Beware, nonsense: pyramids of an ancient civilization were found in Antarctica. Secrets of the Southern Continent: Ancient pyramids of Antarctica Alluvial pyramid of Antarctica

The first news about man-made pyramids in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June 2013. The main evidence was a slide show of several photographs and small explanatory texts.

It was reported that the incredible discovery was made by eight researchers from universities in the US and Europe, their identities have not been revealed. This secrecy was explained by the fact that they allegedly planned to send a scientific expedition to the pyramids to study the mysterious objects in detail. Judging by the latest news, which completely repeats information from two years ago, the campaign never took place.

The video shows the logo of a group of scientists from the UK, Alien Disclosure Group (ADG), which reveals secret materials about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. The author of the sensation is one of the community members, Stephen Hannard. He has been caught many times with fake UFO evidence.

It turned out that the pyramids are two angles of one mountain itself high ridge Antarctica called Vinson. The massif is located in Antarctica. Hannard took the photos from 2010 from a blog of climbers who climbed near the unusual peak.


Anyone can view the mountain from above using Google Maps.

And also the whole mountain range(in the red circle is the same mountain).

The third photo with the pyramid near the shore is most likely a photomontage. The mountain is located on an ice shelf, and it flows from the shore into the sea: any building simply could not survive on the edge of such an ice sheet.

What scientists say

If this was not created by man, the question arises as to why such things are formed. fancy shapes. Geologist Yuri Kozlov and geomorphologist Konstantin Lovyagin gave comments to the RT television channel.

“Usually all the weird rock shapes are formed because they are made up of different minerals of different densities. Accordingly, during the weathering process, when natural factors(rain, snow, wind) destroy the rock, first minerals with a lower density are destroyed, and the hard ones remain and take on different interesting shapes, in which a person then tries to find something familiar,” explained RT Kozlov.

According to Lovyagin, “perhaps this is the most common result of the denudation process, that is, the remains have a natural shape close to pyramidal. This is far from a unique phenomenon that can be found in different corners Earth. It is determined by the mineralogical composition of the rock. Different rocks take on different shapes during the weathering process. It could be a basalt or granite intrusion that retains these chiseled shapes because weathering slows down at low temperatures.”

On the White Continent, scientists made an unexpected discovery. Mountains very similar to pyramids were discovered here. The first find was found in close proximity to the coast, and the other two were sixteen kilometers from coastline, reports

Experts believe that ancient pyramids have been found in Antarctica. According to the authors of the find, these structures could not have been created by nature; a trace of man is clearly visible here.

Scientists from the USA and Europe were studying the vast ice cover of the highest continent on our planet, which is why they discovered three ancient pyramids that do not belong to natural monuments.

Some scientists believe that in the past, places on the southern continent were densely covered with forests, and many animals and other creatures lived there. An ancient civilization of people could have lived in these same places.

In order to bring evidence with them, experts took photographs of the unique pyramids. In the near future, scientists plan to return and continue studying the find.

As Strana reported, near ancient city Quilcapampa Indians in Peru - giant drawings on the ground.

Previously, . This was the last passage from the oldest manuscript, which records chapters from the Old Testament book of Leviticus.

Recently, news about pyramids spread in the online media ancient civilization, which were discovered in Antarctica. In reality, everything is somewhat not so exciting - a photograph of an ordinary mountain from six years ago was passed off as a mystical building.

The story was told by more than 300 media outlets

For last 24 hours More than 300 Russian-language media reported on the pyramids of ancient civilization. “Scientists have discovered 3 pyramids that are definitely not the result of natural disasters, as they were built with maximum precision,- writes the Belarusian state news agency BELTA. — Experts are confident that after a detailed study of these structures they will be able to determine what civilization lived in that territory in ancient times.”

This is not the first time that news about pyramids in Antarctica has appeared on the Internet. Previously, these same pyramids were “found” in September 2016, and before that - in 2013.

This is not science, but “fairy tales” of ufologists

The discovery of pyramids is not the result of scientific research. News about this is spread by ufologists. The very first video about the pyramids in Antarctica appeared on the YouTube channel of the Alien Disclosure Group. This time the news flash was caused by publication on the Alltime Conspiracies Facebook page.

Most likely, this pyramid is simply a mountain of the Ellsworth system. Her photographs were published in 2010 by climbers who climbed near the unusual peak. You can see this peak on Google Maps. You can notice that the pyramid does not stand in the desert - it is one of the peaks of the ridge.

Here's what scientists say

Recently, several geologists have reported that the pyramidal shape of the summit is the result of natural processes.

