddess of the right
rests his hand on the spear, and
She held a shield with her left. This
the statue was clearly visible from
all sides of the city, and even from
Nowadays the square is empty, because statue
destroyed in the 13th century. superstitious
knights crusaders

Temple of Nike Apteros (Wingless)
The temple has four Ionic columns at both ends, and rests on the columns.
architrave, and the frieze above it is decorated with reliefs with scenes of mythological and
historical battles.

To the right of the Propylaea was
tiny, graceful, light
(wingless) – goddess of Victory
It was built by Callicrates in 427424 BC.
wingless statue of a goddess.
There is a well-known legend, according to
to which this goddess brought
victory for the Greeks over the Persians, and
then the city residents will not
I wanted to part with her.
Depicting her as wingless, they
considered that the goddess had already
can never leave them

The composition of the Acropolis is based on the principle of asymmetry, the principle
free panorama. Therefore, the statue of Athena was placed to the left of the main axis
Pripylai, and the famous Parthenon was shifted to the right
The Parthenon Temple is dedicated to Athena
Parthenos (virgin)
Built by architects Iktin
and Callicrates (with supervision
Fidiem of the general concept
buildings of the Acropolis).
Constructed from golden pink
pentellian marble,
changing its shade in
depending on the time of day and
degree of illumination.

According to its plan, the Parthenon is a Doric peripterus - 8x17 columns
10.5 m high. The temple is harmonious, thanks to the unification in it
properties of two orders - Doric and Ionic
The outer columns were of the Doric order, the walls themselves
the templecells were crowned by a continuous Ionic frieze

Like all Greek buildings, the Parthenon is relatively low: a person looking
to the temple, I felt taller and broader in the shoulders, the dimensions of the building were not
pressed, did not belittle him.
There is not a single strictly horizontal or strictly vertical structure in the Parthenon.
lines. The lines of cornices, steps, columns - everything is just a little, imperceptible to the eye,
curved taking into account the characteristics of human vision. Thanks to this viewer
all lines appear perfectly correct.
At first glance, it seems that all the columns of the Parthenon are the same and stand side by side.
from each other at an equal distance. In fact, the spans between them
imperceptibly to the eye they increase towards the center.
The thickness of the columns also varies. You've probably noticed that there are trees against the sky
and other objects seem much thinner than they really are - the light seems to
“eats” the volume. To overcome this impression, corner columns
Parthenon, which are silhouetted against the sky, are slightly more massive than those
visible against the background of the wall.
And the columns do not stand straight: they are slightly inclined inward, towards the walls of the building,
to appear taller and slimmer.

Features of the Parthenon:
- building it on the highest part
- precisely calculated three-quarter view
this temple from the Propylaea;
- combination of masculinity and
femininity: Doric colonnade and
Ionic frieze;
- orientation of the Parthenon - entrance from
on the east side, the altar on the west;
- the need to go around the temple to enter
- dispute between Athena and Poseidon for supremacy:
theme of the reliefs of the western pediment;
- theme of the reliefs of the eastern pediment:
birth of Athena from the head of Zeus
- battle of the lipiths (giants) with the centaurs on
- Panathenaic frieze - solemn

Inside, the building is divided into two equal parts. The treasury was kept in the rear wing
of the Athenian Maritime Union, and in the eastern part it melted on a high pedestal
famous statue of Athena Parthenos
Athena Parthenos is the last statue by Phidias. He worked on it for 10 years.
The height of the statue is 12 meters. It had a wooden base, covered with gold and
On Athena's head there was a helmet with an image of a sphinx and winged horses, on her chest
– aegis with the mask of Gargona Medusa. In her right hand she held a two-meter
goddess Nike, and with the left - a shield. On the outside of the shield was depicted
battle between the Greeks and the Amazons. At the feet of Athena is an owl - a symbol of wisdom, and on the left is a snake,
personifying Erechtheus - the most ancient deity of Attica. Majestically
the flowing folds of her clothing resembled the grooves of slender fluted columns
In the 5th century AD the statue of Athena was taken to Constantinople by a Byzantine emperor,
and there, 100 years later, she died in a fire

chrysoelephantine technique (gold and
ivory). The navigator Pausanias
his guidebook describes it as follows: “Itself
Athena is made of ivory and gold...
The statue depicts her at full length in a chiton
all the way to the soles of her feet, her head is on her chest
Ivory jellyfish in her hand
holding a picture of Nicky, approx.
four cubits, and in the other hand a spear. IN
At her feet lies a shield, and near her spear is a serpent;
this snake is probably Erichthonius.”
The goddess's helmet had three crests (the middle one with
sphinx, side with griffins). As he writes
Pliny the Elder, on the outside of the shield
the battle with the Amazons was minted, on
internal - the struggle of gods with giants, and on
Athena's sandals had an image
story with Pandora. On marble copies
the hand of the goddess with Nike is supported by a pillar,
whether it existed in the original - subject
numerous discussions. Nika it seems
tiny, in fact its height
was 2 meters.
Athena Parthenos

