The five scariest places in Japan that are prohibited from visiting. Mystical places in Japan Scary places in Japan

Due to its strangeness, Japan and its people have become very popular in many countries. Due to the long isolation, the culture of this place seems incomprehensible and amazing to us, and the Japanese seem eccentric. Naturally, they themselves don’t think so and nothing strange They don’t see it in themselves.

Today we will tell you the chilling legends of Japan, which are far from intended for the fragile child’s psyche - even adults cannot listen to them without shuddering. We will not ignore our favorite characters from Japanese horror films - dead girls with black hair, also these legends cannot do without darkness and water. You can find all this in the stories below.

This story in all sorts of interpretations can be found in legends of all times and peoples. It is simple and instructive, it says that any evil will always be punished. And the hunter is not always the victim - very often the situation changes radically and terribly.

In one of the many districts of Tokyo, a gang of four brutal criminals was operating. Among them was a very handsome and stately guy who met girls and allegedly invited them to his hotel for a romantic evening. And already in the room the handsome man’s accomplices were waiting for the poor victim and pounced on her. On that fateful day, the guy met the girl and then everything went according to the script. But, apparently, the scenario had a bad ending for the gang - when the hotel workers got tired of waiting for the guests to leave, they opened the room and found the torn bodies of the criminals there.

2. Satoru-kun

Based on this legend, telephone games are a very dangerous thing. And not only because anyone, even a maniac, could be hiding in the interlocutor. Films were even made based on such modern stories. You can read this story right now. And you will never want to play with your phone again.

There is a being in the world named Satoru, he can give you the answer to any possible question. To call him, you just need to have a cell phone and a 10 yen coin in your pocket (naturally, everything should happen in Japan, therefore the money is Japanese). Find a pay phone, use a coin to call your own mobile phone. When the connection is established, say into the phone “Satoru-kun, if you are here, then please come to me.” (Surely you need to speak Japanese too).
Throughout the day, this creature will call your number and tell you where it is until it is behind your back. When Satoru says “I'm behind you,” you immediately ask the question you want answered. But don't look back - if you look back or don't remember the question, the creature will take you with it.

A similar story is told about a certain Anser, only he punishes differently.

In order to find out the answers to your questions, collect ten phones and start calling simultaneously from the first to the second, from the second to the third, etc. From the 10th, call the first. When all the phones are connected, Anser will answer you. (Which phone, we don’t know). He will answer questions from 9 people. But the tenth one will be less lucky - Anser will ask him his question. If he does not answer, then the cruel monster will take some part from his body, since Anser is a freak child, initially consisting only of his head and assembling his body in parts.

3. Do you need your legs?

This legend would be funny if it weren't so cruel. From it you can learn to be attentive to the questions of random people - perhaps your answers will be taken too literally.
And the most important thing is that in this story there is no correct answer - if you say no, you will be left without legs, and if you answer yes, you will have a third leg.

One day, a boy walking home from school was accosted by an eccentric old woman, repeating one phrase:
- Don't you need legs?
The boy tried to ignore the old witch, but she did not lag behind. Then he shouted “no!” to make the grandmother fall behind. Hearing the child’s cry, a crowd of people came running and saw him lying legless on the asphalt.

The most mysterious riddle in Japanese legends - a doll named Okiku. According to stories, when the owner of the toy died, the doll began to grow hair similar to the hair of a child and growing quite quickly.

This doll was given to his little sister in 1918 by a 17-year-old boy named Eikichi Suzuki. And his sister, as you might have guessed, was called Okiku. The boy bought the doll at maritime exhibition in Sapporo (this is resort town on the island of Hokkaido). The girl really loved this gift and played with it every day. But at three years old the girl died of a cold. Relatives placed the doll on the altar at home and prayed near it every day in memory of the little girl. One day they noticed that the doll’s hair had become longer and concluded that the girl’s spirit had settled in her favorite toy.

5. Kaori-san.

The preface to this story is very creepy. But the sequel is even worse than the preface. What's funny is that if the second part of the story scares only small children, then almost all teenage girls from Japan believe in the preface.

Having entered high school, one girl decided to celebrate this in a very original way - to pierce her ears. To save money, she did not go to a specialized place, but did it at home herself, inserting her first earrings into the pierced lobes.
After a couple of days, my ears became swollen and my earlobes began to itch terribly. Looking at them in the mirror, Kaori-san saw a strange white thread sticking out of one ear. And suddenly the world of the girl who tried to pull the thread was covered in darkness. And the reason was not the light being turned off - this thread turned out to be the optic nerve and the girl went blind.