"The pyramidal structures are located in mountain system Ellsworth. Its length is more than 400 kilometers, so it is not surprising that mountain peaks visible from under the ice,- says the doctor Mitch Darcy(Mitch Darcy), geologist at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam. — The peaks are obviously made of rocks. It’s a coincidence that this particular peak has this shape.”

“Perhaps this is the most common result of the denudation process, that is, the remains have a natural shape close to pyramidal,- explained the Russian geomorphologist Konstantin Lovyagin. — This is far from a unique phenomenon that can be found in different parts of the Earth. It is determined by the mineralogical composition of the rock. Different rocks take on different shapes during the weathering process. It could be a basalt or granite intrusion that retains these chiseled shapes because weathering slows down at low temperatures.”

There are pyramids not only in Antarctica

There are natural pyramids in other parts of the Earth. This is what Mount Bulandstindur in Iceland looks like.

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The most mysterious continent on Earth attracts researchers, discoverers and even lovers of conspiracy theories. The study of Antarctica clearly demonstrates that science is being created before our eyes. Amazing discoveries and finds amaze not only ordinary people, but also prominent scientists: a “bloody” waterfall, a Martian meteorite, fossils and even a huge lake were hidden in the ice for many millennia.

website I decided to find out what discoveries modern scientists have made and what conspiracy theorists are talking about when it comes to Antarctica.

Martian meteorite with traces of life

The Martian meteorite we know as Allan Hills 84001 was found in the Allan Hills of Antarctica on December 27, 1984. This discovery caused widespread public outcry due to the fact that fossilized microscopic structures that could be bacteria were found on the surface of the meteorite. The question of the extraterrestrial origin of bacteria is still open, but it is supported by the fact that the size of the structures found is 20–100 nanometers in diameter, which is much smaller than any form of cellular life known to us.

ALH 84001 is also unique in that, according to research, it broke away from its home planet 4 billion years ago, when there was still liquid water there, while the rest of the meteorites found on Earth no longer belong to the era of “wet” Mars.

Lake under four kilometers of ice

One of the largest geographical discoveries 20th century - subglacial Lake Vostok, which was discovered in Antarctica. The most amazing thing about this find is that it was hidden under a layer of ice 4 km thick. Scientists are confident that the lake was cut off from the outside world by a glacier for several million years.

The size of the East is amazing: total area The lake is about 16,000 sq. km, and the depth can reach 1,200 m. Most likely, it remains unfrozen due to underground geothermal springs. Drilling the well was a complex and lengthy process; it began in 1989, was suspended in 1999 (due to fears of polluting the unique ecosystem) and returned to it only in 2006, to be completed in 2013.

Since 2015, an active stage of studying the lake began. In the water sample, scientists found microorganisms, one of which was of an unknown species. But these were samples from the surface; the most interesting thing will begin when they can get samples from the bottom, where, according to assumptions, the water is heated by thermal springs and is suitable for life. Perhaps scientists will soon be able to find unprecedented species of creatures. Who knows how evolution developed in the closed ecosystem of the East.

Burnt forest

Scientists have guessed that Antarctica was once a green continent since the time of the first expeditions to new land. However, they recently made a discovery that has greatly puzzled modern science: time after time, in different areas of Antarctica, burnt and petrified forests are found, which not only prove the theory of a “green Antarctica”, but also pose a new task for scientists - to determine what happened to the forest.

A study of the fossils has revealed severe levels of fire damage, suggesting that the ancient forests died around 250 million years ago in a massive fire that could have been caused by a meteorite or volcanic activity. Research on this issue is still ongoing.

91 volcanoes under ice

Since 2013, numerous reports have circulated on the Internet that scientists have found a copy of Egyptian pyramids with the same parameters and layout. As evidence, photographs of one of the pyramids and its satellite images are provided. The “sensational” news caused a storm of discussion and speculation, but the truth was not revealed immediately.

Ancient Pyramids of Antarctica are one of the most controversial issues among researchers. Some attribute man-made pyramids Antarctica into the realm of mythology and legend, seeing them as natural formations of rock formations.

Pyramids of Antarctica in the distant past / artistic view /

But if you look at the history of the frozen earth in more detail, it turns out that millions of years ago, the southern continent was not covered with snow and layers of ice. It was a vast world of greenery and blooming life. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to conclude that once a person was active on the ground that is now frozen to the ground.

Vanessa Clare Bowman of the British Antarctic Survey (Cambridge) once said: Looking back a hundred million years, Antarctica would be covered in lush tropical forests similar to those found in New Zealand today.

Antarctica has been one of the most mysterious continents on the planet for hundreds of years. The ice continent is the center of numerous ideas, because many researchers rightly believe that amazing artifacts of ancient history are buried here in the ice.

