Catch phrases about tourism. A selection of quotes and sayings about travel. For whom travel is contraindicated?

  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” (Lao Tzu)
  • “When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer” (author unknown)
  • “The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it.” (St. Augustine)
  • “Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been.” (Dalai Lama)
  • “Don’t tell me what you know, tell me how far you’ve been.” (Prophet Muhammad)
  • “To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing - to go.” (Honoré de Balzac)
  • “It's the journey, not the destination that matters.” (From the movie “Step Up 3-D”)
  • “It is not necessary to live. Traveling is necessary.” (William Burroughs).
  • “No wind is fair if you don’t know where you’re sailing.” (Robert Benchley)
  • “A leg that can walk is worth a thousand others.” (Sinhala proverb).
  • “It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, it’s important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from what it was before, so that a part of you remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on his lawn and a real gardener. The first one will pass, and it will no longer exist, but the gardener will live for more than one generation.” (Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451")
  • “We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he rejoices in.” (Rabindranath Tagore)
  • “It’s better to travel all the time, but never reach your destination.” (Buddha)
  • “A good path has no clear plan, and this path has no definite goal.” (Lao Tzu)
  • “You are a traveler. Don’t say: I have such and such a city, and I have such and such. No one has a city; city ​​- mountain (in heaven); and the present is the way. And we travel every day as nature moves.” (John Chrysostom)
  • “Move, breathe, soar, swim, receive what you give, explore, travel - this is what it means to LIVE.” (Hans Christian Andersen)
  • “The big changes that happen in our lives are, to some extent, a second chance.” (Harrison Ford)
  • “The offer of unexpected journeys is a dance lesson taught by God.” (Kurt Vonnegut. "Cat's Cradle")

About enjoying life

  • “Don’t think about what you’ll say when you get back. Time is here and now. Seize the moment." (Paulo Coelho. “Aleph”)
  • “We enjoy it greatly just in anticipation.” (Claude Adrian Helvetius)
  • "I can handle everything except temptation." (Oscar Wilde)
  • “Being alive is a gift. Being happy is your choice." (Osho)
  • “Life gives a person, at best, one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.” (Oscar Wilde)
    • “I love life obscenely.” (Salvador Dali)
    • “If you want to be happy, be it! And don't put anything off until tomorrow. Create your life right now." (Author unknown)
    • "Life is too short to drink bad wine." (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
    • “No consciousness and no action can compare with the pleasure of sailing on the waves into unknown distances.” (Yukio Mishima. “The Golden Temple”)
    • "Wake up all alone in unfamiliar city- one of the most pleasant sensations in the world.” (Freya Stark)
    • “Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you are alone, and your whole life is in your hands, you feel like a mistress like never before.” (Hannah Arendt)
    • “One day I was bitten by a travel bug. I didn't take the antidote in time. Now I'm happy." (Michael Palin)
    • “You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pattering on the roof. It's very easy to be happy." (Tove Jansson. “All about the Moomins”)
    • “We’re not leaving yet, if that’s what you mean,” answered the first swallow. - We are just busy with plans and preparations. We discuss which way we should fly and where we will stop to rest and so on. That's half the fun." (Kenneth Grahame. “The Wind in the Willows”)
    • “The most enjoyable part of the trip is getting ready. A dog's bark is worse than the dog itself. And a woman is often more beautiful from the back. The sight of me can destroy your dreams." (from the animated film "Spice and Wolf")
  • “My aunt dreams of Paris,” said the professor. “She dreams of drinking coffee from small cups on the left bank of the Seine.
    “Yes, that’s wonderful,” said Clara.
    - No, I don’t understand! - said the professor. - Why? – How the taste of coffee can change depending on the place where you drink it.
    - But that’s exactly how it is!
    - Let it go! But I haven't experienced this.
    Clara Jorgensen looked at him sympathetically.
    “It’s not about drinking coffee,” she said. – The main thing is the mood.
    -Are you drinking in the mood?
    - Yes. Travel is a sensory experience." (Christine Valla. “Muscat”)

Why do we need travel?

