Is it dangerous to go to the Dominican Republic now? Is it dangerous to fly to the Dominican Republic now? All about crimes with bank cards

In the Dominican Republic, almost all infectious diseases recorded in the temperate climate zone are found, but there are also tropical diseases.

Vector-borne infections transmitted through mosquito vectors: Dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, wuchereriosis, leishmaniasis. Infections of water bodies and soil: schistosomiasis, leptospirosis.

As well as diseases typical for other countries: swine flu, acute intestinal infections and helminthiases, rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections.

Necessary preventive measures:

1. Vaccination according to the vaccination schedule, including tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae type b, rubella. Check your vaccination certificate or medical certificate. map.

It is important for adults and children to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, especially if their stay in the country is more than 3 months, as well as for risk groups (those with hepatitis, chronic renal failure).

A tetanus shot given more than 10 years ago will not be effective. If you are planning to stay in an area where it is not possible to receive timely medical care, you must undergo revaccination.

2.An international vaccination certificate is not required when entering the Dominican Republic. There is only a list of recommended vaccines.

Rabies. Vaccination is recommended for those persons who plan to stay in remote areas where the provision of medical care is difficult, as well as those arriving at the source of the infection. To prevent rabies, avoid contact with wild and domestic animals.

Typhoid fever. Most do not need vaccination against typhoid fever; the effectiveness of the vaccine is not high and ranges from 50-80%. It is shown only for those entering an epidemic outbreak*.

Hepatitis A. Vaccination is indicated for persons who have not previously been vaccinated, those arriving at the site of infection, as well as patients with hepatitis.

Yellow fever. Vaccination is indicated for persons arriving at the site of infection.

Malaria. There is no vaccine. Chemoprophylaxis is administered to persons upon entry into the source of infection, but this does not prevent infection. The optimal combination of chemoprophylaxis (chloroquine) and bite prevention.

Vaccination must be carried out in advance before travel so that immunity has time to develop. Consult an epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist about the presence of outbreaks of infections and indications for vaccination. Currently, according to WHO, additional vaccination is not required.

3. Avoid contact with blood and other biological fluids to prevent infection with hepatitis and HIV infection.

4. Avoid swimming in fresh water; chlorinated water and the ocean are not dangerous.

5.Protect yourself from mosquito bites, especially at dusk: use mosquito nets and repellents.

6. Water for drinking, making ice or brushing teeth should be boiled or bottled drinking water. The milk is pasteurized. Meat and fish are heat-treated. Vegetables must be cooked, fruits must be peeled.

7. It is advisable to have with you a certain supply of medications that facilitate digestion when changing food (for example, mezim, penzital, smecta).

8. When seeking medical help, inform your doctor about the fact that you are in a tropical zone.

9. Before your planned trip, visit your doctor and dentist for preventive purposes. Take care of health insurance.

There is some risk when traveling to any country, including tropical ones. By knowing and following reasonable preventive measures, you can avoid trouble.

A lot has been written about the fact that there are dangers in any country, and not only you are interested in this issue. Much depends on how your vacation goes, not on certain circumstances, but on you and your foresight.

In the Dominican Republic, you can catch some kind of infection that is transmitted through the most common household means, not to mention all kinds of insects. In order for nothing to happen to your health, you need to follow basic rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits without peeling or wash them well with boiled water, and in some cases, heat them. No matter how popular this resort was, cases of cholera and other infectious diseases are common here. If you have doubts about a product or establishment, it is better to refuse, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

When you buy a vacation package or search for information about a hotel or resort, you will most likely stumble upon beautiful pictures, with clean beaches and crystal clean water, but everything is so simple. For the Dominican Republic, such a phenomenon as typhoons is quite normal and they are not so rare. It all depends on the time of year. To avoid such troubles, it is best to come to the Dominican Republic from December to April. At this time, typhoons are very rare. And don’t be lazy to study the weather forecast before your trip.

You should not communicate closely with local residents, try to keep your distance from them, especially considering the fact that some local population still believes and practices the Voodoo religion. Nobody knows how such communication may end.

As practice shows, tourists are most interested in such a danger as sharks. It's no secret that sharks are in the Dominican Republic and are periodically seen close to the shore. Previously local residents We fed these fish, and now, in search of food, they attack not only people, but also boats and yachts. Don’t worry, this behavior of sharks is not systematic, but rather periodic, but still, before you get into the water, ask the hotel staff where it’s best for you to swim.

Diving enthusiasts should also be careful, as it is not far from the coast. Dominican Republic There are indeed shipwrecks that attract many scuba diving enthusiasts. But all places are equally safe; there are those that are serious not only for health, but also for life. It is best to dive with an experienced instructor.

There is also fraud in the Dominican Republic, where would we be without it. Some species are developed simply perfectly. As a tourist, you will hardly be able to tell the difference between a real policeman and a scammer. Tourists who rent vehicles, may become a victim of pedestrians who throw themselves under the wheels, and while you are wondering what’s what, yours will be robbed to zero. If strangers make you any lucrative offer, then you should refuse it, since it is most likely a scam.

I immediately advise you to abandon the idea of ​​paying with credit (bank) cards. The Dominican Republic is not a country where such operations take place as quickly as possible and do not raise any doubts. Financial fraud in this area is normal in the Dominican Republic. Only upon arriving home, you may discover that a certain amount of money has disappeared from your card, and you are unlikely to understand how and where this happened. And it is useless to go anywhere. It's best to pay in cash.

This is not final, but only sample list those troubles that can happen to you in the Dominican Republic, but in general the country is very pleasant, peaceful and comfortable for relaxation.

Motorcycle taxis are popular among Dominicans, with up to three people sitting behind the motorcycle drivers. Such transport is very cheap; you can get there within the city for 40-70. But is the cheapness worth the risks? We think not. It’s easier to take a regular taxi, fortunately they are acceptable.

Conclusion two - be careful when crossing the road

Dominican drivers do not know the traffic rules, and they do not look at the road very carefully. If so, then tourists should watch very carefully. It is better to wait and let passing cars pass than to risk being run over by them.

Keep an especially close eye on children! Do not allow children to play near the roadway.

The photo on the left shows the sad consequences of an accident in the Dominican Republic, click on the photo to enlarge.

Don't drink tap water

Tap water in the Dominican Republic is not considered drinking water; it may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases, even cholera. Do not brush your teeth with this water. English-language guidebooks do not even recommend washing her hands.

Antiseptic wipes

Having arrived in the Dominican Republic, tourists find themselves almost on the other side of the earth. Naturally, not only other people live here, but also their own bacteria and microorganisms, to which the Russian body and its immunity are not accustomed.

A good habit is to wipe cutlery, dishes and even sun loungers on the beach with antiseptic wipes. It is highly recommended to do this in the first days, then optionally.

Marine flora and fauna

Remember that bites and other injuries from marine life are not covered by travel insurance. This applies not only to the Dominican Republic, but to all countries in general. Be careful with the inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea.

Don't use credit cards

Dominican Republic is one of the leading countries in the field of data theft credit cards, their cloning and theft of money from bank accounts. Don't take unnecessary risks, use only cash.

Don't attract thieves and robbers

The Dominican Republic has a high crime rate, street thefts and robberies of tourists are common. The main thing that will keep you safe is not to attract the attention of criminals.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry, hide your wallets in your inner pockets, don’t flash cash, but rather take the necessary minimum amount of money with you on excursions. If you take an expensive camera or video camera with you, try to hide it in your bag. If you have an expensive phone with you, try not to take it out unless absolutely necessary.

The first rule is that the less your wealth is seen, the better.

Car thefts are very common here. Thieves run up to the car, snatch bags, wallets, phones or cameras, and then quickly retreat on mopeds.

The second rule is never leave valuables in a rented car, taxi, or even on a tour bus.

Before heading to the paradise Dominican Republic, it would be a good idea to ask what dangers are fraught with vacationing in a country with friendly and radiant people. Below is a list of the most common dangers that can ruin the most pleasant vacation experience.

Drinking water and fruits

WHO has repeatedly recorded cases of cholera infection in the Dominican Republic. However, they are few in number. In addition, hotels carry out water analysis every 4 hours. But in neighboring Haiti, the disease statistics are depressing - 2,000 deaths recently.

It is strongly recommended to use only bottled water for consumption and cooking, and thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits by pouring boiling water over them.


When entering the Dominican Republic, a certificate of vaccinations is not required; only a recommended list of vaccinations is offered for review. But given the fact that most infectious diseases are registered in the country, they will not be superfluous.

Especially for those who plan independent travel. So these are yellow fever, malaria, hepatitis A and rabies. As an additional protective measure, it is worth stocking up on good repellents - mosquitoes on the island are very active.

Underwater beauties and their downside

Usually it is safe to swim on the shore, but divers and simply lovers of beauty should know that it is not worth touching anything with your hands.

Danger can come from both seemingly harmless coral reefs, which sometimes leave a burn, and marvelous jellyfish, which sting with terrible force. This also applies to some beautiful starfish. Meeting with sea ​​urchin promises to leave needles stuck in the feet as a long but unpleasant memory.

Pickpockets and thieves

No matter what anyone says, the crime rate in the Dominican Republic is increased. Therefore, you should be careful on the streets and in public places: do not leave personal belongings unattended, do not carry a lot of cash with you, do not withdraw money from street ATMs, giving preference to foreign banks, do not wear expensive jewelry and much more.

All documents, tickets, visas and securities must be kept only in the hotel safe. Smiling dark-skinned maids should not be trusted.

Deceivers and charlatans

All currency exchange operations are best only in banks, but not in trays or from individuals. The number of counterfeit banknotes in circulation is amazing.

It is not recommended to pay for purchases with a credit card, as cases of money fraud are common.

Public and private transport

Transport in the Dominican Republic is a separate risk for Russian tourist. People here have never known about traffic rules, nor about traffic police posts. Drive however you want, even if you’re drunk. Signs traffic mean little. In general, you should think several times before getting behind the wheel of a rented car. Public transport also leaves much to be desired. The Dominican principle is “to be in trouble, but not to be offended.” Motoconcho drivers should be avoided on the tenth road. The risk of injury is very high.