The distance from Molodechno to Borisov. Molodechno - Borisov train schedule. Distance between Molodechno and Borisov

Currently, the train schedule board for the direction Molodechno - Borisov consists of 13 long-distance trains. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Molodechno, Borisov), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by rolling stock between these stations is 2 hours 57 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning and night. The first passenger train, which leaves at night along the route Russian Railways Kaliningrad - Moscow at number 148CH, runs at 3 hours 2 minutes. from Molodechno station and at 5 hours 46 min. he arrives at Borisov station. For example, the night train number 148CH follows from Molodechno station at 03:02:00 and arrives at the platform at 05:46:00 at Borisov station. Evening and last, in turn, the long-distance train goes under number 078Б. Departing from Molodechno at 21 hours 58 min. and accordingly arrives at 0 hours 25 min. to the Borisov station.

Our site has the correct online timetable for Molodechno - Borisov at the moment. Due to possible changes in the schedule of Russian Railways trains along the Molodechno - Borisov route, we recommend that you contact the information services of railway stations for additional information, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

Using our site, you can get directions to Molodechno - Borisov, both by car and public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google service maps. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Molodechno (Belarus) to Borisov (Belarus).

Distance between Molodechno and Borisov

If you go by road by car, then the distance between Molodechno, Molodechno district, Minsk region and Borisov, Borisov district, Minsk region is 154.7 km.

  • Travel time

    2 hours, 8 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and meals

  • Fuel consumption

    at a rate of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight distance

    the distance between the centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Road distance

    according to Yandex Map service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
lyubatovschina village, Less than 1 minute 0 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.3 km
agricultural town of Staro-Borisov,  Borisov district, Minsk region, Belarus Less than 1 minute 0.3 km
5 minutes - 3.7 km
maloe Stakhovo village,  Borisov district, Minsk region, Belarus 6 minutes 3.9 km
1 minutes - 1.1 km
rudnya village, 8 minutes 5 km
2 minutes - 1.5 km
antopolie village,  Smolevichi district, Minsk region, Belarus 10 minutes 6.5 km
8 minutes - 9.4 km
svidno village  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 19 minutes 15.9 km
3 minutes - 2.5 km
parkhovo village,  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 23 minutes 18.3 km
1 minutes - 1.3 km
augustovo village,  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 25 minutes 19.6 km
12 minutes - 12.2 km
silichi village,  Minsk region, Belarus 37 minutes 31.8 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.4 km
moschenka village,  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 38 minutes 32.2 km
13 minutes - 12 km
garden plots Svyazist-92,  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 51 minutes 44.3 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.4 km
alekszycy village,  Logoisk district, Minsk region, Belarus 51 minutes 44.6 km
16 minutes - 26.7 km
luskovo village, 1 hours, 8 minutes 71.4 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.1 km
gardening partnership Romashka Solomorechenskaya,  Minsk region, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 8 minutes 71.5 km
9 minutes - 15.1 km
kuta village,  Minsk region, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 17 minutes 86.6 km
5 minutes - 8.9 km
sloboda village,  Minsk region, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 23 minutes 95.5 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.4 km
nedreska village,  Minsk region, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 23 minutes 95.9 km
30 minutes - 49.3 km
krivoe Selo village,  Minsk region, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 53 minutes 145.2 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.5 km
pelikšty village 1 hours, 54 minutes 145.6 km
2 minutes - 1.8 km
kuchkun village,  Volozhinsky district, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 57 minutes 147.4 km
1 minutes - 1.1 km
agro-town of Crayfish,  Volozhinsky district, Minsk region, Belarus 1 hours, 58 minutes 148.5 km
5 minutes - 3.8 km
polochanka village,  Volozhinsky district, Minsk region, Belarus 2 hours, 4 minutes 152.3 km
4 minutes - 2.5 km
galimtsy village,  Volozhinsky district, Minsk region, Belarus 2 hours, 8 minutes 154.7 km

The official schedule of trains Molodechno - Borisov for 2019 includes today 4 trains running between these stations. The schedule on our website takes into account all changes in railway transport in real time.

The very first train from Molodechno station leaves on 08/13/2019 at 03:02. The first train arrives at Molodechno station on 08/13/2019 at 05:46 local time. The last train from Molodechno to Borisov leaves on 08/13/2019 at 21:58 and arrives at its destination on 08/14/2019 at 01:12 local time.

The fastest train travels the distance between stations in 2 h 27 m, and the slowest - in 3 h 54 m. The average travel time is 3 h 10 m.

On their way, trains make stops at the Minsk-Pass stations. , Zhodino, Smolevichi. You can also find timetables for these points in our train schedule.

You can buy train tickets to Molodechno - Borisov online right now on our website. To order, just click on the Buy button in the line with the desired train. Tickets are issued in full accordance with the Rules of the Russian Railways, the cost without extra charges. If necessary, you can arrange a return ticket at the box office at the train station.

Train schedule Molodechno Borisov currently contains 7 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 3 hours 0 m, and the number of stops on this route is 1. Trains running on the Molodechno Borisov route most often stop at the stations Minsk-Pass., Smolevichi , Zhodino, the schedule of which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction leave, for example, on 03.02, 05.04 from Molodechno station, but they arrive at the final point of Borisov at 05.46, 07.45 local time, respectively. The average number of scheduled trains in Molodechno Borisov’s timetable indicates that this direction is not very important, but at the same time, constant passenger traffic forces us to maintain railway traffic at such a level as now. The schedule of trains Molodechno - Borisov is designed so that you can leave in this direction at night, morning, evening.
You can buy tickets for the Molodechno - Borisov train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.