But that's not all. Having gone crazy from the constant darkness, Kaori went to bite off the ears of her seeing friends and acquaintances. She did the same with high school student A-san, who carelessly went for a walk alone. When she answered affirmatively to a persistent question strange girls with pubescent heads: “Are your ears pierced?” the crazy woman attacked A-san and bit off her earlobes with earrings and ran away.

6. Sennichimae

The story is about the Osaka area where the incident happened. scary tragedy back in 1972. Then more than 170 people burned during the fire. In general, the spirits of the dead often appear in horror films. But during the day they rarely walk the streets. So...

An ordinary employee of an ordinary company was driving home in rainy weather. When the man came out of the subway and opened his umbrella, he noticed strange passers-by walking down the street without umbrellas and with frozen looks. In bewilderment, the man constantly dodged the individuals trying to collide with him. Suddenly a taxi driver called him over, and although the man did not need a taxi, he persuaded him to get into the car. It wasn’t that difficult - the passer-by really didn’t like the strange street and the people who filled it. And the taxi driver, pale as snow, said:
- When I was passing by and saw you walking along an empty street and dodging who knows what, I realized that I needed to save you.

7. Hanako-san and Mr. Shadow

Since the Japanese water world is closely associated with the world of the dead, many legends are told about toilets and their mysterious inhabitants. We will tell you the most popular and common ones.

Come to school in the middle of the night, find the north building and stand between the third and fourth floors. Don't forget to bring various goodies and a candle from home. Place all this behind your back and, turning to the shadow you cast, chant: “Mr. Shadow, listen to my request, please.”
Then this gentleman will appear from the shadows and fulfill your desire. But only if the candle does not go out. If it stops burning, then the cruel master will take away part of your body (which part is, probably, at his discretion).

Another absurdity from this series:

When you go to the toilet, you will be asked whether to give you red or blue paper. The choice is small and sad - if you say that it is red, you will be torn to pieces, spattering everything around with your own blood. If your choice falls on blue paper, then all your blood will be sucked out to the last drop. There is another not very pleasant option, but it will keep you alive. You can say "yellow" and the booth will be filled to the brim with shits. True, you risk choking on feces, but those who know how to swim will definitely survive and then the unpleasant smell will not be able to darken their festive mood.

There is another similar variation, only in it all the actions take place at night.

In the fourth stall of the boys' toilet there lives a voice that belongs to someone unknown. If you go there at night, he will ask: “Red cloak or blue cloak?” Unfortunately, there is no option with a yellow cloak. When you choose the red cloak, the owner of the creepy voice will stick a knife in your back. With blue, accordingly, you will lose your blood.
Rumor has it that one skeptical boy decided to prove that this story was a fiction. He never returned that night, and in the morning he was found with a knife stuck in his back, and blood covering his body like a cloak.

There is also such a game with Hanako-san:

1).If you drum on the door of the third booth three times and say: “Hanako-san, let’s play!”, you will hear in response “Yesss!” and a girl will come out in a red skirt with a bob hairstyle.
2.) Someone should go into the second booth, and his partner should stay outside. The one outside must knock on the booth door four times, and the one inside the booth must knock twice. Then, in a chorus of three or more voices, you need to say: “Let’s play, Hanako-san. What do you want - tag and rubber bands?” The voice will say, "Okay, let's play tag."
And then... A girl in a white blouse will come to the one in the booth and touch him on the shoulder. Surely, older boys are not at all interested in this game.

8. Scary story about a cow's head

Komatsu Sakyo once wrote a scary story about a cow's head. This legend originates from it, which is told like a true story, which has already become urban folklore.
In general, the story dates back to the Kan-ei period (1624-1643). The story itself is nowhere to be found, only phrases like: “Today I was told a heartbreaking creepy story about a cow's head, but I can't write it because it's too scary."
Because of this, the story is not in any book; it was always transmitted orally. And we won’t publish it here - it’s really too terrible and chilling. It's just hair-raising... We'd better tell you what happened when it was voiced.

One day on the bus, an elementary school teacher was telling scary stories. The naughty children sat quietly that day - they were really scared. The teacher, proud of his storytelling skills, decided that he would finally tell the most scary story, of course, about a cow's head. As soon as he started the story, the children began to ask Sensei in horror to stop. Many became whiter than chalk, many began to cry... But the teacher did not shut up, and his eyes became empty, like the eye sockets of death. It was both him and not him.

And only when the bus stopped did the teacher come to his senses and look around. He realized that something was wrong. The driver was scared to death and covered in sweat. He simply couldn't go any further. Looking around, the teacher saw that all the children were in a deep faint, and foam was coming out of their mouths. He never told this story again.

