Igora instructors. Igora is a ski resort (Leningrad region). Ski school and equipment rental

The future of skiing depends on who will be the teacher on the slopes. Beautiful, spectacular and, most importantly, with pleasure, descending the mountain is the dream of every beginner who finds himself on the slope. How soon this happens, or whether it happens at all, depends on how the training will be.

How can a qualified instructor at the Igora resort help?

  • Explains and shows how to use the equipment correctly.
  • It will help a beginner learn the basics of skating without fear or stress.
  • He will explain and show how to correctly perform this or that movement.
  • He will point out errors and explain how to correct them.
  • Will be patient and gentle with your child while you ride.
  • It will give you an understanding of how to improve further.
  • He will advise you on what equipment to buy and how to choose it correctly.

Individual and group lessons with an instructor from 01/01/2019. until 04/20/2019

  • Maximum group size: 4 people.
  • Any level of skiing.
  • The price does not include the price of a ski lift pass and equipment.
  • The service is provided one time.
  • Prices valid from 01/01/2019 including VAT 20%

Subscription for individual lessons with an instructor

  • The cost of the service is indicated per person.
  • The subscription is designed for 1 hour or 2 hour individual lessons.
  • Any level of skiing.

Master class with a top category instructor

  • The cost of the service is indicated per person.
  • Skating level – advanced, highest skill.
  • The price includes VAT 20% from 01/01/2019.

Children's club "Igora"

The resort is open for younger guests Kids Club, which has slopes for beginners and more experienced little lovers winter species sports. The Igora all-season resort has training slopes.

  • The subscription includes 4 classes of 1 hour each on weekends according to a fixed schedule. The result of the training is that the child masters basic skating skills and improves safe technique.
  • The number of children in the group is 3 – 10 people, the age of the children is from 4 to 12 years.
  • Skating level – beginners, improving.
  • The price does not depend on the number of children in the group.
  • The price includes VAT 20% from 01/01/2019.

Trails: 4 km
Vertex: 170 m
Drop: 116 m

general description

Igora – ski resort in the Leningrad region near the village of Sosnovo on the northern tip of the Lembolovskaya Upland. Located just 54 km from the center of St. Petersburg, it attracts lovers of alpine and cross-country skiing and snowboarding. The slopes in Igor are quite long, the height difference is 120 m. There are 9 trails of varying degrees of difficulty, and there is a separate slope for descending on cheesecake (tubing). In Igor there is the longest track in the Leningrad region (1200m). There is a snowboard park with a half-pipe, a track with jumps for acrobatics, and a jibbing track. The total length of the trails is small - about 4 km. There is a training slope for beginners. Since the resort opened in 2006, it has hosted numerous snowboarding and slalom competitions. Maintenance of the slopes is organized at the European level: in low-snow seasons, the required thickness of the cover is provided by snow cannons, the slopes are maintained using snowcats, and there is artificial lighting in the evening. Equipped with 2 chair lifts and 2 drag lifts, 4 baby lifts and 1 belt lift. Near the ski area there are hotels, restaurants, bars, ski, snowboard and cheesecake rentals, and a medical center.


How to get there

From St. Petersburg by train, bus, car. The distance is 54 km. Electric trains depart from Finlyandsky Station. Any one next to Sosnovo station will do. A free company bus runs between it and the resort. This is the most a budget option, ticket price 56 rub. Buses depart from Finlyandsky Station (once a day) and st. Ho Chi Minh City (from 8-00 to 19-45 in 1-1.5 hours). Both have a stop at the resort, travel time is 1 hour. Ticket 100 rub. By car, the travel time is about an hour along the Priozerskoye Highway to the resort.

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The Igora resort has a large selection of entertainment: bars, restaurants, bistros, a SPA complex with a swimming pool and a Russian bath. A good option active rest– paintball and laser tag on an area of ​​10,000 sq.m. The newly built ice palace has a 64-seat widescreen cinema and entertainment area. Here you can play billiards, table tennis, football, and hockey. There are 8 bowling lanes and 22 slot machines for children and teenagers.

What's around

Cities nearby: St. Petersburg (54 km.), Vyborg (111 km.), Peterhof (126 km.).

The all-season, including ski, resort "Igora" is located in a small village in the Leningrad region - Orekhovo, fifty-five kilometers from the city of St. Petersburg and twenty-six kilometers from Lake Ladoga. The Igora resort has the most significant elevation changes in this area, which attracts numerous ski tourists in winter. Here you can not only enjoy skiing, but also have a wonderful vacation or vacation, and the beauty of nature and the development of infrastructure make this resort in the Leningrad region one of the most popular places for a holiday in any season. Here you can play sports, quickly restore vitality, have a great time with your family or in a cheerful company of friends.

Ski resort Igora, compared to other slopes in the Leningrad region, has longer and more interesting routes, with elevation differences of one hundred and twenty meters. Their total length is three thousand six hundred eighty meters. Of course, if you compare the local slopes with the slopes at other ski resorts in Russia, they will be significantly inferior to them. But here perfect place skiing for beginner skiers and those people for whom skiing is not the main thing, because there are other options for vacationers winter activities: snow park, curling, laser tag, paintball, ice skating and cheesecake skating.