Phidias did not cast Athena from bronze or carve it from white Pentelic marble.
Thousands of ivory slices were skillfully fitted to a wooden base
so that it seemed as if the head and hands of the great goddess were sculpted from one piece
this precious and noble material. The yellowish bone looked
snow-white thanks to the contrast with the helmet and robe of the goddess from chased
gold. Athena's round shield was also gold. On the shield Phidias presented scenes
battles of the Greeks with the warlike Amazon women. He depicted tens
figures: Greek warriors and legendary warriors. And in the center it was possible
see a bald old man lifting a stone with his hands. This is Phidias himself.
The government of Athens considered this
stalking the sculptor.
Portrait of Phidias on a shield. Detail of the shield of Athena Parthenos.

Athena Parthenos, shield, reconstruction

The outside of the Parthenon was decorated with scenes of fierce battles (from mythological
The internal relief frieze of the Parthenon went around the entire building. On marble
a ribbon 160 meters long and 1 meter high depicted a solemn
procession of the inhabitants of Athens on the day of the Great Panathenaia
In terms of harmony, fusion of forms and beauty of rhythm, he had no equal in
world art.

Western pediment of the Parthenon, reconstruction, Dispute between Athena and Poseidon

Western pediment, Athena and Poseidon (near Athena's olive tree and salt spring

East pediment, in the center are Zeus on the throne and Athena in full
weapons that just jumped out of Zeus's head.

Metopes of the Parthenon:
On the metopes there were reliefs depicting battles between centaurs and lapiths, and on
frieze depicted the procession of the Panathenaic festival: girls in long
dressed, carrying sacrificial vessels, young men on horses and chariots,
priests; seated deities awaiting the arrival of the procession, etc. Combination
rigor of style and architectural conditions with naturalness and freshness of figures,
their naivety and seriousness give these works of the school of Phidias their character
hills. Comparing them with the statues of previous times, it is necessary
marvel at the liveliness of the figures on them. They are the reproduction of free movements
people. All characters are expressed in these works with the greatest simplicity and
naivety; all movements are relaxed and graceful, all the details of each
the poses are true to nature. Plastic here has completely freed itself from the immovable
symmetry and rigidity of archaic antiquity.

The Erechtheion is a small Ionic temple created in 421-405 BC.
The temple is dedicated to the goddess Athena, the god Poseidon and the mythical king Erechtheus.
According to legend, it was here that a dispute took place between Athena and Poseidon for the right
own Attica.
Capital of modern Greece,
according to ancient myth,
got its name from
named after the ancient pagan
goddesses. She was arguing with
ancient Greek city.
In the place where Poseidon
struck with great force
trident into the ground, and Athena
Pallas showed the townspeople
beautiful olive tree,

The composition of the temple is very complex. It is built on an uneven rocky platform
slope, has three porticoes completely different in size and shape.
Each of its facades is unique in its own way. This is explained by the fact that in the temple
They glorified more than one pagan god and more than one Athenian king. At the western
facade of the Erechtheion Temple there is (more correctly, there was) the tomb of the king
Cecrops, who - according to legend - was a snake man.
From the western side
facade and the same thing grew
the tree that revealed
Pallas Athena.
Moreover, it is growing in
it already originated
does not have: he was imprisoned
restorers at the beginning
20th century.

No matter from which side we approach this temple, it greets us from everywhere
new, unexpected composition of the facade, asymmetry of the corners
In one of the porticoes, the role of columns is played by koras - figures of girls
Caryatid statues blend seamlessly with the architecture. They perform
constructive role, replacing columns, and at the same time look great
against the background of the marble wall of the temple.

The ingenuity of Greek artists created a very special form,
which subsequently became widely used. Instead of columns there were
sculptural human figures were placed. Caryatid – sculptural
image of a beautiful girl in the form of a standing female figure, which
serves as a support for a beam in a building. Male figures performing similar
functions are called atlases (they are not in the Erechtheion).
ancient Greek
mythology - titan,
gods, why was
punished with duty
support heavenly
Charter, Atlas asked
Perseus turn him with
with help
Jellyfish in stone and steel
Mount Atlas.

Theater of Dionysus
(capacity – 17000

Theater of Dionysus - an ancient theater building on the south-eastern slope
Athens Acropolis. It is one of the most ancient theaters in the world. The theater was
built in the 5th century BC e. and was made of wood. Performances in the theater took place
twice a year - during the Lesser Dionysia and the Great Dionysia.
Around 326-325 BC. e. the theater was reconstructed: wooden stage and rows
the seats were replaced with marble ones. Stone seats were placed in 67
rows, reaching the base of the Acropolis. The theater now accommodated up to 17 thousand spectators,
which at that time constituted about half of the Athenian citizens.
Due to its enormous size, the theater was devoid of roofing, and therefore
actors, choir and spectators were located in the open air, and the stage
The action took place in natural light.
The first row consisted of 67 marble chairs for honorary spectators. on them
the names and positions of the owners were carved.