Admitting the theory that Antarctica was a flourishing territory, now, among the formidable grandeur of the ice, many artifacts about the past of this land, and possibly traces of the civilization of that time, are probably stored. Approximately 170 million years have passed since the ice desert formed a single part of the supercontinent Gondwana. Approximately 45 million years have passed since the “warm” life of Antarctica stopped. Right in the middle of life, the mortal enemy of all living things burst in here - the fierce cold.

Past history of Antarctica.

In Antarctica's past history, the continent was located much further north and enjoyed a pleasant tropical climate. What we see now, where ice and frost reign, were once lush green forests inhabited by a variety of ancient life forms.

Jane Francis of the University of Leeds once said on the BBC: I am still stunned by the idea of ​​a flourishing Antarctica in the distant past. We take it for granted that Antarctica has always been a frozen desert. However, ice caps only appeared relatively recently in the geological history of the continent.

So what happens? If Antarctica was once an enchanting expanse of lush jungle, is there a chance that intelligent life could have made a home there?

Alas, this is not something we can know for sure. It is extremely difficult to explore Antarctica because expeditions in the ice and cold are very dangerous and usually very expensive. Even today, with modern technology and seemingly advanced equipment, man on the ice continent is just a fragile creature.

Exploration of Antarctica.

As is well known, experts found pollen in samples taken in Antarctica. This means that at some point in history, the temperature there actually was around 20 degrees Celsius.

In 2012, experts from a research institute in the Nevada desert discovered 32 species of bacteria from a lake in East Antarctica. It is obvious to us that in the distant past, the climate of Antarctica was completely different; the continent could theoretically support life.

Thus, the idea of ​​the pyramids of Antarctica no longer looks absurd. This has led many researchers to the theory that just as there were ancient civilizations in Asia, Europe or Africa, similar civilizations settled in Antarctica. It was they who could build wonderful structures equal in importance to the Egyptian or other pyramids of the world. And this is not an incredible story!

Man-made or natural formations?

Many point out that if the pyramids were built by humans, then this could radically change our knowledge of human history. However, there are other explanations that could shed light on the mysterious “structures” of the territory frozen for millions of years.

The geology of the Earth is a fascinating story, but in fact, there are many natural formations that can be misinterpreted as man-made objects. All that we regard as ancient pyramids are just rocky mountain peaks, scientists explain.

But no less true is that for millions of years the continent had ideal conditions for the development of civilization. And if the conditions were right, then a certain civilization could appear over a vast area and develop. This means that in the pyramids we see real signs of the existence of an unknown culture of deep antiquity.

While some believe that Antarctica became a haven for many secret secrets even of the Nazis, skeptics claim that what many consider to be pyramids are in fact just natural formations.

Interestingly, according to climatology experts, current global warming has “warmed up” the peninsula by an alarming 2.8 degrees Celsius. This is slightly higher than what happens in any other corner of the planet. If the trend continues at the same pace, it is very likely that one day we will see the ice melt and ancient lands open to scientists.

As we now understand, Antarctica was not always harshly cold, dry and “unfriendly” to humans as it is today. Looking at the warm past of this land and wondering if an ancient civilization could have lived here? Our answer is simple - Yes!

Interest in Antarctica did not arise today. If we look back a couple of decades, we will find out how much interest the cold lands represented for the Nazis. The Germans literally raved about the ancient continent and its past life.

People in the know say that the Nazis built a large base in Antarctica called Station 211. conspiracy theory claims - secret base“Station 211” is a real reality, hidden somewhere inside the ice-free Muhlig-Hofmann mountain range, the so-called “Neuschwabenland” - Dronning Maud Land. As conspiracy theories say, to build the base, the Nazis chose areas with green vegetation, which was provided by the heat of geothermal sources.

Admiral Karl Dönitz once said a stunning phrase about the Nazis’ exploration of Antarctica: “The German submarine fleet is proud of what it built for the Fuhrer in another part of the world impregnable fortress" - What do you think the admiral meant in this phrase? After all, he couldn’t be talking about a simple bunker...

So what do you think about Antarctica now? Is it really in the distant past, when Antarctica still had a tropical climate, unknown civilization was active on the continent?

Maybe among the snow and ice lie not only the most ancient pyramids, at least 170 million years old, but also the greatest mystery of the appearance of man on Earth?

*Alas, to date no pyramids of ancient civilizations have been found on the southernmost continent of the Earth. Although reports periodically appear in online publications about the discovery of three ancient pyramids in Antarctica, supposedly in shape extremely reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids.