Mishkino - hype train and train schedule. Mishkino - Shumikha timetable for trains (commuter trains) Schedule of trains for Mishkino hype

The timetable of trains and trains Mishkino - Shumikha currently includes long-distance trains - 12, trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) - 4. The first train leaves from Mishkino station at 08:12 in the morning and arrives at the terminal station at 08 49 hours. The last train leaves from Mishkino station at 21 h 33 m and arrives in the evening at its destination. According to the timetable, the average travel time from the Mishkino departure point to the Shumikha arrival point is 0 h 32 m: the fastest train travels 0 h 30 m, the slowest - it takes 0 h 37 m.
Some trains from Mishkino station to Shumikha station run on separate days (have a special schedule).
Trains following the Mishkino - Shumikha route pass through such stations and settlements as: Butyrskoe.
Schedule of trains and trains along the route Mishkino - Hypeshown here is regularly updated and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Mishkino - Shumikha train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

This train schedule for the Mishkino - Shumikha route is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Train schedule Mishkino - Shumikha

Currently, the Mishkino Shumikha train schedule consists of 14 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 14. These are 123N, 133N, 011U, 001M, 325E flights - the fastest of them is 123N Petropavlovsk St. Petersburg-Ladoga, which travels the distance on the route Mishkino Shumikha in 0 d 0 h 30 min, the 325E Neryungri-Pass train travels most slowly. Kislovodsk, departure at 17:02. The number of stops along the Mishkino Shumikha route varies from 1 to 1 depending on the train schedule and averages 1. On the route, the train makes stops according to the schedule on average every 32 minutes. From Mishkino station, trains leave in the morning - 08:29, 08:29, 08:31 and in the afternoon - 17:02, 17:02, 17:02. All trains leave from Mishkino stations, and arrive at Shumikha stations.

The current schedule of trains Mishkino - Shumikha includes 4 trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are morning, afternoon, evening. We recommend the fastest train (local train), which leaves at 09 h 43 m from Mishkino station and arrives at Shumikha station at 10 h 14 m. If you need to spend the longest time on the way, you should choose the train number 6337 in the schedule with the message Kurgan- Suburban station - Shumikha, in this case the trip will take 0 h 37 m. Between Mishkino and Shumikha stations this electric train passes 2 stops. On this page you can always find the schedule of trains Mishkino - Shumikha, including seasonal, valid in summer and winter. Before planning a trip on the Mishkino Shumikha route, first read the timetable on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, as some operational changes are possible.
Tickets for the Mishkino - Shumikha train can be purchased at the box office of the nearest train station.