The skiing season in the Leningrad region begins at the end of November and lasts until the end of March, but sometimes due to artificial snow until mid-April.

The slopes of the Igora ski resort

Since the local infrastructure is located at the very top, the routes go down from it in the shape of a semicircle; they are both straight and winding, but without difficult sections or intersections with each other. All Igora trails are groomed with snowcats every day. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the quality of slope preparation here is high. There are six tracks: three are blue, two are green, one is red. Blue trails have: - a length of six hundred and fifty meters with a height difference of one hundred meters; - a length of two hundred and seventy meters with a drop of fifty meters; - a length of two hundred and sixty meters with a drop of fifty meters. Green trails have: - a length of five hundred and forty meters with a drop of one hundred meters; - a length of one thousand two hundred meters with a drop of one hundred and twenty meters. The red track is “slalom” and has a length of five hundred and sixty meters with a drop of one hundred meters.

Snowpark of the Igora resort- Very interesting place for vacationers who take great photos here. Each season it is built differently, equipped with interesting figures and slides. In the evening, the lights come on here. Both novice riders and professionals will enjoy relaxing here. The extreme park is divided into two zones: the springboard area, where the kickers go into the rail and the railing; jib with boxes, pipe, railings, pyramid, wallride.

There are six ski lifts at the Igora ski resort, their throughput– five thousand people per hour: - one – two-chair, one – four-chair, two – rope tows cable cars. In addition, the resort has three cable cars - “baby lifts”. All the lifts function well, there are no queues on weekdays, but there are queues on weekends.

On all slopes of the Igora resort there are professional instructors on duty; they will insure beginners who have recently climbed skiing or snowboard.

The resort has the opportunity to play paintball and laser tag, and this can be done regardless of the time of year or age. It has become very fashionable to give a sports game to your loved ones and friends for birthdays and holidays, and to hold fun and active corporate events. The game takes place on a special platform with obstacles and barriers, covering an area of ​​ten thousand square meters.

A lot of guests come to the Igora resort near St. Petersburg in the summer. Here is big lake, where you can practice various aquatic species sports: ride a catamaran, wake board, play beach volleyball, football, play mini golf, badminton on the shore, swim in adult or children's outdoor pools equipped with a heating system. There is also a children's recreation area with a well-equipped playground and trampolines. You can just have a great time with a picnic on the lake or horseback riding.

Accommodation at the Igora resort

Resort guests can stay at a local hotel or rent a separate cottage. As for the Igora Hotel, it has parking, which is very convenient for guests who come to relax at the ski resort on own car. The hotel has an excellent SPA center with indoor children's and adult pools and an outdoor pool on summer season, near a picturesque lake. The hotel has free Wi-Fi, its own ski school, and equipment rental. If you wish, you can have fun with tennis, billiards, and cycling. The Igora Hotel has fifty magnificent rooms to suit every taste and budget: from standard to semi-luxury. The price for accommodation in this hotel starts from three thousand rubles per day. At the Igora resort there is an “apart-hotel” where guests can stay in apartments: there are two bedrooms, a kitchen with household appliances, living room, bathroom and barbecue area.

If you are planning a vacation at the Igora resort in the Leningrad region in a large company, for example, New Year or on a summer vacation, it is best to rent a cottage with two or three bedrooms, bathrooms, sauna, living room, kitchen, household appliances, which will cost from fifteen thousand rubles per day. For thrifty tourists We can recommend renting a room in a house.

The Igora resort has a wide range of catering outlets: cafes; bistro; restaurant; bars. The local spa center offers vacationers a chance to visit spa capsules, hot tubs, floating, Vichy and Charcot showers, and cryolift. In addition, for relaxation and a pleasant pastime, the Igora resort has developed interesting children's programs, organized entertainment events, corporate holidays, and bachelorette parties.

The resort operates " Ice Palace» with an excellent skating rink, the possibility of playing curling, with an area including twenty-two children's slot machines, a 5D cinema, and sports shops. Its entertainment area includes eight bowling alleys, table football and hockey games, four table tennis tables, four billiard tables, two pool tables and a snooker table.

The cinema at the Igora resort has a widescreen screen, is equipped with a Dolby Digital Surround EX sound system, and there are sixty-four seats in the form of comfortable transforming chairs and sofas. There are four screenings every day at the cinema, and they are free for all vacationers at the Igora resort.

The multi-purpose sports and entertainment complex of the Igory resort is the venue for various sports competitions, ice skating takes place here, and master classes are given by Russian trainers on figure skating, hockey teams train, stage stars give concerts, interesting exhibitions, fairs, conferences, and holidays take place. For those who like to dance and have fun, there is a large dance floor, a stage, and a hall with tables for six hundred guests. Here you can hold business meetings, corporate events, and conferences. The hall can accommodate up to three hundred people.

How to get to the Igora resort?

- By car: The all-season resort Igora is located fifty kilometers from the city of St. Petersburg; if you drive towards Priozersk by car along the A-129 highway, at the fifty-fourth kilometer, you will see a turn sign to it.

- By train: in St. Petersburg at the Finlyandsky station, take the electric train, get to the Sixty-ninth Kilometer station, and from there walk to the Igora resort.

- By bus: from St. Petersburg take buses No. 859; No. 897 to the village of Orekhovo, where the Igora resort is located.