9. The Woman with the Slit Mouth

You may have even seen a film based on this legend. The story, of course, is tritely simple, but I just wish I could find out who came up with this terrible nonsense about an ugly woman mutilating children. And what kind of mental illness did that person have?
There is also an option about a lady simply disfigured by an atomic explosion, but this is an interpretation of the first story.

This horror story became so popular because police found similar records in case files, newspaper reports and television reports. If you believe the legend, then an incredible beauty with a bandage on her face wanders the streets of the country. When she meets a child, she asks whether she is beautiful. If the child does not answer immediately, she removes the bandage, revealing a gap instead of a mouth, scary sharp teeth and a snake tongue. After that she will ask: “And now?” If the child answers in the negative, she will cut off his head. And if it’s positive, he’ll make the same mouth for him. They say that in order to be saved, you need to ask her first about something or give an evasive answer.

Well, actually, another option on the same topic

Allegedly taken from the notebook of the narrator's great-grandfather and written in 1953.
He went to Osaka, and there they told him the story of the atomic girl. And if a person hears the story, then three days later he will meet with this girl, who is all covered with scars and scars after the explosion of the atomic bomb. And then on the third night a girl comes to him (and it sounds romantic) and asks: “Am I beautiful or not.” And the narrator’s great-grandfather answers: “I think you’re pretty!” “Where am I from?” the girl asks again. “I think you are from Kashima or Ise” (these are the places where the atomic bombs were exploded). The girl confirmed the correctness of the answer and left. The narrator's great-grandfather wrote that he was very scared - after all, the wrong answer would have sent him to the next world.

10. Tek-tek

Americans call this horror film "Clack-Clack". And the story is about a woman who was hit by a train and found herself cut in half. It’s no wonder that after this the lady became angry with the whole world and began to take revenge on him. Here's a classic story, and in pairs there's another one similar to it.

Kashima Reiko, cut in half by a train, wanders through the night, moving on her elbows and making a gloomy "tek-tek" sound. And if she meets someone on her way, she will not stop until she catches up and kills him, turning him into the same freak. And she will do this manipulation with a scythe. They say that this woman especially loves children playing at dusk.

Here's another version of the story:

The young man decided to go skiing on a weekday so that there would be fewer people around. He was right - he was driving past the roadside forest alone. And then the man heard obvious cries for help from this very forest. Approaching him, he saw a woman who had fallen waist-deep into the snow and begged him for help. When he took her hands and began to pull her out of the snow, she was incredibly light. Looking at where her legs should be, the man saw that the lady was missing the lower half of her torso. And there was no hole under it. And then the woman grinned...

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

According to legend, Himuro mansion is a large traditional Japanese house that is located in a rocky area somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo. The mansion became known as the site of the worst massacre in Japanese history.

It was said that the Himuro family practiced ancient, forgotten Shinto rituals that had long ago been banned in Japan. One of these occult rituals was called the “Strangulation Ritual,” which involved the sacrificial murder of a young girl.

The purpose of this terrible ritual was to protect the Himuro family from bad karma, which they believed was coming out of a portal in the mansion's courtyard.

The strangulation ritual was carried out every fifty years. The family selected a baby girl who was secretly raised in the mansion. This girl was called the "Maiden of the Rope Temple." The girl was not allowed into the world, she lived in complete isolation, otherwise the ritual would not have worked.

When the time came, the girl was brought to the temple in the courtyard and ropes were tied around her arms, legs and neck. Then several bulls began to pull the ropes in different directions, tearing the victim alive into several pieces. The bloody ropes were then placed on a portal in the mansion's courtyard. If the ritual was successful, then bad karma receded from the family for another fifty years.

This tradition was passed down from generation to generation in the Himuro family. However, during preparations for the last ritual, something went wrong. The Maiden of the Temple of the Rope fell in love with a boy whom she accidentally saw from the window of a mansion. This was a real disaster because she had to remain pure and free from worldly influences. Her blood and soul were tainted, and when she was sacrificed, the ritual failed.

Upon learning that the girl was in love, the head of the Himuro family was distraught. He was responsible for the success of the ritual. Fearing that all misfortunes would now befall the family, he fell into an indescribable rage. He brutally killed the entire Himuro family, slaughtering all family members with a traditional Japanese katana sword. The head of the family believed that by killing them, he was saving them from a more terrible death. When all the family members were killed, he fell on his katana and committed suicide.

Locals from the neighboring village kept quiet about the Himuro Mansion and everything that happened there for decades. And then endless eyewitness accounts began about strange events happening in the mansion.

Inside the mansion, all the walls were covered in bloody handprints. Ghosts have been seen here both at night and in broad daylight. Legend has it that they are the ghosts of the murdered members of the Himuro family, and they will try to repeat their failed ritual on anyone foolish enough to dare enter the abandoned building.

From time to time, corpses of people who dared to go there are found in the mansion. They have the typical rope marks on their arms, legs and necks, as if they had been strangled.

Several corpses were found in the underground network of tunnels beneath the mansion. The corpses were literally torn into several parts. No one knows who made these tunnels or what purpose they served, but it appears they were made to carry out the Ritual of Strangulation.

The mansion also has a window that has gained a bad reputation. They say that if this window is photographed, a ghostly image of a young girl in a kimono will appear in the photograph.

These incidents have caused panic among people in Tokyo, and many believe that those who approach this mansion will be cursed. The mystery of the deaths of seven people found in this building has still not been solved.

The urban legend of the Himuro Mansion became popular in the west. The haunted house story has become very fashionable. If the legend is true, then the Himuro Mansion is definitely the most cursed building in Japan.

Japan is a country with an unusual, amazing, mysterious culture and rich history. It combines the incredible development of technology and, although modified over the twentieth century, still preserved most important features traditionally cultural heritage and social foundations.

Naturally, among others, such a state is full of its own legends about all sorts of terrible phenomena of a mystical nature. And the places where they were observed or are observed to this day. In this article we will tell you about some of them.

For example, about a hospital for tuberculosis patients, famous throughout the country, located in the city of Kaizuka. At first, the building itself was designed and built as a school, but in 1958 it was turned into a hospital for tuberculosis patients.

Watchmen and some local residents, and today a number of tourists talk about ghosts that are seen and heard within these walls.

Another hospital inhabited by ghosts is located in the city of Kasumigaura. At first it was a naval base. Later, the building was transferred to the use of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University.

Unfortunately, over time it was abandoned and it almost collapsed. There is no exact information about the existence of a ghost here, but strange phenomena have been observed several times. And popular rumor strengthened them, especially since the building was used several times for filming horror films.

On the island of Hokkaido, the Jomonon Tunnel serves as a connecting part of the road between Tokoro and Munbetsu counties. The tunnel is 507 meters long. During its construction, many workers died there and were buried right inside.

After this, it is not surprising that paranormal activity is observed there from time to time. In particular, some travelers have seen ghosts.

We should also remember about Tashiro Island. It also has a second name - Cat Island. This place is inhabited by simply a huge number of cats. All cat lovers should definitely visit there.

It is known that since ancient times cats were considered associated with mysticism. And many feel this when they find themselves on a cat island. Sometimes the behavior of cats here is extremely unusual, and supernatural manifestations are not uncommon.

There are many rumors about the mysticism of the village of Nagoro, but almost no established supernatural manifestations have been recorded. And yet the atmosphere in the village is frightening. Of course, this mostly deserted village doesn’t look like that at all. After all, there are hundreds of stuffed animals on the streets, behind counters and in houses. This place is a tourist attraction that tickles the nerves of everyone who visits there.

For Japan, the concept of a curse is somewhat different from its classical European counterpart, although in essence they are similar. What's interesting is that there are many damned places in this country.

For example, Mount Kuseyama is considered cursed; anyone who steps on it will soon die. Surprisingly, the mountain and surrounding areas have not been purchased. They say that there have been a number of accidents with those who tried to visit it, so buyers are simply afraid.

A similar situation is observed with Mount Ikhai. Only when entering it or cutting down forests there, it is not the violator himself who dies, but one of his family members. The same thing happens to the owners and workers of the Kuse and Yammai fields.

List damned places just as one can remember for a very long time about all kinds of deities who amuse themselves by punishing people using such methods. And if some of the stories are clearly fiction. Others seem to have a very real basis.

There are more than enough scary places in Japan besides those listed, so we will probably talk about a number of them in separate articles.

Himuro Mansion

According to legend, Himuro Mansion is a large traditional Japanese house that is located in a rocky area somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo. The mansion became known as the site of the worst massacre in Japanese history.

It was said that the Himuro family practiced ancient, forgotten Shinto rituals that had long ago been banned in Japan. One of these occult rituals was called the “Strangulation Ritual,” which involved the sacrificial murder of a young girl. The purpose of this terrible ritual was to protect the Himuro family from bad karma, which they believed was coming out of a portal in the mansion's courtyard.