  • “He who does not travel does not know the real value of human life.” (Moorish proverb)
  • “Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • “If you pour the contents of your wallet into your head, no one will take it away from you.” (Benjamin Franklin)
  • “When we strive to look for the unknown to us, we become better, more courageous and more active than those who believe that the unknown cannot be found and there is no need to look for it.” (Plato)
  • “Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel.” (Ivan Bunin)
  • “The road teaches patience.” (Benjamin Disraeli)
  • “What the hell should we do at home?” (Fyodor Konyukhov)
  • “It’s not my fault if such wonders happen to me that have never happened to anyone else. This is because I love to travel and am always looking for adventure, and you sit at home and see nothing but the four walls of your room.” (Rudolf Erich Raspe. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”)
  • “Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.” (Albert Camus)
  • “Only roads can delay old age. When you drive all the time and go to bed, knowing that the alarm clock will wake you up at night in order to catch a plane that is going God knows where and in general God knows why you are flying on it, then time stands still.” (Yulian Semenov)
  • “They say travel is the best remedy educate yourself in everything: the truth, definitely the truth! You will learn so much here.” (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)
  • “Increasing knowledge, I consider visiting foreign lands good deed I" (Sebastian Brant. "Ship of Fools")
  • “This happens to me too. I look at the map and suddenly there is a wild desire to go to God knows where. As far as possible from the conveniences and benefits of civilization. And see with your own eyes what the landscapes are like there and what’s happening in those parts. To fever, to trembling. But you can’t explain to anyone where this desire came from. Curiosity in its purest form. Inexplicable inspiration." (Haruki Murakami. “1Q84”)
  • “Curious! Curious! - thought Passepartout, returning to the ship. “I now see that traveling is a magnificent thing, not worthwhile if you want to see something new.” (Jules Verne. “Around the World in Eighty Days”)
  • “When a person wanders, he, without noticing it, experiences a rebirth. Every now and then he finds himself in situations that are new to him, his days are long, and most often a language unknown to him is heard around him. He is like a baby who has just left his mother's womb. And he pays much more attention to what surrounds him, because it determines whether he will survive or not. He becomes more accessible to people, because they can come to his aid in difficult times. And he perceives the fleeting mercy of the gods with jubilation and will remember it until the end of his days. And at the same time, since everything is new to him, he notices only beauty and is happy simply because he lives.” (Paulo Coelho. “The Diary of a Magician”)
  • “First we go on journeys to lose ourselves, and then we go all the way without finding ourselves. We embark on travel to open our eyes and hearts, to learn something new, something that is not published in newspapers and textbooks. We travel to bring into the world what little we are capable of, what our knowledge allows us to do. And we travel to slow down time and fall in love like when we were young.” (Pico Iyer)
  • “The most wonderful thing that can happen to a traveler is to stumble upon something he was not looking for.” (Lawrence Block)
  • “Life while traveling is a dream in its purest form.” (Agatha Christie)
  • “Life is movement. As soon as the movement ends, the river of life turns into a swamp.”
  • “Personally, I don’t travel to be somewhere, I travel for the movement and fellow travelers. Movement is the most beautiful thing in life.” (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  • “Of course, travel does not prevent fanaticism. But if a person sees that we all cry, eat, laugh, worry and die, then he will understand that we are all similar to each other, and we can all become friends.” (Maya Angelou)
  • “The road makes a wise man better, and a fool stupider.” (Thomas Fuller)
  • “Travel reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather our weariness from what we are leaving behind.” (Alphonse Carr)
  • “Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.” (Anatole France)
  • “Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one.” (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
  • “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about their countries.” (Aldous Huxley)
  • “In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So set sail from the quiet pier. Feel the tailwind in your sail. Move forward, act, open up!” (Mark Twain)
  • “Don't compare. Don’t compare anything: neither prices, nor cleanliness, nor quality of life, nor transport. Nothing! You don't travel to prove that you have a better life. Get to know the lives of others and find what you can learn from them.” (Paulo Coelho)
  • “Walking alone with your beloved being in a foreign city, among strangers, is somehow especially pleasant: everything seems beautiful and significant, you wish everyone good, peace and the same happiness that you are filled with.” (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. “On the Eve”)
  • “For a person who has never traveled, every new place that is in any way different from native land, looks very tempting. Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and consolation. For some reason, everything new seems very important to us, and the mind, which in essence only reflects the perceptions of our senses, gives in to the influx of impressions. On the way, you can forget your beloved, dispel grief, and drive away the ghost of death. In the simple expression “I’m leaving” lies a whole world of feelings that cannot find an outlet.” (Theodore Dreiser. “Sister Carrie”)
  • “Wandering is the best thing in the world. When you wander, you grow rapidly, and everything you see is reflected even in your appearance. I recognize people who have traveled a lot from thousands. Wanderings purify, intertwine meetings, centuries, books and Love. They make us related to Heaven. If we have received the unproven happiness of being born, then we must at least see the earth.” (K.G. Paustovsky. “Romantics”)
  • Nothing opens your eyes to the world and broadens your horizons like travel.” (Charlize Theron)
  • “One of the benefits of traveling is the opportunity to visit new cities and meet new people.” (Genghis Khan)
  • “Travel is a great salvation from loneliness.” (Michelle Williams)
  • “They say that people who have seen the world are distinguished by ease of manner and do not get lost in any society. But this is not always the case: perhaps traveling through the vast Siberia in a dog-drawn sleigh, or long walks on an empty stomach and alone to the heart of black Africa, are not the best way to acquire social polish.” (Herman Melville. “Moby Dick, or the White Whale”)
  • “I realized that the surest way to find out whether you like a person or not is to go on a trip with him.” (Mark Twain. “Tom Sawyer Abroad”)
  • “Hurry towards Adventure, listen to the call now, before it falls silent. All you need to do is slam the door behind you, joyfully take the first step, and now you have already left your old life and entered a new one! And then someday, not very soon, please, go home, if you want, when your cup is drunk and the game is played, sit down near your quiet river and sit in the company of wonderful memories.” (Kenneth Grahame. “The Wind in the Willows”)
  • “For him there were only two favorite moments left in life: when he approached big city and when he left him." (Peter Hoeg. “The Woman and the Monkey”)
  • “I have always believed that travel is best time for memories, especially traveling on water, because water is an image of time. I have never forgotten that I am the son of a photographer, and that my memory only develops film.” (From the film “A Room and a Half or a Sentimental Journey to the Homeland”)
  • “A train ticket raises more expectations than a lottery ticket.” (Paul Morand. “Allure Coco Chanel”)
  • “Salvation is in wanderings.<…>The sign “Fasten your seat belts” lights up, and you are disconnected from your problems. Broken armrests rise above broken hearts." (Alex Garland. “The Beach”)
  • "Away from native language and loved ones, deprived of all our usual guises and supports (after all, you don’t even know the price of a tram ticket), we are entirely on the surface. But at the same time, feeling out of place, we discover in every object and in every wondrous creature their true magical essence.” (Albert Camus. “Love of Life”)
  • “... I generally like to leave, because without leaving one city it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like coming more than anything else.” (Max Frei. “The Big Cart”)
  • “... everyone believes that in Rus' life is boring with its monotony, and they go abroad from here to have fun, while I affirm and will have the honor to prove to you that life nowhere is so replete with the most sudden diversity as in Russia. At least I am leaving here abroad precisely to calm down from the kaleidoscopic diversity of Russian life and I think that I am not the only specimen of my kind.” (Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov. “Laughter and Grief”)
  • “To change the world, you have to see it.” (From the film “The Missing” (“Traveller”))
  • “Travel helps to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time” (Georgy Alexandrov)
  • “Travelling broadens your horizons and reduces your stupidity.” (Georgy Alexandrov)
  • “It is impossible to value in hard currency the feeling of freedom and timelessness that the mountains give you when you stand on a high spur under a flawless blue April sky and look around.” (Jonathan Coe. "Before the Rain Falls")

Who to travel with?

  • "Only travel with those you love." (Ernest Hemingway. “A holiday that is always with you”)
  • “Every relationship is a journey. And travel is always full of dangers. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to find a companion with whom you are not afraid to travel.” (Richard Paul Evans. "Sunflower")

Who needs travel?

  • “Anywhere in the world I feel at home. For a type like me, the hardest thing to feel at home is at home.” (Henry Miller "Books in My Life")
  • “At times, especially in the fall, he suddenly began to feel sad about some wild lands, and strange visions of unfamiliar mountains filled his dreams.” (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. “The Lord of the Rings”)
  • “But, despite everything, travel remains my great and true love. All my life, from my very first trip to Russia at the age of sixteen using the money I saved (sitting with the neighbor’s kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of travel, that I would not regret any money on it. I remained faithful and constancy to this love, unlike my other hobbies. I treat travel the same way a happy mother treats a terrible, colicky, screaming baby - I absolutely don’t care what challenges await me. Because I love it. Because it’s mine.” (Elizabeth Gilbert. “Eat, Pray, Love”)
  • “To a cheerful person the whole world seems cheerful.” (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
  • “If you are young, healthy and eager to learn new things, then I implore you - travel. And go as far as possible. Sleep on bare ground if you have to, but be true to the idea. Learn from people about life, learn from them how to cook, how to cook and everything in general, wherever you go.” (Anthony Bordian.)
  • “If you can randomly make your way to your own bed in complete darkness without hurting yourself, then it’s time to travel.” (Boris Krieger)
  • “Traveling is what a real artist (creative personality) should do, because this is real art - gem, which the traveler must subsequently process.” (Freya Stark)
  • “Adventure is the journey. True adventure is undertaken by self-determined, driven people. And as a rule, it is always risky. Sometimes you have to “eat straight from the hands of fate.” Only after traveling a sufficient distance will you encounter true gratuitous kindness and boundless cruelty and realize that you are capable of both. All this will fundamentally change you, and the world will no longer be black and white for you.” (Mark Jenkins)
  • “When I was still very young and I was haunted by the urge to go somewhere where we were not, mature people assured me that in maturity they would be cured of this itch. When my age approached this standard, old age was promised to me as a healing remedy. In my older years I heard assurances that over time my fever would go away, but now that I am fifty-eight years old, I can only hope for a very old age. Nothing has helped so far. Four hoarse steamship whistles make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, and my feet begin to stamp themselves. I'll hear a roar jet plane, warming up the engine, even the clatter of hooves on the pavement - and immediately the eternal trembling throughout the whole body, dry mouth, wandering eyes, heat in the palms and the stomach rolls somewhere right under the ribs. In other words, there is no recovery; Simply put, the grave will correct the tramp. I'm afraid that my illness is incurable. I am not talking about this for the edification of others, but for my own information.” (John Steinbeck. Travels with Charlie in Search of America)
  • “I am not a tree, born to always stand in one place and not know what is behind the nearest mountain.” (Jack London. “Beauty Li-Wan”)

For whom is travel contraindicated?

  • “Travel is destructive of prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.” (Mark Twain. “Innocents Abroad”)
  • “If you refuse food, ignore traditions, fear religion and avoid people, you are better off staying home.” (James Michener)
  • “The bad traveler is the one who, having set out on the open sea, believes that there is no land anywhere.” (Francis Bacon)
  • “The wind of wanderings does not blow for pessimists.” (Igor Subbotin)
  • “He who has seen one cathedral 10 times has at least seen something; the one who saw 10 cathedrals, but only once, saw a little less; and the one who spent half an hour in a hundred cathedrals saw nothing at all.” (Sinclair Lewis)
  • “Your planet is very beautiful,” he said. - Do you have oceans?
    “I don’t know that,” said the geographer.
    “Oh-oh-oh...” the Little Prince said in disappointment.
    -Are there mountains?
    “I don’t know,” said the geographer.
    - What about cities, rivers, deserts?
    - I don’t know that either.
    - But you are a geographer!
    “That’s it,” said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travelers terribly. After all, it is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around. He doesn't leave his office." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. “The Little Prince”)

Where to go?

