We sing a song to the madness of the brave! Falcon. Sports tourism club "Vershina" Use of phraseological units in literature

He crawled high into the mountains with a kayak
and lay there dead in a dark gorge,
curling your red tongue into a knot
and suffocating from a heavy burden.

The sun was shining high in the sky
and the mountains breathed heat into the sky
and people climbed higher and higher towards the sun
and the people below fought against the stone.

And along the gorge in darkness and spray
the stream rushed towards the sea,
rattling stones. Covered in white foam
gray-haired and strong, he cut the mountain,
hissing on the barrels and falling into the sea,
Howling angrily.

And to the gorge where the Kayaker slept,
A climber suddenly fell from the sky
with a broken chest, blood on the straps.
He got scared and crawled away quickly,
but soon I realized that it was Auntie,
He shouldn’t be afraid of her.

And He approached the broken Aunt
and He whispered right in her ear:
"Need a first aid kit?" "Fuck you!" -
said Aunt, taking a deep breath, -
"I climbed for a long time! I know happiness!
I am a master of sports! You won't see
those mountains are so close! "Oh, you little water creature!"
“Well, what about mountains? - empty space...
I am also a master. How should I ride
there on a kayak? How to dissect me
in stormy streams, if their sun
How long ago did you mate? Go to the mountains!
I feel great here - warm and damp!"

This is how He answered that Mountaineer
and chuckled in his heart at her
for this nonsense. And so I thought:
"Walk or swim, water or mountains -
the end is known: family and children,
yes PeVeDeshki at least once a year..."
But the Mountaineer, suddenly perked up,
decl got up and along the gorge
she walked through her eyes with an impudent grin.
Water oozed through the gray stone
and it was stuffy in the gloomy gorge
and it smelled like a fight.

And she screamed, gathering all her strength:
"Oh, if only I could climb the mountains just once,
or traverse, or rappel!
I would press Tibet... to the wounds of my chest and...
He would choke on my blood!
Oh, Chomolungma! Oh, the Himalayas!!!"
And He thought: “In the mountains there must be
and it's really nice to live,
since this Aunt moans so brutally!
And there are glaciers and a sea of ​​cracks, and there are streams...
In the streams of the sun!" - He gasped
from this thought, but didn’t even show it.
And He suggested to that Mountaineer: “Come on,
get out of my area or he's flying
there are a lot of different ones - after them skirts
suddenly disappear..."

Auntie shuddered and cried out proudly:
"Ha ha!" (three times), went to the cliff,
sliding with a “vibram” on the slime of the stone.
And she came up, all in ecstasy, sighing all over
breast, then the other, eyes flashing,
shrugged her shoulders and began to hammer the bolt with an ice bike.
Looking at this, the kayaker thought: “Oh, climbers
and climbers! Why fuck about hard
a stone when water rushes into the gorge?
And he gave her a spasik with a sly smile, and so
told her: “Go ahead and try -
This is the joy of the world, this is the happiness of life!
And the Mountaineer, all in carbines,
in terrible jumars, in different ropes,
putting on the vest, with a final cry,
rushed into the river, believing him.
The wave of the stream grabbed her, dressed her in foam,
rushed off to the sea, splashing drool, washing away the snot.
And the barrels beat with a sad roar,
the shivers crawled steadily under the sun
and the waterfalls sparkled brightly. And climbers
the water one was not visible in the “six”...

Lying in the gorge, Kayaker for a long time
I couldn't stop laughing...
And then He looked into that distance that is eternal
caresses the eyes with a dream of happiness.
"What did she see, Mountain Climber,
in this desert without bottom and edge?
Why do people like this confuse souls?
your love for hiking in the mountains?
What is clear to them there? But I could
find out all this by rising higher,
at least for a little while?"

He said it and did it. In your hydra,
in torn patches, with a faithful kayak,
with an iron oar. He, gasping for breath,
rushed into the mountains, bent into a ring
and his wet savior sparkled in the sun.
A born waterman cannot do it in the mountains!
Forgetting about it, He slipped
and fell on a stone, but was not killed,
and laughed...

“So that’s the beauty of hiking in the mountains!
Yes in masochism! Here are the climbers!
Funny people! Not knowing water
they strive high in the mountains
and seek happiness in the sultry desert.
It's just dry there. Like in Always Classic.
There's a lot of snow there, but there's no water there
and there is no support for the living body.

Why pride? Why reproaches?
Then, to cover up the madness
your desires and hide behind them
its unsuitability for water rafting?
But they won't deceive me anymore
now their speeches! I know everything myself!
I saw the mountains... I measured them,
knew the fall, but did not break,
but I only believe in the kayak more and more.
Let those who cannot love water
live in the mountains. Creation of water -
I live by water!"

And He, straightening his skirt on the slide,
he slid off the ledge and set off on his way,
proud of myself...

And the waves crashed menacingly against the shore,
the splashes all sparkled in the bright light.
There was a song in their lion's roar
and because of the noise He did not hear
already that song.
“We sing glory to the madness of the brave!”
The rocks trembled from the menacing song.
“The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!”
sang the Speleologist in a deep hole.
"Even if there is no place for life here
and there is no sun, but let the carbides
how sparks will flash in the darkness of life
and many brave hearts will light up
crazy thirst for freedom, light!
We sing a song to the madness of the brave!

We sing a song to the madness of the brave
The primary source is the prose poem “Song of the Falcon” (1898) by Maxim Gorky (pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, 1868-1936):
The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!
We sing glory to the madness of the brave.

The catchphrase was formed by combining a line from this work with its title.
Ironically: about someone who is brave, determined, but unreasonable. an act that is questionable from the point of view of the result.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “We sing a song to the madness of the brave” in other dictionaries:

    Quote from the Song of the Falcon (1898), (See O brave Falcon, in the fight against your enemies you bled to death.) In the early 900s, it was often cited in Bolshevik proclamations. Dictionary of popular words. Plutex. 2004 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! We sing a song to the madness of the brave- wing. sl. Quote from “Song of the Falcon” (1898), (See O brave Falcon, in the fight against your enemies you bled to death.) In the early 900s, it was often cited in Bolshevik proclamations ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and are sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category catch phrases. About the authorship... ...

    madness- , a, cf. ** We sing a song to the madness of the brave! // Quote from “Song of the Falcon” by M. Gorky, 1898. At the beginning of the century it was often quoted in Bolshevik proclamations. pathet. An expression that pathetically evaluates revolutionary courage, courage... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Aya, oh; brave, brave, brave, brave and brave. Distinguished by courage; brave, courageous. He was brave and knew well those acute moments of battle when the commander needs to joke with death for a decisive move. A. N. Tolstoy, Eighteenth year. | meaning... ... Small academic dictionary

    - (real name Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich) (1868 1936) Russian writer. Aphorisms, quotes Gorky Maxim biography At the bottom, 1902 *) You can’t go anywhere in the carriage of the past. (Satin) Man! It's great! It sounds... proud! Human! Necessary… … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Courage, courage, valor, agility, fearlessness, determination, prowess, daring, brashness. Civil courage. We sing a song to the madness of the brave. Gorky Prot. courage. Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Anatoly Osmolovsky Osmolovsky gives a lecture Name at birth ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Konstantinov. Nikolay “Kol” Konstantinov Nikolay Konstantinov, 2006 Birth name: Nikolay Alexandrovich Konst ... Wikipedia

    Nikolay “Kol” Konstantinov Nikolay Konstantinov, 2006 Birth name: Nikolay Aleksandrovich Konstantinov Date of birth: May 22, 1961 Place of birth: Jelly ... Wikipedia


  • I want each of the people to be a Man (audiobook MP3), Maxim Gorky. The audience is offered a kind of performance-meditation, in which characters from various works of Maxim Gorky participate. It’s as if two opposites are lined up in front of us... audiobook
  • I want each of the people to be a person... (CDmp3), Gorky Maxim. The audience is offered a kind of performance-meditation, in which characters from various works of Maxim Gorky participate. It’s as if two opposites are lining up in front of us...

And again a literary source of domestic production. This time Maxim Gorky. Or rather, his “Song of the Falcon”. Let’s briefly go through the original source, talk about the merger of the title and the line from it, as well as the meaning and application of the catchphrase “We sing a song to the madness of the brave.” Go…


Gorky’s early work is aphoristic; the same “Song of the Falcon” is replete with various symbols and metaphors, the subtext of which is not at all difficult to discern through the prism of the past century. The inspiration of the author’s prose and poetry (and this work is a representative of the borderline genre - prose poems) late XIX century was caused by the passionate desire for change that the future Bolshevik leaders burned in those days.

“Song of the Falcon,” an analysis of the main symbols of which quickly makes the main point clear. The reader is pushed to take an active position in life, to begin the fight for his happiness, to drive away philistinism and generally begin to search for the meaning of the frailty of his own existence, quickly discover it and forge iron without leaving the cash register. In fact, the poem is really beautiful and quite unambiguous.

Finally, do not forget that the line from the poem sounds like “We sing glory to the madness of the brave,” however, the popular expression walks through the open spaces in a version with the word “song” at the end. Well, the line inadvertently got stuck together with the title of the work, and that’s not what happens with phraseological units.


The expression “We sing a song to the madness of the brave” is itself a catchphrase due to the three- or even four-level nature of the underlying subtext. Here you can find both real madness and dissent that drives progress. If we get lucky.

However, the general meaning is obvious. Someone has done something on the verge of rationality, or even beyond it, but the result raises certain doubts among others, as is often the case in a conformist society, and a song is made about this act. It can be used figuratively or literally. Nice expression. Both poetry and prose in one bottle, suitable for everyday life, and will not spoil the note in a high syllable.

This photo. Georgia, 08.08.08 After the defeat of the Georgian army, its retreating units regrouped and decided to return to Gori, but stumbled upon a Russian checkpoint.

The photograph shows how a soldier of the Russian Armed Forces with a machine gun at the ready confronts the motorized infantry of the Georgian Armed Forces. The officers of the column threatened the machine gunner to move out of the way and let them through, to which they heard in response “Go...” Then the media who were moving with the column tried to talk to the machine gunner. They received the same answer. As a result, the column turned around and moved back to where it had come from. Foreign journalists then published an article entitled “You don’t need three hundred, one is enough.”

What was this soldier thinking? How did he feel at that moment? Wasn't he scared? Surely it was. Or did he not dream of having children and grandchildren and living a long and happy life?

Can you imagine a NATO soldier standing like this in front of an enemy column?

They value their lives too much. Then what's wrong with us? Why are we different?

And why do others think we are crazy and unpredictable?

Pictures from other places our soldiers had visited instantly flashed before my eyes. Here is the Slatina airport, the famous rush of our paratroopers to Pristina to help our Serb brothers.

200 Russian paratroopers against NATO soldiers. How did they feel standing face to face with superior enemy forces? Isn’t it the same thing as our little soldier in Georgia?

Donbass, Novorossiya. year 2014. Alexander Scriabin died after throwing himself under a tank with grenades. Alexander was 54 years old, he worked at the Talovskaya mine as a mining fitter. The deceased is survived by his wife and two daughters.

The point is not at all about fearlessness or a disregard for the most precious thing we have - our own life. Then what?

Are there other people who would so desperately love life and everything connected with it?

We live with an open soul, with hussar scope. We are the ones who invite gypsies and bears to the wedding. We are the ones who are able to organize a holiday with our last money, generously feed all the guests, and wake up penniless in the morning. We know how to live as if every day of our life is the last. And there will be no tomorrow. There is only now. And only we could compose a song with words like “.... there is only a moment, between the past and the future. It is called life...”

All our poems and songs are literally permeated through and through with love for life, but only we know how to listen to them and sob bitterly.

Only our people have sayings: “To fall in love is like a queen, to steal is like a million,” “He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne.” This is from the desire to drink this life to the dregs, to experience everything in it that one can manage.

Then why are we, standing and looking into the eyes of the enemy, able to part with this life so easily?

This is inherent in our RUSSIAN WORLD, in our genetic code and dates back to those very times about which no one knows anything and of course does not remember At all times.

Someone will say that the soldier in the photo in no way belongs to Russian nationality. But who can say that he is not ours? That he is not one of us? Everyone has known for a long time that Russian is not just Russian by nationality. This is a state of mind. This is a person’s belonging to the RUSSIAN WORLD.

Gori and others settlements were captured by Chechens (VOSTOK) and separate special forces groups, in which Russians, Buryats and Mordvins serve. In reality, there are no Russians in principle; every Russian has a lot of things mixed in (the result of the conquest of territories). Even in Tsarist Russia, Russian units of Kalmyk and Buryat Cossacks aroused surprise among those who saw their faces . And there were many such parts, as in ancient Rome, conquered peoples were accepted into legionnaires with the corresponding rights and privileges that Roman citizens and soldiers had. If for them Rus', the Russian language, the Russian worldview, Russian citizenship are not an empty phrase and they are ready to give their lives for this, then they are Russians... and then their nationality.

During the time of Minin and Pozharsky, Rus' was defended on an equal basis with our soldiers by the army from Kazan.

And this soldier in the photo.... He will not leave....
He is ours. He's his...

Only the chain mail and helmets changed, the spears were replaced by machine guns. We got tanks and learned to fly. But the code remains the same. And it always triggers in us when our home is about to be destroyed or captured. And he also haunts us if the weak are offended.

How it works? Disturbing music begins to sound within us, which only we can hear. This code sounds in us ringing bells until the uninvited guests are thrown out of our land.

And this is where the most important thing happens. A warrior awakens in each of us. In everyone, from small to large. And this connects us with an invisible thread.

And others who do not belong to the RUSSIAN WORLD or who betrayed it cannot understand this.

When our land is threatened, or someone is offended somewhere on earth, be it in Angola, Vietnam or Ossetia, our snipers become the most accurate, our tank crews become fireproof. Pilots turn into aces and remember such incredible things as a corkscrew and a ram. Our scouts work wonders, the sailors become unsinkable, and the infantry resembles staunch tin soldiers.

And every Russian, without exception, becomes a defender. Even very old people and young children. Remember the grandfather from Novorossiya, who fed the enemy a jar of honey filled with explosives. This real story. And we have a whole country of such warriors!

Therefore, those who are going to attack the Russians and expect to see kneeling Russians on Russian soil, with loaves of bread and flowers, will have to be very disappointed. They will see a completely different picture. And I don't think they will like her. After all, the most glorious battle at all times for Russians was mortal combat. And from the face and look of this soldier it is clear that he does not care, he went out to a glorious battle. He entered into mortal combat and he will not leave. He won't be able to do otherwise. We can't do it any other way.

And God forbid our enemies come to us, they will have to see our grandfathers, fathers, husbands and brothers. Behind them will be mothers, wives and daughters. And behind them will be the heroes of Afghanistan and Chechnya, soldiers of the Second World War and the First World War, participants in the Battle of Kulikovo and the Battle of the Ice.

Because we are Russian...
God is with us!
The Gods are with us!

I would like to quote S. Alekseev. "Treasures of the Valkyries":
If you know that Russians sharpen shovels, then you should know that they are vile atheists. Because they swear at God and Christ.
- They must be allowed to do this, sir.
- Who is allowed?!
- By God, sir. Who else can allow someone to swear with such a name and not punish in any way for blasphemy? Only the Lord. After all, he didn’t punish the Russians?
- Because there is no point in punishing stupid dirty pigs!
- You're wrong, sir. God punishes them all the time, but in a very different way. And this curse, sir, is not a curse at all.
- What else if they dishonor even the Mother of God? - Only now Jason began to feel pain in his head.
“Prayer, sir,” Gustav said calmly. - It’s hard to imagine, but it’s prayer. Only they say it not in the temple, and not before going to bed, but in battle. This is the Russian fighting prayer. It has very ancient roots. The Slavs thus called upon the gods for help in battle. And when Christianity came to them, the tradition was preserved. And the new Lord allowed the barbarians to pray as before. And today the Russian guys prayed very sincerely, because good luck came to them.
The Lord has love for Russians.
- Do you want to say that they are also God’s chosen people, like the Jews?
- No, sir, God's chosen people on earth are the Jews. That is why they are called servants of God. And the barbarians are the grandchildren of God. They have family relationships and family love. This is completely different, sir, as you understand. Who is closer to the Lord, a slave or a grandson? And who is forgiven more?.. Sorry, sir, this is difficult to immediately comprehend and accept, but if you want to understand the essence of things, you should study Russian history. The barbarians outlined their ancient worldview in some detail and absolutely know their place in the universe. They always thought of themselves as grandchildren of God and therefore still say “you” to the Lord, as is customary among relatives.
- Listen, do you know why the Russians came out to fight in striped shirts? Does this also have some symbolic meaning?
- These shirts, sir, are called vests.
- Yes, I heard, I know... But why didn’t they put the bulletproof vests down? And took off their helmets? Do they think striped vests protect?
“I don’t think so, sir,” said Kalt. - In these vests, it’s probably good to fight in the dark, you can see where your friends are and where the strangers are.
- But the enemy can see it perfectly well!
- They were confident in their abilities. The Russians came out to fight to the death, sir. Therefore, all protection was removed. And our scouts expected to simply wave their fists and batons. Can you tell the difference, sir?
- To death? Why immediately to death? If they were warned by someone, they probably knew that my guys were going to an ordinary brawl and did not want to kill.
“We are dealing with barbarians, sir,” the doctor sighed. - The Russians had no choice but to go to their death. Otherwise they would never have won. These guys from Russia really didn't eat well and don't have enough muscle mass. The barbarians have an ancient magical ritual: when they lack physical strength, they take off all protection and clothing and go into battle half naked, naked, while calling on the gods for help. And when the gods see that their grandchildren are going to death, family support comes into play.
- Let’s say you read what was written, but I’m not sure that the Russians themselves read about it.
“You’re right, sir, it’s unlikely,” the doctor agreed. “They probably don’t need to read.” Barbarians know their magical rites from other sources. They experience a strange phenomenon - collective thinking in a critical situation. And genetic memory awakens. They begin to do unpredictable, illogical things. A person with normal consciousness and psyche wants to protect himself with a shell or body armor, to choose a more advanced weapon; barbarians do the opposite.
“If you want to send guys to fight the Russians half-naked, sir, then stop this idea now,” he advised. “Absolutely nothing will come of it.”
- You are sure?
- Yes, sir. What is allowed to grandchildren is not allowed to slaves.

