Darnitsa - Knyazhichi train schedule (commuter train). Knyazhichi - Darnitsa timetable for trains (local trains) Schedule of trains for princes Darnitsa

The current train schedule Knyazhichi - Darnitsa includes 15 trains ( commuter trains, diesels) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, evening. We recommend the fastest train (local train), which leaves at 21 hours 46 meters from the Knyazhichi station and arrives at Darnitsa station at 22 hours 02 meters. Darnitsa, in this case the trip will take 0 h 19 m. Between Knyazhichi and Darnitsa stations this electric train passes 3 stops. On this page you can always find the schedule of trains Knyazhichi - Darnitsa, including seasonal, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Knyazhichi Darnitsa route, first read the timetable on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Knyazhichi - Darnitsa train can be purchased at the box office of the nearest train station.

The current train schedule Darnitsa - Knyazhichi includes 15 trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, evening. We recommend the fastest train (local train), which leaves at 22h06m from Darnitsa station and arrives at Knyazhichi station at 22h23m. If you need to spend the longest possible time on the way, you should choose the train number 6926 in the schedule with the message Kyiv- Pass. - Nizhyn, in this case the trip will take 0 h 18 m. Between the stations Darnitsa and Knyazhichi this electric train passes 3 stops. On this page you can always find the schedule of trains Darnitsa - Knyazhichi, including seasonal, operating in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Darnitsa Knyazhichi route, first check out the timetable on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Darnitsa - Knyazhichi train can be purchased at the box office of the nearest train station.