  • “Leaving Barcelona is stupid. Coming to it is criminal frivolity.” (Slava Se. “Summer is small everything”)
  • “...He will take her to London so that she will love everything that he loves - parks, squirrels, rain, grass, chestnuts, pubs, funny dogs and old cars.” (Tatiana Ustinova. “Vices and Their Fans”)
  • “Paris is a holiday that is always with you.” (Ernest Hemingway)
  • “Paris is the envy of those who have never seen it; happiness or misfortune (depending on how lucky you are) for those who live in it, but always grief for those who are forced to leave it.” (Honoré de Balzac)
  • “No city in the world is so conducive to bliss and idleness as Vienna, where the art of walking without a goal, contemplating in inaction, being a model of grace has been brought to truly artistic perfection...” (Stefan Zweig. “Fantastic Night”)
  • “If there is heaven on earth... then it is definitely located on East Coast Australia, somewhere in the Greater Barrier Reef..." (Sol Shulman. "Australia - Terra Incognita: When the animals were still people")
  • “Europe for me is like a magic box from an old children’s fairy tale. (Jennifer Lopez)
  • “I grew up in Europe, which is where history comes from.” (Eddie Izzard)
  • “To understand Europe, you need to be a genius - or a Frenchman.” (Madeleine Albright)
  • “The twentieth century was the century of Europe, the 21st century is the century of Asia.” (Sho Kosugi)
  • “Asia is time flowing through your fingers.” (Gennady Prashkevich. “The Cain Paradox”)
  • “It’s funny how oriental flavor combined with the scent of mystery affects Europeans. They just go numb." (Boris Akunin. Black City)
  • “East... One day a close associate of the Sultan said: “Fear the night, because the night is ruled by completely different forces than those that rule the day.” And in the East the forces of mysterious magic and riddles rule. The East is a kingdom of illusions and mirages, framed within the framework of our world. This is the pungent smell of spices in the bazaars of Baghdad, this is the rustling of women's bedspreads in the narrow streets of Samarkand, this is the intricacy of calligraphic script on the mosques of Khorezm. The East... is a little pearl that everyone has in their soul... because the beauty of the oriental ornament, the mystery of the tales of the 1000 and 1 nights of Scheherazade will not leave anyone indifferent.” (From the site
  • "The sun goes to the West,
    But to be born again,
    Hurries to the East..." (Igor Talkov)
  • “The Swiss build lovely landscapes around their hotels.” (George Mikes)
  • “So, I’m already in Switzerland, in the country of picturesque nature, in the land of freedom and prosperity! It seems that the local air has something revitalizing in it: my breathing has become easier and freer, my figure has straightened, my head rises up of its own accord, and I think with pride about my humanity.” (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. “Letters of a Russian Traveler”)
  • “What is the difference between America and England? Americans think that a hundred years is an era, and the British think that a hundred miles is a distance.” (Earl Hitchner)
  • “America has two friends better than any other nation has ever had. This - Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean." (Will Rogers)
  • “The island of Mauritius was created long before God created paradise. He served as a model for him." (Mark Twain)

How to travel?

  • “For those who have just walked out the door, the hardest part is behind them.” (Dutch proverb)
  • "I don't like to feel at home when I'm abroad." (George Bernard Shaw)
  • “Why on earth would you visit the same place when there are still so many unexplored corners in the world?!” (Marc Levy “Those words we didn’t say to each other”)
  • “Traveling and living are much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses.” (Bill Bryson “Travels in Europe”)
  • “In America there are two types of travel: the first and with children.” (Robert Benchley)
  • “Even in the summer, when going on a voyage, take something warm with you, because how can you know what will happen in the atmosphere?” (Kozma Prutkov)
  • “The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he came to see.” (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
  • “There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.” (Albert Einstein)
  • “Seek and see miracles all around you. You get tired of looking at yourself, and this fatigue makes you deaf and blind everywhere to everything else.” (Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan")
  • “...wandered through the streets, looking around not with the eyes of a tourist who is looking for something that is supposed to be admired, and not with the eyes of a writer who is looking for his own everywhere (and can find a beautiful phrase in the colors of the sunset or guess the character in the face he meets), but with the eyes of a tramp, for whom, no matter what happens, everything has its own complete meaning.” (William Somerset Maugham. “Ashenden, or the British Agent”)
  • “When you travel, the main thing is not to forget that the meaning is in the journey itself, and not in its end. If you rush too much, you will miss the purpose for which you are traveling.” (Felicite Robeo de Lamennais)
  • “Don't be afraid of the beaten path. They are trampled for a reason. If millions of people before you gasped at the sight of Notre-Dame de Paris, feel free to gasp too.” (Peter Weil)
  • “A person who goes on a trip to a country whose language he does not know is actually going to school, not on a trip.” (Francis Bacon)
  • “The border is not only a border guard’s booth, passport control and a man with a gun. At the border everything becomes different; life will never be the same again after your passport has been stamped.” (Graham Green)
  • “An expedition is what it means: everyone follows each other, in single file...” (Alan Alexander Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”).
  • “I’m talking about real travel, son. Not about any nonsense from tourist brochures. Parisian Pont Neuf in the early morning, when no one is there, only tramps crawl out from under the bridges and from the metro, and the sun is reflected in the water. New York, Central Park in the spring. Rome. Ascension Island. Get over Italian Alps on a donkey. Sail away from Crete on a greengrocer's caique. Cross the Himalayas on foot. Eating leaf rice at the Ganesha temple. Get caught in a storm off the coast of New Guinea. To welcome spring in Moscow, when a whole winter of dog shit crawls out from under the melted snow.” (Joan Harris. "Blackberry Wine")
  • “It’s very correct to arrive in a foreign city in the morning. By train, by plane - it’s all the same. The day begins as if from scratch..." (Sergei Lukyanenko. "The Last Watch")
  • “You can run around the world as much as you like and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go then to a place where you will have the opportunity to remember the bunch of things that you have seen. You've never really been anywhere until you come home." (Terry Pratchett. "Mad Star")
  • “When traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing - when one thing ends, something else begins.” (From the film “Love Happens”)
  • “Traveling must be serious work, otherwise it, unless you drink all day long, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the stupidest activities.” (Gustave Flaubert)
  • “At the beginning of the journey, we cannot look too far into the future. Let us be glad that the first part of the journey went well.” (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. “The Lord of the Rings”)
  • “Never save on something you can’t repeat.” (Tony Wheeler)
  • “You learn a lot by traveling if you don’t close your eyes.” (Joan Harris. "Blackberry Wine")
  • “Don’t follow where the path leads, go further where there is no path, and leave a path behind you.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “No adventure-rich journey will be forgotten. Travels without adventure are not worth devoting books to.” (Lewis Carroll. “Symbolic Logic”)
  • “The average delighted tourist is happy with everything because he has escaped for a while from the usual cycle of life: he does not have to jostle in public transport, buy food for dinner, take out the garbage, checking the instruments, calculate the rent, go to bed early, prudently setting an alarm clock at the head of the room, tossing and turning from side to side, composing answers to tricky questions that the boss will certainly ask tomorrow morning - nothing like that at all. A lifelong slave to the routine, he is drunk with the sudden onset of freedom, he feels so good that he almost does not see the city, which he sincerely praises; it is not surprising that the natives are only irritated by his inappropriate enthusiasm, like the babble of a drunken reveler who suddenly finds himself among sober, busy people, preoccupied with everyday affairs.” (Max Frei. “The Big Cart”)
  • “My opinion about traveling is brief: when traveling, don’t go too far, otherwise you will see something that will be impossible to forget later...” (Daniil Kharms)
  • “Adventure is experienced during the journey, not at the destination. The destination is just a pause before the next journey. Enjoy your journey. It’s completely on its own.” (Joe Vitale)
  • “The journey to your dream begins today.” (Johann Rowling. “Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone))
  • “The wind blows in the faces of only the worthy.” (Pavel Sharpp)
  • “Trains are amazing; I still adore them. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence, it is a journey through life." (Agatha Christie)
  • “It is better to measure the road traveled by the friends acquired, rather than by the kilometers traveled.” (Tim Cahill)
  • “Real travel is not about discovering horizons, but about meeting new people.” (Marcel Proust)
  • “Angels always speak German. It's traditional." (From the film “A Dangerous Method”)
  • “When you travel without knowing English, you begin to understand what it means to be born deaf and dumb.” (Philippe Bouvard)