Probably everyone still remembers Gorky’s stories, in particular “The Song of the Falcon,” how Already pushed the dying Falcon to the edge?

"We sing glory to the madness of the brave!
The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!
O brave Falcon! You bled to death in a battle with your enemies...
But there will be time - and drops of your blood will be hot,
like sparks will flash in the darkness of life
and many brave hearts will light up
crazy thirst for freedom, light!

Exactly 40 species of falcons are combined into one common scientific name -
(latin) Falco - from the word "falx" - which means "sickle", and is associated with the crescent shape of the wings in flight.

Of course, I won’t be able to talk about all the species and show them here, but the ones closest to us in the European climate and our possible companions will be shown here :)
Most of the texts and Wikipedia.
Based on the degree of ingenuity they show in obtaining a variety of food, falcons are among the most intelligent birds in the world.
According to archaeologists, falcons are a fairly young species of birds, their age is less than 10 million years.
These unusually beautiful birds are divided into 4 main types: kestrels, hobbies, falcons themselves and a group that includes the gyrfalcon, saker falcon, Mediterranean falcon (lanner, lat. Falco biarmicus) and Laggar (lat. Falco jugger). Let's look at those closest to us falcons!

Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus
The wingspan is 80-120 cm, the weight of the female is up to 1.5 kg, the males are slightly lighter.
The peregrine falcon is considered the fastest bird in the world; in an attack it can reach speeds of over 322 km/h, or 90 m/s.

Peregrine falcons are monogamous, pairs remain for many years or until the end of life, while attachment to a certain nesting territory is noted, which remains in several generations of birds for a long time, for example, on a small island off the coast of Wales, researchers recorded a rocky ledge on which the birds nested continuously since at least 1243!
During the mating season, the male flies to the site of the future nest and calls the female, dances in the sky, feeds her on the fly...

Now let's see what the peregrine falcon does in the air and why it seems like "the madness of the brave"!

Typically, the female lays an average of 3 eggs. After 33 - 35 days, chicks appear, which fly on the wing at the age of 35-45 days.
According to scientists, the lifespan of a falcon in nature is 15 - 17 years. However, there is a known case: in 1732, a falcon was caught, on the collar of which there was the following inscription: “His Majesty King James of England, 1610.” The lifespan of the royal falcon was 122 years.

The peregrine falcon is listed in the Red Book, as its population is dangerously low.

The peregrine falcon has a distinctive feature - a special pattern near the eyes, reminiscent of black eyeliner. From this drawing you can recognize the peregrine falcon in the ancient Egyptian falcon god Ra.

The peregrine falcon not only surpassed everyone in speed, but is also considered to have the most acute vision in the bird world. The lens of a bird of prey is surrounded by a special ring of bone plate, which allows it to quickly focus vision on objects located at a great distance. Special eye muscles compress the ring and, accordingly, change the curvature of the lens. This allows the falcon to instantly focus on game far below. In addition, in the eyes of birds of prey there are two “yellow spots” that are responsible for visual acuity. By the way, a person has only one such spot. The second yellow spot can magnify the object the bird is looking at, creating a binocular effect.

Another falcon is the saker falcon. In the old days they called him a finist. Falco cherrug

The number of saker falcon is low everywhere; it is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. Estimates made in 2005 put the number at just 8,500 individuals. They nest on rock ledges, steppe hills, occupying old nests of Buzzards, Ravens, etc.