The strangulation ritual was carried out every fifty years. The family selected a baby girl who was secretly raised in the mansion. This girl was called the "Maiden of the Rope Temple." The girl was not allowed into the world, she lived in complete isolation, otherwise the ritual would not have worked.

When the time came, the girl was brought to the temple in the courtyard and ropes were tied around her arms, legs and neck. Then several bulls began to pull the ropes in different directions, tearing the victim alive into several pieces. The bloody ropes were then placed on a portal in the mansion's courtyard. If the ritual was successful, then bad karma receded from the family for another fifty years.

This tradition was passed down from generation to generation in the Himuro family. However, during preparations for the last ritual, something went wrong. The Maiden of the Temple of the Rope fell in love with a boy whom she accidentally saw from the window of a mansion. This was a real disaster because she had to remain pure and free from worldly influences. Her blood and soul were tainted, and when she was sacrificed, the ritual failed.

Upon learning that the girl was in love, the head of the Himuro family was distraught. He was responsible for the success of the ritual. Fearing that all misfortunes would now befall the family, he fell into an indescribable rage. He brutally killed the entire Himuro family, slaughtering all family members with a traditional Japanese katana sword. The head of the family believed that by killing them, he was saving them from a more terrible death. When all the family members were killed, he fell on his katana and committed suicide.

Locals from the neighboring village kept quiet about the Himuro Mansion and everything that happened there for decades. And then endless eyewitness accounts began about strange events happening in the mansion.

Inside the mansion, all the walls were covered in bloody handprints. Ghosts have been seen here both at night and in broad daylight. Legend has it that they are the ghosts of the murdered members of the Himuro family, and they will try to repeat their failed ritual on anyone foolish enough to dare enter the abandoned building.

From time to time, corpses of people who dared to go there are found in the mansion. They have the typical rope marks on their arms, legs and necks, as if they had been strangled. Several corpses were found in the underground network of tunnels beneath the mansion. The corpses were literally torn into several pieces. No one knows who made these tunnels or what purpose they served, but it appears they were made to carry out the Ritual of Strangulation.

The mansion also has a window that has gained a bad reputation. They say that if this window is photographed, a ghostly image of a young girl in a kimono will appear in the photograph.

These incidents have caused panic among people in Tokyo, and many believe that those who approach this mansion will be cursed. The mystery of the deaths of seven people found in this building has still not been solved.

The urban legend of the Himuro Mansion became popular in the west. The haunted house story has become very fashionable. If the legend is true, then the Himuro Mansion is definitely the most cursed building in Japan.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Today we will go to the Country Rising Sun! But not to watch the sunrise, but to look at the strangest places and sights you have ever seen. If you still thought that Japan is only megacities with skyscrapers and imperial palaces, then a lot of surprises await you.

10. Cat Island

Let's start with one of the most unusual places. Located on Tashiro Island (), Cat Island, as its name suggests, is home to a huge number of cats! No cat lover should miss a trip to Cat Island during their trip to Japan!

9. Yoro Park

Created by New York artist, designer and architect Shusaku Arakawa, who calls his brainchild "The Place of Reversible Destiny", this park will reveal the most unexpected things to you!

8. Okunoshima Island

We have already visited the island of cats, and now it’s time to visit! Home to over 300 adorable creatures!

7. Nagoro Village

Nagoro Village was once home to thousands of people, but over time, more and more residents left the area in search of better life, which made the village a quiet and eerie place.

So some locals decided to turn the empty village into a popular tourist attraction, replacing empty places and houses with hundreds of effigies. Because this place hasn't been weird and scary enough until now!

6. Hitachi Seaside Park

Located in Hitachinaka City in Ibaraki Prefecture, this 1.9 km² flower garden is one of the world's largest flower gardens, boasting literally millions of flowers of every kind and color.

5. Fox Village

Just if you thought that you had already visited all the strange places in Japan where animals live, then go ahead to the Fox Village, where you can feed these animals by hand and pet them!

4. Gundam Robot

What else did you want from a tour of the most strange places Japan, if not a gigantic one weighing 35 tons?!

3. Lake Yamanaka

If a trip on a swan-shaped steamship with observation tower in his “head” - exactly what you like, then this post is definitely for you!

2. Tokyo flood control sewer (G-CANS)

There are only a few "sewer tours" in the entire world. But the special feature of the G-Cans project are almost 65-meter tanks and a huge underground system with powerful hydraulic pumps capable of pumping 200 m³ of water per second!

1. Ice Aquarium (Kori no Suizokukan)

Are you aware of the problem of blurry images when you try to photograph fish and other underwater creatures swimming in aquariums? It seems the Japanese solved this little problem by freezing them and rendering them immobile.