Travel as a search for yourself and the meaning of life

  • “Life is not how many breaths you take, but how many times you lose your breath.” (Maya Angelou)
  • “A person takes himself with him when he travels. Here he goes beyond his limits, becomes richer in fields, forests, mountains.” (Ernst Simon Bloch)
  • “Rejoice! Rejoice! The work of life, its purpose is Joy. Rejoice in the Sky, in the Sun, in the stars, in the grass, in the trees, in the animals, in the people. And make sure that this Joy is not disturbed by anything. This Joy is violated, which means you made a mistake somewhere - look for this mistake and correct it. Everything is in you and everything is now.” (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
  • “Trust life. Wherever fate takes you, travel is necessary. You have to cross the field of life experience and check for yourself where the truth is and where the lie is. And then you can return to your inner center - a soul that has become purified and wiser.” (Louise Hay)
  • “We will regret only two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.” (Mark Twain)
  • “I follow my path, but I don’t know where it leads. And I don't know where I'll be, and that inspires me." (Rosalia de Castro)
  • “Is it fair to reproach a traveler for spending so much time on the road, when overcoming the journey is the subject of his journey?” (Kozma Prutkov)
  • “I could spend my whole life walking through a new city every day.” (Bill Bryson. “Travels in Europe”)
  • “Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you will die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. He is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Don’t ask for guarantees, don’t seek peace—there is no such beast in the world.” (Ray Bradbury. “Fahrenheit 451”)
  • “To lose your way while traveling is unpleasant, but to lose the sense of going further is even worse.” (from the film “One Tree Hill”)
  • “A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to go back. And the traveler... He may not return..." (Paul Bowles. "Under the Cover of Heaven")
  • "It's good to have a ship in a safe harbor, but that's not what it was built for." (John A. Shedd)
  • “People don’t make journeys… journeys make people.” (John Steinbeck)
  • “I am no longer the same person who looked at the shining moon on the other side of the planet.” (Marie Anne Radmacher)
  • “Like all travelers, I remember less than I saw, and I remember more than I saw.” (Benjamin Disraeli)
  • “A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.” (Jacques Elisée Reclus)
  • “The purpose of travel is not to visit as many foreign places as possible, but to set foot on your own land as if it were someone else’s.” (Gilbert K. Chesterton)
  • “The road makes us more humble, because we understand how insignificant we are.” (Scott Cameron)
  • “The road meant its own special world. You take your bag and staff, go out the door - and you are already a resident of this world, you are a wanderer. Yesterday is forgotten, tomorrow is unknown, you go and look for something beyond the horizon. You don’t know for sure, but you hope that there will be food and a fire, and maybe a roof over your head - preferably low and without stars, but at least endless and with stars. You hum the song under your breath and understand: this world with its dangers and quirks can also be loved.” (Nadeya Yasminska. “Green songs of Ermintia”)
  • “To hell with all work if you live only for this! I have worked enough in my life and I can work as well as any of them. Since you and I have been traveling, I have firmly understood one thing: work is not everything in life! Crap! Yes, if all life consisted only of work, then you would need to quickly cut your throat, and goodbye.” (Jack London. “Valley of the Moon”)
  • “There are probably few impressions in the world comparable to the feeling experienced early in the morning on a sunlit street about which nothing is known. you know, in the city, about whom you know nothing, in a crowd of people about whom you know nothing. The joy of discovery bubbles within you, because anything can happen around the next corner. With bated breath, you expect something, like in childhood, when you read about the fairy-tale prince: “And he set off to wander around the world.” Ah, I always liked it when the prince went to wander around the world, because then the adventures began, there you could find a golden apple in the grass, and the galoshes of happiness were just waiting to be put on your feet.” (Astrid Lindgren. “The Adventures of Katya”)
  • “Trust life. Wherever fate takes you, travel is necessary. You have to cross the field of life experience and check for yourself where the truth is and where the lie is. And then you can return to your inner center - a soul that has become purified and wiser.” (Louise Hay).
  • “If a traveler, returning from distant countries, were to tell us about people completely devoid of stinginess, ambition or vindictiveness, who find pleasure only in friendship, generosity and patriotism, we would immediately, on the basis of these details, discover the falsity in his story and prove that he lies with the same certainty as if he had filled his story with tales of centaurs and dragons, miracles and fables.” (David Hume)

Quotes about diving

  • “Diving is like meditation! A person is aware of every moment and every breath. Just imagine, you can live like this all your life - live life to the fullest every moment... every moment...” (from the film “Life Can’t Be Boring” (“Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara”))

For a person who has never traveled, any new place that is somewhat different from his native land looks very tempting. Apart from love, travel brings us the most joy and consolation. For some reason, everything new seems very important to us, and the mind, which in essence only reflects the perceptions of our senses, gives in to the influx of impressions. On the way, you can forget your beloved, dispel grief, and drive away the ghost of death. In the simple expression “I’m leaving” lies a whole world of feelings that cannot find an outlet.