The female lays 3-5 red-brown eggs with dark brown spots and incubates them for a month. The male feeds the female during the incubation period. The saker falcon reaches a length of 47-57 cm with a weight of 800 to 1300 grams, a wingspan of 110 to 130 cm. This species does not have a standard plumage color. In different individuals it varies depending on the individual. There are no differences in the color of the feathers of males and females, and this is a rather rare case. Since ancient times, the saker falcon has been highly valued as a bird of prey, since it has no equal in the steppe and desert. Each pair looks for several nests and uses them in turn. Saker falcons in the wild live on average 18-20 years. There have been cases when birds reached 28-30 years of age. In flight, the saker falcon can be distinguished from other birds (for example, from a falcon) by its wider wings and long tail.

The Saker Falcon's voice resembles the sounds “kyak, kyak-kyak” or trill (during the breeding season) B wildlife these predators can live up to 20 years. However, there are cases when they reached the age of 25-30 years. The saker falcon is distinguished by its maneuverable flight and can hunt both in open fields and among dense bushes and woodlands. Saker falcons are monogamous birds and have a fairly large hunting range, approximately 20 km. Interestingly, when approaching the target, the predator does not reduce its speed. On the contrary, it is gaining. The presence of a strong skull and elastic joints allows the bird to avoid injury. In the Arab East, the saker falcon is a cult sacred bird.

A miniature, graceful falcon, wingspan 60-65 cm. The flight is somewhat reminiscent of the flight of swallows - fast and maneuverable, alternating with frequent shallow wing beats and gliding. It hunts low above the ground and, when diving, glides wave-like in the air with folded wings. Unsociable, and outside the nest, usually silent bird. The alarm signal is a typical falcon accelerating, sharp and abrupt cry “kyak-kyak-kyak”. In the steppe or heathland, it nests directly on the ground under the cover of tall grass or bushes.

There are 3-5 eggs in a clutch. The male and female feed and care for the chicks together. On average, these small falcons live about 10 years in the wild.

This bird in England is also called Merlin - after the name of the wizard from ancient legends.

Falcon (lat. Falco vespertinus) A small falcon, similar in proportions and behavior to a kestrel, but less broad-winged. The wingspan is 65-77 cm. It feeds almost exclusively on large insects - dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers, etc. They nest in abandoned nests of corvids, sometimes in hollows, niches or burrows. Can form colonies of up to 100 pairs. These are migratory birds. The colors of the female and the male are very different.

The falcon population is rapidly declining. There are 4-6 chicks in a brood. Lifespan 12 years.

Another small falcon is the hobby falcon, Falco subbuteo. Common features of this group are predominantly dark gray plumage, black “whiskers” and black longitudinal streaks on the chest.

The name "cheglok" comes from the Old Russian word "chegl" meaning "primordial, authentic." It is assumed that in this way this bird is ranked among other hunting, noble falcons - the peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon and saker falcon, although it differs from them in its smaller size. In contrast, small falcons not used in hunting were distinguished - the kestrel and the falcon.

The wingspan is 69-84 cm, weight 130-340 g. Usually a silent bird, but in case of anxiety it emits a loud, sharp and abrupt cry “kyak-kyak-kyak” typical of falcons. The flight is fast and maneuverable, frequent flapping of the wings alternates with gliding, the cap does not hover. There are 2-4 eggs in a clutch; at the age of 28-34 days, the fledged chicks are already able to fly. In the wild, the Hobby lives from 32 to 38 years.

Another falcon is the kestrel. Falco tinnunculus. Wingspan 75 - 76 cm Recently, the bird has increasingly taken a fancy to cities and surrounding areas, settling in close proximity to humans. It has the ability to flutter flight (like a hummingbird). It hovers in place at a height of 10-20 m and looks out for a suitable hunting object. Having noticed the prey, the kestrel dives down and grabs it, slowing down already near the ground.

The Latin tinnunculus translates as sonorous or ringing, which is associated with the unusually sonorous voice of the kestrel. Research has shown that females have 11 different sound signals, and males have over nine.

The lifespan of the kestrel is 9-12 years, some individuals live more than 24, although some sources report only 4 years. In general, I noticed that when it comes to the lifespan of a particular bird species, it turns out that the data differs.

The visual acuity of the common kestrel is 2.6 times higher than that of humans. A person with such vision could read the entire vision test chart from a distance of 90 meters. In addition, this bird sees ultraviolet light, and therefore urine marks left by rodents (urine glows brightly in ultraviolet light, and the fresher it is, the brighter it is), near which there is almost certainly a rodent.

The same applies to falcons and the gyrfalcon, but there will be a separate post about it.