Theodore Dreiser. Sister Kerry

The strongest bond between people, besides family relationships, must be the bond that unites workers of all nations, languages ​​and tribes.

Abraham Lincoln

You can really get away from it all by traveling. Almost from the moment I boarded the plane, life in England lost all meaning. The seat belt lights turned on and the problems turned off. A broken armrest has become more important than a broken heart. By the time the plane took off, I had forgotten that England even existed.

Alex Garland

Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.

Albert Camus

Traveling and living are much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses.

Travel helps you understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.

G. Alexandrov

My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, don’t go too far, otherwise you will see something that will be impossible to forget later.

Daniil Kharms

The ideal is to feel at home anywhere, everywhere at all.

Geoff Dyer

Every city has a gender and age that are not related to demographics. Rome is a woman. Such is Odessa. London is a teenager, a street kid, and that hasn't changed since Dickens. Paris, I think, is a man in his early 20s in love with a woman who is older than him.

John Berger

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies.

George Bernard Shaw

Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.

Leonardo da Vinci

Traveling is a flirtation with life. It's like saying: "I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I have to go out, this is my stop"

Lisa Saint-Aubin-de-Teran

Trust life. Wherever fate takes you, travel is necessary. You have to cross the field of life experience and check for yourself where the truth is and where the lie is. And then you can return to your inner center - a soul that has become purified and wiser.

Louise Hay

... I generally like to leave, because without leaving one city it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like coming more than anything else.

Max Fry. Big cart

I have traveled a lot and have come to the conclusion that even angels speak English with a foreign accent.

Mark Twain

Don't tell me what your education is, tell me how much you travel.


They say that travel is the best way to educate yourself in everything: it’s true, it’s definitely true! You will learn so much here.

Oscar Wilde

Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetic of being lost.

Ray Bradbury

The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it.

St. Augustine

A journey is measured by the friends made, not the miles traveled.

Tim Cahill

The best employees work harder than others and rest more than others!

Tom Hopkins

Stop worrying about bumps in the road and enjoy the journey.

Fitjuh Mullen

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.

E. Reclus

In life there is always a wide field for activity, but sometimes you want a small clearing for relaxation!

Mountain tourism- this is the best way to survive the summer.

Salvation lies in wanderings... The sign “Fasten your seat belts” lights up - and you disconnect from your problems. Broken armrests rise above broken hearts.

Alexander Garlen. Beach

Far from our native language and loved ones, deprived of all our usual disguises and supports (after all, you don’t even know the price of a tram ticket), we are completely on the surface. But at the same time, feeling out of place, we discover in every object and in every living creature their true magical essence!

Albert Camus

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein

Why do we feel sorry for people who cannot travel? Because they, not being able to spread in the outer world, and in the inner world cannot extend, cannot multiply themselves - they are deprived of the opportunity to make long journeys into themselves in order to discover who and what else you could become.

Amadeu Inacio de Almeida Prado. Master of golden words

Every person has two homelands - his own and France...

Henri de Bornier

“Your planet is very beautiful,” he said. - Do you have oceans? “I don’t know that,” said the geographer. “Oh-oh-oh...” the Little Prince said in disappointment. -Are there mountains? “I don’t know,” said the geographer. - What about cities, rivers, deserts? - I don’t know that either. - But you are a geographer! “That’s it,” said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travelers terribly. After all, it is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around. He doesn't leave his office.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince

Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and I remember more than I have seen.

Benjamin Disraeli

I could spend my whole life walking around a new city every day.

Bill Bryson. Traveling around Europe

When I stay in one place for a long time, I feel like a flea on a mirror.

Vasily Shukshin

On weekdays they think about the future, on weekends - about the past... And only on vacation - about the present!

Vladimir Borisov

The traveler lives four lives: in one he plans the journey, in the other he completes it, in the third he remembers, and in the fourth he lives like all other mortals.

Eastern wisdom

Rest before you get tired, and you will add an hour a day to your active life!

Dale Carnegie

What happens when you fly away from people and they retreat somewhere below, turning into little dots? - This is too much huge world, in which we live... This is goodbye. But under the skies we are gaining strength for the next crazy leap.

Jack Kerouac

I am not a tree, born to always stand in one place and not know what is behind the nearest mountain!

Jack London. Beauty Li-Wan

Rest is necessary! I can do a year's worth of work in nine months, but not in twelve...

John Morgan

It's a dangerous thing to go beyond the threshold. Once you give free rein to your legs, you don’t know where it will take you.

John Tolkien. Lord of the Rings

At times, especially in the fall, he suddenly began to feel sad about some wild lands, and strange visions of unfamiliar mountains filled his dreams.

John Tolkien. Lord of the Rings

If you can't find time to rest, you'll soon have to find time to heal.

John Wainmaker

Ultimately there is only one race: humanity.

George Moore

Tourism is the ability to gather, move and not be afraid.

Elena Ermolova

Rest is the greatest luxury of humanity.

Elena Usacheva

In a word, it seems to me that the usual purpose of travel is the need for contact, communication and pleasant acquaintance with other people, and there can be no pleasure where there is no duty. And it seems to me that on the contrary, most of us travel in search of secret, solitude and because of some mistrust that the company of our loved ones causes in our own experiences, both pleasant and painful.

George Sand. Winter in Mallorca

Curious! Curious! - thought Passepartout, returning to the ship. - I now see that traveling is a magnificent thing, not useful if you want to see something new.

Jules Verne

The sea is everything! His breath is pure and life-giving. In its vast desert, a person does not feel lonely, because around him he feels the beat of life.

Jules Verne

Seeing is learning. There are people who do not know how to look and observe and travel with the same meaning as some crustaceans.

Jules Verne. Children of Captain Grant

Most of our activities waste us. Wastes life - irrevocably. Only one thing does not squander, does not waste life, but increases it. This is a journey. It straightens your gaze, widens your breath, makes you a foreigner - not so much to “see people”, but to see yourself from the outside.

Igor Sakhnovsky

Love for the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world. The people, acquiring the light of knowledge, do not cause harm to their neighbors. On the contrary, the more enlightened states are, the more ideas they communicate to each other and the more the power and activity of the universal mind increases.

K. Helvetius

In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.


There is never a convenient time to go on vacation, so the best thing to do is to go when you want.

Christopher Buckley

Sunrise in Taiwan

I have collected for you a large selection of aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about travel.

Traveling is something that sooner or later every person begins to dream about. Craving for better life it simply automatically develops into a desire to visit other distant shores, and if not settle there, then at least take a look. Travel is recommended for melancholy, blues and love, as a sure cure. And of course, there are a huge number of aphorisms, quotes, sayings and statuses about travel.

About travel: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

A person can climb the most high peak; but he cannot stay there for long.

A blind person can travel around the world and not notice anything.

During sea ​​travel people who are unfamiliar with storms and people who, from their experience, know the means of salvation, look boldly at the upcoming dangers.

The adventurer is nothing less than a myth-maniac.

He who goes with the flow will never reach the source.

Hotel Crystal Lagoon, Chile

The best thing about traveling is that you are surrounded by a disposable world.

A tourist travels a thousand miles to take a photo in front of his car.

The wonders of air travel: breakfast in Warsaw, lunch in London, dinner in New York, luggage in Buenos Aires.

Air travel: hours of boredom, interrupted by moments of panic.

People, for the most part, travel only because their neighbors travel.

I don't like to feel "at home" when I'm abroad.

A person is most passionate about a journey when he is preparing for it. But once you hit the road, disappointments begin. This is why travel is always so fruitless.

Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

To get to the island, a crossing is required.

In every wandering there is a risk of getting lost.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Travel only with those you love.

Ice flowers of Baikal

At the beginning of a journey, we cannot look too far into the future. Let us be glad that the first part of the journey went well.

Why on earth should you visit the same place when there are still so many unexplored corners in the world?!

It's the journey, not the destination, that matters.

Traveling and living are much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses.
Bill Bryson “Travels in Europe”

Traveling reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather our weariness from what we are leaving behind.

Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

I have always believed that traveling is the best time for memories, especially traveling on water, because water is an image of time.

Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one.

My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, don’t go too far, otherwise you will see something that will be impossible to forget later...

House near Edinburgh in Scotland

While traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing - when one thing ends, something else begins.
Author: From the movie “Love Happens”

When so much is behind

In total, especially grief,

Don't expect anyone's support

Get on the train, get off by the sea.

Joseph Brodsky

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies.

Bernard Shaw

The sea - it washes away melancholy and disappointment better than any medicine.

Tatiana Stepanova

Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels

Agatha Christie

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

Aurelius Augustine

We will only regret two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.

Mark Twain

It is not necessary to live. Traveling is necessary.

William Burroughs

Time lost in pleasure is not considered lost.

John Lennon

If you can randomly make your way to your own bed in complete darkness without hurting yourself, then it’s time to travel.

Boris Krieger

Rest is a change of activity.

Ivan Pavlov

To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization.

Bertrand Russell

Traveling reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather our weariness from what we are leaving behind.

Allen Carr

The best employees work harder than others and rest more than others.

Tom Hopkins

Ah, these “current affairs”: even if they all went to hell at the same time, well, at least for a few days; and then we, having freed our souls into “carelessness,” would immediately remember all the important matters, which in the “current bustle” are absolutely impossible for anyone to remember.

V. Rozanov

Rest: what you do when no one is telling you what to do.

Joseph Prendergast

Imagine a thousand people making a journey together; if each of them were observant, then each would write a book of impressions completely different from the others; and yet there would still be a lot of interesting and apt things left to say to someone who would go on the same journey after them.

L. Mercier

If you have absolutely no time to rest, then it’s time to rest.

Sydney Harris

If you can't find time to rest, you'll soon have to find time to heal.

John Wainmaker

When the razor has served its purpose and can no longer be pointed, the barber sets it aside for a few weeks and it sharpens itself. We take care of inanimate objects, but do not take care of ourselves. What strongmen, what thinkers we would become if only from time to time we would put ourselves on the shelf and sharpen ourselves.

Mark Twain

I found out that no the best way To find out whether you like a person or disgust him, than to go on a trip with him.

Mark Twain

Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds.

Leonardo da Vinci

Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetic of being lost.

Ray Bradbury

Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Travel only with those you love.

Ernest Hemingway

Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

Anatole France

But, despite everything, travel remains my great and true love. All my life, from my very first trip to Russia at the age of sixteen using the money I saved (sitting with the neighbor’s kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of travel, that I would not regret any money on it. I remained faithful and constancy to this love, unlike my other hobbies. I treat travel the same way a happy mother treats a terrible, colicky, screaming baby around the clock - I absolutely don’t care what challenges await me. Because I love it. Because it's mine.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one.

Gilbert Chesterton

Is it fair to reproach a traveler for spending so much time on the road, when overcoming the journey is the subject of his journey?

Kozma Prutkov

No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and rests his head on an old familiar pillow.

Lin Yutang

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.

Jean Jacques Elisée Reclus

When you travel, the main thing is not to forget that the meaning is in the journey itself, and not in its end. If you rush too much, you will miss the purpose for which you are traveling.

Lamennay Felicite Robert

Travel must be serious work, otherwise it, unless you drink all day long, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid activities.

Gustave Flaubert

Traveling is a flirtation with life. It's like saying: “I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I have to go out, this is my stop.”

Lisa Saint-Aubin-de-Teran

Traveling means debunking other people's misconceptions about other countries.

Aldous Huxley

Tourism turns a traveler into an inspector, his discoveries into an inspection, surprise into a statement, a wanderer into an unbelieving Thomas.

Frederic Beigbeder (99 francs)

Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have them under control.

John Steinbeck

Don't think about what you'll say when you get back. Time is here and now. Seize the moment.

Paulo Coelho (Aleph)

To change the world, you need to see it.

Will Traveler. TV series Traveler

Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.

Dalai Lama

The great secret of education is the ability to ensure that physical and mental exercises always serve as rest for one another.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The section is constantly updated.

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.

The length of your journey is directly proportional to the weight you carry.

In general, I like to leave, because without leaving one city it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like coming more than anything else.

I am never so busy as during my leisure hours.

Never judge summer resort by postcards.

If rescuers don't find you, archaeologists will find you.

Stop worrying about bumps in the road and enjoy the journey.

Sleek quotes about tourism

I have always preferred joy to fun. Cheerfulness is a manner of conduct, while joy is a habit of mind. Fun is short-term, but joy is constant and unchanging.

I could spend my whole life walking around a new city every day.

If a person remains the same on a journey, it is a bad journey.

Funny sleek quotes about tourism

A tourist, a poultry that moves 25 meters from the house is considered game!

How few roads have been traveled - how many reports have been made.

I needed nothing for the journey except to be where I was and to know what I knew. Those were the times when I was full of the simplest worldly wisdom, when I knocked on the doors of heaven itself...

Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry, and ease of movement of people and goods.

A train ticket raises more expectations than a lottery ticket.

1st law of the insectoid: The mosquito repellent you choose turns out to be the least effective. 2nd law of insectoids: There will always be a type of blood-sucking insect that repellents do not work on.

To get to know someone better, go on a camping trip with them!

Living on Earth may be expensive, but you get a free annual cruise around the sun.

On a hike it’s like this: More dirt means a thicker muzzle!

They say that travel is the best way to educate yourself in everything: it’s true, it’s definitely true! You will learn so much here.

The traveler lives four lives: in one he plans the journey, in the other he completes it, in the third he remembers, and in the fourth he lives like all other mortals.

Free sleek quotes about tourism

The main thing during a halt is not to let the food crawl out of the plate...

He who can rest is superior to him who can take cities.

Tourist, if you want to be healthy, eat alone and in the dark!

Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.

Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one.

Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners.

1st Law of Packing: No matter how well things are packed, they will still get wet. 2nd law of packaging: Of course, poorly packed things will get wet too.

Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

The fire is not a goal, but a means to achieve it.

Something that is quickly raised is not considered to be fallen.

Travel has been, is and will be. And in a hundred years, and in two hundred, and in a thousand. They will change - they will become different, only the word will remain the same. You can no longer be like Miklouho-Maclay or Sedov. Continents and islands are not being discovered now. You discover your spirituality.

For a real tourist to be delighted, he only needs to be on a hike.

Unquenchable sleek quotes about tourism.

The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it.

Denchik's Law: No matter how much toilet paper you take, there won't be enough for the entire trip.

Tips for tourists: 1. To find out where south is in the forest, you need to look at the tree. If the tree is a palm tree, then the south is already here. 2. To find out the direction of the wind, you need to spit on your finger and raise it up. After standing for an hour with a spit-stained finger, ask yourself: “Do I need to know the direction of the wind?” If the answer is yes, move on. 3. If the backpack becomes lighter before your eyes, then you are at customs.

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.

His whole life's work was rest.

Kokorevich's Law: People carrying public equipment are always late for the train.

The best cure for illness on a hike is an ax and a snowstorm.

Holmes and Watson spent the night in a tent in the middle of a field. At night, Holmes noticed that Watson was not sleeping: “What, can’t sleep?” - Yes, I keep thinking about your deductive method... For example, what can this starry sky above us say? Probably tomorrow it will be good weather. - To me personally, Watson, it means that our tent was stolen

The probability of a coup is always greater than zero, inversely proportional to its expectedness and directly proportional to the severity of the consequences.

In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.

The caretaker won't give it out - the tourist won't eat it.

Illustrious Sleek Tourism Quotes

Your planet is very beautiful,” he said. - Do you have oceans? “I don’t know that,” said the geographer. “Oh-oh-oh...” the Little Prince said in disappointment. -Are there mountains? “I don’t know,” said the geographer. - What about cities, rivers, deserts? - I don’t know that either. - But you are a geographer! “That’s it,” said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travelers terribly. After all, it is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. A geographer is too important, he has no time to walk around. He doesn't leave his office.

A bicycle trip is a trip in which it was decided to increase the weight of the backpack by adding a bicycle!

The fire warms the soul.

Why do we feel sorry for people who cannot travel? Because they, not being able to spread in the outer world, and cannot extend in the inner world, cannot multiply themselves - they are deprived of the opportunity to make long journeys into themselves in order to discover who and what else you could become.

Law of the Falling Sandwich: The sandwich falls butter side down! Generalized law of a falling sandwich: Whatever is spread on the sandwich, it will fall downwards, choosing the dirtiest place within a radius of 5 m from you.

Take care of the trees! Our ancestors lived on them.

What happens when you fly away from people and they retreat somewhere below, turning into little dots? This is too big a world we live in... This is goodbye. But under the skies we are gaining strength for the next crazy leap.

In a foreign country, a traveler is a bag of money that everyone wants to empty as quickly as possible.

A tourist is a person exhausted by civilization and taking out his suffering in nature.

I'm leaving forever... And in general, everyone always leaves forever... It's impossible to return - someone else always comes back instead of us.